Re: [slim] Simple cheap amplifier recommendation please?

2012-09-08 Thread JJZolx

An old receiver is great for a garage system, especially if you still
listen to FM. I love the old receivers from the mid 70s to early 80s.
Pioneer, Yamaha, Kenwood, Sansui, Marantz. Classic, and can be had for
cheap at yard sales and thrift stores.

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Re: [slim] Why Logitech SB is the best thing since sliced bread!

2012-09-08 Thread Labarum

Mnyb wrote: 
 not easy to use  !? really, you point at songs and they play ? 

Well they do, when you have everything set up correctly; but you have
covered the networking issues, and reinforce my pont about an icreasing
number of ordinary folk with reasonable computer skills.

 The real timesink and learning curve has been ripping and tagging , no
 one want's to spend that much time riping 1000's of CD's and tag them
 properly nowadays .

This is what makes it non mass-market. You must be a collector and
music enthusiast with some rudimentary order in your file collection to
have any use for LMS/SBS/SC/SS 

Agreed. I have less than one third of my 500 CDs ripped, and the tagging
is a complete mess. (The systems are geared to pop and not classical
music.) Life is too short.

So yes, I can see all the advantages of an online (subscription) service,
but I don't use any of them. I always was a radio listener and continue to
be so; but now I have a much bigger choice of classical music stations -
and I flip around till I find something that suits my current mood -
Squeezebox makes that easy, but there are many other ways to achieve my

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Re: [slim] Simple cheap amplifier recommendation please?

2012-09-08 Thread Mnyb

JJZolx wrote: 
 An old receiver is great for a garage system, especially if you still
 listen to FM. I love the old receivers from the mid 70s to early 80s.
 Pioneer, Yamaha, Kenwood, Sansui, Marantz. Classic, and can be had for
 cheap at yard sales and thrift stores.


what I just was typing but JJ was first.. and they look great to esp a
70's reciever a Marantz ,they don't make them like that anymore . From
the 80's an old Luxman amp looks very cool .
And while at the thriftstor/flea market/garage sale pick up some more
speakers on the cheap if you blow them when having a garden party or
similar :)

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Re: [slim] Podcast issue

2012-09-08 Thread bpa

mpower9 wrote: 
 I In my case the problem is with which I am
 trying to access in on both my Radio and Touch through
 When I click on the name of the podcast in my podcast list, the list of
 individual episodes comes up, but when I choose one to play, I get an
 error message saying No items found in playlist followed by part of
 the name of the episode.

Each item in this podcast points to a html file which in turn has
playable items but the Podcast list is formatted to say each item is a
audio/mpeg playable item - so there is a mismatch and so it is a badly
constructed URL.  So the problem is not with LMS/Touch but with the URL.

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-08 Thread Mnyb

pallfreeman wrote: 
 Sure; but in a situation when both players are wired and only mp3 is
 It's not actually a pure sync problem. The synchronization is pretty
 solid once it's established, but it sometimes hesitates when it starts,
 then often stops between tracks. I can usually get it going again by
 skipping backwards and forwards between tracks, but I shouldn't need to.
 After living with this for months and spending some time trying to
 interpret the masses of debugging output (which to me looks like a
 project abandoned partway through due to lack of interest), I decided to
 replace my lovely precious SliMP3s with some other Squeezeboxen. Just a
 couple of weeks before The Announcement. 
 If SliMP3 sync is broken, I'm guessing squeezeslave is, too.

We may ( reluctantly ) forgive them for not being 100% slimp3 compatible
12 years later ;) or what , and I do think sync even if it's mostly
working could be even better with more work especially if play
continuously AND gapless, 
Ime it gyrates towards correctness if you let it be in most cases it
gets unstable while fiddling with the playlist and stop and skip and
stuff .

More things that can break sync CPU intensive plugins like
Sugarcube/MusicIP or one of erlands or some interaction between them.
Sugarcube can easilly block the whole server 10-20 seconds when it's
adding another track depending on setting this does not empty the buffer
so playback is unharmed but sync will drift .

