[slim] Re: Itunes and aiif

2007-01-05 Thread mmcguff

One mild warning about ripping to aiff files:  There seems to be some
sort of issue in more recent versions of Slimserver with not reading
all the tag information correctly (for me, at least).  If I have use
iTunes turned off, Slimserver seems to only sporadically pick up
certain tag fields (disk #, composer, occasionally even some more
common fields), sometimes doing different things for different tracks
of the same CD.  It DOES seem to work properly if I have use iTunes
turned on, but then it isn't really reading track info from the files,
but from your iTunes XML file.  (Why would you want to set use iTunes
off?  Well, for example, I don't want my audiobooks to show up in
Slimserver, so I keep them in a separate directory and just have
Slimserver scan the music folder.  I wish I knew a different way to
exclude a genre from Slimserver without affecting iTunes...)

I did try to bring this up with Slimdevices tech support, but was told
that Slimserver didn't support tags in aiff files and they were just
like wav files, where it tries to figure out the info from directory
structure.  This clearly is not the case (otherwise how could it pick
up composer info for at least SOME tracks?), but the person I was
emailing lost interest when I found that setting use iTunes on would
take care of things, so I doubt anybody is actually looking into the
intermittent way tag info is read.

I have heard rumors that the next version of OS X (Leopard) might
support FLAC files natively.  If that DOES turn out to be true, then I
will be converting everything over to FLAC's, but for the time being
aiff's seem a decent choice, if you have the disk space.


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[slim] Re: Why use iTunes

2006-09-24 Thread mmcguff

One thing that I think a lot of people aren't really aware of is that,
while aiff and wav files are functionally similar (i.e., uncompressed
formats and I believe they are actually just minor variants of each
other), iTunes treats them differently in one VERY important way.  If
you rip directly into iTunes, it will tag both formats and allow you to
add/modify tags for other files not ripped into iTunes.  However, for
wav files, that information is stored in the iTunes database file, not
in the sound file itself.  For aiff files, this information is stored
in the actual audio file (even under Windows).  

So, if you rip to wav's and rearrange (or move) your audio library in
some other program (or move the library from one computer to another),
iTunes will lose most of those tags.  If you always use iTunes to
manage/move files (and keep your iTunes database backed up), then this
probably won't be that big a deal.  However, with aiff files all the
tagging info is stored in the file, so it doesn't matter if you have to
do some library maintenance outside of iTunes; when you rescan, it's all
still there.  Other programs (including Slimserver) can read those tags
as well (though I'm not sure that other programs would be able to
modify those tags).  I discovered this when I first started ripping a
couple of years ago, but don't see it mentioned in many of these
discussions.  Since I was still experimenting with different storage
strategies (internal vs. external vs. network drives), this became an
important issue for me.  This was before ALAC came out, so I'm not sure
if I were starting all over today whether I would still go aiff, but I
suspect I would.  

If you use an iPod, FLAC files won't work, so that would require an
extra transcoding step to use those files on an iPod.

ALAC would work, but last I checked, the Squeezebox doesn't support FF
or RWD within ALAC files (aiff files are fine).

WAV really has no advantages I can see over aiff and the (to me) very
important disadvantage I mentioned.

I have considered moving to FLAC anyway, but iTunes doesn't support it
and there really don't seem to be all that many other alternatives on a
Mac (I use both Mac's and Windows, so the dual-platform nature of iTunes
is a real advantage).


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[slim] Re: Library Scan fails

2006-06-10 Thread mmcguff

This may not do any good for you, but I found a similar problem myself
recently (though I'm running a Mac Slimserver with music on a
Terastation NAS) where the library was completely blank after a a
delete all rescan.  I quit Slimserver, went in and deleted
slimserversql.db and related files (not sure where it is in Windows,
but it is under Caches in OS X) and restarted Slimserver.  After a
complete rescan, everything showed up once again.  I have no idea what
happened, but nothing I did from within Slimserver seemed to do any
good.  (This is with Slimserver 6.3, by the way.)  Out of curiosity, I
just started another rescan from scratch and everything seems to be
working fine now.  Perhaps the slimserversql.db file got corrupted
somehow?  You might give this a try anyway...


