Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-09-27 Thread kdf

Quoting bklaas [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Is this possible from any skin? I just went to Default and Fishbone to
see how they are doing it, and I don't see any hooks for adding

nothing currently, but there is an open request to add it.

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-08-29 Thread Richie


I like the artist view that now shows the album images instead of a
plain list of albums. For some reason for artists where I've only got
one album I don't get the image displayed. It's fine for artists with
two or more albums.

I'm using the latest 6.5 nightly on Win XP.

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-08-29 Thread Richie

Can anyone else reproduce this? I don't see this issue on my
slimserver, although I am on the HEAD branch, not 6.5. I'm assuming
what you are talking about is Browse-Artwork, right?


After a little playing around this might be a bit more complicated
than I thought. I'm using Browse-Artist.

On the 770, when I browse to a particular artist I normally get a text
list of albums. This works fine whatever number of albums the artist

Today I fired up the 770 skin in Firefox on the PC. When I use
Browse-Artist I get a row of thumbnail images of the album art. I
thought this was quite cool but it didn't display the image if the
artist only had one album.

When you said you can't see this It made me think of something. I went
back to the 770, loaded the default skin, selected Artists, clicked on
a particular artist and then changed from the list view to the gallery
view. Then if I go back to the 770 skin and use Browse-Artist I get
the thumbnail images just like on the PC and again it doesn't work if
the artist only has one album. If I change the setting in the default
skin back to list view, the 770 goes back to the list of albums again.
It's definitely repeatable.

Just in case it's relevant, the default skin does show the artwork
correctly if an artist only has one album.

I guess you're picking up a setting from the default skin somewhere.

Hope this helps.

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-08-29 Thread Richie

sorry, but I'm totally at a loss to reproduce this on my system. I
loaded Default skin, viewed in gallery mode as you described, then went
back to Nokia770. No thumbnails.

not sure where to go with this. Thumbnails in the artist view would be
great, but it isn't a feature I had anything to do with...

Just so you know what you're missing, here's a screenshot from the 770

Hopefully someone else who knows what's going on will join in.

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-08-29 Thread kdf

Quoting bklaas [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

That was a hack fix because I was seeing that the first item when
looping through browse lists was junk. I assumed this was due to some
change in counting from 0 or from 1, but admittedly didn't spend any
time investigating after I got it to work.

I have little doubt that removing that will fix the issue that Richie
is seeing, but since I can't get the same behavior on my machine, this
will be tough for me to test.

ok, I can explain that one too :)

The album lists now have a list view and gallery view.  This is  
normally chosen by a linked image in the skin, which sets a cookie and  
reloads the page.  This cookie persists across skins and will set  
artwork=1 for browsedb pages.

In the case of nokia770, your browse artwork link is hardwired with  
artwork=1, and artwork=2 for the one by one.  Going through browse  
artist leaves artwork undefined, and the cookie set while using  
another skin may affect the album sublevel.

To test, go into Default skin, browse albums, click on the image  
beside the sort by pulldown (looks like a window pane).  The view will  
switch to gallery.  Then you should see this gallery view in the nokia  
skin (at least on firefox, no idea if nokia opera does cookies)

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-08-29 Thread kdf

Quoting bklaas [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I get it now. Looks like I've got some work to do to support this.

KDF, opinion on whether this would be considered a new feature? I'll
test on top-of-tree, but if all goes well I'd like to see this in 6.5.

gallery view is a feature of the 6.5 builds. supporting it properly in  
all skins is a good thing.

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-04-21 Thread kdf

On 21-Apr-06, at 7:23 AM, bklaas wrote:

I'm seeing nothing about cost except free on the MusicIP website. Can
anyone confirm that? I'm not interested in opening my wallet for

you can easily get a trial key, and wendell (code guru for musicIP) is 
very generous with longer term keys for those developing musicIP 
features if needed.  However, I think the new plan over there is to 
allow the http API as a free feature.  I'll can provide you with a 
simple patch to add the mix links to the browse modes, and all you need 
is a new fitting graphic for b_mix.gif (moodlogic) and b_mmmix.gif 


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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-04-21 Thread kdf

Quoting bklaas [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

thanks, KDF. I'm still a little confused how MusicMatch is supposed to
fit into the Slimserver UI. MusicMatch makes playlists, right? Where
would a user be looking on the Slimserver web interface for MusicMatch
functionality? Clicking on the Browse Playlist link? Maybe it's just
Friday, but I don't think I'm getting it...

