Re: [slim] Comically Fumbled Squeezebox Replacement Thread - Would you be interested?

2015-02-15 Thread Zoltan

jimmypowder wrote: 
> The Aries is not a Dac, just a streamer so you have to connect it to a
> dac . USB sounds best on the Aries IMO .

In your earlier post you said the "sound quality is terrific".  Unless I
am missing something, I would have thought that the only relevant part
SQ-wise of a streamed digital source is the DAC.

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Music-Playback now on ANDROID! SqueezePlayer released to the market ...

2014-11-26 Thread Zoltan

Thanks! I noticed this morning that it had got updated but didn't have
the opportunity to try it. Anyway, it is working great for me once

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Music-Playback now on ANDROID! SqueezePlayer released to the market ...

2014-11-21 Thread Zoltan

I can confirm this based on a very quick test. I just played one of my
few mp3 files with no problem. I then tried a random FLAC file and that
failed in the same way as last night (no audio in OrangeSqueeze but
looks like it is playing; SqueezePlayer crashes when I try to open the
app window). I was trying to play FLAC files last night - which would be
the usual case for me.

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Music-Playback now on ANDROID! SqueezePlayer released to the market ...

2014-11-21 Thread Zoltan

bluegaspode wrote: 
> Unfortunately my Nexus 4 didn't update yet. I'll try if I can make
> Googles sluggish simulator work over the weekend.

That's great thanks.  As long as you are now aware there might be an
issue, I am happy to wait for a fix.

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Music-Playback now on ANDROID! SqueezePlayer released to the market ...

2014-11-21 Thread Zoltan

I was trying to get my phone to work as a Squeezebox player last night,
using SqueezePlayer and OrangeSqueeze.  Initially I thought it was
OrangeSqueeze that was the problem as I have only installed it in the
last few days. Previously I have used SqueezeCommander but I heard that
the developer has gone AWOL, so I thought I would give OrangeSqueeze a

The symptoms are roughly as follows (I am typing this from work and
can't try it out at the moment so am going from memory of what happened
last night):

I start SqueezePlayer.  Everything seems OK.

I open OrangeSqueeze and I see my phone listed as a player.  I select

I try to play a track but I do not hear anything (though I do see the
track time ticking away).

If I try to open SqueezePlayer, it comes up briefly but closes.  I see
some error message related to wifi but it is not open for long enough to
read it.

My phone is no longer listed as a player in OrangeSqueeze.

Sometimes, when I open SqueezePlayer, I hear a brief snippet of the
track I tried to play.  I *think* this happens only after I have closed
OrangeSqueeze but I am not sure.

As I say, I thought initially it was OrangeSqueeze that was the issue as
this was the first time I tried to use it in conjunction with
SqueezePlayer.  However, when I went back to SqueezeCommander, that did
not work either.  I tried various other things such as clearing
SqueezePlayer's data and cache, uninstalling it and reinstalling,
restarting the server etc.  

After all of this it occurred to me that this was probably the first
time I had tried to use SqueezePlayer since my phone upgraded to Android
5.0. The phone is a Nexus 5 so tends to be ahead of the curve in getting
Android updates so, if that is the source of the problem, perhaps
relatively few people have seen it so far. I did see a couple of recent
reviews for SqueezePlayer on the Play Store which seem to lend support
to the theory that SqueezePlayer is broken with Android 5.0.

Does this sound plausible or is there anything I could try?

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Re: [slim] Recommend speakers/amp to go with Pi + Wolfson?

2014-06-12 Thread Zoltan

Thanks - some suggestions there for me to look into.

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[slim] Recommend speakers/amp to go with Pi + Wolfson?

2014-06-11 Thread Zoltan

For fun as much as anything, I have recently added a Wolfson card and a
wi-fi dongle to my Raspberry Pi and got it working as a player.

