Re: [slim] SC needs an embedded player, folder.jpg db

2008-08-17 Thread Fleury

Firefox is already turbo-charged, I made those revisions months ago - as
to why 600 albums, like so many folks I often like to browse cover art
for what to play next - a time-honored tradition, flipping through the
stack of tunes. I don't think - gee, what would I like to listen to
that starts with J through M? If I forsake SC altogether for WMP,
which I find myself doing more and more often, due to SC/SS glitches
and hangs, I have my entire collection spread before me like a living
carpet in Windows. Nor do I think it is somehow an inherent limitation
of the web GUI, I think Firefox is more than up to the challenge of
displaying that many thumbnails in a simple scroll. It is, I believe, a
flaw in the basic code or design of the way album art is cached in SC
that is the culprit. I don't see Itunes or Ipod even blinking as I
cover-flip seamlessly through my entire album collection.


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Re: [slim] SC needs an embedded player, folder.jpg db

2008-08-17 Thread radish

Fleury;330085 Wrote: 
 Nor do I think it is somehow an inherent limitation of the web GUI, I
 think Firefox is more than up to the challenge of displaying that many
 thumbnails in a simple scroll.
Of course it is, but you're not complaining that it can't display them,
but that it can't load the page quickly. Here's a test, go find a page
with 600 images on it and see how fast it loads on any browser. It's
not a limitation of FF, it's a limitation of how HTTP and web pages

 I don't see Itunes or Ipod even blinking as I cover-flip seamlessly
 through my entire album collection.
They're not loading the images over HTTP.


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Re: [slim] SC needs an embedded player, folder.jpg db

2008-08-16 Thread Fleury

I know Moose is a fancy slipcover for SC, but my point is that the
minute or two it takes 600 album covers to load in SC takes about 15
seconds or less in Moose. Moose does a far superior job of handling
cover art. If it is drawing on the same db cache file as SC, then
something in the web interface is the culprit, maybe Firefox (which I
am using) vs. IE?

As to player, yes I am thinking of the upper right corner screen of the
SC 7.0, wher the album art, play/pause/synch buttons are located.
Squeezeplay might be the answer, though folks like myself who do not
have a controller have no clue what to expect. Is it a separate
software app like SS or integrated into the SC GUI?


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Re: [slim] SC needs an embedded player, folder.jpg db

2008-08-16 Thread funkstar

Fleury;329847 Wrote: 
 Is it a separate software app like SS or integrated into the SC GUI?
SqueezePlay is a seperate app, but isn't written in Java, so doesn't
have some of the inherent problems of SoftSqueeze.


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Re: [slim] SC needs an embedded player, folder.jpg db

2008-08-16 Thread radish

Fleury;329847 Wrote: 
 I know Moose is a fancy slipcover for SC, but my point is that the
 minute or two it takes 600 album covers to load in SC takes about 15
 seconds or less in Moose. Moose does a far superior job of handling
 cover art. If it is drawing on the same db cache file as SC, then
 something in the web interface is the culprit, maybe Firefox (which I
 am using) vs. IE?

Why are you loading 600 covers? That's always going to take time
because of the way HTTP works (only a few can be requested at a
time)...but the browsing modes in SC specifically limit the number of
images per page for that reason. If Moose is caching the images locally
then that will help it's performance a lot - but your web browser should
also be doing some caching - maybe increase it's cache size?


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Re: [slim] SC needs an embedded player, folder.jpg db

2008-08-16 Thread funkstar

radish;329895 Wrote: 
 Why are you loading 600 covers? That's always going to take time because
 of the way HTTP works (only a few can be requested at a time)
You can up the maximum simultaneous conenctions in FireFox quite
easily. May well help a lot.,1697,1854513,00.asp

Even if the graphic is cached, when a page is loaded the browser will
need to check if it is the newest or not. So every graphic causes a
connection plus HTTP request and response. 600 is a lot even for cached


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Re: [slim] SC needs an embedded player, folder.jpg db

2008-08-16 Thread radish

funkstar;329919 Wrote: 
 You can up the maximum simultaneous conenctions in FireFox quite easily.
 May well help a lot.,1697,1854513,00.asp
But you can't set it differently for local vs internet servers (AFAIK).
Setting too high a value could cause issues with remote servers (you end
up looking like a DOS attack!). 20 or 30 shouldn't cause problems, but
it is against the RFC.

 Even if the graphic is cached, when a page is loaded the browser will
 need to check if it is the newest or not. 
Not if the expires headers are set correctly. Looking at what comes
back from SC, the standard icons are all served with an expires one
hour in the future, the cover art thumbnails have no expires. Might be
nice to try putting expires on those, should boost performance for some
people at the expense of confusion if you update your art files and they
take a while to show up.


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Re: [slim] SC needs an embedded player, folder.jpg db

2008-08-15 Thread radish

For the artwork point, SC does cache the resampled images. That's what
is happening during the artwork phase of the scan. It's also important
to remember that Moose isn't a replacement for SC, it's a replacement
GUI for SC. SC is still there under the hood.

As for the embedded player, I assume you mean embedded in the SC web
interface? Squeezeplay is on the way, that will be replacing
Softsqueeze. If anyone fancies writing up a flash player or something
I'm sure no-one would complain :)


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Re: [slim] SC needs an embedded player, folder.jpg db

2008-08-15 Thread radish

Oh and I forgot to mention, the album art is pretty snappy these days
(thanks to the caching), loads up basically instantly for me - even
over wireless. If you're seeing slowness maybe something else is up?


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