Re: [slim] Squeezebox Server Will Not Start
I have managed to resolve this issue in the short termby turning off the Windows firewall. I have posted a new thread on this matter in the Squeezebox Server forum as it seems the most appropriate place for this issue. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] Squeezebox Server Will Not Start
Thanks for the post toby10. If I stop SBS, it will not start again without rebooting the PC. The weird thing is I have just rebooted my Squeezebox Touch and I'm currently listening to internet radio via However, SBS Web Control on my PC is showing "Your Player Was Not Found" under settings/player ! The SBS is configured to run on PC startup. In Task Manager/Services SqueezeMySQL and SqueezeboxServer are both shown as running on PID 2252 and 2352 respectively. PID3483 is not even mentioned ! Thanks again. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] Squeezebox Server Will Not Start
I have just checked the Squeezebox control panel and found the following message in diagnostics : "Possible software conflict found We've seen that your Squeezebox Server is configured to use a proxy server. In this configuration connectivity to on port 3483 can't be tested. We were not able to successfully communicate with This might be a temporary internet issue, or a limitation imposed by your ISP. If the problem persists, please make sure your firewall is not blocking outgoing traffic." I certainly haven't configured Squeezebox Server to use a proxy server and have no idea how to tell it to do so ! Help ! -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] Squeezebox Server Will Not Start
OK, looks like I spoke to soon. I turned on my PC this morning and now I'm back to the same problem. No Squeezebox Server ! The server shows that it is running but I the Touch shows "Server Not Found". I therefore stopped the server form the control panel but now it will not restart. I have had a Squeezebox for five years and have never had this problem before. At the moment, I feel like chucking it all in the bin ! Can anyone please offer any advice as to what could be causing this problem. Thank You -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] Squeezebox Server Will Not Start
I seemd to have now resolved the problem ! After having made several unsuccessful attempts of re-installing Squeezebox Server 7.54, I again uninstalled the software together with the log info etc. I then re-installed Squeezebox Server but right clicked on the program first and "Run as Administrator". This installed the program flawlessly, successfully re-scanned all of the music library and everything is now back to normal and working (for the time being). What I cant understand is that when I installed Squeezebox server about ywo months ago, on a new Windows 7 install, I did not have to install under Administrator and everything worked perfectly until yesterday when the server went AWOL ! I hope this helps anyone who may have a similar problem. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
[slim] Squeezebox Server Will Not Start
I have just started to to have a problem with the Squeezebox server to registering or starting. Yesterday I could not use my Squeezebox Touch at all as the server could not be found. I therefore re-started my PC and router but nothing changed. I therefore re-installed Squeezebox Server 7.54 and everything seemed fine for about 5 minutes and then back to the same problem. I then un-installed the Squeezebox Server, deleted all logs etc and re-booted my PC. I have now tried to re-install Squeezebox Server again and the software installs OK but the final part of the install "Registering Services" takes about 5 minutes to finish and then, when it has, the Squeezebox server is still stopped. I cannow not get Squeezebox Server to start at all ! The only change to my PC that has been made since Squeezebox Server was last working is that I added a new Bluetooth keyboard. However, as the previous keyboard was also Bluetooth I don't think it is this that can be causing the issue. Can anybody please advise what could be causing this problem. Thanks in advance. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] No Artists !
I seemed to have resolved this problem. I deleted the folder containing the last entry in the log before the music scan terminated which was : "Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333) Scanning: F:\My Documents\My Music\Music\Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers\Greatest Hits\Breakdown.flac" I also ticked the "use iTunes" box which I had previously unticked because the scan wasn't picking up FLAC or WMA files types. I then ran a full scan and all songs, artwork and playlists loaded in one scan which hasn't happend for months. Strangely, the "use iTunes" box is now unticked again (not by me) but I'm really not bothered as my full library is now available and everything is now working. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] No Artists !
Phil Leigh;616797 Wrote: > That error message can be ignored. However, the "Music scan terminated > unexpectedly" error is a real problem. > > It's hard to explain without a lot of typing, but what you are seeing > is a scan failure just before the last step (you will have artists, but > they won't be 100% correct) or a failure within the last step (0 artists > - they get lost at this point). > > You need to get a Full rescan to run (a "new and changed" won't fix > your problem). > > Use the SBS control panel to clear the cache, then do a full rescan. > Check SCANNER.LOG (only a full rescan writes to scanner.log) for > messages. Report back Thanks again Phil. I cleared the cache using the SBS control panel and this automatically invoked a rescan. The scan once again terminated unexpectedly approx 92% complete but there are no errors showing in the SCANNER.LOG ! The first and last entries (out of 1000) are as follows : "Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333) Scanning: F:\My Documents\My Music\Music\The Eagles\Long Road Out Of Eden\CD 2\04 - Frail Grasp On The Big Picture.mp3" "Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333) Scanning: F:\My Documents\My Music\Music\Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers\Greatest Hits\Breakdown.flac" These entries neither show an error message or a time line ! -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] No Artists !
