Re: [slim] New Transporters available

2015-03-14 Thread jimzak wrote: 
 I've got a used Silver Slim Devices one ,excellent condition for 850 .
 Pm me if interested .
I'll give you 950.  LOL.

Cisco E4200
SBS 7.8 - i7 laptop - Win 8 64bit
3 Booms, 2 Radio, 1 Touch, 1 iPod Touch w/digital dock
2 controllers, various tablets/phones
Various apps including iPeng, Logitech Android, etc.
'Library' ( 265,000+ FLAC/MP3
files - 12 TB HD
Onkyo TX-NR818, KEF Q300/Q200/iQ30, Outlaw LFM-1 Plus

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Re: [slim] LMS 7.90 change in sort behaviour?

2015-03-14 Thread gazjones59

Thanks for the advice. If I was starting again, I would do exactly as
you describe; however my library is now of a size which means that
updating all the Composer tags would be a major undertaking. I wanted a
schema which was really simple and would work essentially independent of
the software utilised. As much as I love my Squeezebox setup, there may
come a day when it no longer works and I want to be able to load my
library as is into another 'package' and retain easy access to all the
tag information. 

I hope it doesn't happen but I can't be without my library or my head
would explode.

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Re: [slim] LMS 7.90 change in sort behaviour?

2015-03-14 Thread JohnB


My music library is also mostly classical and I also used to search in
exactly the same way you do (my album name format is Composer - Work
- Main performer ).

However, now that there are the additional browse modes in LMS 7.9 I no
longer use the search but use the composer browse and drill down from
there. I find it very good indeed, especially with iPeng.

(Of course it means you have to have the Composer tag set on all one's
music files.)

Touch, Meridian G92, Meridian G55, PMC OB1i speakers, HP Proliant
Microserver/Ubuntu, PC/Windows 7, iPad 4, iPeng, Squeezepad.

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Re: [slim] New Transporters available

2015-03-14 Thread jimmypowder

jimzak wrote: 
 I'll give you 950.  LOL.

LOL send me the money retard.LOl

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread ChipMonk

castalla wrote: 
 Well said!  
 No - not a member

Well I am now, a right honourable member of uk-radio-listeners forum -
but what a horrible forum and format. I can see why Yahoo is heading
nowhere. So much for Cridland working with the best brains at the
forefront of technology. Only thing clear is that he is Cock o' the
Midden there. However, I'm not sure that I have the mental strength to
try to make sense of it right now - I think that I'll stay stumm in my

Meanwhile, I seem to be in the middle of a fracas with Jim Lesurf in
Usenet, who writes in Hi Fi News and turns out to be
very much a BBC man. That's wearing me out quite enough for now - I'm
beginning to think I should just keep my head down, use the fixes from
this wonderful forum, as and when needed, get back into my Spring garden
- and sod the BBC. There's just too much inertia, vested interest and
apathy around - I don't need any more disillusionment.

I've seen the future for BBC Radio and it's an Applesphere iThingy - but
it must be able to talk to my RasPi LMS. 

Ergo, it would be nice if there was a satisfactory and robust solution
for integrating Airplay into LMS on Raspberry Pi's. Can anyone help

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread PasTim

ChipMonk wrote: 
 Thanks garym - I should have said, I've already had a quick go at this
 but without much success. I couldn't get the plugin to load on my RasPi2
 LMS and I got so much incomprehensible perl stuff loading onto my SD
 card that I ended up dumping it and starting again. . Castella looked at
 this a few years back, again with only limited success I believe. I
 think that, faced with the new realities vis a vis the BBC and the major
 presence of the Applesphere (as I like to call it) it would be nice if
 there was a new look into doing this right. But I'm afraid, when it
 comes to issues as technical as this, I'm just a sad old leecher.
One problem I don't have, thank heavens.  Home is an i-Free zone (apart
from iPlayer!).