Unstable hardware clocks on the machine running a soft player , this is
not at all uncommon then it will drift all over the place (this can even
cause alarm problems ).

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[slim] Did I Miss a Meeting?

2012-09-08 Thread fairyliquidizer

There are a few threads saying what will I do now that the SB is dead
but I don't see an announcement.  Is this confirmed?  If so I am sad
although I wont be leaving the platform any time soon.  

Fairy has been liquidized

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Re: [slim] Did I Miss a Meeting?

2012-09-08 Thread Mnyb

Yep the SB line has been replaced by a Logitech UE line that includes a
re-branding of the Radio , Touch is no longer on sale by Logitech , no
replacemnt anounced.

The UE software or online service will not be backward compatible to
older squeezeboxes . The UE software is a simplified version gearedThe
UE radio is always connected to the online server even when it plays
local files towards online use mostly and a simplified server for your
local files .

Suggest catching up in the other treads for the gory details :)

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Re: [slim] Simple cheap amplifier recommendation please?

2012-09-08 Thread psketch

I agree the second hand receiver route is certainly one way to go, but
if you just want a basic, built like a tank, one input amp, I use one of

I use t as a zone amp, connected to an sb3.  Cheap is relative of
course, but $200 seems like good value.

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Re: [slim] Simple cheap amplifier recommendation please?

2012-09-08 Thread castalla

psketch wrote: 
 I agree the second hand receiver route is certainly one way to go, but
 if you just want a basic, built like a tank, one input amp, I use one of
 I use t as a zone amp, connected to an sb3.  Cheap is relative of
 course, but $200 seems like good value.

How about this:

Not as pretty, and no auto on/off, but it is cheap and sounds great.

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Mac OSX

2012-09-08 Thread nonnoroger

In case anyone finds it useful, here is the script I have developed to
start ralphy's OSX version of SqueezePlay from the command line, setting
environment variables as needed.

Setting the needed environment variables is needed for Mountain Lion but
the script should also give more ease and flexibility for previous
versions of OSX.

The script assumes that squeezeslave for OSX is in the shell's command
search path. I put in /usr/local/bin as squeezeslave.

Also still assuming SqueezePlay is under Applications in your home

The sed mangling in the script copes with output from squeezeslave -L
like mine:

Output devices:
0: (Core Audio) AirPlay (2001/2011)
* 3: (Core Audio) Built-in Output (3/13)
4: (Core Audio) Soundflower (2ch) (1/11)
5: (Core Audio) Soundflower (64ch) (1/11)
6: (Core Audio) Aggregate Device (3/13)

You can select which Airplay device will be used from Audio Midi Setup's
Audio devices window (without setting Airplay as the default output). I
had to put up the volume level for Airplay in that window to get a
decent sound level.
SqueezePlay was not sending to only one device from the Aggregate Device
I tried building there.

I call my script squeezePlay and also placed it in /usr/local/bin. By
default it sets the max rate to 96Khz. Give the -s option to the script
to select another.
Airplay uses 44.1KHz but leaving at the default is fine.

# default max sampling rate is 96000
rates=(44100 48000 96000 192000)
choices=(44.1kHz 48kHz 96kHz 192kHz)

# if -s argument given to script, prompt for selection from the common

if [ $1 == -s ]
then echo Type the number of the max rate to use:
select choice in ${choices[@]}
if [ -z $choice ]
* echo try again
* rate=${rates[$((REPLY-1))]}
* echo Using ${choices[$((REPLY-1))]}
* break
echo $rate
echo Type the number of the device to use:
select device in `squeezeslave -L | sed -e 1d -e 's/.*Audio) //' -e 's/
if [ -z $device ]
* echo try again
* echo $device
* break
unset IFS
export USEPADEVICE=$device
open ~/Applications/

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Re: [slim] Logitech in US Selling the Transporter SE for $999.99

2012-09-08 Thread joad

Good price, but they do not ship to Europe (Sweden)
Is there anywhere in Europe to buy it for the same price?

