Re: [slim] 4 out of 5 devices stopped connecting

2011-07-07 Thread roll - gybe

I pulled the power out of everything, plugged it back in and no

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[slim] 4 out of 5 devices stopped connecting

2011-06-27 Thread roll - gybe

I have 3 SBCs, and a SBR and a Boom

Only ONE will work (one of the Classics). 

I had been sucessfully using homeplugs or hardwire ethernet for the
last 3 years, and in the last few months, all of these have crapped out
on me.  When I set up, I get a message ethernet connection not
detected.  I have tried plugging them into the router (which works
with other devices) directly, and I still get ethernet connection not

I can get intermittent access via wifi if I connect to SBS instead of  I don't want to have to connect to SBS.  When I connect to the screens go black and I can only move the screen if I

The working Classic gets daily use, it has a linear power supply.  The
Boom got daily use.  The others got occasional use.  Now the system has
gone to crap.  What can I do?  I wouldn't think that all the power
supplies crapped out at once.

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Re: [slim] 4 out of 5 devices stopped connecting

2011-06-27 Thread roll - gybe

Other ethernet devices work.  

I have read a little about the power supplies dying off, but I have a 6
month old Boom, that's exhibiting really flaky behavior.  I will try my
adjustable power supplies tonight, but considering I can get them to
run SBS over wifi some of the time, I think I have already run the
control and variable.

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Re: [slim] 4 out of 5 devices stopped connecting

2011-06-27 Thread roll - gybe

It's not the network.  I am posting this from the ethernet connection
that does not appear to be conected !!

I will try the power supply.  Squeezecenter works, but goes dark
and I have to restart...

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Re: [slim] 4 out of 5 devices stopped connecting

2011-06-27 Thread roll - gybe

Did not work using my Elpac power supply (which works for sure)

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[slim] SBR and signal strength

2009-01-22 Thread roll - gybe

Hey guys, I added an SBR to my network of SB3s.
I am running it wirelessly over wireless-b.  I have 2 ethernet wired
SB3s and one running on the wireless-g upstairs.

The SBR has 73%-75% signal strength, and it stutters like crazy.  It
stutters with FLAC, AAC, MP3 256, and S/N.

Is this at all normal?

I tested the SBR upstairs in my main stereo.  Over a powerline AV
connector on a different floor, no problem.  Wirelessly connected near
the wireless-g router no problem.

I am not sure what to think.  

Here is one option, but I don't know how I would execute:  

When I use the SBR is when I am in my office.  When I am in my office,
I have my computer in my office.  I use wireless in my office because
it is on the other side of the house from the router.  I prefer to hook
into my main wireless-g router.  (SBR gets 35% off that one, which has a
different address and channel)  Can I hook up my wireless-b in my office
without an internet connection to connect my computer to the SBR
(computer still hooked up to the wireless-g for internet)?  If so will
I be able to use S/N?  \

I guess I asked 2 questions:
-is my SBR behavior normal?
-can i jump from the sbr right onto my pc?

trying not to go buy more network rubble.

Thanks guys

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Re: [slim] SBR and signal strength

2009-01-22 Thread roll - gybe

Mark, thanks for your detailed response.  
In fact, my home office has no wired connection.  I connect through my
faint, but effective wireless-g network.

My office is on a lower floor, across the house from the wireless-g
router.  I have a SB3 wired down on the lower level, but is is also on
the opposite side of the house.

Before spending more money on powerline adaptors and otherwise
worthless stuff, I wanted to try my old wireless B router as an access

I reset the configuration, and hooked my ethernet line near my SB3 into
it.  I plugged my SB3 into a port, and hooked the SBR up to it
wirelessly.  I tried hooking my computer to it wirelessly, and it works
no problem.

So that is the set-up.  I am really just trying to be smart and not
spend another hundred bucks when I have all these devices laying around
the house.

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Re: [slim] SBR and signal strength

2009-01-22 Thread roll - gybe

Thanks for your response, Mark.
I will have to read your comments closely.  I don't have experience
with the bridging functionality, so I will have to investigate.  Thanks
for the time.

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Re: [slim] SquuezeBox Classic Remote Control

2008-09-19 Thread roll - gybe

I have the harmony 880 upstairs and an MX downstairs.  The harmony is
colorful and my wife pretty much knows how to use it.  However, the MX
is much more straightforward.

The harmony is convoluted and complicated.  They try to force you to
use activities which work great when you start from scratch, but if
you want to go from watching a DVD to listening to SB or something like
going from listening to SB to watching cable TV, you are pretty

MX has a punchthrough functionality which means you can use your
volume buttons to control the amp when you have SB active.  Very

The harmony only lets you do this when you are in activity mode.  To
get into activity mode, an on/off macro goes off, so if everything
isn't off, then you are all messed up.

