Re: [slim] How do you want to create/manage playlists ?

2012-06-01 Thread NeilT

At the moment I use iPeng on a touch and MIP, unless I want to listen to
something specific. What I'd like to be able to do is use a tablet (when
I get one). I'd like to have the playlist on one side and be able to
search for tracks and drag and drop them into the playlist. I'd also
like to be able to add a few tracks chosen by MIP based on the currently
playing track. 

I guess this isn't really what you mean by making a playlist, but it's
how I'd like to be able to control my music.


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Re: [slim] New Logitech MM STREAM Squeezebox Touch spotted !!

2009-09-03 Thread NeilT

It's not on the new matrix, is it being discontinued?


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Re: [slim] New Logitech MM STREAM Squeezebox Touch spotted !!

2009-08-28 Thread NeilT

Sike;452400 Wrote: 
 My thoughts exactly. They should of squeezed an extra inch in..
I agree. It looks like a digital picture frame from a few years ago. I
think it needs to be smaller, or have a bigger screen,even if it's a bit
more expensive. The Classic looks good on a shelf, this looks cheap.

I like the idea of a touch interface, I'm sure it will make using the
SB much easier eventually, but I think I'll try and hold off until there
is a better version. I'm using iPeng at the moment and it's a big jump
in usability for me from the IR remote. But my wife doesn't find it
intuitive to search for music, while she has no problem using an ipod.
In fact she hardly listens to music now because she finds it too
complicated to use.

Has anyone worked out what the USB host and SD card slots are for yet?
Or are they for future use? I have a horrible feeling that they are just
going to be used to load photos to use the Touch as a picture frame.


I actually made a picture frame last year from an old Portege to double
as a server for Squeezecenter (I figured that if I have to have a
computer in the lounge, it might as well look good), it worked OK, but
got a bit hot to have on all the time.


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Re: [slim] Connecting message

2009-08-26 Thread NeilT

The problem was the wireless on my new router. 

A bit odd because the signal strength was stronger than the old one
(and lower noise). It didn't seem to cause trouble with large file
transfers, surfing the internet etc (my main computer is also using the
wireless connection and had no problems), but apparently either
streaming is affected more or the antennae in the SB3 and the Boom are
less sensitive.

Thanks for the help,



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Re: [slim] Connecting message

2009-08-24 Thread NeilT

Mnyb;451072 Wrote: 
 If the SB3 is 3 meters from the router in the same room why not use an
 ethernet cable, anyway try with a cable to see if it's working better,
 then you know that you have a wifi problem .

That did occur to me, but the only cable I have that's over a meter is
the one connecting the computer running SC to the router. I was thinking
about moving stuff around when I saw the original post. The problem
sounds very similar to mine - everything was working fine until
recently. I did think of a wireless problem first because I have a new
neighbour below me, but using Netstumbler my wireless signal is a lot
stronger, and is now on channel 13 (theirs is channel 6, I was
originally channel 7).



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Re: [slim] Connecting message

2009-08-23 Thread NeilT

I'm having the same problem. My SB3 and my Boom both keep loosing
connection. It seems to be happening every few minutes, sometimes they
reconnect quickly enough that the playing stream is not interrupted,
sometimes I have a few minutes of silence.

It's hapening when I'm connected to SN or SC, I've tried changing my
wireless channel and using two different routers -no difference. The SB3
is in the same room as the router, about three meters away.

I'm running SC on Ubuntu.



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Re: [slim] What are people using for Bathroom control ?

2009-07-31 Thread NeilT

The wall mounted link above is very smart and the idea for news
scrolling is an extra great addition but not sure how he controls this.
There is no details on remote, why do you say the SB classic would be
easier to waterproof control.

This installation uses the original Squeezebox, which is similar to the
Squeezebox Classic internally. Both use a simple IR remote. I meant that
this remote would be easier to waterproof as its not touchscreen, or
there are waterproof universal remotes available as Chrisla mentioned. 

