[slim] Broken playlists with SoftSqueeze

2005-04-09 Thread max . spicer

Now playing: 10. "'Robot Riff' from 'Symphony no. 6 in B minor, op. 74
'Pathetique' - New York Philharmonic, Leonard Bernstein' by Reef"???

I'm currently listening to a shuffle of all my songs using SoftSqueeze
2.0b3 and SlimServer 6.0.1.  I removed the previous track from the
playlist whilst it was playing (by pressing Add), and SoftSqueeze seems
to have got a bit confused.  It's mixing up all the track names and
album names.  Is this a known bug?

PS  Did the New York Philharmonic ever record Reef, or did Reef ever
record Symphony no. 6 in B minor?  I'd gladly pay money for either!


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[slim] Re: Broken playlists with SoftSqueeze

2005-04-09 Thread max . spicer

I should have said that the track listing is still fine in SlimServer
itself.  I restarted SoftSqueeze, but it hasn't helped.  I'm now
listening to "18. 'Recit with Chorus: Now from the sixth hour' from 'A
Hard Road' by JS Bach."  I rather suspect that Bach didn't have a lot
to do with John Mayall and The Bluesbreakers!

Thinking about it, I also did a Wipe Cache on the server whilst the
playlist was being played.

An additional point is that every time I restart SoftSqueeze I have to
press Brightness to make the display visible - it defaults to off.


PS  "8. 'Tele He's Not Talking' from 'Danse Macabre' by Ocean Colour
Scene".  This is beginning to grow on me - maybe it should be left in
as a feature.


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[slim] Re: Broken playlists with SoftSqueeze

2005-04-09 Thread max . spicer

Restarting did fix it.  That was the only thing that did though.


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[slim] Backing up ripped music

2005-04-10 Thread max . spicer

Manuel Rathmann wrote (in "New Buffalo Linkstation and Slimserver"):
> [..] my harddrive just went up in smoke - most probaply because I
left it running for too long due to my Squeezebox.

This sort of thing scares me a lot.  I reckon I'll have spent 36 hours
ripping all my music when I'm done, and there will be around 100GB of
data.  How do you go about backing this sort of thing up?  The only
really feasible thing I can think of is to buy a second hard disk and
use RAID 1 (mirrored pair of disks).  After that, I just have to hope
that something doesn't happen that takes out the whole computer.  Has
anyone else got any workable solutions?


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[slim] Re: Backing up ripped music

2005-04-10 Thread max . spicer

Manuel Rathmann Wrote: 
> Well Max - this is what I am exactly trying to work out. The idea I had
> is
> to buy a Buffalo Linkstation. [...]
Oh sorry, I've hijacked your thread in that case.  I hadn't understood
what a linkstation was - I assumed it was just another piece of network
kit.  Maybe I should have actually _read_ your post... ;-)


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[slim] Re: Backing up ripped music

2005-04-10 Thread max . spicer

How many FLAC albums do you get on a DVD on average?  I keep meaning to
compile some statistics on the average size of my compressed albums,
but a quick scan shows they tend to be between 200-400MB.  Nice and
accurate!  ;-)


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[slim] Re: Backing up ripped music

2005-04-10 Thread max . spicer

What flac options are you using?  I think I'm using -6.


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[slim] Re: More item display options, please.

2005-04-11 Thread max . spicer

Agreed.  In my mental to-do list of things to change when I get round to
hacking the code, adding display of the number of albums in each
category is right at the top, alongside the ability to tick a few
genre's and say play, or tick a few and say play everything else.  I'm
hoping this sort of thing would be easy to do...


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[slim] Re: Dropouts with softsqueeze playing FLAC?

2005-04-11 Thread max . spicer

I get dropouts as well.  This is running SoftSqueeze 2.0b3 with
SlimServer 6.01.  SlimServer is running on a dedicated server connected
(currently) via a 100Mb crossover.  It's not so bad as to be a huge
problem, but I'd definitely be upset if my SB2 ever does this.  I'll
let you know when/if it (ever) arrives...  :-(


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[slim] Re: Can I have more slim software players on single ip ?

2005-04-11 Thread max . spicer

jmpage2 Wrote: 
> You will notice that I edited and tempered my hasty response.  One of
> the benefits of a forum over an email distro.  Sadly it looks like the
> email went out before I could edit.
Are edits sent out to the email list/newsgroups?  I edited an early
vbulletin post and it didn't seem to be reflected on the newsgroups (my
old way of reading these forums).


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[slim] Pony???

2005-04-11 Thread max . spicer

Okay, at the risk of missing the obvious, what is it with Slim Devices
and ponies?  Is it some American in-joke, or do I just not watch the
right television/read the write books/listen to the right radio?


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[slim] Re: Softsqueeze Version number

2005-04-11 Thread max . spicer

Did you know that the title tag for the SoftSqueeze home page is still
set to Softsqueeze 1.0?


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[slim] Re: Dropouts with softsqueeze playing FLAC?

2005-04-11 Thread max . spicer

rtitmuss Wrote: 
> You should not get any dropouts with the latest version, unless your 
> hardware is underpowered. What is the cpu usage like on the machine 
> running Softsqueeze?
Ah, you may have me there.  I've been spending a lot of time ripping
and encoding to FLAC recently.  That said, I think I remember it
"dropping out" when I was doing nothing but running SoftSqueeze. 
Please don't waste any time on my report until I get a chance to verify
it properly - I was a bit hasty with that post!


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[slim] Re: The New Crack - Phillips RC9800i

2005-04-13 Thread max . spicer

Could you not just install something like Twonky Vision?  This is a uPnP
server that will run on Linux and others.  I don't know how uPnP works,
but I'm guessing that the client basically pics a file off a filesystem
and plays it, so SlimServer's pushed method wouldn't work anyway.  This
is all guesswork though - I'm very new to SlimServer!


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[slim] Re: No Windows Nightlies 20050417 ARRRRRRRRGGGG!!!!

2005-04-18 Thread max . spicer

Don't know about FC3, but Subversion is at
http://subversion.tigris.org/.  Once it's installed, you need to do
"svn co  ".  From then on,
you just cd to the directory where you put it and type "svn up[date]" -
it will know where to go.  Sorry for the skeletal response - I've never
used the Slim repository - but it might at least give you some


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[slim] Re: No Windows Nightlies 20050417 ARRRRRRRRGGGG!!!!