LMS 7.9 on VortexBox Midi, Xubuntu 14.04, FLACs 16-24 bit,
44.1-192kbps. LMS  Squeeze2upnp to MF M1 CLiC (to MF amp  ESLs) 
Marantz CR603 UPnP renderers.  Minimserver (server)  upplay (control
point) to same renderers  to upmpdcli/mpd PC renderers.  Squeezelite to
Meridian USB Explorer DAC to speakers/phones.  Wireless Xubuntu 14.04
laptop with firefox/upplay or Android 'phone with
Squeeze-Commander/BubbleUPnP controls LMS/Minimserver.   Have a Touch
with EDO, and a spare, but don't use.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread garym

PasTim wrote: 
 The people I feel sorry for are those who just listen to Internet Radio
 without much knowledge of what's going on, will have lost Listen Again
 on March 9th, and will lose the replacement mp3 streams sometime sooner
 rather than later, particularly blind users.
 Folk able to get to this forum (or minimstreamer for live radio) and
 tinker a bit will probably be OK, although some of us may have run out
 of steam, and swear words, before this current process ends with the
 withdrawal of the RTMP streams and introduction of DASH, maybe,
 sometime, who knows?
 Meanwhile the BBC will ignore us because have made up their minds.  I
 can't see any way of affecting this.  I have sent emails to Hall, Scott
  Co, all of which have been ignored.  I'm pursuing a complaint but
 don't honestly expect any positive result.
 Back to my music.

Speaking more broadly than just the BBC issue, It has always seemed to
me that folks that use dedicated network music streamers in their home
(squeezeboxes, SONOS, etc.) are in the tiny minority when it comes to
users of internet streaming. We all think that is unfortunate of course,
as they don't realize what they are missing, but the sheer numbers of
people who are perfectly happy with an iThing, a smart phone, or
listening through a web browser (through cheap computer speakers) seems
to be overwhelming. Occasionally a radio station will change their
streaming method, having zero clue how they have disenfranchised me. I
had contacts with one station and they simply couldn't understand why I
was troubled, because after all, we have a free app you can download to
your iphone, ipad, or android device, and we have a player embedded in
our website for your computerwhat more could you want.  I find with
those folks, and even most of my friends and family, the concept that 
one needs more than those options is just bizarre and I might as well be
speaking a foreign language to them when I try to explain.

*Home:* VortexBox 4TB (2.3)  LMS 7.8  Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Cottage:* VBA 3TB (2.3)  LMS 7.8  Touch  Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Office:* Win7(64)  LMS 7.8  Squeezelite
*Spares:* Touch(3), Radio(3), Boom, SB3, CONTROLLER
*Controllers:* iPhone6  iPadAir2 (iPeng8  Squeezepad), CONTROLLER, or
SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win7(64) laptop
*Files:* ripping: dbpoweramp  FLAC; post-rip: mp3tag, PerfectTunes;
Streaming: Spotify

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread ChipMonk

garym wrote: 
  I might as well be speaking a foreign language to them when I try to

You are absolutely right - we're now the weirdos. When I was young, more
than almost anything else that you could do with your clothes on, I
wanted near perfect sound reproduction, even though it was unachievable.
Nonetheless, I spent a relative fortune trying. Now that it's within
anyone's grasp for a relatively small outlay, most folk don't give a
damn. When I see folk playing music out of the speakers of a
smartphone I am absolutely dumbfounded. When folks come into my lounge
and see a pair of Quad electrostatics sitting atop a pair of matching
Gradient sub-woofers, they are, well, absolutely dumbfounded.

It's a funny old world - but it belongs to them now, not us.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread castalla

ChipMonk wrote: 
 It's a funny old world - but it belongs to them now, not us.

It belongs to all of us - despite what The Man wants us to believe!

Touch - Muse M50 EX TPA3123 T-Amp Mini - Acoustics Q10 speakers
Logitech Radio
Logitech UE Smart Radio
Raspberry Pi + Squeezeplug LMS + Squeezelite
Cubieboard + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Soundwave SW100
bluetooth speaker
O2 Joggler + SqpOS + Aune X2 T-amp + Mordaunt Short ms-3.40 speakers 
IBOX + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Soundwave SW100 bluetooth
Squeeze2upnp - Sonos Play1  Vistron internet radio (Reciva)

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread PasTim

The people I feel sorry for are those who just listen to Internet Radio
without much knowledge of what's going on, will have lost Listen Again
on March 9th, and will lose the replacement mp3 streams sometime sooner
rather than later, particularly blind users.

Folk able to get to this forum (or minimstreamer for live radio) and
tinker a bit will probably be OK, although some of us may have run out
of steam, and swear words, before this current process ends with the
withdrawal of the RTMP streams and introduction of DASH, maybe,
sometime, who knows?

