[OSGeo-Discuss] Wolkenbase 0.1.1 released

2022-07-26 Thread Pierre Abbat via Discuss
Wolkenbase now includes the LASify program, which converts point clouds in XYZ 
or PLY format (if built with https://github.com/phma/plytapus) to LAS format.

In the next version, I'm planning to add a configuration option for setting the 
thickness of the point cloud. In version 0.2, I'm planning to detect buildings 
and call them nonground.

Wolkenbase reads files slowly; it appears to have too much contention on 
cubeMutex. I think I can fix this in a way similar to what I did in PerfectTIN.

lo ponse be lo mruli ku po'o cu ga'ezga roda lo ka dinko

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Classifying point clouds

2022-07-21 Thread Pierre Abbat via Discuss
I'm working on a program to classify point clouds. Currently it does a fairly 
good job in forests, as long as some points are on the ground (which requires 
lidar), but sometimes thinks the middle of the roof of a building is ground. 
What features would you like to see in this program?

Por H o por B, los campos magnéticos se difieren dentro de un imán.

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[OSGeo-Discuss] First outside contribution to PerfectTIN

2022-04-10 Thread Pierre Abbat via Discuss
Gabriel De Luca, a surveying student in Argentina, has contributed an 
improvement to the Spanish translation. He's also found that AutoCAD doesn't 
like the exported DXF file and will hopefully soon fix it. I have ARES 
and LibreCAD, both of which like it.

The Black Garden on the Mountain is not on the Black Mountain.

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[OSGeo-Discuss] PerfectTIN 1.0 alpha

2021-08-07 Thread Pierre Abbat via Discuss
PerfectTIN is now in alpha stage, leading up to the release of version 1.0.0. 
The major new feature is that it can draw contours and export them as DXF.

Clone the repo from https://github.com/phma/perfecttin .
Plytapus (a library it uses) is at https://github.com/phma/plytapus .
Building instructions are at http://bezitopo.org/perfecttin/developers.html .

If you work with point clouds, try it out. It takes a cleaned point cloud of 
terrain, converts it to a TIN, and draws contours.

If you'd like to translate it, let me know. (But I haven't updated the English 
or Spanish strings yet.) If you find a bug by testing, let me know that too.

Por H o por B, los campos magnéticos se difieren dentro de un imán.

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] wiki.osgeo.org migration to LDAP Auth is complete

2021-04-04 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Friday, April 2, 2021 7:00:20 PM EDT Regina Obe wrote:
> Next time you log into https://wiki.osgeo.org you should be prompted to
> merge your account with your LDAP one.

I logged into the wiki, then tried to log into www.osgeo.org, but it doesn't 
appear to take my email address. From my "auteur op OSGeo" page, how do I find 
my username? Or is there a list of usernames?

Por H o por B, los campos magnéticos se difieren dentro de un imán.

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: [OSGeoLive] GPL and Related Projects in the Open

2020-12-27 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Saturday, December 26, 2020 7:42:24 PM EST Duncan Lithgow wrote:
>  Regarding the FSF high priority list.
> Over at osarch.org we've been talking about the need for improved free
> software implementations of DWG. The LibreDWG project has seen quite a bit
> of activity recently. Is better DWG support something OSGeo members think
> is important?

I think it's important. I've been exporting as DXF, and I've run into problems 
where if I write the DXF file one way, CAD program A can open it but CAD 
program B can't, but if I write the file the other way, B can open it but A 


Lanthanidia deliciosa: What the kiwifruit would be
if it weren't so radioactive.

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Discuss] Virtual OSGeo Code Sprint 2020

2020-11-06 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Tuesday, October 20, 2020 8:08:51 PM EST Pierre Abbat wrote:
> Found it:
> https://jitsi.org/downloads/ubuntu-debian-installations-instructions/

I installed Jitsi, but none of the packages has any files in /usr/bin/. What 

The Black Garden on the Mountain is not on the Black Mountain.

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Discuss] Virtual OSGeo Code Sprint 2020

2020-10-20 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Tuesday, October 20, 2020 5:49:26 PM EDT James Klassen wrote:
> I have always used the web based client with Jitsi.
> https://meet.jit.si

Found it:

li fi'u vu'u fi'u fi'u du li pa

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Discuss] Virtual OSGeo Code Sprint 2020

2020-10-20 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Tuesday, October 20, 2020 3:33:47 PM EDT Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
> Dear OSGeo community,
> Since the annual OSGeo code sprint was postponed for 2021, the OSGeo
> Board is considering to organize an online version of the OSGeo code
> sprint in November.
> This would be a full week event, with various Jitsi rooms per project
> and several discussion Jitsi rooms for social interactions. We also
> consider a large room (similar to AGM) for the kick-off and final
> meeting of the OSGeo code sprint.

I looked at the Jitsi site (the first time I even heard of it was Friday, from 
a spammer) and found a statement that there are Ubuntu and Debian packages, 
but the only download links are for App Store, Google Play, and F-Droid. Where 
do I find packages for my computer?

La sal en el mar es más que en la sangre.
Le sel dans la mer est plus que dans le sang.

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] How to set SHARE_DIR?

2020-10-06 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Tuesday, October 6, 2020 6:01:45 AM EDT Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> Forgive me if I'm a party killer, but why don't you request OSGeo SAC/Admins
> to create a mailing list on https://lists.osgeo.org/ dedicated for your
> project?

This question is about any desktop application on a Unix system, or at least 
any built with CMake. It's not specific to PerfectTIN; I'm not asking how to 
handle a dot which, because of roundoff error, is not inside the triangle it's 
in. Would it make more sense to create a list for programming questions that 
are not specific to an application?


Lanthanidia deliciosa: What the kiwifruit would be
if it weren't so radioactive.

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] How to set SHARE_DIR?

2020-10-06 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Monday, October 5, 2020 11:04:36 PM EDT Jim Klassen wrote:
> I wouldn't expect someone to set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME.  That just
> seems like a good way to cause issues to me.
> There is a ~/.local/share directory and a ~/.local/share/applications
> directory in my home directory that has desktop files in it.  (That might
> imply using CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/.local is possible but that still
> seems like it is asking for trouble.)
> Standard practice is to put the files under
> ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/ unless the user specifically overrides
> that.  I consider it hostile behavior when an installer or build system
> starts putting files outside of the path(s) that I have specified for it. 
> I can make symlinks for files in ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share to
> ~/.local/share/applications manually if I want to.

