Re: [slim] Loud pop & noise starting mp3s (7.1 + OSX).

2008-08-08 Thread GeeZa

Hey thanks Andy. I've raised a bug ticket (9078) and have attached a
file that pops/clicks every time on startup. I did a lot of playback
last night and discovered that the files that show the problem are only
a minority and generally ones that aren't ones I ripped/created myself.
I honestly don't know if it's a problem with 7.1 but I know they played
fine under 7.0.1. Could be related to an OSX/iTunes upgrade, hard to

Thanks for responding.


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Re: [slim] Loud pop & noise starting mp3s (7.1 + OSX).

2008-08-07 Thread GeeZa

Yeah every time so far. Let me try and grab the audio and if I can I'll
file a bug and attach the snippet.


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[slim] Loud pop & noise starting mp3s (7.1 + OSX).

2008-08-07 Thread GeeZa

Upgraded to 7.1 today along with the firmware upgrade and I seem to now
get a loud split second pop of white noise before a track starts to
play. This only appears to happen with mp3s, other formats don't suffer
the problem. AAC and Apple Lossless (my other two main formats) play
fine without the issue. Anyone else suffering this or can perhaps offer
a solution?

Here's my system:

SqueezeCenter Version: 7.1.1 - 22439 @ Thu Aug 7 01:03:17 PDT 2008 -
Mac OS X 10.5.4 (9E17) - EN - utf8
Perl Version: 5.8.8 darwin-thread-multi-2level
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-standard

Obviously this piercing noise, though short, is making the system quite
annoying to use at the moment. At one point tonight starting an mp3 just
generated endless low-level white noise and I had to reset the SB3 by
holding the power button down. Seems very iffy. I go through a wireless
network (all my music is managed in iTunes) and the output is through
the phonos on the back of the SB3. I upgraded to the nightly build
above but this didn't solve the problem. Oh, and I just have mp3 set as
'Native' under the formats pane. Any help appreciated as always.


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Re: [slim] New to Mac and Itunes - slimserver & library help

2007-02-05 Thread GeeZa

I've found SS and iTunes integrate pretty nicely together. iTunes
generally orders things by Artist->Album but once you're comfortable
with that it becomes quite natural to use and you'll very rarely take
notice of the files anymore. I find it very easy to use as a tag
manager and have become very at home with the iTunes interface. Artwork
can be an issue as Apple recently changed the way iTunes stores artwork
and this means it wont often show-up via SS. There are scripts out
there that you can run to rectify this. Only things it doesn't like
format-wise are OGG and FLAC (although I believe there is a codec for
OGG, and FLAC files can be converted on OSX to AIFF pretty easily). For
lossless stick with AIFF or Apple Lossless.

But in general, for importing, converting and managing music files,
iTunes is a top class app. SS will pick up new additions automatically
although if I'm in a hurry to listen to something I'll do a quick
re-scan of new items and it takes only a short while to get updated on
the server-side. I've also found all the plugins I use (AlienBBC,
XMRadio, LastFM, and Song Scanner) all work flawlessly. Good luck!


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Re: [slim] Nintendo Wii + Slimserver?

2007-02-05 Thread GeeZa

Yeah if anyone has a solution to this or knows of a Flash player that'll
play Slimserver's mp3 stream, I think it would be wonderful to access
music libraries and play them via the Wii. All of the embedded Flash
player's I've tried haven't worked.


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[slim] Re: Transporter vs. SB3

2006-07-26 Thread GeeZa

seanadams Wrote: 
> That is an interesting comment. If not lower noise, lower distortion,
> higher sample rates etc, what COULD the specs possibly offer that would
> improve sound quality? Are you asserting that there is no room for
> improvement in SB3? If so, I'm flattered, but respectfully disagree. 
> :)
Certainly room for measured signal improvement with the aid of
engineering test kit. The noise floor of my room with ceiling fans
going isn't great, I run short cables, distortion levels from the SB3
don't seem to hurt me, and I don't need 96kHz myself (ymmv). Whether
any of these tweaks deliver genuinely significant (my word) audible
improvements for most listeners in most rooms with MP3/AAC/FLAC etc
source material is a debatable subject that I prefer not to engage in
because I've been there so many times before. If customers hear the
difference and need the new cable ports then I'm certainly not going to
argue. The SB3 DAC technology for two channel audio suits me fine, I
absolutely love it. Maybe the best piece of audio equipment I have ever
bought. Sounds as good if not better than my venerable Meridian 508.20
which I've retired to the loft in the 'don't need this anymore' box.

The Transporter is impressive kit, no doubt, it's not for me though,
that's all I'm saying really. You still need to provide a
non-audiophile version for us mortals though. ;-) Good luck with the
product, I'm still cheering for you guys.