If all you want to do is turn it on, why not set an alarm for the night
before in Squeezecenter? Then you'll be welcomed by music as you enter
the throne room!


BTW how do you quote?


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Re: [slim] What are people using for Bathroom control ?

2009-07-31 Thread NeilT

Chunkywizard;444521 Wrote: 
 Hit the big Quote button!

The one at the bottom of the post with Quote written on it?


BTW How do you delete posts that might make people think you haven't
been paying attention?


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Re: [slim] What are people using for Bathroom control ?

2009-07-30 Thread NeilT

Someone else has had a go, he has been on the forum and may still be
around. There are details of his solution at He's using a Squeezebox2, but I
think you could do the same with a Classic. It's probably a lot easier
to waterproof the remote control!



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[slim] Delay on now playing screen?

2009-07-20 Thread NeilT

I seem to have a delay on my now playing display. When the track changes
the track details in Now Playing take about twenty seconds to update.
This is happening with my Classic, Boom and on iPeng. I haven't noticed
this before, am I unobservant or has something changed?



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Re: [slim] Questions about HTPC to run Boxee and squeezecenter

2009-07-13 Thread NeilT

.. to the FitPC is one of the Aleutia range of PCs
( I'm using a pre-upgrade version of
the E2 (Via V4 Eden ULV 500MHz,512 MB RAM) with a 2.5 IDE disk for
storage and U-Lite Ubuntu running from a CF card.

I'm only running Squeezecenter on it, usually controlled using iPeng on
my iPod Touch. Squeezecenter runs fine on it as far as playing music and
syncing between three players is not a problem. If I need to rescan, or
anything involving the web interface, things slow down a lot, so i'd say
you will need more memory, and probably a bit more power in the CPU.
The advantages are that it uses about 9W (with the drive), is passively
cooled and small enough that it's easy to hide away.

I looked at the original FitPC when I was buying, but it used a Geode
processor which can cause problems with Linux (or could at the time),
and anyway I got a good price on the E2.

Before I'd used an ITX system using a fanless motherboard and an old
laptop I'd made into a picture frame - both ended up running a bit hot
and were too noisy with the cooling fans running. 

If I was buying now I'd choose between the Aleutia F5, the FitPC2 or a
Tranquil Home server. I'd prefer something a bit bigger with a hard
drive that's easy to swap (prefarably 3.5) - the hard drive in the E2
is a very tight fit and involved customising the cable.

I've not used Boxee, but I'd be surprised if it used more resources
than Squeezecenter so any of your choices should be fine. 



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[slim] limiting the number of tracks to play from a playlist

2009-07-01 Thread NeilT

I have been trying to set up a playlist to use as an alarm. What I'd
like to do is play one or two random tracks from a playlist then switch
to a radio station for the news.

I've managed to make a playlist that will play a specified track, then
the radio station (which is saved as a favourite), but I need to add the
track to the playlist in advance and I'd like to start the day with a
bit of a surprise.

I've also made a dynamic playlist which plays random tracks from a
playlist, but the only way I've found to switch to the radio is to have
it set as another alarm ten minutes later. I'd rather not do this
because it means that the music will stop in the middle of a track (I
know I can switch by pressing a button, but I'd rather not have to move
and if I like the music that's playing, I might not switch over!).

I've got a suspicion that the answer might lie in limiting the number
of tracks in the dynamic playlist to one or two, but I'm not sure how to
do this.

Any ideas?



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Re: [slim] General Dissatisfaction

2009-03-03 Thread NeilT

I don't know if you've already tried this but, one thing that helped me
when I had a similar problem was to select a whole album in MP3Tag and
look at details in the left hand panel. 
Anything that shows keep has different values for that field.
Obviously that's OK for title + track, but it should be the same for
Artist, album etc. Also check the album art is the same. I had problems
in my library with album art that looked identical, but wasn't and with
tags containing extra spaces or typos. If the tags don't match then
Squeezecenter thinks it's a different album - after all we're talking
computers here, not common sense!



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