[slim] Slim Devices Misses The Boat

2006-07-02 Thread LHawes

I couldn't think of a better thread title but it is exactly what I was
thinking last night after ordering a SB, downloading and reading all I
could about what Slim Server really was versus my expectations,
locating and downloading EAC. Configuring EAC, downloading FLAC, oh and
remembering to put in a fake e-mail address when configuring EAC,
setting up freedb, reconfiguring EAC from a different web site, and
then after a couple of long hours, FINALLY getting my first rip from
EAC that I hope will work when the SB actually arrives.

I'm not a new computer user and understand a few terms and some the
newest technology. I have set up and run my 5 computer network in my
offices but am not an engineer or IT guy.

I LOVE the idea of the Squeezebox and ordered one yesterday. Was really
surprised at how much effort it took to simply GET music that I could
play. Still very excited about the possibilities but it seems Slim
Devices has a great opportunity here to increase its market share by
leaps and bounds.

To do that I would suggest an all in one solution to the Squeeze
Box/Slim Server set up that would appeal to the less computer savvy but
still maintain the audio quality we all seek.

As a possibility - what if when one purchased A Squeeze Box it
contained ALL the software, drivers, dlls, rippers etc. that would
allow one to simply put a CD into their computer and through a simple
GUI choose all the options (wav, flac, mp3, cd database, whatever) and
simply rip it to their hard drives?

What if the market that Slim Devices has so far addressed is comprised
of rather savvy computer guys and gals and that a simpler all in one
solution might allow others to enjoy the SB without the drama and time
investment now required just to get music that SB can play?

This suggestion comes from my real world experience last night and is
not meant to disparage the good folks at Slim Devices for creating such
a great product but I was frankly suprised at what the product actually
does and doesn't do.

And  to many, like myself, who may not have an audio collection already
ripped to their hard drives there is quite a steep learning curve and
quite a few hours just to get music, let alone get it playing

I would love to see a simple GUI that walked one through the ripping
process, set-up options and playlist creation all tied into a great
Squeezebox/Slim Server package. What about you?



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[slim] Re: Slim Devices Misses The Boat

2006-07-02 Thread LHawes

Mark Lanctot Wrote: 
> The Squeezebox is so flexible it actually allows you to choose, which
> is quite a radical idea in these days of iTunes/iPod,
> manufacturer-specific DRM and the like.  Choose your ripper, choose
> your OS, choose your server, choose your hard drive size.

It seems this point may be the most relevant. What I am suggesting
would limit those options certainly, but I wonder if it would be
possible to include an all in one solution AND keep those choices


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[slim] Re: Slim Devices Misses The Boat

2006-07-02 Thread LHawes

Michaelwagner Wrote: 
> The SB is still more of a geekbox than one might like. But how to
> streamline it without losing it's inherent flexibility has been a
> perennial question. Without, so far, a single, clear, straightforward
> answer.

I'm thinkin' this is the inherent problem in desiging any device as the
SB and that Slim Devices has chosen the open source route. The
flexibility is indeed amazing as you all have pointed out just a bit
geeky in my opinion.


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[slim] Re: Slim Devices Misses The Boat

2006-07-02 Thread LHawes

ajmitchell Wrote: 
> I agree that the Olive (Hifidelio in Europe) is a possible
> out-of-the-box solution that is being asked for here. This approach
> will suit some not otherssee
> http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=21135&highlight=olive
> for discussion. See also
> http://playlistmag.com/reviews/2006/02/musica/index.php
> I owned the olive for 6months and sold it because I could not get it to
> integrate with Slimserver, or allow free access to stored files. (At
> least one user on here has acheived this). Personally I would favour a
> more robust CD-set supplied with new Sb3's as the solution for most
> audio-quality conscious listeners.

That first link seems to express my thoughts as well as far as to why
one would choose Slim Devices over the other options. There really is
nothing like it on the market and one post mentioned THIS robust and
helpful community and that is another major reason for choosing Slim

Please don't misunderstand my suggestions, they are meant only as such,
from a real world user with a fresh real world experience. I'm not
bothered by the fact I had rip my cd's, in fact I was looking forward
to it. I was just surprised at the effort it took to get started.