Meanwhile the BBC will ignore us because have made up their minds.  I
can't see any way of affecting this.  I have sent emails to Hall, Scott
 Co, all of which have been ignored.  I'm pursuing a complaint but
don't honestly expect any positive result.

Back to my music.

LMS 7.9 on VortexBox Midi, Xubuntu 14.04, FLACs 16-24 bit,
44.1-192kbps. LMS  Squeeze2upnp to MF M1 CLiC (to MF amp  ESLs) 
Marantz CR603 UPnP renderers.  Minimserver (server)  upplay (control
point) to same renderers  to upmpdcli/mpd PC renderers.  Squeezelite to
Meridian USB Explorer DAC to speakers/phones.  Wireless Xubuntu 14.04
laptop with firefox/upplay or Android 'phone with
Squeeze-Commander/BubbleUPnP controls LMS/Minimserver.   Have a Touch
with EDO, and a spare, but don't use.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread ChipMonk

PasTim wrote: 
 The people I feel sorry for are those who just listen to Internet Radio
 without much knowledge of what's going on, will have lost Listen Again
 on March 9th, and will lose the replacement mp3 streams sometime sooner
 rather than later, particularly blind users.

Yep - that's the banner I've been trying to carry - mainly for the
lost, non-techie souls. But, for probably a variety of reasons, they're
just too invisible to give us the momentum we need. I do not enjoy this
rabble rousing at all and I'm getting fed up of being treated as a
Luddite or a daft old fool who doesn't get it, of beating my head
against a wall of indifference. 

Our problems, of course, are minor by comparison but when, on an almost
daily basis, I hear those folks who tried, over the decades, to raise
concerns of serious abuse or injustice or corruption and how they were
beaten down, simply ignored or themselves abused by public servants and
the system well, after six weeks of this, I now understand much
better. And when I hear, from Scott and countless others before him, how
lessons will be learned, and they never are, I just want to throw up.

Back to the music? Well, it'll depend on the amount of re-buffering I

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Re: [slim] Full scan hangs

2015-03-14 Thread skriefal

Which version of LMS?  I had similar results with LMS 7.7, but the
problem went away when I updated to LMS 7.9.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread ftlight

ChipMonk wrote: 
 Meanwhile, I seem to be in the middle of a fracas with Jim Lesurf in
 Usenet, who writes in Hi Fi News and turns out to be
 very much a BBC man. That's wearing me out quite enough for now - I'm
 beginning to think I should just keep my head down, use the fixes from
 this wonderful forum, as and when needed, get back into my Spring garden
 - and sod the BBC. There's just too much inertia, vested interest and
 apathy around - I don't need any more disillusionment.
I see you're getting some support from a couple of the other posters,
but Mr Lesurf is a bit, umm, dogmatic, shall we say...

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread garym

ChipMonk wrote: 
 Ergo, it would be nice if there was a satisfactory and robust solution
 for integrating Airplay into LMS on Raspberry Pi's. Can anyone help

On my Vortexbox (fedora linux) install of LMS, there is a method for
installing a plugin that allows airplay to work with LMS and play
through squeezeboxes. I have no idea how it works, but I did try it as a
test and it did work.  Is it some version of something I've seen
referred to around here as shairplay?  A quick search led me to this:

*Home:* VortexBox 4TB (2.3)  LMS 7.8  Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Cottage:* VBA 3TB (2.3)  LMS 7.8  Touch  Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Office:* Win7(64)  LMS 7.8  Squeezelite
*Spares:* Touch(3), Radio(3), Boom, SB3, CONTROLLER
*Controllers:* iPhone6  iPadAir2 (iPeng8  Squeezepad), CONTROLLER, or
SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win7(64) laptop
*Files:* ripping: dbpoweramp  FLAC; post-rip: mp3tag, PerfectTunes;
Streaming: Spotify

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread ChipMonk

garym wrote: 
 On my Vortexbox (fedora linux) install of LMS, there is a method for
 installing a plugin that allows airplay to work with LMS and play
 through squeezeboxes. I have no idea how it works, but I did try it as a
 test and it did work.  Is it some version of something I've seen
 referred to around here as shairplay?  A quick search led me to this:

Thanks garym - I should have said, I've already had a quick go at this
but without much success. I couldn't get the plugin to load on my RasPi2
LMS and I got so much incomprehensible perl stuff loading onto my SD
card that I ended up dumping it and starting again. . Castella looked at
this a few years back, again with only limited success I believe. I
think that, faced with the new realities vis a vis the BBC and the major
presence of the Applesphere (as I like to call it) it would be nice if
there was a new look into doing this right. But I'm afraid, when it
comes to issues as technical as this, I'm just a sad old leecher.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread castalla

ChipMonk wrote: 
 Well I am now, a right honourable member of uk-radio-listeners forum -
 but what a horrible forum and format. I can see why Yahoo is heading
 nowhere. So much for Cridland working with the best brains at the
 forefront of technology. Only thing clear is that he is Cock o' the
 Midden there. However, I'm not sure that I have the mental strength to
 try to make sense of it right now - I think that I'll stay stumm in my
 Meanwhile, I seem to be in the middle of a fracas with Jim Lesurf in
 Usenet, who writes in Hi Fi News and turns out to be
 very much a BBC man. That's wearing me out quite enough for now - I'm
 beginning to think I should just keep my head down, use the fixes from
 this wonderful forum, as and when needed, get back into my Spring garden
 - and sod the BBC. There's just too much inertia, vested interest and
 apathy around - I don't need any more disillusionment.
 I've seen the future for BBC Radio and it's an Applesphere iThingy - but
 it must be able to talk to my RasPi LMS. 
 Ergo, it would be nice if there was a satisfactory and robust solution
 for integrating Airplay into LMS on Raspberry Pi's. Can anyone help

That's what they're counting on - inertia.  They must all be on that
fruity device juice ...

Touch - Muse M50 EX TPA3123 T-Amp Mini - Acoustics Q10 speakers
Logitech Radio
Logitech UE Smart Radio
Raspberry Pi + Squeezeplug LMS + Squeezelite
Cubieboard + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Soundwave SW100
bluetooth speaker
O2 Joggler + SqpOS + Aune X2 T-amp + Mordaunt Short ms-3.40 speakers 
IBOX + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Soundwave SW100 bluetooth
Squeeze2upnp - Sonos Play1  Vistron internet radio (Reciva)

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread ChipMonk

castalla wrote: 
 That's what they're counting on - inertia.  They must all be on that
 fruity device juice ...

BBC Radio 4 just had Kazuo Ishiguro's The Buried Giant as Book at
Bedtime over the last two weeks. About a mysterious mist which leads to
forgetfulness across the land, erasing of all recollection of misdeeds
done in the past. All due to a Dragon, can't remember the
name...was it called Querig or perhaps Auntie? I'm really
not sure, it's all gone I'm afraid. Oh, and before I forget even more,
Brian Gulliver's Travels, Radio 4 last night (I think) - all about
visiting a planet where folks instantly forget nasty things. Well, I
think that's what it was about. If you remember, and if it still works,
you just might be able to hear some of it again on Listen Again. If
that's what it was called.

I have a feeling that the BBC was trying to tell us something, perhaps
it's even more sinister than that. But I've forgotten what.

Brave New World.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread garym

castalla wrote: 
 I did get airplay working via the the shairport plugin, but it was very
 hit'n'miss  I gave up in the end.  I also got bluetooth working with
 squeezelite but that was an even hairier experience, and I still don't
 really know what I did to get it working!

my short experiment worked fine in terms of streaming and playing from
my iphone, but if I recall correctly, I couldn't sync SB players, and
lost some other controls. So I just uninstalled the stuff from my
vortexbox setup.  I really don't want to be streaming from a portable
wifi connected device when I have a dedicated, wired music server and
mostly ethernet cabled Squeezebox players.

*Home:* VortexBox 4TB (2.3)  LMS 7.8  Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Cottage:* VBA 3TB (2.3)  LMS 7.8  Touch  Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Office:* Win7(64)  LMS 7.8  Squeezelite
*Spares:* Touch(3), Radio(3), Boom, SB3, CONTROLLER
*Controllers:* iPhone6  iPadAir2 (iPeng8  Squeezepad), CONTROLLER, or
SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win7(64) laptop
*Files:* ripping: dbpoweramp  FLAC; post-rip: mp3tag, PerfectTunes;
Streaming: Spotify

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Re: [slim] Full scan hangs

2015-03-14 Thread garym

ickstream hasn't affected my scanning.  Go into LMS  Settings 
Advanced and set your scanning log to debug.  Then do the scan again
and when it hangs, look at your scanning log and see what it is showing.
This may provide some hints. And you can post it here too for others to
look at.