Now I'm wondering about using it as the basis of a compact system in my
workshop (about a 10' x 14' space).  I don't want to spend too much
money on it, but I don't want it to sound crap.  I'm thinking £150 max
because that would roughly make the whole system cost about what I was
happy to pay for the Boom.  

I'm intrigued by these class T amps that you see these days for not very
much money and which sometimes get good reviews. What speakers though? I
wondered about something like the Wharfedale Diamonds?  Would they be
sensitive enough?

The other option is active speakers but I have no experience of these
and a lot of them are advertised as 'studio monitors'; as I understand,
that has some implications for how they sound and I don't know if they
would be suitable in my room.

I'm not after huge volume or thumping bass, just something that sounds
reasonably balanced over a wide variety of music (rock, classical, jazz,
folk, all sorts really).

I'd be grateful for any suggestions, even negative ones as to what
doesn't work so well.

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Re: [slim] Help with SqueezePlay please

2012-12-07 Thread Zoltan

Well I don't know what I did but I tried the login to mysqueezebox again
and somehow it ended up connecting to my local server.

So problem sort of solved but I'd like to understand better what I
should have expected, what is happening, and what I would need to do
differently in future if I was installing SqueezePlay afresh.

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[slim] Help with SqueezePlay please

2012-12-07 Thread Zoltan

I am tearing my hair out here.  I have just installed SqueezePlay and
can't for the life of me get it to connect to my local server. It only
seems to want to connect to  It seemed to do this
automatically in spite of at one point suggesting that I needed to go to and enter a PIN.  However, I didn't get chance to do
that as it did something automatically.  Then I found something hidden
on the Test menu, "SN Registration" that allowed me to enter an email
address and password that I had previously registered with It accepted this but it did not seem to make any

I have been all through the menus and can't see anywhere to switch to my
local server.  I never use with my hardware players so
I am not familiar with what the switching procedure is there.

I more or less have a new computer in that I installed Windows 7 on a
new HD and started from scratch again.  I did install SqueezePlay on my
old XP install not too long ago and I don't recall these problems.  LMS
itself is running on a different machine from my WIndows 7 box - a Linux
server.  I just upgraded to the 7.7.2 release yesterday having been on
an old 6.* version for a while. I have tried both the 7.7 and the 7.8
versions of SqueezePlay.

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Re: [slim] New Wireless Router Recommendations?

2012-02-06 Thread Zoltan

garym;689125 Wrote: 
> Is this a combination ADSL modem/router or if it is just the ROUTER, the
> ADSL is not relevant (I don't think, as any WIFI router can simply plug
> into the ADSL modem).

It is a combination modem/router - sorry I should have been clearer. 
To replace it, I'll either need another ADSL modem/router or an ADSL
modem plus a wireless router.  I'm inclined to prefer the single box.


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[slim] New Wireless Router Recommendations?

2012-02-06 Thread Zoltan

My wireless ADSL router has been showing signs of flakiness recently. 
Today it seemed to spontaneously get stuck in some sort of
initialisation cycle and I had to turn it off and on again a few times
before it settled down.  I have had it a while and it was not expensive
so I am thinking that it might be time to buy a new one while I still
have time to research it, rather that waiting for it to pack up

Obviously my primary concern is that it is compatible with my
Squeezebox devices - comprising a classic, a Boom, a Radio and a Touch;
also my iPod Touch which I rely on for iPeng as well as using it a lot
in its own right.  I would be grateful for any recommendations (or
advice on what to avoid!).



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Re: [slim] SB3 Flakiness

2011-03-15 Thread Zoltan

toby10;611934 Wrote: 
> Yeah, you want ch 1 or 6 or 11.  But arbitrarily switching ch's is just
> a guessing game until you use a NetStumbler like program to see what
> ch's are around you.
> If that is even the issue.

I've left it a while before following up as I wanted to be sure but
Netstumbler showed a number of neighbours on Ch 6 and none on 1, so I
switched to 1.  Since then I haven't seen any problems!

Thanks to all for the help.