Great feedback by the way.


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[slim] Re: Slim Devices Misses The Boat

2006-07-02 Thread LHawes

blkwrx Wrote: 
> First off EAC may be the most complicated Ripping software to set up,
> Although its also probably the best. Regardless there are a lot less
> complicated rippers like the one mentioned above (dbpoweramp).

I LOVE the idea of having the option of using something as complex as
EAC or as simple as dbpoweramp. My suggestion might include a software
option in Squeezebox that would be simple with another option to choose
a more complex variant if wanted/needed.

Say a less sophisticated user than yourself loaded or downloaded
Slimserver and there was a dialog box or question - Are you new to hard
drive music streaming? [Yes] [No]  Would you like to use Slim devices
software to create your music files? [Yes] [No] Or do you prefer using
different software.

This might allow beginners to get up and runnig quickly, enhancng their
experience with the Squeeze Box and allowing time to explore other more
complicated methods if desired.

> I don't see why Slim Devices would want to put the R&D into adding a
> ripper to the software when the majority of there customers would
> rather use an external ripper. I personally would rather have that R&D
> going into upgrading the current software's functionality.

I think that's the point I'm making. They already have a market based
on sophisticated users like yourself. I'm suggesting if it could be
made simpler they may broaden their appeal. It might compromise their
R&D budget but it might also increase their R&D budget.

> I guess they could bundle another companies ripper with the device but
> unless it rips on par with EAC or even dbpoweramp I would say they are
> just wasting money.

If they could succeed at increasing their market buy bundling or
creating simple to use software it would not be a 'waste' of money it
would be an 'investment' of money. Would it return that investment?
That's the question left to the managers of Slim Devices.


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[slim] Re: Slim Devices Misses The Boat

2006-07-02 Thread LHawes

dangerous_dom Wrote: 
> I agree that giving out software is probably pointless, given the nature
> of this product anyway.

The point would not be to give away software. The point would be to
'invest' in software that makes the product easier to use, thereby
increasing the number of people who use it, thereby increasing revenues
and profits and exanding the features and options. The nature of the
product does not, IMO, preclude making it easier to use.


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[slim] Re: Slim Devices Misses The Boat

2006-07-02 Thread LHawes

brucegrr Wrote: 
> Having said that.I have had friends into my home that LOVE
> the Squeezebox.yet most of them are (how can I say it kindly)
> technologically challenged. I couldn't imagine them taking a Squeezebox
> out of the box and setting it up, let alone setting up ripping sofware.

I guess the question is will those technologically challenged people
EVER become customers of Slim Devices? If not then it doesn't matter
how simple it gets. If 'some' might become customers then SD needs to
decide how many and if that market is worth pursuing.

> I think the CEO and staff at Slim Devices work real hard to make the
> Squeezebox a superior piece of technology. They take seriuosly end-user
> problems (even when the problem is not slim devices related) I have
> always found tech support to be accomodating and helpful.
> Bruce

I'll bet you won't find an argument to your last point.


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[slim] Re: Slim Devices Misses The Boat

2006-07-02 Thread LHawes

radish Wrote: 
> I agree that the out of the box experience could be a little easier for
> the non technical, though given the way SB is advertised and targetted
> I'm not sure this is really impacting sales - which is what counts
> after all.

That's a good point IMO. It's not like you can go to Best Buy and find
the product. It requires a certain level of computer expertice just to
find that SB even exists, which narrows and targets the market quite

Should it be targeted differently? Another management question.

> However, there are issues with distributing other people's software. For
> example EAC, although free of charge, requires special permission to
> distribute on CD. This kind of thing (plus keeping up to date with
> version changes) can become a real headache to manage, plus you
> inevitably end up shipping people old versions of things. I know I
> -never- use the CDs that come with gadgets - I look to see what's on
> them and go download the new versions.

