[slim] Re: Static discharge has fried my SB2

2006-02-25 Thread gdg

I fixed the problem. The static must scrambled the lock on my digital
processor. By turning off my Tact 2.0s RCS I recovered my lock. 
Ps I live right next to the ocean and I'm having a brutal problem with


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[slim] Re: Slimserver will not find audio files within a subdirectory of a mapped drive

2006-02-25 Thread ronjon

Found another workaround.  Close Slimserver, remove or rename the
slimserversql.db file and reopen slimserver.  It'll do a full rescan
including the album art.


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[slim] Re: Linksys's new "Slim-killer"

2006-02-25 Thread odysseus

Hey, if you're happy with that concept, then you don't even need to pay
for an expensive wireless bridge thingy, you might as well just get a
USB sound card FM transmitter.  I've got one at the moment and it works
OK, just set up your mp3 player to direct to the usb sound device and
not your normal sound card and it broadcasts over FM to your stereo. 
Same effect but broadcasts to all your stereos at once, only FM quality
sound, but still has the same major drawback: you can only control it
from your PC, which is why I put my order in for an SB3 last week :-) 

Besides, running Linux I figure I can configure some way to pipe any
sound I want to streamcast or something and get Slimserver to pick that



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[slim] Re: Volume Normalization

2006-02-25 Thread ceejay

Have a look at http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.cgi?RGFoobar



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[slim] Re: Who are you on LastFM?

2006-02-25 Thread Browny

Philip Meyer Wrote: 
> http://www.last.fm/user/Hergest
> I'm not sure if there are any real benefits of having a generalised
> "slimscrobbler" group, as undoubtedly we are all going to have rather
> radically different music tastes.
> Phil

Just out of interest I've been listening to the slimscrobbler station -
It's a bit ecclectic, but actually rather good.  Seems we must all have
good taste in music as well as music players!


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[slim] Re: Volume Normalization

2006-02-25 Thread James

SlimServer can use the iTunes SoundCheck tags which you may already
have. See this link:


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[slim] Re: red glow when off

2006-02-25 Thread bphilp

To get rid of the glow attach your squeezebox to a powerbar or wall
switch and kill the power supplied to the unit when not in use.  You
might even consider attaching a timer so the unit get's no power feed
while you're sleeping for example.



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[slim] Re: SB3 Build Quality

2006-02-25 Thread MattH

Hi after a bit of a delay I now have a replacement which is build and
working fine :-)


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[slim] Nightly slimserversql.db rebuild

2006-02-25 Thread tloden

I'm having an issue scheduling a nightly rebuild of my slimserversql.db.
On W2K, I've got a Scheduled Task at 2:00 AM to run db_rescan.bat:

net stop slimserver
cd Cache
rename slimserversql.db slimserversql.db.old
cd ..
slim.exe --scanonly --logfile database_rebuild.log
net start slimserver

Dirt simple, but the problem is that my SB1 is powered off (or asleep)
after the rebuild runs. My question is :

1. Is there a better way to schedule a rebuild? (from the command line
without shutting down the slimserver service - otherwise, slim.exe
complains that the slimserversql.db is locked)

2. Can I wake up / power up remotely?  (saw threads on WOL, but most
all the discussions were about waking up a PC, not an SB).

FYI: I rarely use the remote.



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[slim] Playing album by track order

2006-02-25 Thread alvinlim

I have been trying to figure out how to configure my SB3 to play albums
by track order.  Right now, it will play the tracks sorted by title
(alphabetically).  I want it to play track 1 first, followed by track
2, 3, and so on.  How do I set that up?  i can't find it in the



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[slim] Re: Playing album by track order

2006-02-25 Thread radish

It's not an option, it's how it always works. If it's not doing it for
you, you must not have track number tags in your files. What file
format/tagger are you using


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Re: [slim] Handheld Interface - Disable Pop-ups

2006-02-25 Thread Michael Herger

I am trying to use the Handheld web interface on a pda, but the browser
does not support pop-up windows.

What PDA/browser are you using?

This happens occasionally (e.g.
playing an individual song from the browse albums screen).
Is there any changes I can make that would stop pop-ups?