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Re: [slim] SB3 Flakiness

2011-02-17 Thread Zoltan

Thanks for the replies.  I don't think the firmware issue applies to me
from what I understand.

wifi signal is showing at 90% in SBS for the SB3.  This is a bit lower
then the other two that are currently switched on (100% and 96%) but
still seems pretty decent.  I am sure it has been at about this level
whenever I have looked recently.

I noticed my wifi is currently on channel 3 which I think is not a good
idea.  I will try changing that before anything else.  If that doesn't
help, if I can borrow my wife's laptop for long enough, I will also try

As I mentioned before I will, if necessary, also relocate the SB3 to a
wired location to try it out there, but that will have to wait until
the weekend.

I have thought about homeplugs and will get some as a last resort but
my power socket is not in a good position, something I get around at
the moment by using a multi-socket extension.  But home plugs don't
play nicely with these as I understand.  Also, there is the NSLU2
issue.  If I go to wired, both the SB3 and NSLU2 will need to be wired
so I'll need an ethernet switch too.  It all starts to get a bit messy.


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Re: [slim] SB3 Flakiness

2011-02-17 Thread Zoltan

bwaldron;611848 Wrote: 
> Many of us are experiencing this symptom with the latest SB3 firmware;
> see

I am not aware of having upgraded the firmware.  Is this something that
would have happened automatically?

When does the firmware date from?  I think I have been seeing my issue
for a while now - certainly before Christmas.



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Re: [slim] SB3 Flakiness

2011-02-17 Thread Zoltan

aubuti;611827 Wrote: 
> Can't you at least use it wired _temporarily_ as a diagnostic measure?
> That is, just long enough to find out if the problem goes away when
> it's wired. If you continue losing the connection, then you can rule
> out wifi as the source of the problem. If the connection becomes
> stable, then you can look at ways either to improve the wifi signal
> where you are using the SB3, or look into a wired solution, such as
> homeplugs or pulling ethernet cable to the SB3 location. 
> If it's too awkward to string an ethernet cable to the SB3 location
> even temporarily, then what about using headphones when you temporarily
> move the SB3 to a location where you can wire it? I don't understand why
> you can't use it at a wired location even temporarily while you diagnose
> the problem. 
> Until you can determine whether it's wifi or something else you'll just
> be shooting in the dark.

I guess you are right.  The only practical solution is that I will do
as you suggest and move it somewhere and use headphones with it.  It's
not an ideal location to sit around and listen to it and the problem is
sufficiently intermittent that it will need a reasonable stretch of use
for me to be sure it is OK.

If I can determine that it is a wifi issue, I hope it is a signal
problem rather than a hardware problem that has developed with the SB3.
It's actually quite useful having that box on wifi as I use it as a
wireless bridge to an NSLU2 I have connected to my PVR.


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Re: [slim] SB3 Flakiness

2011-02-17 Thread Zoltan

I have tried swapping the power supply (in fact I bought a new one) but
I am still seeing the same problem.

Is what I describe symptomatic of a drop in the wi-fi connection?  

This box is definitely displaying much worse behaviour than the other
Squeezeboxes we have.  For example, I am happy if I can play a whole
album with this SB3 without the connection dropping but I rarely
achieve that.

Making the connection wired is not really an option where it is so all
I can think is to move it somewhere where I can wire it and just keep
an eye on it.  I won't be able to use it though.  I could perhaps
periodically look at the logs but another issue I am having is that
when I have tried looking at the log recently for any clues, it always
seems to be an empty file.  

Any suggestions please?


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[slim] SB3 Flakiness

2011-01-11 Thread Zoltan

I'm seeing a problem with my SB3. 

It seems to be regularly losing connection with the server.  As well as
when it is in active use, I often see it out of the corner of my eye
when I am watching TV in the evening.  It has a blank screen in standby
and I see it going through the process of getting IP address, connecting
to server etc.

