Re: [slim] SlimServer on Linux and iTunes problems

2007-06-07 Thread Michael Herger
> Is it required to bounce slimserver after enabling the iTunes
> integration maybe? I have not restarted in in over a month.

You can always try it. OTOH you wrote

> I have given open permissions on the 'iTunes' directory,

You not only need setting it on that folder, but on the parent folders as  
well, starting with /home/username. Otherwise SlimServer can't even reach  
the folder it'd be allowed to acces.


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Re: [slim] Run SlimServer Under Program Control?

2007-06-07 Thread Michael Herger
> I can't get it to set a path.  I can't get it to insert to a playlist.

That's because you're running commands which are to _query_ these values:  
"The "genre", "artist", "album", "title" "duration", "remote",  
"current_title" and "path" commands allow for querying information about  
the song currently playing."

Only a few lines further down the docs there's an example how to play a  
song using the path:
"04:20:00:12:23:45 playlist play /music/abba/01_Voulez_Vous.mp3"

Applications using the CLI include SlimRemote, Moose and Jive.

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Re: [slim] TrackStat - Automatic Rating of non rated Tracks

2007-06-07 Thread RaK

Found it alone. line 3486

Search for "Setting default rating"


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[slim] TrackStat - Automatic Rating of non rated Tracks

2007-06-07 Thread RaK


I like the feature very much, but I would like to rate non rated tracks
with 2 instead of 3. This is not a number which could be configured
within the features of that plugin.

Could someone point me to the right file/line in the source code to
change that in the sources?

For the Plugin author: A big thanks to that great plugin! Perhaps this
could be taken as a feature request to enable this number to be edit in
the plugin preferences.



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Re: [slim] dead remote - options?

2007-06-07 Thread JimC

maddog 2;207328 Wrote: 
> my remote has decided to stay locked on "volume up" setting.
> I've had it apart and it's not the button itself but something
> electronic gone belly up
> I've emailed SD but they want me to buy a new one and the cost plus
> postage to the UK is $45.
> Any other options? 
> Do SD not have a UK distributor (which seems very odd to me if they
> don't)
> Can I use any other remote?

You may contact Logitech's UK support at +44-(0)207-3090126.  Kevin,
our Tech Support Manager, has done training for the EMEA support team
and they are providing first-line support in the region now.  They
should be able to help with a replacement remote.  If you have a
problem with them, let me know and I will follow-up with our team in

For a different remote, the Harmony remotes (from Logitech) has the
Squeezebox and Transporter codes in its database.


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Re: [slim] Run SlimServer Under Program Control?

2007-06-07 Thread tggreen

Are there any completely worked examples where this actually does
something?  After logging in through telnet, I went through an hour of
commend sequences like the following:

players 0 2
players 0 2 count%3A1 playerindex%3A0
playerid%3A4f%3Aa8%3Ad9%3Aab%3A91%3A83 ip%3A127.0.0.1%3A51415
name%3A127.0.0.1 model%3Asoftsqueeze displaytype%3Agraphic-320x32
4f%3Aa8%3Ad9%3Aab%3A91%3A83 signalstrength ?
4f%3Aa8%3Ad9%3Aab%3A91%3A83 signalstrength 0
4f%3Aa8%3Ad9%3Aab%3A91%3A83 title ?
4f%3Aa8%3Ad9%3Aab%3A91%3A83 title DavidGray-TheOneILove
4f%3Aa8%3Ad9%3Aab%3A91%3A83 path ?
4f%3Aa8%3Ad9%3Aab%3A91%3A83 path
4f%3Aa8%3Ad9%3Aab%3A91%3A83 path /Users/thorngreen/Documents
4f%3Aa8%3Ad9%3Aab%3A91%3A83 path
4f%3Aa8%3Ad9%3Aab%3A91%3A83 path ?
4f%3Aa8%3Ad9%3Aab%3A91%3A83 path
4f%3Aa8%3Ad9%3Aab%3A91%3A83 path
4f%3Aa8%3Ad9%3Aab%3A91%3A83 path
4f%3Aa8%3Ad9%3Aab%3A91%3A83 path ?
4f%3Aa8%3Ad9%3Aab%3A91%3A83 path

I can't get it to set a path.  I can't get it to insert to a playlist. 
I can't get it to add to a playlist.  There are absolutely no error
messages whatsoever.  Instead, it just sits there and tells me that it
didn't change anything about the playlist.  Any help?


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Re: [slim] Does slimserver need to be some complicated?

2007-06-07 Thread erland

DrNic;207500 Wrote: 
> I guess that since Logitech have bought the company this sort of make it
> all simple for joe (below?) average is going to be the voice of the
> masses on these forums soon. Shame.
> I am all for creating the "Basic" and "Advanced" setup pages, then
> those people who can barely open a word document without needing help
> will be happy that their Squeezebox/Slimserver combo works with little
> fuss.I don't think the advanced setup option will be the major problem for
this kind of people. Those that barely can open a word document will
have a lot bigger problem to actually rip and tag their music

For the average Joe I think this is the most important step to improve.
As an example look at iTunes, you just insert the CD and you will get a
question and it will automatically rip the CD, download correct tag
information from Internet and tag it correctly. After this the new
music is placed in the correct place on your disk and is already in
your library and ready to use together with iTunes.

To do the same with SlimServer you will have to:
1. Download an external tagging application, none is recommended so you
will have to find and choose one for your self
2. You will have to choose which file format to choose, again none is
officially recommended so you will have to choose among those supported
by SlimServer
3. You will have to learn the settings of your external tagging
application to make sure the tagging and ripping is done correctly. As
an example if you like to use EAC and FLAC, which is one of the
combinations recommended on the forum, it isn't setup automatically.
You will have to find a tutorial how to setup EAC and FLAC, none is
officially recommended.
4. After ripping you will have to make sure your music is stored in a
place where SlimServer will find it. In iTunes this is done
5. You will have to realize that you must actually perform a rescan to
get SlimServer to know the new music.

After you have successfully gone through all this it is time to start
worrying about the basic/advanced settings in SlimServer. This is the
time where you will realize that you have tagged your music incorrectly
to make it work with the basic settings in SlimServer, so you will have
to learn the advanced settings to make it work correctly.

Now, I'm not saying that SlimServer should be a tagging software. I'm
just saying that average Joe will probably have problem with this
tagging and ripping part of the process, especially since there is very
little information and recommendations related to this in a place where
it can easily be found by average Joe. The information exist for sure,
both in the forum and on the wiki, but it isn't that easy to find in
case you don't know where to look. Another problem is that there is
just to many options in this tagging/ripping part of the process. I
personally have no problem with this since I have learned how to do it
and have my own process I go through after buying new music, but new
users probably doesn't have this.

I also think one of the major reasons for the problems we are seeing on
the forums, is this non existing tagging/ripping process. The problem is
that people tag and rip their music differently and SlimServer needs to
support and handle all the different variations of ripping and tagging.
I'm not saying that this is bad, because it means that SlimServer is
very flexible, but it costs a lot of money for Logitech that could be
used for more useful stuff.

A suggestion is that Logitech starts to look for some specific
tagging/ripping software which could be bundled together with
SlimServer. This way the instructions could be a lot more detailed and
you could say "Do like this" instead of saying "You can do it this way
or you can do it that way or...". Other applications than the bundled
can still be supported, but average Joe will probably choose to use the
bundled application and this should get rid of many problems.

Now when I have said all this, I also like to say that the
SlimServer/SqueezeBox combination has been the biggest improvement of
my personal music listening since the time I went from LP to CD player.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and RandomPlayList plugins'

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Re: [slim] Transporter not playing...

