Re: [slim] Genres

2009-09-20 Thread Pat Farrell
Marten wrote:
> When I look at the songs in my windows library (mediaplayer) I have
> different genres that in my sqyeezebox. How can I repair this. I want
> squeezebox to have the exact same genres as in  windows media player.
> How to deal with this?

You have to make the tags match. Are these MP3 files? flac? aac?
Some formats store multiple versions of tags, which confuses
SqueezeCenter.  There is a whole section of this forum about ripping and
tagging, the experts on the topic hang out there.

Over time, I've decided that genres are not very useful.

Pat Farrell

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Re: [slim] Genres

2009-09-20 Thread Marten

Yes, I tried that but found out that in MP3Tag, my own genres were
correct. In the meantime I also tried Itunes to correct some genres, as
Itunes also sometimes has a way of its own in thie I experienced but
that didn't solve the issue either. Now what? I know some other users I
know have the same issue, but don't bother as they do not have a large
collection. Looks like a bug to me.


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Re: [slim] Genres

2009-09-20 Thread jbraveman

Marten;459608 Wrote: 
> When I look at the songs in my windows library (mediaplayer) I have
> different genres that in my sqyeezebox. How can I repair this. I want
> squeezebox to have the exact same genres as in  windows media player.
> How to deal with this?
> Marten

Genre info is stored in the tags. Use a program like mp3tag to fix the


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[slim] Genres

2009-09-19 Thread Marten

When I look at the songs in my windows library (mediaplayer) I have
different genres that in my sqyeezebox. How can I repair this. I want
squeezebox to have the exact same genres as in  windows media player.
How to deal with this?



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Re: [slim] Genres changes not picked up

2007-11-24 Thread ceejay

Also worth checking if the file modification timestamps were updated
when you changed the genres: some tagging tools will deliberately leave
this unchanged, which means that slimserver won't know to rescan. Unless
you do a "clear all and rescan", which is probably a good idea anyway.



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Re: [slim] Genres changes not picked up

2007-11-24 Thread Michael Herger
> web view, despite re-scanning. Is there anything I can do about this
> apart from a full rescan or deleting and re-adding the songs?

Make sure you don't have any id3v1 tags left in the file.


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[slim] Genres changes not picked up

2007-11-24 Thread mdwoolley

Hi, I've just changed the genres asigned to some of my music, since the
old genres, picked up from CDDB were a bit of a mess. The old genres
are still showing, together with associated songs, in the slimserver
web view, despite re-scanning. Is there anything I can do about this
apart from a full rescan or deleting and re-adding the songs?


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Re: [slim] Genres and years...

2007-07-28 Thread egd

This may or may not be of use to you as I've no idea how well/if Windows
emulation works on a Mac, however:

I've done all my tagging using mp3tag and the allmusic script that dan
be downloaded from the mp3tag forum.  What this has in effect allowed
me to do is to tag and save all the metadata that allmusic uses to
describe an album, viz. albumart Review, Rating, Genre, Year, Styles,
Moods & Themes.  Whilst all but year and genre are for all intents and
purposes useless within slimserver, you will at least get the correct
year and consistent genre information.

I still have it in the back of my mind to develop an add-in/ separate
application at some point that builds a relational db from this lot or
augments the slimserver db, exposing this metadata and allowing you to
display it and use it for generating playlists.  My thinking is that if
I do get around to it, it will likely be a standalone application that
interfaces with to retrieve metadata and interacts with
slimserver via CLI, meaning it will become an alternative PC based
front-end.  Ambitious, I know.

egd >> >> >> >>

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Re: [slim] Genres and years...

2007-07-28 Thread gharris999

If you feel that you can trust your own judgment as to what belongs in
what genre, then you can always arrange your library in
/genre/artist/album trees on your hard disk.  Then, you can use any of
a number of tagging utilities to mass-set the genre tags in your flacs

Genre classification is pretty subjective, IMHO.  Trust your gut.  If
someone takes exception to one of your classifications, just smile and
say "Yes, I know that some might see that as a whimsical choice.  But I
meant it as a ironic statement.  Didn't you get it?"


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Re: [slim] Genres and years...

2007-07-28 Thread pfarrell

yooper;217663 Wrote: 
> I have spent a lot of time ensuring my tags are good, but never did pay
> attention to genres/years and would like to have my library as accurate
> as possible.

I know of no tool to do it, altho there are lots of software to read
the tags, ogg comments, etc. Including mine -- which is written in Java
and should run on OS-X

I think you might get close with years, but what year do you want? when
the LP was released? when the CD was first released? When your
particular CD was produced?

Genres are hopeless. They are too broad, and ill defined. If you have
anything other than POP/Rock/rap, there is no way to get it right.

I've spent hours, probably close to hundreds of hours on my small (<800
CDs) collection. It was why I wrote my Java utilities, and I've lost the
will to keep it up.

Collection management and classification are serious parts of "library



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Re: [slim] Genres and years...

2007-07-28 Thread tot

yooper;217663 Wrote: 
> I have spent a lot of time ensuring my tags are good, but never did pay
> attention to genres/years and would like to have my library as accurate
> as possible.