First off, MusicMatch is a different animal from MusicMagic or  
MusicIP as it is now known. MusicMagic can be used to manage your  
library (importing metadata during scan) and as a mixer for playlists.  
 They program has some fancy algorithm for blending songs that fit  
together based on various criteria.  They provide an HTTP API for  
requesting playlists based on seeds.  Seeds ca be artist, album,  
genre, song, an existing playlist or a variant of a playlsit, called  
moods.  Both the player UI and web UI have hooks for creating the  
mixes.  As for your skin, it can be up to you where and what you wish  
to support.  Slimserver actually works with two mixer programs,  
Moodlogic  and MusicMagic.  Each has their own graphic (b_mix.gif and  
b_mmmix.gif respectively) that we use in the web interface to call the  
http API.  Most skins that support the mixing, so far only make it  
available as part of the browse modes.  Your cmdwrappers file already  
has the stuff in place for browsecontrols, etc.  However,  
browsecontrols_abbr is only the PLAY and ADD.  If you add the mixer  
lines to that, then you will have links to activate musicmagic  
playlists.  Clicking the b_mmmix.gif icon next to U2 for example  
would create a playlist based on U2 as an artist.  Server settings  
will determine how large the playlist should be and how varied.

I downloaded the linux MusicIP program and took a look. As far as I can
tell it at least *looks* free. If there's a cost associated with it they
hide it quite well.

The API used to be something you had to pay for.  I believe this is  
going away to give more people access to the mixing features from  
third party applications like slimserver.

Before I run this program against my library, I still want to know if
MusicIP edits ID3 tags. Anyone know?

It does not.  They create their own data storage (default.m3lib,  
IIRC).  The initial analysis of the files can take very long time (1  
week for a full analysis) but you rarely ever have to run it all over  
again (don't go wiping out the m3lib file, of course).  I believe that  
some recent versions to allow the option of embedding the analysis  
data into the audio files themselves for faster recovery, but this  
still avoids the ID3 tags themselves.

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-04-21 Thread kdf

for mixer support, here is a patch with simple bad graphics made by 
forcing the Default gifs into 20x20.


Description: GNU Zip compressed data
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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-04-20 Thread kdf

Quoting bklaas [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

First, try this:

Server Settings-Security-CSRF Protection
Set it to NONE.

That shouldn't be required with the latest script.  The headers are  
set to avoid the problem.  However, it is possible that the cache is  
involved becuase the script has been relocated. Initially, the old  
script may be found in the cache and used instead of the fallback.   
Given some time and refreshing it should pass, if this is the case.

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-04-16 Thread kdf

server settings-security-CSRF settings to none. should help.

 in the last week, I put in a fix that should have got around this, and 
in the last two days merged in a fix that should be far cleaner 
(original fix required us to patch the prototype.js library).  It works 
on firefox, but I guess maybe not so well on a nokia770.  sadly, 
unavailable in canada so I'm unlikely to ever have access to one for 


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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-04-15 Thread Dave Horoschak

Dave, I've run into this as well. I think what's happening is that when
the 770 goes to power save mode (screen dims or turns off), an
additional step it takes is to break the network connection. It's a
pity that it does this, but the 770 consumes a lot more power when WiFi
is active. When the network connection breaks, it also stops the browser
from attempting to refresh.

Sorry that's not a solution (which I don't have), but I believe that's
what's happening. My best solution is to tap the screen to bring it
back to life, then top on the musical note icon to do a hard refresh of
the screen. If anyone has a better workaround for this behavior, please


There should be settings somewhere that control the power saving 
functionality - how long it takes to dim the screen, turn the screen 
off, turn off wireless, etc.  For my personal use, extending the 
timeouts to something on the order of several minutes instead of the 
10-20 seconds that it is now would be sufficient.

Maybe there are some tweaks on the 770 forums that can help.

Also - my now playing screen doesn't seem to update unless I hit the Now 
Playing icon and force a refresh.  As a song is playing the progress bar 
moves but the screen doesn't update automatically when the song 
changes.  Do you know why that would be?