2007-06-07 Thread ccjj

Thanks to all.  I got it working finally.  It was a Transporter upgrade

I had another PC with an older version of Slimserver that I tried to
connect with the The Transporter, it "upgrade" back to an older version
firmware and it worked.  I then switched back to my music server with
Slimserver 6.5.2 and the Transporter upgraded itself again.  It is
working fine now.

Didn't try the brightness button.


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Re: [slim] SlimServer on Linux and iTunes problems

2007-06-07 Thread jst1

Michael Herger;207482 Wrote: 
> > '/home/username/My Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml' doesn't
> seem
> > to be a valid file. Try again.'
> What if you prepend the space with a backslash?
> Michael

I tried variants of the following without success:
/home/username/My\ Music/iTunes/iTunes\ Music\ Library.xml

Is it required to bounce slimserver after enabling the iTunes
integration maybe? I have not restarted in in over a month.


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Re: [slim] Last, Best Hope for getting SlimServer to work??

2007-06-07 Thread mswlogo

Awesome at least you got it up.


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Re: [slim] Last, Best Hope for getting SlimServer to work??

2007-06-07 Thread Pat Farrell
Shep wrote:
> Thanks to all for your patience and assistance. I appreciate your
> willingness to help a mostly incompetent computer person get SS back on
> track again. Best regards to all.

Great to hear you are hearing music again.

Ready to install Linux?


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Re: [slim] Last, Best Hope for getting SlimServer to work??

2007-06-07 Thread Shep

In the end it took a Windows reinstall to get SlimServer working again.
So, 2 months and 14 hours later I've got music again!!

Thanks to all for your patience and assistance. I appreciate your
willingness to help a mostly incompetent computer person get SS back on
track again. Best regards to all.


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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread peejay

peterw;207507 Wrote: 
> That's a firmware feature, and the Logitech logo is already included in
> the firmware that ships with Slimserver 6.5.2.

I haven't re-booted the SB3 since the upgrade to Slimserver, or maybe
it re-started itself and I wasn't watching. Sigh.


After Silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible
is music - Aldous Huxley.

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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread tyler_durden

seanadams;207492 Wrote: 
> Furry says it works OK with his old adaptor so I don't think that's the
> case. Anyway the SB3s connector has not changed, in fact the boards are
> still being made by the same company.

It wouldn't be the first time a manufacturer started buying parts (the
pins) from a different source or "updated" tooling only to discover the
new parts don't match the old...



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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread peterw

peejay;207506 Wrote: 
> Is it likely that ongoing upgrades to firmware will change the original
> splash-screen from Slimdevices to Logitech, or is that routine in
> hardware?

That's a firmware feature, and the Logitech logo is already included in
the firmware that ships with Slimserver 6.5.2.

free plugins:
BlankSaver BottleRocket FuzzyTime SaverSwitcher SleepFade StatusFirst

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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread peejay

DrNic;207501 Wrote: 
> I'm gutted that my Black SB3 will have this logo on - this is the first
> picture I have seen of its new branding.
> Snobbery - maybe, but it just looks shite (plus all my others are
> originals!)
> I would even have been happy with "Slim Devices" with "A Logitech
> Company" underneath like the logo on the homepage.
> One thing though - there better not be any power supply issues... :)
> Nic
> PS: when is the website going to reflect the while brand change?

Is it likely that ongoing upgrades to firmware will change the original
splash-screen from Slimdevices to Logitech, or is that routine in


After Silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible
is music - Aldous Huxley.

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Re: [slim] Does slimserver need to be some complicated?

2007-06-07 Thread seanadams

Nic - you seem to be suggesting that the only way to make the product
easier to use is to compromise its advanced capabilities. I disagree.


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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread DrNic

Ian_F;207460 Wrote: 
> Looks like the sun and the moon? Albeit drawn by a young child ;)

I'm gutted that my Black SB3 will have this logo on - this is the first
picture I have seen of its new branding.
Snobbery - maybe, but it just looks shite (plus all my others are
I would even have been happy with "Slim Devices" with "A Logitech
Company" underneath like the logo on the homepage.
One thing though - there better not be any power supply issues... :)


PS: when is the website going to reflect the while brand change?


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Re: [slim] Does slimserver need to be some complicated?

2007-06-07 Thread DrNic

I guess that since Logitech have bought the company this sort of make it
all simple for joe (below?) average is going to be the voice of the
masses on these forums soon. Shame.
I am all for creating the "Basic" and "Advanced" setup pages, then
those people who can barely open a word document without needing help
will be happy that their Squeezebox/Slimserver combo works with little
Having been a (relatively) long time user, it is interesting to see the
switch to this way of thinking. I bought the SB for the exact reason
that it wasn't closed source, had regular updates, and was run by
enthusiasts. Remember the Netgear MP-101 - they had a server release
cycle of about 1 year! (and it still didn't work properly)
As for problems setting up and running SB/Slimserver - ever since SS
5.2 it has installed and run without hitch (some of my old problems
were purely related to poor tagging). But I guess you were expecting
someone with my standpoint to say that!
My request - please don't dumb down this excellent product for the mass
market; they can buy logitechs Wireless DJ system.
However, money always betters quality and I fear we may be seeing the
start of the over commercialisation of my favourite music streaming

No flames intended.



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Re: [slim] Integrating cover art from Amarok

2007-06-07 Thread verbatone

Man, I can't get this stupid system to work!!!  Ok, so updated all my
covers, getting files from Google images and such so that I basically
had all the correct covers that I could have.

Around the same time, I went through and updated some (a lot) of my
tags cause I didn't like how they were displayed in SS.

The consequence is that now the md5 that Amarok used for its cover
image file name no longer match the md5 generated using the new tags
(in copycover).  copycover and copycoverpl match the image to the
directory through md5 generation.

So is there a way to force an update of Amaroks cover image md5
filenames?  As well, is there any systematic way to rename he md5
filenames to the new tag's md5 generation.  Or am I stuck and I have to
do a manual dump of the database and start again?

Seem silly that upon updating music tags, there's no connection between
the md5 and tags anymore.  Where does Amarok store the "connection"
between the music and the cover image?  In collection.db?  And if so,
is there a way I can use that to rebuild the connection between md5 and
the tags?  Thanks!


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Re: [slim] Does slimserver need to be some complicated?

2007-06-07 Thread kbindera

exile;207245 Wrote: 
> I would love to recommend the slimbox/server to my friends who are
> looking for a digital music solution but unfortunately I can only
> recommend this spectacular product to my friends that are either
> computer professionals or friends that are very computer savvy.

Man, you read my mind!  When people come over and see the Slimserver on
top of my entertainment system they are so intrigued and they all want
one.  I discourage them as I know I will need to support them as they
fumble about.

Anyway, the core issue raised of too many options is a good problem to
have.  It means you have a lot of users giving you good feeback and
that you are listenting and implementing needed features.  However,
when the feature bloat gets too big, you need to step back and
streamline.  Especially, if you want to tackle the market of
non-techies who just want to plug stuff in and have it just work
without messing about with a bunch of config settings.


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Re: [slim] Slimserver causes load on Internet traffic...

2007-06-07 Thread oreillymj

I set up internet access to test out streaming to work, but my DSL
uplink wasn't fact enough.

So it's been disabled.

Also I rarely/never leave the Slim web ui open in a browser on the
server and it wasn't open today.


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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread seanadams

tyler_durden;207487 Wrote: 
> While you're measuring connectors, someone better measure the center pin
> in the SB.  The problem might be with the connector in the unit, not the
> one on the end of the power cable.
> TD

Furry says it works OK with his old adaptor so I don't think that's the
case. Anyway the SB3s connector has not changed, in fact the boards are
still being made by the same company.