My build directories are:
~/build/perfecttin/cdbg for the debug build (prefix $HOME),
~/build/perfecttin/crel for the release build (prefix $HOME),
~/build/perfecttin/cins for the release build (prefix /usr/local),
~/build/perfecttin/cafl for fuzzing (prefix $HOME, but installing disabled),
and the same with 'g' instead of 'c', compiled with g++ instead of clang. I 
added a desktop file and installed it and the icon under $HOME, then symlinked 
~/share/applications/perfecttin.desktop to ~/.local/share/applications/
perfecttin.desktop . It showed up in the menu, but had no icon and didn't run. 
I then installed under /usr/local and it worked perfectly.

Apparently I should install under ~/.local/, but the only directory under 
~/.local is share; ~/.local/bin, ~/.local/include, and ~/.local/lib do not 
exist. Should I add ~/.local/bin to PATH, or should I make symlinks in ~/bin/?

li fi'u vu'u fi'u fi'u du li pa

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[OSGeo-Discuss] How to set SHARE_DIR?

2020-10-05 Thread Pierre Abbat
When installing an app from a package on Linux, the binaries go in /usr/bin/, 
the data files go in /usr/share//, and the desktop files go in /usr/share/
applications/. When installing from source, or installing from a package on 
DragonFly, the binaries go in /usr/local/bin/, the data files go in /usr/local/
share//, and the desktop files go in /usr/share/applications/. When I 
install it in my home directory, the binaries go in ~/bin/. The desktop files, 
however, go in ~/.local/applications/. Where should the data files go?

I've been setting SHARE_DIR to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/. If I put 
the desktop file in ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/applications/, that would be 
correct for a system-wide install, but wrong for a personal install. I checked 
SHARE_DIR in CMakeLists files seven levels deep (PDAL has some that are that 
deep), but found none that set SHARE_DIR to anything else. Is there another 
CMake variable that tells where desktop files go?

One of the lines in the desktop file tells where the icon is. PerfectTIN has a 
256×256 pixel icon. Do I have to shrink it for the desktop file?

ve ka'a ro klaji la .romas. se jmaji

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Which dialect of Spanish should I declare?

2020-10-05 Thread Pierre Abbat
I prepare some of my programs, including PerfectTIN, with translation files to 
make sure that the internationalization works. My English is clearly North 
American, so I'm fine with the English file being labeled en-US. My Spanish, 
though, I'm not so sure. I know it's Leftpondian, but can't pick a specific 
country. My accent is Salvadoran, with admixture of my other native languages, 
as that's where my mother grew up. My vocabulary, though, is a mishmash of 
words I picked up from Spanish speakers from all over the Americas. I'm 
hesitant to call it es-US, as that to me means Spanish spoken by people whose 
ancestors have been in the US for at least a few generations.

As far as terms that are likely to be in translation files, I say 
"computadora", but I'm fine with "ordenador", as my second language is French. 
I say "fichero", but that may again be because of French.

The Spanish file says "es" in the header, but Qt Linguist calls it "español de 
España". Is this a quirk of Qt Linguist? Should I rename the English file, 
which has "en-US" in the header, to have "en-US" in the filename?

ve ka'a ro klaji la .romas. se jmaji

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Concurrency problems, please help

2020-09-24 Thread Pierre Abbat
I got it working. I made each thread insert points only into blocks whose 
number matches the thread's number mod the number of threads. Locking the 
cubes was not enough.


Don't buy a French car in Holland. It may be a citroen.

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Concurrency problems, please help

2020-09-23 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Wednesday, September 23, 2020 3:31:28 AM EDT Martin Dobias wrote:
> Hi Pierre
> While I don't have concrete advice for your implementation, I would
> like to suggest having a look at Entwine [1] and/or PotreeConverter
> [2] projects and maybe reuse their code. Both of them have only a
> single task - to build an octree from potentially massive amounts of
> point cloud data.

Could you tell me where the octree-building code is?


The Black Garden on the Mountain is not on the Black Mountain.

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Concurrency problems, please help

2020-09-22 Thread Pierre Abbat
I just published the repo. I've been racking my brains on this problem for 
months. Wolkenbase reads a point cloud and makes an octree, in order to 
classify points. The basic algorithm of building the octree is sound, but 
slow, so I'm trying to multithread it.

Wolkenbase has to handle point clouds that are too big to fit in RAM, so it 
allocates block buffers until RAM gets low, then swaps blocks out to files. So 
that it can continue putting points in the octree while writing blocks to 
files, it uses more files than there are threads.

I'm testing it with a small point cloud of 250024 points, so that it doesn't 
have to write to disk while it constructs the octree, but still it loses 
points. I've found and fixed bugs in the splitting routine. I currently have it 
checking after each point it inserts to make sure that it's in there. I've 
found, and I think I fixed, a bug where one thread checked a point while 
another thread was splitting the block where the point was inserted, so it 
didn't find it. Now it fails to find a point, but the point is not in the block 
being split. It may fail to find 24 points while it's building the octree, but 
when it's finished they're all there, or it's missing one or three of them.

I have a huge point cloud (19 files, 3.5 GB total) which I've tried Wolkenbase 
on, but it complains that the point is already in the octree. This turned out 
to be points scattered through the cloud that have been "deleted" by 
overwriting with all zeros. (0,0,0) is offset to somewhere within the cube, and 
is equal to (0,0,0), so I can't rely on the point count in the dump file.

I cut it down to one thread; it works perfectly. With two threads, it works 
fine, but with three, it loses points. Usually two threads are sufficient to 
allow a concurrency bug to happen.

Can someone look at the program and suggest how to make it work?

li ze te'a ci vu'u ci bi'e te'a mu du
li ci su'i ze te'a mu bi'e vu'u ci

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Deleted points in LAS file

2020-09-10 Thread Pierre Abbat
I read a point cloud and got lots of "point already in octree" messages. 
Investigating with a debugger, I found that these points in the LAS file were 
all zeros. Coordinates (0,0,0) in integers translate to somewhere inside the 
box that encloses the point cloud, so the coordinates are valid. How can I 
tell that a point has been deleted and should be ignored?

loi mintu se ckaji danlu cu jmaji

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Parsing well-known text

2020-09-06 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Sunday, 6 September 2020 18:31:31 EDT Bruce Bannerman wrote:
> Hello Pierre,
> It is dangerous to assume what the coordinates in a data set represent. It
> may not have implications for your particular use, but could have serious
> consequences for other uses downstream.

What would be other uses downstream?

> A good approach is to consult the discovery metadata that describes the
> dataset that you are using. It should help you to interpret the data. Any
> good data provider will also provide discovery metadata, typically in ISO
> 19115 format (or derivative).

What's the relationship between WKT and ISO 19115? The point clouds I have 
have a description of the coordinate system in WKT or no description of the 
coordinate system.