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Re: [slim] Did I Miss a Meeting?

2012-09-08 Thread erland

This post is a good start, it gives a fairly clear view of what it means
for the Squeezebox (it's not an official statement but it comes from a
Logitech employee):

On top of this I've also said that there is no reason to panic and buy
something else at the moment, your Squeezebox worked great 2 weeks ago,
it works great today and it's very likely going to work great next year.
It's obvious that Logitech's involvement is likely going to decrease
over time but it's also likely that someone else will provide what we
need because that's how the market works, it might be an existing
manufacturer or it might be someone new, we will just have to wait and

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-09-08 Thread ralphy

brising wrote: 
 anyone using squeezeslave on an NLSU2 (SlugOS) ?
 I managed to compile squeezeslave and run it but I only hear white
 My usb sound card and OSS seem o work ok, I can play music using madplay
 without any problem.

White noise is usually due to using the wrong byte ordering.

In your makefile if you have -D__BIG_ENDIAN__ on the CFLAGS line remove
it and then run make -f makefile realclean before rebuilding.
If you don't have -D__BIG_ENDIAN__ then add it and run make realclean
and then rebuild

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Re: [slim] Simple cheap amplifier recommendation please?

2012-09-08 Thread aubuti

I don't know if the AudioSource Amp100 is available in the UK, but I
have a couple and they are great. No tone controls or loudness button,
but simple, robust, cheap, and sound good.

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-08 Thread Squeezemenicely

pallfreeman wrote: 
 My geek personality said wow, yes, I want one, so I got one. Then the
 rest of me said ugh, that thing is *ugly*. Bah.

That was funny. Yes, I see your point.

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-08 Thread autopilot

wellington wrote:

That reminds me of something, can't quite put my finger on it...

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Mac OSX

2012-09-08 Thread ralphy

Thank you for putting the script together.  I've updated the
announcement post as well.

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-08 Thread bpa

GeeJay wrote: 
 I just spent a bit of time looking over the XBMC forums and wiki. It's
 no small community

When I referred to small communities it was to communities of users of
the specific hardware players not XBMC.  Within XBMC - the number of
users on playing with these media players is quite small and as such
support for specific hardware player issues is limited (e.g. digital
audio out is choppy).

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Re: [slim] Did I Miss a Meeting?

2012-09-08 Thread Mnyb

A factual error from me in my first response , it is so that an SB radio
can be upgraded to UE Radio .

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-08 Thread epoch1970

Was this one already mentioned ? 'Cubox as an SBS server'
In server role it offers e-sata which is far better than USB for an
external drive. As a potential player platform, this one has SPDIF out
and an IR sensor. 

(My prayers go to the one who will tackle with the job of making this
into Receiver 2.0)

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-08 Thread garym

TheLastMan wrote: 
 How well do Vortexboxes Synchronise with each other?  
 And will they do gapless playback?
 If you only have one soundcard, how do the 5 players work?

Although I have 3 Vortexbox Appliances, I've never used the VB Player in
the software (feeding the soundcard or USB out).  I do know from the
Vortexbox forums that one can setup 5 different Vortexbox software
players from one soundcard (settings are in the webGUI for vortexbox
players, but I have no idea of the technical method behind this).

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Re: [slim] How many of you have spare squeezeboxes?

2012-09-08 Thread epoch1970

I just spotted this on new in box slimdevices sb3. Item #
Ships to the US only (haven't asked in fact.)

It still possible to find SB3s…

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Re: [slim] Please let me know what firmware I need to keep copies of and where to find them.

2012-09-08 Thread Mnyb

05mattjax wrote: 
 Thanks. Which files do I get please. My touch is 7.7.2 do I get this
 What are the other fab4 files?
 And for radio:
 I understand you can USB the file for touch but how would you update the

There is a version file too . Radio is upgraded via the server in it's
updates folder ( somehwere in cache i think ) you can manually place the
fw + version file there ( or hack the version file ) then use the
upgrade menu on the radio just as you normally do it.
There is possibly so that you already have the correct files in LMS
update folder .

