Re: [slim] Trying to get Squeezebox to send Now Playing to Trillian Astra without writing a app

2010-02-11 Thread mkanet

Coopw02; which you didnt offer a solution's with Trillian astra, I just
wanted to say, I really appreciate your friendly answer.  Not everyone
is as nice as you; and, try to devote an extraordinary time to
discredit/put down/use short, unhelpful derogatory comments. to reaffirm
thei imaginary superiority.  I hope that more (not specific to this
forum) will follow your example.  Bottomo line, the best OS is the one
that makes the user the happiest.  

cooppw02;516006 Wrote: 
 Why would I be upset?  I'm a Linux guy.  I use ugly software all the
 time, and I like it that way. :)
 As for a fancier default interface for Pidgin... that's not going to
 happen. See:
 They have the typical open-source attitude of If you don't like it,
 the source  config files are located over there.  Open source
 developers are also hostile toward scope creep, which is why you
 probably won't see them doing a web service like Meebo.
 All that being said, you can probably change GTK themes to make Pidgin
 blend in with your desktop a lot better.


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[slim] Trying to get Squeezebox to send Now Playing to Trillian Astra without writing a app

2010-02-10 Thread mkanet

It seems everywhere I look there's a plugin for apps Astra, MIRC, Aim,
Yahoo, MSN, etc to accept Winamp, WMP, MPC currently playing song.

Several years after asking for a feature request in Slimserver,
Squeezecenter, Squeezebox to provide a clever way to support feeding
multiple apps with some kind of  Now Playing status, without success,
I thought it might be just easier for squeezebox to pretent it's Winamp
or Windows Media Player when providing the currently playing song for at
least having some way of getting now playing to *Trillian Astra*

I spent a lot of time figuring out a way to do something with Last.FM's
audioscrobbler RSS feed; but, since I'm not a software engineer, I can't
make an app which simply updates Currently Playing to all social
networking, chat apps via audioscrbler.  I think that would be a great
idea; and, probably the best way to do it.

Perhaps there are other people here who use trillian or Astra which
would love to have their Squeezebox specific clients' playback show up
in their status.  Trillian Astra developers seem to feel WinAmp, Windows
Media Player, Itunes, even Media Player classic to have native support
for now playing.  

Does anyone know have an easy way to get this working in Astra?  Its
hard to believe Logitech Squeezebox isnt popular enough for Trillian
Astra to support it.  

I even tried something ridiculously desperate by putting my
audioscrobbler RSS link under Trillian's status, custom message... but
doesnt accept URLS.

I dont know, maybe what I'm asking is still a little too ahead of it's
time and need to be patient for Squeezebox to become even more popular
for people like Trillian to be excited to support natively

I searched some kind of tool that support Trillian Astra, but


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Re: [slim] Trying to get Squeezebox to send Now Playing to Trillian Astra without writing a app

2010-02-10 Thread cooppw02

mkanet;515965 Wrote: 
 Its hard to believe Logitech Squeezebox isnt popular enough for Trillian
 Astra to support it.

SBS usage accounts for only a tiny slice of all media player usage, and
Trillian is similarly (un)popular.  The intersection of users of both
applications is vanishingly small.

If you're willing to switch IM clients, I believe there are plugins for
Pidgin that will pull info from and apply it to your profile.


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Re: [slim] Trying to get Squeezebox to send Now Playing to Trillian Astra without writing a app

2010-02-10 Thread mkanet

Thanks for your suggestion.  I upgraded from Pidgin to Astra as soon
as Astra become available via beta.  I used Pidgin for longer than you
might guess; and, definitely prefer it over the last generation Trillian
because of the active plugin support...

Please dont beat me up for saying this... because it might make you
pretty upset, but lets face it, Pidgin badly needs a complete overhaul
to update itself for modern OS's; and, also really could use the ability
to run in a browser without having to install a client... even Meebo
does that. I'll definitely consider switching back to Pidgin; but,
waiting for a completely renovated, next generation version (the same
way classic Trillian evolved to Astra may take years to catch up.  Below
is a screenshot of my desktop with Astra... blending into all modern day
apps...  However, no matter how great Astra is, it still doesnt have
Squeezebox support damnit! :)



cooppw02;515979 Wrote: 
 SBS usage accounts for only a tiny slice of all media player usage, and
 Trillian is similarly (un)popular.  The intersection of users of both
 applications is vanishingly small.
 If you're willing to switch IM clients, I believe there are plugins for
 Pidgin that will pull info from and apply it to your profile.


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Re: [slim] Trying to get Squeezebox to send Now Playing to Trillian Astra without writing a app

2010-02-10 Thread cooppw02

mkanet;515983 Wrote: 
 Please dont beat me up for saying this... because it might make you
 pretty upset, but lets face it, Pidgin badly needs a complete overhaul
 to update itself for modern OS's; and, also really could use the ability
 to run in a browser without having to install a client... even Meebo
 does that.

Why would I be upset?  I'm a Linux guy.  I use ugly software all the
time, and I like it that way. :)

As for a fancier default interface for Pidgin... that's not going to
happen. See:

They have the typical open-source attitude of If you don't like it,
the source  config files are located over there.  Open source
developers are also hostile toward scope creep, which is why you
probably won't see them doing a web service like Meebo.

All that being said, you can probably change GTK themes to make Pidgin
blend in with your desktop a lot better.


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