Re: [slim] High pitched whine from right channel?

2008-08-28 Thread sdonham

Phil Leigh;333560 Wrote: 
> ..I notice you are using a 7.3 nightly. 7.3 is unstable at the moment.
> You should downgrade to the official 7.2 release from yesterday
> immediately and see what happens.
I will definitely downgrade this weekend to see if it fixes the issue
and I'll keep you posted.

> What equipment (amp)is your SB plugged into? You should be running your
> SB at full volume and adjusting level on your amp (ideally).
It's plugged into all Parasound gear:  Parasound 2125 amp,
Parasound 2100 preamp.  The volume on the SB3 does not make any
difference on noise level of the high-pitched whine, the level on the
amp does, however.  Is keeping the volume on the SB3 at max the
recommended output level?  I tend to use the Jive (Slimcontroller) for
volume control, so it goes up and down.


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Re: [slim] High pitched whine from right channel?

2008-08-28 Thread sdonham

Phil Leigh;333287 Wrote: 
> But does it go away if you turn the display brightness down...? There is
> a known issue with this but you (usually) have to strain to hear it...

YES  It varies with the display brightness!  It gets noticeably
quieter if I leave the display on the highest setting (bright) or
reduce it to off.  I really don't have to strain, to hear this,

Are there any fixes for this?  Perhaps a new VFD?
Thank you for the great tip!


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Re: [slim] High pitched whine from right channel?

2008-08-28 Thread sdonham

I don't think it's an encoding issue.  All I have to do is turn the SB3
on, not play anything, and the sound is there.  It almost sounds like a
high frequency oscillation.


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Re: [slim] 5.8 GHz cordless phone interrupts internet radio

2007-11-13 Thread sdonham

Jay_S;242299 Wrote: 
> My old 900 MHz V-Tech was an analog phone.  I think all the new digital
> phones sound like cell/mobile phones (ie, like crap).
> I've been searching for a replacement on, and MAN is it hard
> to find a decent 900 MHz phone anymore.  2.4 GHz is obviously out of the
> question.  And so far my luck with 5.8 ain't so good.  Who knows, maybe
> 5.8 GHz is great and I just need to work through more phone systems...
> Jay

I just returned my 5.8 digital phone to Best Buy for the same reason:
it sounded liked crap.  They did happen to have a 900 analog at Best
Buy which sounds MUCH better.  It's ugly, and looks like it was built
in 1985, but it sounds clean.
If you're in the US, check Best Buy.


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Re: [slim] 5.8 GHz cordless phone interrupts internet radio

2007-11-10 Thread sdonham

bpa;241804 Wrote: 
> Since your phone only affects internet traffic which goes out on your
> DSL connection - it looks likes the problem is with the connection
> between the phone's basestation and the phone socket or the DSL
> splitter.

I second that.  Although you mentioned that you are able to browse the
internet while on the phone, perhaps the signal in your phone line
degrades enough that streaming audio becomes a problem when you're on
the phone, but not quite enough to browse the web?  I could just be
throwing darts however

Here's an idea, try to download a large file, perhaps 100 Megs in size,
and make a few calls in the process.  Can you see your download speed
change or fluctuate?  I'm just wondering if perhaps when you are on the
phone, your download speed drops enough to make internet radio streaming


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Re: [slim] Remote Access Security

2007-11-07 Thread sdonham

OK, I might be hijacking this thread, but I suppose it's somewhat of a
similar topic...
I've toyed with the idea of running Slimserver on the same machine I
use as my firewall and proxy to the outside world.  Having read this
thread, I think I should probably DMZ the slimserver on another machine
behind the firewall which brings me to my question...

My existing home firewall is an old Redhat 5 machine (circa 1998)
running iptables with NAT and some port forwarding to other servers.  I
need to retire this monolithic beast because it consumes a ton of
electricity for a simple firewall.  Does anyone know of a small, cheap,
off-the-shelf, linux firewall that runs iptables or is at least as
simple to configure and change as iptables?  I frequently SSH to my
current setup to change a few ports, which I like because it's easy.  I
would love to do that same, just with a smaller more efficient firewall.
An ideas? Thoughts?


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Re: [slim] SB3 loses and fails to regain wireless connectivity

2007-09-10 Thread sdonham

I recently had that exact same issue after using my slimbox without a
single problem for the last two years.  I finally discovered that my
wireless access point, with DHCP enabled, was somehow delegating
duplicate IP addresses and I had an IP conflict between my laptop and

My best advice, if you haven't done so already, is log into your
wireless router and check the logs (most support logging).  You can
often find a wealth of information in the router's logs.


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Re: [slim] Announce: Official SlimServer v6.5.1 Release

2007-02-19 Thread sdonham

arge;181797 Wrote: 
> BUG: 6.5.1 Does not work on Vista Ultimate 32 bits
> This customer feedback: Fixing this BUG should be SD main priority.
> After > 2 weeks of no music I am getting, let's say, impatient.
> When will be the fix available?

I am in no way affiliated with SDjust a slimdevices owner...

While I'm sure getting the software to work with Vista is a top
priority for SD, as a longtime software developer on the windows
platform myeself, I'm willing to bet good money that the problem is
with Vista, not slimserver.
As most people will tell you, it's often a good idea to wait a few
months before upgrading to the latest operation system.  This gives 
time to third-party software and hardware vendors to learn the new OS
and make the necessary changes.  It also gives time to MS to work out
any unforseen bugs in their OS.
If you insist of having the latest and greatest OS, you must understand
that not everything will not work out of the box.


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