Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Qgis network plugins

2020-09-28 Thread Moritz Lennert

On 24/09/20 19:59, Nathan D wrote:


I have a question regarding network plugins for qgis. I am trying to 
solve a problem regarding gravel trucks and slope, with the idea of 
saving money on fuel, as a fully loaded gravel truck uses more gas to go 
up a slope, rather than down. I have managed to get the slope data I 
needed, and draped it over the road lines, giving me a start and end 
slope, with a third column for the average of the start and end slope 
degrees. The problem is this: I can't find a network analysis plugin for 
qgis of any kind that allows for user defined impedences, allowing me to 
create a road hierarchy. I know that ArcGIS has that functionality, but 
I was hoping that QGIS would have something like that, and I am not sure 
if I can build it.

You can use the GRASS GIS* modules which are accessible via the 
processing framework's toolbox if GRASS GIS is installed. They allow 
defining a cost column for impedences.


Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] On the cancellation of FOSS4G Calgary 2020

2020-05-30 Thread Moritz Lennert
Hi Jon,

All my sympathies go out to you and the team. You did an amazing job preparing 
all this and I'm sure it would have been a wonderful event. I admire your 
courage to do it in the first place, and to pull the plug which I agree is the 
best solution in these uncertain times.

I hope we will have the opportunity to meet in Calgary some other time.


Am 29. Mai 2020 17:34:11 MESZ schrieb Jon Neufeld :
>Hi All,
>As you know the Calgary LOC has made the decision to cancel FOSS4G 2020
>due to the COVID19 pandemic.
>I have posted the rationale for our decision here 
>and have included it below as well.
>TL;DR Trying to host a major international event during a pandemic 
>carried huge financial and reputational risks and we decided the safest
>thing was to cancel.
>Here is the full post:
>As we recently shared on Twitter and the website, FOSS4G 2020 Calgary 
>has been canceled. Clearly this wasn’t the outcome we were hoping for 
>after working for nearly two-years to bring this event to Calgary, but 
>the reality of COVID-19 is that we likely won’t see large gatherings of
>people in 2020.
>Recently another chair of a regional FOSS4G event wrote asking about
>decision to cancel and the reasoning behind it. In the spirit of 
>openness and an open community I thought I would share it here:
>Hi,  Thanks for your note, I’m happy to share our thinking on 
>canceling the event and hopefully it can help inform your decision.
>Context: Fast facts about FOSS4G 2020
>- Planning Time: 2 years (Oct 2018 to Aug 2020)
>- Target Attendance: 1,200 to 1,500 people
>--- Break even attendance: 800 people
>- Total conference budget: $1M+
>- Real Cost to Cancel: ~$60 CAD
>We were well on our way to building a strong global FOSS4G event, we
>sponsors lined up, a government grant for ~$100k, and 116 people had 
>already bought tickets. When COVID19 first hit we thought it would pass
>reasonably quickly and that things would “return to normal” fairly
>but as the travel bans came in to place and the government here
>bans on gatherings it was clear that we would either need to 
>dramatically scale-back FOSS4G or cancel it altogether. Since we are so
>close to the USA we were expecting that a big portion of our attendees 
>would be Americans. For the first time in history the
>border in the world, the one between Canada and the USA is closed and 
>the USA has the highest Infection rate of any country on earth; they 
>aren’t getting that under control in the near future.
>Keep in mind that we have already signed agreements with the largest 
>Convention Center in the city, and four major hotel chains. These 
>contracts all carry minimum cancellation amounts which ratchet up as
>get closer to the event. If we cancel them sooner, we end up paying
>, but if we cancel later the bill gets dramatically higher. When the 
>travel bans went into place the minimum payments added up to $250k CAD,
>and if we waited to cancel the week before the event they were well
>The gamble then, was this: do we try and host an event with a reduced 
>scope and hope that we get enough attendees to at least break even, 
>where do we cancel it and hope we can get out of the minimum payments.
>We figured that even if the borders opened and COVID-19 disappeared 
>right away that people’s travel habits would not go back to “normal”. 
>Companies have slashed their travel budgets, people would still be wary
>about international travel and large gatherings, and the world would
>return to a place where a global conference would work. Based on this
>determined that we could not hold an event that would break even.  
>TECTERRA Inc, the company backing up and organizing FOSS4G this year,
>a small nonprofit and we wouldn’t be able to sustain those kind of 
>losses. We also worried about the negative impact too reputation, both 
>the reputations of the event and of the organizers, if we held an 
>unsuccessful event.
>All of this added together made it clear the only choice was to cancel 
>the 2020 event. We briefly discussed trying to push it to 2021, but 
>there were two things in the way. The Buenos Aires team was unwilling
>move their event, and a 2021 event means our local organizing committee
>would have spent three years working on a five-day event. To be clear,
>don’t fault the 2021 BA team for holding fast, they have an LOC focused
>on delivering an event at a specific time and I respect that.
>So reluctantly we pulled the trigger and cancelled the event. We have 
>been fortunate that our venues and hotels were willing to work with us 
>and canceled the contracts without any further penalty.  I don’t need
>tell you how hard it is to cancel an event after p