2005-04-18 Thread max . spicer

A quick click around the Community links at the top of the forums pages
shows that the svn url that you're after is probably
http://svn.slimdevices.com/trunk/server/.  Try "svn co
http://svn.slimdevices.com/trunk/server/ ". 
You can then cd into  and do "svn update". 
"svn status -r" would, I think, tell you if you need to update, but I
could be wrong about the -r bit - you need an argument to tell it to
check the remote repository rather than just to look at your local
copy.  "svn help update" will tell you what you want.


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[slim] Re: Whole album FLAC files, multi-CD albums and tagging

2005-04-19 Thread max . spicer

I practically wrote a bash script to do this but then ran into problems
with characters such as '* etc in the filenames - I couldn't work out
how to escape them safely.  I would be very interested in both the perl
script and the python script that has been mentioned here.  No
attachments have appeared in the online forums - am I missing
something, or does vbulletin just strip them out.  Either way, how do I
go about getting them?


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[slim] Re: Whole album FLAC files, multi-CD albums and tagging

2005-04-19 Thread max . spicer

Thanks, I look forward to seeing it.  I was going to have one last look
at my bash script and then start again in Perl, so I'll hang on a bit.


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[slim] Re: Just getting started...

2005-04-20 Thread max . spicer

robertwallace Wrote: 
> I have all my CDs as FLAC.  When I need a bunch of tunes for my 
> portable, I drag them into foobar2000 (a player) and hit a button on a
> pulldown menu.  A suprisingly short time later, I have all the tunes I
> wanted in a "portable player" format.
What button is that?  Could you provide some more detailed instructions
about how you do this in foobar 2000?  I'm assuming that you are
coverting into mp3 or ogg.  Does it also transfer the metadata from the
FLAC file to the other format?


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[slim] Re: Recommended Solution for Sharing FLACs w/ MP3 Players

2005-04-21 Thread max . spicer

How did you create the mirror?  There's a few of us trying to do this
sort of thing at the moment.


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[slim] Re: Recommended Solution for Sharing FLACs w/ MP3 Players

2005-04-21 Thread max . spicer

Does dbpoweramp preserve file structures?  Does anyone know if
foobar2000 does?  I'll fiddle with these over the weekend.




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[slim] Re: Recommended Solution for Sharing FLACs w/ MP3 Players

2005-04-21 Thread max . spicer

gorman Wrote: 
> Being a Karma user myself... what would be these "known issues"?
Connecting to them via USB can be a complete bugger.  I bought my wife
one a week ago and haven't managed to get it working via USB2 yet - you
just get errors saying something like "the connection failed for some
reason".  Searching various forums shows that the Karma seems to be
extremely temperamental about which USB configurations it will work
with.  But hey, it's not as if we wanted to put files on our 20Gb MP3
player... ;-)

PS  USB1 does work for us, and you can also use Ethernet to put files
on the device, but that's not really the point.


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[slim] Problems starting SlimServer

2005-04-21 Thread max . spicer

I run SlimServer 6.01 on Debian Sarge.  It used to start up fine, but at
some point stopped starting at system startup.  No message is logged to
the log file, but if I watch the console (difficult as the server is
normally headless) I see a message saying that SlimServer failed to
change to group slimserver.  If I wait until the server has started and
then manually start slimserver, it starts perfectly.  Can anyone offer
any suggestions as I'm a bit stumped!

I've attached my /etc/init.d/slimserver script as slimserver.txt
My /etc/default/slimserver file is attached as slimserverdefault.txt

The slimserver user and group exists.

|Filename: slimserverdefault.txt|
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/vb/attachment.php?attachmentid=92|


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[slim] Re: Update on Platinum Wireless SB2s?

2005-04-21 Thread max . spicer

I've just been told by MultiTaskComputing that the Platinums are still
delayed due to supply problems with the case.  "SlimDevices have said
this delay may be significant."  I remember reading on these forums
that the delay could be up to a month.

I've just reluctantly asked for my order to be switched to a black SB2.
The phrase "significant" scares me!


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[slim] Re: SV: Lost contact to Slimserver for v.6.1

2005-04-22 Thread max . spicer

Why do your posts keep creating new threads with the old thread's
subject prefixed with "SV: ", Tore?


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[slim] Re: No Windows Nightlies 20050417 ARRRRRRRRGGGG!!!!

2005-04-23 Thread max . spicer

Having just used Subversion to get the 6.0.x branch, I can now tell you
that the command you want is:
svn co

Dir is the directory that you want to create to contain the code.  Took
me a while to find this as the url to browse this same code in your web
browser is http://svn.slimdevices.com/branches/BRANCH_6_0_x/server -
note the missing repos/slim bit!

Thought I'd just post this here in case it was useful to someone else! 
I suppose it should really be in the WIKI - who knows, it probably is
already.  ;-)


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[slim] Re: No Windows Nightlies 20050417 ARRRRRRRRGGGG!!!!

2005-04-23 Thread max . spicer

Doesn't it just depend on what level you check out?  I checked out
http://svn.slimdevices.com/repos/slim/branches/BRANCH_6_0_x/server to
/usr/local/slimserver_v6.0.x.  I keep a simlink from
/usr/local/slimserver to whatever I want to run so I don't have to
change any init scripts or config files.

I notice having written that last post that all the information I
needed had already been added to this thread anyway - not quite sure
how I missed it!

Whilst I'm here, how do you control the ownership of files that come
from svn?  I've chowned the tree to slimserver:slimserver, but any
files that get added when I do an update will assumedly be root:root
(or whatever).  Do I need to chown manually, or can I configure
something cunning?


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[slim] Re: Slimlyrics crashes server

2005-04-22 Thread max . spicer

Where are you getting the lyrics from?  This plugin sounds like a bit of
a laugh.


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[slim] Re: The pony shat on my sb2 :(

2005-04-22 Thread max . spicer

Try getting a free replacement from SlimDevices.  I suspect that they
have a sense of humour!