What I am not sure about is whether it is likely to be a problem with
the wifi or a hardware problem with the SB3 itself.  I have heard of
power supply problems for example.  I have three other SBs around the
house (Touch, Radio and Boom) and I am not seeing similar problems with
them.  SB3 had been very reliable and in general we seem to have a good
wifi signal around the house.

Is there anything I can look out for - specific symptoms etc - to help
diagnose the problem?


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Re: [slim] Library rescanned automatically?

2010-12-27 Thread Zoltan

bobkoure;596742 Wrote: 
> There is an automated rescan, but it's off by default.
> Might be worth a look

So there is and it seems that mine has been enabled (I am still on
7.5.0 to answer Erland's question).  I don't remember enabling it and
it is odd that it is set for 9am.  I'm sure I would have chosen a time
in the middle of the night if I had set this.  Anyway, mystery more or
less solved.  Thanks!


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Re: [slim] Library rescanned automatically?

2010-12-23 Thread Zoltan

Thanks for the suggestion but I don't use MusicIP.

Anyway I guess it doesn't matter too much as long as it doesn't start
doing it too frequently.  I was just a bit surprised that it happened
and wondered if there was some automated/scheduled scan facility that I
was not aware of.


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[slim] Library rescanned automatically?

2010-12-23 Thread Zoltan

I noticed my library got rescanned this morning but I had not requested
a rescan. What could have triggered this?  I don't remember setting up
any regular automated scan (I wouldn't know how to without researching
it a bit) and even if I had, I would want it to happen during the night
and not at about 9 am.


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Re: [slim] itunes

2010-11-02 Thread Zoltan

I got myself a Touch earlier this year and it is great but I really,
really detest iTunes.  I had it installed for a while a few years ago
just to try it out but hated the way it took over my computer and I
soon got rid of it.  I hoped that things would have improved in the
meantime.  Unfortunately not. For some reason it decided to delete some
of my apps while I loaded some music onto the Touch, even though I had
instructed it - as far as I could tell - not to synchronise apps. 
Transferring the music took absolutely ages too.

I have since discovered foobar2000 and the foo_dop plugin so I can get
music onto the the device without iTunes' intervention.  And apps I
just download directly on to the device.  I still have iTunes installed
but I installed it under a new user account in XP that I created just
for the purpose of using iTunes.  It doesn't isolate it 100% but it

Unfortunately, I want to upgrade to iOS4 so that I can install the
Squeezebox client (I forget what it is called - I don't mean iPeng but
the one for playing music streamed from your server) so that means
risking iTunes again!


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Re: [slim] Basic Squeezbox Facts.....?

2010-09-03 Thread Zoltan

If you want a cheap platform for SBS you could consider going along the
SheevaPlug route.  Look in the 3rd party hardware forum for lots of

You could run this alongside your NAS.  You will probably find this to
be a less painful route than trying to get your NAS to run SBS (I have
no experience but my impression is that even compatible NASes sometimes
have performance problems).  Meanwhile you keep your NAS to do the job
it is good at.


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Re: [slim] BBC iPlayer listen again not working?

2010-09-01 Thread Zoltan

andynormancx;573616 Wrote: 
> Especcialy as the first reply ask you to check the version...



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Re: [slim] BBC iPlayer listen again not working?

2010-09-01 Thread Zoltan

Triode;573484 Wrote: 
> Which version of the plugin are you using?

Doh!  Why didn't I check whether the plugin was up to date?

(I guess because I use it every day for live streaming and that was
working fine.)

Anyway, now sorted.  Thanks!


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Re: [slim] BBC iPlayer listen again not working?