- Dave

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-04-11 Thread kanoot
bklaas [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Reason: the skin API changed significantly between 6.2 and 6.5. This
 skin is maintained by some schmoe off the street, not a slimdevices
 employee, and he has no interest in doubling his development time. He
 also refuses to support Internet Explorer in any way/shape/form. I also
 heard he's an ornery jerk with no friends, but that's just heresay at
 this point.


I guess my question is why it is not somewhere else as well, on its own,
so I can grab it and use it with 6.2? Does it need some hooks in 6.5?


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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-04-11 Thread kanoot
bklaas [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 By saying that the skin API is different, that means that a 6.2 skin has
 to be written differently than a 6.5 skin. Therefore, a skin written for
 6.5 will not work in 6.2.

 The only choice is 6.5 if you want to use the Nokia770 skin.

OK cool, that's all I needed to know. I guess I just thought it was all
HTML and images - the API part escaped me.
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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-04-10 Thread kanoot
Is there any reason this skin only comes in slim 6.5? I prefer not
running ever-changing latest/greatest - I did that for too many
years. I'd much rather run 6.2 and use this skin.

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-04-07 Thread Nalle Johansson

Autosvar p ditt brev
Jag befinner mig tjnsteresa och r ter den 18 april.

Extern support
Ni som har avtal med GFS hnvisas till er support/IT-stdskonferens.
Frgor som rr Gteborgs Studentnt hnvisas till [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Intern support
Interna frgor frn organisationen hnvisas till resp avdelnings IT-stdskonferens eller
verksamhetschef som innehar akutmimmer till leverantrer.

Bsta hlsningar/Best Regards
Nalle Johansson

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-03-15 Thread Ben Sandee
On 3/15/06, EnochLight [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
6.5 has been in beta for several months now; it's probably going to bea release candidate befor long.
I'm not sure where you got that idea. 6.5 has never had a beta release. The 6.5b1 identifier tag is just in prep for a future beta. There is a lot of ironing out to do before 6.5, like merging the split-scanner branch in (unless plans have changed).
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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-03-07 Thread Paul Minott
Playlist for this player is empty message.
Try Server Settings, Security, CSRF Protection level (Set to none) 

On Tuesday, March 07, 2006, at 08:05AM, Patrick Dixon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Do you have a 770?

- Got it
- Want it
- Need it
- Forget it

I don't have a 770 but I thought I'd try the skin anyway.  Using 6 Mar

It looks very promising and is very responsive, but I'm having some

Firefox doesn't seem to display all the album art in Artwork view. 
Some of it just never updates
IE does, but doesn't give a vertical scrollbar, so you can never get to
the bottom of the page.
In either, clicking on any Player control in the 'Now Playing' window
gives a Playlist for this player is empty message.

Patrick Dixon

Patrick Dixon's Profile:
View this thread:

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RE: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-03-07 Thread Michael Haan
I've now purchased one of these off e-bay based on all the positive feedback here. I hope I won't be disappointed - sounds like I won't be!

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-03-03 Thread Jack Coates

Michael Haan wrote:

I'm curious why PPC's with the Telcanto app haven't gotten more traction.

because the PocketPC platform sucks so bad(*) that it makes Palm look 
good -- but in switching to it, people spent time going over all the 
things that they didn't like about PalmOS and hoped PPC would fix, so 
they don't go back to Palm either. Instead they buy a Blackberry or a 
Symbian or a Motorola phone, or walk away from the whole PDA mess and 
carry a moleskin notebook.

As a dedicated remote control, something like a PocketPC would have to 
be stable, fast, and untethered. I've never changed the two AAA 
batteries in a Slim Devices remote. A PocketPC would have to be put in 
the cradle every night.

(*) got an ipaq 4150 which loses all data when the battery dies, which 
is every day. It also crashes if it's woken from a locked, sleeping 
state by a calendar reminder. Pocket Media Player can't play MP3 
streams, Pocket IE can't render anything, if my WAP isn't available it 
burns its battery looking for other WAPs and asking me repeatedly if I 
want to join them. Wanna get on tmobile? How about now? Now? It's still 
there, how about now? Is this a good time? How about now?

