Re: [slim] Using 2 wireless routers

2008-04-21 Thread ajreinert


Thanks for the reply.  Your method actually seems to be more in line
with what I am truly wanting to do, but didn't think was possible.

I didn't think I could have two routers on the same network both
serving as a router.  I'm not a networking guy, myself, so I don't
understand the in-depth knowledge of routers.  I am wanting to use the
2wire device as little as absolutely possible (for obvious reasons). 
It's my understanding from your reply that your main computer (and any
others) that would be hooked up to the LAN ports of the 2wire, in
normal mode, are actually hooked up to the LAN ports on the Linksys. 
Is this accurate?  This is how mine is now and I would love to keep it
this way.

I don't want to have multiple network segments and would like to have
everything flow through and be controlled by the Linksys.

1.  Does the Linksys remain enabled as a DHCP Server?
2.  Does the 2wire assign an address to the Linksys once it detects it,
or did you have to put it in manually in the Router IP field?
3.  Does the Operating Mode of the Linksys remain enabled as a Gateway
or be changed to Router since there are now two routers in the

Could you please take a look at the screenshots I've attached and let
me know what the settings for the fields in the red boxes should be?  I
would imagine those fields are the main ones that either need to be
changed or left alone.

Thanks in advance for your help.  I've been worried about my Squeezebox
ever since I learned I would be getting a new router from Uverse, and
not just a modem like I have with my current DSL.



|Filename: Router2.JPG  |


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Re: [slim] Using 2 wireless routers

2008-04-20 Thread ajreinert


I just signed up for the ATT UVerse service and it will be installed
in a couple of weeks.  I am receiving the 2-wire residential gateway
(3800HGV), but currently have a Linksys WRT54G router I want to use for
the purposes of my Slim Devices Squeezebox (wireless connection).  I
have read many threads that say I should be running a cable from one of
the LAN ports on the 2wire to the WAN port of the Linksys.  Others say I
should be going from a LAN port on the 2-wire to a LAN port on the

All I'm trying to accomplish is using the 2wire RG for my direct
Ethernet connection to my desktop PC for Internet access and using the
WRT54G to provide wireless connectivity to my Squeezebox.  I'd also
like to be able to access the Internet wirelessly through the WRT54G
with laptops (because of the security of the Linksys versus 2wire), but
I'm willing to sacrifice this by purchasing and hooking up a Linksys
wireless access point to one of the LAN ports on the 2wire RG if that
makes things easier and less complicated.

It sounds as though you accomplished something very similar to what I
am wanting to do.  Can you please lead me in the right direction with
regards to what I need to be disabling on which device and what I need
to be enabling on which device?  Also, is it proper to make the
connection from the LAN port on the 2wire to the WAN port on the
Linksys or one of the LAN ports on the Linksys?

Thanks in advance.



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Re: [slim] Using 2 wireless routers

2008-04-20 Thread JimC

ajreinert;293761 Wrote: 
 I just signed up for the ATT UVerse service and it will be installed
 in a couple of weeks.  I am receiving the 2-wire residential gateway
 (3800HGV), but currently have a Linksys WRT54G router I want to use for
 the purposes of my Slim Devices Squeezebox (wireless connection).  I
 have read many threads that say I should be running a cable from one of
 the LAN ports on the 2wire to the WAN port of the Linksys.  Others say I
 should be going from a LAN port on the 2-wire to a LAN port on the
 All I'm trying to accomplish is using the 2wire RG for my direct
 Ethernet connection to my desktop PC for Internet access and using the
 WRT54G to provide wireless connectivity to my Squeezebox.  I'd also
 like to be able to access the Internet wirelessly through the WRT54G
 with laptops (because of the security of the Linksys versus 2wire), but
 I'm willing to sacrifice this by purchasing and hooking up a Linksys
 wireless access point to one of the LAN ports on the 2wire RG if that
 makes things easier and less complicated.
 It sounds as though you accomplished something very similar to what I
 am wanting to do.  Can you please lead me in the right direction with
 regards to what I need to be disabling on which device and what I need
 to be enabling on which device?  Also, is it proper to make the
 connection from the LAN port on the 2wire to the WAN port on the
 Linksys or one of the LAN ports on the Linksys?
 Thanks in advance.