I have found that both of these are bit hard to get right (for what you

Year is easy for albums sounds easy, but what if it is a MFSL issue or
something special, do you want the original year or the actual issue. 
What about collections (best of or compilation), the year per track
when released or the year of the collection.  I personally go for the
original album/track year if easily available.

Genre is even worse, how fine grained you want it who's the jugde. 
Since I am bad judging genres I go for mostly wikipedia and if multiple
listed I pick what I mostly think and will remember.  

I prefer consistency and something useful but still find crap in my
collection when looking afterwards. 

I highly doubt you can automate this unless you want some random
results.  But if random is what you want, why bother.


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[slim] Genres and years...

2007-07-28 Thread yooper

Short of manually checking each album (have almost 1000 flac albums) for
correct genres and years, I'm wondering if a plug in or program exists
for Mac which may save me lots of time and do this for me.  I did
search, but I failed to find the information I am looking for, perhaps
I missed it.

I have spent a lot of time ensuring my tags are good, but never did pay
attention to genres/years and would like to have my library as accurate
as possible.




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Re: [slim] Genres are replaced by numbers in random mix

2006-11-16 Thread kdf

Quoting Raify <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

This is strange:


Slimserver 6.5 and Firefox 2.0.  Any ideas before I post a bug report?

yes, search the forum.

in short, it's known and already fixed in 6.5.1 nightly builds.
you should also be able to fix it in 6.5.0 by removing c:\program  
files\slimserver\server\Plugins\RandomPlay\HTML\Default and

c:\program files\slimserver\server\Plugins\RandomPlay\HTML\Fishbone.

leave only EN.

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[slim] Genres are replaced by numbers in random mix

2006-11-16 Thread Raify

This is strange:


Slimserver 6.5 and Firefox 2.0.  Any ideas before I post a bug report?



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[slim] Genres Missing in Random Mix with 6.5

2006-09-22 Thread trevtu

I've just upgraded from 6.31 to 6.50 and noticed that on the random mix
page under 'Genres to include in your mix:' I now have 64 checkboxes
all with a number to the right rather than the genre name to
include/exlude. Does anyone know how to fix this?



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Re: [slim] Genres

2005-03-22 Thread Aaron Zinck
> Having a single genre on a song is simplistic idea.
> It is too subjective to be generally useful.
> One of the reasons driving the SlimServer 6.*
> effort is to allow more generalized data structure
> so you can call a song "rock" and 'classic"
> and "head banging" all at once.

This capability is already available in slimserver (and has been for a long
time).  Simply list all the genres you wish using a standard delimiter to
separate them.  For example, if you want to use a semicolon as a delimiter
then "classical; romantic" would assign a song to both the classical and
romantic genres.  Then just define the delimiter character in Slimserver
under Server Settings -> Behavior.

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Re: [slim] Genres

2005-03-22 Thread Pat Farrell
On Tue, 2005-03-22 at 21:22 +, Keith (BB) wrote:
> freeform or is there an "official" list of genres. Looking at some of
> my music I have "brit pop", "alternRock","sixties","new age" but to
> mention a few. If there is an "official" list how do I find out what
> genre my album should be?

As others have said, genre is at best a comment.

And the history is a bit convoluted. For some, check
out Most important, ID3 tags are really
only applicable to MP3 files. Flag and Ogg get a similar
function from a much more robustly specified set of metatags

The initial ID3 tags were invented by the folks at Winamp 
(or some other early MP3 player) and reflected two critical
biases: first, the developers were young and liked rock and rock-like
music and second: there was only room for 64 options. 
As a result, the initial WinAmp had about 40 genres, which
had 30 or more selections of rock, grunge, techo, industrial, jungle,
etc and only one classification for all of "classical"

There have been revisions to the id3 format, with more types, and
finally a free form field so you can enter what you want.

As far as I have been able tell, there is no official standards
body for ID3 tags (i.e. no IEEE or IETF, etc.). There are
ID3 "version 2" format specs, with two separate sub-versions
that are only partially interoperable. See for 2.4 and for 2.3
There are assorted notes about ID3 v 3 and even some claims of
a version 4, but while I can have google point to 
people talking about these versions, I can't find any
site that actually defines them.

Having a single genre on a song is simplistic idea.
It is too subjective to be generally useful.
One of the reasons driving the SlimServer 6.* 
effort is to allow more generalized data structure
so you can call a song "rock" and 'classic"
and "head banging" all at once.



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Re: [slim] Genres

2005-03-22 Thread Simon Still
On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 21:22:24 -, Keith (BB) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If there is an
> "official" list how do I find out what genre my album should be? 

As i understand it V1 of MP3 tag spec had a pretty restricted list of
genres.  V2 made the field freeform and genre tags are generally a
mess.  Genre is very much a matter of opinion anyway - do you want,
say, The Velvet Underground, in Rock, Alternative or something like

Do it however you want.
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[slim] Genres

2005-03-22 Thread Keith (BB)
Title: Message

Having now set up my 
squeezebox and scanned in all my music, I've started to look a bit closer at the 
tags on my music, specifically the genre. I'm a bit new to this so it may sound 
daft, but is this field freeform or is there an "official" list of genres. 
Looking at some of my music I have "brit pop", "alternRock","sixties","new age" 
but to mention a few. If there is an "official" list how do I find out what 
genre my album should be?
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