Re: [slim] Volume goes up & down without stopping Squeezebox Classic

2017-01-11 Thread Michael Herger

Maddening! Any suggestions to stop this weird behavior? iMac Sierra

Clean your IR remote. Most likely one of the buttons is stuck.


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[slim] Volume goes up & down without stopping Squeezebox Classic

2017-01-11 Thread sflen

My Squeezebox Classic volume is controlled by its own remote. Just today
if I press the volume control and release, let's say down, the volume
goes all the way to zero by itself. If I press the volume control up and
release, the volume goes all the way to 100 all by itself. It is only by
luck that I can stop this after about 10 button presses with volume
staying at some random figure. 

I have tried unplugging unit, the pressing "+" button technique and the
"1" technique. The screen just flies through all the settings by

Maddening! Any suggestions to stop this weird behavior? iMac Sierra

Thank you.

PS Although I have 3 Classics, 1 Touch, 1 Radio and 1 Transporter, I am
still not that technical so please be kind on the instructions...

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Re: [slim] TIDAL/MQA is 2016

2017-01-11 Thread totoroBounced

Hi Everyone,

I use a Mytek Brooklyn with built-in MQA decoding. I was hoping that the
Tidal plugin would pass-through but it won't. 

MQA data is typically 48/24, but the DAC says it's still getting 44/16
streaming MQA from Tidal. 

I'm wondering if there is a simple fix? The plugin does not need to
decode MQA, just pass it along like any other PCM stream. 




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Re: [slim] A Final Goodbye and thanks to this amazing community

2017-01-11 Thread Arniceous

:) im glad its working for the best

-LMS 7.7.2 | AS-604T | WiFi Radio x 3  | DLNA  x 5-

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Re: [slim] A Final Goodbye and thanks to this amazing community

2017-01-11 Thread exile

thanks to those that think the thread is helpful.

Arniceous, much of what you said originally was misleading and that's
the annoying part. Sonos isn't an open source product like LMS but it's
also not a closed product like itunes or Apple products. It's not an
Apple product and it really doesn't operate as an Apple type product.
It's pretty robust in what it offers and it isn't restrictive in my mind
at all.

For me, I needed a product that consistently works with streaming
services. I also wanted to steer away from the endless tweaking and
maintenance that my LMS system required. If LMS had easily co-existed
with Spotify on my system I wouldn't have switched. 

I've dealt with digital music servers for long enough to realize that
there'll always be some technical issues but at least for now I have a
multi-room system that works well and without dropouts and to me that's

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Re: [slim] A Final Goodbye and thanks to this amazing community

2017-01-11 Thread pablolie

garym wrote: 
> Yep, I use spotify playlists all the time (my own and spotify official
> lists).  I'm using the logitech official app/plugin along with the SPH
> plugin, and playing to transporter, boom, touch, and radio.

What I really meant -but misworded- is that I have not found a way to
create a Spotify playlist from LMS, or any other SB Client. If I oisten
to Spotify and create a Playlist, it is a SB Playlist, not a Spotify
playlist.  I'd prefer the playlist to be more universal... that's all.

Server: Virtual Machine (on VMware Workstation 12) running Ubuntu 16.04
+ LMS 7.9
System: SB Touch --optical->- Benchmark DAC2HGC --AnalysisPlus Oval
Copper XLR->- NAD M22 Power Amp --AnalysisPlus Black Mesh Oval->- Totem
Element Fire
Other Rooms: 2x SB Boom; 1x SB Radio; 1x SB Classic-> NAD D7050 -> Totem
DreamCatcher + Velodyne Minivee Sub
Computer audio: workstation --USB->- audioengine D1 -> Grado
PS500e/Shure 1540

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Re: [slim] Spotify Discover Weekly Playlist Missing

2017-01-11 Thread Grumpy Bob

How does Discover Weekly make its choices? Presumably Spotify plays, but
any other source? I guess if Spotify featured more frequently in my
listening, Discover Weekly would work better.


*Home: *Raspberry Pi 3/piCoreplayer/LMS7.9  with files on QNAP TS-239
Touch > DacMagic 100 > Naim Audio Nait 3 > Mission 752 (plus Rega
Planar 3 and Naim CD3)
PiCorePlayer(Pi2) with touchscreen and IQAudIO DAC+>Sennheisers 
2 x Squeezebox Radios, 1 X Squeezebox 3 (retired)
*Office:* LMS7.9 running on WiFi MyPassport drive >
piCorePlayer(PiB)/HiFiBerryDAC > Amptastic Amplifier
SqueezePad, iPeng as controllers

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Re: [slim] Roon, a SqueezeBox ecosystem alternative ?

2017-01-11 Thread garym

mdconnelly wrote: 
> A Roon lifetime license is $499 or you can subscribe on an annual basis
> for $119 I think.   There is no requirement to buy a NAS or Mac Mini.  
> You can use whatever you're using for LMS and wherever your music is
> currently stored - Mac or PC.   Well, if you're using Linux, that may
> not be true yet for Roon but soon will be.
> The Roon attraction over LMS is simply that it is a far more elegant way
> to manage your music plus Roon provides substantial metadata that most
> users will simply not have embedded in their music files.   Roon Labs is
> also very proactive in their customer/community support and the
> evolution of their product. 
> Hey, I've used LMS since the early SlimDevices days and have always been
> a big fan.  If you want a free system that just works, then there is no
> need to look further than LMS.  I started using Roon over a year ago
> (admittedly jumped in when Roon was having a nice sale) and must say
> that I can't imagine ever going back.   IMO, Roon is what the Squeezebox
> environment should have evolved into.