Incidentally, the reason for the change in power supplies is because
the Phihong ones are already used by Logitech in other products, they
have lower EMI, have interchangeable plugs, and have regulatory
approvals for all the myriad of countries where Logitech sells.


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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread bonze

Mitch Harding;207483 Wrote: 
> Has anyone done a double-blind test to determine the sonic impacts of
> the new logo?
Apparently it makes all your music sound like Dido


QNAP TS-101 (version 2.0.1 build 0302T)
SlimServer Version: 6.5.1 - 11206 - Debian - EN - utf8
2 x wireless SB3
Player Firmware Version: 81

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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread tyler_durden

While you're measuring connectors, someone better measure the center pin
in the SB.  The problem might be with the connector in the unit, not the
one on the end of the power cable.



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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread Mitch Harding

Has anyone done a double-blind test to determine the sonic impacts of the
new logo?

On 6/7/07, gdpeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Peter;207425 Wrote:
> nicketynick wrote:[color=blue]
> > 
> Well, I'm glad I got mine with the original SD logo.
> It doesn't look very exclusive anymore, does it...?




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Re: [slim] SlimServer on Linux and iTunes problems

2007-06-07 Thread Michael Herger
> '/home/username/My Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml' doesn't seem
> to be a valid file. Try again.'

What if you prepend the space with a backslash?

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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread Ben Sandee

On 6/7/07, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well, I'm glad I got mine with the original SD logo.
It doesn't look very exclusive anymore, does it...?

It's never been exclusive, sorry to burst your bubble.  Anyone with a couple
hundred dollars can buy one.

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[slim] SlimServer on Linux and iTunes problems

2007-06-07 Thread jst1

SlimServer running on Linux box which is also a SAMBA file server.
iTunes runs on a Windows PC with the My Documents residing on the SAMBA
file server:

My Documents is actually '//sambaservername/username'

Locally on the Linux box is is '/home/username'

The iTunes directory is '/home/username/My Music/iTunes'

I have given open permissions on the 'iTunes' directory, and I have
tried configuring SlimServer for 
Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml', but I get 'Oops -
'/home/username/My Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml' doesn't seem
to be a valid file. Try again.'

Is there a simple solution?


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[slim] Album partially duplicated after scanning

2007-06-07 Thread cliveb

This is a weird one. One of the albums in my collection has 6 tracks.
The Slimserver scanner correctly catalogues this album. However, it
*also* catalogues a duplicate album, under the same artist, containing
only track 6 (ie. the last track - which may or may not be significant,
I guess). It's not that track 6 is being put into a separate album: it's
also in the proper place. I've done a wipe & rescan, but exactly the
same thing happened. Funny thing is, I recall this happening a while
back to exactly the same album, and a wipe/rescan fixed it that time.

I can't see anything strange about the tags on this file. And even if
this was a tagging issue, surely it would just cause the track to be
split off into a separate album, not be duplicated?

Has anyone seen anything like this before? Failing that, is there a way
to delete that duplicated album from the database via the web

I'm running Slimserver 6.5.1 - 10915, running on Windows 2000 Pro SP4.


Transporter -> ATC SCM100A

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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread gdpeck

Peter;207425 Wrote: 
> nicketynick wrote:[color=blue]
> > 
> Well, I'm glad I got mine with the original SD logo.
> It doesn't look very exclusive anymore, does it...?




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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread seanadams

Furry;207462 Wrote: 
> Did you measure the inner diameter of the centre hole? I suspect that
> even a small difference could cause this problem.

The nominal inside diameter is 2.5mm. I didn't have any proper way to
measure it so I used a 3/32 drill bit (2.38125 mm) to "feel" for a
difference between the two connectors. It was hard to tell any
difference but it felt like there might actually be more play with the
Unifive one. The outside I measured with digital calipers and any
difference was barely detectable - not more than a couple hundredths of
a mm. This is the best I could do with what I have on hand - we'll find
out more when our mechanical guys look at it. I don't know why it
should be that sensitive - it is after all a pretty simple design that
is used in zillions of products.


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Re: [slim] Is AAC support broken after OSX 10.4.9 upgrade?

2007-06-07 Thread Eric Seaberg

I don't know what to tell you guys... it's been flawless for me since
installing last November.  What other info can you give us about your
setup?  Can you re-confirm the FILE FORMAT CONVERSION SETUP for the
server?  Check ALL AAC file types (there are two sections of them). Are
you streaming at unlimited bandwidth or limiting to something like 320k?

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego

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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread Furry

fredbloggs;207436 Wrote: 
> I do hope that the quality hasn't gone downhill.

To be fair, the SB itself seems fine - it seems its only the
'bought-in' PSU that has a problem (or, more accurately, its plug).



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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread Ian_F

JJZolx;207456 Wrote: 
> BTW, just what in the hell -is- that thing in the Logitech logo?

Looks like the sun and the moon? Albeit drawn by a young child ;)


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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread Furry

seanadams Wrote: 
> If I deliberately wiggle the plug around quite hard for a few _minutes_
> I can sometimes make it reset, but it's not easy to do and I can't
> identify a particular way of manipulating the connection that causes
> it.

On the one I've got, its not really difficult to cause power
interruption / reset, by wiggling.

seanadams Wrote: 
> I measured all of the diameters and everything is the same as the
> Unifive plug to the best I can measure. There is obviously a difference
> in the shape at the tip of the plug, and the phihong plug is longer, but
> it's not clear to me how this could affect connectivity.

Did you measure the inner diameter of the centre hole? I suspect that
even a small difference could cause this problem.  I think that the
plug I've got perhaps doesn't 'grip' as well, it feels slack, as if the
centre conductor diameter is too great.  Or maybe its the outer
conductor... its very difficult to tell.

seanadams Wrote: 
> I noticed that there is a clicking feel as the connector is pushed in
> the last millimeter or so. Try _not_ pushing the connector quite all
> the way - i.e. just before you feel that detent.

Its difficult to tell whether there are one or two detent points, and
whether or not power reliably connects at either, but I think most of
the time no power connects at the first detent.

Actually, I'm a bit wary of repeatedly applying and removing the power,
and causing intermittent full connection and disconnection and also bad
(high resistance) connection (causes flickering display, noise in
output etc.), because of possible damage to the SB.



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Re: [slim] Slimserver causes load on Internet traffic...

2007-06-07 Thread JJZolx

snarlydwarf;207453 Wrote: 
> May be something to do with firefox's "should I restore that last
> session?" thingie.

Probably just subtle bugs in the javascripting and use of cookies to
keep track of the current player.  Complicated infinitely by the use of
frames for the interface.



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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread JJZolx

BTW, just what in the hell -is- that thing in the Logitech logo?



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Re: [slim] Slimserver causes load on Internet traffic...

2007-06-07 Thread snarlydwarf

JJZolx;207450 Wrote: 
> At work, do you listen to music from your SlimServer?  I find that it's
> common for the players to get mixed up in the browser and when I think
> I'm playing something to Softsqueeze on my work PC, it actually plays
> to one of my players at home.

My gf often starts music in the bedroom (get your mind outta the
gutter! geesh) for some reason.  My browser never does that, and her
bookmark looks right to me, but just launching firefox and choosing the
bookmark starts things playing.

May be something to do with firefox's "should I restore that last
session?" thingie.  I always figure that "you barfed on it last time,
NO" is the correct answer, but she may choose something different.