So... on the harmony, i reprogrammed certain functions with ir learn
to control things in normal device mode the way i want them
controlled.  If I had known i would need to jump through these hoops, I
would have purchased a second MX.

Now my wife is pretty good with what I have programmed into the
harmony.  however, she picks up the SB stock controller to adjust the
music.  I think this is interesting b/c she hates all the remotes and
favors the universal.  Also b/c she will only use what is easiest.

Another note - on the harmony, why are things like power toggle for
the SB on page 3 of the LCD? This is absurd for logitech to be so
moronic. I probably need to get back in there and do some more
reprogramming, but it is kind of like cleaning your closet...

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Re: [slim] Vista or Trend Micro Firewall Blocking Squeezecenter

2008-04-30 Thread roll - gybe

they need to have Vista issues like these in the wiki.  There are some
common problems out there.

it is so ridiculous.   if i weren't totally commited to the product at
this point, i wouldn't spend all this time trying to get it to work
with Vista.

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Re: [slim] Vista or Trend Micro Firewall Blocking Squeezecenter

2008-04-30 Thread roll - gybe

sorry, guess i've been taken to school.

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Re: [slim] Slimserver won't scan through a shortcut!

2008-04-29 Thread roll - gybe

Thanks Ben, I found that one on the internet and I tried for an hour to
make it work.  The run as administrator box was greyed out.  I think
I might have to set up an admin account or something.  Who knows.

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[slim] Slimserver won't scan through a shortcut!

2008-04-28 Thread roll - gybe

Hello all,  I moved some things around today.  Specifically, I took my
unprotected files out of my iTunes library on my C drive and made a new
C drive file for them.

Then I went into slimserver and unclicked use itunes
Then I went into my D drive flac folder that is set up as my music
folder and put a shortcut in to my new folder on the C drive.

SS will not pick up the music files, no matter how I scan.  

Any thoughts?  is there a new bug or something?  

I used to have this set-up, and it's not working anymore!

fyi, using Vista

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Re: [slim] Slimserver won't scan through a shortcut!

2008-04-28 Thread roll - gybe

thanks for the repsonse, but can you explain what that means!?  thanks!

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Re: [slim] Slimserver won't scan through a shortcut!

2008-04-28 Thread roll - gybe

I'm using SS 6.54 - I'd rather not upgrade right now...
I'll have to figure out the logging page.

I actually had the shortcut set up on my old, XP system - not the new
Vista set up.  So it's never actually worked on this computer now that
I think of it.

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[slim] Simple - Turn off display totally when SB off

2008-02-01 Thread roll - gybe

I now have 3 sb3s.  I want to be able to turn off the screen on the sb3
in the bedroom totally when i power off.

I only want to change the setting on that one. 

How do I do that?


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Re: [slim] Simple - Turn off display totally when SB off

2008-02-01 Thread roll - gybe

that sounds like a plan.  i'll give it a shot

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Re: [slim] Added Second SB3 - now stuttering other issues

2007-11-26 Thread roll - gybe

Ok, I have run the network test and I get 100% all the way up to
3000kps.  My files are flac.

I have resolved the IP issue, and I now have 2 static IP addresses for
the two players.  However, the player with the better signal
(60%-80%)is now giving me Rebuffering 0% every 3rd or 4th song.

I do pick up a trace of a neighbor's signal on my laptop, but it is
faint - our houses are over 100 feet apart.   

If I change channels on my router, does this affect other hardware
(printer) that uses the network?  Does it change the wireless key?

This is very frustrating since everything was working normally prior to
adding the second box.  I have a linksys router which has worked well

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Re: [slim] Added Second SB3 - now stuttering other issues

2007-11-26 Thread roll - gybe

i have not swapped the players' locations yet.

thanks for the info on switching channels.  I'll try that tonight.

yes, i still have the players synched.  maybe that is a cause of the
problem...  I have them synched so i can control player #2 from
Slimserver.  otherwise, I can only control player #1.

Brings up another question: if i'm synching them at a party, will i
need to stand by with a remote control to trigger the next song to
play?  doesn't sound very promising...

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Re: [slim] Added Second SB3 - now stuttering other issues

2007-11-26 Thread roll - gybe

to clarify on why i have them synched, i started out having IP issues. 
i played around and the only way i could play more than one song with
sb#2 was to synch it to sb#1 - then i could use SS and a playlist.

I'm considering homeplugs...  with the linksys gear, would the PLK2000
kit get me hooked up to the router and on the other end, or would i
need different gear to hook up to the router?  I think i can snake a
cable to the original SB and homeplug the new one.