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] R: Fw: XXIVth ISPRS Congress in Nice, France (2020) and OSGeo

2019-06-24 Thread Moritz Lennert

Hi Maria,

Thanks for taking action on this. The proposal sounds great ! One 
question would be whether we could more explicitely enter the idea of 
"free software" into the title of the forum.

In any case, you can count on me for supporting you, notably with the 
forum, but we might be able to help with mapathon organisation as well.


On 21/06/19 23:30, Maria Antonia Brovelli wrote:

Dear All
I had a meeting with Nicolas Paparoditis, the Director of the XXIV ISPRS 
Congress in Nice (June 2020) [1].

There are many interesting points.
1) Around 3500-4000 participants will attend. It is the main Congress of 
ISPRS (every other 4 years).
2) Nicolas proposed OSGeo to co-organise a Forum about "Openness and 
Innovation". The Forum can last one or more days. He will send me more 
details about the Forums in the next days. I will circulate it with the 
people who are interested.
3) He proposed us also to organize 2 mapathons: one humanitarian 
mapathon and a mapathon for enriching the OSM data in Nice, using higher 
resolution imagery (they can provide them) and data (for instance 
heights of the buildings) obtained with photogrammetric packages. These 
are the starting ideas but we can work on them

4) He is offering us an OSGeo booth if we help with the previous tasks.

This is very in summary and it is just the beginning.

As already said, we are creating now a team of OSGeo people who are 
interested in attending the conference and organizing events and 
activities there.

Helena created a wiki page [2] for that.

*If you are interested, please put your name on the wiki page and ADD 
YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. *Next operative emails will be sent only these 
people in order to avoid spamming the discussion list.

Lovely weekend,



*Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli*
Professor of GIS and Digital Mapping
Politecnico di Milano

P.zza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - Building 3 - 20133 Milano (Italy)

Tel. +39-02-23996242 - Mob.+39-328-0023867, 

*Da:* Maria Antonia Brovelli
*Inviato:* domenica 16 giugno 2019 08:37
*A:* Moritz Lennert; Helena Mitasova; OSGeo Discussions
*Oggetto:* R: Fw: [OSGeo-Discuss] XXIVth ISPRS Congress in Nice, France 
(2020) and OSGeo

Moritz, Helena and All
I contacted Nicolas Paparoditis (Director of the ISPRS Congress) and I 
have a meeting with him next Tuesday. He will tell me how the Forum will 
be organised. Please add your email to the wiki page in such a way that 
I will directly  write to the people interested in collaborating to the 
organisation instead of spamming the discuss mailing list.
If there is somebody from the industrial branch of the community who 
want to take the leadership for the Pavilion, this is the last call.