I would take down all files for 7.7.2 and 7.8 beta server and fw , mo
7.8 is better it's not that different but have some bug fixes ,due to
the dev slowdown for making the UE software ,there is no overwhelming or
experimental stuff there , it is no crasher like some other betas :)

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Re: [slim] the new Squeezebox products are good (because servers and linux are burnt toast)

2012-09-08 Thread garym

mpower9 wrote: 
 One of the things I like about the squeezebox gadgets is that they are
 so flexible. I'm just a little old lady, but just reading these forums
 it is clear that some people (like me) just use them relatively straight
 out of the box without much fiddling around and others enjoy hacking
 around with the software (and the hardware) to make them jump through
 hoops and do things that no one ever thought of. It's a great community.
 We don't always get answers to all our problems, but that may be because
 people don't really know the answer. In general people here seem to be
 very generous with their time and advice.

Your comments have really captured the complete essence of the
SqueezeBox experience (and this forum). Well said!

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Re: [slim] the new Squeezebox products are good (because servers and linux are burnt toast)

2012-09-08 Thread kesey
NewIT sell the Sheevaplug in the UK. Their forums have a lot of good
info on them, including Sheevaplug for Beginners, within which there
are threads relating to installing LMS onto the Sheeva. There are also
threads on copying SD cards etc. etc. so that you have a backup should
an elephant fall on your Sheeva, or perhaps less likely, should your
Sheeva PSU fail or whatever.
Thomas, nick truehl on these forums, has put a major and very useful
effort into automating the installation of LMS on the Sheeva.

All in all, over approx the past 3 years,  I've found the Sheeva to be a
wonderful piece of kit, and a mighty server for LMS.

Live long and prosper o mighty Squeezebox and offshoots,


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Re: [slim] Logitech in US Selling the Transporter SE for $999.99

2012-09-08 Thread SBT2010

Since the Transporter has a 3 year warranty could one conclude that LMS
would continue services at least 3 years after the last Transporter is

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Re: [slim] the new Squeezebox products are good (because servers and linux are burnt toast)

2012-09-08 Thread Letten

mortslim wrote: 
 If a supposed linux “expert” has bad spelling in his explanations, how
 can I trust that his coding is reliable, where every little character,
 punctuation mark and space have meaning?

Programming is a very exact disciplin, bad spelling will not compile.
Just because english is not someones native language doesn't mean that
they're stupid or don't know how to write reliable code.

You're frustrated, but you picked a weekendproject in an OS you don't
have any experience with and where install and setup is clearly not just
double clicking on an icon. This is exactly why I stayed away from this
and still run LMS on a windows system.

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-09-08 Thread brising

that was it!
Thank you Ralphy!

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Re: [slim] Logitech in US Selling the Transporter SE for $999.99

2012-09-08 Thread JohnB

I thought Logitech had discontinued the Transporter a couple of years

Does this mean they have discovered a cache of them in a warehouse
somewhere and are clearing the stock or does it mean they are reviving
the product (which, in view of recent announcements, seems barely

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Re: [slim] Logitech in US Selling the Transporter SE for $999.99

2012-09-08 Thread garym

JohnB wrote: 
 I thought Logitech had discontinued the Transporter a couple of years
 Does this mean they have discovered a cache of them in a warehouse
 somewhere and are clearing the stock or does it mean they are reviving
 the product (which, in view of recent announcements, seems barely

sort of.  they've been selling this Transporter SE for a while now.  It
is basically leftovers from old Transporter components, but they didn't
have the center large knob so they replaced it on the SE with a round
plate to cover the hole.

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Re: [slim] Logitech in US Selling the Transporter SE for $999.99

2012-09-08 Thread castalla

garym wrote: 
 sort of.  they've been selling this Transporter SE for a while now.  It
 is basically leftovers from old Transporter components, but they didn't
 have the center large knob so they replaced it on the SE with a round
 plate to cover the hole.