> If such metadata is not available, ask the data provider to better define
> their data, in your case, the spatial reference system used. If they can’t,
> or won’t provide this information then I would question the need to use
> that data set and look for an alternative, as the data quality is suspect.

The data provider may be the surveyor himself, who has flown the site with a 

> It is important that blind assumptions of what an unqualified coordinate in
> a spatial reference system means is not built into software that will be
> used by others without explicitly stating that this is what is being done.

The formats PerfectTIN exports to do not allow including WKT, except maybe 
LandXML (which I haven't looked for WKT in, but I know that one can specify 
the units in) and Carlson TIN (it's proprietary and undocumented, and I don't 
know what's in the header). The PerfectTIN file format does not have a place to 
put WKT, but I can add it.

What I'm planning to do in Wolkenbase is this:
If there's a WKT record, use it for units, and copy it to the output.
If the units in WKT differ from those in Wolkenbase, convert the measurements 
to the unit set in Wolkenbase and edit the WKT.
If there is no WKT, assume the units are as set in Wolkenbase, and add a 
minimal WKT which specifies only the units.
If the point cloud consists of several files (which is quite common), and the 
variable-length records in different files disagree, I'm not sure what to do.

PerfectTIN currently reads variable-length records but ignores them. I'm 
planning to make it use the units in WKT, if any, instead of the unit set in 
PerfectTIN, when converting coordinates when reading a file.

The Black Garden on the Mountain is not on the Black Mountain.

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Parsing well-known text

2020-09-06 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Wednesday, 2 September 2020 05:41:40 EDT Even Rouault wrote:
> As far as I know, you can't create a CRS WKT with just unit information. The
> most minimal content that validates the WKT1 grammar would be something
> like:
> LOCAL_CS["unspecified CRS",
> LOCAL_DATUM["unspecified datum",2000],
> UNIT["metre",1,
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],
> AXIS["Easting",EAST],
> AXIS["Northing",NORTH]]

That doesn't seem to have an elevation unit; should I assume that they're both 

> Yes, PROJ >= 6 has support for parsing and creating WKT in several versions
> of the WKT standard.
> See proj_create_from_wkt() at
> https://proj.org/development/reference/functions.html, and all other
> proj_ getters.
> For creation of WKT, you might need the more advanced functions of
> https://github.com/OSGeo/PROJ/blob/master/src/proj_experimental.h , before
> exporting with proj_as_wkt()

That's overkill for what I'm doing. I don't need to make a projection, all I 
need to know is the units. I don't need to create a WKT except in the case 
that the original cloud doesn't have one and I'm adding one to specify the 

The code to parse the WKT is in YACC, which I don't know how to work with, and 
I don't need all the tokens. Treating them as opaque atoms and looking for 
"UNIT" should work. Where can I find the grammar of the language of which WKT 
is an instance?

Adding any library multiplies the complexity of building and packaging on 
Windows. PROJ is 79 times as big as Wolkenbase so far and 17 times as big as 
PerfectTIN. Even Bezitopo, which handles projections, but only conformal ones, 
is only 1/7 as big as PROJ, by running du on the source trees with .git 

When a barnacle settles down, its brain disintegrates.
Já não percebe nada, já não percebe nada.

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Parsing well-known text

2020-09-02 Thread Pierre Abbat
I just added code to PerfectTIN to read the variable-length records of a LAS 
file. I found a WKT record in a square of West Virginia terrain, with no line 
feeds; I added line feeds and indentation and attached it. The other point 
clouds do not have variable-length records. I'd like to heed the WKT units 
when loading a point cloud, if there is a WKT.

I'm also working on a program called Wolkenbase (not public yet) which will 
separate ground from non-ground in a point cloud. If you load a point cloud 
with no unit information, I'd like to add a WKT that indicates only the unit 
and nothing else. What would that look like?

Do you have code to parse and manipulate WKT? The WKT is in a std::string.

The Black Garden on the Mountain is not on the Black Mountain.
COMPD_CS["NAD83 / UTM zone 17N + NAVD88 height",
  PROJCS["NAD83 / UTM zone 17N",
SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]],
  VERT_CS["NAVD88 height",
VERT_DATUM["North American Vertical Datum 
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[OSGeo-Discuss] LAS point clouds in various formats wanted

2020-08-26 Thread Pierre Abbat
PerfectTIN reads point clouds in LAS and PLY formats. I have not written the 
code to read any point format greater than 6, but will do so soon. I have LAS 
versions 1.2 and 1.4 and point formats 2, 3, and 6. If you have any other 
point formats, or versions 1.1 or 1.3, please send me links so that I can test 
the code on them.

I believe in Yellow when I'm in Sweden and in Black when I'm in Wales.

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[OSGeo-Discuss] PerfectTIN 0.5.0 is out

2020-07-27 Thread Pierre Abbat
This version is much faster, because of more efficient multithreading; on a 
certain point cloud (I forget which one, and can't find out now because my mail 
server died), it runs 4-5 times as fast as version 0.4. Also, I fixed a long-
standing bug which darkblue_b found.

.i toljundi do .ibabo mi'afra tu'a do
.ibabo damba do .ibabo do jinga
.icu'u la ma'atman.

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Anyone know GPU programming?

2020-07-08 Thread Pierre Abbat
Two months ago, I asked about GPU programming for PerfectTIN. I now have the 
routine, which I'd like implemented in GPU, working. It takes a block of dots, 
all in one triangle, computes the difference in elevation between the dots and 
the triangle, computes how much moving the corners of the triangle up or down 
would affect the previous figure, does some matrix arithmetic, and produces a 
small square matrix and a small column vector as results. The code is in 
adjelev.cpp in https://github.com/phma/perfecttin .

I am about to change the sequence of block sizes. Among other things, it will 
make most of the block sizes multiples of 256, which should avoid waste when 
using the GPU to compute.

gau do li'i co'e kei do

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[OSGeo-Discuss] PerfectTIN 0.4.1 released

2020-06-17 Thread Pierre Abbat
I just released 0.4.1, which has the bug fixed. You can download it from 
https://github.com/phma/perfecttin/. The new feature is PLY export, which 
requires the Plytapus library https://github.com/phma/plytapus/. You can 
compile previous versions of PerfectTIN with Plytapus and they will read PLY 
point clouds, but this is the first version that can write a TIN in PLY format.

I'm planning to make the next version color the TIN (if you read it into Cloud 
Compare, you get a greenish blob). My first idea is to use one color for 
triangles whose dots are all in tolerance, another color for triangles with 
dots out of tolerance, and another color for empty triangles where a car or 
house was cut out of the point cloud. But I could also color by gradient (what 
PerfectTIN does while running) or by elevation. What do you think?