Lovely Sunday

Inviato dal mio dispositivo Samsung

 Messaggio originale ----
Da: Moritz Lennert 
Data: 12/06/19 17:38 (GMT+01:00)
A: Maria Antonia Brovelli , Helena Mitasova 
, OSGeo Discussions 
Oggetto: Re: Fw: [OSGeo-Discuss] XXIVth ISPRS Congress in Nice, France 
(2020) and OSGeo

Hi Helena, Hi Maria,

Has there been any follow-up on this initiative ?


  - Message Transféré -

  Date : Thu, 24 May 2018 21:29:36 -0400
  De : Helena Mitasova>>
  À : discuss osgeo>>
  Sujet : Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] XXIVth ISPRS Congress in Nice, France
  (2020) and OSGeo

As a follow up to Maria’s call, as you probably know, we have a MoU with ISPRS and these kind of
activities are good examples of opportunities that the MoU covers. I
have set up a wiki page where you can sign up  if you are interested in
helping out to organize an OSGeo Pavilion and a forum (or several fora)
on all things Open-Geo at the ISPRS congress in Nice in 2020.

Please sign up on the wiki by June 1 (next Friday) so that we can see
how much interest there is and we will prepare the answer to ISPRS
congress organizers based on the interest from the community. Here is
   the congress website again:

Thank you all for supporting this excellent opportunity,


   > On May 24, 2018, at 4:08 PM, Maria Antonia Brovelli
   >>> wrote:
   > Dear All
   > probably many of you know ISPRS (, which
is the
   > International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, a
   > with a long history and which is our partner  for instance in the
   > GeoForAll initiative and in the Academic Track of F

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Fw: XXIVth ISPRS Congress in Nice, France (2020) and OSGeo

2019-06-12 Thread Moritz Lennert

Hi Helena, Hi Maria,

Has there been any follow-up on this initiative ?


- Message Transféré -

Date : Thu, 24 May 2018 21:29:36 -0400
De : Helena Mitasova>>
À : discuss osgeo>>
Sujet : Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] XXIVth ISPRS Congress in Nice, France
(2020) and OSGeo

As a follow up to Maria’s call, as you probably know, we have a MoU with ISPRS and these kind of 
activities are good examples of opportunities that the MoU covers. I 
have set up a wiki page where you can sign up  if you are interested in 
helping out to organize an OSGeo Pavilion and a forum (or several fora) 
on all things Open-Geo at the ISPRS congress in Nice in 2020.

Please sign up on the wiki by June 1 (next Friday) so that we can see 
how much interest there is and we will prepare the answer to ISPRS 
congress organizers based on the interest from the community. Here is 
 the congress website again:

Thank you all for supporting this excellent opportunity,


 > On May 24, 2018, at 4:08 PM, Maria Antonia Brovelli
 >>> wrote:
 > Dear All
 > probably many of you know ISPRS (, which 
is the
 > International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, a 

 > with a long history and which is our partner  for instance in the
 > GeoForAll initiative and in the Academic Track of FOSS4G 2018. ISPRS
 > has (among the others) also a Technical Commission on Spatial
 > Information Science, whose topics are very close to ours. And they
 > are very open to collaboration with OSGeo. Last year Gerald Fenoy
 > co-organised  FOSS4G Europe in Paris with a good success.
 > Every four years ISPRS organises a big congress attracting thousand
 > of people ( researchers, companies, tecnicians of administrations,
 > etc). In 2020 it will be in Nice (France).
 > I was contacted by Nicolas Paparotidis (the Director of the 