How cheap - they couldn't even make the dummy plate look customised!

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Re: [slim] the new Squeezebox products are good (because servers and linux are burnt toast)

2012-09-08 Thread mlsstl

Letten wrote: 
 You're frustrated, but you picked a weekendproject in an OS you don't
 have any experience with and where install and setup is clearly not just
 double clicking on an icon. This is exactly why I stayed away from this
 and still run LMS on a windows system.

Excellent point. 

I've been a home-schooled computer geek since 1980 and run both MS
Windows and Linux computers at home. I can safely say I've had more
issues over the years keeping Windows up and running than Linux. Both
have had considerable learning curves.

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-08 Thread GeeJay

bpa wrote: 
 When I referred to small communities it was to communities of users of
 the specific hardware players not XBMC.  Within XBMC - the number of
 users on playing with these media players is also quite small (compared
 to other hardware)  and as such support for specific hardware player
 issues is limited (e.g. digital audio out is choppy).  XBMC is only an
 example - the main issue is that if someone was to use Squeezeplay on a
 mediaplayer, either a community of technical users is needed or someone
 tries to make a business out of it.

I see your point. It's nice to see someone actively working on the
software side, though, such that when SBs are no longer viable we may at
least have a starting point.

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Mac OSX

2012-09-08 Thread nonnoroger

ralphy wrote: 
 Thank you for putting the script together.  I've updated the
 announcement post as well.

And many thanks for the new functionality - it is already proving very

I do think the script would also be useful for versions before ML where
users need to change devices often.

BTW Once you are happy it is working, you can rename it with a .command
extension. You will then be able to run it by double-clicking it in
Finder. You will then also want to to go to Terminal Preferences,
Settings, Shell tab, and set When the shell exits to Close if the shell
exited cleanly.

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Re: [slim] Logitech in US Selling the Transporter SE for $999.99

2012-09-08 Thread JJZolx

I think they'll be selling these things long after they've dumped their
inventory of Touches and leftover Radios.

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Re: [slim] Logitech in US Selling the Transporter SE for $999.99

2012-09-08 Thread Mnyb

joad wrote: 
 Good price, but they do not ship to Europe (Sweden)
 Is there anywhere in Europe to buy it for the same price?

Not what I know of , the SE is US only I think mostly due to support
issues Logitech in EU or Sweden would not know what this is if a
warranty case would be at hand .
But I suppose there are grey market methods to get stuff shipped to the
wrong market . get a friend in US to buy it for you and send it to you
, but it think there is solutions a lot of other stuff is much cheaper
in US ,google I think there are services set up for things like this,
but there are of course risks involved .

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Re: [slim] Logitech in US Selling the Transporter SE for $999.99

2012-09-08 Thread Mnyb

Wonder how large their inventory of transporter parts is ?

A bit cynical to build products of the spare parts , don't you think ?

In the company where I work we guarantee spares 10 years after the last
unit is manufactured but they could be aviable far beyond that in some
cases, if possible ( I have repaired 35yo old equipment ).

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[slim] Can I connect my pc directly to SBT via ethernet ? and....

2012-09-08 Thread Deaf Cat


Trying to make things simple...  I think,
pc with music for music,
pc with everything else for everything else, two different rooms,
So anyone else on the pc for everything, can't fiddle with the music pc
very easily :-)

At the moment I have pc for everything and music, ethernet connected to
router - wireless - to extender / AP - ethernet wired to SBT,
controlled by ipeng.

Idea is to connect the music pc with LMS directly to the SBT via
ethernet and yet still control it over the wireless ipeng, can I run two
ethernet cables from one pc, one to the SBT, and one to the extender/AP
or router ?

Many thanks for any thoughts or suggestions.


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Re: [slim] Can I connect my pc directly to SBT via ethernet ? and....

2012-09-08 Thread epoch1970

Can't you do:
extender / AP - ethernet wired to SBT
extender / AP - ethernet wired to music PC

Or I've missed something ?