I'd also like to write a website for PerfectTIN. Should I put it as a 
subdirectory of Bezitopo (http://bezitopo.org/perfecttin), a subdomain 
(perfecttin.bezitopo.org), or a separate domain?

lo ponse be lo mruli ku po'o cu ga'ezga roda lo ka dinko

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Testing on multiple versions and upgrading

2020-06-16 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Monday, June 15, 2020 11:32:07 AM EDT James Klassen wrote:
> If you want to be thorough, testing on different versions of the "same"
> Linux distribution makes sense.  Generally, the compiler and all the
> surrounding libraries are upgraded between distribution versions and could
> have different behaviors or bugs.

Both AppVeyor and Travis have a few LTS releases of Ubuntu, but no Red Hat. 
Several months ago, Pat (one of my users) asked me to get PerfectTIN running 
on his CentOS 7 box. I found out that the CMake was too old to handle the 
version of C++ needed to implement readers-writer locks, which are essential 
in getting PerfectTIN to run at full speed on all threads. RHEL 7 (and 
therefore CentOS 7) was released five years before RHEL 8. Being used to 
Ubuntu's two-year LTS cycle, I advised him to get Fedora. I set up PerfectTIN 
on his Fedora NUC, and he can now run "git pull" on it and upgrade to the 

I think it's also important to test on the different BSDs. I'm planning to get 
some NUCs running BSDs. Differences I've run into are:
* Linux has M_PIl; DragonFly BSD doesn't.
* Including a certain system include file worked on Linux but not BSD. I had to 
include another file.

> You might want to look into a continuous integration (CI) tool that can
> automatically run the build and tests on multiple platforms whenever you
> push a commit.  Looking at how GDAL and/or PDAL handle this would be a good
> place to get started.

Are there CI tools that can handle Linux, the BSDs, and Windows? Do any CI 
providers have big-endian hardware, or do I have to buy my own box? I was 
thinking of getting some NUCs and running "git pull" and "ninja test" on each 

The geoidboundary test of Bezitopo takes 45 seconds (on mooncat, I think). Are 
such long tests a problem with CI?

PerfectTIN has some automatic tests, but I still test it by converting point 
clouds, some of which take hours. Can you suggest some more automatic tests?

> Related to using CI, setting up development environments in different
> containers (like with Docker) can let you build and test different Linux
> versions on the same machine (and can help with setting up CI tools).  This
> makes keeping machines around with different versions of the OS around
> mostly unnecessary, and decouples the ability to test on a
> distribution/version from whatever distribution/version you use day-to-day.

Can Docker on Linux run BSD in a container? Can a Docker container on one BSD 
run a different BSD?

Don't buy a French car in Holland. It may be a citroen.

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Testing on multiple versions and upgrading

2020-06-15 Thread Pierre Abbat
Bezitopo 0.1.3 I tested on both Xenial and Artistic. I was developing on a 
laptop called caracal, which was running Xenial, and had bought a new laptop 
named mooncat, which came with Artistic. Is there much sense in testing a 
program on two releases of the same OS? (I also test programs on BSD and 
Windows. I used to test Bezitopo on a Raspberry Pi, but a Pi is too small for 
serious work with PerfectTIN.)

I'm in the process of upgrading Linux boxes, now doing my mail server. I'm 
going to upgrade mooncat from Bionic to Focal and puma (new devel box, more 
RAM and more threads) from Eoan to Focal. However, I'm also waiting for two 
users to report on PerfectTIN 0.4.1 before I release it. One spent all day 
Sunday cleaning a point cloud which he's going to convert to a TIN and called 
me, exhausted, before flopping into bed; the other hasn't downloaded it yet. 
Should I wait until I release it to upgrade my devel boxes?

When Gorilla comes out, should I upgrade both devel boxes, leave one at Fossa, 
or leave both at Fossa and wait for the next LTS version?

The gostak pelled at the fostin lutt for darfs for her martle plave.
The darfs had smibbed, the lutt was thale, and the pilter had nothing snave.

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[OSGeo-Discuss] PerfectTIN 0.4.0 released

2020-06-01 Thread Pierre Abbat
Pat the surveyor saw the release candidate crash on Windows when converting a 
56M point cloud. It processes the cloud fine on Linux, and I ran out of RAM 
trying to debug the crash on Windows, so I am releasing 0.4.0 with a note that 
it has been seen to crash on big point clouds on Windows.

The next version will be 0.4.1, which will be able to export PLY files. As I 
started 0.4.1 before finishing 0.4.0, I made a branch 0.4.0 and am developing 
0.4.1 on master.

gau do li'i co'e kei do

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[OSGeo-Discuss] PerfectTIN 0.4.0rc3 released

2020-05-17 Thread Pierre Abbat
I saw the program freeze for several seconds, then crash. I had enabled core 
dumps with ulimit, so I debugged the dump and found, not a memory bug, but a 
concurrency bug. You can read the details by pulling the latest from Git.

I just tagged 0.4.0rc3. Besides fixing the bug, I changed xyz to have no 
virtual methods, making it only 24 bytes instead of 32.

Please run this on any point clouds you have, especially big ones. If no new 
bugs show up, I'm planning to release 0.4.0 in a week.

lo ponse be lo mruli ku po'o cu ga'ezga roda lo ka dinko

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] PerfectTIN 0.4.0rc2 released. Anyone know GPU programming?

2020-05-10 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Sunday, May 10, 2020 8:51:40 AM EDT Even Rouault wrote:
> If not already done, I'd strongly suggest using the 2 favorite debuggers of
> the C/C++ programmer for memory related issues:
> - build with https://github.com/google/sanitizers/wiki/AddressSanitizer
> - or run with http://valgrind.org/

I don't know if it's a memory problem, since I couldn't reproduce the crash. I 
ran it in Valgrind, but that was to find out how much time it was spending 
checking whether triangles are in tolerance. The bug may have disappeared when 
I cleaned some lint or made some other modification.

Lanthanidia deliciosa: What the kiwifruit would be
if it weren't so radioactive.

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] PerfectTIN 0.4.0rc2 released. Anyone know GPU programming?

2020-05-10 Thread Pierre Abbat
Last weekend I was visiting Pat, the surveyor who asked me to write 
PerfectTIN, and he gave me a 56 Mpoint cloud of some site. I ran 0.4.0rc1 on 
it and found some bugs that showed up when processing a point cloud that big, 
which I fixed. (The largest cloud I'd run it on before has 13 million points.) 
He showed me the spikes when an earlier version processed it and verified that 
0.4.0rc1 does not produce spikes. I just released 0.4.0rc2 with the bugs fixed.