Phil Leigh;616702 Wrote: > You should have an error message in scanner.log or server.log - your > problem is usually caused by a failure in the very last stage of the > scanning process - often anti-virus software is the problem, what are > you using? Thanks for the post Phil. I'm using the Avast free anti-virus software and haven't previously had this problem. I should also add that the music scan always stops due to "Music Scan Terminated Unexpectedly" and I have to load the rest of my library by scanning "look for new and changed music". However, this has never usually caused the problem of the Artist info disappearing. After the scan terminates for the first time (approx 95% complete) Artists are all shown correctly. However, sometime during running "look for new music" a second or third time and then "only rescan playlists" the Artists info disappears ! I found this line in the log that may be a clue but have no idea what it means : "[11-03-09 13:23:25.1712] Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (82) Error: DBI Exception: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Table 'slimserver.dbix_migration' doesn't exist [for Statement "SELECT value FROM dbix_migration WHERE name = ?; "] [11-03-09 13:23:25.1716] Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (82) Backtrace: " Thanks again. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
[slim] No Artists !
I have recently installed server version 7.5.3 and, after re-scanning my music library, everything seemed fine. However, when I manually restarted the server, all the artist names had disappeared. All album info and pictures are there but artists is shown as 0. I therefore cleared the cache and re-scanned the library. After the rescan, I checked artists and all the artists names were there but, after restarting the server, they had disappeared again ! I have tried installing the nightly version 7.5.4 and still have the same problem one minute the artist info is there and thgen it disappears. Can anyone please tell me how to resolve this problem ? I am running Windows 7 Professional 64 bit. Thank you -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] Music Scan Terminated Unexpectedly
finnbrodersen;530773 Wrote: > Maybe some help here > > Excellnt information finnbrodersen. Thanks for the post. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] Music Scan Terminated Unexpectedly
Thank you for the posts. The last line in the Server.log reads : "[10-04-04 20:24:32.9286] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players::_players_error (241) Unable to get players from SN: Timed out waiting for data, retrying in 1200 seconds" However, Squeezebox is working perfectly. I can't see any specific errors in the Scanner.log. What should I be looking for ? Thanks again. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
[slim] Music Scan Terminated Unexpectedly
I am currently unable to access all of my music library via the Squeezebox Server (7.4.2) as each time I run a music scan I get the "Music Scan Terminated Unexpectedly" message about 90% of the way through the scan. I have Avast AV installed on my system but "disabling all shields" prior to running a music scan makes no difference. Is this still an AV issue or something else ? Thanks You -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
[slim] Playlists Disappeared !
I have recently upgraded to Squeezebox Server 7.4.2 and now I cannot access any of my Playlists as they are not showing in the under "Playlists". The library folder in control panel is correct but when accessing the playlists folder either via Web Control or the Duet controller shows playlists as empty. Can anyone please suggest a solution to this problem ? Thank You -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] Napster - Can't see Napster Playlists !
havoc1;477100 Wrote: > I am a new Napster subscriber and have had this too. It seems the > playlist appears eventually but it is frustrating. How long do you usually have to wait for them to load ? -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] Napster - Can't see Napster Playlists !
Has nobody else had this problem ? -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
[slim] Napster - Can't see Napster Playlists !
Can anyone please tell me why I can't see/play My Napster Playlists in iPeng, the Duet controller or in the Squeezebox Server Web control ! I have created several Napster playlists online via my PC browser but they do not appear in Squeezebox. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: Napster UK Now �5
Can anyone please tell me why I can't see and access My Napster Playlists in iPeng, on the Duet controller or in the Squeezebox Server Web control ! I have created several Napster playlists online via my PC browser but the do not appear in Squeezebox. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] Duet Controller & Music IP
Thankyou for the post Siduhe. You're right. It's a while since I last used the Duet with Music IP and I was trying to use the select button instead of the Play button to instigate a mix. Pressing the play button works perfectly. Thanks again. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
[slim] Duet Controller & Music IP
I've been using the Squeezebox Duet with Music IP flawlessly for several months now until today I found that pressing the "select" button of the Duet controller for a couple of seconds on a library track no longer creates as Music IP mix. If I go into the track options and select "Create Music IP mix", this works perfectly, but previously I could do the same just by pressing the select key for a few seconds on the track without having to enter the track menu. Does anyone please have any idea what can be causing this problem ? Thankyou. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] UK Streaming Music Service
Thankyou for the post Autopilot. I was looking for a service that allowed you to select an artist/track and have it streamed directly to your music system. If I understand correctly, Last.FM is strictly radio stations and MP3tunes stores music files that you have personally uploaded so that they can be accessed remotely from anywhere ! Is that correct ? Thanks again. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
[slim] UK Streaming Music Service
Are there any streaming music services available in the UK that are compatible (and accessible) with the Squeezebox Duet ? -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!