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Re: [slim] Announcing SqueezePad - the first dedicated iPad App to controll your SqueezeBoxen !

2012-09-08 Thread Mnyb

df9864 wrote: 
 I have arranged all my music in folders over the years. I have about 100
 gig or so, and find that navigating through my music folders (on a NAS)
 is slow. The albums/artists caching is great but I'd much rather go to
 my music through the folder structure.
 Is there anything I can do to speed this up or any plans to cache in a
 future release?

Sadly this is the same when not using iPeng, folder browsing is slow on
slow hardware on all interfaces ,some NAS does not have much of CPU , on
faster server hardware this limitations is not always noticed .

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Re: [slim] Can I connect my pc directly to SBT via ethernet ? and....

2012-09-08 Thread Deaf Cat

Oh!   did not think of plugging the pc into the extender / AP,   guess
that should work...

As you say:

Or this, if the AP doesn't include a switch (should cost very little):


 extender / AP
  [ fast ethernet or gigabit switch ]
  Touch   music PC

I'm not exactly sure what the extender /AP is now, or how it works.  It
used to be a router, but now with non standard firmware I down loaded,
to make it talk to the main router, if it works as a switch I'm afraid I
do not know, more by luck than judgement I got it to work with the SBT. 

You can transform your music PC into a switch, but that may be a
hassle. And you'd need 2 network card in it. 

This sounds a rather good plan to me, so it would be :

extender / AP  - music pc  - SBTall three connected by ethernet
cable in a line  :-)

When you say 2 network card, do you mean one card with two ports, or two
separate network cards?

I like that idea, many thanks, and any more thoughts or plan appreciated

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Re: [slim] Can I connect my pc directly to SBT via ethernet ? and....

2012-09-08 Thread epoch1970

Deaf Cat wrote: 
 Oh!   did not think of plugging the pc into the extender / AP,   guess
 that should work#8230;
 I'm not exactly sure what the extender /AP is now, or how it works.  It
 used to be a router, but now with non standard firmware I down
Sounds good. I'm about sure the thing will support having more than one
machine connected to it via ethernet. You don't even need a switch. This
is clearly the best solution, IMHO.

 You can transform your music PC into a switch, but that may be a
 hassle. And you'd need 2 network card in it. 
 This sounds a rather good plan to me, so it would be :
 extender / AP  - music pc  - SBTall three connected by ethernet
 cable in a line  :-)
 When you say 2 network card, do you mean one card with two ports, or two
 separate network cards?
 I like that idea, many thanks, and any more thoughts or plan appreciated
I shall not like for you, then. It could be complicated according to the
OS you want to use (the OS must support bridging). When the PC is off,
I repeat, no more network, nor Internet for the Touch. As helpless as an
SB3 without its server. So it's not friendly, in addition of being
complex and fragile.

If you decide to go the complex way, any 2 types of ethernet card would
do. Dual cards are more of a specialty item, and your computer already
has at least one wired interface. (And perhaps a wireless one that you
could use.) Check out the price of a 5-port fast (or gigabit, better)
ethernet switch before buying an ethernet card and installing it in the
PC ;)

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Re: [slim] Can I connect my pc directly to SBT via ethernet ? and....

2012-09-08 Thread Deaf Cat

epoch1970 wrote: 
 Sounds good. I'm about sure the thing will support having more than one
 machine connected to it via ethernet. You don't even need a switch. This
 is clearly the best solution, IMHO.