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Re: [slim] All of a sudden, Can't find music files

2007-06-07 Thread Anoop M .

scottmd1;206676 Wrote: 
> Hey all, 
> I was over at my folks house this past weekend and they have a problem
> I could not figure out.  They have a SB2 that has been operation
> flawlessly for a year.  I have the SB hooked directly to an old PC of
> mine that locked up on them while there were out of town for a few
> months.
> I rebooted the PC and everything seemed fine.  They reported that when
> you browse "artist/genre/album" it says "empty"...and indeed it does.
> The odd part is, if you browse the music folder, all of the music is
> there and it works fine!
> I uninstalled the software, re-installed it and have the same issue.  
> Oh, and when you play something using the browse/music folder way, it
> will then show up in the "artist/album/genere" area of browse.
> I have "clear and rescan" about 100 times.
> All of the files are .flac files...
> Any ideas or suggestions?

Have you tried to Nuke the prefs file and then do a rescan? Stop
SlimServer and then delete the SlimServer.pref file (c:\program
files\slimserver\server\) and delete the cache folder (c:\program
files\slimserver\cache). After they are deleted, restart SlimServer and
do another Clear Library and Rescan Everything.

Anoop M.

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Re: [slim] Slimserver causes load on Internet traffic...

2007-06-07 Thread JJZolx

oreillymj;207447 Wrote: 
> Strange, I came home from work today, and my SB3 was playing again.
> This is the third time this has happened in recent months. Even though
> my taste in music is excellent;-) ,I'm sure the neighbours don't
> appreciate it, especially at 3am.
> My SB2 in the kitchen has never done this.
> I've firewalled off my network so the Slimserver web-site is
> inaccessable to the outside world.
> Both the model/wireless router & firewall on my PC all block off port
> 9000
> Anyone got any ideas why this might be happening?

At work, do you listen to music from your SlimServer?  I find that it's
common for the players to get mixed up in the browser and when I think
I'm playing something to Softsqueeze on my work PC, it actually plays
to one of my players at home.



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Re: [slim] Slimserver causes load on Internet traffic...

2007-06-07 Thread oreillymj

Strange, I came home from work today, and my SB3 was playing again.
This is the third time this has happened in recent months. Even though
my taste in music is excellent;-) ,I'm sure the neighbours don't
appreciate it, especially at 3am.
My SB2 in the kitchen has never done this.

I've firewalled off my network so the Slimserver web-site is
inaccessable to the outside world.

Both the model/wireless router & firewall on my PC all block off port

Anyone got any ideas why this might be happening?


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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread Mitch Harding

IMO, as long as it sounds good, it can say whatever it wants on the front..

On 6/7/07, nicketynick <

Kyle;207437 Wrote:
> He actually had it anodized, not painted:

Aah, that's the one! Thanks! I'm sure there will be more than one
person wanting to do the same..


Wireless SB3, Denon DRA-F101, Mission M31 loudspeakers
WinXP SP2 Slimserver, SMC WBR14g router

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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread nicketynick

Kyle;207437 Wrote: 
> He actually had it anodized, not painted: 

Aah, that's the one! Thanks! I'm sure there will be more than one
person wanting to do the same..


Wireless SB3, Denon DRA-F101, Mission M31 loudspeakers
WinXP SP2 Slimserver, SMC WBR14g router

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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread Club1820

Im sorry to say - but IMHO that looks absolutely terrible with that logo
on there!  Really would hate to have that on the rack with all of my
Rotel equipment.  Glad my recent 2nd SB3 was from the old batch. :)


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Re: [slim] All of a sudden, Can't find music files

2007-06-07 Thread Pale Blue Ego

Did you turn on the d_scan debugger in server settings?  It seems
something is wrong with the scanning process.

Pale Blue Ego

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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread Kyle

nicketynick;207417 Wrote: 
> anybody remember the thread where somebody got rid of the logo
> altogether and painted the surface a smooth matte black?

He actually had it anodized, not painted:


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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread fredbloggs

Whilst I would rather have had one with the Slim Devices logo, I do hope
that the quality hasn't gone downhill.  One thing on Logitech's side is
that you now get a two year warranty, I believe it used to be one.

Still enjoying it though


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Re: [slim] All of a sudden, Can't find music files

2007-06-07 Thread scottmd1

Anythoughts from anyone?


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Re: [slim] Band/Orchestra Checkbox

2007-06-07 Thread Gildahl

Not that I'm aware of.  But you might want to check out the custom
browse plug-in that lets you do this sort of thing.


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Re: [slim] dead remote - options?

2007-06-07 Thread matthijskoopmans

Mark Lanctot;207334 Wrote: 
> A JVC DVD remote or a universal with such codes will work, but it
> doesn't have the brightness button required for firmware upgrades.

The firmware upgrades have been automated some versions now. I believe
the brightness button is no longer required for that reason.




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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread Peter
nicketynick wrote:
> I hate to say it, but I don't like the look of that at all!  I've had a
> search, but no luck yet - anybody remember the thread where somebody
> got rid of the logo altogether and painted the surface a smooth matte
> black?

Well, I'm glad I got mine with the original SD logo.
It doesn't look very exclusive anymore, does it...?

I hope it's a coincidence that quality problems are popping up at the 
same time of the rebranding.


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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread seanadams

I have been testing a bunch of different Phihong supplies here. I am
having difficulty reproducing the issue, but I don't know if the ones I
have on hand are exactly representative of the ones you have. If I
deliberately wiggle the plug around quite hard for a few _minutes_ I
can sometimes make it reset, but it's not easy to do and I can't
identify a particular way of manipulating the connection that causes
it. I measured all of the diameters and everything is the same as the
Unifive plug to the best I can measure. There is obviously a difference
in the shape at the tip of the plug, and the phihong plug is longer, but
it's not clear to me how this could affect connectivity. I also cut open
a plug and the internal structure / soldering appears quite robust so I
don't think it is due to flexing of the molded part of the plug.

I noticed that there is a clicking feel as the connector is pushed in
the last millimeter or so. Try _not_ pushing the connector quite all
the way - i.e. just before you feel that detent. Can you then still
make it reset by wiggling it around?  If anyone has a particularly
flaky connector, we would like to replace it ASAP and get the old one
back from you so that we can see what causes it. In the mean time we'll
continue to investigate.


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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread nicketynick

I hate to say it, but I don't like the look of that at all!  I've had a
search, but no luck yet - anybody remember the thread where somebody
got rid of the logo altogether and painted the surface a smooth matte


Wireless SB3, Denon DRA-F101, Mission M31 loudspeakers
WinXP SP2 Slimserver, SMC WBR14g router

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Re: [slim] Nintendo DS Lite Browser as Interface

2007-06-07 Thread methane

So, tell us, how did it work?  for $30, I'm thinking of getting the
browser but I haven't yet found any good writeups on how well it works
with gmail, slimserver, googlemaps, flickr, etc.  Those are the sites I
would want to use.


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Re: [slim] Last, Best Hope for getting SlimServer to work??

2007-06-07 Thread Mark Lanctot

Two links to check:


Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [slim] SB3 loses connectivity while in standby

2007-06-07 Thread gthal

Did you recently buy a new cordless phone?  Mine does this too sometimes
but ONLY if I have just used my cordless phone.  Causes some sort of
interference I guess.  I changed the channel on the router and it seems
to help.  It could also, I suppose, be a neighbors phone.

Other than playing with the router channel, I'm not sure what else you
could do if this is the problem.


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Re: [slim] Album Artist Browsing - PLEASE

2007-06-07 Thread slimkid

elziko;207360 Wrote: 
> If that is true then there is a 'bug' in the UI since that is not what
> the UI states. And if you are correct then there is a scanning bug
> too... I have 'List Albums By Band' checked but Slimserver performs a
> 'List Albums By Band And By Artist'!
> This is all starting to make me feel a little dizzy! LOL

You are right since we are talking about slightly different things. I'm
talking about how album title shows in listings and in SB when 'by
artist' option is included in formatting.


The sound stage will open up, bass will tighten and the imaging will
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Re: [slim] Does slimserver need to be some complicated?