*Home:* VortexBox 4TB (2.3)  LMS 7.8  Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Cottage:* VBA 3TB (2.3)  LMS 7.8  Touch  Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Office:* Win7(64)  LMS 7.8  Squeezelite
*Spares:* Touch(3), Radio(3), Boom, SB3, CONTROLLER
*Controllers:* iPhone6  iPadAir2 (iPeng8  Squeezepad), CONTROLLER, or
SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win7(64) laptop
*Files:* ripping: dbpoweramp  FLAC; post-rip: mp3tag, PerfectTunes;
Streaming: Spotify

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread castalla

PasTim wrote: 
 One problem I don't have, thank heavens.  Home is an i-Free zone (apart
 from iPlayer!).

I did get airplay working via the the shairport plugin, but it was very
hit'n'miss  I gave up in the end.  I also got bluetooth working with
squeezelite but that was an even hairier experience, and I still don't
really know what I did to get it working!

Touch - Muse M50 EX TPA3123 T-Amp Mini - Acoustics Q10 speakers
Logitech Radio
Logitech UE Smart Radio
Raspberry Pi + Squeezeplug LMS + Squeezelite
Cubieboard + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Soundwave SW100
bluetooth speaker
O2 Joggler + SqpOS + Aune X2 T-amp + Mordaunt Short ms-3.40 speakers 
IBOX + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Soundwave SW100 bluetooth
Squeeze2upnp - Sonos Play1  Vistron internet radio (Reciva)

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread garym

ChipMonk wrote: 
 It's a funny old world - but it belongs to them now, not us.

In the 1990s when younger folks I knew found out I had 5,000 CDs their
response was always something like, wow, that's really cool. Now when
people find out I have many thousands of CDs and have converted them to
lossless digital on my music server, their responses is always something
like, wow, that's really pretty stupid. Haven't you heard of Spotify or
Pandora?.   Of course I simply respond, get off my lawn!.  :cool:

*Home:* VortexBox 4TB (2.3)  LMS 7.8  Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Cottage:* VBA 3TB (2.3)  LMS 7.8  Touch  Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Office:* Win7(64)  LMS 7.8  Squeezelite
*Spares:* Touch(3), Radio(3), Boom, SB3, CONTROLLER
*Controllers:* iPhone6  iPadAir2 (iPeng8  Squeezepad), CONTROLLER, or
SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win7(64) laptop
*Files:* ripping: dbpoweramp  FLAC; post-rip: mp3tag, PerfectTunes;
Streaming: Spotify

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread ChipMonk

castalla wrote: 
 here's an interesting titbit :
 James Cridland - a former big cheese of the BBC online mob - and a
 techno-elitist who probably renews to the latest wow-shite gizmo on a
 monthly basis ...
 Despicable but probably representative of the Audio Brewery mob.

James Cridland, Former Head of Future Media  Technology for BBC Audio 
Music Interactive - speaking in 2008 in that position

In radio we agree on technology and compete on content. We agree and
co-fund with commercial radio RAJAR. Using paper diaries alas. We agree
and have co-marketed digital radio. We agree on NICAM, teletext, you
name it. We are looking at Radio DNS to look for IP-enabled web
services. And other things that the BBC has done in it’s time are … the
reason people agree that the Web is a trustworthy source of news is down
to BBC News Online. When we say forward slash, that was some BBC
steering group which came up with that phrase.
I’d like to stress, in terms of how the BBC operates we have a massive
positive effect.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread Grumpy Bob

castalla wrote: 
 here's an interesting titbit :
 James Cridland, on the Yahoo UK radio listeners group:
 Silly idea for a petition. You might as well also demand that the BBC
 also makes all its television programmes available in 405 line black and
 white, or that their website works properly on Netscape 3.
 Technology moves on. Serve all audiences is being delivered if you use
 the BBC website or BBC apps. It's a pointless exercise to insist that it
 works on some random piece of Chinese rubbish that you bought down in
 the market for sixty quid in 2009.

