[slim] Re: SHN Help Please

2005-10-11 Thread tfish77

I was having the exact same problem (click on the "play" or song link,
and it immediately stops) with both FLAC and shorten.  I got FLAC
working, but I have been unable to get SHN files working.  I've tried
both renaming Shortn32.exe to "shorten.exe" & copying that file and
Shrtn32.dll to my slimserver/bin/windows... path, and I've tried the
same with the cygwin 3.6.0 version of shorten (as well as copying in
the cygwin1.dll file), as instructed here:

Both methods have yielded nothing for me.  Can this be done?

And which checkboxes should I have checked in my server settings under
File Types?  If I check SHN/wav, SHN/flac, and SHN/mp3, will it conver
to all 3 and let my client player (iTunes in this case) decide?  Any
help would be greatly appreciated.


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[slim] Re: NEW iTunes Playlists Not Appearing

2006-02-18 Thread tfish77

...but sadly, I have no solution to offer.  I too have read many posts
about *no* playlists appearing, but I've been able to get all my
existing playlists on the SB and they play just fine.  However, even
when I've set the "rescan iTunes library" interval to 30 seconds,
forced library rescans, just playlist rescans, etc. I can't get the SB
to see newly added iTunes playlists.  This is a bummer.  Anyone out
there have an answer?

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[slim] Re: NEW iTunes Playlists Not Appearing

2006-02-18 Thread tfish77

Well, I tried again with setting the iTunes library update to a small
number, like 30 seconds.  After I did that (don't know why this didn't
work the first time), there was a period of choppiness on the SB, and I
knew something was happening back at the server.  Well, a few minutes
later the sound smoothed out, and my new playlists had appeared! 
Amazing.  I'm not sure why the "Rescan Playlists Only" option didn't do
it, but at least it worksfor now...

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[slim] Re: SHN Help Please

2006-02-23 Thread tfish77

tasty Wrote: 
> i'm on the same boat, tried a million executable + config combinations .
> . . i vote for removing the wiki and conf entries until there is at
> least basic support for shorten -- "Shorten support is available for
> the Windows version of slimserver" is misleading. this was a selling
> point for me.

Yeah, I'm also in the same leaky boat.  I love the living crap out of
my SB3, but damn I wish it could play SHN.  It's bad enough that the
music library scan finds the SHN files then won't play them - what a

Slimdevices...Please help!

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[slim] Re: How I got SlimServer v6.2.1 working with MySQL

2006-03-05 Thread tfish77

> Mr Nõu wrote:
> Incorrect interger value: '' for column 'year'
> Scanning doesn't pick up anything that doesn't have a year assigned. 

I am having the exact same problem.  Running MySQL 5 on Windows and
after jumping through many, many hoops to make Slimserver connect to it
properly, I am now presented with this problem.  Should I set the
default value of that column to 0?  Would that help or make things

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[slim] Fewer albums in Slimserver 6.5?

2006-03-10 Thread tfish77

Last night I upgraded from 6.2 to 6.5b, and did a rescan.  Now that the
scan is complete, Slimserver's telling me I have about 50 fewer total
albums than it used to.  I don't know if any music is actually missing
(haven't found anything missing yet) or if the way it classifies
something as an "album" has changed.

Has anyone else experienced this?

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[slim] Re: Fewer albums in Slimserver 6.5?

2006-03-10 Thread tfish77

I am using iTunes, but so far everything I've looked for (whether it be
a song in my iTunes library or an iTunes playlist) has appeared.  And I
cheked on a couple artists with non-English characters and they also
appeared fine.  I wish I knew what was missing, but since the number
went from 1706 to 1653 it would probably take me a few days to track
down every album.


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Re: [slim] Android app to stream stream.mp3

2010-05-16 Thread tfish77


I've tried DroidLive and it no longer seems to support the Squeeze
stream.  I tried "A Online Radio" and it didn't work either.  Just
tried StreamFurious, and it looks like you need the Pro version to add
a custom URL - before I spend $ on it, does anyone know if it will
actually successfully stream from Squeeze?

Thanks in advance...  I tried for years (truly) to stream Squeeze to my
Blackberry, and I hoped that with an Android phone I might finally be
able to do this.


Jordan Hirsch
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Re: [slim] Let's make the Squeezebox to the ultimate music discovery device!

2010-08-05 Thread tfish77

erland;566383 Wrote: 
> 1. How do you find music in your own library ? 
-Most of the time, I use the My Music -> New Music link.  I frequently
add new albums to my collection, and I like to have an easy way to
access the latest music I've added.  When I do a search, I tend to just
type into the search box.
-If I'm at work, I will use the web interface or Moose (depending on
how tight the network settings are at the office I'm in).  At home I
tend to use Moose or one of the Android-based Squeeze interfaces to
control the SB.
-I do use automated mixes - I use the MusicIP plugin.  Unfortunately,
development on MusicIP stopped a year or so ago, but the plugin still
works fine and I use it to generate a mix based on a
track/artist/album.  That's one of my favorite uses for my SB.  I think
MusicIP doubled the usefulness of the SB for me - I make mixes based on
it all the time, it's like having my own Pandora/Slacker/Last.FM radio
right on my computer.

erland;566383 Wrote: 
> 2. How do you usually find new music you like to get but currently
> don't have in your library ?
-Can't remember the last time I heard something new on the radio,
unless it was being showcased on NPR.
-I read music blogs like Pitchfork, get recommendations from my older
brother (who is a new music junkie), check out the Hype Machine once in
a while, and frequently ask my friends what they're listening to these
-Tend to do all my searching for new tunes via my computer.  Yes, I
preview before purchasing (on my computer speakers).
-I have an eMusic subscription, and use that to preview/buy most of my

erland;566383 Wrote: 
> 3. How would you like to be able to find music in your own library in
> the future ?
-I would absolutely love to have a service like MusicIP, but with a
real development team behind it, that can scan my music for
similarities and make recommendations/mixes based on attributes of a
selected track/collection of tracks/artist/album/genre/
-Once in a while I browse by genre (mostly around December when I want
to find my "holiday music" tag.  Sometimes I will combine that with
another genre tag, so a multiple-genre browse would be nice.

erland;566383 Wrote: 
> 4. How would you like to find new music you like to buy/get in the
> future ?
-I don't really see the need to purchase through the SB as a priority.

erland;566383 Wrote: 
> 5. What kind of tagging/management do you do on new music you add to
> your library to make it easier to find stuff later on ?
> - Which additional tags do you add which isn't handled by standard SBS
> today ?
> - Is the folder structure the music files are stored in important ?
> - If you use Custom Scan, which additional tags do you add besides
> those supported by SBS ?
> - Do you manually add ratings to your music ? Why ?
-I use my folder structure to separate FLAC and MP3s.
-I don't usually add additional tags, but I always set title, artist,
album, date.
-I sometimes rate songs, but I almost never remember to go back and
make a playlist of highly-rated songs (though I would like to do this
if it were easier to rate while playing).

erland;566383 Wrote: 
> 6. Do you synchronize the data in SBS with some other application to
> make it easier to find interesting music ?
-I use the Last.FM plugin to report all playback to my last.fm profile,
then I use that to analyze my listening.  I would also love to be able
to integrate with my MP3 player (Sansa Sandisk).

Thanks, Erland!


Jordan Hirsch
Technical Project Manager
Content Management Expert

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Re: [slim] Poll: What is your library size and hardware

2007-02-06 Thread tfish77

5003 albums with 41168 songs by 1574 artists.

Dell XPS 410
Intel Core Duo 2 @ 2.13 GHZ

Readynas NV
4 500GB Seagate ST3500641AS HDDs


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Re: [slim] remote access to my library?

2010-03-18 Thread tfish77

Hi, this blog post I wrote a while back might be helpful for you - it
covers remote streaming, ports, and some other configuration options
that might be helpful.




Jordan Hirsch
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[slim] Re: Slimserver/Softsqueeze and FLAC files

2006-05-16 Thread tfish77


Thanks for the info about Bitrate limiting.  Fixed my "playing my FLAC
at work" problem perfectly!  :)

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[slim] Re: Slimserver/Softsqueeze and FLAC files

2006-05-16 Thread tfish77

I don't quite understand the difference between LAME quality and bitrate
- which one affects audio quality more?  I'm trying to find the "sweet
spot" between the 2 that allows for skip-free tunes that still sound

Thanks again for the advice.

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[slim] Re: Playlist proplem with Music Magic Mixer from MusicIP

2006-06-05 Thread tfish77

Man, I would have spent hours trying to figure this out on my own. 
Thanks for the great information!


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[slim] Re: Playlist proplem with Music Magic Mixer from MusicIP

2006-06-05 Thread tfish77

Now that I have MusicIP set up to use the UNC path instead of a drive
name, it gets paste Stage 1 of the analysis just fine, but it freezes
up on stage 2 (the actual analyzing).  Did you have this problem as


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[slim] Re: Trouble with MusicIP

2006-06-08 Thread tfish77

alter_sack, if I'd just read your message before I spent hours trying to
get MusicIP to run as a service on my own...I didn't realize the new
version comes with such an easy way to do it!

Thanks for the post.

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[slim] MusicIP & 7.1 automatic re-scans

2008-07-10 Thread tfish77

I am having a strange issue with MusicIP & SS 7.1:  some
songs/albums/artists that are mixable in the Music IP Mixer
application, and that are mixable via a direct browser call to the API
are not showing as mixable in SlimServer.

I have SlimServer set to run a library rescan every night, and I have
MusicIP enabled.  I also have a path set for the music library, since
the path scan will pick up some files that MusicIP just never
recognizes for some reason.

I have the MusicIP reload interval set to 0, since when it was set
higher SS was initiating rescans all the time, seemingly at random
(i.e. when it appeared that the MusicIP library hadn't changed), and
setting this to 0 stopped that problem.

In previous versions of SS, this setup worked fine - when the nightly
rescan was triggered, it did a MusicIP import as well as a directory
scan.  But now, it appears that tracks I've added recently to MusicIP
are not getting picked up as MusicIP-mixable tracks in SS, which
implies to me that the MusicIP import is not running when the automat
re-scan occurs.

What is the best way to test this theory?  And has anyone else had this

Thanks in advance for the help.


Jordan Hirsch
Technical Project Manager
Content Management Expert
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Re: [slim] MusicIP & 7.1 automatic re-scans

2008-07-12 Thread tfish77

Thanks, Brian.

I actually have a nightly task that runs on my computer and adds all
newly added files to my MusicIP library before the scheduled SlimServer
automatic rescan.  I can see these tracks in MusicIP, and I can generate
a mix using the MusicIP API in the web interface, but it seems that
SlimServer doesn't know the tracks are mixable - I don't get an empty
mix, rather I get no "m" icon at all.


Jordan Hirsch
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Re: [slim] MusicIP & 7.1 automatic re-scans

2008-07-12 Thread tfish77

I just set my MusicIP reload interval to 1, and it immediately kicked
off a re-scan, here's the results:


  Directory Scan   (3  of  3)   Complete  01:17:03
  Playlist Scan   (24  of  24)   Complete  00:01:50
  Merge Various Artists   (6262  of  6262)   Complete  00:01:53
  Database Cleanup #1   (60989  of  60989)   Complete  00:13:27
  Database Cleanup #2   Complete  00:01:08
  Database Optimize   Complete  00:03:17
  SqueezeCenter has finished scanning your music collection.

As you can see, the MusicIP import never happened.  Is this a bug in
7.1?  I couldn't find any reference to it in bugzilla, but I'm not sure
if I should add it - I can't tell if it's a bug or if my settings need
to be changed.