2007-06-07 Thread Mitch Harding

I'll take a look when I get home and see what strikes me as belonging on the
basic page.

I think the other half of things would be to make simpler versions of some
of the advanced settings.  The scroll speed settings are a good example.
Have a basic version with just a few options "High, Medium, Low" or
something -- you'd pick high if you have a fast computer and reliable
network, and it would set a small number of pixels and a higher scrolling
speed.  And so on.  But the advanced tab would still allow you the current
fine control.

On 6/7/07, Michael Herger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It seems that often software has basic setup panels with advanced panels
> you can view if desired.

SlimServer has a basic settings page...

We'll probably have to redefine what options should be basic. Which
settings currently _not_ on that page would you consider candidates for
the basic settings page?

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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread Furry

A couple more, of the Logitech SB3:

|Filename: IMG_1134.JPG |


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Re: [slim] Does slimserver need to be some complicated?

2007-06-07 Thread Michael Herger
> It seems that often software has basic setup panels with advanced panels  
> you can view if desired.

SlimServer has a basic settings page...

We'll probably have to redefine what options should be basic. Which  
settings currently _not_ on that page would you consider candidates for  
the basic settings page?

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Re: [slim] Does slimserver need to be some complicated?

2007-06-07 Thread Mitch Harding

Couldn't most of this be solved by having a "simple view" with advanced tabs
you could delve into if desired?

I've modified several of the options that you listed as unnecessary, and I
would lament having them removed in the name of simplicity.  That said, I do
acknowledge that there are many advanced settings I do not touch, and it's
quite possible that the majority of users don't modify any of the advanced

It seems that often software has basic setup panels with advanced panels you
can view if desired.

This isn't high on my priority list personally, but it could make the
product more user friendly to newbies.

On 6/6/07, Michael Herger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Bjorn

> I've thought about this for a while, and I have come to the conclusion
> that slimserver is one of the most complicated pieces of leisure time
> software on my computer. In short from a UI perspective I think it is
> really bad.

While I do not agree with this global verdict, I do so with your main
point. In fact, your examples show one thing: there are too many options.
That's not a UI problem ;-). (BTW: Most of the parameters you list have
been asked for by users)

> One idea could be to collapse many of the performance related options
> into a single setting for running on normal or low performance
> hardware.

A simplified view on the settings would indeed do some good to the

> E.g. the "Various Artists" setting should be a
> translatable string.

I'll have a look at this.

> I'm not gonna ditch my SB if this does not change, but I surely would
> be even happier with it if it did. Any chance of that?

You could give my NoSetup plugin a chance: it will hide all settings
pages. As this is all you're complaining about, it might solve your
problem :-).



- - your SlimServer on a CD - AlbumReview, Biography, MusicInfoSCR
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Re: [slim] Does slimserver need to be some complicated?

2007-06-07 Thread slimkid

Michael Herger;207374 Wrote: 
> > That's beside a point. Point is that in professionaly organized
> > development process user can not bend the developer over.
> Former SlimDevices imho wouldn't be where they are today if they had  
> followed pure old school "professional development" processes. Does
> this  
> allow for open source at all?
> Michael

I agree with you that open source concept has brought SD (among other
things - don't forget they have superb hardware product :) ) where they
are today. However, I don't agree that open source necessarilly needs to
allow for slopy, hectic and out of control.

Open source means that everybody who wants and knows how, can
participate in the development of something they share a common
interest about. Nice. Unfortunately, it is in human nature that people
want to do 'cool' stuff and tend to skip on 'chores'. Now, since open
source has a very vague concept of responsibility (after all you can
not fire poor performer and get him bad references, so that he needs to
pay off his mortgage delivering pizza), there is a point in the concept
where the whole thing start suffering from being the monument to its
creators rather than useful piece of code.

In my opinion, SD needs to recognise that that moment is just around
the corner, and that they need to start streamlining some of their

I think, release mangement and quality control will have to go through
serious rework. Here's why. I have never heard that comunity gets to
vote about the fixing a bug. Bug is a bug and it needs to be worked out
immediately - it's not a matter of democracy (of course, bugs can have
thier priority). And then, in order to get a fix for your bug, you need
to keep upgrading nighties, even though, there are no guaranties that
new bugs have not been introduced while some new cool feature has been
implemented in the same build.

Think for a moment how would it be if your cell phone service couldn't
reach 911, and the customer representative told you something like ...
yap, we have a problem with that, but in the meantime we've just
implemented that feature where you can watch Britney S. shawing her
head - real time on you cell. Oh, and BTW, if enought people complain
and vote for it, we'll be reinstating 911 service some time later this
month ...

So, since you participate in the development,  let me ask you a
question - is there something like 'regression testing cases' that are
executed over the software everytime the nightly release is cutt or at
least everytime before the version is made 'stable'?

Back to your other post - some people whining about compilation albums
trying to push their special needs. Right now, if I choose to have my
albums listed by Album Artist, I have tracks written by various
composers, like Baroque Favorites, listed by main peformer - 'album
Artist', say Glenn Gould. Fine. However, that also means that
Beethowen's 5th is listed by Herbert von Karajan, since he is the album
artist, even though Beethowen is artist for every track of that album.
Am I the only one who doesn't think this is right? Could that have been
thought about a little bit more? 

And before you tell me that I can probably wiggle this out with some
creative tagging - yes I can, but how many people from the target
market for this product will too?


The sound stage will open up, bass will tighten and the imaging will
improve. DVD performance will also increase substantially.

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Re: [slim] Last, Best Hope for getting SlimServer to work??

2007-06-07 Thread mswlogo

My advice to Shep is find a freind that can help him that knows this
stuff. Even for an expert it can take a few long hours to sort it out.
Even reinstalling XP is not trvial for a novice.

If you have a recovered CD or you may have a recovery image on the
laptop itself that is the simplest for the novice.

I respect anyone who wants to sort this out and learn though and there
are some great tips here.

Things I would check is

Windows XP Firewall Exceptions (Like to see Dialog showing it is off or
Exceptions added).
Network Stack (Often Virus Programm will add to the Network Stack to
add Port Blocking) Screen Shot of Network Stack.
I'd uninstall SlimServer after that

Show Screen Shot of all services (to see it's completely removed)
Show List of tasks running to show no remnants left
Show List of Program Files (Just Folders to be sure it's removed).
Show List of Installed Applications might help to.

Again this is a fair amount of work to do posting screen shots on this
forum. And it still may fail when you install in there is a well hidden
firewall still there.


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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread Furry

seanadams;207239 Wrote: 
> Can you explain this more? Is it the soldering of the connector to the
> PCB that is loose, or is it the mating of the plug into the socket? Is
> it a workmanship issue? Also where did you buy it?

I just tried the wall-wart that came with my first 'Slim Devices' SB3,
and it works fine - no intermittent connection.  So no problem, then,
with the new SB3's PCB / connector soldering etc.

On closer inspection, the wall-warts are different.  Also, the coaxial
power connector on the end of the DC power lead is different - I
*think* the internal diameter of the 'tip' (hole) is a little
different.  It would seem that the plugs are supposed to be the same,
but they're not, quite.


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Re: [slim] Last, Best Hope for getting SlimServer to work??

2007-06-07 Thread mswlogo

tyler_durden;207031 Wrote: 
> If you don't do any web surfing via the server computer, after
> reinstalling windoze, disable automatic updates.  All you need is for
> it to run- you don't need all the updates.  I can't count the number of
> problems that stopped happening after I disabled auto updates in my
> win2k machine.  M$ OSes are just riddled with holes and they produce so
> many band-aids for them I doubt anyone at M$ knows what is going on any
> more.
> Switch to linux - ubuntu has easy install and slimserver works.
> TD

Bad idea, even if you don't surf you want most of the udates.
I run about 40 XP machines at work and we install every update. We have
a problem now and then with an update but it's pretty rare.


