Re: [slim] Syncronising -- track restarts

2006-02-22 Thread Kevin Weller
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Kevin Weller wrote:
> IME one of the biggest disappointments of the Squeezebox is 
> synchronisation.

I've just changed my SB3 so it connects via a couple of these 
'homeplug' ethernet extenders rather than wireless. It's still early 
but I have had two days of rock solid synchronisation between it and a 
LAN connected SB2 - no problems at all. :-)

Assuming the good news continues it looks like most of my 
synchronisation issues were related to the use of wireless.

Kevin (wondering whether to see if synchronisation with SoftSqueeze 
will now work as well...)

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Re: [slim] Syncronising -- track restarts

2006-02-06 Thread Kevin Weller
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ken wrote:
> I did find that a SB2 and SB3 struggled to stay in sync for more than a 
> few tracks.

All my tracks are Mp3 so that shouldn't be a problem...should it?


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Re: [slim] Syncronising -- track restarts

2006-02-06 Thread kdf

Quoting snarlydwarf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I use Sync all the time for no real reason.  (I have the same music
playing at work as I do at home... I don't know why.. because I can?)

kdf, since you know the code far better than I.. do you know any reason
that can't have the "Slim::Player::Source::gototime($client,
$offset, 1)" line inserted in it?  That seems to be the key to
GrabPlaylist's ability to move a song mid-track?

Sync is done via the track start event, and I wouldn't want to mess  
with that hardware trip using a software jump.  Gototime could be way  
off by the time the buffer fills (buffer can hold upwards of 30  
seconds of mp3).  The format for playback is set to the best SHARED  
format.  If you sync SB2 with SliMP3 then all playback is converted to  
mp3 and gototime will have no effect for transcoded files.  Starting  
over is consistent behaviour for all of these cases.

In all honesty, there are much better causes to lobby for at this point.

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Re: [slim] Syncronising -- track restarts

2006-02-06 Thread Philip Meyer
It would be really nice if SlimServer/hardware players could communicate to 
interrogate where they are currently up to in a song so that synchronisation 
can be started at any time.

If Player A is currently playing and Player B is told to Sync to A, could 
SlimServer send a pause to A, find where it is in the track, and then fill the 
buffer on B at the same point, and then unpause both players?  Does SlimServer 
do anything else special to overcome different delays in network transport?

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Re: [slim] Syncronising -- track restarts

2006-02-06 Thread kdf

Quoting Kevin Weller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

..on the SlimDevices page I wonder how accurate that claim actually

I don't sync often, but when I have it works.  Admittedly, not always  
first time, but a quick stop and play solves it.  What ends up killing  
it for me, is that I can't seem to get my network to stay fully  
connected, so it never lasts long.  In any given evening, something  
will get kicked off, whether its one of the squeezeboxen, or the  
laptop with the older pc card.  That will kill sync every time, of  
course, and also plays havoc with the internal dns.

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Re: [slim] Syncronising -- track restarts

2006-02-06 Thread Kevin Weller
IME one of the biggest disappointments of the Squeezebox is 

There's the track restart you mention (and even then my SB2 and 3 are 
often unsynchronised for the first track), no crossfade on synchronised 
units and my set-up keeps displaying tracks it's not playing when units 
have been synchronised for a while. On occasion the track that is 
playing is not even in the playlist. The AudioScrobbler plug-in always 
logs the correct track so it's something to do with the server.

My intent on buying an SB3 for the kitchen (having decided SoftSqueeze 
just wasn't going to be able to synchronise with the existing SB2) was 
that if anyone was sitting in kitchen and wanted to hear more clearly 
the track currently being played they could just synchronise it - that 
causes the restart and first-track-not-synchronised issue.

I then thought I'd leave them 'permanently' synchronised and anyone 
wanting to listen could just turn the speakers on but that causes the 
track display problem.

I also thought when we have a party these would be really good for 
playing music round the house - they're not for the reasons already 

The result of this is the kitchen SB3 sits there as an expensive 
ornament most of the time which is both a shame and a waste of money.

Don't get me wrong, I think this is a great device and the SB2 in the 
study is on most of the time, but it would be much better and more 
functional if only I could get the damn things to synchronise properly 
and display the correct track names when it does so.

I assume it's something to do with my system (although I've no idea 
what) as otherwise I assume I'd see other people here complaining that 
synchronisation - one of the advertised benefits of the units - just 
doesn't work but when I see

Synchronize music to more rooms—Broadcast the same music or independent 
streams to 2, 10 or even 20 rooms by adding Squeezebox players to 
stereos in each location. 

..on the SlimDevices page I wonder how accurate that claim actually 


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Re: [slim] Syncronising -- track restarts

2006-02-06 Thread kdf

Quoting Cams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I'm just curious to know whether this behaviour can be changed. I'm
listening to one SB3 and move to another room and wish to sync, so I go
through Settings > Synchronise and it makes the track restart. This is
particularly annoying when listening to podcasts, which I do regularly.

Can this be prevented from happening?

not at this time.  The syncronisation feature works by matching the  
buffer fills and starting playback for each player at the same instant  
for each track.  It would be a better idea to sync before you start.   
There are a few enhancements requested for more advanced sync  
handling, but I'm not sure that skipping to a midpoint in a podcast is  
covered by any of them at this point.  That would see mto require the  
ability for a player to connect to the existing stream going to  
another player.  Right now, the server delivers a single stream to  
each player, even if they are copies of one another.


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[slim] Syncronising -- track restarts

2006-02-06 Thread Cams

I'm just curious to know whether this behaviour can be changed. I'm
listening to one SB3 and move to another room and wish to sync, so I go
through Settings > Synchronise and it makes the track restart. This is
particularly annoying when listening to podcasts, which I do regularly.

Can this be prevented from happening?



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