Yeah agree, couldn't imagine the complexities of including others'
software, but creating a simple to use version in house might not be
too daunting.


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[slim] Re: Slim Devices Misses The Boat

2006-07-07 Thread LHawes

Wanted to be sure and post a follow up to my original post. Most of my
(long) story can be read at the link below but bottom line is I
received my Squeeze Box yesterday 07/06/2006 and after an exhaustive
crash course in CD ripping, EAC mystery codes, Foobar that was FUBAR to
me, and play list creation, my Squeeze Box was up and running in about 3
minutes max.

All my files show, perfectly tagged, and the promise of the Squeeze Box
FAR outlived my expectations.

Sure it could have been easier and if I already had an MP3 collection
and was satisfied with that sound quality it would have literally only
taken the 3 minute set-up to be playing music.

So I am loving the Squeeze Box. It's easy to use, looks great and the
Squeeze Box DAC that I have to use because of no DAC in my receiver
creates great sound to my ears. Again, FAR exceeded my expectations.

Thanks so much for all the help.




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[slim] freedb closing down?

2006-07-07 Thread LHawes



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[slim] Re: What (simple) remote does work well with the squeezebox?

2006-07-09 Thread LHawes

davidcotton Wrote: 
> Had a look at the harmony range of remotes? I use mine to control my
> squeezebox, sky+box and dvd player!

David which Harmony do you use? I read some really bad reviews of their

Does offer the same functionality as the SD remote?

And if you don't mind, what is sky+box?



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[slim] Re: What (simple) remote does work well with the squeezebox?

2006-07-09 Thread LHawes

Just picked up an RM-VL600 from Circuit City for $24.99, so far not so
good. It will turn ON my Harmon Kardon receiver OR turn it off using
spearate function keys but will not do both from the power button and
single function key. Probably just a strange setup HK decided was the
best for their remote but for the Sony it doesn't look like it will

Also when I play the SqueezeBox from the RM-VL600 it's like it is
playing two songs at once. Could be user error as I just started
palying with it but pretty frustrating. I'll give a heads up if
anything changes.



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[slim] Re: What (simple) remote does work well with the squeezebox?

2006-07-10 Thread LHawes

andy_c Wrote: 
> When recording the keystroke from the original remote, I had problems if
> I pressed and held its key too long.  For example, with the volume on my
> preamp I was getting a double increment with a single volume control
> press of the Sony remote.  I found that when recording, if I just
> pressed the key of the original remote briefly it fixed that problem. 
> Once the keystroke is stored, if you want to change it you have to go
> through the keystroke erase procedure first.
> Sounds like you may have pressed and held the play key, generating
> multiple codes, and the Sony may have recorded that.  So when playing
> it back, it's as if you had pressed the play button multiple times. 
> It's just a guess, but it sounds similar to what happened to me.
> I have my preamp assigned to the "Amp" device key, and the SB to the
> "tape" key.  That way, the volume control controls the volume of the
> preamp regardless of whether the SB or preamp is the current device.

Yeah Andy, I'm pretty sure it's user error as far as the SB goes. I'll
try again tonight. And the Harmon Kardon remote actually has one button
to power on and one button to power off. Makes it so I have to assign
say the 'VCR' button to power off and the 'AMP' button to power on. I
may set up two series of commands down on the sytem control A B C D
buttons one to turn it on and one to turn it off.

For the TV and DVR it works as advertised. Thanks for the heads up.



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[slim] Re: What (simple) remote does work well with the squeezebox?

2006-07-10 Thread LHawes

andy_c Wrote: 
> When recording the keystroke from the original remote, I had problems if
> I pressed and held its key too long.  For example, with the volume on my
> preamp I was getting a double increment with a single volume control
> press of the Sony remote.  I found that when recording, if I just
> pressed the key of the original remote briefly it fixed that problem. 
> Once the keystroke is stored, if you want to change it you have to go
> through the keystroke erase procedure first.
> Sounds like you may have pressed and held the play key, generating
> multiple codes, and the Sony may have recorded that.  So when playing
> it back, it's as if you had pressed the play button multiple times. 
> It's just a guess, but it sounds similar to what happened to me.