Yes I think your right and agree! in one way  :-) 

epoch1970 wrote: 
 I shall not like for you, then. It could be complicated according to the
 OS you want to use (the OS must support bridging). When the PC is off,
 I repeat, no more network, nor Internet for the Touch. As helpless as an
 SB3 without its server. So it's not friendly, in addition of being
 complex and fragile.
 If you decide to go the complex way, any 2 types of ethernet card would
 do. Dual cards are more of a specialty item, and your computer already
 has at least one wired interface. (And perhaps a wireless one that you
 could use.) Check out the price of a 5-port fast (or gigabit, better)
 ethernet switch before buying an ethernet card and installing it in the
 PC ;)

Hay the external switches are peanuts compared to the pci card type :-o

To be honest I've only ever used the SB and SBT to play music from my
hdd, never from the internet...   don't think I'd miss what I have not

I'm still rather interested in the pci card option as I'm thinking
connecting the pc directly to the SBT will keep my brain happy in that
there are less items in the audio system chain, fussy I know, I can't
help it though :-(

Will have a search on bridging and two network cards :-)   fingers
crossed, much cheaper than a specialty multi port card  :-)

Much appreciate the comments, cheers  :-)

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Re: [slim] Why Logitech SB is the best thing since sliced bread!

2012-09-08 Thread MelonMonkey

If you want to see how a mass-market product is, well, marketed, look at
the iPod, iPhone and iPad.  Look at most people's music collection in
iTunes.  Then imagine (or verify) how that would play out with SB. 
Collectors (us/we) are a rare breed and always have been, it doesn't
matter what decade you look to, 50's, 60's, etc.

I don't believe Logitech have the required design talent in the
positions required, or with the power, to make this happen.  At least
they have not until today.  Besides mice and keyboards, their most
mass-market product is the Harmony series of remotes, which in my
opinion, while they have used their distribution experience/leverage to
move and promote the product, they have not made it any better.  They
have no engineered a better mouse trap than the one they acquired.  The
same can be said for Squezebox.  Logitech have not made any significant
changes to improve the product since they acquired the technology.  The
remote have done well for them, but could be a lot better.  Squeezebox
has apparently not done so well and we all know could be much better as

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Re: [slim] Can I connect my pc directly to SBT via ethernet ? and....

2012-09-08 Thread gharris999

Deaf Cat wrote: 
 Trying to make things simple...  I think,
 pc with music for music,
 pc with everything else for everything else, two different rooms,
 So anyone else on the pc for everything, can't fiddle with the music pc
 very easily :-)
 At the moment I have pc for everything and music, ethernet connected to
 router - wireless - to extender / AP - ethernet wired to SBT,
 controlled by ipeng.
 Idea is to connect the music pc with LMS directly to the SBT via
 ethernet and yet still control it over the wireless ipeng, can I run two
 ethernet cables from one pc, one to the SBT, and one to the extender/AP
 or router ?
 So music pc's main task is to run and supply the SBT directly connected,
 but the music pc (LMS) can also be accessed by the extender/AP to supply
 any other squeezebox's that may be around..
 Many thanks for any thoughts or suggestions.
 I hope the above is reasonably clear :-o
 DCI'm not sure about the SBTouch.  I KNOW this was possible with the
SB2/SB3/SBReceiver.  I set things up exactly this way on more than one
occasion.  I always used a crossover ethernet cable for the PC to SB
connection and it was pretty easy to configure SB2s  SB3s as wireless
bridges.  With the SBReceiver, it was a little more complicated...I
needed to have a DHCP server running on the computer.

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Re: [slim] Why Logitech SB is the best thing since sliced bread!

2012-09-08 Thread pallfreeman

The last few posts have got me wondering... what are the most expensive
and/or upmarket products that Logitech have sold? Are other things being

I'd somehow be happier if I thought they were cutting all of their
high-end products, rather than targeting SBs.

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Re: [slim] Can I connect my pc directly to SBT via ethernet ? and....

2012-09-08 Thread epoch1970

I believe you should not go into the 2nd ethernet card project. 

I don't see much difference between 2 cables out of the AP, and 2 cables
out of the router. 

In case there is really a huge traffic on your network outside the music
transfer from PC to Touch (this is very unlikely), you may want to use a
switch dedicated to the PC and Touch. An inexpensive gigabit or fast
ethernet switch connected to the PC and to the Touch, and connected to
the rest of your LAN (the AP or the router), will create a direct route
from the PC to the Touch. The switch is transparent to the network, and
to the music of course. This will be in effect, a direct route.