AFAIK there are no such problems in 6.2.2. I can't reproduce this. Are you  
using 6.5? There has been a lot of skin rework in that development  
release. 6.5 is still experimental - if you're using it, please try the  
6.2.x nightly and report back if you still encounter the problem.



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[slim] Re: Volume Normalization

2006-02-25 Thread Mark Lanctot

aubuti Wrote: 
> I don't know how MP3 or other file formats handle it. 

'MP3Gain' (http://mp3gain.sourceforge.net/) can apply ReplayGain tags
to MP3s.

Other applications for other formats are listed 'here'
(http://wiki.hydrogenaudio.org/index.php?title=Replaygain).  Besides
FLAC and MP3, there are applications for MPC, Ogg Vorbis and WAV.

The FLAC encoder can apply track gain entirely on its own as it encodes
and the resulting data can be read by SlimServer.  Apparently LAME can
as well, but that data cannot be used by SlimServer or any other player

Mark Lanctot

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Re: [slim] Re: How can I speed up the web interface?

2006-02-25 Thread Michael Herger

Is this an option in the 6.2.1 server version? If so, I don't see it.

It's in the 6.2.2 nightly builds. And in Infrant's 6.2.1 - installed on  
their ReadyNAS.



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Re: [slim] Nightly slimserversql.db rebuild

2006-02-25 Thread Michael Herger

I'm having an issue scheduling a nightly rebuild of my slimserversql.db.
On W2K, I've got a Scheduled Task at 2:00 AM to run db_rescan.bat:

There's a plugin Rescan which does automatically rescan your library.  
Configurable from the slimserver web interface.



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Re: [slim] Handheld Interface - Disable Pop-ups

2006-02-25 Thread Michael Herger
AFAIK there are no such problems in 6.2.2. I can't reproduce this. Are  
you using 6.5?

I can't reproduce it with the 6.5 trunk neither. What browser are you  



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[slim] Re: Linksys's new "Slim-killer"

2006-02-25 Thread Mark Lanctot

snarlydwarf Wrote: 
> This device behaves exactly as a Long Cable From Your Sound Card would
> behave

Precisely.  I fail to see what's so new or revolutionary about it.

I stopped investing in soundcard-based sound long ago due to poor audio

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: Linksys's new "Slim-killer"

2006-02-25 Thread fairyliquidizer

kewe65 Wrote: 
> Linksys has a new product out called an "audio bridge"
> http://tinyurl.com/fv6pj
> This device has software that allows you to use *ANY* media playing
> software to stream over your existing wireless network to the stereo of
> choice.  By definition, I should be able to use JRiver Media Center to
> stream wirelessly over 54g to my stereo any file format that software
> plays, which includes Apple's .m4p...
> I've been engaging in several lengthy discussions on this forum over
> the streaming of any audio source to the SqueezeBox, such as:
> http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=20083&page=9
> and
> http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=18764&page=4
> This product and it's associated software claims to do exactly what i
> was hoping the SlimServer software could accomplish to warrant
> purchasing the hardware.
> I have one on order so haven't tried it out yet, but the reviews look
> promising.
> If there was one single thing on the "what's next" list for Slim, it
> ought to be this sort of capability.  The fact that this product was
> developed and put on the market should be evidence enough that there is
> *some* decent interest in getting any audio that is sent to your audio
> card also streamed wirelessly to the stereo.

The only thing I'm interested in here is how does JRiver Media Centre
handle the .m4p files?  I looked on their website and couldn't find an



"O wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!
It wad frae monie a blunder free us,
An' foolish notion."
-Robert Burns-

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[slim] Forum search question

2006-02-25 Thread Linzer

Last night I was trying to remember the name of an online music archive
I read about on this site.  I searched for "vault" and "fillmore" and
didn't get the results I was hoping for which is

Fortunately Google was able to help http://tinyurl.com/rlnl4 but why
couldn't the local search feature find the article?