The reason I'm not calling this 0.4.0 is that twice, once each on two different 
computers, the program crashed, but did not dump core because of ulimit. I ran 
the debugger, but could not get it to crash again. I ran it without the 
debugger, but it still didn't crash. Could you run it in the debugger and see 
if it crashes? https://github.com/phma/perfecttin

I'm planning to implement speed improvement for 0.5.0. When it starts 
processing a point cloud, each of the six triangles has a huge number of dots, 
and it can't use more than one thread, because it has to lock all the 
triangles, since they share a corner. So I'm going to partition the work into 
tasks of about 65536 dots each and let any thread that would otherwise be 
sleeping work on a task. Later I'd like to have the GPU, if present, process 
tasks, but I don't know how. Do any of you know how to use OpenCL to write GPU 

Por H o por B, los campos magnéticos se difieren dentro de un imán.

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Can someone test a program with point clouds?

2020-05-02 Thread Pierre Abbat
I'm in Georgia visiting another surveyor, who asked me to write the program to 
begin with, and got it running on his NUC in such a way that he can try 
different versions if I tell him the commands to run. It's running on a full-
size (56 million) point cloud, which may be too big for this NUC's RAM. I've 
found a few problems:

* The NUC has Wayland. I've never run it on Wayland before, the pulldown menus 
are lower than they should be, it outputs Wayland errors, and when I hit a key 
to stop the screen saver, PerfectTIN crashed. "The Wayland connection broke. 
Did the Wayland compositor die?"

* When I tried to restart it from the checkpoint file, it said it was corrupt, 
and some menu items remained grayed out even when I cleared it.

* It got stuck for a long time with eleven big triangles all sharing a common 
corner. This is an old problem, I know what's going on, and I'm going to add a 
button as a workaround.

li ze te'a ci vu'u ci bi'e te'a mu du
li ci su'i ze te'a mu bi'e vu'u ci

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Can someone test a program with point clouds?

2020-04-21 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Monday, April 20, 2020 2:16:20 AM EDT Rajat Shinde wrote:
> Hi Pierre, Thanks!
> Okay. I mis-understood "turning the tin" earlier and also interpreted the
> generated triangles as spikes. Now, I got it.
> I am not having any point cloud file with cars cut out of it but I am
> positive of some point clouds with buildings cut out. I would try running
> the program again on such complete scene (with looser tolerance) and get
> back to you with results.

Okay, let me know what you find.

Dr. Steer, how are you doing with the program?

sei do'anai mi'a djuno puze'e noroi nalselganse srera

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Can someone test a program with point clouds?

2020-04-19 Thread Pierre Abbat
The point cloud has only 44367 dots. The cloud I use for quick tests (and 
which did produce spikes, because some cars were cut out of it) is 250024 
dots. Others I've worked with have 13 million dots or hundreds of millions.

I opened the .ptin file from 0.4.0rc1 with SiteCheck. It looks like rough 
terrain with nowhere near enough dots to define it within a decimeter. Or maybe 
there are lots of trees in the point cloud.

You may want to run the program on the whole point cloud with looser 


I believe in Yellow when I'm in Sweden and in Black when I'm in Wales.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Can someone test a program with point clouds?

2020-04-17 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Friday, April 17, 2020 2:57:13 PM EDT Rajat Shinde wrote:
> Hi Pierre,
> I would be very happy to do it. My PhD thesis involves LiDAR Point Cloud
> processing and these days I am fully covered up with LAS/LAZ files. Though,
> I have not used PerfectTIN till now, but I can see the earlier releases
> available at https://github.com/OSGeo/perfecttin/releases.
> Please suggest me on how to proceed.

Thanks! Here are the steps:

Clone the repo (the latest commit should be on 2020-04-07 or later).

Check out 0.3.3 and run it on some point clouds, looking for some where the 
TIN has big spikes (most likely in holes).

Check out later commits and run them on the same clouds. The spikes should 
become smaller in horizontal area (they may be less than a millimeter thick) 
and then disappear. Thin spikes may appear in places they weren't before (I've 
seen them in falsely rough asphalt that is an artifact of photogrammetric 
processing of pine needle shadows), but should disappear by the latest commit.

Also, would you like to contribute a translation?

gau do li'i co'e kei do

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Can someone test a program with point clouds?

2020-04-17 Thread Pierre Abbat
I'd like to release PerfectTIN 0.4.0, but I need someone to verify that the 
output is free of spikes. The person who was going to do this cannot meet his 
coworkers because of the pandemic. If you work with point clouds (preferably 
in LAS format, but it can read PLY if compiled with a library) and can view a 
TIN and turn it around, please let me know.

La sal en el mar es más que en la sangre.
Le sel dans la mer est plus que dans le sang.

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Translation

2020-03-07 Thread Pierre Abbat
I just got an answer to an issue on Bezitopo "Check Spanish translation" from 
a surveyor in Argentina, so I checked for missing strings (there was one), 
translated it, and pushed it. I noticed that Linguist called them American 
English (which is right) and español de España (which is wrong), though I 
thought they were simply English and Spanish. Is it important, when 
translating a surveying program, to localize it to each variety of English or 
Spanish? We're not talking turkey or pig here (Spanish has way too many words 
for pigs), but there are pondian differences in the word for computer (though 
as my first Romance language is French, I occasionally let "ordenador" slip) 
and (maybe) file and in the use of pronouns, particularly in the second person.

Lanthanidia deliciosa: What the kiwifruit would be
if it weren't so radioactive.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] geospatial algorithm to create area midway boundaries from lines ?

2020-03-06 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Friday, 6 March 2020 17:36:15 EST karsten wrote:
> Hi All,
> a general geospatial question to all:
> I am trying to find out if there is any existing geospatial algorithm (in
> any open Open Source Geospatial software) that would allow to use a network
> of lines as a start point and expand those in such a way that I can create
> new area boundaries for each of the lines "coverage area". What I mean with
> that is if one could "buffer" the lines out in such a way to create
> boundaries where any potential buffers would meet at the middle way point
> between the lines so that in the end I could have an area within that is the
> starting line. On example could look like this (5 hand drawn lines in red
> and corresponding colored areas that I would want to create). Note that is
> exact but to communicate the idea) see
> http://terra5.terragis.net/sites/html/aeras_for_lines%20copy.png

When you say "lines", do you mean polylines made of line segments, polyarcs, 
or polyspirals? If polyarcs, will they generally be smooth? If polyspirals, 
will adjacent spiralarcs osculate, just be tangent, or neither?