2010-08-31 Thread Zoltan

This is the log I got when trying to play the 'Today' programme from
Radio 4 from this morning.  I snipped a couple of the very long URL


  [10-08-31 23:47:45.0872] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::BBCMSParser::_findStream (247) 
Found stream for iplayer_uk_stream_aac_rtmp_concrete from ...snipaac
  [10-08-31 23:47:53.9742] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::BBCMSParser::_findStream (247) 
Found stream for iplayer_uk_stream_aac_rtmp_concrete from ...snipaac
  [10-08-31 23:47:54.1271] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::new (111) {
  app=> "a1414/e3",
  ct => "aac",
  desc   => "Debating the end of the Iraq war, plus the alleged cricket 
scam and Today's new theme tune",
  duration   => 10_800,
  host   => "",
  icon   => 
  port   => 1935,
  streamname => 
  swfurl => "",
  tcurl  => "rtmp://",
  ttl=> "1283294883",
  update => "Plugins::BBCiPlayer::BBCMSParser",
  url=> "";,
  [10-08-31 23:47:54.1292] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::new (120) connecting to 
  [10-08-31 23:47:54.3696] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::state (271) hsAwaitS0 -> 
  [10-08-31 23:47:54.3723] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::state (271) hsAwaitS1 -> 
  [10-08-31 23:47:54.3768] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::state (271) hsAwaitS2 -> 
  [10-08-31 23:47:54.5066] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::__ANON__ (617) message 
type 5 - window ack size: 250 - ignore
  [10-08-31 23:47:54.5090] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::__ANON__ (627) message 
type 6 - set peer BW: 250 limit type 2 - sending response
  [10-08-31 23:47:54.5138] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::__ANON__ (739) message 
type 20 - command message: _result
  [10-08-31 23:47:54.5159] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::__ANON__ (749) sending 
  [10-08-31 23:47:54.5189] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::state (271) sentConnect 
-> sentCreateStream
  [10-08-31 23:47:54.5216] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::__ANON__ (739) message 
type 20 - command message: onBWDone
  [10-08-31 23:47:54.7017] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::__ANON__ (739) message 
type 20 - command message: _result
  [10-08-31 23:47:54.7038] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::__ANON__ (769) sending 
  [10-08-31 23:47:54.7086] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::state (271) 
sentCreateStream -> sentPlay
  [10-08-31 23:47:54.9339] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::__ANON__ (739) message 
type 20 - command message: onStatus
  [10-08-31 23:47:54.9358] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::__ANON__ (803) error 
  [10-08-31 23:47:54.9376] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::__ANON__ (807) closing
  [10-08-31 23:47:54.9421] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::__ANON__ (809) [
  clientid => "wLiI4fio",
  code => "NetStream.Failed",
  description => "Failed to play  (stream ID: 1).",
  level => "error",
  [10-08-31 23:47:54.9440] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::close (482) close
  [10-08-31 23:47:54.9842] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::sysread (836) input 
socket not connected
  [10-08-31 23:47:54.9861] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::close (482) close
  [10-08-31 23:47:54.9882] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::close (482) close


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Re: [slim] BBC iPlayer listen again not working?

2010-08-31 Thread Zoltan

bpa;573385 Wrote: 
> I would not recommend trying to edit the prefs file.
> You can access the GUI from any browser using http: address>:9000 - the browser does not have to be on your Linux server -
> for example an iPhone/iPad, netpc etc.

Yes - sorry, I misread your instructions.  For some reason, I thought
it was referring to the windows GUI tool.


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Re: [slim] BBC iPlayer listen again not working?

2010-08-31 Thread Zoltan

bpa;573353 Wrote: 
> To get more info in the log file set plugin.bbciplayer.parser and
> plugin.bbciplayer.rtmp to INFO in Webui Settings/Advanced/Logging and
> then click Apply.
> Then try to play a Listen Again program & station you have not tried
> before.

Thanks for the tip.  I have a command line Linux server - what is
command line the equivalent to applying these settings via the GUI?

I'll have a try later when I get home.


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Re: [slim] BBC iPlayer listen again not working?

2010-08-30 Thread Zoltan

Still not working for me.  Is there anything I can do to debug this?

BTW - I'm in UK if that makes a difference.


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[slim] BBC iPlayer listen again not working?

