Re: [slim] Interest for community maintained music streaming wiki ?

2013-01-09 Thread Michael Herger

Michael, how does one go about this - I wanted to update the debian
pages about a week back and don't have editor rights?

What's your user name?


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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2013-01-09 Thread TheLastMan

maggior wrote: 
> So, when the time comes I need to move on and only a closed system is
> available and it does everything I need to do well, I'll be OK with
> that.
> I'm interested to see what develops over the next year.
My only problem with Sonos is that they don't have *' Triode'
on their development team!

His BBC iPlayer and Spotify plug-ins are the two most used plug-ins on
my Squeezeboxes. In fact I reckon about 50% of my family's total
listening time is accounted for with just those two facilities.
Sonos do not have an iPlayer app at all and their Spotify app is not a
patch on Triode's plug-in.
If my Squeezeboxes fail, or Triode's plug-ins stop working, then I will
be bereft... :(
I am sorely tempted to pick up some back-up Squeezeboxes just in case,
but if the plug-ins stop working before the Squeezeboxes do then that
would be a waste of money.

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2013-01-09 Thread SBGK

TheLastMan wrote: 
> My only problem with Sonos is that they don't have *' Triode'
> (*
> on their development team!
> His BBC iPlayer and Spotify plug-ins are the two most used plug-ins on
> my Squeezeboxes. In fact I reckon about 50% of my family's total
> listening time is accounted for with just those two facilities.
> Sonos do not have an iPlayer app at all and their Spotify app is not a
> patch on Triode's plug-in.
> If my Squeezeboxes fail, or Triode's plug-ins stop working, then I will
> be bereft... :(
> I am sorely tempted to pick up some back-up Squeezeboxes just in case,
> but if the plug-ins stop working before the Squeezeboxes do then that
> would be a waste of money.

keep an eye on the squeezelite thread, seems to be evolving rapidly.

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox can't see mp3 on second line on RSS feed

2013-01-09 Thread mkkyah

I received no answers from the forums but tried a few things, no success
so far.

I tried to use Yahoo Pipes to customize RSS feed. Although it's new to
me and I'm no programmer I managed to create RSS feeds with 2 different
methods. The result RSS files are looking good and working with web
browsers. Show links are sorted correctly and corresponding mp3 file
link is there. I can click and play mp3 links on my browser.

But on Squeezebox ( both with LMS and Controller) there are no play
options of shows. They are listed without play button. I can't see any
missing part on RSS. I have also added other RSS from Yahoo Pipes, they
are working, so it's not a common Pipes problem.
Here are my 2 sample pipes links:
(I couldn't link the correct madia:url so far, so I have used a static
link to try it)

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2013-01-09 Thread TheLastMan

SBGK wrote: 
> keep an eye on the squeezelite thread, seems to be evolving rapidly.
Thanks for the heads up.  Had not spotted that thread before.  The guy
is obviously a genius!

I was aware that I could install a software player on a mini-PC, and
that one comes bundled with Vortexbox anyway. I am not looking for the
eptiome of small and cheap.  I am quite happy to install Vortexbox on
something like a Zotac atom based mini-PC if necessary, provided it will
sync securely with other players.

I suppose I am more worried about Triode deciding to retire from
supporting his plugins.  However the Squeezelite project gives me hope
that he has not given up yet. 

What does this guy do for a living?  Where does he find the time to do
this stuff? He should start asking for donations.  I think he might be
surprised at how many use his plugins and are prepared to show their
gratitude financially in order to secure continued plug-in support,
particularly those of us in the UK.

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Re: [slim] Interest for community maintained music streaming wiki ?

2013-01-09 Thread erland

audiomuze wrote: 
> I guess a good start would be a full replication of the current wiki?
Yes, that's pretty much my idea, if we decide to do it. 
We just need to ensure we don't replicate anything that's clearly
copyrighted to Logitech, like logo types and similar stuff.

I've allocated a few potential domain names (,, which could be used unless someone
have a better suggestion (send me a mail in that case).

However, before doing anything I first want to ensure there are more
than a handful of people who are willing to help maintain the content,
else I'm afraid it isn't worth the trouble because it will probably be
more or less dead in 6-12 months.

I personally feel there is a strong need because it would be so much
faster to refer people to a wiki page than trying to find an instruction
I've seen in some forum thread when I don't remember exactly which
thread it was. The needs is also getting bigger when Logitech doesn't
sell the Squeezeboxes because now it isn't just simple Squeezebox
troubleshooting I'm looking for but also links and information about DIY
projects like Raspbery Pi/SheevaPlug/Squeezelite and information/links
about potential Squeezebox replacements.

I also feel it would be a pity to loose the Slim Devices community when
Logitech eventually decides to shutdown this forum, so starting with a
wiki already now and in a few years extend it with a community
maintained forum when Logitech no longer wants to maintain this one
feels like a move in the right direction.