What sort of lines would the output be? If the input is polyarcs, the output 
could contain pieces of hyperbola. If the input is polyspirals, the output 
could contain strange indescribable curves. The only curves used as land 
boundaries are line segments and circular arcs, so they'd have to be 

When a barnacle settles down, its brain disintegrates.
Já não percebe nada, já não percebe nada.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] License for documentation

2020-02-28 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Friday, 28 February 2020 09:59:12 EST Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> Unusual, very.


lo ponse be lo mruli ku po'o cu ga'ezga roda lo ka dinko

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] License for documentation

2020-02-28 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Friday, 28 February 2020 02:40:30 EST Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> Are you considering separate licences, one for source code
> and one for documentation?

Yes. All the source code files have a note at the top, except the icons, for 
which the note is in the QRC file. The documentation files don't have such a 
note yet.

Lanthanidia deliciosa: What the kiwifruit would be
if it weren't so radioactive.

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] License for documentation

2020-02-27 Thread Pierre Abbat
PerfectTIN has two documentation files: two pages explaining how to use the 
program, and four pages describing the file format (which I just changed, so I 
have to edit the doc). There's no license note in the documentation. Which 
license should I use, and is it sufficient to put a statement of license in the 
files without putting the license itself in them?

The gostak pelled at the fostin lutt for darfs for her martle plave.
The darfs had smibbed, the lutt was thale, and the pilter had nothing snave.

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Can a program generate its own logo?

2020-02-24 Thread Pierre Abbat
Clotilde is one of the Bezitopo programs. It outputs an approximation to an 
Euler spiral, which is used in designing highways, parkways, and railroads, so 
that the approximation can be offset to get a boundary for the lot that the 
road is on.

I am thinking of creating a logo for Clotilde consisting of Euler spirals, 
maybe with the approximation thereto making a visual effect. I could generate 
the logo either with clotilde or bezitest, or with another program that I keep 
to myself, using the Bezitopo library. Which is preferable?

gau do li'i co'e kei do

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Looking for contributors

2020-02-14 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Friday, 14 February 2020 06.18.23 EST Jody Garnett wrote:
> Thanks for reaching out Pierre:
> Perhaps you could spend a moment introducing the projects and describe what
> they are used for?

Bezitopo is a CAD package under development specifically designed for land 
surveying. It does not aim at compatibility with general-purpose CAD packages, 
so it does not have, for example, ellipses, but does have Euler spirals, which 
are used in highway design (and which Bezitopo uses to smooth contours). It 
consists of several programs:
bezitest, a test program;
bezitopo, a command-line program, which I use for checking closure and 
converting PNEZD to/from PENZD;
clotilde, which computes approximations to spirals;
convertgeoid, which converts and excerpts geoid files;
pangeoid, which will be a GUI version of convertgeoid but yet does nothing;
sitecheck, which reads a TIN and would let you walk around it with a GPS 
system, if it had a way of interfacing to one;
transmer, which computes transverse Mercator coefficients;
viewtin, which will become the CAD program (to be renamed bezitopo or 

PerfectTIN, which I started a year ago by copying large hunks of Bezitopo 
code, reads a point cloud representing terrain and computes a TIN which 
approximates the point cloud to within a specified tolerance. You can then read 
the TIN into SiteCheck and compute the elevation at any XY coordinate in the 
TIN. A friend of mine, who sells surveying equipment, has a possible customer 
for the program. Since I posted two weeks ago, I got the quarter function 
working and have almost eliminated the spikes that PerfectTIN was producing.

ve ka'a ro klaji la .romas. se jmaji

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] TIN file formats

2020-02-12 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Wednesday, 12 February 2020 06.35.27 EST Martin Dobias wrote:
> Unfortunately there is no mailing list yet - but feel free to open new
> issue(s) at the github repo and we can discuss there:
> https://github.com/lutraconsulting/MDAL/issues

That isn't right either. I'm not reporting a bug or asking for a feature; I'm 
asking for help understanding the code so that I can add a feature.


La sal en el mar es más que en la sangre.
Le sel dans la mer est plus que dans le sang.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] TIN file formats

2020-02-12 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Monday, 10 February 2020 04.29.37 EST Martin Dobias wrote:
> MDAL stores TIN as a vector of vertices (XYZ) and a vector of faces
> (where each face is a vector of indices of vertices). There is no
> topological representation like half-edge data structure as this has
> not been needed so far (the library so far has been mostly used for
> rendering, deriving datasets and conversion between formats). MDAL now
> supports vertex and face iterators, so drivers can use whatever
> representation they want (including not keeping the mesh in memory at
> all) as long as they can provide those iterators.

Looks like I need more help than belongs on the discuss list. Is there a 
mailing list for MDAL?

Bezitopo and PerfectTIN, from which I'll be porting the TIN read/write 
routines, use a sort of winged-edge data structure. But the points, edges, and 
triangles are held in STL maps, which have to be in memory.


When a barnacle settles down, its brain disintegrates.
Já não percebe nada, já não percebe nada.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] TIN file formats

2020-02-09 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Saturday, 7 December 2019 03.21.17 EST Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> Hi Pierre,
> Very interesting! We are trying to create a generic TIN reader/writer for
> open source applications:
> https://github.com/lutraconsulting/MDAL/
> MDAL already supports a number of TIN/mesh formats and it is integrated
> with QGIS.
> It would be good to join efforts.

Again: how does MDAL represent TINs internally? I looked at the code and got 


Don't buy a French car in Holland. It may be a citroen.

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Looking for contributors

2020-01-31 Thread Pierre Abbat
I'd like to find some people to contribute to Bezitopo or PerfectTIN. They are 
in the initial stages of incubation. They're both on my GitHub site, https://
github.com/phma/. Bezitopo also has a website at http://

For Bezitopo, I'd like to define an internal (and maybe an external) 
representation of raw data files for both total stations and GPS systems. The 
input for least-squares adjustment will be in this format; I'll use a survey 
I've done as test data. Anyone interested in designing the data structure, 
please join the Bezitopo mailing list.

If you can enter instances of projections (Lambert conformal conic and Gauss-
Krüger transverse Mercator), that would help the program be usable in more 
locations. Also, if you know benchmarks in the Alaska panhandle or in 
Switzerland, that would help me make sure that oblique Mercator is correct. 
See testprojection() in bezitest.cpp for how I used Oakland and BV067202 as 
test data for conformal conic and transverse Mercator, respectively.

Also, any ellipsoids that Bezitopo doesn't already have, to go with the 
projections, would be a help.

Both programs need button icons drawn for the different feet. They have icons, 
but they're all the same, so the only way to see which foot you've selected is 
the tool tip.

