[slim] 5g wifi speakers? sick of 2g squeezebox issues but still want to continue using LMS..

2021-10-28 Thread kllngtme

So I would like to start adding on to my squeezebox environment. I'm
sick of dealing with wifi issues and rebuffering and the speakers being
somewhat outdated now that I'd like to start thinking of how to slowly
sift out of the squeezebox hardware.
I still see myself using the radios and touch until the screens die as
the weather and functionality is great, even if the sound quality is
awful(it was good in its day).

I'm looking for speakers where I can Bluetooth stream from my phone if I
want, as well as see these speakers on LMS to be able to play right from
LMS to the speakers.
Audioengine and various others make Bluetooth speakers, but what I'm
looking for as well is for the same speakers to show up on LMS without
an actual LMS client. Are there are there any out there other than
having to add a squeezebox client, is there a way through a dlna
supported speaker to see it on LMS?

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox and Ubiquiti

2020-04-02 Thread kllngtme

Thanks for all the replies. I know I'm getting interference on 2.4 for
sure but there's nothing I can do about it so I really wasn't even sure
another AP would fix the issue. I really wish there were a way to
upgrade the internal radio. I have actual squeezeboxes cause I like
having a screen. 4 radios, a boombox, a touch and 2 classics sitting

I appreciate the idea for having the external client AP, good idea
instead of using a powerline Ethernet cable system which I've been

I feel like if everything was on 5G it'd be fine.  I'm still not really
sure the best way to approach this. I'd like to continue using the
original hardware considering the screen. I like it for a weather
station. I feel like I have no good options haha

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[slim] Squeezebox and Ubiquiti

2020-03-30 Thread kllngtme

So I'm having problems with all my SB's over wifi dropping out and
rebuffering constantly. I'm in a 1 story ranch while every other house
around me are 2 story houses.

I have 1 Unify UAP AC Pro and have been considering upgrading for a

While there is the newer NanoHD AP's, I've read that the UAP-AC Long
Range works well with devices that have weak 2.4 radios in them.

What does everyone think? If I were to upgrade specifically for my
Squeezeboxes, what would you do?

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Re: [slim] Play other songs in album or directory - does it work?

2016-12-12 Thread kllngtme

So I'm still trying to figure this out. No matter what controller is
used it's the same behavior. Using the web gui, I goto an album hit play
on track 3. Track 3 is the only thing that will be added to the playlist
until the end of the song when DSTM kicks in. How can I get it to add
the rest of the tracks to the album when I hit play from a track other
than track 1

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Re: [slim] Play other songs in album or directory - does it work?

2016-12-09 Thread kllngtme

I use the latest version of Squeezeplay and still can't get it to work
with that either. Does DSTM have anything to do with it?

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Re: [slim] Play other songs in album or directory - does it work?

2016-12-08 Thread kllngtme

mherger wrote: 
> >
> There's an option in Settings/Player (web UI) to control this behaviour.
> Did you enable it?

Yea, it's enabled in settings on each individual player...

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[slim] Play other songs in album or directory - does it work?

2016-12-08 Thread kllngtme

I have this enabled on all my players but I'm not sure how to get it to

I primarily use Orange Squeeze to navigate everything but even using the
web browser I can't get it to work.

If I start by playing track 2 in an album, how can I get it to add the
rest of the songs in the album to the playlist?

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Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2016-08-30 Thread kllngtme

For a long time I've been using Squeezelite in conjunction with
Squeezeplay as I read squeezelite had better audio support. I only use
Squeezeplay for controlling it.
Is the latest release of Squeezeplay up to date as far as audio quality
compared to squeezelite? 

Another question I have is more related to LMS itself. How do I find out
what is streaming from the server right now? Is there a way to find out
which player is playing music, and what it's streaming at? IE: bitrate,
bandwidth usage, latency of the stream

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[slim] intercom feature?

2015-12-16 Thread kllngtme

I saw the post about the Touch having a built in microphone and
suggestions that one might be able to do an intercom type system if the
other squeezeboxes had a microphone as well. Has there been any work
done for this to implement it? Even if the feature is built just
exclusively for the Touches, I would implement the feature for sure!

Would there be a way to use the speaker in the radio as the microphone?

Other than trying to get this implemented with the Squeezebox, I guess
I'll be looking into cameras for my house with intercom features..

Thanks for any info ahead of time!

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Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2015-10-23 Thread kllngtme

So I'm not sure if this is the proper thread to ask for this. I've been
using the latest builds of Squeezeplay, currently using 7.8.0r639.

Is there a way to scroll through my endless amounts of artists other
than using the mouse or arrow up/down keys? I'm looking to be able to
type in a letter and have it goto that letter on the list of artist's..

Is there a way to get this implemented at all?

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Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2015-10-23 Thread kllngtme

kolossos4730 wrote: 
> You can use the 2...9 keys to quickly select a letter just like on the
> original remote. E.g. '3' cycles through the letters D, E and F. '1'
> jumps to items starting with numerical characters. Hope this helps.