I set mine up differently than it seems like you want to... The 2wire
LAN goes to the WRT54GL WAN port and all of my wired connections go to
the Linksys or to a switch connected to the Linksys.  All IP addresses
are allocated by the Linksys, except the router's own address, which is
allocated by the 2wire.

The 2wire was pretty easy to configure for this setup: I disabled the
wireless on the 2wire, and connected the Linksys.  The 2wire detected
another router and asked what I wanted to do with it... I responded
that I wanted it used as router, and the 2wire automatically setup the
routing table, gateway, etc.

This setup works better for me because all my peripherals are on one
segment, and since I have a TON of networked devices (cameras,
computers, phones, Squeezeboxes, gaming consoles, etc.) this makes it
easier to have them all talking to one another.  I'm not a hardcore
networking guy, so setting up a virtual network to accommodate multiple
segments was more than I wanted to attempt.

-= Jim


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Re: [slim] Using 2 wireless routers

2008-04-07 Thread rbl

Unfortunately the ISP asures me that I can't do that. I actually do not
sue the video on demand at all so maybe I should just give it a go. Not
sure how to find the log in details though? 

Is there a way to use the 2 routers separately? Heavy usage on my
laptop for example stops the SB3 working. If I could get them working
on independent networks (but each netowrk would have to acces the same
computers / files) then I presume that would help. Prob best if I start
a new thread for that though ..


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Re: [slim] Using 2 wireless routers

2008-04-07 Thread mvalera

Millwood;288109 Wrote: 
 As I understand it (an this stuff is all pretty mysterious to me) if you
 have both wireless systems on, they should have the same SSID and

No that would cause interference. When you run multiple AP's you use
the SSID same name, but different channels on each AP. However if they
are next to each other you should just turn the wireless off on your
SpeedTouch router. Most routers have this ability under wireless


Michael Valera
Online Communities Manager
Logitech Streaming Media Systems

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Re: [slim] Using 2 wireless routers

2008-04-07 Thread JimC

rbl;287833 Wrote: 
 I have also tried plugging the LinkSys into the SpeedTouch, disabling
 DHCP server on the LinkSys, and ensuring they use different channels.
 Then I can connect to either the LinkSys  or SpeedTouch. 

This is exactly what I did.  The utterly craptastic 2wire residential
gateway I got as part of my ATT Uverse service was almost as useless
as the third-tier, super secret tech support agents I spoke with.

I disabled the wireless portion of the 2wire modem, attached my Linksys
wr45gl, and was good to go.

 I have also read that if you give both routers the same names and WEP
 encryption then you get a stronger signal. What is meant by this? Is
 there a best way to use two routers to reduce interference from
 neighbours / my laptop, and increase overall bandwidth?

It is possible to set up two wireless routers (one as a router and one
as an access point) on the same SSID but on different channels, to
create a single network with better coverage.  This isn't easy to do
with the default firware on anyone's router, but if you have the open
source Linksys there is third-party firware that makes this easy.

I'd not recommend this route unless you're totally comfortable with
networks and can tweak the settings to get this configuration working. 
Much easier to go down the simple route you've already started on and
simply disable the wireless on the SpeedTouch to finish it.

-= Jim


well, she wasn't all of that, but she sure was some of that.  --
BKlaas' college buddy

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Re: [slim] Using 2 wireless routers

2008-04-06 Thread rbl

So I have the SpeedTouch (a poor router) with DHCP enabled plugged into
the telephone line, and the LinkSys LAN socket plugged into the
SpeedTouch LAN socket, with DHCP server disabled on the LinkSys. The
LinkSys and SpeedTouch have different SSIDs and channels, but the same
WEP password. 

My desktop, running SlimServer, is hard wired into the LinkSys, and
works. My Vista LapTop will happily connect to either the SpeedTouch or
the LinkSys. My SB3 happily connects to the SpeedTouch. However the SB3
sees the LinkSys, but will not automatically obtain an IP address from
the LinkSys. I want the SB3 to run form the LinkSys since this is the
better router, and I continue to have drop out problems with the
SpeedTouch (esp when running 2 sync'd SB3s). Any idea why everything
else runs from the LinkSys but not the SB3? I have 2 SB3s and they are
the same.