/I heart my Blackberry 7780.

Jack at Monkeynoodle dot Org: It's a Scientific Venture...
Riding the Emergency Third Rail Power Trip Since 1996

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-03-03 Thread Michael Haan

because the PocketPC platform sucks so bad(*) that it makes Palm look good -- but in switching to it, people spent time going over all the things that they didn't like about PalmOS and hoped PPC would fix, so they don't go back to Palm either. Instead they buy a Blackberry or a Symbian or a Motorola phone, or walk away from the whole PDA mess and carry a moleskin notebook.As a dedicated remote control, something like a PocketPC would have to be stable, fast, and untethered. I've never changed the two AAA batteries in a Slim Devices remote. A PocketPC would have to be put in the cradle every night.
Fair enough - so, how does the 770 stack-up against a PPC for power consumption, and for response time?

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-03-03 Thread Mike Benjamin

Jack Coates wrote:

Michael Haan wrote:

I'm curious why PPC's with the Telcanto app haven't gotten more traction.

because the PocketPC platform sucks so bad(*) that it makes Palm look 
good -- but in switching to it, people spent time going over all the 
things that they didn't like about PalmOS and hoped PPC would fix, so 
they don't go back to Palm either. Instead they buy a Blackberry or a 
Symbian or a Motorola phone, or walk away from the whole PDA mess and 
carry a moleskin notebook.

As a dedicated remote control, something like a PocketPC would have to 
be stable, fast, and untethered. I've never changed the two AAA 
batteries in a Slim Devices remote. A PocketPC would have to be put in 
the cradle every night.

(*) got an ipaq 4150 which loses all data when the battery dies, which 
is every day. It also crashes if it's woken from a locked, sleeping 
state by a calendar reminder. Pocket Media Player can't play MP3 
streams, Pocket IE can't render anything, if my WAP isn't available it 
burns its battery looking for other WAPs and asking me repeatedly if I 
want to join them. Wanna get on tmobile? How about now? Now? It's still 
there, how about now? Is this a good time? How about now?

/I heart my Blackberry 7780.

Dear god.  I would rather shoot myself than give up my Treo for a 
Blackberry.  The usability and extendibility on those things is 
horrendous IMO.

But, back to the topic at hand, Windows Mobile is definitely lacking, 
but with the opera beta and my custom HTML skin for slimserver it 
makes a very effective remote.  Putting the remote back in to the 
docking station once a day is hardly a downside for most people.  I'm 
also missing how a remote control not being able to play music when 
controlling the music player is a problem, but you may have just been 
ranting about Windows Mobile and not talking about the subject at 
hand.  Whatever the case I can play mp3 streams just fine on it, I 
just never would want to.

And..  to answer the question that was asked, Telcanto wasn't flexible 
enough for me.  I don't use album art or list the album in the id3 
tags on most of my mp3s.  I also want the playlist to be displayed on 
the same screen as the now playing screen.  Give me an macro 
language that can configure it as I like and I'll use it.  Oh wait, I 
have HTML already, no need to spend money for it =).

-- Mike
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RE: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-03-02 Thread Craig, James (IT)

 I'm curious why PPC's with the 
Telcanto app haven't gotten more traction.

I suspect because it's not free,


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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-03-02 Thread Michael Herger

I'm curious why PPC's with the Telcanto app haven't gotten more

I suspect because it's not free,

If somebody wants to give me a helping hand developping a free  
alternative, running on Windows, Linux, PocketPC, Zaurus and others...



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RE: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-03-02 Thread Craig, James (IT)
 If somebody wants to give me a helping hand developping a free  
 alternative, running on Windows, Linux, PocketPC, Zaurus and others...

But it would seem you have done it already!


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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-03-02 Thread Michael Herger

But it would seem you have done it already!

There's still a long way to go... (Playlist management, internet radio,  
player controls etc.)



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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-03-02 Thread Michael Herger

The Nokia 770 is now available in Switzerland at if you

Out of stock, wherever I look. Do they actually ship?

want to save you the trouble of developping your app any further ;)

Developping is fun :-).



