Re: [IxDA Discuss] Regarding Table

2010-02-02 Thread Graham Sear

I recommend a clear list in a high profile, consistent location
throughout all steps. 

A user can add items across all paginated pages to the 'delete
list' and position the 'delete button' under your delete list.

Or, to get around the large page size you could adopt some more AJAXy
stuff with: 
-Continuous scrolling on a page - more results load as you scroll
down (probably not a good idea)
-If the lists can be grouped together you could adopt collapsible
lists and load the content as each category is expanded.

Not sure if the 2 ideas above are any good, but if the problem is the
size of the page then there may be some other solutions to explore. 

I personally think a delete list will be a very good solution.


Graham Sear

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Regarding Table

2010-02-02 Thread jason
I think that carrying the selection across pages is a good solution as
long as you provide the review/confirm deletion step. Drupal does this
pretty well (the delete confirm, not carrying selections across
pages). I think it's a good pattern to follow: user selects multiple
items to delete and when they click the delete button the get
presented with a page listing all the items selected for deletion
with a confirmation button to complete the action. 

Be very interested in how your exploration turns out!



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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Regarding Table

2010-02-02 Thread Gayatri
Thanks for all the feedback so far. Some really good ideas there!!!

I did propose having a Delete List at the end where users have a
summary view of the items selected for deletion but we can have a lot
of elements and then user may have to scroll endlessly. We currently
have a Dialog Box for deletion and I also proposed that we have
list at the end and a user can select certain rows that they would
like to remove from delete list by clicking a button. I was told
it's too much by engineers :) . 

Another thought from one of the engineer is to have a counter that
would tell a user how many rows are marked for deletion but I think a
counter is of no use as it's just a mere indication of how many rows
are selected and does not give any information related to a row
itself. I will keep you guys updated about what gets implemented. 

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[IxDA Discuss] Regarding Table

2010-02-01 Thread gayatri
Hello Folks,

I am in an interesting situation with regards to table interaction. I
have some data that is presented in table format. The table has
Search, Sort on some columns, Number of results per page drop down
and Pagination. We do not have Show All rows as it takes a long
time for the page to load. We also have Delete functionality. 

My Specific question is: 

The question is if a user selects few rows on page 1 for deletion and
moves from page 1 to page 2 and subsequently page 3, should a user be
allowed to delete the rows selected on page 1 while they are in
page 3.
While a user has moved from Page 1 to Page 2 to 3 and so on, chances
are they selected few more rows on different pages and marked for
Is it okay to allow them to delete rows selected across different
pages as they don't see what they have selected in previous pages?
Personally I am not comfortable allowing users to delete what they
cant see even though they marked it themselves as they can't see a
summary of selected items with the existing design. I would love to
get your thoughts!

P:S: We currently retain the selection across different pages and a
user can go back and forth between pages and can check or uncheck
their selection. We erase the selection after a user moves to
different application or the session times out.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Regarding Table

2010-02-01 Thread Will Hacker
Your concern about deleting something the user can't see is valid but
some testing of how people expect to interact with the feature is in
order. I would be interested to know if anyone has a design pattern
for this situation. 

A few years back I worked with a similar problem in which the user
could select items in a shopping site's search results and add them
to a product comparison table or a shopping list. The results were
paged like Google search results and the question was when they
select compare or add to shopping list do we add all items or just
the ones on the current page. We decide to add the items to compare
or the list regardless of which page the user was on when they
selected the action. 

Since your situation involves a delete function you want to probe
your users' expectations to make sure you get it right. If there are
similar sites to yours that have this feature you should look at them
to see how they handle to see what people's expectations may be,
assuming they also use or are familiar with those sites. I'm not a
fan of deleting things you are not looking at when you click the
delete button.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Regarding Table

2010-02-01 Thread Jack Moffett

I suggest that you provide the user with the list of items that will be 
deleted, perhaps in a confirmation dialog, before the action is carried out. 
While this requires an extra step, it ensures that the user doesn't 
accidentally and unknowingly lose data while still allowing the user the 
convenience of selecting items across multiple pages.


Jack L. Moffett
Senior Interaction Designer
412.459.0310 x219

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thinking design is what it looks like… 
People think it's this veneer—
that the designers are handed this box
and told, Make it look good!

That's not what we think design is. 
It's not just what it looks like and feels like. 
Design is how it works.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Regarding Table

2010-02-01 Thread Eduardo Ortiz
You could take the Google approach and reverse Jack's suggestion and present
the user with the opportunity to undo what they've done by clicking on a
simple and clear CTA.

Regarding deleting across different pages, you should test your solution
with your audience, understand their needs and how they behave with your
proposed solution.


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