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[slim] Please Help Me (Didnt know where to post)

2006-02-25 Thread tech838

I have installed slim server and so has a friend on our computers but
when he plays a song off my computer it plays on my computer and I
though it was Supposed to play on his is this right or have i done
something wrong if i have does anyone know how to fix it thank you


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[slim] how can squeezebox turn on a pc

2006-02-25 Thread russj

This has stumped me for a while now.  When i switch on my squeezebox and
press the power button, the pc operating the slimserver switches on.  It
doesnt come out of standby, it switches on from complete power off. 
Question is how?  How does a computer that is off receive a signal and
know what to do with it, I cant understand it as surely the squeexebox
would be sending a signal over wireless to my router to be directed to
an ip address that was not contactable because the computer was off. 
Here's the strange part.  It only does this if the computer has been
totally denied power - switched off at the mains.  If i shut down the
machine, pressing the power button no longer wakes the server.

I'm sure its some sort of technology bt i cannot see how it can work. 
I could understand if it was waking up a machine that was in standby,
but not one that wasnt even switched on.

I hope someone can shed some light on this strange behaviour.


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[slim] Re: Duplicate Artists

2006-02-25 Thread vhs

Yes, I am using Lazy Search plug in. Not sure why this would corrupt the
SlimServer browse artists list but I'm prepared to believe it. Now all I
have to do is wait for 6.5 to become official ...




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[slim] Re: Handheld Interface - Disable Pop-ups

2006-02-25 Thread radish

I thought the same thing, but using Firefox on 6.2.1 with Handheld, some
links do open in new windows (well, tabs, but same difference). An
example is if you do Browse Albums, then click an Artist name. 

Looks like the cause is a weird target="browser" attribute on some of
the links, should be fine if they're removed.


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[slim] Re: Volume Normalization

2006-02-25 Thread Mr_Smiley

I've read the wikipedia where it says it can use the iTunes volume
settings, but I can't seem to find the option in slim server.  If it's
a smart option and is always on then it's not working.  Also, in
reading the forums about replay gain it's been posted that there's an
option in slim server to turn it off or on.  I can't find this one


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[slim] Re: how can squeezebox turn on a pc

2006-02-25 Thread Mark Lanctot

It's funny - most people fuss for days trying to get WOL working and
here you have it working when you don't want it to.

You can disable WOL from your BIOS setup or from Settings - Control
Panel - System - Harware - Device Manager -  - right-click - Properties - Advanced

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: how can squeezebox turn on a pc

2006-02-25 Thread nelamvr6

You must have "Wake On Lan" enabled.


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[slim] Re: Please Help Me (Didnt know where to post)

2006-02-25 Thread Mark Lanctot

SlimServer acts as a music server.  It streams music to a client that
can play it back.  Sounds like you're using a software player like
WinAmp or foobar as a client.  If you call up a software player like
Winamp or foobar on your PC and point it to
or :9000/stream.mp3 it will play SlimServer's stream off
your own PC.

What you need to do is locate your friend's external IP and he needs to
locate yours.  You will find this listed in your router.  Note your ISP
may change it at any time.

You also need to tell your router to associate a request for a port at
the external IP address with the internal IP address of your SlimServer
PC.  This is port forwarding.

So you need to port-forward TCP port 3483, UDP port 3483 and TCP port
9000.  See http://www.slimdevices.com/su_faq.html#networking

You also need to allow these ports as well as SlimServer in/out and
server status in your firewall.

Then, to play his music, you enter this into your software player:


To access his SlimServer, enter this into your browser:


And he needs to substitute your external IP address for this to work on
his PC.

Note this is a security risk - you now have two ports open to the
Internet.  You can restrict which IP addresses can connect to
SlimServer using Server Settings - Security - Block Incoming
Connections.  Enter his address in here.

Mark Lanctot

Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
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Re: [slim] Re: Duplicate Artists

2006-02-25 Thread Jack Coates

> Yes, I am using Lazy Search plug in. Not sure why this would corrupt the
> SlimServer browse artists list but I'm prepared to believe it. Now all I
> have to do is wait for 6.5 to become official ...
> Thanks
> Viv

If you really want to know there was a lot of discussion on the developer
list. In the meantime, just rebuild your database and don't use Browse
Music Folder :)

Jack Coates At Monkeynoodle Dot Org: It's A Scientific Venture!
"I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin, so across the Western
ocean I must wander" - traditional

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[slim] Re: how can squeezebox turn on a pc

2006-02-25 Thread russj

Its a feature i want to keep, i was just interested in how it worked. 
Having looked at the network card config, wake on lan was actually
disabled, but it still seems to work.


