[slim] Problem with installing Squeezecenter - should be easy...??

2008-07-26 Thread cronshd


Can you help with this situation?


1. Have had Squeezebox with SlimServer installed and running under
Windows XP, connected via wireless network to a Server box. That has
worked fine - apart from the odd hiccup for 6 months.

2. I decided to install the 'latest and greatest' version -
Squeezecenter (SC) - and this is where it started to go wrong


1. SC does not recognise my Squeezebox.see the following screen


2. If I then change URL to the following:


then I get the old Slim Server interface

3. And SlimServer works fine for a while (I can do most things ok) -
until I get this screen - 


and clicking on OK gives 'Page not found' for the SlimServer player. I
can Refresh and it comes back - for a while..then just repeats
that problem.


So - clearly SlimServer (old version) can find the Server - and the
music ok. The questions are:

1. Why doesn't Squeezecenter find the Squeezebox?

2. Why does SlimServer reappear?

3. What do I need to do to get this working ok (either the old version
of SlimServer or the new Squeezecenter...)?

Things I have done:

I have installed the latest firmware to the Squeezebox - by holding
down the Brightness button.

I have rebooted the Squeezebox several times - been through the Set up
several times.

Thanks, David

|Filename: Screen2.doc  |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=5527|


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Re: [slim] Problem with installing Squeezecenter - should be easy...??

2008-07-26 Thread cronshd

I have 1 headless server - and 1 laptop.


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Re: [slim] FLAC files now very distorted - MP3s ok

2008-07-13 Thread cronshd

andynormancx;319317 Wrote: 
 You guys appear to be mixing up the two different tests, wifi signal
 strength one and the network test one (easy to do because the graphs
 look the same).
 cronshd posted the details of his wifi signal strength test showing him
 managing 40-50% on it. Phil then responded saying you NEED to get 100%
 at 1500 not 40-50%.
 It is true that he needs to get 100% at 1500, but not on the wifi
 strength test. He needs to achieve the 100% on the network test screen.
 It is perfectly possible to get that while only achieving 40-50% on the
 wifi test and you are never likely to see 100% on the wifi strength
 test screen. It is obviously best to try and get the highest possible
 response on the wifi test though.
 N.B. I'm not trying to say that the advice Phil gave to try and fix the
 problem was wrong, that was spot on, just pointing out that the two of
 you were looking at two different tests...

In the end, I was looking at both..(if you follow the threads I think
you will see that)it was a rapid learning experience me and
thanks to everyone (especially Phil) who helped me out.

SS 6.5 produced a summary report which I looked at this morning - it

Performance Summary : David
Please queue up several tracks to play on this player and start them
playing. Then press the Reset link below to clear the statistics and
update this display.


Control Connection : OK
Streaming Connection   : OK
Signal Strength: OK
Buffer Fullness: Low
Server Response Time   : OK
The playback buffer for this player is occasionally falling lower than
ideal. This is a Squeezebox2/3 and so the buffer fullness is expected
to drop at the end of each track. You may see this warning if you are
playing lots of short tracks. If you are hearing audio dropouts, please
check your network signal strength


So I take from that (and of course, my listening experience) it is

(Next thread will be about Squeezecenter install.I just need to
pause and try a few things out first so as (hopefully) not to waste
people's time).


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[slim] FLAC files now very distorted - MP3s ok

2008-07-12 Thread cronshd

If I play back any FLAC track it starts off ok for about 5 seconds, then
becomes more and more distorted - just breaks up totally.

The FLAC files were fine before - for the last 6 months (and the CDs
were  professionally 'FLACed').

My MP3s are all fine.

I use as a Tranquil Server, Windows Home Server.

Has anyone encountered this kind of thing before?

There is no other network activity - apart from playing the music.

Is there anything I can do to check this out?



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Re: [slim] FLAC files now very distorted - MP3s ok

2008-07-12 Thread cronshd

Yes - it breaks up - stutters and comes to a halt.

And now it is starting to happen on MP3s - the behaviour is a little
different.it goes distorted/stuttering then starts rebuffering.

So it is not just for FLACs now.

Yes it is wireless - and has been working perfectly for 6 months or

There has been no recent change to the infrastructure in the house.

I have rebooted modem/wireless router.

Is there anything I can test - to see what might be the cause?

I just did a scan for wireless networks - and found my Linksys
(Encrypted) with 100% strength.

I also found another duplicate Linksys - which is Open ie not
encrypted. Not sure what has happened here.Help!!! COuld this be
the cause?