2010-08-30 Thread Zoltan

I can listen to live streams on BBC iPlayer today but not and 'listen
again' programmes.  I've tried programmes on Radio 4 and 6Music. 
Anyone else experiencing this, or suggestions as to what the problem
might be?



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Re: [slim] Where are your CDs?

2010-07-16 Thread Zoltan

garym;561972 Wrote: 
> as the jewel sleeve user, I'll note that the sleeves are a little larger
> than normal (so there is room for the full inserts without cutting) and,
> I suppose more importantly, there are two "slots" within each sleeve.
> One is lined with a soft "felt like" material for holding the CD
> itself. Probably not necessary but this may be one reason these cost
> more. They will send you a free sample if you want to check them out. 
> Once in a while they do a major sale on the sleeves. So I just stocked
> up in the past. And this is all rounding error $$ compared to what I
> spend on the CDs themselves anyhow ;-)

The Jazz Loft sleeves sound similar in that they have enough room for
all inserts.  The front booklet goes in one pocket and the back insert
and CD goes in the other.  The pockets are loose enough to fit a
booklet and CD in the case of 2CD sets.  The difference from your
description is the felt lining - the Jazz Loft ones are just a straight
polythene-like material.  One thing that does worry me a bit is that, in
the sleeves, the CD faces are right up against the insert on one side
and the plastic sleeve on the other.  In a jewel case, the CD only
really touches anything near the spindle and the rest floats free.  I
don't know whether this has implications for longevity.

You are right that the cost is marginal on a per CD basis but I had a
biggish collection (100s) to catch up with and there were international
postage charges on top of the price I mentioned above.  Anyway, I might
try the Jewel Sleeve ones when I need a new batch.

Thanks for the information.


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Re: [slim] Where are your CDs?

2010-07-15 Thread Zoltan

I noticed someone mentioned the JewelSleeve approach earlier.  

I used something similar from with great success.

I'm pretty sure I looked into JewelSleeve at the time and am guessing
it was the cost that decided it.  The sleeves from Jazz Loft are 15
cents, or 7.50 USD for 50, whereas they are 24 USD from JewelSleeve.  I
don't know if there is any technical difference between them but the
Jazz Loft ones are good enough for me.

BTW, the sleeves don't look like much in their unfilled form but once
the CD and inserts are in they seem a bit more substantial - it becomes
a bit like a mini gatefold LP.  The main disadvantage of them is that
you can't easily read the spine.  This isn't much of a problem for me
as I have enough CDs that are in non-standard boxes etc., interspersed
with the sleeved ones, that I can quickly get to the right ballpark if
I need to (which is rare in any case these days).


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Re: [slim]

2010-01-16 Thread Zoltan

This seems to have stopped working for me again :-(

I haven't changed anything as far as I know.

One thing that maybe someone can help me with - what is the status of
the lastfm plugin?  As I understand, it's not classed as a 3rd party
plugin so I haven't asked about this in that forum.  So is it considered
part of the mainstream product?  Therefore is it something I could
submit a bug about?  Or is there anywhere else I could ask about it? -
it's driving me up the wall having to have a laptop on just to see who's


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Re: [slim]

2010-01-03 Thread Zoltan

I'm not sure what has happened but I find I am now able to access full
track information via 'right arrow' which takes me to a 10 item menu. 
This contains details of artist and other track info as well as the
ability to mark the track as 'loved' or 'banned'.

I definitely was not able to do this before.  Right arrow used to take
me to a single item menu that just said something like 'standard track
info' and provided no further information or actions.

I haven't knowingly upgraded the server software.  The only thing I can
think was that, because I was away over Xmas, I had shut everything down
and then restarted when I got back so maybe that was all it needed to
get this working for me.


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Re: [slim] Tone Controls missing on $200 Radio?

2010-01-01 Thread Zoltan

John Carmac;501368 Wrote: 
> Now we have two fools albeit raised in the 90's who think that posting
> incorrect information is fine as long they made "a genuine effort to
> help". 