Those are asinine comments. What the BBC has done on internet radio is
more akin to dropping Freeview SD broadcasts leaving all those with SD
TVs unable to watch TV.


Touch  DacMagic 100  Naim Audio Nait 3  Mission 752 (plus Rega Planar
3 and Naim CD3)
2 x Squeezebox Radios, 1 X Squeezebox 3
SqueezePad, iPeng, Squeezeplay, piCorePlayerDACMagic 100,
PiCorePlayer(Pi2)IQAudIO DAC+Sennheisers
QNAP TS-239, LMS 7.9

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread castalla

Cridland's blog states he is a 'Radio Futurologist' (pretentious or
what?) and that:

Since leaving the BBC in 2009, he has worked for a variety of
businesses, including the receiver manufacturer Pure

Fancy that!

Touch - Muse M50 EX TPA3123 T-Amp Mini - Acoustics Q10 speakers
Logitech Radio
Logitech UE Smart Radio
Raspberry Pi + Squeezeplug LMS + Squeezelite
Cubieboard + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Soundwave SW100
bluetooth speaker
O2 Joggler + SqpOS + Aune X2 T-amp + Mordaunt Short ms-3.40 speakers 
IBOX + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Soundwave SW100 bluetooth
Squeeze2upnp - Sonos Play1  Vistron internet radio (Reciva)

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread castalla

ChipMonk wrote: 
 I think his pretentiousness is only out matched by his modesty,
 even-handedness and utter lack of complacency. Working with the best
 brains and in order to lock BBC Internet Radio into the domain of
 companies with the deepest pockets - Pure genius I'd call it.
 Remind me where most Pure and Apple products are manufactured these
 days, and probably for about 60 quid - but that's not the asking price.
 Are you a member of the of Yahoo UK Radio Listeners Forum? I suspect one
 now has to be a card carrying BBC luvvie in order to gain access into
 this sacred inner sanctum. Only 155 members and strictly controlled. I'm
 trying to be No.156.

Well said!  

No - not a member

Touch - Muse M50 EX TPA3123 T-Amp Mini - Acoustics Q10 speakers
Logitech Radio
Logitech UE Smart Radio
Raspberry Pi + Squeezeplug LMS + Squeezelite
Cubieboard + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Soundwave SW100
bluetooth speaker
O2 Joggler + SqpOS + Aune X2 T-amp + Mordaunt Short ms-3.40 speakers 
IBOX + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Soundwave SW100 bluetooth
Squeeze2upnp - Sonos Play1  Vistron internet radio (Reciva)

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread ChipMonk

castalla wrote: 
 Cridland's blog states he is a 'Radio Futurologist' (pretentious or
 what?) and that:
 ''Since leaving the BBC in 2009, he has worked for a variety of
 businesses, including the receiver manufacturer Pure ...''
 Fancy that!

I think his pretentiousness is only out matched by his modesty,
even-handedness and utter lack of complacency. Working with the best
brains and in order to lock BBC Internet Radio into the domain of
companies with the deepest pockets - Pure genius I'd call it.

Remind me where most Pure and Apple products are manufactured these
days, and probably for about 60 quid - but that's not the asking price.

Are you a member of the of Yahoo UK Radio Listeners Forum? I suspect one
now has to be a card carrying BBC luvvie in order to gain access into
this sacred inner sanctum. Only 155 members and strictly controlled. I'm
trying to be No.156.

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Re: [slim] Windows Users: Run a full library scan following time changes

2015-03-14 Thread kidstypike

mherger wrote: 
  Anything particular needs doing with this version, or just wait until
  21st March?
 Nothing to do. Except check progress when you do your first scan for new
  changed after the dst switch. It should no longer remove all tracks 
 and re-scan them all.

Thanks, I've only just seen your reply, DST is of course 29th not 21st.
(you don't see edits).

1 x SB3 - 1 x Boom - 1 x (Squeezebox) Radio - 2 x Touch - 2 x

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Re: [slim] LMS 7.90 change in sort behaviour?