I think you nailed the problem. Tried it again and it works great. I
prefer working the volume from the SB though and it seems to be a bit
tempermental. I think a little mote homework  should fix that as well.

Thanks for the help.



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[slim] Re: What (simple) remote does work well with the squeezebox?

2006-07-11 Thread LHawes

metropole Wrote: 
> Looks like the Sony RM-VL600 is the simplest so far. I wish it would
> have even less buttons...
> Has anyone used the One-For-All products?
> http://www.ofausa.com/remote.php?type=URC%203300
> http://www.ofausa.com/remote.php?type=URC3110
> I know, really not a beautiful design. But from a button perspective?

I'm not sure it's that simple, but just like The Squeeze Box, worth the
effort. Got it pretty much set up now and it's one touch for the TV/DVR
and another for the receiver/Squeeze Box. I've got a pretty simple
set-up but it seems like it will handle some pretty complex systems.
Certainly a value.

Now I need to figure out how to control my new separate amp an ATI 1502
with no remote triggers. Should be interesting.


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[slim] Re: Squeezebox is great- for bitheads

2006-07-12 Thread LHawes

All I can say is WOW. Just got back to my computer and discovered this
thread. I had no idea the Squeeze Box folks could be so sensitive to a
rather simple request and observation about a product the OP obviously
has a lot of respect for.

I happen to agree with his sentiments as one of my first posts tried to
explain, perhaps poorly, what I thought was presented as, and would be
received as, a suggestion to a great company and a great product.


I'm just curious as to what happened here. I didn't perceive any of the
attacks or mean spirited accusations from the OP. Is it just because I
agree with him? Or that I don't have anything personally at stake?

Do suggestions to improve the product have to be presented in a form
that is acceptable to the readers and members from now on? What is that

I just read the OP again and simply do not find anything offensive, and
perhaps that's because I'm such a new user, but it might also be that
there simply isn't anything offensive there to begin with.

So I have suggestion, when someone makes a suggestion and there is word
or two, or a phrase that may not be absolutely perfect, look to the
essence of what is being presented.

I read a suggestion to make the product easier to use for non-techies.
Hey great suggestion. 

It's a little more complicated than that as I found out but shutting
down those ideas will only hurt SD in the long.

And isn't making The Squeeze Box the best product it can be the reason
we are all here to begin with?

Best to all



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[slim] Re: NAS Storage for dummys

2006-07-12 Thread LHawes

Since the title alluded to dummies - here goes: Will SlimServer run off
one of these DiskStation/LinkStation/Qnap type NAS fellas while your
main computer is turned off?

Is that the whole idea? Or is it just way to increase storage?



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[slim] Re: How to make a product suggestion

2006-07-12 Thread LHawes

What I meant by the Squeeze Box folks was everyone on the forums and
mailing lists and developers and etc. I guess this illustrates my
point. These are forums and you cannot discern intent from a forum

And sometimes they will be misinterpretted, it's the nature of the
beast. No disrespect intended to anyone invloved with Slim Devices, in
fact just the opposite, which is what I find so confusing.

And hey I have no dog in this hunt. I just had higher, more tolerant
expectations from the forum members/community which is something I
have, as of now, adjusted.

I just won't be surprised when posters are attacked when their
suggestion are not received in the spirit they are given because of
some unknowable connection to this great piece of hard/software.

Gotta go listen to my new AT 1502 amplifier and a few newly ripped

Best to all



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[slim] Re: NAS Storage for dummys

2006-07-12 Thread LHawes

aubuti Wrote: 
> Short answer: yes, provided you have slimserver installed and running on
> the NAS. It helps to remember that a NAS is really a small computer with
> very limited functions. It has a CPU, RAM, and an OS, usually just
> enough to join the network and run some server software, most notably
> Samba.