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[slim] Re: SB2 missing end of FLAC files

2005-04-24 Thread max . spicer

jth Wrote: 
> If you use single-album flac files with external cue sheets, it is
> possible to lose 1/100 of a second of audio at the end of a track
> because of a rounding issue. Most people shouldn't notice this though
> ...
1/100th of a second??? I'd ask for my money back if I were you!  ;-)


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[slim] Re: UK Wireless Squeezebox2 availability?? (black) from multitask-computing

2005-04-24 Thread max . spicer

Multitask haven't been good at responding to my emails (I don't think
they've responded to any of them!).  *However*, *when I've rung them
they have been excellent*.  Multitask have a newsletter that they send
out whenever they have an update on the Squeezeboxes.  Give them a ring
and get them to make sure that you are on the list.  I suspect that part
of the reason behind the poor email response rate is because they assume
that people are on the list so already have the information they need.

I ordered my Platinum SB2 wireless at the end of March and am still
waiting.  I've now switched to a Black model and apparently can be
hopeful of getting it in the first week of May, or next week if I'm
lucky.  There have been bad supply problems with the Platinum cases
(don't know exactly what), so these have all been delayed


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[slim] Re: SB2 missing end of FLAC files

2005-04-25 Thread max . spicer

> >>> max.spicer.1nzvw0 (AT) no-mx (DOT) forums.slimdevices.com 04/24/05
> 9:27 AM  1/100th of a second??? I'd ask for my money back if I were
> you!  ;-)
> Odds are it was free (flac that is) in the first place, so I'm quite
> confident 
> he'll be able to get 100% of his money back!  LOL...
> Paul
Careful, I wasn't trying to say anything against the original poster's
problem.  I'm not doubting that he is experiencing problems that are
very real.  I was simply amused by the error that meant that -some-
people could miss 1/100th of a second from the end of the FLAC file. 
This is, I imagine, an entirely different problem to that of the
poster's.  I wasn't trying to flame!


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[slim] Re: Not Meaning To Be Cheeky

2005-04-25 Thread max . spicer

Yes, fair point.  The web page does say "Introducing SqueezeNetwork" but
apart from that it very much suggests that the whole thing is available
right now.  It even says "Today, take advantage of:[...]".  If you
didn't read these forums, you'd certainly be misled.  I assume that the
plan was for SqueezeNetwork to be launched alongside SB2, but something


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[slim] Re: SB2 Geek Connector pin-out/functions

2005-04-25 Thread max . spicer

Have a look at the recent posts in this forum for more info, but
basically there isn't currently a geek port connector on the SB2.  The
headphone socket will provide the geek port connection, but the
firmware support isn't there yet and is not a priority this close to
the release whilst other issues are ironed out, apparently.


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[slim] Re: Rescan Folder Bug

2005-04-25 Thread max . spicer

Go to server settings and, I think, troubleshooting and select Wipe
Cache.  If it's not there, dig around under server settings until you
find it (my wireless network has just bombed so I can't look on my
slimserver).  SlimServer does lazy deletions of albums and will not
notice the removal of an album until it actually tries to read it (e.g.
browsing to the album using the browse filesystem featur, or probably
trying to play it).  Wipe Cache sorts out this sort of error. 
Apparently, more aggressive removal of deleted files will be a part of
future implementations of Rescan.


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[slim] Re: Softsqueeze 2.0b6 (Over SSH), Slimserver 6.0.2-1, No audio...

2005-04-27 Thread max . spicer

malsbury Wrote: 
> pbrubaker wrote:
> Are you by chance using the "Primary Sound Driver" option in the audio
> settings section of the preferences?  I was seeing a similar behavior 
> this morning, and was able to get around it by changing the setting to
> "Java Sound Audio Engine"
You'll seriously degrade audio quality by using the Java Sound Engine
over the Primary Sound Driver.  I'm not just talking a slight
difference here - the JSE output is terrible compared to the PSD.  Mind
you, compared to no sound at all, I'd imagine it's a 100% improvement.


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[slim] Re: Problems starting SlimServer

2005-04-27 Thread max . spicer

I'm still having this problem and would appreciate any help in finding a
solution.  When slimserver tries to start at system startup, it fails
with the following error message:

"Unable to set effictive group(s) to slimserver (1001) is: 1001:

Note the carriage return at the end of that output, as if something is

However, if I start it manually (by calling "/etc/init.d/slimserver
start" as root) immediately after the system starts, it works fine.   
Slimserver is almost the last thing to start at bootup, so this is
puzzling!  The only thing that runs after slimserver is
S99stop-bootlogd.  I run slimserver as S99slimserver in order to make
it come after the S99rmnologin script (an act of desperation that
yielded nothing).

Any suggestions appreciated, no matter how vague!


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[slim] Re: Problems starting SlimServer

2005-04-27 Thread max . spicer

mherger Wrote: 
> Does your user slimserver exist (grep slimserver /etc/passwd)? Does it 
> have read/write access to /etc/slimserver.conf and  
> /etc/sysconfig/slimserver? If the very first time slimserver was
> started  
> as root, there might be permission problems with these files.
Slimserver runs fine when I manually start it by calling
/etc/init.d/slimserver start.  It does the same user and group changing
then (I think!) as when it is run at startup, meaning that the user and
group does exist and the file permissions are fine (again, I think!).

To be paranoid, I've checked /etc/passwd and /etc/group and the user
and group are in there.


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[slim] Re: Problems starting SlimServer

2005-04-27 Thread max . spicer

mherger Wrote: 
> Have you also checked permissions on the two files I mentioned?
> slimserver  
> should be owner of /etc/slimserver.pref.
# ls -l slimserver.conf
-rw-r--r--  1 slimserver slimserver 16397 Apr 27 19:58 slimserver.conf

/etc/sysconfig/slimserver does not exist (this is Debian), but:
# ls -l /etc/default/slimserver
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 179 Mar 22 19:35 /etc/default/slimserver

It shouldn't need write access to this file.


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[slim] Re: Problems starting SlimServer

2005-04-27 Thread max . spicer

mherger Wrote: 
> and do the numerical IDs correspond? Just a thought... I'm sure it's
> a  
> permission issue ;-)
> What about those two other files/folders /var/log/slimserver.log  
> /var/cache/slimserver?
dante:/etc# ls -l /var/cache/slimserver/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x  3 slimserver root 4096 Mar 22 19:19 usr
dante:/etc# ls -l /var/log/slimserver.log
-rw-r--r--  1 slimserver root 1410369 Apr 25 19:11

They aren't group writable, but that shouldn't matter, should it?  I
don't understand why permissions would make a difference.  Root is
starting slimserver at startup and I'm running as root (su -) when I
start it manually.