If you get a gigabit switch (an overkill considering the data traffic
between the PC and Touch), make sure it doesn't use an active fan… 5
port giga switches won't, domestic switches won't. 8 port or more,
prosumer gigabit switches are quite likely to include an internal fan.
Fast ethernet switches are all fanless.
About the cables, you can look for cat5e or cat6 unshielded cables.
shielded cables are no good, they're stiffer and can create grounding
noise via the metal foil surrounding the cables. Prefer unshielded
cables, unless there is a large electrical motor on the cable path.

Have fun.

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Re: [slim] Announcing SqueezePad - the first dedicated iPad App to controll your SqueezeBoxen !

2012-09-08 Thread bluegaspode

df9864 wrote: 
 I have arranged all my music in folders over the years. I have about 100
 gig or so, and find that navigating through my music folders (on a NAS)
 is slow. The albums/artists caching is great but I'd much rather go to
 my music through the folder structure.
 Is there anything I can do to speed this up or any plans to cache in a
 future release?

Hi df9864, 

as mnyb already wrote: these folders are slow on all platforms. The only
way to speed the browsing experience up, is to create some additional
subfolders (like A-F, G-S, T-Z), so that each folder has a smaller
set of items.
It is not planned to cache the By Folder menu, as the philosophy of
the Squeezebox is, that this is a live folder and that one does not
need to rescan the library to access the latest items in this menu.

I'm very sorry for the inconvenience caused by this.

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Re: [slim] the new Squeezebox products are good (because servers and linux are burnt toast)

2012-09-08 Thread pallfreeman

mortslim wrote: 
 I finally decided to try a low power squeezebox server.  I purchased a
 SheevaPlug.  I have never used linux before.

I guess it's a little late to wish you good luck with that. I'm just a
looky-loo and a gawker. I've owned a SheevaPlug for a while, and knew
the answer to some of your questions, but chose not to respond. 

There's an old joke about a man lost in the countryside. When asked for
directions to wherever, the yokel replies well, you don't want to be
starting from here. 

Sorry you had such a bad experience.

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Re: [slim] the new Squeezebox products are good (because servers and linux are burnt toast)

2012-09-08 Thread pallfreeman

mherger wrote: 
 Then there's your router, your TV set, your music service's backend.

It does seem a little strange to be ranting about how bad some software
is, and instead recommending a product based on the same software... 

Mother used to wake the family with the sound of burnt toast being
scraped. Never did me any harm.

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[slim] Paid music services over Squeezebox players in the future- is this gonna discontinue?

2012-09-08 Thread ARTMU

I am trying to figure out what the Logitech is planning to do with all
of us who are using Squeezeboxes and are paying for services like
Spotify, MOG, premium Pandora,  Rhapsody etc. Logic would suggest that
Logitech was/is receiving some profits from these companies for allowing
them to stream music over SB. Such users would have to cancel accounts
being abandoned by Logi support. That means lost money for Logitech and
this music services. Does anyone know if these services will stay with
us even Logitech support will be gone?
If this is gonna happen I would rather invest in good quality network
enabled AV receiver that has similar functionality to SB, and will let
me play paid services. I believe these guys from Logitech lost their

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-08 Thread ARTMU

I still believe the classy one unit was Squeezebox 3 with Slimdevices
Logo. This is true inventors legacy and it was true art and best
aesthetic design. 
bernt wrote: 
 Yes, bring back Slim Devices.
 My silver SB3 with SlimDevices logo still outperform everything else out

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Re: [slim] Why Logitech SB is the best thing since sliced bread!

2012-09-08 Thread Mnyb

pallfreeman wrote: 
 The last few posts have got me wondering... what are the most expensive
 and/or upmarket products that Logitech have sold? Are other things being
 I'd somehow be happier if I thought they were cutting all of their
 high-end products, rather than targeting SBs.

My guess is the Transporter .

Logitech High End Products ? computer speakers and mice and keyboards ?

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