Thanks very much for the help



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[slim] Is This A Realistic NAS Option?

2006-07-13 Thread LHawes

After reading all the trials and tribulations from some of the NAS
owners and knowing my technical skills won't extend to learning PERL or
some other such computer stuff, does it make any sense to dedicate a
litlte box as linked below to serve the same purpose?

I really am ignorant when it comes to the details of the Squeeze Box so
I won't pretend to know the answer, but could a dedicated little box
with a big ole hard drive act as a file server as well?

Or would it take a lot more than the simple exterior to get some things
up and running well and  efficiently?

Seems like you could hide it in a closet somewhere and let it sleep
till needed or some 
other plan. Would it work? Or is NAS the best solution for streaming
from a source other than your main PC?



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[slim] Re: Squeezebox is great- for bitheads

2006-07-13 Thread LHawes

Zten Wrote: 
> If folks were talking face to face or even just talking on the phone,
> this all would have been a non-event. Maybe the simple "smiley face"
> would have prevented the misunderstanding, maybe not. Interesting how
> no one from Slim chimed in.:o)

Yeah - Bravo - Zten. It's so easy to read into a post that which was
not intended. So why not read into each post the best of intentions?
Well, why not?


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[slim] Re: Is This A Realistic NAS Option?

2006-07-13 Thread LHawes

Thanks for the reply Pat,

When you suggest SlimCD do you suggest that instead of Windows as an
OS, or instead of the added expense of an OS? Both?

I know I can learn anything but I just don't feel like learing Linux,
but again to your point, the cost increases even with a bare bones

Thanks again



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[slim] Wireless or Ethernet Connection?

2006-07-19 Thread LHawes

My Squeeze Box will not find the network anymore through the current
wireless set-up and I was wondering if anyone has had a similar problem
that was remedied by hard wiring the SB with an ethernet connection?



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[slim] Re: Wireless or Ethernet Connection?

2006-07-19 Thread LHawes

vdorta Wrote: 
> I suppose you tried resetting the SB. I haven't had any problems with my
> wireless and I would rather have the audio as separated as possible from
> the computer's noisy environment.

I'm not sure you read my original link posted above but I have tried a
LOT of re-setting and reconfiguring to no avail. It's either try wired
ethernet or send the unit back as it has simply stopped working after 2
weeks of perfect operation.


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[slim] Re: Wireless won't connect ethernet works

2006-07-19 Thread LHawes

I'm having the same problem but mine was working perfectly for a couple
of weeks with the wireless, then it just quit. If I find a solution
I'll certainly post it.




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[slim] Re: Wireless won't connect ethernet works

2006-07-20 Thread LHawes

brooky Wrote: 
> Still no luck for me. Absolutely lost. Hope it's not broken..

Mine still broken too. Will try to hard wire this weekend. If that
doesn't work I'll have to return the 'potentially' greatest music
gadget ever.


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[slim] Re: Wireless won't connect ethernet works

2006-07-20 Thread LHawes

The fact that your laptop works fine points IMHO to something amiss with
the Squeeze Box itself. What that, exactly, is is impossible to guess.
The fact that there are multiple threads in the forum about wireless
connections that just don't work makes me beleive there is something
either inherently wrong with the hardware or it is just the same old
wireless illusion that we (I) always fall for. That illusion is that it
will actually work.

A couple of years ago I tried a wireless setup in my office and the
network was continually dropping off and it was impossible to get any
work done. In that case it was critical the netwok function properly so
I hard wired the whole office. Beleive me when I say that is the short
version of that nightmare. I swore I would never do wireless ANYTHING

My wireless (which I thought I would at least try since a couple of
years had gone by since my last misadventure) Squeeze Box worked
perfectly out of box, which now that I think about it, was probably too
good to be true. I know there are many and perhaps most wireless users
without any problems but when they occur it is such a nightmare to try
and resolve.