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[slim] Slim and Spinal Tap

2005-04-27 Thread max . spicer

Is it me, or has someone recently changed the volume control in
SlimServer from 1-20 to 1-11?  I could have sworn the maximum was 20 a
few days ago, but it's now 11 in the 1.0.x branch that I'm running
(last updated a couple of days ago).  I highly approve of being able to
go to 11 when I need that little bit more!  ;-)


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[slim] Re: Slim and Spinal Tap

2005-04-27 Thread max . spicer

kdf Wrote: 
> Default skin has always gone to 11.
I've realised the confusion - it's because SoftSqueeze (and assumedly
SB2 - I'd know if mine ever arrives...) goes up to 40.  Is it a Spinal
Tap reference?  I hope so!


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[slim] Re: Slim and Spinal Tap

2005-04-27 Thread max . spicer

mherger Wrote: 
> http://www.slimdevices.com/su_downloads-5.4.1.html - in the web
> interface  
> it's been 11 for quite a while. The player uses another scale.
It's touches like that that make me glad I've bought a Squeezebox!


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[slim] Making slimserver open & close its log file

2005-04-27 Thread max . spicer

Non-unix users, move along - there's nothing to see!

I've just added a logrotate entry for slimserver.  The postrotate entry
is currently /etc/init.d/slimserver restart, which just kills slimserver
and restarts it.  I'm unlikely to be listening to music when this
happens, but it would be a pain if I was.  I don't suppose there's some
way of getting a running slimserver to close and open its log file by
sending it a signal, is there?


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[slim] Re: Making slimserver open & close its log file

2005-04-28 Thread max . spicer

dean Wrote: 
> On Apr 27, 2005, at 1:56 PM, max.spicer wrote:
> > Non-unix users, move along - there's nothing to see!
> This is why we have a unix-specific forum.  :)
Oh, erm, yes.  Sorry, I'll get my coat!


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[slim] SlimServer CLI

2005-05-01 Thread max . spicer

Where can I find information about the SlimServer cli, please?  I'm just
curious to see what it does.




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[slim] Re: SlimServer CLI

2005-05-02 Thread max . spicer

kdf Wrote: 
> Quoting "max.spicer"  forums.slimdevices.com>:
> >
> > Where can I find information about the SlimServer cli, please?  I'm
> just
> > curious to see what it does.
> >
> help section of your slimserver web interface, under technical
> information
> -kdf
Ah, I'd forgotten that the web interface has a help section.



PS  Manuals: something that men read to find out why it didn't work.


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[slim] Re: Black Screen of Death?

2005-05-03 Thread max . spicer

Snowflake: would you mind using a non-animated avatar?  Having it
pinging away in the corner of posts is really distracting!




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[slim] Re: Softsqueeze 2.0b6 (Over SSH), Slimserver 6.0.2-1, No audio...

2005-05-04 Thread max . spicer

rtitmuss Wrote: 
> Please try Softsqueeze 2.0b8 either from the softsqueeze sourceforge 
> downloads, or in tomorrows slimserver 6.0.x nightly build.
> Richard
I've started updating my SlimServer 6.0.x via subversion.  Will I still
get the new SoftSqueeze this way, or will I need to manually drop it
into the slim folders?



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[slim] Re: Softsqueeze 2.0b6 (Over SSH), Slimserver 6.0.2-1, No audio...

2005-05-04 Thread max . spicer

rtitmuss Wrote: 
> Yes, the new version of Softsqueeze is in the Slimserver 6.0.x 
> downloaded using subversion, or the nightly build. This fix is not yet
> available in 6.1.x versions.
> Richard

Ah, I'd just logged on to say that I'd done an svn status -u and
noticed that it does indeed appear.  You beat me to it.  ;-)


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[slim] Re: sort order and database speed

2005-05-04 Thread max . spicer

Dan Sully Wrote: 
> Artist names are shown in these listings in the 6.1 tree. We listen! :)
This is a preference in 6.1.  If you want to enable it , look under
Server Settings->Formatting (a strange place to put such prefs,



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[slim] Re: SB2 Ethernet Bridge

2005-05-04 Thread max . spicer

seanadams Wrote: 
> You need to have the ethernet port connected. If going to an Xbox you  
> will need to use a crossover cable.
> If the ethernet link does not come up (which I suspect is what's  
> happening here) then it won't ask you about bridging. This is just to 
> make setup easier for the typical case (no bridging).
I don't know about the Xbox, but the PS2 doesn't bring up the ethernet
link unless it is actually in use.  You would therefore assumedly need
to be in a game and connected to the internet at the time of performing
your wireless setup.


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[slim] Re: SB availability

2005-05-05 Thread max . spicer

slayaz Wrote: 
> Is anyone else in the UK still waiting for an SB2 in black?
> I ordered mine nearly 2 months ago from Multitask and am still
> (patiently) waiting.
I believe MultiTask computing are expecting another shipment next week
that should enable them to clear their backlog.  Obviously though, you
need this sort of information from the horse's mouth in order to rely
on it!  If you give them a ring directly, they should be able to give
an accurate estimate.


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[slim] Re: Loosing path to music folders

2005-05-05 Thread max . spicer

dominique.roland Wrote: 
> I am using slim server 6.0.1 - 2895 and I keep my music folders on an
> external iomega 160 go hard drives.
> I have noticed two strange behaviours :
> 1) Despite proper configuration, the server is not activated
> automatically when I start my XP (SP2) computer.
> 2) The server is loosing the path to my iomega hard drive, even if the
> hard drive is switched on before the computer and I have to enter it
> manually. It is a little bit annoying, not really for me, but for the
> rest of the familly.
Is the service set to start automatically?  Can windows see the disk
fine, yet slim server fails to do so?  Are your preferences being saved
correctly - can you see the path in your prefs file when the service is
not running?

It rather sounds as if issue 2 may be causing issue 1.  I have a
similar, but I suspect unrelated, issue on my Debian server. 
SlimServer fails to start at system startup but always starts fine when
I manually start it immediately afterwards.  My music is stored on a
SATA disk that is controlled by a PCI controller and so is mounted late
on in the boot process.  It is however fully accessible before I try to
start slimserver in the startup scripts.  I suspect this is all a red
herring, but thought I'd mention it.