If I am a fool, then at least I am a fool who can write intelligible

John Carmac;501368 Wrote: 
> This feel good attitude is a big part of the problem in the US today.

I suspect people such as yourself are a bigger part of the problem.


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Re: [slim] Tone Controls missing on $200 Radio?

2010-01-01 Thread Zoltan

John Carmac;501341 Wrote: 
> My concern is not that of physical tone controls for treble and bass,
> but alas for any control of the tone albeit the treble and the bass.
> Since you are not familiar with the SB Radio I would prefer you not
> opine your lack of knowledge in this forum Mr. Zolgetatan. Thank you.

Sorry you feel that way Mr. Carmac.  I admit that I did not read your
original post carefully enough and if I had I would not have replied but
it was nevertheless a genuine attempt to help.  I would suggest that if
you are in the habit of being so rude you might not get much help here.


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Re: [slim] Tone Controls missing on $200 Radio?

2010-01-01 Thread Zoltan

It's not clear whether your complaint is lack of physical tone control
knobs or just the ability to adjust the tone.  If the latter, then this
ought to be possible via the Settings menu.  I'm not familiar with the
Radio but I'm guessing it is similar to the Boom in this regard.


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Re: [slim] 7.4.1 rebuffering woes

2009-12-11 Thread Zoltan

DigitalMitch;494490 Wrote: 
> Zoltan, 
> WHS was apparently optimised for 0.5G, but HP added some stuff.
> I then added SBS and MusicIP hence need for upgrade. Didn't want to
> repeat the exercise so went straight to max).
> I'm sure that Linux based solutions would be better, but at the time,
> the HP medismart seemed good for me, being ready built and Windows,
> which I was comfortable with.
> The Touch is driving SBS light, but no hints whether that code would
> be available for other platforms (since it would conflict with Touch
> hardware sales).
> If I was choosing a new solution now, (or when I need to) I'd still be
> looking for something beyond Touch for the extra server functionality
> and some backup for the music files, as well as power and size.
> (recognising HP itself is limited backup).
> Mitch

Thanks for the reassurance Mitch.  I am in fact running Ubuntu as my
server OS and like I said it seems to work fine for me at the moment. It
just worries me when I see suggestions that relatively high powered
hardware (compared to what I am using) might be to blame for poor SB
performance.  It worries me that it is a sign that SBS is becoming more
resource hungry over time.  I hope that that is something that Logitech
are keeping a check on.


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Re: [slim] 7.4.1 rebuffering woes

2009-12-10 Thread Zoltan

DigitalMitch;493043 Wrote: 
> server performance (upgarded memory in HP Mediasnart to 2G)
> Mitch

Is it just me, or shouldn't we be able to expect that the server
software is able to run on pretty low powered hardware.  A mediasmart
with 2G sounds far higher than what ought to be acceptable minimum spec
to me, and the OPs machine surely ought to have been powerful enough. 

Given that for convenience, the server typically needs to be running
for considerably more time than the Squeezebox is being actively used
(and may even be left running 24/7), and given the trends towards trying
to minimise power consumption as well as low power options such as the
Sheevaplug starting to become widely available, I feel that the server
software ought to be respecting these sort of trends and minimising
hardware resource requirements.  i.e. going in the opposite direction to
that which software has traditionally gone. 

I have to admit I have a vested interest in this as my server is based
around a Via 500MHz chip with 0.5G RAM and I'm looking to reduce my
power consumption further by moving to a Sheevaplug. (Despite its
apparently low power, my current server works fine BTW - I'd just like
to be sure that it or something similarly low powered will continue to
do so.) I would also expect that it would be in Logitech's interests
given that the new Touch will incorporate a slimmed down server.

Anyway, just some thoughts that occurred when I read this thread.