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[slim] Re: Linksys's new "Slim-killer"

2006-02-25 Thread joek

Linksys music bridge will make its way to BestBuy, CC, CompUSA, etc...
where Linksys has a big marketing presence. That should help boost
their sales.

I had not prior knowledge of slimdevices and came across them when
researching the Roku box. Being able to buy Roku in BestBuy had some
appeal because of the fact I could return it easily if it didn't meet
expectations. Of course the SB 30 day guarantee fixed that.

There are consumers out there that don't do research prior to buying
and therefore may not know of the existence of the SB.

BTW, I own two SB3's and am generally happy with them. IMO, I think
they are a bit pricey and the overall solution could be more robust.


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[slim] How to configure Autodisplay

2006-02-25 Thread Bart

I have posted before, and made an enhancement request, to get the player
to dim it's display at night and brighten it again in the morning.  I
have a Squeeebox in the bedroom, with some film over the display so
that it is dim enough at night not to be distracting but still bright
enough to show the time.  However it is too dim to see in the morning,
so I have to press Brightness several times every morning.  I have
downloaded the Autodisplay plugin but I cannot see how to make it work
- I was hoping that if I got it to work then it would be possible to
get it to dim the display instead of turning it off.  I have put it in
the correct place and it appears under "Plugins" for that player, but
it never works.  When I put in a time to turn on or off the display
nothing happens.
Am I misunderstanding something?  What are these different states (on,
off, idle)?


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[slim] Re: Volume Normalization

2006-02-25 Thread radish

It's on Player Settings/Audio, right at the bottom. That's with the
current version of SS (6.2.1).


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[slim] Tags Problem - Duplicate Albums

2006-02-25 Thread mwoodroof

I am having a problem with tags - I have an album which SlimServer is
picking up twice - once correctly and then a second time with the same
name but only containing track 7.

Having checked these forums for possible solutions I have now checked
all the files in this album folder with "ID3-TagIT" and "Mp3tag"
software, and there is the tags on all the tracks look OK - the album
tag is identical on all of them, and all the track specific tags are in
the same format.

Naturally I have made SlimServer rescan my music folder after I have
corrected the tags.

Does anyone have any idea what the problem might be?

Is there anyway I can force SlimServer to "forget" the duplicate album
containing only one track - as I said, the other album is fine,
containing all the tracks, correct order etc.

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer!


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[slim] Recommended UK wireless ADSL routers?

2006-02-25 Thread goldnet

Was running SB2 with Linksys WAG54G ADSL wireless modem/router.  Worked
OK when connected but sometimes erratic getting that connection. Router
is in upstairs front bedroom (wired connection to server) and SB2
downstairs back living room. Only about 6 feet away horizontally and
one floor below but in a corner (brick walls/hi-fi/TV/speakers etc)
which I think made reception poor.

The Linksys went down on its cabled ports on Weds and I bought a
Netgear DG834PN - MIMO/108Mbs model - figuring MIMO would give the
additional signal strength over the range. Came with a Netgear WPN 511
card which works fine (and very fast) in the laptop.

However, the SB2 will not connect with the DG834PN. Tried everything
suggested in forums and more. _Have_ had the occasional connection with
all security modes turned off but whenever the connection is lost I
can't get it back and couldn't run an open network anyway.

Tech support has been assisting but don't actually have a DG834PN
available to test at the moment and we haven't yet found a solution.

Linksys is under warranty and going back for exchange for a current
WAG354G but will take a couple of weeks and can't manage with nothing
in that time. I could just put the SB away for now and try again with
the WAG354G (if it will connect!)

What are the best recommended UK ADSL modem wireless routers that have
proven rock solid with the SB2?  I might be able to pick one up cheap
on eBay or trade the new WAG354G when it turns up for something proven.


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[slim] Re: Synchronisation vs, Moose

2006-02-25 Thread Kevin Weller
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Kevin Weller wrote:
> no hiccoughs 
> and track information has always been correct when I've looked at it.