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[slim] Re: Can't find all flac files in Music Folder

2005-05-05 Thread max . spicer

kdf Wrote: 
> wipe cache is located in server settings->performance
> it should only be used as last resort since it triggers a complete
> rescan of
> everything from an empty database.
> -kdf
But is nevertheless often necessary.  I'm updating my genre tags at the
moment and have found that Wipe Cache is the only way of getting
SlimServer to properly notice the changes.


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[slim] Re: Dodgy headphone connection on SB2?

2005-05-05 Thread max . spicer

Philip Meyer Wrote: 
> Hmmm, I received mine from Broadbandstuff yesterday morning.  Maybe
> there's a dodgy batch.
> If we order replacements, what's the chance that they simply send us a
> new faulty one?
> Phil
Well mine should be arriving from them tomorrow(!), so I'll keep
you posted.


PS  Five exclamation marks?  Yes, a sure sign of insanity and, I feel,
justified after over a month's waiting!


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[slim] SoftSqueeze playback problems

2005-05-05 Thread max . spicer

When I play tracks on SoftSqueeze, they occasionally stop during
playback and only a continuous non-music noise is output.  It's hard to
describe - it's like a mechanical noise that is constant.  Once started,
this noise continues until I click fast forward to play the next track
or restart the current track.  There doesn't appear to be anything
wrong with the server when this happens - the web interface responds
normally.  If I replay the problem track, it will play absolutely fine
so this doesn't appear to be a problem with my music files.

I'm using SoftSqueeze 2.0b8, but it happened with b6 and the build I
used before that (and probably others before then).  I run SlimServer
on a Debian Linux machine that is connected to my pc via a 3com 11g
wireless router.  All my music is in FLAC format and is mostly ripped
with EAC.

This error has just happened but there is nothing in the Console.  That
said, I don't currently have any of the (new?) debug options ticked.  If
people (Richard?) tell me what options to enable, I'll gladly enable
them and provide an update next time it happens.

I don't know if this happens with a real SqueezeBox, but my SB2 arrives
tomorrow (I'm sorry, I still haven't said that enough!) so I'll watch
out for it.


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[slim] Re: Slightly OT: Small Amplifier recommendations

2005-05-05 Thread max . spicer

Are there any UK suppliers for the T-amp?  Also, could I repeat the
request for recommendations of small speakers that would be well paired
with the T-amp?  Ideally, they would cost 15 pounds and be better than
1000 pound models... ;-)


PS  Has anyone noticed the price for the ac adaptor on the t-amp pages?
It's 1/2 the price of the amp!


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[slim] A few SB2 questions

2005-05-06 Thread max . spicer

My SB2 finally arrived this evening.  I plugged it in, it talked me
through the setup process and then worked.  Very nice!  Thanks to all
who make this thing happen.

I have a couple of questions now that I've used a real Squeezebox for
the first time.  This list may well grow, but I assume noone will

1) Is there a way of zapping everything but the currently playing song
from the play list, or of replacing everything but the current song on
the play list?  I keep adding a load of tracks, then changing my mind
so want to add totally different things to play next whilst leaving the
current song playing.

2) Does the SB2 need saving i.e. can it be damaged by displaying the
same content continuously?  I'm using the RSS screensaver at the moment
but have noticed that it constantly displays the feed sourcce on the top
line.  I only have one feed, so this never changes for the whole time
that the SB2 is off.

That's it for now!




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[slim] Platinum vs Black cases

2005-05-06 Thread max . spicer

Now that I've got my SB2 (sorry, did I mention that already?  I'll get
it out my system in a year or so...), and so have seen it in the flesh,
I have to say that I'm not at all regretting having had to switch from
black to platinum.  I love the understated look of the black box with
nothing but the display visible.  It's currently outlined against my
window, displaying the fantastic Analog VDU and it looks stunning. 
Having a platinum border around the screen would really spoil the
effect.  When I put it in my cabinet, you probably won't be able to see
the case at all; just the display.  It will look great!

I'm really looking forward to inviting friends around tomorrow in order
to show off!  ;-)


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[slim] Help! SlimServer appears to have totally crashed

2005-05-06 Thread max . spicer

I was listening to all my music on random when I decided to delete a
track from the coming list by pressing add.  At this  point, the
display on my SB2 froze and it stopped responding to any buttons on the
remote.  After several minutes, I had a look at the server and found
that slimserver was using 99.9% of my cpu.  I killed slimserver, at
which point the sb2 immediately said that it was trying to connect  to
the server.  I then restarted the server and it went straight back to
99%.  The SB2 display went black and it didn't respond to anything.  In
addition, the web interface never returns - Firefox just sits there
saying Connecting.  I stopped and restarted the server, but just got
the same.  In desperation, I cleared out my cache directory
(/var/cache/slimserver) and restarted the server, but I still get no
response from the SB2 or the web interface.  The cpu usage is now only
85%, but  nothing else.

What do I do now??

SlimServer running on Debian Sarge.  I'm running 6.0.x at Revision
3121.  The SB2 is Firmware 11 and is a wireless model.  My wireless
network is absolutely fine - I can connect to the router's web
interface and the slim forums from the same browser that I am trying to
connect to the slimserver web interface.


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[slim] Re: Help! SlimServer appears to have totally crashed

2005-05-06 Thread max . spicer

Having left the server running and to its own devices for about ten
minutes, the SB2 has just started playing and the web interface has
returned.  Is there some known issue with deleting tracks from a
shuffled playlist with many items in?  It surely shouldn't do what it
did!  Bizarrely, it's now playing a single album rather than the random
shuffle, but that  could be in response to some of the blind keypresses
I did when it wasn't responding, I guess.

My library contains 4145 songs by the way, so we're not talking a crazy
sized random shuffle by any means.


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[slim] Re: brandnew SB2 with a major problem ;(

2005-05-06 Thread max . spicer

mantis007 Wrote: 
> Hi All, just unpacked my SB2, configured the network etc.. Started right
> up - as soon as my music starts its all staticy cutting in and out -
> sounds terrible.  I'm using the SPDIF out to my Tact 2.0S DAC - if I
> unplug the SB2 and put my SB1 back in - problem gone.  Any ideas???
How does your analogue output sound?