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Re: [slim] Using 2 wireless routers

2008-04-06 Thread Millwood

As I understand it (an this stuff is all pretty mysterious to me) if you
have both wireless systems on, they should have the same SSID and


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Re: [slim] Using 2 wireless routers

2008-04-06 Thread cparker

rbl;287833 Wrote: 
 My ISP (which also has video on demand) obliges me to use their not very
 good modified SpeedTouch wireless router. 

Hi rbl

How much have you tried to use your own LinkSys router?  I suspect the
ISP one is only using some QoS for the on demand data.  If you
configured your own router, it would just mean that your internet thru
put would be slower for everything else requiring the internet at the
time you were pulling down on demand data as it would try to use the
whole bandwidth, rather than what is given to it via QoS.

You should be able to just note the login settings down and put them
into your LinkSys box and away you go.

In the UK, BT provide their own router box but you can just use your
own router without problems.  No more than setting the username/pwd to
be the same as the original router.


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[slim] Using 2 wireless routers

2008-04-05 Thread rbl

My ISP (which also has video on demand) obliges me to use their not very
good modified SpeedTouch wireless router. I also have a much better
LinkSys WRT54GX wireless router. I find if I use the SpeedTouch then I
get drop out on the wirelss SB3, presumably due to interference (there
are a lot of other wireless signals around me, and if I connect the SB3
with a cable then I have no problems). Further if I copy large files
between my laptop and desktop via the network then it causes more drop
out on the SB3. I have tried changing channels to no avail.

I have also tried plugging the LinkSys into the SpeedTouch, disabling
DHCP server on the LinkSys, and ensuring they use different channels.
Then I can connect to either the LinkSys  or SpeedTouch. 

I have also read that if you give both routers the same names and WEP
encryption then you get a stronger signal. What is meant by this? Is
there a best way to use two routers to reduce interference from
neighbours / my laptop, and increase overall bandwidth?


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Re: [slim] Using 2 wireless routers

2008-04-05 Thread Millwood

Two ways.

1.  Use the ISP router to talk only to the Linksys.  Connect the
Linksys wan port to one of the ISP output ports.  (Configure the
Linksys to a different ip address range - this may not be necessary -
I'm not sure).  Turn off the ISP wireless or use a different SSID (and
channel if you like).  Then have everything in the house talk to the

2.  Use the Linksys as an access point only.  Turn off dhcp etc in the
Linksys.  Give it an address in the ISP range (e.g.  Set
its channel and SSID to match the ISP.  Then connect on of the Linksys
lan ports, NOT the wan part, to an ISP router lan port.  If you do this
with a long cable, and depending on your situtation, you can place the
Linksys near the action.


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Re: [slim] Using 2 wireless routers

2008-04-05 Thread rbl


Is there an advantage between the two? 

And is using 2 routers better than using just one (in terms of
interference and bandwidth, not distance)?


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Re: [slim] Using 2 wireless routers

2008-04-05 Thread SuperQ

rbl;287833 Wrote: 
 I have also read that if you give both routers the same names and WEP
 encryption then you get a stronger signal.

Wifi doesn't work that way.  What will happen is devices will tend to
use the the stronger signal, which will likely be your Linksys.

What you could do is exactly what you did.. disable the DHCP and NAT on
the Linksys and connect your devices to that AP.

You could also mostly eliminate the signal coming from the crappy ISP
router by putting it inside some kind of GROUNDED steel container..
Maybe a couple cheap steel cooking bowls with a ground wire soldered
onto them, and the ground wire attached to your mains ground.  Put the
AP inside the two bowls.. You'll have a nice simple 'Faraday Cage'
(  You also get the amusing
conversations when people ask why there are wires coming out of the
steel sphere in the corner. ;-)


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Re: [slim] Using 2 wireless routers

2008-04-05 Thread danco

I can't tell you how to follow my suggestion below on your ISP router.
But this is what I have done, and it may work for you.

I have two Airport Extreme base stations, one set up as a remote (or is
it a relay, I forget). To make sure that my Squeezebox connects only to
the nearer one, I have MAC address filtering set on the further one, so
that the Squeezebox is not permitted to connect to it.


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