Yes, the roon development team interactions with users is very much like
the early days of Squeezeboxes, where the developers were active
participants in the forums, etc.And the roon metadata experience
(which is very impressive, and more than just metadata, i.e.,
connections across things) seems to me to be exactly the sort of thing
that erland and colleagues were trying to get to in the LMS environment
(recall all the surveys they had a few years ago about how we interacted
with our music collections). 

I've used roon, I've used SONOS.  Sonos was a non-starter even beyond
not handling my library size. It's interface and what it can and can't
do was just too limited coming from LMS and its rich interface with
plugins. But I can understand how its plug and play works nicely for the
average consumer, particularly if all they do is stream online services.
Roon on the other hand is very impressive, not limited in the same way,
can deal with perfect sync multi room players, etc.  Very nice.  But it
can only work with the TIDAL streaming and doesn't have things like
podcast apps, or other services or a radio service other than enter a
manual URL.  Is it worth the $$$. Maybe, maybe not. That depends on the
user. I don't find it overpriced for what it does, but I spent more for
dinner and wine last night than a year's membership, so its all

I'm still a very happy user of LMS and plan to be for a long time, but
I could easily see how Roon could be a supplement or replacement should
LMS die.

p.s.  Roon does now work on linux.

*Home:* VortexBox 4TB (2.3) > LMS 7.8 > Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* VBA 3TB (2.3) > LMS 7.8 > Touch > Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Office:* Win8(64) > LMS 7.9 > Squeezelite
*Spares:* Transporter, Touch(3), Radio(3), Boom, SB3, CONTROLLER
*Controllers:* iPhone6 & iPadAir2 (iPeng & Squeezepad), CONTROLLER, or
SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win8(64) laptop
*Files:* ripping: dbpoweramp > FLAC; post-rip: mp3tag, PerfectTunes;
Streaming: Spotify

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Re: [slim] Roon, a SqueezeBox ecosystem alternative ?

2017-01-11 Thread mdconnelly

bsergiu wrote: 
> Hi HiFi friends,
> I was attracted to the Roon hype, looked into it and got confused. 
> I know that the HiFi world is a matter of taste and preferences, and the
> argumentation for whatever equipment or software does not have to be
> based on pure cold logic :) However, did I get this right, that Roon
> wants me to pay them ~500 bucks and to buy a 500 bucks NAS / Mac Mini in
> order to allow myself to listen to my own music, which I can do anyways
> today? Hmmm ...  If I look at apps like Synology native DS Video (as an
> example, not as an alternative to Roon!)  - which gives you a Roon-like
> augmented experience of your own video media (ratings, reviews, info on
> artists, pics, trailers, ...) with multi-device support - the price
> (zero, subsidized with hardware) is much more realistic. 
> And one last word on "lifetime" pricing: it is their lifetime, not yours
> :) 
> I understand this is a premium service, but dear Roon managers: you need
> to find new financing models for this, to make it more attractive to
> customers. Do not forget, your market segment are the geeks. Some of
> them rich, but still geeks ;)
> Long live my LMS infrastructure ;)

A Roon lifetime license is $499 or you can subscribe on an annual basis
for $119 I think.   There is no requirement to buy a NAS or Mac Mini.  
You can use whatever you're using for LMS and wherever your music is
currently stored - Mac or PC.   Well, if you're using Linux, that may
not be true yet for Roon but soon will be.

The Roon attraction over LMS is simply that it is a far more elegant way
to manage your music plus Roon provides substantial metadata that most
users will simply not have embedded in their music files.   Roon Labs is
also very proactive in their customer/community support and the
evolution of their product. 

Hey, I've used LMS since the early SlimDevices days and have always been
a big fan.  If you want a free system that just works, then there is no
need to look further than LMS.  I started using Roon over a year ago
(admittedly jumped in when Roon was having a nice sale) and must say
that I can't imagine ever going back.   IMO, Roon is what the Squeezebox
environment should have evolved into.

Mike (1 SB3, 1 Duet, 1 Boom, 2 Touch, 1 SB Radio)

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Re: [slim] Roon, a SqueezeBox ecosystem alternative ?

2017-01-11 Thread bsergiu

Hi HiFi friends,

I was attracted to the Roon hype, looked into it and got confused. 
I know that the HiFi world is a matter of taste and preferences, and the
argumentation for whatever equipment or software does not have to be
based on pure cold logic :) However, did I get this right, that Roon
wants me to pay them ~500 bucks and to buy a 500 bucks NAS / Mac Mini in
order to allow myself to listen to my own music, which I can do anyways
today? Hmmm ...  If I look at apps like Synology native DS Video (as an
example, not as an alternative to Roon!)  - which gives you a Roon-like
augmented experience of your own video media (ratings, reviews, info on
artists, pics, trailers, ...) with multi-device support - the price
(zero, subsidized with hardware) is much more realistic. 
And one last word on "lifetime" pricing: it is their lifetime, not yours

I understand this is a premium service, but dear Roon managers: you need
to find new financing models for this, to make it more attractive to
customers. Do not forget, your market segment are the geeks. Some of
them rich, but still geeks ;)

Long live my LMS infrastructure ;)

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Music-Playback now on ANDROID! SqueezePlayer released to the market ...

2017-01-11 Thread steves999

I've emailed the support address, but thought I'd post here in case
anyone else is interested or knows the answer.

I'm a very happy squeezeplayer user, but I'm wondering if it uses the
android audio system for USB output (hence upsampling), or does a
bitperfect output (like USB Audio Player Pro).
I'm currently using UAPP for Tidal flac streaming, but would rather use
Orangesqueeze with Squeezeplayer for the nicer UI.

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