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[slim] Re: Help! SlimServer appears to have totally crashed

2005-05-06 Thread max . spicer

Woops, there it goes again.  Whilst it was still playing the single
album, I pressed shuffle once to turn off shuffle and then once again. 
At this point the display froze and the server is now back to 99.9%.

It's just come back very briefly and the display is now frozen saying
Shuffle By Song.


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[slim] Re: brandnew SB2 with a major problem ;(

2005-05-06 Thread max . spicer

mantis007 Wrote: 
> Hi, my Tact only has digital inputs - no analogue ;(
Don't you have headphones or something?  I won't be able to help, I'm
afraid, I'm just trying to get some more info to help with debugging. 
Is  it the SB2 that's dead, or the sync to the decoder etc etc.


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[slim] Re: Help! SlimServer appears to have totally crashed

2005-05-06 Thread max . spicer

kdf Wrote: 
> wipe the __*.m3u files from your playlists folder
Thanks, it's okay again now, but I'll be ready with that one if it
happens again.  Any idea what happened?  I forgot that it created m3u's
on the fly.


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[slim] Re: Help! SlimServer appears to have totally crashed

2005-05-06 Thread max . spicer

kdf Wrote: 
> http://bugs.slimdevices.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1160
This sounds a bit like what happened, except that the main trigger
seemed to be deleting a track from an already shuffled playlist.  I
didn't switch the shuffle mode in doing this and it only took a few
seconds to do the initial shuffle.


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[slim] Re: Help! SlimServer appears to have totally crashed

2005-05-06 Thread max . spicer

kdf Wrote: 
> large playlists hammer the db like crazy.  server runs and hides.
But I've been playing my music on random via SoftSqueeze for a few
weeks ago and have never had this happen before.  It seems strange that
it triggers the moment I use a real SB2 although correlation does not
imply causality, as my old stats lecturer used to tell us repeatedly.


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[slim] Re: Scanning - How smart?

2005-05-06 Thread max . spicer

JJZolx Wrote: 
> A few questions regarding scanning, for those who understanding the
> inner workings of SlimServer...
> With discussions of external scripting to modify the library contained
> within SlimServer's database, I'm slowly realizing that doing a "wipe
> cache" is not at all desirable.  But the question remains - How smart
> is SlimServer currently, and how smart will it be in the future?
> Can SlimServer remove references to deleted files from the library
> without doing a wipe cache?  For instance, if you remove an album
> directory, or a single track.
> When doing a rescan, does SlimServer pick up internal changes to files,
> such as the change of an artist tag?  And does it correctly handle what
> it sees?
I don't understand the inner workings of SlimServer.  However, from
personal experience:

Without a wipe cache, slimserver won't notice deleted files unless you
browse to them.  I believe work is going on in 6.1 to fix this.

Without a wipe cache, changes to tag info (genre in my case) are not
picked up.


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[slim] Re: Playing (unripped) CDs

2005-05-07 Thread max . spicer

jrp Wrote: 
> OK, but it also plays streamed music.  Is there any way of getting
> Windows Media Player or some other widget read a CD and stream it to
> (a) Slimserver or (b) directly to SB2.
You don't stream to a slimserver, a slimserver streams.  Streaming to a
squeezebox would, I imagine, be theoretically possible, but you'd have
to implement the entire squeezebox protocol i.e. write another
slimserver.  I think thhe short answer is probably no to both


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[slim] Re: Problems starting SlimServer

2005-05-07 Thread max . spicer

max.spicer Wrote: 
> I'm still having this problem and would appreciate any help in finding a
> solution.  When slimserver tries to start at system startup, it fails
> with the following error message:
> "Unable to set effective group(s) to slimserver (1001) is: 1001:
> "
> Note the carriage return at the end of that output, as if something is
> missing.
> However, if I start it manually (by calling "/etc/init.d/slimserver
> start" as root) immediately after the system starts, it works fine.   
> Slimserver is almost the last thing to start at bootup, so this is
> puzzling!  The only thing that runs after slimserver is
> S99stop-bootlogd.  I run slimserver as S99slimserver in order to make
> it come after the S99rmnologin script (an act of desperation that
> yielded nothing).
> Any suggestions appreciated, no matter how vague!
Now I've got a real squeezebox, this is becoming far more of a problem.
The error I'm getting is being generated by slimserver.pl at line 974
(rev 3144).  Could someone give pointers about exactly what would be
causing the error and what it's trying to say - from my output, it
looks like some bits are missing.  I've checked and double checked
permissions, and it's starting as root anyway, so I'm stuck!


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[slim] Re: Dodgy headphone connection on SB2?

2005-05-07 Thread max . spicer

Philip Meyer Wrote: 
> >Well mine should be arriving from them tomorrow(!), so I'll keep
> >you posted.
> >
> Any luck with yours?
> Phil
Hmm, I only get output on the left channel unless I really wiggle the
connector about and pull it out slightly.  Looks like broadband stuff
have a bad batch.  Time for an email to them and slim support...


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[slim] Re: Dodgy headphone connection on SB2?

2005-05-07 Thread max . spicer

max.spicer Wrote: 
> Hmm, I only get output on the left channel unless I really wiggle the
> connector about and pull it out slightly.  Looks like broadband stuff
> have a bad batch.  Time for an email to them and slim support...
I've just tried another pair of headphones.  Again, only the left
channel worked.  The right channel just got a clicking noise that
triggered every time the right needle of the vu meter moved to the
right, almost like someone hitting a pair of claves to the rhythm.


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[slim] Re: Headphone connection on SB2

2005-05-08 Thread max . spicer

Marc Sherman Wrote: 
> rds wrote:
> It might be helpful for all the people with headphone jack problems to
> post their MAC addresses, in case this issue can be isolated to a 
> specific production batch.
> - Marc
Has there been any official comment on this headphone issue?  The Slim
staff seem to be somewhat quiet!



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[slim] Re: Headphone connection on SB2

2005-05-08 Thread max . spicer

mherger Wrote: 
> > Has there been any official comment on this headphone issue?  The
> Slim
> > staff seem to be somewhat quiet!
> It's sunday here...
Fair point.  The issue has been discussed for longer than the last two
days though.