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Re: [slim] FLAC files now very distorted - MP3s ok

2008-07-12 Thread cronshd


I ran NetStumbler (see attached screen dump) - and it shows 2 Linksys
(my SSID) entries. I changed (via the Linksys the channel
to channel 12. 

I'm not sure why there are 2 entries as there is only one

I also switched off the cordless phone in the house.

None of this makes a difference - and it still stutters/breaks then
grinds to a halt.

I get 100% wireless strength on the laptop close to the Squeezebox.

I can't run Squeezecenter diagnostic because if I install and run
Squeezecenter, I get the message 

-Your player was not found. 

If you own a Squeezebox or Transporter:

Make sure that your player is plugged in and its networking settings
are correct. Click the Refresh button once your player is connected.
If you do not own a Squeezebox -

This is by default using the url
If I replace the with 'Server' (the name of my Server)
then SlimServer starts running.

|Filename: cronshd linksys.doc  |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=5426|


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Re: [slim] FLAC files now very distorted - MP3s ok

2008-07-12 Thread cronshd

amcluesent;319166 Wrote: 
 I'm not sure why there are 2 entries as there is only one
 The MAC addresses are different, that's another linksys with a default
 I'd try moving to channels 3 or 9 and see what the reception is like.

Sodo you mean there is another linksys router in da house?

That is not possible - there is just one modem, one router, one

How can I delete that 'rogue' entry? 

Anyway as per attached, I went into the linksys url and changed the
channel to 3 (although it shows up on NetStumbler as 3*, 12).

I then rebooted again the Squeezebox. It made no difference.

I am wondering if it is some setting which is about 'buffering' in some
way - as it also is stuttering on Radio. It never used to do any of

I am also wondering if it is connected with the failed attempts to
properly install/connect Squeezecentre - as it was fine with
SlimServer. (Although I have switched off my laptops to test this - and
just have a 'pure' Server - to - Squeezebox configuration).

Any other ideas of things to try?


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Re: [slim] FLAC files now very distorted - MP3s ok

2008-07-12 Thread cronshd

This is the latest NetStumbler.


|Filename: cronshd linksys v2.doc   |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=5428|


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Re: [slim] FLAC files now very distorted - MP3s ok

2008-07-12 Thread cronshd

I ran SlimServer and went to the Debugging section - and switched some
of the flags on (not sure exactly what each flag is - as it is not

Anyway, the resulting log is attached. You can see if you go to 'Beck'
- maybe where the problems start.

It does not mean so mcuh to me - but I can see

00:04:20:12:25:cb: Decoder underrun while this mode: playout-play

for example.as well as other stuff.

Does this help?

|Filename: cronshd - debug log 2.doc|
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=5429|


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Re: [slim] FLAC files now very distorted - MP3s ok

2008-07-12 Thread cronshd

Hi - ok - yes I think it must be a neighbours device (from a long
distance). I switched mine off and could see on NetStumbler there was
still a Linksys - and if I did Fn+F5 - to scan for wireless networks it
came up. Interestingly, it came up at about 5% strength - and yet now
when I switch my router back on the neightbour Linksys is about 90%.

Anyway, my next question (and btw - thanks so much guys for your
patience and time on this) - is this. When I saw there were duplicate
names a few hours ago (before your 'neighbour suggestion' - I changed
router name and got myself into a bit of mess and so I changed it back.
So I want to know how to changed the SSID in easy steps.

What happened for me to get in a mess?

Ok - the set up here is 1 modem, 1 linksys wireless router, I Tranquil
server and 2 laptops running Windows XP.

1. I went to the Linksys url and changed the SSID to Linksysnew 
2. Then I discovered of course, that I lost the connection on Laptop1.
3. On Laptop1 if I go to Windows-Control Panel-Network Connections -
there aren;t any. (I had anticipated I would just go there and make a
change somewhere there).
4. So I went to Laptop2 and managed to connect and change the SSID back
to linksys

...So I appreciate this might be a bit outside of your domain - but if
you could help on this it would be great.

Thanks again.


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Re: [slim] FLAC files now very distorted - MP3s ok

2008-07-12 Thread cronshd

Ok - quick update. 

I changed my SSID - and set up Squeezebox with the new id etc - and
reset the network on the PC. 

So far..it seems to be working!!


I've listened to 2 tracks straight through and no stuttering. I hope it

Thank you very much. I do appreciate your replies.

Meanwhile - there is just the slight problem of getting SqueezeCenter
up and running - should I create a new thread for that?


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Re: [slim] FLAC files now very distorted - MP3s ok

2008-07-12 Thread cronshd

Ouch - just as I posted - I got a short stutter - although transient it
continued - but it unnerved me a bit.

Is there some way I can do proper test? Apart from listening to stuff

I want to check the 'fidelity' of the sound.


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Re: [slim] FLAC files now very distorted - MP3s ok

2008-07-12 Thread cronshd

Hi Phil

No - I have never run the test before. Is it possible you can give me
step by step instructions?

The set up has been perfect for the lat 6 monthsno problems


Oh - and the Server is connected by a cable into the back of the
Wireless Router.


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Re: [slim] FLAC files now very distorted - MP3s ok

2008-07-12 Thread cronshd

Just before we get into that, I think that the 'ouch' just got a stutter
was because Laptop2 was still associated with 'Linksys'. I went to check
out L2 - and music was still playing - then when I started messing with
the network settings (to get it on to the new SSID) I could hear the
music stutter even more.then when I Shut Down L2 and skipped to the
next track - it has...so farbeen perfect.

Anyway the server software is also doing my head in a bit. I was fine
with SlimServer - then I downloaded Squeezecenter - and could not get
it connected to my Squeezebox.(I haven;t tried in the last hour
since SSID change). 

So I have the remnants of SlimServer:
SlimServer Version: 6.5.4 - 12568 - Windows Server 2003 - EN - cp1252

I can't see a Server  Network Health plug in.

Here is the screen I am looking at (attached)...

|Filename: cronshd screen.doc   |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=5430|


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Re: [slim] FLAC files now very distorted - MP3s ok

2008-07-12 Thread cronshd

Ok - I found it...

it is a click on Server and Network health.

I ran the highest rate at 5000kbps.

The result is attached.

I have had more stutters since (even though L2 is shut down).

See attached.

|Filename: cronshd network test 1.doc   |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=5431|


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Re: [slim] FLAC files now very distorted - MP3s ok

2008-07-12 Thread cronshd

And now much lower - more like 59-60it seemed as if it was
stuttering but obviously I couldnt hear anything...


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Re: [slim] FLAC files now very distorted - MP3s ok

2008-07-12 Thread cronshd

Ok - I can see that I can collect performance stats for the Player and
Server. Should I send these to you after running the test for sometime?


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Re: [slim] FLAC files now very distorted - MP3s ok

2008-07-12 Thread cronshd

Hi ok

At 1500, this is the Signal Strenght result so far.

I have a slight confession.I noticed that I had put a large solid
box (of vinyl) in front of the wireless router - and I guess this may
also have had an impact. At least, the average seems to be increasing -
as we speak it is now 43.% and going up. Sorry if that has also been a
contributing factor (I am starting to convert my vinyl).


Signal Strength
This graph shows the strength of the wireless signal received by your
player. Higher signal strength is better. The player reports signal
strength while it is playing. 
 10 :0 :  0% 
 20 :1 :  1% 
 30 :1 :  1% 
 40 :   35 : 32% ###
 50 :   66 : 59% #
 60 :8 :  7% ###
 70 :0 :  0% 
 80 :0 :  0% 
 90 :0 :  0% 
 100 :0 :  0% 
=100 :0 :  0% 
max  : 53.00
min  : 19.00
avg  : 42.819820


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Re: [slim] FLAC files now very distorted - MP3s ok

2008-07-12 Thread cronshd

Ok - I moved the router a bit higher (that's all I can do right now).

It is starting to hit 60%.

What I don;t understand is that my laptop which is about 1m away from
the Squeezebox gets a 100% signal.

Why would that be?


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Re: [slim] FLAC files now very distorted - MP3s ok

2008-07-12 Thread cronshd

Ok - I understand on the laptop getting 100% ok.

Do I need some signal boosting equipment?

Yes - I enabled Performance Monitoring - that gave the stats I sent.

The buffer though did not produce any numbers - it was always
...is that another issue?

At the moment - listening to a FLAC album - it seems just fine btw.
Obviously I would like to get it to 100% if that is the appropriate


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Re: [slim] FLAC files now very distorted - MP3s ok

2008-07-12 Thread cronshd

...and currently, the average is nearly 60%..


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Re: [slim] FLAC files now very distorted - MP3s ok

2008-07-12 Thread cronshd

Hi Phil.

Ok - I changed channel - it is now consistently in the 70's.

Thanks very much for your help on this.


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