I should have known better than to tempt fate like that - the track 
details have been crap all day with track information more often wrong 
than correct AFAICS :-/

Yet again SlimScrobbler has been submitting the correct information, 
it's just the web interface and thus the Squeezeboxes displaying the 
wrong data.


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[slim] Re: Tags Problem - Duplicate Albums

2006-02-25 Thread Siduhe

mwoodroof Wrote: 
> I am having a problem with tags - I have an album which SlimServer is
> picking up twice - once correctly and then a second time with the same
> name but only containing track 7.
> Having checked these forums for possible solutions I have now checked
> all the files in this album folder with "ID3-TagIT" and "Mp3tag"
> software, and there is the tags on all the tracks look OK - the album
> tag is identical on all of them, and all the track specific tags are in
> the same format.
> Naturally I have made SlimServer rescan my music folder after I have
> corrected the tags.
> Does anyone have any idea what the problem might be?
> Is there anyway I can force SlimServer to "forget" the duplicate album
> containing only one track - as I said, the other album is fine,
> containing all the tracks, correct order etc.
> Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer!

I've had this problem a couple of times.  It sounds like a tag problem.
Even if the Album tag looks the same, it sometimes needs forcing for
Slimserver to see it as one.  Have you tried selecting all the songs in
the album in your tagger and forcing the same Album tag on all of them,
then doing a full clear library and rescan (not just a find new music
scan)? Let us know if that does the trick.


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[slim] Re: Volume Normalization

2006-02-25 Thread Mr_Smiley

Thanks.  Now that I think about it I did know about that setting.  My
test database didn't have a player connected so I couldn't peruse that
area.  However, I still can't find anything about using iTunes volume
adjustment like the wikipedia suggests.  I used foobar to add replay
gain on my test database.  I used the newest version and tested the tag
writing like it was suggested.  Things worked great so I set it up to
run on the whole database last night.  It screwed up over a third of my
tags.  Glad I didn't do it on my main database.


Mr_Smiley's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3213
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Re: [slim] Recommended UK wireless ADSL routers?

2006-02-25 Thread Philip Meyer
>What are the best recommended UK ADSL modem wireless routers that have
>proven rock solid with the SB2?  I might be able to pick one up cheap
>on eBay or trade the new WAG354G when it turns up for something proven.
I have a LinkSys WAG54GX2 - Wireless-G ADSL Gateway with SRX200.

This has proved to be very stable with my SB1G and SB2.  I leave it on all the 
time, never really had any trouble.  I download live music torrents via Azureus 
from Dime (formally EasyTree), so it's handling a lot of TCP connections.

I've been really happy with it.  However, I recently purchased a SB3 and have 
been having wireless problems.  I strongly suspect it is a faulty SB3 and am 
trying to get a replacement.  I can't believe it would be the wireless router, 
but you never know.

I have a Belkin ADSL Wireless router that I am just about to put onto eBay.  
It's a f5d7633uk4.  Again, I had a very stable wireless connection with the 
SB2.  However, the Belkin had a tendancy to reboot occasionally with lots of 
demanding TCP traffic, and the error log system wasn't very good (to avoid 
problems with the log filling up, the firmware deletes all log entries older 
than a few minutes).  It seems pretty reliable, compared to other ADSL wireless 
routers though.

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[slim] Re: Tags Problem - Duplicate Albums

2006-02-25 Thread mwoodroof

Thanks very much for the quick help!!

Read your suggestion and thought I would just try the "library clear
and rescan" option first - didn't know you could do this - and it has
done the trick without forcing the album names all the same!

Bit strange - surely the normal "new and changed" scan should have
picked up on these changed tags - in fact it usually does on other tag
changes I have made.

Oh well, thanks again for the advice, all is right in the SlimServer
world again!


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[slim] Re: Tags Problem - Duplicate Albums

2006-02-25 Thread Siduhe

Glad to hear it - I know what you mean about "new and changed" - in my
experience it only finds "new" music.  You usually need to do a full
rescan for "changed" music.


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[slim] Re: Wireless bridge / Firmware crash

2006-02-25 Thread GregD

seanadams Wrote: 
> This possibly sounds like it's getting excessive packets queued up
> somewhere and running out of memory, but that's just a guess. Can you
> get it to hang by using the bridge mode when it's NOT playing music?