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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-03-02 Thread Michael Herger

The Nokia 770 is now available in Switzerland at if you
want to save you the trouble of developping your app any further ;)

Oh, there's been some talk about porting Ewe to the Nokia 770... my effort  
might eventually be of use if I buy a 770 :-)



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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-03-02 Thread Richie
 Could someone post to this thread and tell me if you've had success  or
 failure in seeing the ajax enhancements to Nokia770?

No, we're all too busy playing with our 770s with your great skin :)

In all seriousness, it looks fine here. I've been using it on and off
for the last hour or two and not noticed any problems.

On a separate topic, would it be a pain to increase the size of the
artwork on the view artwork screen? Is it something I could easily
edit myself?


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RE: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-03-01 Thread Michael Haan

I'm curious why PPC's with the Telcanto app haven't gotten more traction.

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RE: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-03-01 Thread Michael Haan

I just don't think the PDA/Telcanto thing is very a compelling solution. 
I found the Telcanto soultion to be much more usable than the standard handheld skin. Is the 770 solution that much better?

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-02-23 Thread Richie
 With the 770 set as really full screen there is no back unless you
 switch out of full-screen mode ... and the breadcrumbs at the top of
 the screen take you back to the top of the section.

There is the hard back button, the top one of the three on the left hand side.

Took me a while to realise it was there.

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-02-20 Thread kdf

On 20-Feb-06, at 7:54 PM, bklaas wrote:

that certainly implies JPG is the format you need.

.gif works too

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-02-18 Thread Richie
 interesting...I'd never seen the 'Optimized View' feature
 you know what that feature is supposed to do (besides screwing up the
 rendering of the album art)?

This was cut and pasted from the Nokia 770 manual:

To view the Web page in optimized size, select View  Optimized view.
The Web page is fit to the width of the screen; text and images are
zoomed and scaled differently is necessary.

I use it as it means I only have to scroll up and down when zoomed in.

I've been getting all sorts of weirdness with the display of artwork
on my 770 and hadn't realised this was the cause until it was
mentioned here. Turn it off and the artwork displays ok, turn it back
on and the artwork seems to come out at random sizes. I hope it's not
a big problem to fix, although I'll keep it turned off if I have to
since I mainly got the 770 mainly for Slimserver control.

When browsing artwork, I currently get 6 images across the screen at
what looks like 100 pixels across. The thumbnail size in server
setting is set to 150 pixels. So, is the thumbnail size hard wired
into the skin?. If so, would it be possible to use the value in server
settings so that I can have a slightly larger image visible on the

Thanks for your help.

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-02-14 Thread kdf

On 14-Feb-06, at 5:41 PM, gharris999 wrote:

Umwith svn 6251, I'm seeing nada with the 770 skin.
Nothing...just a blank white page.  That's with IE, firefox and with my
770.  The html code fed to the browser is:

moser noticed the problem earlier.  I am guessing ben is gone for the 
night, so I've put in a quick fix (6252) to get it back to working 
state and ben can change it to what he really wanted tomorrow.


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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 skin without 6.5?

2006-01-29 Thread Simon Still
On 1/28/06, bklaas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You won't have any 'is this PDA friendly' worries with the 770. The
 browser rocks. If you have reservations, I'd check with your area
 CompUSA and/or Frey's and see if they have a demo unit out.

this reply was written in gmail using the 770 browser.  it is
impressive - particularly usinger the view optimise setting (which
works really well with the handheld skin). the other programs are less
impressive however, the handwriting recognition is a joke and the
hardware is rather underpecced.  it is anawesome slim remote
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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 skin without 6.5?

2006-01-28 Thread Simon Still
On 1/28/06, bklaas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Nokia770 is 6.5 only, sorry. It will never be supported in 6.2.FWIW, I'm using an up-to-date checkout of 6.5 and it seems fine for me.Try another daily build and I think you'll be okay.cheers,#!/ben
I tried the 28/1/05 package and got a blank screen through the web interface. I'll give it another week - it's usable with the current screens
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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-01-25 Thread kdf

Quoting Dan Sully [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

* vikmurthy shaped the electrons to say...

I tried uninstalling the Jan 25th release and installing the Jan 20th
release, and still came away with the same problem.  Ironically,
reinstalling Slimserver 6.2.2 eliminates the problem (but then, I don't
have use of the Nokia 770 skin).