Even if you just want to understand the code, to increase the bus number, I'd 
appreciate that. Some of the methods have quite high McCabe numbers, and the 
quarter function which I'm writing (I still have to make it lock the TIN) is 
pretty complicated.

li ze te'a ci vu'u ci bi'e te'a mu du
li ci su'i ze te'a mu bi'e vu'u ci

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] checking closure of legal descriptions

2020-01-26 Thread Pierre Abbat
I'm surveying a lot and had to check the legal description against what I 
found on the ground to find if a certain iron was right (it wasn't). The legal 
description doesn't close, so I tried to find the surveyor who drew the map 
that the legal description was drawn from. I searched the web for his name and 
contacted the company I found. A few days later, I got a response that all his 
maps are at another company, and I should contact either of two surveyors, 
both of whom I know, to get the map. A few more days later, one of these 
surveyors emailed me the map.

I have to search the chain of title back to when that map was drawn. So I 
searched the local GIS and downloaded deeds. The oldest one has six errors in 
it: "at" is misspelled "a1", "et ux" (and wife) is misspelled "el ux", the lot 
is between two streets originally named Delta and Della one of which is 
misspelled "Delia", "north" is misspelled "worth", and two short segments were 
left out of lines in different directions. Subsequent lawyers corrected the 
typos and misused the word "sic" in correcting "Delia", but none of them 
checked the closure and corrected the two segments.

I think that a tool that could take a pasted legal description, parse it, draw 
it, and check for closure would be useful to lawyers. What do you think? Does 
it fall within the scope of OSGeo?

li ze te'a ci vu'u ci bi'e te'a mu du
li ci su'i ze te'a mu bi'e vu'u ci

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Attn: PROJ: Transverse and oblique Mercator

2020-01-10 Thread Pierre Abbat
Jody Garnett posted on the incubator list some CONTRIBUTING files, one of which 
is at PROJ, so I've been looking around. I've written code that computes the 
transverse Mercator projection accurate to within 1 mm over 80% of the earth 
and 100 µm over 71%, that is, within 100 µm up to 45° from the central 
meridian. Are you interested?

I'd also like to understand the oblique Mercator well enough to write code for 
it and what the differences are (besides the obvious) between Alaska and 

loi mintu se ckaji danlu cu jmaji

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Bezitopo 0.1.5 released

2019-12-31 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Tuesday, 31 December 2019 12.59.57 EST Jody Garnett wrote:
> Can we take this over to the “incubation” list please? (CCing incubation
> list).

I'm not on the incubation list. Should I join?

Please use the reply-to-list button, not the reply-to-all button. When you 
reply to all, I get only one copy, which is in the inbox, not the mailing list 
folder, and when I reply to list to that message, it doesn't work, because the 
header that says it's a list message isn't there.

> We gotta check a couple things, see
> https://www.osgeo.org/about/committees/incubation/ heading “how to lost
> your project on the OSGeo website” :)

Do you mean "list your project", "host your project", or something else?

Jews use a lunisolar calendar; Muslims use a solely lunar calendar.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Bezitopo 0.1.5 released

2019-12-26 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Wednesday, 25 December 2019 16.14.47 EST Jody Garnett wrote:
> Thanks for sharing, if Bezitopo is open source software or free software
> (you did not say the license) - please consider listing it on the OSGeo
> website so others can find it :)

It's LGPL3 (was GPL until recently). Where should I put it?

li ze te'a ci vu'u ci bi'e te'a mu du
li ci su'i ze te'a mu bi'e vu'u ci

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Bezitopo 0.1.5 released

2019-12-25 Thread Pierre Abbat
Bezitopo consists of several programs:
* Bezitest is the test program.
* Bezitopo is a command-line program, which I use mainly to check closure and 
to convert pointlists from PENZD to PNEZD. Eventually it will be renamed 
bezitopo-cli and what is now ViewTIN will take over.
* Clotilde computes approximations to Euler spiralarcs.
* Convertgeoid converts geoid files from one format to another, resamples 
them, and makes excerpts of them.
* Pangeoid does nothing yet. It's going to be a GUI version of Convertgeoid.
* SiteCheck reads a TIN file and is supposed to let you walk around with a GPS 
system and check it for accuracy, but I have no interface to a system yet.
* Transmer computes coefficients for transverse Mercator projections.
* ViewTIN reads a list of points, breaklines, and criteria for including or 
excluding points, makes a TIN, and draws contours. Once it can also draw line 
segments and has the drawing object list and layers working, I'll rename it to 
Bezitopo. It's intended to be a CAD program for land surveying (as distinct 
from a general-purpose CAD program with surveying tacked on), but it isn't 
there yet.

You can download it from http://bezitopo.org/bezitopo-0.1.5.html . If you'd 
like to contribute, please see http://bezitopo.org/developers.html and join 
the mailing list. You don't have to be a coder. Some tasks you could do are:
* Draw the three foot icons (PerfectTIN needs them too)
* Translate strings
* Enter map projections (SPC and whatever is used in other countries)
* Find samples and specifications of geoid file formats
* Find information about the offsets of ellipsoids.

Por H o por B, los campos magnéticos se difieren dentro de un imán.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] TIN file formats

2019-12-12 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Thursday, 12 December 2019 09.45.46 EST Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> Hi Pierre,
> Apologies for the late response.
> The link was updated. If your TIN is small, you can use MDAL to read it. An
> example of such data (ESRI ADF TIN) can be found here:
> https://github.com/lutraconsulting/MDAL/blob/master/mdal/frmts/mdal_esri_tin
> .cpp
> With MDAL/QGIS, you can also display vectoral data (e.g. slope direction in
> http://files.carlsonsw.com/mirror/manuals/Carlson_2014/source/Site_Road_Desi
> gn/Surface/Triangulate_amp_Contour/08tri_contour9.PNG ).

How does MDAL represent TINs internally?

I have not heard any more about the Carlson TIN header. The other surveyor 
said he would contact the programmer at Carlson, but I don't know if he has.

li ze te'a ci vu'u ci bi'e te'a mu du
li ci su'i ze te'a mu bi'e vu'u ci

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] PerfectTIN 0.3.4 released

2019-12-10 Thread Pierre Abbat
PerfectTIN reads a LAS file (or several, if a point cloud is stored in more 
than one file) and converts it to a TIN, accurate to a specified tolerance, 
which it can write in any of several formats. I just released version 0.3.4, 
which optionally writes a triangle only if there is at least one dot of the 
point cloud in it.

The program builds and runs on Linux, DragonFly BSD, and Windows; I have not 
tested it on other BSDs or on architectures other than x86_64. It makes good 
use of multithreading, after an initial phase when there aren't enough 
triangles to have all threads working on different parts of the TIN (I have 
plans to improve that).