 > who proposed OSGeo to co-organise, in the frame of the Congress,
 > these two initiatives:
 > -  a forum on Geo-Open-Science, Geo-Open-Source and  Geo-Open-Data.
 > The motivation of fora is  to encourage strong exchanges between
 > academia, institutions, industry, and users on important structuring
 > subjects. The program built for the fora must cover all aspects of
 > the theme (integrating also policy issues) and not only
 > scientific/tecnical aspects.
 > - a pavilion,  where to group open-source companies to give them a
 > stronger impact during the congress.
 > The two initiatives are really challenging and therefore, for
 > answering positively, we need to have a team of people who are
 > interested in collaborating on that. Consider please that there is a
 > great curiosity and interest with respect to open source and we have
 > the occasion of showing the potential of our technologies in a new
 > context. It is a challenge but, if well played, with many
 > opportunities.
 > Please circulate this news and answer to this call if you are
 > interested. We will verify if there are the conditions (i.e.
 > people/energy) for accepting this challenge and answer consequently
 > to such an offer. Best regards! Maria
 > Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli
 > Professor of GIS and Digital Mapping
 > Politecnico di Milano
 > P.zza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - Building 3 - 20133 Milano (Italy)
 > Tel. +39-02-23996242 - Mob. +39-328-0023867,
 > >

 > ___
 > Discuss mailing list

Helena Mitasova
Professor at the Department of Marine,
Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences
Associate director and faculty fellow at the Center for Geospatial
Analytics North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8208


"All electronic mail messages in connection with State business which
are sent to or received by this account are subject to the NC Public

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] withdrawal from Board election

2017-10-22 Thread Moritz Lennert


Le 21 octobre 2017 23:20:03 GMT+02:00, Massimiliano Cannata 
 a écrit :
>Dear Jeff,
>I hope your withdrawal is not accepted.
>With a community of hundreds of charter members I wouldn't care so much
>the respectable opinion of a couple of people and I would let the board
>take the responsibility to take a decision.
>I don't see anything irregular in your participation, did anyone cheat?
>sure this is not the case...
>Then, any lesson learned is useful to improve the process in the
>I bet the charter members who voted for you want you to stand for
>of their votes.
>Il 21 ott 2017 2:34 PM, "Jeff McKenna" 
>> Dear CRO,
>> Please accept my withdrawal from the Board election.  I am sorry to
>> all of the problems so clearly explained by so many here publicly
>> election.
>> I wish to take the time now to thank all of the candidates for
>> volunteering their time for the OSGeo community.
>> Yours,
>> -Jeff McKenna
>> ___
>> Discuss mailing list
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Charter Member Nomination: Gildas Jr Boko

2017-09-06 Thread Moritz Lennert

On 06/09/17 15:03, Jeff McKenna wrote:

Forwarding Gildas Jr Boko nomination by Maëlle Vercauteren. The 2017
member nominations list has been updated [1].

I second this nomination.


Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Nomination of Khalifa Abacar Sarr

2017-09-04 Thread Moritz Lennert

On 04/09/17 11:42, Vasile Craciunescu wrote:

Forwarding Khalifa Abacar Sarr nomination by Gérald Fenoy. The 2017
member nominations list was updated [1].



Best regards,
Vasile & Jeff
2017 OSGeo Elections CROs


 Forwarded Message 
Subject: Khalifa
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2017 09:38:48 +0200
From: Fenoy Gerald 
To: OSGeo Chief Returning Officer 

Dear CRO, I would like you to forward this email to the discuss mailing
list to officialise the following nomination.

Dear all,
I am glad to nominate Khalifa Abacar Sarr [1] for OSGeo Charter Member.
Khalifa is very passionate and an active promoter of OSGeo in Senegal
where he is leading various GIS initiatives targeting West Africa. He
contributes to GIS system by providing solutions for waste management
system at country level using Open Source softwares. Khalifa is in
between business and research, indeed, despite he is now involved in a
company he is still getting a lot of activities on his own to give
courses at the university of Dakar and others. He likes very much
keeping good relation with student and have them involved in the
development of new application. He likes to create relation between
people that know and people that search to learn to make them sharing
their knowledge.

I think that Khalifa can be areal asset for OSGeo.


Best regards,

side-note: thanks for the hard work CRO!

Gérald Fenoy

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Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Charter member nomination: Sean Gillies

2017-08-31 Thread Moritz Lennert

On 31/08/17 01:29, Vasile Craciunescu wrote:

Forwarding Sean Gillies nomination by Sara Safavi. The 2017 member
nominations list will be updated ASAP [1].