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[slim] Re: sb2 DHCP problems

2005-05-12 Thread max . spicer

dean Wrote: 
> That's a link-local address.  If the DHCP request times out, it will  
> use a 169.254.x.x address until DHCP succeeds, at which point it will 
> switch to the new address.
What is a link-local address?  Windows boxes fall back to 169.254 when
they can't get an address and I've always assumed this was just
Microsoft being random.  How does it help to pick a seemingly invalid
address that almost certainly won't work in any situation?


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[slim] Re: problems with finding music since slimserver 6.0.2

2005-05-19 Thread max . spicer

oiler1fan Wrote: 
> Problem now is that artists like Michael Bublé, Beyoncé, Sinéad O'Conner
> with the é character in their name show up multiple times in the libary
> or in the wrong place as well.
Just delete anything in your collection by Michael Bublé - this will
solve many problems at the same time!  A similar approach should be
applied to anything by Rolf Harris.  :-)



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[slim] Recommendations for backup to DVD software

2005-05-22 Thread max . spicer

I want to start backing up my collection of FLAC files to DVD.  My
server runs samba and is headless.  On my WinXP Home pc, I have a dvd
writer so hope to use this to backup the files straight from my server.
I'll be relying on the BurnProof ability of my writer here as I can't
mirror my entire collection on my PC (I've spent enough on my SB2/FLAC
project as it is).  Could anyone recommend some good, preferably free,
backup software that will produce incremental backups of my files and
write them to DVDs?

I've just found Peter's backup
(http://pbackup.sourceforge.net/backup.html), which looks like a
contender.  Any others out there?


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[slim] Wireless ADSL router recommendations

2005-05-22 Thread max . spicer

I currently have a 3Com Office Connect ADSL Wireless 11g Firewall router
but it's giving me all manner of grief.  My various wireless devices
keep losing the connection and then will not connect again unless I
reboot the rooter.  That's another story though - I'm not asking for
support here!  However, my problems are not due to signal strength - al
my clients get at least 90%.

Assuming that I end up binning the router, could someone recommend a
good alternative?  I need 11g with WPA and it must have a built in ADSL
modem and switch with at least 4 ports.  My current router is killing my
SB2 enjoyment, so something that's rock steady and just works would be
great.  I'm in the UK, and would be looking for something in the <£100
price range.




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[slim] Re: Wireless ADSL router recommendations

2005-05-22 Thread max . spicer

dean Wrote: 
> Is it possible to disable the router in your current device and just  
> use the ADSL modem part?  You'll have a wider selection of wireless  
> access points/routers to choose from and will save some money to boot.
I'm hoping to get my money back for the 3com - it's less than 6 months
old and is faulty (as far as I'm concerned).  Interesting suggestion
for if I can't get a refund though, but I'm not sure I'd want multiple


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[slim] Re: Multiple Items In Tags enhancement

2005-05-23 Thread max . spicer

RACliffe Wrote: 
> The multiple tag problem has been submitted as a bug in 6.0. (see bug
> number 1209 http://bugs.slimdevices.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1209).
> The seperator character seems to work under windows, but not under
> Linux (at least on my version of Linux)
It certainly does work on Linux, and I can't think why the OS should
make a difference.  I have my genres split using the semicolon on
Debian/Sarge and it works a treat.


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[slim] Showing now playing at the start of each track

2005-05-24 Thread max . spicer

I love the Analog VU screensaver and have it set to turn on after 30
seconds.  However, I like to know what each new track is called, so
constantly have to press Now Playing when a new track starts.  There's
not a setting that I've missed that would do this for me is there?  I
basically want the screensaver to be interrupted every time a track
start event is fired.




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[slim] Re: Showing now playing at the start of each track

2005-05-25 Thread max . spicer

dean Wrote: 
> That's a great suggestion.  Can you file an enhancement request on  
> http://bugs.slimdevices.com
Done: bug 1607.



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[slim] Re: Track search forward/Backward

2005-05-28 Thread max . spicer

Do you mean in SoftSqueeze, or on a Squeezebox 1/2?  I used to find the
fastforward and rewind unusable in SoftSqueeze in much the same way
that you've described (playing flac files), but it seems fine on my


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[slim] Web interface broken in 6.1

2005-05-29 Thread max . spicer

Is it just me, or is the web interface broken in the current 6.1s?  I'm
finding that my browser keeps constantly failing to load pages from the
web interface - it sits there constantly loading, but never displaying
any new content.  I'm running the Default skin, but was previously on
Default 2.  If I restart the server, the interface starts to respond
again, but quickly goes back to failing.  It's only the web interfaces
that stops working - SoftSqueeze and my SB2 remain perfectly

R3311 on Debian Sarge.


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[slim] Re: Web interface broken in 6.1

2005-05-30 Thread max . spicer

deef Wrote: 
> I am having the same problem with the web interface on 6.0.2 running on
> Mac OS X.  Not using SoftSqueeze or SB2, just trying to stream to a
> remote computer.  The stream keeps going up until the end of a track,
> then stops even though there are other items in the playlist.
This doesn't sound like the same issue.  Playback is unaffected in my
case - I just lose the ability to view the web interface.


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[slim] Re: Web interface broken in 6.1

2005-05-30 Thread max . spicer

Dan Sully Wrote: 
> Could you send the output of --d_http > > > 
> > Here you go.  It's a zip file, I'm afraid, as the log is relatively
> > large.  This is the complete log from slimserver start up to the first
> > occurence of the hang.  This took no more than a minute.  I started
> > slimserver, pointed my browser at it, clicked browse albums, clicked
> > the artist link of the first album in my list,  at which point the web
> > interface hung and the browser (Firefox 1.04 on Windows XP SP2) just
> > sat displaying the current page with the status constantly Loading 
> > The steps to get it to hang were random - I've done different things
> > every time.
> > 
> > Max

|Filename: slimserver.log.zip   |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=145|


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[slim] Re: Web interface broken in 6.1

2005-05-30 Thread max . spicer

I've just rolled back to {20050524} and all seems well again. 
Slim/Web/HTTP.pm was one of the files that was updated in the roll
back, which looks like a bit of a smoking gun to me.


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[slim] Re: Lost Screen Saver?

2005-05-30 Thread max . spicer

earthbased Wrote: 
> One of my SB2s has lost it screen saver when powered off.  I can find no
> way to enable it again from either the HTML GUI or remote.  Help please!
Have you tried pressing the brightness key when the SB2 is off?  It
could just be that it's been set to the display off level for the off
state by accident and is now remembering that setting.