Sean, sorry about the slow reply - but I've just got the time to
experiment with this. I can't get it to crash without the music playing
(all the music is Apple Lossless) and a long playlist.

So I suspect your analysis is right. It's not all that easy to
reproduce on demand - so I suspect it's a combination of a lot of
wireless bridging, at the same time as a playlist refresh etc.


GregD's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=248
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[slim] Re: Volume Normalization

2006-02-25 Thread Brian Ritchie

Mark Lanctot Wrote: 
> 'MP3Gain' (http://mp3gain.sourceforge.net/) can apply ReplayGain tags to
> MP3s.
> Other applications for other formats are listed 'here'
> (http://wiki.hydrogenaudio.org/index.php?title=Replaygain).  Besides
> FLAC and MP3, there are applications for MPC, Ogg Vorbis and WAV.
> The FLAC encoder can apply track gain entirely on its own as it encodes
> and the resulting data can be read by SlimServer.  Apparently LAME can
> as well, but that data cannot be used by SlimServer or any other player
> currently.

I use foobar's option to calculate replay gain.  This appears to add
replaygain tags (both for track and album gain) to WMA files (though I
can only see them using DBPowerAmp); but SlimServer seems to ignore
them (or, since it doesn't show them in Track Info views, it just
doesn't see them).


Brian Ritchie

Brian Ritchie's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2319
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[slim] Re: Recommended UK wireless ADSL routers?

2006-02-25 Thread CardinalFang

goldnet Wrote: 
> The Linksys went down on its cabled ports on Weds and I bought a Netgear
> DG834PN - MIMO/108Mbs model.

I have the Netgear DG834G - the 802.11g version of your router. It
works a treat, no problems with wireless connections ever. It may be
that your model is trying the faster rates with the SB and failing and
both devices are getting confused.



You're only young once, but you can be immature forever...

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[slim] Re: Nightly slimserversql.db rebuild

2006-02-25 Thread tloden

The rescan plugin on the server settings page?

I was hoping for something that I could run nightly (with out having to
either remember or click).


tloden's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4067
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[slim] Re: Nightly slimserversql.db rebuild

2006-02-25 Thread Siduhe

There's a plugin built into Slimserver which does just what you're
looking for.  

On the Player menu go to Plugins, Rescan Music Library, set Rescan
time, then down to switch the plugin on.


Siduhe's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=723
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[slim] Re: Recommended UK wireless ADSL routers?

2006-02-25 Thread repman

goldnet Wrote: 
> Was running SB2 with Linksys WAG54G ADSL wireless modem/router.  Worked
> OK when connected but sometimes erratic getting that connection. Router
> is in upstairs front bedroom (wired connection to server) and SB2
> downstairs back living room. Only about 6 feet away horizontally and
> one floor below but in a corner (brick walls/hi-fi/TV/speakers etc)
> which I think made reception poor.
> The Linksys went down on its cabled ports on Weds and I bought a
> Netgear DG834PN - MIMO/108Mbs model - figuring MIMO would give the
> additional signal strength over the range. Came with a Netgear WPN 511
> card which works fine (and very fast) in the laptop.
> However, the SB2 will not connect with the DG834PN. Tried everything
> suggested in forums and more. _Have_ had the occasional connection with
> all security modes turned off but whenever the connection is lost I
> can't get it back and couldn't run an open network anyway.
> Tech support has been assisting but don't actually have a DG834PN
> available to test at the moment and we haven't yet found a solution.
> Linksys is under warranty and going back for exchange for a current
> WAG354G but will take a couple of weeks and can't manage with nothing
> in that time. I could just put the SB away for now and try again with
> the WAG354G (if it will connect!)
> What are the best recommended UK ADSL modem wireless routers that have
> proven rock solid with the SB2?  I might be able to pick one up cheap
> on eBay or trade the new WAG354G when it turns up for something proven.


You may want to consider alternatives to wireless - the Homeplug type
of ethernet adaptors utilise your existing power cabling and appear to
be relatively easy to set up ( I have not seen or tried myself

Link to purchase - http://www.dabs.com/ProductList.aspx?fb=165


repman's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3888
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[slim] Re: Recommended UK wireless ADSL routers?