Best regards,
Vasile & Jeff
2017 OSGeo Elections CROs


 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Charter member nomination: Sean Gillies
Date:   Thu, 24 Aug 2017 14:11:39 -0500
From:   Sara Safavi 
To: OSGeo Chief Returning Officer 

I would like to nominate Sean Gillies for OSGeo Charter Membership. I
feel Sean's substantial contributions to our community speak for
themselves, but a quick summary: Sean is the creator of the Fiona &
Rasterio Python libraries, as well as one of the main authors of the
GeoJSON spec. Without Sean's work many of us would be crying over our
keyboards every day!
Discuss mailing list

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Nominating Tom Chadwin for OSGeo Charter Membership

2017-08-29 Thread Moritz Lennert

On 29/08/17 05:14, Vasile Craciunescu wrote:

Dear Moritz,

According with the rules, Tom's nomination, as any other nomination,
require at least one second vote.

Then here's my second. :-)



On 8/28/17 7:44 PM, Moritz Lennert wrote:


Just to make sure procedure is clear to all of us: as Jo seems to be one
of the rare to have respected the procedure and sent Tom's nomination
directly to you, this nomination still needs a second, or ?


Le Mon, 28 Aug 2017 15:10:01 +0300,
Vasile Craciunescu  a écrit :

Forwarding Tom Chadwin nomination by Jo Cook. The 2017 member
nominations list will be updated ASAP [1].

Best regards,
Vasile & Jeff
2017 OSGeo Elections CROs


 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Nominating Tom Chadwin for OSGeo Charter Membership
Date:   Thu, 24 Aug 2017 16:59:15 +0100
From:   Jo Cook 


I would like to nominate Tom Chadwin (
<>) as a charter member of OSGeo. Tom
is the author of QGIS2Web (,
which is any incredibly valuable tool, key in enabling a lot of new
people to get involved with open source web mapping. Tom is also an
extremely valuable member of the OSGeo community in the UK,
successfully promoting open source geospatial use in his National
Park Authority and beyond.



Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Nominating Tom Chadwin for OSGeo Charter Membership

2017-08-28 Thread Moritz Lennert

Just to make sure procedure is clear to all of us: as Jo seems to be one
of the rare to have respected the procedure and sent Tom's nomination
directly to you, this nomination still needs a second, or ?


Le Mon, 28 Aug 2017 15:10:01 +0300,
Vasile Craciunescu  a écrit :

> Forwarding Tom Chadwin nomination by Jo Cook. The 2017 member 
> nominations list will be updated ASAP [1].
> Best regards,
> Vasile & Jeff
> 2017 OSGeo Elections CROs
> [1]
>  Forwarded Message 
> Subject:  Nominating Tom Chadwin for OSGeo Charter Membership
> Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2017 16:59:15 +0100
> From: Jo Cook 
> To:,
> Hi CRO,
> I would like to nominate Tom Chadwin ( 
> ) as a charter member of OSGeo. Tom
> is the author of QGIS2Web (,
> which is any incredibly valuable tool, key in enabling a lot of new
> people to get involved with open source web mapping. Tom is also an
> extremely valuable member of the OSGeo community in the UK,
> successfully promoting open source geospatial use in his National
> Park Authority and beyond.
> Thanks
> Jo

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Gentle reminder reg: Project selection on the new website draft

2017-08-16 Thread Moritz Lennert

On 16/08/17 15:29, Jeffrey Johnson wrote:

Note that several of these issues are on the list to be discussed with
the vendor today.

There is also the issue of actual OSGeo projects that simply havent
responded to various requests for input. I've had to just add them in
myself so they are there and can be hooked up to the choose a project
wizard. What do we do about projects that have simply atrophied, but
are still considered OSGeo projects?

I *really* want us to adopt the mantra of "Bigger tent, more
people/groups/projects under it" ... Small tent thinking wont get us
very far.