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Re: [slim] Does slimserver need to be some complicated?

2007-06-07 Thread Michael Herger
> That's beside a point. Point is that in professionaly organized
> development process user can not bend the developer over.

Former SlimDevices imho wouldn't be where they are today if they had  
followed pure old school "professional development" processes. Does this  
allow for open source at all?


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Re: [slim] Last, Best Hope for getting SlimServer to work??

2007-06-07 Thread mswlogo

Chip Hart;207294 Wrote: 
> Shep wrote:
> > Thanks for the reply. I research how to reinstall XP as a last
> resort
> > if it comes to that. I'd like to get SS to work on this laptop & it
> > would be pretty much dedicated to SS / SB activity along with the
> > external hard drive with all my music.
>   I'll be the first to say it, I guess:
>   It might be easier to download the slimCD and toss it in this
>   laptop.  It certainly won't have the problem you're having
>   and it's pretty bulletproof.
>   Or you can just load Ubuntu/Fedora/whatever on your machine :-)
> -- 
> Chip Hart - Pediatric Solutions  *  Physician's Computer Company
> chip @   *  1 Main St. #7, Winooski, VT 05404
> 800-722-7708 *
> f.802-846-8178   *  Pediatric Software Just Got
> Smarter.
> Your Practice Just Got Healthier.

That is a pretty cool idea !!!


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Re: [slim] Does slimserver need to be some complicated?

2007-06-07 Thread Michael Herger
> - If basic features were set up right from the start, then most of
> people won't be asking for tweaks because the software would be working
> reasonably well for most.

Exactly. For most. But the others cry louder ;-).


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Re: [slim] Hidden albums

2007-06-07 Thread richey

You're right.  All sorts of junk.
I'm going to try & be a bit logical and try & find which is/are the
offending tag(s).  More later...


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Re: [slim] Cannot find Slimserver

2007-06-07 Thread UNCMo96

My router is in the basement in one corner of the house, probably the
worst place for a router to be. Unforutnately from a home
living/ergonomics standpoint it's the best place to be.


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Re: [slim] Does slimserver need to be some complicated?

2007-06-07 Thread slimkid

Mark Lanctot;207361 Wrote: 
> Microsoft is, of course, the shining example of top-notch software
> development, a model for the world to follow.
> There has never been a bug in a Microsoft product, especially not
> Windows ME.  Even if there were, they would fix it right away.

That's beside a point. Point is that in professionaly organized 
development process user can not bend the developer over.


The sound stage will open up, bass will tighten and the imaging will
improve. DVD performance will also increase substantially.

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Re: [slim] Does slimserver need to be some complicated?

2007-06-07 Thread Mark Lanctot

slimkid;207359 Wrote: 
> - If software development process was done the right way, there won't be
> scenario where the developers would be in possition to be nice or bent
> over. Try to play nice card with MS developer for example :)

Microsoft is, of course, the shining example of top-notch software
development, a model for the world to follow.

There has never been a bug in a Microsoft product, especially not
Windows ME.  Even if there were, they would fix it right away.

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [slim] Album Artist Browsing - PLEASE

2007-06-07 Thread elziko

slimkid;207354 Wrote: 
> Even though 'List Albums By Band' is in the Compilation section, it
> actually applies to all albums.

If that is true then there is a 'bug' in the UI since that is not what
the UI states. And if you are correct then there is a scanning bug
too... I have 'List Albums By Band' checked but Slimserver performs a
'List Albums By Band And By Artist'!

This is all starting to make me feel a little dizzy! LOL


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Re: [slim] Does slimserver need to be some complicated?

2007-06-07 Thread slimkid

Mark Lanctot;207315 Wrote: 
> I'm of the opinion that the developers are too nice and too willing to
> bend to every user demand.  Look at the current brouhaha over
> compilation albums.  What was working for most suddenly is completely
> unworkable for some.  There are vocal demands for "can't we choose to
> have it this way rather than that way?"  This is how one of those
> arcane options gets created...

Blame the user. I like that, certainly makes my everytday life easy.
However, try to thing this way:

- If software development process was done the right way, there won't
be scenario where the developers would be in possition to be nice or
bent over. Try to play nice card with MS developer for example :)

- If basic features were set up right from the start, then most of
people won't be asking for tweaks because the software would be working
reasonably well for most.


The sound stage will open up, bass will tighten and the imaging will
improve. DVD performance will also increase substantially.

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Re: [slim] Cannot find Slimserver

2007-06-07 Thread Mark Lanctot

You have a good point - like radio aerials, wireless access points need
elevation.  The higher the better.  They definitely do not like to be
in the basement.

There are a lot of positive comments out there for HomePlugs - it seems
when they work, they work well and require no fiddling.  Unfortunately
it seems most of the negative comments are from North America - the
wiring isn't as compatible and can lead to problems.Also you can't
use a HomePlug in a surge protector.

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [slim] Album Artist Browsing - PLEASE

2007-06-07 Thread slimkid

elziko;207278 Wrote: 
> I agree. Using the checkbox to include "Band/Orchestra" does what it
> says - shows the band or orchestra in the list of artist. It doesn't
> state anywhere that it will STOP using the Artist tag when the
> AlbumArtist or Band/Orchestra tag is present.
> In the "Compilations" settings you do have the option to "List Albums
> By Band" but since this is in the "Compilations" settings it will not
> affect non-compilations.
> ...

I don't thing it's a bug - just very slopy and 'not well though'
solution. Even though 'List Albums By Band' is in the Compilation
section, it actually applies to all albums. To me it makes sense to to
list compilations by band, but not clear one artist albums. However,
there are scenarios where it might be different. So, it takes a lot of
time and the creativity with your tags to get things to behave the way
you want it most of time. Bad thing is, once they change it in SS, it
will be doing it all over again.


The sound stage will open up, bass will tighten and the imaging will
improve. DVD performance will also increase substantially.

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Re: [slim] Last, Best Hope for getting SlimServer to work??

2007-06-07 Thread bpa

Port 9000 problem are a red herring.

That error message appears when Slimsserver tries to open port 3483 
UDP and find someody else is using it or Slim.exe is not allowed to
open it (e.g. firewall).

What firewall are you using and has slim.exe been marked as a trusted
app.  When you re-install slim.exe it is a different "slim.exe" so
sometimes it is good to delete the old entry and make a new one.

also check "netstat -an" for anybody using port 3483.


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Re: [slim] Last, Best Hope for getting SlimServer to work??

2007-06-07 Thread snarlydwarf

Okay, this message is generated in Networking/


  $udpsock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
  Proto => 'udp',
  LocalPort => SERVERPORT,
  LocalAddr => $main::localClientNetAddr
  ) or do {
  errorMsg("There is already another copy of the SlimServer running on this 
machine. ($!)\n");
  # XXX - exiting in a deep sub is kinda bad. should propagate
  # up. Too bad perl doesn't have real exceptions.
  exit 1;

In short, if it can't open the UDP port (3483) it gives this.

Your netstat doesn't show 3483 being used, so something else is
breaking that: it still sounds like you have a firewall turned on.


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Re: [slim] Last, Best Hope for getting SlimServer to work??