2006-02-25 Thread funkstar

I'll second the DG834G, never had a problem wiht it. I've replaced the
standard antena with a large high gain one, but in my flat it doesn't
actually make a difference (the signal was pretty good anyway) but i
got it for other reasons :)


funkstar's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2335
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[slim] What strategy for FLAC files w/ cuesheets?

2006-02-25 Thread rkeeney

I've read most of the threads related to problems with SS and embedded
and/or external cuesheets until my head's about to explode.  Some date
back to almost 2 years ago so I can't easily figure out what the curent
state of affairs is.  Here are my problems:

For some of my CDs (especially some classical CDs) I much prefer to
have a single FLAC file vs individual track files.  However, SS seems
to not know how to deal with them or I haven't set them up correctly.

-FLACFrontend will embed a cuesheet but it's nothing more than
seekpoints, no additional information about artist, genre or title.

-MP3Tag will insert a 'CUESHEET' comment and SS may parse it correctly
and sometimes may not.

-If I use an external cuesheet, SS will scan the tracks into the
database but then I get a 'Cannot open file for:' error from SS.

-I've seen posts suggesting seperate comment lines for each track but I
don't see how to insert except possibly a FLAC CLI (I do, actually, have
a day job).

Here are my questions:

-Should I use the 6.2.2 version of SS (currently using 6.2.1 on WinXP)
and will that fix my problems?

-What foolproof cuesheet method can I use that SS can scan to the DB
correctly as well as playback w/o complaint?

Ripping software I usually use includes EAC along w/ flacattack and

Any suggestions would be appreciated before I attempt to re-rip my
classical music collection.



rkeeney's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=351
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Re: [slim] Re: Volume Normalization

2006-02-25 Thread Howard Darwen

out of interest, how did it screw up your tags? (i.e. what happened to them)

- Original Message - 
From: "Mr_Smiley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2006 6:54 PM
Subject: [slim] Re: Volume Normalization

Thanks.  Now that I think about it I did know about that setting.  My
test database didn't have a player connected so I couldn't peruse that
area.  However, I still can't find anything about using iTunes volume
adjustment like the wikipedia suggests.  I used foobar to add replay
gain on my test database.  I used the newest version and tested the tag
writing like it was suggested.  Things worked great so I set it up to
run on the whole database last night.  It screwed up over a third of my
tags.  Glad I didn't do it on my main database.


Mr_Smiley's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3213
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[slim] Re: Recommended UK wireless ADSL routers?

2006-02-25 Thread goldnet

Thanks all for your suggestions so far - pleasew keep 'em coming!

I went for the ADSL2 modem rather than a straight replacement for the
Linksys as 8-24Meg broadband is on its way to my exchange so I didn't
want to lay out nearly £100 for obsolete technology - also the Netgear
came with the free high speed card for the laptop (so mains-powered
ethernet would be an expensive addition just for the SB2).

Anyone used a Belkin pre-N, Buffalo or USR Robotics MIMO (all rated in
PC Plus)?


goldnet's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4191
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[slim] Re: Handheld Interface - Disable Pop-ups

2006-02-25 Thread pkcrawford

I am using Web Browser v2.0.1.1 on a Palm Tungsten C PDA running PalmOS


pkcrawford's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4074
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[slim] Radio Stopped

2006-02-25 Thread MarkusW

Just having purchased a Squeeze Box, I'm very excited to get going. 
Playlists work fine with music that's save onto the HD.  But if I
attempt to listen to internet radio, it simply says "Stopped".  It
won't connect.  But it connects fine through iTunes.  Running

Anyone else encounter this?


MarkusW's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4201
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[slim] Can not find technical documentation

2006-02-25 Thread Mysingen


I'd like to have a look at the specs for the protocols used to control
and stream to the SqueezeBox, and according to the Community/Resources
web page, this documentation should be included with the SlimServer
download under "Technical Information". Alas I can't find anything like

Where is the stuff?



