Re: [IxDA Discuss] Nokia Morph Nanotechnology

2008-02-27 Thread lukeisha carr
The Nokia Morph concept is awesome!  I just wrote an article for a
class assignment on nanotechnology for new medical drug uses.  It was
my first time learning what nanotechnology actually was, and the
potential of its abilities.  I find it amazing, and a little scary at
the same time.

I agree with Dave.  The Nokia Morph concept encompasses everything
interactive.  Nanotechnology may be a flexible type of technology,
but what it can do for or show to a user still needs to be designed 
programmed into it.  It still needs information architecture and an
interface.  The value of the flexible phone itself may seem to be
useless to some, but to me, so are video games (no offense to video
gamers out there).  It's entertainment, fun, and most important to
IxDers, interactive.

The concept of technology like this one, clear walls and table top
surfaces with touch applications in them is what's gotten me so
interested in interaction design.  I would love to work on things
such as the Nokia Morph!

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[IxDA Discuss] IxD Work on Various Product Types

2008-02-12 Thread Lukeisha Carr
Hi All,

It seems that although IxDers do not necessarily have their hands deep in 
technology in terms of the implementation of it, we still need to know the 
capabilities of the technology behind what we are designing, so as to not 
request impossible solutions.  Working on different types of technical products 
(other than web technology) is one of my goals for the future.

Those of you who do not ONLY do IxD for websites/web applications, what product 
types did you begin your IxD experience?  Then, how did you transition from one 
to another?  For example, if you started out in the web, how did you move on to 
doing IxD for medical devices, hand-held non-web applications, desktop apps, 
etc.?  For, I would assume that the technology behind such products as medical 
devices is so very different than what is used for the web.  Do any of you 
shift product types depending on the project, or have you just shifted product 
types as a whole?  What is the most difficult part of making such transitions?  

Thanks in advance for your responses.



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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Thoughts on Alan Cooper's Keynote

2008-02-11 Thread lukeisha carr
This is all very interesting.  I have always been a part of the
waterfall development methodology, where there is (ANALYSIS, DESIGN,
development, QA, then production). In the analysis  design phase,
that was where interaction  visual designs were created 
communicated.  Overall consistency of the look  feel, and the
determination of workflow  reusable screens  components where

However, now, there are development methodologies like Scrum  XP,
where significant amounts of time has been lopped off in the sake of
FAST development  deployment, and the analysis  design has been
lopped off with it.  The screen designs are done at the developer's
desk in the simplest possible way to get the piece coded as fast as
possible.  And one recent experience that I've had was a company
that used the Scrum method.  They deployed a product that had very
little consistancy.  Lists that provided the same or very similar
data were displayed differently throughout the app.  Functionality
that was supposed to be the same was conducted in various ways in
different areas of the app, and more.  But that wasn't their first
concern.  Their first concern was getting the major new 
enhanced functionality out to their users.  Basically, regardless of
how hard or how many steps it takes, it is able to do this for

In light of what this post's concern regarding including proper IxD,
it seems it will be quite tough to convince business/product managers
that more steps  time need to be added, when just recently, they
have come up with ways to cut those very items down/out.  How do
IxDer's go about reversing that way of thinking?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] look and feel

2008-02-11 Thread lukeisha carr
Mark,  I must disagree with your comment regarding ... only Java

I learned of the term well before I became a Java person.  In
fact it wasn't even an OOP language, but TCL, HTML, CSS.  In fact,
the development team didn't make it up at all.  We learned it from
the Business Analyst who also did the interface/interaction designs
for the client facing sites.  They often said they were trying to
achieve a certain look  feel.

I have always interpreted the look  feel term to mean that the
look refers to aesthetics, such as color, graphics, typography,
and the feel to refer to things such as, the user getting the
message, ease of use of the site, basically the feeling of the

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Differnce between user interface and interaction design?

2008-01-30 Thread lukeisha carr
An unequivocal '1 million %' (to quote my American Idol Buddy
Randy Jackson) YES!, Dave's answer to Andrei's question regarding
aesthetic skills.

I have been following this post and many others like it, as I'm sure
other newbies are, to see what's the best preparation to enter this
field, especially if they are not coming from an art or graphic
design background.  Since reading these posts, graphic design
fundamentals have opened my eyes.  So, I do believe that those
fundamentals are very helpful to know when a page is unbalanced or
over crowded, etc.  But how deep does the aesthetic abilities have to
run?  Please forgive me if this throws another layer of annoying
discussion regarding definitions, but here is one from Webster's


My point is that graphics/web/visual designers do more than just have
a knack for knowing when something looks pleasing.  For example, there
are many people who have, never drawn, coded a web site, etc. that can
naturally tell what's beautiful and what is not.  So to make the
question more direct, do IxD's need to know how to manipulate
graphics, create from scratch or make touch-ups?  Do they need to
know how to use photoshop, illustrator, and other graphic design
tools at a proficient or expert level?  Do they even have to know how
to implement CSS?  

I could be wrong, but I think this is where people are wondering if
most interaction designers creates the form  layout, but then
hand that over to interface designers to make the lines curve,
swirl, add color schemes, blink, slide, etc, using some the nifty
tools just mentioned above.

Dave, I think you are absolutely right here:  

an interface designer IS an interaction designer, but not all
interaction designers are interface designers and not all designers
are interaction designers.

But where is the line drawn when one person is not both?  And knowing
how companies try so hard to get more  more out of less  less
people, how realistic is it to be an IxD, but not a UID, especially
when IxD/IA/usability in general has to be sold to companies as

~ Lukeisha

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Differnce between user interface and interaction design?