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[slim] Re: Mac Slimserver more resource hungry than Windows?

2006-05-02 Thread mmcguff

Thanks for the suggestions.  I discovered that something appears to be
screwed up with the 6.3 nightlies for Mac; once it finally occurred to
me to try 6.2.2, I was able to install without any problem and, after
sucking up system resources rescanning my files (yet again), I seem to
be up and running now.  I'll see if I have problems with dropouts any
more, but I appear to not be suffering from the runaway server sucking
up all available CPU time like 6.5 was (for me at least).  If this one
seems stable, I think I'll wait a good long time before trying 6.5
again...  I'm hoping that an Intel dual core Mac mini will be a bit
snappier when I'm doing other things than my Powerbook, though.  Thanks
again for the comments.


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[slim] Mac Slimserver more resource hungry than Windows?

2006-04-30 Thread mmcguff

My Win 2000 server died the other day.  I COULD fix it, but I have been
looking for an excuse to move to a Mac Mini (Intel, dual core) for my
server, so this seemed like a good time to do that.  So, to test things
out, I installed Slimserver on my Powerbook (1.25 GHz G4, 1.5 Gb).  I
had been using 6.5 on Windows, so I went with that for the Mac.  Under
Windows (2 GHz Athlon, 512 Meg), I wasn't having any real problems with
dropouts.  On my Powerbook, I have been having constant dropouts.  Since
both servers were wired, wireless reception should be identical.  It
will play a track or so, then it will just play a fraction of a second
and then freeze for 10-30 secodns, then play another fraction, etc. 
During this time, response to the remote control is glacial, at best. 
(Oddly enough, even after power off, it continues to play for another
stutter or two.)  So, this brings up a few questions:

1)  Is this NORMAL on a Mac?  If not (hopefully), does anyone have any
ideas what is going on here?  Further system details:  

Streaming from 4/29 nightly of 6.5 (also tried 6/22, I think) to one
SB2 and one SB3.  Same problems on each.  Internet radio works fine,
but streaming AIFF (like WAV) files has the problem.  OS X 10.4.6.

The activity monitor shows perl pegged between 50-80% pretty
consistently with NOTHING being streamed.  It appears to have finished
rescanning my library (6000 traks on external Firewire drive, though
same problems with network monted Terastation), so I have no idea what
it is doing; there isn't even any web server access.  If I have other
resource hungry apps running, the stuttering just fades away into no
sound at all.  I don't see anything unusual in the log.

2)  How do you downgrade to an earlier version on the Mac?  I tried
just deleting the prefpane (in /Library), but when I tried installing
an earlier 6.3, the server would never start.  When I replaced that
with the 6.5 install, it at least started again.  I imagine there must
be something else I have to delete, but I'm not knowledgeable enough
about the Mac Slimserver to know what.

3)  So, are the new Intel Mac Minis (with lots of memory) going to be
signficantly more capable than my Powerbook for this?  I would like to
be able to use it as both a server and my desktop machine (web, email,
Dreamweaver, no fancy graphics) without things bogging down.

Any help/suggestions/opinions would be appreciated.  Thanks.


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[slim] Re: Mac Slimserver more resource hungry than Windows?

2006-04-30 Thread mmcguff

radish Wrote: 
 Is it reading/updating iTunes?

No, I actually have iTunes sync turned off entirely.  

danco Wrote: 
 As regards downgrading, I think there is a difference in the database
 file. Im addition to deleting the preference pane, you should probably
 delete the SlimServer preferences (this may not be needed) in the
 Preferences section of your Library at com.slimdevices.slim.plist. and
 the database at silimserversql.db in the SlimServer section of the

Thanks.  I just tried that, but the server still won't start if I load
6.3 (the log has lots of Compilation failed at require in... in it). 
If I reload 6.5, it will load.  At first, CPU usage isn't too bad;
however, once I start playing a track, it goes in and starts sucking up
all the remaining CPU time and skipping.  Sigh...


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