I've been happily using MusicIp for a few months now but I'm still trying to come to grips with the way the software creates a playlist. I understand that, when using MusicIp with SqueezeCenter, it is the settings within SqueezeCenter that dictates the outcome of the mix. However, whatever song I base the mix on, a different song from the same artist/album is repeated several times within the mix. In many cases, songs from the same artists/albums are repeated within the mix which greatly retricts the variety of the mix. I had understood the MusicIp selects songs that are "sonically/acoustically" similar to the seed song but, if that were the case, why am I getting songs in mixes by the same artist/album that are sonically/acoustically nothing like the seed song ? -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] MusicIP Playlists
To be honest, I hadn't even seen the Playlists folder option in settings. Thats obviously where I've been going wrong and now I can see Playlists in SC. Thankyou very much for your help. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] MusicIP Playlists
If I put the pathname of my Playlists folder, will SC load the MusicIP cache library as well ? -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] MusicIP Playlists
Thankyou for the post maggior. Can you please advise where to find the setting to specify where SC should look for Playlists. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] MusicIP Playlists
I am running MIP headless and both the MIP GI and headless are using the same cache. However, although the playlists are in the MIP GI they are not appearing in SC. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] MusicIP Playlists
I don't have a Playlists folder showing in SC. I've found the setting SC/Plugins/MusicIP/MuscIP Playlist Format and there are two boxes next to this setting marked Prefix and Suffix. The Prefix box currently say MusicIP: and the Suffix box is empty. Do I need to change these settings and, if so, what to ? -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
[slim] MusicIP Playlists
I have several m3u playlists I have imported into MusicIP and that show in the left hand pane under Filters/Playlists. However, these Playlists do not appear in the SC UI under Music Library or Playlists on the Duet controller. Can anybody please advise how I can get these playlists into both the SC UI and under playlists on the Duet controller. I posted the same question on the MIP forum and received the following response : "It's more a SC question - I'm not sure what data they are reading from the mixer" Thankyou -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!
Siduhe;309338 Wrote: > Just noticed that my MIP playlists are also missing since upgrading to > SC7.1, so not just you. I'll try and track down whether the issue is > at the MIP end or the SC end over the weekend. Did you manage to find out why the playlists are now missing from SC ? I have several m3u playlists that are showing in the left hand filters/playlists window of the MusicIP UI but not showing under music library/playlists on the Duet controller. Is there a reason for this ? Thankyou -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!
egd;309811 Wrote: > It shouldn't matter, albeit it will mean you cannot meaningfully > restrict your mixes to a given genre. Suggest you post one of your > mixes on the '*MusicIP Forum*' > ( along with your mixer > settings (per SC, not MiP headless) and ask about the outliers. Thanks for that egd. I've registered with the MusicIp forum and will now spend some time looking at previous posts to see if any of my questions have been previously answered prior to submitting a new thread. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!
egd;309752 Wrote: > I've just run the test I referred to in my previous post - the upshot is > that MiP, when integrated with SC, takes its cue from SC's SqueezeCenter > Settings/Plugins/MusicIP. So, unless I'm misinterpreting, mmm.ini is in > fact irrelevant in the SC integration setup and mmm.ini's settings are > under this construct only loaded as defaults, which are then promptly > overridden by SC when it sends mix instructions to MiP headless via the > HTTP API. I'm still getting some very weird mixes even with Style set to 200 and Variety set to 1 in the SC settings. These settings should give mixes specifically the same as the seed song but I'm not getting that at all so there must be something else influencing the mix ! This is why I previously asked what the MusicIp validation process actually did an does it matter if the tracks in my music library are not all tagged specifically to genre ? Thanks again for the posts egd. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!
egd;309702 Wrote: > One thing you may want to check in the meantime is where MiP headless is > taking its cue from - the mix settings in mmm.ini or that in the SC > Plugins/MiP settings area. On my setup it's definitely taking its cue > from mmm.ini which I control via the HTTP API. I'm not sure what > setting in SC needs to be tweaked to have it take its cue from SC. > There are aspects of the integration that are still a mystery to me and > this is one of them. Thanks again for the post egd. Thats just the problem ! I don't know if the Duet controller (via SC) is taking its mix settings from MIP, the HTTP AP or SC. Every tweak I make seems to have no real effect on the outcome of the mix. Is there any way to find out which mix settings are determining the outcome of a mix from a seed track requested from the Duet controller ? -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!