So I'll try to hard wire this weekend and really feel your pain if
that's not an option. And anyone who hasn't had these problems with
your SB knock on wood,. Not because it's the end of the world or really
that big a deal it's just that the Squeeze Box is SO DAM COOL I can't
imagine living without it.


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[slim] Re: Wireless won't connect ethernet works

2006-07-20 Thread LHawes

brooky Wrote: 
> For me the SB can see the network it just won't connect. The laptop is
> never in (I rarely use it). 
> No ecryption on the wirless network, no access list and nothing else I
> can think of getting in the way.
> I'm completely befuddled.

Not to hijack brooky, but my symptoms seem to be the same. My SB will
find the 'linksys' network and get all the way to assigning an IP then
just shut down. It want to find an automatic IP DCHP or something like
that then wants to assign one manually, then shuts down.


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[slim] Re: Wireless won't connect ethernet works

2006-07-20 Thread LHawes

brooky Wrote: 
> Funny mine used to do that but now I just get a 30 second attempt to
> connect to my wireless network "devellion". 
> Try doing a factory reset on the SB.
> Turn it off and then turn it on holding down the add button.

Yeah tried that, and a router firmware upgrade, and a Slim Server
upgrade, and unplugging the cordless phone, and I guess the more I read
the more it looks like I have the 30 second thing goin on as well.


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[slim] Re: Poll: CD Ripping

2006-07-20 Thread LHawes

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=25661

Question: Would you be interested in an easy to use CD-Ripper

- Yes
- No
- Not for me, but for others

Andrew I would have LOVED such a solution before I've taken the effort
to set up EAC. When I first got my SB and knew very little about
ripping it would have a been really handy tool.

Seems it would still be a great tool for those less inclined to hassle
with EAC, foobar etc.



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[slim] So I'm Gonna Hard Wire For Ethernet and....

2006-07-21 Thread LHawes

As the thread title suggests I make up 50 ft. of CAT 5 cable so I can
snake it through the house and get my beloved Squeeze Box back on track
with a hard wired ethernet connection.

The wireless connection has been dead for 4 or 5 days and I have been
fratically trying every thing to get it back on line.

So I go to the router and pick a free port, run the CAT 5 cable into
the lving room, look up and there it is - the SB is running strong - 
wirelessly of course.

So I turn it on and it runs and plays every thing perfectly -
WIRELESSLY. With the CAT 5 cable sitting on the floor.

What is up with that?


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[slim] Re: So I'm Gonna Hard Wire For Ethernet and....

2006-07-21 Thread LHawes

Ain't it the truth. I'm crackin up snarly. I wonder if the mere threat
of going with the hard wire scared the SB straight.

I know as long as that wire is in the house that sucker is gonna work
perfectly but if I throw it away or take to the office that wireless is
gonna shut down.

I think I'll just keep that 50 footer tucked behind the couch and every
couple days I'll wave it menacingly at the SB and scowl. That should
keep it hooked up till it can figure another way to get under my skin
and have another laugh.




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[slim] Re: So I'm Gonna Hard Wire For Ethernet and....

2006-07-22 Thread LHawes

Yeah the SB gave up over night and the wireless problem/interference has
returned this morning. The CAT 5 has fixed the problem as is expected.
Slim Devices is sending me a new unit just to eliminate that as a
factor. I'll post and let the board know what I discover, if anything,
with the new unit.


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[slim] Re: Hmmm....2nd thoughts on buying SB3

2006-07-23 Thread LHawes

I am one of those bad news posters and had wireless problems (Linksys
WRT54GS) that couldn't be resolved, even though the signal is great and
everything else should point to perfect operation.

I ended up hard wiring my SB simply because I cannot live without the
convenience and sound quality. Could have saved $50.00 knowing what I
know now but the wireless solution, if it works in your situation and
even if it doesn't and hard wiring is an option, is very much worth the


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[slim] Re: Hmmm....2nd thoughts on buying SB3

2006-07-24 Thread LHawes

bossanova808 Wrote: 
> I'm an Sb2 owner, I've used it both wired an unwired.  Basically, I'd
> throw out any router if it was causing problems wit my SB - it's that
> good.