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[slim] Re: softsqueeze sync problem

2005-05-30 Thread max . spicer

I'm running SoftSqueeze 2.0b7 on Windows XPSP2, with Java Version 1.5.0
(build 1.5.0_02-b09).  SoftSqueeze is using the Java MP3 plugin and the
Primary Sound Driver.  I've not managed to get it to sync with my SB2
wireless - there's a delay of somewhere under 0.5 seconds (to my ears).
It's fine if neither device is overloud and you're nearer to one, but
if you move to the boundary between the two, you really notice it.


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[slim] Re: softsqueeze sync problem

2005-05-31 Thread max . spicer

A bit more carefull listening reveals that my SoftSqueeze is a fraction
ahead of my SB2, not behind as I previously stated.

When I turn on one of the devices, I don't get synchronisation
initially, but I wouldn't expect that given the way the sync works. 
However, if I leave it playing, rather than start a new track (in order
to get synced), it sometimes jumps a track on its own.  This also
happens if I turn off a device:  I had SoftSqueeze and my SB2 synced
and then turned of my SB2 via the web interface.  SSq carried on for
about twenty seconds, then skipped to the next track.


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[slim] Querying the slim database using SQL

2005-05-31 Thread max . spicer

I'm in the process of tidying up my music's tags, having gone through
the process of ripping it all.  At some point in the future, I intend
to go through the process of enjoying listening to my music.  ;-)  When
I browse year's in slimserver, I get several lines for seemingly blank
years, and others for years with non numeric characters in (see
screenshot).  Unfortunately, the slimserver web interface doesn't let
me find out what albums have generated these entries, as there isn't a
clickable link in many cases, and in others clicking the link gives a
blank list on the next page.  What I'd like to do, is have look at the
database itself to see what tracks have the dodgy years.  Could someone
suggest an easy way of firing sql at the database?  I have no problem
with SQL, but no experience of SQLite.



PS  My first thought was to do a grep of the source code for something
like select *, but I thought I'd ask here first.  :-)

|Filename: screenshot.jpg   |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=146|


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2005-05-31 Thread max . spicer

Please, don't anyone see this as an opportunity to start debating the
joys of top posting!  I've seen that done to death in far too many
forums already.



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[slim] Re: Querying the slim database using SQL

2005-06-01 Thread max . spicer

Thanks for the links.  I'll go and play.  I have more than enough things
to get working properly before I even consider complicating things
further by moving to MySQL.  None of them are the fault of the
squeezebox or slimserver though.


JJZolx Wrote: 
> I've used SQLite Database Browser, which will do what you want.  Nothing
> fancy, but it works:
> http://sqlitebrowser.sourceforge.net
> A larger list of SQLite tools can be found here:
> http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=SqliteTools


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[slim] Re: Remote Functions and Synchronization

2005-06-01 Thread max . spicer

mikeb Wrote: 
> I am looking to purchase an audio system for my home and have narrowed
> down my choices to Squeezebox2s with 802.11b PDAs and the Sonos Music
> System.
I don't know anything about the Sonos system, but SqueezeBoxes are
great.  I can't imagine any other device having the community, the
features and the sheer wow factor of the SqueezeBox2.  SlimDevices
really care about their users and their product - you frequently get
the chief executive answering your questions on the forums.  How often
does that happen anywhere else?  I can't speak for synchronisation
between real boxes, as I only have the one (so far).  I bought my SB2 a
few months ago, and have no prior experience of any SlimDevices product.
However, I'm definitely a satisfied customer.  Don't miss out!



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[slim] Re: Web interface broken in 6.1

2005-06-02 Thread max . spicer

max.spicer Wrote: 
> I've just rolled back to {20050524} and all seems well again. 
> Slim/Web/HTTP.pm was one of the files that was updated in the roll
> back, which looks like a bit of a smoking gun to me.
I've now updated to R3330 and all seems well again.  Ta muchly to
whoever fixed the problems.



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[slim] Visualiser bug in SlimServer trunk

2005-06-02 Thread max . spicer

I asked about this a while ago but got no response.  Since I switched to
the SlimServer trunk around two to three weeks ago, I've had a slight
bug when exiting the Analog VU screensaver.  If the screensaver is
active and I do something to make it inactive, like press a key on the
remote, the display text appears on the screen, but for about a second
the screensaver continues to draw.  This looks a mess, and means that
you can't read the text until the screensaver has gone away.  Does
anyone else experience this, or is it just me?



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[slim] Re: Visualiser bug in SlimServer trunk

2005-06-03 Thread max . spicer

kevin Wrote: 
> Can't seem to reproduce this with trunk r3330...  Was a visualizer
> enabled when on Now Playing?  Or only the screensaver?
> What's set for each of the screensaver modes? (playing, not playing,
> and powered off?)
> (edit):  Also, what audio format?  And operating system?
I was running R3330.  In Now Playing mode, I only have the progress bar
and time elapsed displayed - no visualisers.  For playing, I have the
Analog VU kick in after 30 seconds, for not playing I don't have a
screensaver and in powered off I have the RSS ticker, but keep the
brightness off generally.  I am running SlimServer on Debian Sarge and
only ever play FLAC files.

I'm going to be away from my SB2 until Sunday night, but will gladly
provide any more details required after that.



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[slim] Re: Visualiser bug in SlimServer trunk

2005-06-03 Thread max . spicer

Triode Wrote: 
> Can you remember whether the text displayed after the screensaver was
> scrolling (or would have scrolled after the pause phase?)
The text would have scrolled after the scroll pause, but wasn't durning
the time that the visualiser was erroneously displayed.



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[slim] Re: Ver 6.1 5/27 & 5/28 nightlies problems

2005-06-03 Thread max . spicer

mirage62 Wrote: 
> Does anyone have the SlimServer_v2005-05-18 6.1 version ?
> It's not on the website anymore, and I've lost it myself after testing
> the latest version (the problem is still there, and it's there in the
> earliest version from 05-20 as well)
You could pull it out of the repository with something like svn
update/checkout -r {20050519}.  Note the 19 rather than 18 in that
argument - it means the state that it was in at 00:00 on the 19th.

Not much help if you don't know or don't have subversion, in which case
I apologise.



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