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Re: [slim] Added Second SB3 - now stuttering other issues

2007-11-26 Thread roll - gybe

wow, thanks for the help guys!  really awesome.

I went ahead and hardwired these buggers tonight.  I started realizing
my opportunity cost of fighting with the wireless was too high.  It
only took 2 drill holes to get one SB to the router!

I also bought a homeplug on the way home.  done and done!

still not really able to figure out how to drive individual SBs off SS,
but I think at this point we are talking about getting to know the
and... now i've got a frosty beer and some bitches brew

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Re: [slim] Added Second SB3 - now stuttering other issues

2007-11-23 Thread roll - gybe

my IP address on the upstairs keeps setting itself to
despite entering a different IP adress

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Re: [slim] Added Second SB3 - now stuttering other issues

2007-11-23 Thread roll - gybe

Thanks guys, I'll try this when I get home today.
My SS sees the 2 players with their unique names; however, I don't
think they are getting unique addresses.

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Re: [slim] Added Second SB3 - now stuttering other issues

2007-11-22 Thread roll - gybe

Ok, I poked around a little IP address is DHCP.  I'm not sure that the 2
SB3s are getting discreet addresses.  (ha, not that I know enough to
really figure it out...)

Signal strenght was an issue - it was dipping down to 20%.  I pulled it
out of the rack and now it only dips to 50%, so that is better.

Then my wife used the microwave and POW.  Nuked.

I think the signal strength is better now.  I'll keep troubleshooting.

New issue I noticed last night:
My 2nd SB3 was only playing 1 song on repeat.  I was choosing the song
via the remote.  When I tried to put in a playlist on the SS, the
original SB3 turned on and played.  The only way I could figure out how
to control the new/2nd SB3 was to synch it with the original and have
the whole house play.

1. Anyone know how to specify which SB3 is playing at the moment?
2. When I move to a dedicated server, how will I be able to play albums
on the 2nd SB3 instead of individual songs?  I prefer to browse by
artist.  My orginal SB3 seems to play an entire album in sequence after
I choose the first song via browse by artist (this is the behavior I
3. Do I need static IP addresses?  How do I accomplish this if I need

Thanks so much guys.  You need to be on the payroll!

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Re: [slim] Added Second SB3 - now stuttering other issues

2007-11-21 Thread roll - gybe

not sure what that means.   i just plugged it in and went with it.  i
don't think anything is static.

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Re: [slim] Added Second SB3 - now stuttering other issues

2007-11-21 Thread roll - gybe

Server is strong, but running vista.  lots of power and speed.

This happens when one or both are running.

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[slim] Added Second SB3 - now stuttering other issues

2007-11-20 Thread roll - gybe

Hello all, I've seen a couple threads on similar topics, but there are
so many variables, I thought I would seek some help.

I have just installed a second SB3.  The first one was working just
fine.  Its location is on the other side of a thick wall from the

Now the original SB3 is stuttering and locking up.  The new one seems
to work fine. The original SB3 is in the same location.  I have a good
- excellent signal on my laptop in proximity to the stuttering SB3.

When I installed the new SB3, the only thing I did in Slimserver was to
name it.  I don't know if they are assigned different IP addresses.  

Also, when I use Slimserver, I can only control the original SB3.  How
do I gan control of both/either SB3s?  

Also, I can only get my XM account working on the original SB3.  Can I
get it working on both?  Can I switch compatibility to the new SB3?
(saw some threads, but not sure what to do)

Some data points:
Wireless G
2.4ghz cordless phone
Wireless printer
Stand alone house, but i pick up the neighbors networks faintly.
No change to system that is now stuttering.

Thanks so much for all the help.  Please let me know if there are
proceedures I should apply.

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Re: [slim] Dedicated PC - current thoughts on specs?

2007-11-09 Thread roll - gybe

great feedback guys.  one thing about loving music is that i'm
constantly learning about gear.  

in this case...  ubuantausauau or whatever you are talking about. 
seriously, i am sitting here at work with 4 monitors around me, and i
have no clue about computers.  I have to go crying to my IT guy every
time a dialoge box pops up.

That's why I favor XP.  However, if this linux thing is really that
easy, I should try it.

Is it more cost effective?
Is there a thread out there about setting up a dedicated box this way?

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[slim] Dedicated PC - current thoughts on specs?

2007-11-06 Thread roll - gybe

How would this set up handle slimserver?  

What are the considerations between XP and Vista with respect to
slimserver and SB?

Is this a fast enough hard drive?

If I leave it on all the time, I won't face any WOL issues will I?