2008-01-25 Thread lukeisha carr
Just curious how some of you would differentiate an interaction
designer from a user interface designer? Apologies if it's been
discussed to death before.

I think these kind of questions keep coming up again  again for some
of the following reasons:

1.  Companies give many different titles to the same group of duties.
 So, which titles does one need to look for in a job search to ensure
that you cover all of your bases?

2.  Many people have different backgrounds.  So, how does one know if
he/she has the correct experience or training for the any of the
multiple titled positions. i.e. My background is mostly in
back-end web development.  Even though, I've coded in
HTML/JavaScript, but the design parts, like image
croping/creation, colors, etc. was done by someone else. So, does one
with that kind of background need to become proficient in Photoshop,
Illustrator, or Flash to be a good IxDer?

Unfortunately, I'm not sure if these kind of questions will slow
down, until the field is many years old and dedicated training will
define what these positions do.  But the challenge will still be how
to keep different companies from making a mis-mash of all the title.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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[IxDA Discuss] Prototyping for Computer vs. Mobile Screens

2008-01-17 Thread Lukeisha Carr
Hi All,

There have been several posts on prototyping tools. 

For those who design for both computer  mobile screens, what is the best 
way/tools to prototype based on screen size/resolution?  Does the tool you use 
matter?  Or, is it just the design patterns that matter?

For example, many times the wireframe/prototype for a web site usually reflects 
the actual size of the real site.  So, is that the same in mobile design?  And, 
if so, what is the best tool or technique to accomplish that?

~ Lukeisha


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] When/Where/How did you decide to be a designer?

2007-12-20 Thread Lukeisha Carr
I have been looking into the IxD realm for about 3 years now.  I chose
to major in Psychology due to a natural curiosity of why people do
what they do in general.  And computers/technology has always kept my
attention. One day I searched on the web to find out how I could apply
my Psyc degree to my current career, and HCI popped up (I had never
heard of it before).  But I hadn't made a firm decision until about
2 months ago to try to enter the IxD field.  The deciding factor was,
as a web developer working for a firm with no interaction designers,
but talented backend developers  visual designers, there's never
any time for creating proper functional flows or conducting
usability testing early in the project.  I always found myself,
during regular testing for code bugs, wishing we had more time to do
things like add a logout button to a web app that users must login
to.  Things like that drove me crazy.  Not to mention, some times we
had frustrated users, even though the capabilities of the apps were
awesome.  Also, after seeing some awesome usability  interface
design of products such as mobile phones  operating systems, I'd
like to be able to eventually branch out into doing IxD for non-web
applications, such as for mobile devices.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Design in Interaction Design?

2007-12-20 Thread Lukeisha Carr
Seeing Graphic Design or Art backgrounds was a surprise to me because
as I do research on how to prepare to enter the ID/UX arena, there
are quite a lot of references (mostly in job posts) to education in
cognitive learning (Psyc), or HCI which has Psyc courses in it's
curriculum.  And some even ask for PHD's in Psyc.  But, it seems
that no matter how you all arrived there, you all have been
successful in obtaining  maintaining your IxD careers.

I guess the key requirement is having the desire to make the users
happy by making their tasks as intuitive  quick as possible.  In
other words, the app can do exactly what it is supposed to and look
great, but if it is hard to use, users/product customers may either
reject it or often complain.  And I'm further guesing that how
an IxD comes up with the solutions for remedies is not important as
long as the problems gets solved.  Please correct me if I'm off

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Gain IxD Experience Strategy

2007-11-27 Thread Lukeisha Carr
Thanks everyone for your very helpful comments and suggestions.  I'm
very glad to have joined you all here at IxDA!! I am very excited,
and will definitely pursue some of the recommendations you all

I'm in the North East New Jersey  Mid/downtown New York City areas.
 So, if anyone can suggest some usability meet up groups/communities,
especially any that provide mentor programs, that would be great!  

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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[IxDA Discuss] Gain IxD Experience Strategy

2007-11-26 Thread Lukeisha Carr
Hi All,

I'm trying to transition into the IxD area of IT.  I
come from a backend web application developer background, approx. 7
years.  Although, I've done some minor CSS, JavaScript, etc., I'm not a
visual designer.  My interest in IxD has come about over the last year
or so due to my having done tons of hard work, along with my teammates,
on the backend of web applications, only have the users who don't know
anything about all the backend stuff complain and not like the
usability of the system.  I began to realize that, although we did have
visual designers on the team, the interaction design suffered due to
lack of time  effort spent on that portion of it.  Not to mention
I majored in Psychology, so I've always been curious about human
behavior.  And, what better way to combine 2 well loved interests,
right?  HCI :-)

have since left the environment described above, and I'm now working as
a Business Analyst.  I thought this might put me closer to my goal, but
I realize that this particular position does not.  I also know that
working in certain firms, IxD is not the companies' core concern.  They
just want to get a quick application.  So, I'm looking for a position
in which I would be allowed the opportunity to become more involved
with the IxD area of application design.  However, every position I see
requires 3-5 years experience.  Although, I have 7 years web
development experience, and I've been reading up on IxD, I've never had
the opportunity to actually create any of the deliverables to be able
to show a portfolio of any kind to a prospective employer.

Can anyone give any advice on the following, and any more that you can
 think of?

--  What is the ideal background for someone entering IxD?
How can one obtain some practical experience, even when that person is
in an environment that is not conducive to providing it?

I appreciate any thoughts.



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