I'm not sure that I've read a lot of small tent thinking. Most comments 
were about priorities in the way projects are displayed on the OSGeo 
website, not about excluding non-OSGeo (understood here as projects that 
have not undergone a formal process to be labeled) projects from the 

I agree that the current website does not correspond to what I would 
expect. I also am guilty of not having reacted earlier (although you 
have to admit that the actual form of the website with actual project 
descriptions has only been available to us in the last days). I 
personally would also plead for highlighting OSGeo projects more than 
what the current form does.

This does not diminish in any way my profound respect and awe in front 
of what the team has been able to pull off. I think the reactions on the 
list just show how important this work is for everyone !

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Tales from a Benevolent Dictator

2016-05-15 Thread Moritz Lennert

On 15/05/16 14:40, Marco Afonso wrote:

Hi Anita,

Aha! So there is a ponderation weight on software quality evaluation AND
project organization evaluation.

So you can exclude an open source software with high quality if their
organization evaluation is low.

For me that seems wrong. A software on a public repository is only
limited by it's licence terms, or unlimited at all. :)

But the discussion is not about whether the software should be in a 
public repository or not, or what the licence term should be. The 
discussion is about what the meaning of the "OSGeo project" label is.

I don't think anyone has questioned the quality of the software, here. 
However, one of the aims of labeling a project an OSGeo project is to 
give a certain level of guarantee to potential users that this software 
_project_ respects a series of criteria that are considered important to 
ensure a long-term sustainability of that project. Putting one person's 
name in the statutes of a project and designating that person as the one 
who has ultimate decision rights (even if these decisions are always 
based on quality criteria), leaves the question of what would happen if 
that person lands under the proverbial bus.

A more collective governance structure is seen by many as more 
sustainable in the long run. Similar debates have gone on for ages in 
Debian, for example, about team-based maintaining of packages vs 
individual maintainers.

What I personally haven't really understood, yet, is what the rasdaman 
community is really afraid of. If the community works as well as 
described, why would the creation of a PSC-like structure create such 
problems ?

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Incubator] Should OSGeo accept "benevolent dictator" projects into OSGeo?

2016-05-08 Thread Moritz Lennert

On 05/05/16 12:24, Peter Baumann wrote:

OSGeo is entering new domains with rasdaman, which is: scientific
research projects. Like some other communities, these have existed long
before OSGeo, and have their own ethics, procedures, and rules. It is
unlikely that science will change and give up freedom of research based
on its principles well accepted by the whole community. If OSGeo intends
to change these in general then maybe starting with rasdaman as an
isolated item in a vast universe is not the optimal point.

AFAIK, there are many academics (including me), paid by grants or 
otherwise, that work on OSGeo projects, including for work paid with 
these grants, without this causing any problems. I have never seen any 
clash between the logic of the research community and that of OSGeo.


Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Incubator] Should OSGeo accept "benevolent dictator" projects into OSGeo?

2016-05-02 Thread Moritz Lennert

On 01/05/16 13:29, Jody Garnett wrote:

This is kind of a larger topic than just the incubation committee, but
no I do not believe we should. It is a defining characteristic of our
foundation to not place many restrictions on our projects - but demand
that the projects be inclusive and open to collaboration.

I do not believe that the "benevolent dictator" fits this ideal.


Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Privacy Policy: [was FOSS4GNA - Someone is watching you :-o]

2015-12-18 Thread Moritz Lennert

On 17/12/15 20:28, Jody Garnett wrote:

We have a different understanding of foss4g Maxi.

I imagine that this is a reaction to

> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 4:08 AM Massimiliano Cannata
> wrote:
>> 4- FOSS4G is the OSGeo's label of their Free and Open Source
>> Software For Geospatial conferences


I know this has a long history of discussions behind it, including on 
this list, but still: could you elaborate on your reaction, Jody ? This 
seems a very fundamental part of this whole discussion, here.


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