That's a really good point. If I had no hard wired option I would [EMAIL 
and moan and accuse Slim Devices of many evil things but, in the end,
I'd switch routers, get more boosters and antennas, and simply find a
way to get the Squeeze Box to work - "it's that good."


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[slim] Re: New Slim Devices Product? "The Transporter" per 6moons.com??

2006-07-24 Thread LHawes

I do not consider myself an audiophile, nor would anyone else, but I
REALLY like the decision. To my mind it heralds a completely new
paradigm in digital music presentation as did the SB1/2/3. I think
there is no stopping the possibilities and hope that Slim Devices
sucseed in their endeavor.

The price point is too high for my and any more music fidelity or
tranparency (a term of which I know nothing about) would be wasted on
my untrained ears. But for the audiophiles this tansporter could be a
boon if it hits the mark or a complete bust, if it does not.

If it only sounds 'really good' then those who would not pay the asking
price will never get to see if it fits their tastes and systems. If it
sounds 'audiophile excellent' then IMHO the game changes over night.

Then even those of us who don't think they will ever need such a device
now have a 'go to' device from a trusted company if we ever want to
pretend we're audiophiles.

Most of all I appreciate the cajones it takes to introduce such a

Best of luck Slim Devices I will root for the transporter to be a
smashing success.


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[slim] Re: 6.5 looking good

2006-08-07 Thread LHawes

stinkingpig Wrote: 
> YAML::Syck -- this time, I just ran the Bin/build-perl-modules.pl and
> renamed my /etc/slimserver.conf. 

I KNOW I shouldn't make light of the technical type posts but man
that's a fontfull!:)


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[slim] Do's and Don'ts Running SB Direct to Amp?

2006-08-15 Thread LHawes

I'm no audiophile but I love experimenting with what I've got and trying
different things. I currently have a Harmon Kardon 3820 2 channel
receiver that I am using as a pre-amp for an ATI 1502 stereo

So I am running the audio outs from the SB3 (with Elpac power supply)
into the HK CD inputs and then from the HK pre-outs into the ATI's RCA

I would like to experiment with running the SB3 direct into the ATI but
am a bit freaked out about the unknowns.

I've read of passive attenuators that can be used when bypassing a
pre-amp but don't know much more than that.

Is it dangerous for my speakers? The SB3? Can I just hook up the audio
outs from the SB3 to the amp and adjust volume from the SB3, or is that
asking for trouble?

Thanks in advance



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[slim] Re: Do's and Don'ts Running SB Direct to Amp?

2006-08-15 Thread LHawes

Thanks Sleepy, I'll give it a try and post whatever results I may be
able to perceive.


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[slim] Re: Do's and Don'ts Running SB Direct to Amp?

2006-08-16 Thread LHawes

Just gave it a try and I think there is a reason I am not posting in the
audiophile forum. I THINK I could discern a difference in the sound.
Seemed more focused and the base seemed to be a bit punchier even
without the subbie run from the receiver.

I have a pair of Axiom M22's which are light on bass to say the least
but they seemed to reproduce base better than the signal going through
the HK 3280. Pretty hard to truly A/B and there was no problem with the
levels going into the AT 1502. 40 was about max listening level and 22 -
25 comfortable.

Not a very technical or objective review and am not convinced I want
live with the single source (SB3) going to the amp (only eliminates the
TV for now as I dobn't run an HT) but for now I'll listen as is for a

Thanks for the help.



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[slim] Re: Is 6.5 ready for non techies?

2006-09-26 Thread LHawes

I went to the 6.5 download page 
http://www.slimdevices.com/su_downloads.html  and saw nothing that
mentions removing 6.3 completely before loading 6.5, which to me,
speaks volumes in answer to the OP's question.

The web site says nothing about removing 6.3, which, if it does, it is
hidden pretty well from this non-techie and yet all the techies (and I
mean that in the most affectionate manner) insist 6.3 must be removed
before loading 6.5.