I checked in a possible fix for this earlier today. It's available via SVN
right now, or in tonight's build. And yes - Kevin only has the ability (and
time) to support our released versions. 6.5 is marked beta for a reason!

probably have to wait for the next compiled release tomorrow, though.  
Updating the dll over  today's build does not help.

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-01-20 Thread Richie
 (note: FYI, I may be disappearing for a few days to a couple weeks in
 short order. My second kid is due any development takes a
 back burner to that...)

Well I think you deserve a break, although I don't think you'll be
getting much rest :)

Thanks for all the great work on this skin, it's made using the 770
almost perfect for me.

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-01-16 Thread Michael Herger

Just a quick question - is there a Nokia770 skin page for Random mix?

No, and there can't be.

Of course there can! You could create Nokia770 specific templates for  
those plugins. There's already been a request today for this.



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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-01-16 Thread Kevin Deane-Freeman

Michael Herger wrote:

Just a quick question - is there a Nokia770 skin page for Random mix?

No, and there can't be.

Of course there can! You could create Nokia770 specific templates for 
those plugins. There's already been a request today for this.

with 6.5, it should not be necessary to create custom pages for every 
plugin.  Making proper use of cmdwrappers should alow a plugin o conform 
to a skins look and feel without needing custom templates. 

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-01-16 Thread kdf

Quoting bklaas [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

kdf Wrote:

Michael Herger wrote:
 Just a quick question - is there a Nokia770 skin page for Random

 No, and there can't be.

 Of course there can! You could create Nokia770 specific templates for

 those plugins. There's already been a request today for this.

with 6.5, it should not be necessary to create custom pages for every
plugin.  Making proper use of cmdwrappers should alow a plugin o
to a skins look and feel without needing custom templates.


H...great in theory, but somehow I think this is going to be
problematic in the Nokia770 skin. For example, I expect any page within
the skin to PROCESS pageheader.html and menu.html. How would you do that
using cmdwrappers? I'm already using cmdwrappers to create my browse and
playlist controls (pirated that from your skin, kdf), but I'm not sure
how I see cmdwrappers providing the higher level support for processing
the page formatting. Maybe I'm missing something...

the plugin pages should process pageheader.html already.  You could 
have your pagehead process menu.html so that it is available to any 
plugin, or have cmdwrappers process menu.html where needed inside the 
contentcontainer.  cmdwrappers is loaded by a PREPROCESS in the 
slimserver web server, so it should be possible.


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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-01-16 Thread kdf
I'm also not sure what exactly is missing.  With the patch that I 
provided in the dev forum, you should be able to see a nokia770-like 
versino of random and favourites already.  You just have to make more 
use of [% webroot %] instead of making those urls absolute.  An 
absolute href will break the skinoverride in urls.  Anyone with the 
default (or any other skin) as their pref, would see the pref skin.  
The patch lets the server point to the right place in all cases.

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-01-16 Thread Richie
 Also, hadn't update my svn tree on Nokia770, so I wasn't using the new
 cmdwrappers you checked in (didn't realize anyone else was checking in

 anyway, looks pretty good to me now...



Would it be possible to have an 'I' button for each track in the
playlist, just like fishbone? This would be a great help when I want
information on a track in a random playlist that isn't the currently
playing track.

Thanks for the excellent work on this skin, it's turned my 770 into
the perfect squeezebox remote.

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-01-16 Thread kdf

Quoting bklaas [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

spot on as usual, KDF!

I'm making the necessary changes to all of the pages and will update
svn in a few minutes.

I saw the checkin, and it looks good from viewing that.  I can't update 
until later.

One remaining inconsistency is that I want the playlist controls to
show up on the left, not the right of each table row (left is the
convention throughout the skin, and IMO for good readson). I'm pretty
sure that would have to happen via a custom skin for the plugins, but
it's a minor point compared to getting the nav bar up there...thanks
for the pointer, KDF.