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Re: [slim]

2009-12-08 Thread Zoltan

snarlydwarf;493288 Wrote: 
> Hrrm, I see the artists... perhaps your display format doesn't show
> artist?  Try pressing 'Now Playing' a few times and that should cycle
> you through the various formats, one should have the artist.

I only had chance to try this quickly but pressing 'No Playing' only
seems to affect aspects like whether elapsed/remaining time is shown
etc.  No artist info.  This is a SB3 BTW.

I'll try again tonight - maybe there's something I need to do with my
player's settings? Change the display format or something like you
hinted at.

snarlydwarf;493288 Wrote: 
> Recommended should be 'the same' (or at least generally the same since
> it's all random biased to your listening history) either on the web page
> or in the radio.
> The radio station tends to play more stuff than 'recommended artists'
> (yet another list!) shows on, but maybe that's me.

It's the same as in very much the same sort of stuff.  It wouldn't
matter if I could see the artist on the player but I was hoping that the
list of played tracks when I view via the website would include those
played from my Squeezebox.  Instead it's just those I have explicitly
played via the web interface to



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2009-12-07 Thread Zoltan

I discovered recently, initially listening via the
website on my PC before later trying it out on my Squeezebox.

There are couple of things I have noticed:

- When I play my Recommended station on the Squeezebox, all I see are
the song titles, not the artists.  This is OK when I know the song, but
it is discovering new stuff that I might like which is one of the big
appeals of this.  Is there any way I can get artist info? Anyway, when I
first tried it, I thought 'oh well at least I can go online and see what
was playing', which brings me to my second question...

- On the web site, it shows my 'Recommended Radio' as one of my
stations.  On my Squeezebox, there is also a 'Recommended' station. 
However, other than playing roughly the same sort of music there does
not seem to be any connection between these.  Is that correct?  I don't
mind too much except that, as I note above, it means I still have no way
of knowing what I have been listening to...

Thanks for any insights.


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[slim] ~99% CPU with mysqld

2009-12-01 Thread Zoltan

I've been having some really bad problems in the last couple of days
where SBS becomes completely unresponsive, I can't log in to the web
interface and if I look at the processes on my server box, mysqld is
using upwards of 99% CPU.

This seems to have started happening after I tried to define some new
libraries using the Custom Library plugin in order to make the Artist
menu a bit more usable for my wife on her new Boom.  However, I had
already been successfully using this plugin for a few days to test out
the facility - had split my classical albums off to a new library and
that seemed to be OK.

I have tried various combinations of restarting SBS, stopping and
starting it, killing the mysld process, and rebooting the server itself.

I'm wondering now whether I have corrupted something.  If I did a
reinstall of SBS what would I need to do on Ubuntu (command line) in
terms of ensuring everything got cleaned out before reinstalling?

I'd be grateful for any ideas or advice.




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Re: [slim] Planet Rock stream?

2009-11-18 Thread Zoltan

Thanks for the hint but before I had time to look into it further it
seems to be working now.  Maybe there was just a temporary glitch with
the stream when I first tried to play it?  Anyway seems OK now with the
stream I found from the Internet Radio Search.



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[slim] Planet Rock stream?

2009-11-17 Thread Zoltan

I 'upgraded' from squeezecenter to squeezeboxserver last night and, as
expected, the presets on my wife's Boom got wiped.  These were mainly
BBC radio stations and were easy to get back once I got the iplayer
plugin installed again.

The only one I haven't got back was Planet Rock.  I had previously
accessed this via a URL that I entered manually via the web interface
and saved as a favourite.  It had survived previous upgrades and I
didn't think to make a note of it.  On the Boom itself, I did a search
under Internet Radio and found Planet Rock there but when I tried to
play it, nothing happens sound-wise (something is happening as I get
information about the current program on the display; something that I
didn't have before).  I think I got a "connecting..." message or similar
but it didn't seem to succeed.

So does anyone hear ever listen to this station via their squeezebox
and if so via what method?  I might be in trouble if I don't get this
fixed soon!



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