2015-03-14 Thread pippin

For the details Michael will have to respond but essentially the search
process is changed. It uses a full text search across all fields in your
library and then has a ranking algorithm for the search results while in
the past it was e.g only search in the album title field for album
It makes it easier to find things you can't directly specify but the
ranking might be different than before

learn more about iPeng, the iPhone and iPad remote for the Squeezebox
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Re: [slim] LMS 7.90 change in sort behaviour?

2015-03-14 Thread pippin

Yes, because there are now a lot more results so they need to be ranked
to be useful

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[slim] LMS 7.90 change in sort behaviour?

2015-03-14 Thread gazjones59

Hello everybody.

I have a mature LMS system running from a Wndows 7 machine servicing 4
touch/radio units. Having been a user for quite a few years, I have the
system running
as I want and it performs in a pretty much trouble free fashion. I
switched to LMS 7.9 in the middle of last year, and this also was a
trouble free process.

However, last night I decided to download the latest 7.90 nightly to see
if any improvements had been made. The installation itself went fine,
but it appears that the ability to amend the sort order of items in the
Album search listing is not functioning. The button still appears in the
bottom left of the web interface, and the previous options are present
and correct. When viewing the Albums category, these sort options work
as before, but when viewing the results from an album search, the
results seem to come back in a random order and the various sort options
are indicated but make no difference when selected.

The main reason this is a problem for me is that the weird sort order
for searches is reflected in iPeng's search function, which is the way I
access my classical collection.

Am I missing something, or has this bug been noticed by anyone else?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: [slim] LMS 7.90 change in sort behaviour?

2015-03-14 Thread gazjones59

I understand that the search process itself might have changed, but does
that preclude the selection of a particular display order for the
returned results?

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Re: [slim] LMS 7.90 change in sort behaviour?

2015-03-14 Thread pippin

Search is now full-text-search

learn more about iPeng, the iPhone and iPad remote for the Squeezebox
Logitech UE Smart Radio as well as iPeng Party, the free Party-App, 
*New: iPeng 8, the Universal App for iOS 7 and iOS 8*

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Re: [slim] LMS 7.90 change in sort behaviour?

2015-03-14 Thread gazjones59

Hi Pippin - thanks for replying so swiftly.

Firstly I should thank you for iPeng which is indispensable to me.

However, I don't understand your comment. I did notice reference to
'full text search' in the scanner progress messages - could you
elaborate further?

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Re: [slim] LMS 7.90 change in sort behaviour?

2015-03-14 Thread gazjones59

OK - there is presumably a reason that this was implemented but it is a
big problem for me.

In order to keep my classical music tagged effectively without using too
many different tags, I have used a schema where i tag the Album Title as
'Composer : Work'. For example 'Sibelius : Symphony No. 6'. By entering
the search term 'Sibelius' I then get all the works by this composer,
and as it was I would get all instances of Symphony No. 6 preceded by
all instances of Symphony No. 5 and followed by all instances of
Symphony No. 7 etc.  When I execute a search now, the results come back
in no discernible order, but I understand from what you are saying that
this order is not only seemingly random, but cannot be changed.

If this is the case, is there some way I can return to a 7.9 nightly
from before this amendment, or will I have to go back to 7.8 in order to
get the search working as before? Or perhaps this bit of code is a work
in progress and may be subject to change...?

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Re: [slim] LMS 7.90 change in sort behaviour?

2015-03-14 Thread gazjones59

Emergency averted. A bit of searching revealed that the full text search
option is a plugin which can be disabled. I did this and Hey Presto! -
order is restored. Thanks for your help.

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[slim] Full scan hangs

2015-03-14 Thread radish112


I am running a full scan, but the process hangs (the process has now
been running for about an hour and is still ongoing). 

In the past, the process took only about 10-15 minutes to complete. As
the image below shows, the initial processes are being completed very
quickly, but I'm not getting a message that the scan has been completed.
And my Squeezebox displays the message Can't connect to server.

I'm running LMS on a Vortexbox (linux machine). So, I don't think this
is a Daylight Savings Time issue, but I might be wrong about this.
Please let me know if this is the case. The light on the Vortexbox shows
ongoing disk activity of some kind.

The only other thing I believe I have changed since my last 10-15 minute
scan is addition of the Ickstream plugin. Has anyone who has installed
Ickstream experienced subsequent scanning problems?

Any advice appreciated. Thanks in advance.



|Filename: test.jpg |

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