Re: [ja-discuss] CeBIT conference details

2005-04-11 スレッド表示 Charles-H. Schulz
Hello Kohei-San, Akimitsu-San,

Kohei Yoshida wrote:


I hope you catch this post before you leave. -Kohei

As I said, I'm still here. But I should soon go to the airport :-) ...


Translation begins ---

This is Akimitsu Watanabe again.
It's a shame that there is no pictures [from the OO.o day in France].

I didn't know that we already had reports from worldwide conferences posted on 
the main website.  I should have reseached it more.

I took a quick glance at the CEBIT report.  It looks like it was a fun event.  
It also thought it was cool because it looked like a corporate presentation 

Usually events held in Japan, most participants are native Japanese speakers 
[and information exhange occurs only in Japanese].  But after seeing a 
summary report from J. Rahemipour, I realize that Europe is much more 
different [than us in that they use a foreign language (English) for 
exchanging information], and that they are more accustomed to people speaking 
different languages and naturally using English for information exchange.  
This is something we don't experience too often since we live in an island 
nation.  I have learned one great lesson.

Thank you very much for sharing with us about CeBIT.

Thank you for your post. Well, this is something that is very European:
being used to meet and work with people who don't speak your language.
Today the language is english. Yesterday, it was French. And even
before, it was latin, the language of Romans... It's the same all around
the Native-Language Confederation.
But as much as we enjoy working with people from other countries, we
should never forget where we come from. It's very important to always
keep in mind your traditions. If you have forgotten where you are from,
then how could you know where you're heading? :-)



Translation ends ---

Translation by Kohei



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Re: [ja-discuss] CeBIT conference details

2005-04-10 スレッド表示 Akimitsu Watanabe
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[ja-discuss] CeBIT conference details

2005-04-07 スレッド表示 charles-h\.schulz

you had asked me if I had pictures of the OOo Day in France.
Well, I don't have them, but I have some details on the CEBIT
in Germany and how the German Native-Lang community performed.

Quoted from a mail of J. Rahemipour:
   Hi *,

here are the monthly news from germanophone project.

At first I would like to give a summary of the CeBIT last
month, where
we presented OOo and the de-project. As expected, it was a
great event
and the feedback we got was mostly positive. We had a really
nice time
and had many contacts, espacially to people who would like to
join the
project for testing and several business contacts.

Very interesting was the fact, that we met many people from other
countries, which were interested in using OOo in other
languages. We
tried to satisfy them to contact the several native-lang
projects. Maybe
some of you got mail from one of them. :-)

For receiving an impression of the event see my summary (german):

or english version (many thanks to Siegfried Schilling for the

If you want to have a look at our team, see several photos here:



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