I just loaded 6.5 over the top of 6.3 because I'm a non-techie and it
seems to be working fine. So is it ready for us non-techies? I say yes
- so far.


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[slim] Slim Server Loaded Before It Will Play?

2006-09-26 Thread LHawes

Here's something I don't remember about 6.3. I seem to have to load slim
server 6.5 before it will play music. Did 6.3 always behave this way?

I can shut down slim server and it will continue to play but the first
time I crank up the computer I have to start slim server to play music
- is this normal?


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[slim] Re: Slim Server Loaded Before It Will Play?

2006-09-26 Thread LHawes

Thank you11


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[slim] Re: Slim Server Loaded Before It Will Play?

2006-09-27 Thread LHawes

ceejay;140151 Wrote: 
> ... only if you're listening to internet radio, of course! Just remember
> that the SB is a very dumb device and needs to be connected to a
> slimserver (could be squeezenetwork) to do anything. But once connected
> to an internet radio station it will continue.
> Ceejay

Except last night when I closed the Slim Server window it kept playing
my music files, not internet radio.


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[slim] Re: Logitech to acquire Slim Devices!

2006-10-19 Thread LHawes

Just heard the news so am of course quite late to the discussion. Read
most of the posts and can see many different futures ahead for SD and
Logitech but to my mind the most likely is that Logitech will create a
good or perhaps very good music device - with a much larger market.
Slim Devices had the chance to create a GREAT music device - with a
much smaller market.

As much as the Logitech folks might like to think of themselves as a
company they are not, they will, in the end, be driven by a passion for
the bottom line and not a passion for musical excellence. A company
their size has no choice.

During this transition we will read all the perfectly crafted messages
stating how involved Logitech will remain in the current community, and
how dedicated they are to the SqueezeBox.

This is not a knock on Logitech as they are obligated so say such
things in our modern corporate culture.

I only hope they can come to this table and be honest about their
corporate responsibities, which must come first as the nature of
reality in the corporate world, and not pretend to be able to attend to
the existing audio community established here, let alone be willing. The
two directions are simply at cross purposes and cannot exist in a
company of that size.

I would also assume that this forum will change radically as well.
Again, out of necessity. Nightly builds will disappear, as they must. A
more consumer friendly product (or many) will surface very shortly and
the transporter seems VERY out of place in a world of consumer driven
products, can't see how it can survive.

I won't bid a farewell as of yet but it will come soon enough, and to
that end i would like to thank all of the people here who have made the
SB such a great device and most of all to the community that has a added
lot to my knowledge in a kind and courteous way.

Best to all,
Larry Hawes


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[slim] Re: Logitech to acquire Slim Devices!

2006-10-20 Thread LHawes

CardinalFang;148196 Wrote: 
> I wouldn't buy a Logitech Transporter because they are not renowned for
> high-end audio engineering or for understanding the needs of the HiFi
> audience. Right now, that's dumb, in 2-3 years, it may well be smart.
> We shall see.

I don't think you'll have to worry about buying a Logitech transporter
because in my opinion they simply won't sell one. Not because they are
an evil large corporation that hates excellent audio, but because there
is not a large enough market for a company the size of Logitech to

All of the other changes that Logitech will bring to the table will be
born of the needs of their company. Their choices will be very limited
as product cycles and markets will dictate product.

This is not to say that Logitech is WalMart but they will make
decisions based on similer criteria - they have to because their
business model will demand it! And that criteria will probably have
very little to do with fine audio reproduction and very little to do
with what made the SqueezeBox excellent and the Transporter great.

It has nothing to do with Logitech's business ethics and everything to
do with the reality of a large business.

Large buinesses simply do not pursue small markets and the transporter
represent a VERY small market. That is why I would not expect it to
survive for very long.


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Re: [slim] best stand-alone seakers to connect a SB3 to?

2008-04-12 Thread LHawes

Don't forget the Axioms. A specialized hi fi computer speaker.



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