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2013-01-09 Thread erland

TheLastMan wrote: 
> I was aware that I could install a software player on a mini-PC, and
> that one comes bundled with Vortexbox anyway. I am not looking for the
> eptiome of small and cheap.  I am quite happy to install Vortexbox on
> something like a Zotac atom based mini-PC if necessary, provided it will
> sync securely with other players.
I've used Squeezelite on a Zotac Zbox AD04 with its analogue output,
worked great as far as I could see.
It was while squeezelite was still a beta version and I tried but didn't
succeed to get it to work with the HDMI output, but was more of a OS
problem than a squeezelite problem since I didn't even get the HDMI
audio to work with other software. Will have to try again with the
latest version when I get the time.

TheLastMan wrote: 
> I suppose I am more worried about Triode deciding to retire from
> supporting his plugins.  However the Squeezelite project gives me hope
> that he has not given up yet. 
As all third party developers I'm sure he loves to get positive feedback
and ideas for potential improvements.
If you want to ensure he stays, keep giving him positive feedback, help
with beta testing, troubleshooting your own and other users setup and
give him ideas for potential improvements.

A few years back some people were worried about using third party
plugins because they were afraid they wouldn't be supported in the
future, instead they wanted Logitech to add the functionality to the
core because then the long term maintenance would be secured, they

TheLastMan wrote: 
> What does this guy do for a living?  Where does he find the time to do
> this stuff? 
It's all about priorities, reality shows on TV and sleeping 12 hours per
day is generally overrated ;-)

TheLastMan wrote: 
> He should start asking for donations.  
> I think he might be surprised at how many use his plugins and are
> prepared to show their gratitude financially in order to secure
> continued plug-in support, particularly those of us in the UK.
Everything isn't about money, some people like to do development just
because it's creative and fun and it's also nice to make people happy
and get the positive feedback.

Donations and commercial plugins introduce an extra level of
administration and effort which is needed to keep tax authorities happy,
it also have a tendency to make your hobby feel like work and
obligations which isn't always positive. So if you don't need the extra
money or doesn't want the extra administration, donations and commercial
solutions might not be the best solution to motivate yourself. 

I haven't regretted my decision to make some of my plugins commercial,
but I can definitely understand why some developers doesn't want to take
that route because even if it's positive from a financial perspective it
also introduce some new non technical challenges and negative aspects as
described above. Donations generally doesn't work on longer terms, at
least it didn't for me, too few users is prepared to voluntarily donate
money to make it worth the effort and if you get a lot of donations the
tax authorities is going to get interested and then you get the extra
administration without the high revenue.

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Re: [slim] Interest for community maintained music streaming wiki ?

2013-01-09 Thread audiomuze

Agree with your suggested approach (started a replication process this
morning, it's still running because I'm trying not to hammer the

@ Michael, given its a mediawiki wiki, any chance the powers that be
would permit a dump of the db to be handed over for purposes of creating
an independent wiki?

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Re: [slim] Interest for community maintained music streaming wiki ?

2013-01-09 Thread vining

mherger wrote: 
> IMHO the best way to keep alive is to actively use
> and update it. The more activity there is, the smaller the risk that it
> gets axed.
This was pretty much my initial feeling too but then i figured logitech
would probably key on forum usage not wiki visits so i'm in for both.

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2013-01-09 Thread TheLastMan

Thanks for the detailed feedback Erland, interesting to see what
motivates you guys.  I will keep an eye on Squeezlite.  Most of the
issues appear to be around making it work on low power devices.  If it
works easily with something like a Zotac Zbox then I will probably go
that route in the future if I need a replacement for my Receivers. I am
quite happy with a decent "analogue out".  

For those of us with full time jobs, wives also in full time work and
kids (in my case three under 12) "time poor" is an appropriate
I am hardly "cash rich" either, but am more able to provide a bit of
cash than I am time for beta testing, etc.  Very happy to give positive
feedback though, and have done a few times as far as Triode is

I note your comment about donations being as much of a burden as a
benefit, and I can understand that.  Rest assured, there are lots of us
out here who appreciate the Squeezebox plug-in developers.  You guys are
in serious danger of creating a fully open source music streaming
system.  I can even see a small cottage industry developing in providing
low volume, high quality, Squeezebox players and servers with
pre-installed Linux OS and software that can be sold to those of us
without the time, inclination or expertise to "build our own".  If
Agillis can do it with Vortexbox then there is room for others, I am

The big challenge will be keeping LMS working once Logitech turns off
the MySB servers. Any chance of that? Or would it be "curtains" for the

erland wrote: 
> It's all about priorities, reality shows on TV and sleeping 12 hours per
> day is generally overrated ;-) 
Wow! Chance wouild be a fine thing.  Very fine! :)

Live long and prosper... (please!)