The contentitem object in cmdwrappers should allow you to set the 
controls wherever you like. It all depends on where in the [% BLOCK 
contentitem -%] that you PROCESS the controls. Check Moser and Default 
skin for examples. You can just move it to before the [% content %] 
section.  To make it work originally, I just pasted from Default so 
that the plugins woudln't be completely wrecked.  There are some minor 
errors that have to be cleaned up.  What you probably want is more like 

[% BLOCK contentitem -%]
trtd class=listing align=left
[% IF controls %]
div class=browsedbControls
[%- PROCESS $controls %][% ELSE %]td/tdtd/td[% END %]
td class=listing align=left
[%- IF anchor %]
a name=[% anchor %]/a
[%- END %]

div class=[% lineclass || 'browsedbListItem' %]

[%- content | indent(4) %]
[%- END %]

It isn't perfect, but it will do until a more complete move from tables 
to css is done.


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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-01-16 Thread kdf

Quoting bklaas [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Also, hadn't update my svn tree on Nokia770, so I wasn't using the new
cmdwrappers you checked in (didn't realize anyone else was checking in

yes, sorry about that.  Being as active as you are on this skin right 
now, I'd normally have posted a note and left it for you.  however, in 
this case I felt it was best to make sure it went in with the plugin 
changes so that we didn't have a nightly build that generated a 
crazy-looking page, and consequently dozens of complaints when the 
nightly came out.

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-01-16 Thread Richie
 'I' button was replaced by hyperlinking all track names to the info
 page. Just click on the song title and you'll get what you're asking

Thanks, I hadn't realised that.

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-01-16 Thread kdf

Quoting bklaas [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Do you have a 770?

- Got it
- Want it
- Need it
- Forget it

KDF--something's not functioning right. I'm getting the impression that
the contentcontainer and contentitem BLOCKs in cmdwrappers are being

I may have had an error in there (wasn't tested after all).  Run from 
command line and usually anything wrong results in dumps to the screen. 
 Things like missing [% END %]'s can do this.  A bad edit will 
generate an error, but might still revert to the cached version and 
show as unchanged.

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-01-16 Thread Kevin Deane-Freeman
another attachment to handle the randomplay plugin using cmdwrappers, 
moving the controls to the left side of the page. I'll leave it to you 
to decide on the exact layout that you like.  This is mainly for an 
example to show that the controls can be moved.

Index: HTML/Nokia770/cmdwrappers
--- HTML/Nokia770/cmdwrappers   (revision 5667)
+++ HTML/Nokia770/cmdwrappers   (working copy)
@@ -105,20 +105,17 @@
 [%- END %]
 [% BLOCK contentitem -%]
-trtd class=listing align=left
-   [%- IF anchor %]
+tr[%- IF anchor %]
a name=[% anchor %]/a
[%- END %]
-   div class=[% lineclass || 'browsedbListItem' %]
-   [%- content | indent(4) %]
+   [% IF controls %]tabletr
+   [%- PROCESS $controls %]
+   [% END %]
+   td class=listing align=left
+   [%- content | indent(4) %]
-   [% IF controls %]
-   div class=browsedbControls
-   [%- PROCESS $controls %][% END %]
-   /div
-   /div
+   [% IF controls %]/tr/table[% END %]
 [%- END %]
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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-01-11 Thread Jacob Potter
On 1/11/06, bklaas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ABSOLUTELY. There is a closer example-- the ExBrowse3 skin for
 slimserver already uses AJAX/DHTML/DOM to do just that. I've been
 browsing through that code and have that feature as a TO-DO. While
 programming web pages in this manner is decidedly more involved than
 cranking out straight html with Template Toolkit, it will make the
 interface really shine. I even just ordered 'AJAX in action' to help
 beef up my skills in that area. For the record, browser page refreshes
 drive me NUTSO.

Let me know if you want a hand. It's not too hard to port the EB3
code to another UI layout; the biggest difficulty would be making it
reliable with the 770's browser. (I don't have one yet - it's a
cut-down version of Opera, right?)

- Jacob
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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-01-07 Thread Michael Herger

I am looking forward to your final version getting rolled into future
slimeserver release (which Infrant modify and release as add-on).

AFAIK the 770 skin is slimserver 6.5 only, and Infrant's still using  
6.2.x. You couldn't copy the 6.5 skin to your NAS even if it wasn't a  



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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-01-06 Thread kdf

Quoting bklaas [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

kdf, since I've got you on the proverbial line, do you know if there is
a variable (when viewing status.html) that can determine whether the
current song is a remote URL?

does itemobj.isRemoteURL work?