Can anybody please advise what the MusicIP validation process actually does ? I ask because, having tried to finely tune the mix paramaters within SC and the MusicMagicServer I'm still getting some very "odd" mixes. Does the validation process flag tracks by genre, style of music, feel/mood of music or some other method ? The songs in my library have not been all correctly tagged for genre but I was expecting the MusicIP validation process to log this information. However if, for example, I select a rock ballad as the seed song, I get a lot of songs in the mix that are not by rock artists and certainly not rock ballads or anything similar in style or mood. Am I expecting too much from MusicIp or do I need to do some more fine tuning of the mix settings and, if so, which ones ? I am using MIP headless, the Spicefly server UI and SC 7.01 with a Duet controller. Thankyou for any helpful advice. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!
Siduhe;309188 Wrote: > You need to update the headless server when you make changes to the MIP > cache. So go to (where xxx=the ip address > where MIP is installed, or localhost:10002). > > That will open up the headless server ui. Click Refresh songs and then > rescan SC. > > The 'Spicefly' ( pages > have a more fully featured webui for the headless server and a syncer > tool to automate the refresh process. I don't use it, but it gets good > reviews from the community. I'm running the Spicefly server web UI so I'll add some more songs via the MIP UI and see if I can work out how to refresh the server. Thanks again. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!
Siduhe;309168 Wrote: > Are you running headless? Apologies if this is grandmother sucking > eggs, but have you reloaded the cache in the headless UI? No, your certainly not teaching your Grandmother to suck eggs as I'm a total novice at the moment so all information is welcome thankyou. Yes I am running headless. I re-booted my computer and then the correct number of tracks were detected. Is this just a case of stopping and restarting the MusicMagicServer and, if so, how do you do it without re-booting the PC ? Thanks again. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!
Siduhe;308792 Wrote: > Yes, indeed. Add mix to playlist or just start playing it, then scroll > the bottom of the playlist screen via the controller. There are two > options - save playlist or clear playlist. Thankyou for that Sidhue. I didn't realise that I had to start playing the playlist before being given the option to save it. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!
Problem now solved so please ignore my previous post. Sometimes when I make a SC rescan of the MIP database, the number of songs SC scans is not the same number as there are on the MIP database. For example I have today added about 100 songs to the MIP database but when I ask SC to do a complete rescan, the scan shows the total number of songs from yesterday and not with the additional songs added today ! -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!
Can I import .M3U and Windows Media playlists into MIP to then show up on the Duet controller under playlists ? I thought I'd ask the question before I tried adding them to the MIP library as everything is working perfectly at the moment and I don't want to do something that might cause a problem. Thankyou -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!
egd;308490 Wrote: > '*MusicIP Mixer Help - Setting Up a MusicIP Server*' > ( has some hints and I found > '*Siduhe's comments in this thread very useful*' > ( Excellent. Thanks again egd. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!
Gibbo;308471 Wrote: > If you mean if the MIP settings influence the mix that SC creates then I > think it depends if you tell SC to use its settings or the MIP settings. > in SC settings, in the musicip settings there is an option to use MIP > settings or not, otherwise it'll use the settings that you place in SC > on that same page. Thanks for that Gibbo, that makes things a little clearer. Any idea where I can find information on fine tuning either MIP or SC mix settings ? I'll second Gibbo's comment and also give a BIG thankyou to egd as I am also now up and running MIP headless and without egd's help I wouldn't of had a clue how to set things up. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list
Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!
Brian Ritchie;308392 Wrote: > ... well, now I need to do quite a bit of tuning: even with the Style > parameter set to 180 (which should keep the mix close to the seed, if > I've understood it correctly), the mixes I'm getting are still a bit > too wild.-- Brian Is there a tutorial anywhere on fine tuning the mix parameters of MIP both in MusicIP's GUI and SC ? Do changing the settings in the MIP GUI have any impact on the final results in SC ? I've searched for some guidance on the MIP website but I can't find anything. -- technojunkie technojunkie's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing list