Re: [slim] Backing up music library

2008-03-23 Thread Jeff Flowerday

A second HD and robocopy.  Vista now included robocopy.  

robopy m:\music b:\music * /E /COPYALL /PURGE

Using 2 eSata drives I can backup a full 600+ GB in approx 2 hrs. 
After that it only gets quicker by applying what's changed to the
second directory not another full backup.

Jeff Flowerday

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Re: [slim] Backing up music library

2008-03-23 Thread 808

I've got a cron job running rysnc daily from my ClarkConnect drive to a
external USB, there is also a pearl script checking a couple times a
day if my laptop is ping-able, if yes it then runs a My Documents rsync
back to the box. cwRsync Server runs on the laptop.

I'm not sure what would happen if the laptop turned off mid-sync. Any
ideas ?


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Re: [slim] Backing up music library

2008-03-22 Thread norderney

Bizarroterl;282429 Wrote: 
> I've used SyncToy and AllwaySync.  Both are comparable, though
> everywhere I've seen them compared AllwaySync came out on top.  The
> free version of AllwaySync has a limit on the number of files it will
> sync each month (it tells you when you hit this limit).  The paid
> version doesn't have this limitation.
> One thing you should be aware of with SyncToy - It has a limit to the
> number of files it will sync reliably, IIRC about 50,000.  Go over that
> amount and it doesn't sync reliably and it will not indicate this is
> happening.  You could use it for years and then, when you needed to
> recover file, find out not everything was saved.
> To determine if this is happening:
> Run a full synchronization.
> Run a Preview and see if any files are out of sync.  If they are then
> you can split your job into smaller batches or pony up the $20 for
> AllwaySync.

I use SyncBack not SyncToy.   SyncBack does seem to work ok for me. 
Also SyncBack does detect changes to files where only some tag data has
been modified


Transporter (Black) - Arcam A85 Amp - B&W CDM1NT Speakers - Yamaha
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Re: [slim] Backing up music library

2008-03-22 Thread JJZolx

norderney;282422 Wrote: 
> I store my music on a 750GB hard drive.  I have about 21,000 FLAC tracks
> and 9,000 MP3s 320kbps VBR.
> I bought my SB1 in November 2004 and recently replaced it with a
> Transporter.  Having spent hours and hours ripping CDs and tagging, I
> wanted a backup system that would be as fool poof as possible.  So over
> the last 3.5 years I now have 3 extra 750GB HDDs, which I use for
> backup.  1 of these disks I keep off site.
> Is this overkill paranoia or sensible backp planning?
I know a guy that washes his hands about 50 times a day.  Overkill or

> I use SyncBack to manage the backup process. When I run SyncBack it
> first gives me a list of all new/modified files it is going to copy and
> a list of files it is going to delete. If I agree with this list I press
> the continue button.
> I also run FLACTEST regularly on my main music HDD and my 3 backup HDDs
> as well.

The question remains whether the backup software can detect changes to
files where only some tag data has been modified.  If you don't
maintain file mod times when you change tags then it's not something
you need to worry about.  But if you do, since Flac tag blocks are
written with some padding to allow tags to be modified in place, the
file size as well as the date last modified usually remain the same.



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Re: [slim] Backing up music library

2008-03-22 Thread Bizarroterl

I've used SyncToy and AllwaySync.  Both are comparable, though
everywhere I've seen them compared AllwaySync came out on top.  The
free version of AllwaySync has a limit on the number of files it will
sync each month (it tells you when you hit this limit).  The paid
version doesn't have this limitation.

One thing you should be aware of with SyncToy - It has a limit to the
number of files it will sync reliably, IIRC about 50,000.  Go over that
amount and it doesn't sync reliably and it will not indicate this is
happening.  You could use it for years and then, when you needed to
recover file, find out not everything was saved.

To determine if this is happening:
Run a full synchronization.
Run a Preview and see if any files are out of sync.  If they are then
you can split your job into smaller batches or pony up the $20 for


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Re: [slim] Backing up music library

2008-03-22 Thread norderney

I store my music on a 750GB hard drive.  I have about 21,000 FLAC tracks
and 9,000 MP3s 320kbps VBR.

I bought my SB1 in November 2004 and recently replaced it with a
Transporter.  Having spent hours and hours ripping CDs and tagging, I
wanted a backup system that would be as fool poof as possible.  So over
the last 3.5 years I now have 3 extra 750GB HDDs, which I use for
backup.  1 of these disks I keep off site.

Is this overkill paranoia or sensible backp planning?

I use SyncBack to manage the backup process. When I run SyncBack it
first gives me a list of all new/modified files it is going to copy and
a list of files it is going to delete. If I agree with this list I press
the continue button.

I also run FLACTEST regularly on my main music HDD and my 3 backup HDDs
as well.


Transporter (Black) - Arcam A85 Amp - B&W CDM1NT Speakers - Yamaha
CDRHD1500 Recorder

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Re: [slim] Backing up music library

2007-10-23 Thread Schindler

I use Allway Sync to backup to a external HD. Its great, you can even
have several profiles... If you use it too often you have to buy.



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Re: [slim] Backing up music library

2007-10-23 Thread Ken
4mula1 wrote:
> gutted;237084 Wrote: 
>> Cool - thanks dude.
>> And this can detect changes to tags, even if I've configured MP3tag to
>> maintain the last modified timestamp?  If so, then it's a winner :)
> That I can't answer.  I use it to back up my pictures and wife's itunes
> collection, so I've pretty much relied on it using timestamps.  I run
> SlimServer on Solaris, so I use rsync to do the backups of my music.

According to the documentation, SyncBack uses (can use) the following to 
determine if the source and destination files are different.

1. Last file modification date & time: All files record the date & time of when 
they were last changed.

2. File size: All files record the number of bytes they contain.

3. Hash value: A unique value can be computed based on the contents of a file. 
These values can be used to check if a files contents is the same as another's.

4. File attributes: Files have special attributes, e.g. read-only, hidden, 
etc., and SyncBack can optionally check for changes in these attributes

Using the hash value (#3) will obviously take longer, but it should be 
completely reliable. I use SyncBack and it's an excellent program all around.

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Re: [slim] Backing up music library

2007-10-22 Thread Tom
I keep a copy on a 500MB USB drive, a copy at work, and a copy at my 
girlfriend's (using the USB drive to transport changes).


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Re: [slim] Backing up music library

2007-10-22 Thread ob_kook

radish;237153 Wrote: 
> RAID is not a backup solution, nor is it a valid replacement for a
> backup solution. RAID serves two main purposes - improved performance
> (striping) and reduced downtime (fault tolerance/hotswap). Unless
> you're running a radio station from slimserver (how cool would that
> be?!) I don't think either of those criteria are particularly important
> for typical slim usage.
> Backing up to DVD (or something similar) is a good idea, but don't
> forget to (a) test the backups every so often - discs don't last
> forever and (b) keep them somewhere else.

Radish is correct that you also need a backup solution. Allow me to
expand on the point about RAID. There are many kinds of RAID:  0,1,5,
10 are the most popular. RAID itself stands for Redundant Array if
Independent Disks. 

RAID0, or striping, as he mentioned, is used to improve performance,
but offers no high availability - if you lose a single disk, you've
lost your entire LUN.

RAID1 is a mirror done at the disk level. This will halve your
available disk, but give you a continuous synchronous copy. There is a
bit of a performance hit on writes since you have to write everything

RAID5 creates a parity disk. Basically, you can string together 4
disks, lose about 20% capacity, and be able to withstand the loss of 1
disk without losing data. There is a nominal read performance gain, and
a definite write performance hit (the overhead of writing to multiple

RAID10 first mirrors the disks, then stripes them for speed. downside
is losing 1/2 your capacity.

Just remember 2 things:
1. it is not a question of IF your disk fails, it is a matter of WHEN.
These are spinning physical media. They will absolutely fail over time.

2. HDD do not like heat. If you are packing a bunch of drives in a
tight enclosure, make sure to provide enough space between them and
adequate air flow across them. Hot disks = shorter life. It is not
difficult to cook your disk.


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Re: [slim] Backing up music library

2007-10-22 Thread Wirrunna

Autopilot, thank you for the link to SyncToy.
My slimserver PC runs 4 x 320Gb disks in Raid5 and I backup onto a
clunky old PC with a single WD 750Gb drive. The Backup PC is only run
once every few weeks for backup.
I just downloaded SyncToy and ran it rather than the filecopy I have
done in the past. Results - SyncToy ran in about 15 minutes compared to
6 hours, it reported 33,220 files that did not require action, and 67
new files and 5 new folders - the CDs added to my library since the
last backup.
Thanks again for the tip.


A camel is a racehorse designed by a committee.

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Re: [slim] Backing up music library

2007-10-22 Thread egd

First off, I don't think there are necessarily any easy solutions to
this unless you have a relatively small library.  I'll deal with small
and larger libraries separately because I think they warrant different

*Small libraries*
If your library fits on a single drive I'd simply make a 1:1 copy to a
second drive that is hosted externally from your PC and only accessed
for the purposes of making/ restoring a backup.  There are various
tools that can automate this and use compare files or rely on
date/timestamps/archive attribute etc.  If you're really paranoid, make
two copies on two external drives.

*Larger libraries*
This is where things begin to get a little more complex and/ or
expensive depending on your approach and appetite for spending.  In
general, I would suggest the easiest way of dealing with a large
library that spans say a Terabyte, is to have an external RAID
enclosure that serves the same purpose I discussed above for small
libraries.  For the really paranoid this approach can be further
augmented by the addition of a tape-based backup solution, ideally LTO2
or LTO3 - but this is where things take an expensive turn.

My FLAC library is housed on a NAS and duplicated to an external RAID5
enclosure that is only powered up for the purposes of backup - yep,
it's not automated, but the fact is my library is not that dynamic
either.  The RAID enclosure is in turn backed up to LTO2 tape using an
incremental backup strategy.  If I was to do this again I might
consider backing up to another external RAID enclosure rather than to
tape - it would be a lot faster.  The advantage of tape over DASD is
that it can grow with your needs whereas you could conceivably outgrow
a RAID configuration and expanding a RAID array is not a risk free
exercise in and of itself.

*An alternative approach - separate metadata from audio*
Whilst I can't point to a tool that can do this I remember reading
somewhere (in this forum I believe) of an approach that involved
separating backup of metadata from the actual audio, with the
underlying thinking being that the audio stream seldom changes whereas
the associated metadata is often times updated, augmented etc.  This
would in my view be an ideal approach insofar as my incremental backups
would shrink tremendously in size.

There are as many backup strategies and tools out there as you can poke
a stick at - all of which will generally culminate in disk or tape
backup, or perhaps even blu-ray in time.  The important thing,
irrespective of selected strategy, is to ensure you incorporate
redundancy, that you are organised to keep backups current, and design
it such that you eliminate single points of failure.  Offsite storage
of your backups is generally a good thing.


Thecus N5200PRO >> Transporter >> ATC SCA2 >> ATC SCM100SLAT

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Re: [slim] Backing up music library

2007-10-22 Thread radish

RAID is not a backup solution, nor is it a valid replacement for a
backup solution. RAID serves two main purposes - improved performance
(striping) and reduced downtime (fault tolerance/hotswap). Unless
you're running a radio station from slimserver (how cool would that
be?!) I don't think either of those criteria are particularly important
for typical slim usage.

Backing up to DVD (or something similar) is a good idea, but don't
forget to (a) test the backups every so often - discs don't last
forever and (b) keep them somewhere else.


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Re: [slim] Backing up music library

2007-10-22 Thread iPhone

gutted;237069 Wrote: 
> I currently use MS Backup, and this weekend ran a manual backup after
> upgrading a few drives for larger capacity.  Cheers! Dan.

Hello Dan,

I have two possible suggestions and one comment. This is for anybody
backing up a single drive with compression on the same drive or to a
secondary drive: beware of bad media, bad sectors, and bad clusters.
Any data written to them or any area that becomes bad is lost forever.
And if the backup area or drive gets them it is a useless backup.

Suggestion one is to get a NAS and run Raid 5 or X-Raid. No more
backups to schedule or sit through, as itÂ’s all automatic. If cost is
an issue (suggestion two), I recommend doing uncompressed direct
copying of FLAC files to DL DVD. Doing it this way you never have to
waste time doing another backup again. If a drive or section of drive
goes bad you just replace the songs you are missing from the archive
DVDs. First one does a complete copying of all their songs to DL DVD.
Then when one rips more songs to FLAC (or whatever format ones song
files are in) and has 8 Gigs worth copy them to a DL DVD. Now one has a
permanent archive and no longer needs to perform backups. It is best to
keep track of the new files on the DL DVDs in a simple database or at
least in a spreadsheet. I have mine in a database with each DL DVD
having a unique number assigned to it. My neighbor is using Excel to
track his. Depending on ones system, it can be hard to listen to tunes
when a backup is taking place. Once one converts to a system similar to
this and all the data and DL DVDs are current it is simple just to rip
new CDs to ones preferred format then spend the rest of the time
enjoying tunes until it is time to archive 8 gigs of new tunes then
back to the music. Most people will have great piece of mind with
either one of these systems.

Personally, I am a secure data fool now when it comes to my FLAC Files
so I am doing both. I am running a 3TB ReadyNAS NV+ in X-Raid format
(auto backup all data, spans data, allows for swapping out drives to
larger as they become available, data safe from any one full drive
failure) plus I have all my FLAC Files archived to DL DVD.

Just some thoughts from somebody that has had to rip everything three
time. I had everything in MP3 to save space (was only listening to them
in the car and MP3 player). Found Squeezebox and ripped them all again
to FLAC to play on the main system and through out the house. Was
backing up to a second drive and had a main drive complete failure,
bought new drive and went to put the backup on it only to find out the
backup drive had bad sector and clusters! Bought a ReadyNAS NV+ and
ripped them again as well as archived on DL DVD, and knock on wood,
have never had any issue since switching to this system two years ago.
My only hope is that my bad luck can help some else avoid all the
ripping I have done by changing the way they approach protecting all
the time they have invested in ripping a large CD library.


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Re: [slim] Backing up music library

2007-10-22 Thread Skittler

Be careful with "Echo". If you delete a load of files accidentally then
Synctoy will happily delete them from your backup too!

At least I think so.

You may be better off with "Contribute" and then if you really do mean
to delete stuff, do it manually from your backup too.



SB3 --> Cyrus 8vs --> PMC FB1

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Re: [slim] Backing up music library

2007-10-22 Thread gutted

Nice one - thanks Auto Pilot: I'll give that a try.  Even if it takes a
lot longer, I guess that it surely must be quicker to run a
differential backup using Synctoy than running a complete backup each
time...  I'll post back with an update :)


Slimserver 6.5.4 +MusicIP Mixer 1.7.1 +AlienBBC 1.06 +Slimscrobbler
Windows 2000 Professional sp4
Intel Celeron 1.4GHz
Squeezebox 3 wireless (Player Firmware Version: 55)
Library of approx 7000 tracks (MP3 and FLAC)

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Re: [slim] Backing up music library

2007-10-22 Thread autopilot

gutted;237093 Wrote: 
> Hmmm.  Yeah, that's the problem.  I configured MP3tag to maintain the
> last modified timestamp...  The reason for this is so that I can easily
> see which albums were recently ripped to FLAC and which ones are still
> MP3 just by looking through Windows Explorer.
> If the timestamp changes when I modify tags, then it makes it tricky to
> tell which albums have recently been re-ripped to FLAC (I might have
> changed the tags in some of my MP3s, so then it would look like these
> albums were recently added).
> There are ways round this, and I can just adopt a different system -
> but if I can find a backup tool that is clever enough to detect changes
> to tags, then that would be the ideal solution...

Synctoy will detect changes to the tags, even if the time stamp has not
changed. You just need to select the 'check file contents' option. Takes
a lot longer but works perfectly.


[B]Clients:* 1 Squeezebox 3 + Softsqueeze.


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Re: [slim] Backing up music library

2007-10-22 Thread autopilot

I have tried so many different options for backing up my files,
including writing complicated batch scripts for Robocopy, but in the
end i found Synctoy to be the best. It's free, simple and from
microsoft -

I use 'echo' mode most often.


[B]Clients:* 1 Squeezebox 3 + Softsqueeze.


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Re: [slim] Backing up music library

2007-10-22 Thread gutted

Hmmm.  Yeah, that's the problem.  I configured MP3tag to maintain the
last modified timestamp...  The reason for this is so that I can easily
see which albums were recently ripped to FLAC and which ones are still
MP3 just by looking through Windows Explorer.

If the timestamp changes when I modify tags, then it makes it tricky to
tell which albums have recently been re-ripped to FLAC (I might have
changed the tags in some of my MP3s, so then it would look like these
albums were recently added).

There are ways round this, and I can just adopt a different system -
but if I can find a backup tool that is clever enough to detect changes
to tags, then that would be the ideal solution...


Slimserver 6.5.4 +MusicIP Mixer 1.7.1 +AlienBBC 1.06 +Slimscrobbler
Windows 2000 Professional sp4
Intel Celeron 1.4GHz
Squeezebox 3 wireless (Player Firmware Version: 55)
Library of approx 7000 tracks (MP3 and FLAC)

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Re: [slim] Backing up music library

2007-10-22 Thread 4mula1

gutted;237084 Wrote: 
> Cool - thanks dude.
> And this can detect changes to tags, even if I've configured MP3tag to
> maintain the last modified timestamp?  If so, then it's a winner :)

That I can't answer.  I use it to back up my pictures and wife's itunes
collection, so I've pretty much relied on it using timestamps.  I run
SlimServer on Solaris, so I use rsync to do the backups of my music.


SlimServer 6.5.4 + Solaris 10 x86: Because Linux would've been too easy!

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Re: [slim] Backing up music library

2007-10-22 Thread gutted

Cool - thanks dude.

And this can detect changes to tags, even if I've configured MP3tag to
maintain the last modified timestamp?  If so, then it's a winner :)


Slimserver 6.5.4 +MusicIP Mixer 1.7.1 +AlienBBC 1.06 +Slimscrobbler
Windows 2000 Professional sp4
Intel Celeron 1.4GHz
Squeezebox 3 wireless (Player Firmware Version: 55)
Library of approx 7000 tracks (MP3 and FLAC)

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Re: [slim] Backing up music library

2007-10-22 Thread 4mula1

Check out SyncBack.  I'm using it and it can detect changed files. 
Works like a champ for me.

There is a freeware version and a $$$ version.  The paid version
obviously is a bit more powerful but the free version will do the


SlimServer 6.5.4 + Solaris 10 x86: Because Linux would've been too easy!

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[slim] Backing up music library

2007-10-22 Thread gutted

I currently use MS Backup, and this weekend ran a manual backup after
upgrading a few drives for larger capacity.  The backup time is crazy
(it took well over 24 hours to backup and verify around 240GB of data)
so I was wondering if anyone can offer some advice...

I currently use "normal" backup option.  There are several different
types (differential, incremental etc).  I chose "normal" because I
wanted to make sure that every change gets backed up - even if I modify
FLAC tags, but maintain the last update timestamp (which is my preferred
way to go).

I wasn't sure if MS backup is clever enough to know that the file has
changed even if the last update timestamp remains unchanged.  So to be
safe, I just chose "normal" backup.

So basically - is MS backup clever enough to detect differences in
files (e.g. tag updates) even if the last update timestamp is
unchanged?  If so, what is the best backup option to use -
differential, maybe?
If MS backup won't be able to detect that change, is there any other
backup utility I can use instead, and that will detect updates to



Slimserver 6.5.4 +MusicIP Mixer 1.7.1 +AlienBBC 1.06 +Slimscrobbler
Windows 2000 Professional sp4
Intel Celeron 1.4GHz
Squeezebox 3 wireless (Player Firmware Version: 55)
Library of approx 7000 tracks (MP3 and FLAC)

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