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-01-05 Thread Steve Baumgarten

bklaas wrote:

thanks, that makes sense. Bummer, but reasonable. I got a gonzo cool
idea about the page while thinking about this last
night...I'll spare the details until I see if I can get it working, but
I'll give you a hint: rhymes with creasemonkey.

Yes indeed. I've often thought a right-click menu item in Firefox that 
did a Send to Squeezebox would be great. It would do the equivalent of 
copying the URL, bringing up the Radio Tune In page via the Slimserver 
and pasting it in to play it. (Not that following those exact steps 
manually is such an ordeal, but still, it'd be cool.)


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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-01-04 Thread ron thigpen

macdaddy wrote:

Sounds like this improvement in Slim might change things for the

It makes sense that it would.  If the images are resized on the server 
there's less data to stream to the 770, to cache, to decode from JPG to 
bitmaps and, most importantly, less data that the browser has to hold in 
memory, internally resize and render.  Should be a big win.

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-01-04 Thread dean blackketter

On Jan 4, 2006, at 12:04 PM, ron thigpen wrote:

macdaddy wrote:

Sounds like this improvement in Slim might change things for the

It makes sense that it would.  If the images are resized on the  
server there's less data to stream to the 770, to cache, to decode  
from JPG to bitmaps and, most importantly, less data that the  
browser has to hold in memory, internally resize and render.   
Should be a big win.

Funny you should mention this...  Last night's 6.5 nightly build  
includes dynamic resizing of thumbnail images.  Currently it's only  
working on OSX and Linux servers (Dan needs to rebuild a library for  
windows), but it seems to be much friendlier to the 770.  The other  
limitation is that it doesn't cache the resized images on the server,  
so they are recalcuated each time they are requested.  This will be  
added later.

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-01-04 Thread ron thigpen

dean blackketter wrote:

Funny you should mention this...  

By caching on the server, do you mean writing resized images into the 
library (or some sort of img-cache dir)?  Seems like you could do this 
once on scan, store the path/filename in the db and be done with it. 
Big gains for browsing, and for all but the first scanner pass.

Another gain in the browsers will be in page scrolling.  From what I can 
tell, the browsers seem to call their resize code in the renderer as the 
images need to be flowed into the layout.  So when you scroll and hit 
new images, they have to be resized on the fly, which is performance 
intensive, and this produces glitchy scroll behavior.  And the ones that 
fall off the screen seem to be thrown away and recalc'd when you scroll 
back.  Not good.

Anyway, serving correctly sized-for-display images is just better.  And 
don't forget to update the HTML markup to include img tag height and 
width attributes.  This hints the layout engine and allows for quicker 



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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-01-03 Thread ron thigpen

Artwork WFM.

About page shows: Last update: 20 Dec 2005.  Is this the latest?

Beautiful work BTW.  Loving the 770-Slim combo.


MrC wrote:

Does browse artwork work for anyone with the lastest version of this
skin?  I get no artwork showing up.

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-01-03 Thread dean blackketter
I added a change to 6.5 today that will resize cover art thumbnails  
in slimserver on the fly.  This makes the artwork page in the 770  
skin (and other skins) much faster.  Right now it should work on  
Linux and Mac OS X, Dan needs to update a library for Windows in a  
future nightly.

Still to be added is server-side caching of the resized images, which  
should make the thing even faster.

Look for it in tonight's nightly build and please post if you have  
any issues with it.



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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2005-12-23 Thread Richie
  Can anyone get these tars to open on an XP machine? I'm using WinAce and
  I don't see any contents.
 Ah... does this mean I can't use it?

They download fine here. Using Firefox and WinRAR.

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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2005-12-23 Thread Victor Brilon

On Dec 24, 2005, at 12:01 AM, macdaddy wrote:

No interest or knowledge in Mac either?  I would get Slim device if I
knew the problem was a Roku issue  not a Mac issue.  I don't want to
buy Slim device only to have same problem.  Thx in advance for your

Man this 770 is S W E E T!

I've been running various Slim devices (since the first one) on an OS  
X box (panther, and now on tiger). Works just perfect. And yeah, the  
770 is sweet :)

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