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[slim] Re: Transporter vs. SB3

2006-07-26 Thread GeeZa

Under a properly conducted level-matched A/B/X test I would imagine no
audible difference between the Transporter and SB3. There is nothing in
the Transporter spec that I can see significantly improving the sound
quality for most users. Balanced analogue XLRs are nice but generally
not necessary for *most* home audio unless you really do need the
interference rejection and are running long cables. Otherwise RCA will
give you all the quality you need. The digital connectors are nice but
streaming lossless data over Wifi is all I personally use. S/PDIF, yuk.
I2S, yum. An outboard DAC might sound different but then it's really a
preference thing.

I expect to see a lot of comment from the audiophile community over the
coming weeks about how the Transporter is more 'musical', has better
'timing' and 'rhythm' and simply 'sounds like music'. Y'know, that sort
of stuff. Or they'll just say it's not much cop. It's a lovely piece of
kit but at 2 grand definitely not for me. If they can shove slightly
upgraded SB3 internals into that case and charge $600 or something then
I'm all ears. A functionally identical product line that now goes from
$299 to $1999 with a gaping void in between is frankly silly.


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[slim] Re: Default skin volume control....

2006-06-05 Thread GeeZa

Oh yeah I know about Spinal Tap. :-) I thought it was highly amusing
that's all, a nice little touch.


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[slim] Default skin volume control....

2006-06-04 Thread GeeZa

...goes up to 11. I've just noticed this, was it deliberate? :-) I can
just imagine the marketing "Our volume goes up to 11, that's one louder
than our competitors".

Great stuff.


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[slim] Re: New user alert!

2006-05-21 Thread GeeZa

A quick question for OSX iTunes users. I went back into SlimServer this
morning only to find all my music had disappeared. All my iTunes
settings had vanished. The only thing I had done was install the LastFM
and SlimScrobbler plugins and then re-cycled the server. After this
re-cycle, I got the "Your music contains 0 artists" type of message.
The iTunes settings on the config page seemed to have been wiped. Most

So I clicked the 'Use iTunes' button again, and re-cycled, still
nothing. Then changed the rescan option to "Clear library and rescan
everything". Hit rescan, still nothing. The only thing that seems to
have got my music back was entering the path to my iTunes Library xml
file in the appropriate box. My library's on the same machine as the
server, does anyone know why SlimServer wasn't able to pick up all this
info automatically (like it did when I first booted it up)??


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[slim] Re: New user alert!

2006-05-19 Thread GeeZa

Alright, I'm officially gob-smacked by the software and the Nokia skin.
Just got all my music scanned and have been playing around for the last
hour or so. Wow. The box hasn't even arrived yet! Eeeek.


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[slim] Re: New user alert!

2006-05-19 Thread GeeZa

Many thanks for the responses guys, very helpful information all round.
:-) I will most certainly be trying out the Nokia skin tonight, looking
forward to it. Also quite pleased to know I can continue using iTunes to
manage my songs, that's quite a bonus. I'm guessing the server simply
refreshes it's catalogue each time you add new songs? Looks like my
Powerbook will host the server, although thinking about it my PC gets
far less use so I may use that instead. Hmmm.

On the DRM'd AAC front I was thinking of either setting up an Audio
Hijack session or (as someone else told me) doing the convert in
iMovie. I have quite a few files so I really want to try and automate
it, it's a difficult one really. That'll teach me to upgrade. If I
settle on a quick and decent solution I'll be sure to post it here.


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[slim] New user alert!

2006-05-18 Thread GeeZa

Hi all,

Just wanted to say that I ordered my Squeezebox this morning and am
very much looking forward to it arriving. Giving up iTunes after all
this time (about 3-4 years) is going to be a big change for me. :-) But
I'm looking forward to pastures new and finally having decent remote
control of my music (wake up Apple, Front Row isn't it!!).

So can anyone advise this n00b on essentials? I've already been told
that AlienBBC and SongScanner are must-haves. Plus I do (as chance
would have it) own a Nokia770 so I guess the skin for the server
interface is also a must. Also any potential traps/things-to-watch-for
for someone coming from OSX iTunes? My music is mostly Apple Lossless,
AAC, MP3 and AIFF. Actually one question I do have is what people have
found the best method for re-ripping protected AAC files? Obviously I'm
going to need to convert all mine.

Anyway, sorry for rambling. One of the key decisions for me choosing a
SB3 over the Sonos (which I *almost* bought - booo!) was the
comparative friendliness, openess and general knowledgeability of this
forum (I've lurked for months). So I hope once I'm up and running I'll
also be able to contribute. :-)


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