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Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2013-01-09 Thread Musiclover

Thanks for the support. Squeezeplay R158 is now playing HDA Wave.

But I found a small problem:

while playing a track, the timer status bar is jumping to sero position
and after short time back to the actual played time.
I have installed LogitechMediaServer-7.8.0-1353679004 2013 01 08.exe and
Squeezeplay R158.
This time jump you can see at:
Squeezeplay R158
LMS 7.8 beta
iPeng for iPad

Is this a problem of the beta server?

My other devices (hardware and old software player, Squeezeplay 7.7.2)
havn´t this problem.

Any idea?

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Re: [slim] Interest for community maintained music streaming wiki ?

2013-01-09 Thread 505

Yes, I would be interested in authoring a few pages, or updating
information from the current wiki. I did a forum post on turning a Cubox
into a Squeezebox once, and that was promptly featured as a blog

Question, with which level of activity would you call it a success? Of
course, in the beginning there would be a lot of activity, with new
pages being created and current wiki information being updated. But
after that... Although the forums are very active, the actual
information that is new, and which should be present on the wiki isn't
that frequent.

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Re: [slim] Interest for community maintained music streaming wiki ?

2013-01-09 Thread erland

505 wrote: 
> Question, with which level of activity would you call it a success? Of
> course, in the beginning there would be a lot of activity, with new
> pages being created and current wiki information being updated. But
> after that... Although the forums are very active, the actual
> information that is new, and which should be present on the wiki isn't
> that frequent.
I'm satisfied if we can reach a level where we manage to keep most of
the information up to date.
Most parts related to Squeezebox hardware or LMS aren't going to need
much updates since Logitech doesn't do much work, other parts regarding
third party hardware/software will probably be a bit more dynamic.

A guess would be that after the initial work we at least have a few
updates per month or something similar, I certainly doesn't expect it to
be updated on daily basis.

I think the main work is going to be to clean it up initially and later
to to keep parts regarding third party hardware/software updated. As I
mentioned in my previous post I would like to community wiki to be able
to also contain information about non Logitech/Squeezebox hardware and
that part will probably be more dynamic since that hardware/software
might be actively developed.

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2013-01-09 Thread erland

TheLastMan wrote: 
> The big challenge will be keeping LMS working once Logitech turns off
> the MySB servers. Any chance of that? Or would it be "curtains" for the
> Squeezebox?
I'm not that worried, we are probably talking about at least 2 years in
the future, probably longer, I'm fairly sure the market will find a
solution suitable for our needs by then.
It might not be Squeezebox hardware but as long as it offers similar
features most of us will be happy to switch to it.

For local music LMS will continue to work a long time after MySB servers
has been shutdown.

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Re: [slim] Win 8 - Squeezeplay no is connecting

2013-01-09 Thread banned for life

Squeezeplay stopped connecting after 3 days.

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Re: [slim] bitwise controls - URL Scheme for the iPad Logitech Squeezebox app

2013-01-09 Thread pippin

iPeng 2.0.9 and iPeng for iPad 1.4.9 (actually iPeng UE 1.0.2, too) now
support a separate URL parameter to select a player.
The player has to be connected to a server that is visible to iPeng
(either auto discoverable or manually configured) or the parameter gets

The format is described here:

Please try it out, it's not really well tested.

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Re: [slim] Interest for community maintained music streaming wiki ?

2013-01-09 Thread Michael Herger

@ Michael, given its a mediawiki wiki, any chance the powers that be
would permit a dump of the db to be handed over for purposes of creating
an independent wiki?

While I still think running your own wiki is not a great idea, there might  
be a chance if you approach it the right way. Pretty often if you can make  
someone believe he can save a few bucks, wonders can happen. If you try to  
get that data, you should make clear that Logitech could shut down its  
wiki. Not only would this be a motivator to hand over the data, but it  
would also prevent the risk of split effort.

That said I haven't spoken to anyone here about this plan. If you're  
serious about it I could bring up the topic. I just don't want to wake up  
the sleeping dog who might decide to shut the wiki down without any  


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Re: [slim] Interest for community maintained music streaming wiki ?

2013-01-09 Thread mherger

audiomuze wrote: 
> @ Michael, given its a mediawiki wiki, any chance the powers that be
> would permit a dump of the db to be handed over for purposes of creating
> an independent wiki?

While I still think running your own wiki is not a great idea, there
might be a chance to get the data if you approach it the right way.
Pretty often wonders can happen if you can make someone believe he can
save a few bucks. If you try to get that data, you should make clear
that Logitech could shut down its wiki _afterwards_. Not only would this
be a motivator to hand over the data, but it would also prevent the risk
of split effort.

That said I haven't spoken to anyone here about this plan. If you're
serious about it I can bring up the topic. I just don't want to wake up
the sleeping dog who might decide to shut the wiki down without any
transition instead...

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