2007-06-07 Thread Shep

bpa;207345 Wrote: 
> I don't know if MCE is different but the following is XP.
> You should have 6.5.2 or 6.5.3 installed as SlimTray of 6.5.1 or
> earlier does not save the changed port address in the web link and will
> always try to open browser on port 9000.
> 1. Goto Run menu under the Start button enter "cmd" in the open box and
> press OK
> 2. You should now have a command window open
> 3. change directory to the won with slim.exe.  If yoiu hgave used
> default the following command will work
> cd "\Program Files\SlimServer\server"
> 4. Then type (the d_startup is to check what is happening)
> slim --httpport 9001 --d_startup
> 5. If slim starts up OK - try accessing with the browser with the URL
> 6. Slimserver will remember the new port address on subsequent startups
> so you can stop slimserver and then try to start using the system tray
> app.

bpa, Here's results of instructions above. Seen this before right? Did
I execute correctly? 

C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server>slim --httpport 9001 --d_startup
Got @INC containing:
C:/Program Files/SlimServer/server
C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server

Extended @INC to contain:

C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server\CPAN\arch\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server\lib
C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server\CPAN
C:/Program Files/SlimServer/server
C:/Program Files/SlimServer/server
C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server

Loaded module: [Time::HiRes] ok!
Loaded module: [DBD::mysql] ok!
Loaded module: [DBI] ok!
Loaded module: [XML::Parser::Expat] ok!
Loaded module: [HTML::Parser] ok!
Loaded module: [Compress::Zlib] ok!
Loaded module: [Digest::SHA1] ok!
Loaded module: [YAML::Syck] ok!
Loaded module: [GD] ok!
Loaded module: [Locale::Hebrew] ok!
The following modules are loaded after the first attempt:
YAML/ => /PerlApp/YAML/
IO/ => /PerlApp/IO/ => /PerlApp/
HTML/ => /PerlApp/HTML/
File/Spec/ => /PerlApp/File/Spec/
List/ => /PerlApp/List/ => /PerlApp/ => /PerlApp/
ActiveState/ => /PerlApp/ActiveState/
Getopt/ => /PerlApp/Getopt/
GD/ => /PerlApp/GD/
Compress/ => /PerlApp/Compress/
Locale/ => /PerlApp/Locale/
DBD/ => /PerlApp/DBD/ => /PerlApp/ => /PerlApp/
Slim/Utils/ => /PerlApp/Slim/Utils/ => /PerlApp/
Digest/ => /PerlApp/Digest/ => /PerlApp/
/PerlApp/auto/Compress/Zlib/autosplit.ix =>
autosplit.ix => /PerlApp/
Scalar/ => /PerlApp/Scalar/ => /PerlApp/ => /PerlApp/
File/ => /PerlApp/File/
File/Spec/ => /PerlApp/File/Spec/ => /PerlApp/
warnings/ => /PerlApp/warnings/ => /PerlApp/
Slim/ => /PerlApp/Slim/
Digest/ => /PerlApp/Digest/
Time/ => /PerlApp/Time/
IO/ => /PerlApp/IO/
XML/Parser/ => /PerlApp/XML/Parser/
B/ => /PerlApp/B/
PerlApp/ => /PerlApp/PerlApp/ => /PerlApp/
GD/ => /PerlApp/GD/ => /PerlApp/
File/ => /PerlApp/File/
/PerlApp/auto/POSIX/autosplit.ix =>
ActivePerl/ => /PerlApp/ActivePerl/
Win32/ => /PerlApp/Win32/ => /PerlApp/ => /PerlApp/ => /PerlApp/
Exporter/ => /PerlApp/Exporter/
File/Spec/ => /PerlApp/File/Spec/
auto/POSIX/ =>
/PerlApp/auto/POSIX/ => /PerlApp/ => /PerlApp/ => /PerlApp/ => /PerlApp/
IO/ => /PerlApp/IO/ => /PerlApp/ => /PerlApp/
HTML/ => /PerlApp/HTML/ => /PerlApp/ => /PerlApp/ => /PerlApp/

The following modules are loaded after the second attempt:
YAML/ => /PerlApp/YAML/
IO/ => /PerlApp/IO/ => /PerlApp/
HTML/ => /PerlApp/HTML/
File/Spec/ =

Re: [slim] dead remote - options?

2007-06-07 Thread maddog 2

not really

the SB is in the kitchen/diner and there aren't any other devices in
that room.

I'm after a cheap fix, primarily ;o)

maddog 2

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Re: [slim] Last, Best Hope for getting SlimServer to work??

2007-06-07 Thread Shep

JJZolx;207274 Wrote: 
> If the server isn't starting up, he won't be able to set that on the
> Server Settings > Network page. :-)
> It would have to be done by editing slimserver.pref in the server
> folder.  Open the file using Wordpad and search for the 9000 and change
> it.
> Then try starting up SlimServer again from the Windows Services applet
> (Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services,
> then look for SlimServer).  BTW, going to the services applet would be
> another way to check if the SlimServer service is currently running. 
> If it is, then the Status will show as 'Started'.
> Probably just easier using bpa's suggestion of trying to start
> SlimServer from the command-line using the --httpport 9001 option. 
> Once it's running on that port and the web interface is accessible,
> then the port could be changed permanently to 9001 using the Server
> Settings > Network page.
> Don't forget that if you run on port 9001 that you'll also have to open
> this port in any firewalls that are running on the same machine.  Until
> things are going, though, I'd disable any firewalls.

OK, first I disabled Windows firewall. Next edited slimserver.pref in
the server folder and changed port to 9001 & saved. Then started up
SlimServer from the Windows Services applet and got the error message:
"SlimServer service on Local Computer started then stopped. Some
services stop automatically if they have no work to do."

For what it's worth, when Services applet was opened there was no
status indicated for SlimServer (i.e. it was blank).


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Re: [slim] dead remote - options?

2007-06-07 Thread badbob

Do you have any need for proper high end multi-device universal remote?
could just buy a Pronto or similar.


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Re: [slim] Last, Best Hope for getting SlimServer to work??

2007-06-07 Thread bpa

I don't know if MCE is different but the following is XP.

You should have 6.5.2 or 6.5.3 installed as SlimTray of 6.5.1 or
earlier does not save the changed port address in the web link and will
always try to open browser on port 9000.

1. Goto Run menu under the Start button enter "cmd" in the open box and
press OK
2. You should now have a command window open
3. change directory to the won with slim.exe.  If yoiu hgave used
default the following command will work
cd "\Program Files\SlimServer\server"
4. Then type (the d_startup is to check what is happening)
slim --httpport 9001 --d_startup
5. If slim starts up OK - try accessing with the browser with the URL
6. Slimserver will remember the new port address on subsequent startups
so you can stop slimserver and then try to start using the system tray


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Re: [slim] dead remote - options?

2007-06-07 Thread maddog 2

Thanks. I've just been searching and spotted the JVC thing

Also spoke to a bloke at who may be able to
sort me one out in the UK

I'm surprised there isn't a UK distributor for the SB (maybe there is
but I haven't spotted it yet). Perhaps this will change with Logitech
getting involved...

maddog 2

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Re: [slim] Last, Best Hope for getting SlimServer to work??

2007-06-07 Thread Shep

bpa;207222 Wrote: 
> Alternatively start slim.exe with --httpport 9001 and use
> http://localhost:9001
> There are some minor bugs with using port other than 9000 and so use
> 6.5.2 or better 6.5.3

Thanks bpa,
I'm gonna need additional help to follow your suggestion as I don't
know what "Alternatively start slim.exe with --httpport 9001 and use
http://localhost:9001"; requires. I clicked on the link above and got:

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage 

Most likely causes:
You are not connected to the Internet. 
The website is encountering problems. 
There might be a typing error in the address. 

Do I need to change the port designation that is used by SS? How do I
do it?


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Re: [slim] Album Artist Browsing - PLEASE

2007-06-07 Thread MelonMonkey

One thing I did not specify in my "directions" post was that I was using
Slimserver exclusively with MP3 files at the moment. So while the
behavior described (listing by ALBUMARTIST if present) is working, I
don't know for certain that it will work the same way for FLAC.