Intel®Pentium® dual-core processor E2140 (1MB L2,1.60GHz,800 FSB)

1GB2 Dual Channel3 DDR2 SDRAM at 667MHz- 2DIMMs

250GB4 Serial ATA Hard Drive (7200RPM) w/DataBurst Cache™

I've been monkeying with the idea of a dedicated PC for a while.  Now
I'm running 2 SBs and I'm not always going to have my monster laptop
nearby.  I have looked into cheaper options, but I'm not a super techy
guy (compared to some of you!)

Thanks for your thoughts in advance...

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Re: [slim] Dedicated PC - current thoughts on specs?

2007-11-06 Thread roll - gybe

thanks for the feedback.  the 2gb thing keeps coming back.

I'm running my collection (flac) off of a fast 4gb laptop right now. 
Unfortunately, my XP laptop was stolen and I'm on vista now.  That was
a kick in the nuts!  I really don't like vista, but I'm aware that I
may need to just do it for the future.  It's different with a windows
based music server though.

I had heard vista takes 2gb.  I didnt know if I could go with a 1 gb XP
set up.  I don't want to make a silly compromise - after all I have some
serious gear at this point and I want good source material.

There has just always been something about buying a new server that
kills me.  I could put that money into new gear or something.  With
respect to the drive for my operating system - i just don't want to put
that much money into it (if i can avoid it)...  I have 100gb of flac and
about 75gb of itunes.  I would be surprised if I accumulate another 50
gb before this computer gets fried.

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Re: [slim] do not use itunes but link one album from itunes music?

2007-04-10 Thread roll - gybe

thanks guys, those are both good suggestions. i'll try unchecking the
songs first and see if i can work with that.  if that doesn't work,
i'll resort to the flac method, which puts more demand on my storage.

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Re: [slim] do not use itunes but link one album from itunes music?

2007-04-04 Thread roll - gybe

any other thoughts on this one?  Beyond the fact that I use computers
for about 75% of my waking hours, I have no programing knowlege.

is there setting i'm missing or something?

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Re: [slim] do not use itunes but link one album from itunes music?

2007-03-08 Thread roll - gybe

SteveEast;185599 Wrote: 
 What you're doing should work I believe. What actually happens when you
 try to play the track? Can you supply a d_source debug log?

... Basically, it never shows up in the slimserver library.  Thanks for
all the responses.  I'll have to figure out the others...  Seems a
little intense to me...

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[slim] do not use itunes but link one album from itunes music?

2007-03-04 Thread roll - gybe

Ok, I have a large flac library that is linked to my slimserver.  I also
have a large itunes library that I do not want to link to slimserver for
2 reasons.  1 - lots of duplicates in the 2 libraries.  2- I would like
to filter what is high quality and what is steve jobs.

However, I have an album I really like in my itunes library (and there
are more that I like too...) that I would like to be able to stream to
my sb.  I have stripped all my itunes of drm.  

I tried putting a shortcut to the album in the my music folder, but it
won't play. i updated the library before trying to play it.  Is this
because of do not use itunes?  is it an m4p

is there a way around this issue without linking my whole itunes
library or resaving the songs in flac (would be a pain if i decide to
be able to access say 10 albums.)  when i allow slimserver to use
itunes, i can play the songs.

i'm using windows xp... any suggestions or work arounds?  thanks so
much guys.

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Re: [slim] do not use itunes but link one album from itunes music?

2007-03-04 Thread roll - gybe

my bad - they are m4a.  i converted them from m4p.

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[slim] Ideal remote to browse slimserver? (not nokia 770 though)

2006-12-26 Thread roll - gybe

Hey, so here what my future setup will look like when complete.

Arcam amp; squeezebox: hidden windows pc as server; laptop.  (plans for
amp/sb3 in a second room as well.)

I would really like to run the whole setup from a device that is more
handheld in nature, as opposed to the laptop.  When I get this project
done, I'll have enough gear to set up a second squeezebox in another

I would like to be able to browse slimserver with a handheld.  I can't
really see myself putting my laptop on my nightstand, and I don't want
to sit around with it on my couch all the time.  

The PSP looks like a convenient way to go.  It seems like the joystick
could be a good way to navigate.  I read some comments about how just
getting for the SB isn't a great idea.  Why is that?  I have a Pronto
at work and it really sucks for me.  I'm not a big touch-screen fan.  

Do any of the Harmony or Universal remotes allow you to browse
slimserver?  Is there a good pocket pc alternative.  

Would any of these alternatives let me carry the remote into the other
room to drive a second SB?

What else should I be asking?  

Without any feedback, I think a good setup would be a Universal mx500
for my AV setup and a PSP to browse slimserver.

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[slim] Re: Ideal remote to browse slimserver? (not nokia 770 though)

2006-12-26 Thread roll - gybe

ok, that's good advice. kinda lame, but good to know.  seems like the
770 works pretty well.  a bit bigger than i would like...

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