Things I'd like help with are
*Icons: the three foot icons are identical (also in Bezitopo). I have an idea 
how to distinguish them, but I'm no artist.
*Translations: if you'd like to contribute a language, let me know first. I do 
English and Spanish (I could also do French), but I learned surveying in 
English, so some Spanish terms may be wrong.

Clone the repo from https://github.com/phma/perfecttin .

The Black Garden on the Mountain is not on the Black Mountain.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] TIN file formats

2019-12-07 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Saturday, 7 December 2019 03.21.17 EST Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> Hi Pierre,
> Very interesting! We are trying to create a generic TIN reader/writer for
> open source applications:
> https://github.com/lutraconsulting/MDAL/
> MDAL already supports a number of TIN/mesh formats and it is integrated
> with QGIS.
> It would be good to join efforts.

How does MDAL represent TINs internally?

Where is the QGIS coding style? The link on that page goes to a 404 page.

I may try to find out what the Carlson TIN header means. I'm talking to 
another surveyor tomorrow, who has tried to get the spec, but since I last 
talked with him about it, I met some people (not programmers) from Carlson, 
generated a TIN from a point cloud as they watched, exported it as Carlson, 
and handed it to them on a flash drive.


li ze te'a ci vu'u ci bi'e te'a mu du
li ci su'i ze te'a mu bi'e vu'u ci

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] TIN file formats

2019-12-06 Thread Pierre Abbat
PerfectTIN can export a TIN in several formats: DXF (text or binary), Carlson 
TIN (reverse engineered, the spec is not public and I don't understand the 
header), LandXML, and a plain-text format which I found at https://
www.xmswiki.com/wiki/TIN_Files . This last one is used by a program called 
AquaVeo. Does any other program use it? What's it called? Are there any other 
formats that I should write code to read or write?

li fi'u vu'u fi'u fi'u du li pa

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Convert file to RINEX

2019-11-27 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Thursday, 24 October 2019 19.14.04 EST Pierre Abbat wrote:
> Is there free software to convert a raw GPS data file to RINEX so that I can
> send it to OPUS? The file is collected by a Champion receiver, the
> extension is .GNS (all caps), and the file begins "ZHD COLLECTED DATA FILE2
> ver 90.0".

I found out who makes the antenna and the file format (Hi-Target). I emailed 
them, asking for a program (preferably one that runs on Linux) to convert the 
file to RINEX, or a specification of the file format.

Over a week later, they sent me a link to a Debian package. It is the worst 
constructed Debian package I've ever seen! The executable and a whole slew of 
libraries are stuck in a bin directory, somewhere inside /application, which 
does not exist. Some of the libraries have no version number. Some come with 
the system. Synaptic refuses to list the installed files; I had to use the 
dpkg command. There's a symbolic link in /usr/local (not listed in the 
installed files) which told me where it's really installed. It's in some 
subdirectory of something-or-other called .../application/.

They hadn't even asked me what distro I'm running. It's Ubuntu, so I could 
install it. But when I tried to run it, it complained about a missing library.

I wrote back, pointing out some of the errors in the package, and asking for 
the source code so that I could compile it on my box. They wrote back and 
pointed me to the Windows version, saying that they could not give me source 
code "due to security agreement."

I'd like to get the specification of the file format so that I can write a 
converter, but I suspect it's proprietary. How should I approach them?

I have a feeling that they don't understand English well. They're Chinese, and 
when they sent me the link to the .deb, the website was in Chinese. I saw a 
button with "下" and another character, and figured it's the download button.

I believe in Yellow when I'm in Sweden and in Black when I'm in Wales.

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Convert file to RINEX

2019-10-24 Thread Pierre Abbat
Is there free software to convert a raw GPS data file to RINEX so that I can 
send it to OPUS? The file is collected by a Champion receiver, the extension 
is .GNS (all caps), and the file begins "ZHD COLLECTED DATA FILE2 ver 90.0".

loi mintu se ckaji danlu cu jmaji

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Introduction

2019-10-18 Thread Pierre Abbat
On Friday, 18 October 2019 14.11.26 EDT Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Hi Pierre,
> Welcome to the OSGeo community. It sounds like you have grit and
> tenacity if you have been sticking with a project for 11 years. They are
> valuable qualities in an open source developer.
> I'll give you some tough advice which you possibly were not looking for.
> (You'd really want to get some co-contributors, right?)
> Most Open Source projects fail.
> http://cameronshorter.blogspot.com/2018/11/comprehensive-research-into-open-> 
> source.html
> One of the key criteria for long term success is to attract community. I
> feel it is much better to start with a community and then build
> software, rather than start with software and then attract community.
> With open source software, it is best to use, extend, create (in that
> order).
> I'd suggest look at existing OSGeo projects. Do any do what you do? If
> so, then join that project and that community. If something is close,
> then join the community and offer to add your extra functionality into
> their codebase. (I know, it will be harder than doing it yourself, but
> the advantage is that you will get a community.)
> In looking for established projects, check out:
> https://live.osgeo.org/en/metrics.html (and pay more attention to the
> projects which have a strong community.)
> Good luck.

I'm thinking that PerfectTIN would be easier to attract contributors to. It's 
taken me less than a year to make something useful, and it does one main 
thing, convert point clouds to TINs. Source code is about 1/4 the size of 
Bezitopo. Once someone has understood PerfectTIN well enough to contribute, 
Bezitopo won't be too hard, as much of the code is the same.

I'll answer the other message (which was sent off-list) another day. The work 
week ends in ten minutes, I just got back from continuing education, and I 
need to sleep.

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Introduction

2019-10-16 Thread Pierre Abbat
I found OsGeo while looking for software to turn a ZHD or GNS file into a 
RINEX file that I could run on my Linux laptop.

I am a North Carolina land surveyor who have been working on a land surveying 
CAD program for over eleven years, starting when I was in surveying school. 
It's been on GitHub for years, but I'm still the only developer. I've also 
started some point cloud processing software, but it's not public yet.

What I'd like to find is:
*Other people interested in contributing. The programs are written in C++, but 
there are things to do that don't involve coding, such as writing help files, 
entering map projection data, drawing button icons, and translating.
*A source of funding. I have a lead of a possible job, but it may be a few 
weeks before I hear back. I'm not in danger of running out of money, but I 
would like to buy some computers to test software on more OSes and processors.
*Ideas on how to package and sell software. It's free software, but most 
surveyors I know run Windows, not Linux or BSD, and don't know how to install 
software from source. I've gotten it to run on Windows, but still haven't 
figured out how to package it. I'm thinking I could sell CDs with Windows 
binaries and source code.
*Other projects that I might could contribute to.

The CAD program is at http://bezitopo.org/ and in the Git repo at https://
github.com/phma/bezitopo .

Lanthanidia deliciosa: What the kiwifruit would be
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