This tagging and setting method turns out to be the cleanest and most
straight forward to getting albums listed in the same order in both
Slimserver and iTunes.

Case in point:

Groove Armada's "The Dirty House Sessions." For all intents and
purposes, it is a compilation album, where all except two tracks are
from different artists (those two are by Groove Armada themselves).
Lately I have been doing all tagging in iTunes and have cleared the
COMPILATION tag and set ALBUMARTIST to "Groove Armada"

This will list the album as being by "Groove Armada" in both iTunes and

Slimserver will not list the individual artists when browsing by
artist. IMO, this is the correct behavior and doesn't need a setting.
If you set ALBUMARTIST it should override the track artist for the
display and sorting of the album unit, while showing the track artist
when looking at the individual track. There's not much point to that
tag if this weren't the case.

If I set the compilation tag, iTunes will list the album under "Various
Artists" regardless of the ALBUMARTIST setting. 

Now, iTunes has a bug in it that requires an additional tagging step
that has only been possible since 7.1. With the ALBUMARTIST tagged for
every track, the album will still not sort under that artist in iTunes.
Instead it gets sorted according to the name of the artist for the first
track. To fix this you have to change the TSOP (ARTISTSORT) for the
first track (or all tracks) to be the same as ALBUMARTIST - "Groove
Armada" in my example.

This may very well have broken in a recent nightly. I was having all
kinds of scanner issues with the nightlies last month so I reverted to
an older version from February. I will probably update sometime this
week and manually clean out all caches for a complete rescan to see
what's what.


*'Twisted Melon - Fine Mac OS Software' ( |
'mira - Personal Control for your Apple Remote'

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Re: [slim] dead remote - options?

2007-06-07 Thread Mark Lanctot

maddog 2;207328 Wrote: 
> Can I use any other remote?

A JVC DVD remote or a universal with such codes will work, but it
doesn't have the brightness button required for firmware upgrades.

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [slim] Last, Best Hope for getting SlimServer to work??

2007-06-07 Thread Shep

oreillymj;207219 Wrote: 
> BTW - This thread mentions WMP11 using port 9000, but I cannot find a
> mention of this in the help file or in the list of ports that the 
> "Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service" adds to the Windows
> firewall rules. However I have found that Twonkyviosion uses port 9000
> if free.
> From the Twonky FAQ
> FAQ Network Config The server ports
> The ports used by the server are:
> UDP 1030, 1900, 9080
> TCP starting at 9000 until a free port is found.
> To rule out WMP, go to Start->Run ->Services.msc
> Scroll down the list to "Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service"
> and double click on it. If started, click stop and set the Startup type
> to Manual, then click Ok.
> Are you running Twonky?

I have Win Media Player 10.0 installed.

I am not running Twonky.

After adjusting the settings for WMP in Services.msc as suggested I
tried starting SlimServer from Services.msc without success.  Got the
error message that says in effect 'SlimServer stared then
stopped...this happens when there's not work to do'. This has been the
case since SS originally falied.


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Re: [slim] Last, Best Hope for getting SlimServer to work??

2007-06-07 Thread Shep

oreillymj;207217 Wrote: 
> The time zone entry is fine. It's more informational than a warning.
> Slimserver works just fine without it.
> So it appears you don't have Slim.exe running, but when run from the
> command prompt it detects a previously rnning instance.
> Very weird.
> Try opening a command window. Start->Run->cmd
> Cd "C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server"
> Type slim.exe -remove
> slim.exe -install
> Then run slim.exe, see if it stay's running.

Thanks,not sure this is what u wanted but here's what I got.

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>Cd "C:\Program

C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server>slim.exe -remove
SlimServer removed.

C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server>slim.exe -install
slimsvc installed as SlimServer.

C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server>run slim.exe
'run' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server>slim.exe
2007-06-07 10:16:32.9598 ERROR: There is already another copy of the
running on this machine. (Unknown error)

C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server>


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[slim] dead remote - options?

2007-06-07 Thread maddog 2

my remote has decided to stay locked on "volume up" setting.

I've had it apart and it's not the button itself but something
electronic gone belly up

I've emailed SD but they want me to buy a new one and the cost plus
postage to the UK is $45.

Any other options? 
Do SD not have a UK distributor (which seems very odd to me if they
Can I use any other remote?

maddog 2

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[slim] Flagging favorites via web interface

2007-06-07 Thread kbindera

Is anyone aware of a plugin that will allow you to add a song to the
"Favortes" playlist via the web interface?
Or, is there any way to redirect the "Save to Favorites" feature within
the device to save to a custom playlist?


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Re: [slim] Last, Best Hope for getting SlimServer to work??

2007-06-07 Thread Shep

Just wanted to offer my thanks & appreciation for the many suggestions
so far. Give me a little time to understand and implement your
suggestions and I'll get back w/the results. Maybe there's hope for
getting SlimServer up & running again.


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Re: [slim] Playlist not available

2007-06-07 Thread Secret Squirrel

I've had this happen before. I found in my case that there were entries
in the playlist that either I moved or deleted. I manually corrected
the playlist, but others have mentioned using Music Monkey to find the



Secret Squirrel

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Re: [slim] Does slimserver need to be some complicated?

2007-06-07 Thread Mark Lanctot

I'm of the opinion that the developers are too nice and too willing to
bend to every user demand.  Look at the current brouhaha over
compilation albums.  What was working for most suddenly is completely
unworkable for some.  There are vocal demands for "can't we choose to
have it this way rather than that way?"  This is how one of those
arcane options gets created...

The opposite end of the spectrum is iTunes.  But rather than earn the
scorn of its users, it's lauded as the best thing since...well, the
best thing ever.  Goes to show you, people really do want to be led and
people really do want to be told what's best for them.

Perhaps all these advanced options could be hidden behind an "Advanced"

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [slim] Transporter not playing...

2007-06-07 Thread PhilNYC

Are you connected via wireless?  If so, try connecting the Transporter
to your router via Ethernet and see if it plays (make sure to change
the network configuration to Wired).  If it plays fine that way, see if
there's a firmware upgrade for your wireless router.


Sonic Spirits Inc.

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Re: [slim] Does slimserver need to be some complicated?

2007-06-07 Thread whitman

exile;207245 Wrote: 
> I would love to recommend the slimbox/server to my friends who are
> looking for a digital music solution but unfortunately I can only
> recommend this spectacular product to my friends that are either
> computer professionals or friends that are very computer savvy.

I have to agree with Exile. I've showed my SB3 to quite a few mates and
they love it. Then they ask questions, and I say things like 'It just
sits on your wireless network.' They look blankly back at me. I try
some more. I draw a diagram or two. They get restless and ask if I can
play that African radio station again or let them search through those
Dylan basement tapes some more. They all own computers and they know
how to swtich them on. Hand on heart, I cannot recommend an SB to them.


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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-07 Thread robt

Go through your supplier. were brilliant with me. I rang
them up and described the problem, and they sent me a new one the same


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Re: [slim] Hidden albums

2007-06-07 Thread moley6knipe

It's almost certainly unwanted tags that, if you're anything like me,
you didn't even know were there!  What type of audio files are your
using?  I had the same problem on my 10,000 (as it was then) mp3s.

1 Backup your files before you start, just in case
2 Download mp3tag.  Read the help files, or the wiki on here. Open all
of the files, open "extended tags" and remove any you don't want - I
just kept title, album, artist, composer, year, genre, track, length

That should sort out any tagging issues


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Re: [slim] Hidden albums

2007-06-07 Thread richey

I think you are probably right that it's a tag issue.
My tags - album, artist, composer, seem pretty clean but there could be
others I don't know about.
I am about to make a list of the missing albums and see if they have
something in common.  I'll report later.


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