Thankyou! Perfect :)

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Re: [slim] Access Squeezebox classic without a display?

2015-09-01 Thread kllngtme

Oh man! I got it! All Hail the Orange Squeeze app on my phone!! It saw
the player "connected to other servers". Once I selected that player, it
asked me if I wanted to connect it to my server :)


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[slim] Access Squeezebox classic without a display?

2015-09-01 Thread kllngtme

I purchased a Squeezebox Classic V3 off of someone and it ended up not
having the display on it. It connects to my network and I have
associated it to mysqueezebox.com account. The only thing left to do
really is connect it to my server and then I'll be golden to use my
phone to control it from there out..

Anyone have any ideas how to get this connected? Is there a way to CLI
into it? Or am I going to have to guess using the remote control and
hope I'm on the right screen? I have another Squeezebox classic I can
use as a guide for the screen I was thinking...

What do you guys think? Can this thing be headless?

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Re: [slim] Access Squeezebox classic without a display?

2015-09-01 Thread kllngtme

jeremy wrote: 
> Yes it can be headless, essentially that's what a receiver is (a player
> without a screen). I think it should connect to LMS automatically (as
> long as not password protected) Can you see it in your LMS web pages? If
> so then all you need is a smartphone or tablet & you're away
No, I can only see it connect to mysqueezebox.com account. It shows
connected there but not in my LMS yet. Under Players, it doesn't have it

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[slim] Un-register a player without original owner?

2015-08-07 Thread kllngtme

I'm considering buying another Squeezebox Classic v3 off someone locally
for $20 :)

That being said, he had no idea about the association to
mysqueezebox.com and said his x-girlfriend set it up for him and he
won't be able to un-register it.

How can I have his player removed from his account? Does Logitech
customer support still do it or something?

Please let me know. Thanks!

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[slim] Remote Streaming stopped working after replacing router

2015-07-09 Thread kllngtme

Last night I replaced my Fios router and setup all the port forwarding
as it should be.
My issue is weird and I still think it might have to do with my router
but I'm not sure at this point what else to do.

I can login and get to my LMS remotely from the computer I want to
stream from with no problems. That right there tells me my port
forwarding is working.

For whatever reason though, my players aren't able to connect. I was
using squeezelite to connect and stream and I've tried squeezeplay as
well with no luck.

Port 9000 is the port I'm using and it is forwarded as mentioned.

What I've noticed on my server is this log, but I'm not sure if it has
to do with my problem:


[15-07-09 10:04:02.3249] 
Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players::_players_error (337) Unable to get 
players from SN: Connect timed out: Bad file descriptor, retrying in 86400 

Anyone have any ideas? I'm going to reboot when I get home as that's all
I can think of to do next. hah

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Re: [slim] Remote Streaming stopped working after replacing router

2015-07-09 Thread kllngtme

Oh Lord...

Well, it was my own mistake again. I forgot to add a rule for port 3483.
Silly me. I minds well just check my own posts in the future:


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Re: [slim] ANN: Orange Squeeze 1.3.0 released!

2015-05-11 Thread kllngtme

Now that I'm using Orange Squeeze for the most part as the main app to
control my squeezeboxes since the official Logitech app stopped working
with Android System Webview, I wanted to try and tackle an issue I've
been having with Orange Squeeze continuing throughout the updates along
the way.

The basic problem is, the app will almost freeze or not load the menus.
I'll have to close the app and it will populate the menus again
correctly. I'm not sure if it's every menu, but it's more or less just
what it has to populate from the server. The pause button or next track
button will work but when I'm looking into Artists or New music or
even the Artists albums, it will say Loading and then nothing populates.
The whole app seems to be weird at that point and only certain things
work and populate correctly. Like it's anything that populates from the
server that has an issue. Restarting the app works fine everytime but
it's a bit cumbersome.

I'm using the app on a Verizon Samsung S4. Any ideas or is this a known

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[slim] Web based streaming squeezebox client?

2014-09-17 Thread kllngtme

Currently I've been streaming music from my LMS server at my house using
the following:

Windows 7:

Squeeze Player
Orange Squeeze

Is there a web client or something that doesn't require installation?
For example, my girlfriend asked if she can stream from her computer at
work but she doesn't have admin rights to install anything. Is there a
java based or html5 based player over a webbrowser to stream to for


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Re: [slim] Web based streaming squeezebox client?

2014-09-17 Thread kllngtme

banned for life wrote: 
 Plugin: SoftSqueeze
 Is a Java app. When enabled (show all 3rd party plugins,) an install
 dialog is present on the HOME/Extras menu.

Okay cool. Is there something else that might be more standalone or
easier? I don't want to have to give her my login to the server. Plus it
gives her access to the LMS server itself and the settings. I don't want
it to be messed with by accident or something.

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Re: [slim] Web based streaming squeezebox client?