Mysingen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4202
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Re: [slim] Can not find technical documentation

2006-02-25 Thread Mark Lanctot
http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.cgi?DeveloperGuide :



--- Mysingen

> Hello
> I'd like to have a look at the specs for the
> protocols used to control
> and stream to the SqueezeBox, and according to the
> Community/Resources
> web page, this documentation should be included with
> the SlimServer
> download under "Technical Information". Alas I can't
> find anything like
> it.
> Where is the stuff?
> /M
> -- 
> Mysingen

> Mysingen's Profile:
> http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4202
> View this thread:
> http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=21504
> ___
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> Discuss@lists.slimdevices.com
> http://lists.slimdevices.com/lists/listinfo/discuss

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[slim] Re: Is there any way to generate a text file list of albums, etc?

2006-02-25 Thread utowana

hal9000 Wrote: 
> I generated a great report using Media Monkey...
> http://www.mediamonkey.com/
> I exported to Excel, deleted the track name and number, and then used
> an Excel function...  Data/Filter/Advanced Filter/Unique Records Only 
> ...
> The result: I got a great list of my FLAC catalog with
> Artist/Album/Genre
> My wife is very intimidated by my music collection (2.1K cd's) and this
> nice clean report has been a great help to her.
> enjoy!
> -hal

I do much the same thing as Hal, only I manipulate the output from
Media Monkey using pivot tables.  This way, I can create output reports
along any of the dimensions (genre, track, etc) just by changing the
page fields.


Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny

utowana's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4204
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[slim] Continuing a Playlist

2006-02-25 Thread Martyboy42

I must be doing something wrong, but when I return to a playlist after
listening to radio or having the player off, it starts at the beginning
again.  How do I get it to resume where I left off?  I have it on
shuffle, but I keep hearing the first ten songs!   Thanks.


Martyboy42's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4206
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[slim] Re: Handheld Interface - Disable Pop-ups

2006-02-25 Thread pkcrawford

The web pages are created dynamically, so what code would I remove the
"target=" attribute from?


pkcrawford's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4074
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[slim] Re: Can not find technical documentation

2006-02-25 Thread erland

The technical information included with the slimserver is found in the
Help menu in the slimserver web interface.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' (http://erland.homeip.net) 'My download page'

erland's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3124
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[slim] Re: Handheld Interface - Disable Pop-ups

2006-02-25 Thread kdf

what radish probably means is that those of us who can fix, had better
get off our lazy butts and fix them.

if you can point out which urls are the problem, they'll get fixed.


kdf's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7
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[slim] Re: What strategy for FLAC files w/ cuesheets?

2006-02-25 Thread JayNYC

see this thread for ripping/encoding
this method works best for me for all my music.

for playback, it also depends if you want to use Browse Music Folders
or browse by Artist, etc.. There are some problems with Browse Music
Folders with the newer versions of SlimServer.


JayNYC's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=121
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[slim] Re: Small Softsqueeze wish: keyboard control buttons

2006-02-25 Thread mbgower

At least for the logitech keyboards, there may be an ability to do this
thorugh itouch, the software that is downloadable from their website. I
just noticed that they posted an updated player.ini file, which at least
appears to offer the possibility of a squeezesoft tie-in.


mbgower's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4210
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[slim] Re: Recommended UK wireless ADSL routers?

2006-02-25 Thread mattybain

goldnet Wrote: 
> Anyone used a Belkin pre-N, Buffalo or USR Robotics MIMO (all rated in
> PC Plus)?

Just bought a Belkin pre-N, very pleased with it. Great coverage (has
filled all the deadspots in my house) and works very well with  my
Squeezebox and Slimserver.

Not too cheap though especially if you decide to buy the pre-N wireless
card for your laptop.


"After intensive investigation (comma) of the markings on the alien pod
(comma) it has become clear (comma) to me (comma) that we are dealing
(comma) with a species of awesome intellect (colon)."
"Good. Perhaps they might be able to give you a hand with your

- Rimmer and Holly

mattybain's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=44
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Re: [slim] Re: Handheld Interface - Disable Pop-ups

2006-02-25 Thread Michael Herger

I am using Web Browser v2.0.1.1 on a Palm Tungsten C PDA running PalmOS

Thanks for the feedback. It wasn't browser related. I just checked in a  
fix for the 6.2.2 branch. Please give the 02-26 nightly a try (will be  
available in a few hours).



Help translate SlimServer by using the
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