Jordan Hirsch
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Re: [slim] MusicIP & 7.1 automatic re-scans

2008-07-14 Thread tfish77

Exactly, the MIP import seems to be getting skipped entirely.  The
tracks that are mixable were already marked as mixable before I
upgraded to 7.1 (but I don't know for sure if 7.1 is the issue).

I can make mixes from these songs in MusicIP itself, so I think this
must be a SS issue.  Off to file a bug...


Jordan Hirsch
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Re: [slim] MusicIP & 7.1 automatic re-scans

2008-07-14 Thread tfish77

Haven't tried a full clear and rescan yet; I hate doing that so I'm
holding that out as an absolute last resort (since it takes
approximately forever).


Jordan Hirsch
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[slim] Easy, stable SC client for Mac?

2009-05-07 Thread tfish77

My wife recently got a Macbook and I'm trying to help her access my SC
music library.  On her old Windows laptop, I had Moose set up with
SqueezeSlave, which worked great.  I've tried installing SqueezePlay on
her Mac, but I don't think it's quite ready for prime-time.  I'm looking
for something that's as easy to use as Moose is for Windows - she's
pretty computer-savvy, but has a very low tolerance for things that
"aren't as easy to use as iTunes" in her words.

My own hatred of iTunes aside, can anyone recommend a good solution? 
Thank you!


Jordan Hirsch
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Re: [slim] Easy, stable SC client for Mac?

2009-05-07 Thread tfish77

Thanks for replying, Ben.  The issue there is that the web interface
launches SoftSqueeze, which is a little too confusing for her - I don't
mean to say that she's dumb, far from it, but it's more that unless
you're already pretty familiar with how the hardware SB works (which she
isn't - I am definitely the primary user), the software version is not
very intuitive.

I guess "intuitive" is a key word here.



Jordan Hirsch
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Re: [slim] Easy, stable SC client for Mac?

2009-05-08 Thread tfish77

@davep:  thanks for the idea!  I didn't realize SqueezeSlave could run
as a "service" (not sure if that's the right term for a Mac) on a Mac -
but that sounds like a pretty good solution.  The web interface isn't
perfect, but I think it might do the trick.  Thank you!

@cunobelinus:  thanks, but in this case she's actually using the Mac as
the client, there's no iPod in the house!


Jordan Hirsch
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Re: [slim] Easy, stable SC client for Mac?

2009-06-25 Thread tfish77

Hi everybody,

Thank you all for your responses - very helpful.  I've been
experimenting with "headless" Squeezeslave
and it's working off & on.  Squeezeplay would really be ideal but at the
moment it's only working in 1 Mac profile and not the other (I've filed
a bug about this but haven't heard back yet).

Anyway, just wanted to say thanks.


Jordan Hirsch
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Re: [slim] How do you use your Squeezebox/Transporter?

2007-07-09 Thread tfish77

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=36061

Question: When you listen to music, do you connect to Slim Server or

- a) 100% of the time to Slimserver (on computer or NAS drive)
- b) 75% of the time on Slimserver / 25% on SqueezeNetwork
- c) 50% of the time on Slimserver / 50% on SqueezeNetwork
- d) 25% of the time on Slimserver / 75% on SqueezeNetwork
- e) 100 % of the time on SqueezeNetwork

I guess I'm in the "a" group, thought that may change soon since I'm
about to sign up for the 30-day free Rhapsody trial.  That could change
things for me a bit, but overall I definitely spend the vast majority of
my listening time streaming from the PC.

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[slim] How do I clear log.txt?

2007-07-10 Thread tfish77

I'm sure this is a silly question, but I can't find the answer in the
forums or the wiki.  I am running SlimServer on a Windows XP box, and I
want to clear out the log.txt file.  I am not specifying a specific
filename when I start SS, I am just using the default.  I can browse to
http://localhost:9000/log.txt, and I see some entries in there.  I'd
like to clear that file out to do some testing without re-starting my
SlimServer and specifying a new file name for the log file.

Is this possible? 

I have searched my entire box for log.txt and slimserver.log but
haven't found either.

Thank you!

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