2014-09-17 Thread kllngtme

mherger wrote: 
  Okay cool. Is there something else that might be more standalone or
  easier? I don't want to have to give her my login to the server. Plus
  gives her access to the LMS server itself and the settings. I don't
  it to be messed with by accident or something.
 How do you want her to use your server without giving her access to it?
 MichaelWell, I want her to be able to play music and that's it. haha. So I was
just looking for a player. Squeezeplay is a nice interface without
getting involved with the server settings. It's more so a player so it's
easier for people who have no idea what they are looking at. Otherwise,
I'm thinking she might think settings at the bottom is actually settings
for her player or something.. I dunno, I don't care if she has the login
to the server, I just would rather her only see a player, and not get
confused by the actual server settings and stuff.

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[slim] Logitech Android Squeezebox controller app - doesn't show album art

2014-03-18 Thread kllngtme

Does anyone know why this is? I can get album art to show up using other
app's but Logitechs main Android app doesn't display album artwork.. Or
even the icon for smartmix. While I don't really care of the smartmix
icon, I'm really looking to try and get album art to show up. I could've
sworn it was showing before but for whatever reason I just have boxes
with question marks in them now. I think I read that it's because I have
security and authentication setup for the server? Is this the problem?

Does anyone know of a fix for this?

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Re: [slim] Logitech Android Squeezebox controller app - doesn't show album art

2014-03-18 Thread kllngtme

jimbobvfr400 wrote: 
 The other thing I'd say is personally I wouldn't rely on the LMS
 password, depending on why you want to use it. If it's for external
 access you might be better of dealing with the security via SSH
 tunneling or similar.

Is there a tutorial or something you could introduce me to that might
make setup of this easier? I'm using the built in authentication for
accessing my server remotely. I tend to login while I'm at work
sometimes. I don't even know where to begin really to get ssh tunneling
setup or similar...

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Re: [slim] I am leaving Logitech!

2013-11-11 Thread kllngtme

RIP Squeezebox.

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Re: [slim] where to download SQUEEZEPLAY

2013-10-29 Thread kllngtme

Here you are: https://code.google.com/p/squeezeslave/downloads/list

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[slim] Squeezeplay: Bad Audio Quality?

2013-01-25 Thread kllngtme

So I have squeezeplay setup, using the latest beta that is out at this
time. I'm streaming flacs from my house while I'm at work. I have my
headphones on and listening to music.. is it me or is the sound quality
garbage? It's like whenever there is bass the squeezeplay can't handle
it or something? Anyone notice anything? Is this a known issue? It's
like it can't handle a lot going on or something. The sound quality is

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Re: [slim] Squeezeplay: Bad Audio Quality?

2013-01-25 Thread kllngtme

uhhh.. I dunno, i didn't set anything up to transcode to mp3's. I
thought it was literally streaming flacs. Where do I check everything
for this on LMS?

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Re: [slim] Squeezeplay: Bad Audio Quality?

2013-01-25 Thread kllngtme

hmmm.. I really don't see anything that says it's transcoding. I'm on
the now playing page of the webpage for LMS, it just has the
tracknumber, title, artist and volume and how long the song is playing
for. From clicking on the song title it brings me to the song info in
which it says..

File Format: FLAC
Bitrate: 801kbps VBR
Sample Rate: 44.1khz
Sample Size: 16bits

I mean I guess the bitrate being so much means its transcoded to mp3? It
still doesn't make much sense or mean that it's being transcoded, it
just means that it's reading it at 801kbps, no? I dunno...

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Re: [slim] Squeezeplay: Bad Audio Quality?

2013-01-25 Thread kllngtme

Oh yea, I certainly have the bandwidth. I have a 25Mbps connection at my
house and a 200Mbps connection at work. I can stream HD video files over
the internet from my Plex server with no issues. 

Come to think of it, I just downloaded a flac from my house, playing it
locally does the same thing. Apparently this laptops soundcard sucks
ass! Whenever there's bass it makes the sound quality sound like shit. 

I thought it wasn't transcoding.. I was going to say, I'm gunna get
pissed if it's transcoding and i didn't even know it. I'm due for a new
laptop anyways, it must be the soundcard that's doing it, I just noticed
it once I put on my headphones. damn it.. shitty laptop.

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Re: [slim] Squeezeplay: Bad Audio Quality?

2013-01-25 Thread kllngtme

castalla wrote: 
 What an exquisitely articulate way to describe poor sound quality ...

Come on, this is a forum, I'm not writing a college thesis here. 

For the most part, to describe what's happening, it's almost as if the
soundcard can't handle the bass. Whenever there's a bassy part to a song
the other parts diminish, the volume, the treble, everything to the song
gets drowned out. That's really the only want to describe it, it has
horrible quality during that time. Adjusting the volume doesn't really
seem to matter, it's like the sound card can't handle certain

Oh well, atleast I found the culprit. I'm not gunna buy a usb dac just
for work. I already spent money on one for my house, I'll wait to see
how the new laptop is with the sound quality before I make that
decision. Thanks for the suggestion though, I love audioengine's stuff!

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