Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-08 Thread Phil Leigh

DanielTheGreat;277272 Wrote: 
> I can't include my DTS files because SlimServer corrupts them when
> replay gain is enabled.  

No it doesn't. DTS files have to be passed untouched by any software in
order to work properly. This has nothing to do with SS. You would have
the same problem with any "media player".

You should upgrade to SqueezeCenter if you haven't already done so...

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber & Chord cables

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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-09 Thread agentsmith

On a similar note, does the new Controller interface improve the
response time at all?  Would I get performance similar experience to my
iPod?  I have an iPod Classic 160GB with about 5,000 songs and the
response is pretty much instantaneous.

I agree that the future effort of Slimserver development should
concentrate on slimming down its CPU/memory footprint and streamlining
its performance.


System 1: SB2, Pioneer DV-S733A, Benchmark DAC1, Naim Nait 2 (sold 5i),
Naim Ariva.  PS 3 for Blu-Ray, Pioneer 43" Plasma, Harmony 880.  

System 2: SB2 connected digitally to a Meridian F80

Storage via Buffalo 250GB LANStation, Linksys NSLU2 300GB USB drive,
720GB RAID One USB drive, Slimserver in Thinkpad R61.   Network using
Panasonic Ethernet over Powerline and DLink DIR-655

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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-09 Thread Marc Sherman
DanielTheGreat wrote:
> On my music server I have about 15,000 flac files.  I also have a few
> hundred playlists, one in particular (all-nDTS.m3u) that contains the
> paths of most of my non-DTS tracks (about 14,000) - I can't include my
> DTS files because SlimServer corrupts them when replay gain is enabled.

Slimserver isn't designed to handle massive playlists efficiently. For 
this usecase, you should instead consider either Random Play built into 
the stock SS, or Erland's excellent SqlPlayList plugin.

- Marc

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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-10 Thread DanielTheGreat

Phil, with all due respect, I have to disagree with your first sentence,
while agreeing with your second.  When 'Track gain' is selected for
volume adjustment, SlimServer/SqueezeCenter DOES 'scale' the audio
samples, thereby destroying the integrity of the DTS code stream.
There was some discussion last year about SS being made smarter by
recognising DTS bit-streams and disabling gain adjustments for those
tracks.  It was suggested that the developers would aim for this in
Rev. 7, but this clearly hasn't happened (I installed SqueezeCenter 7
yesterday and tested it today, and I still get white noise when volume
adjustment is enabled for a DTS track.  Disabling volume adjustment
['none'] allows DTS FLAC files to play perfectly through the
Squeezebox's Toslink o/p).

agentsmith, the new server (SqueezeCenter) has improved speed in only
one or two respects, but is still a dog in most others.  While loading
a moderate sized playlist still takes minutes, it seems to allow you to
start playing (the first track at least) before the full list has loaded
into the web interface.  And converting it from sequential to shuffled
now takes only seconds before play can start.

Marc, now that SqueezeCenter is faster at shuffling (or at least
allowing you to start playing before it's finished), the need to use
Random Play is diminished.  I had a look for Erland's SqlPlayList
plugin, but his download page doesn't include that plug-in.  I'll have
a further look when I get more time.

Another area where SS/SC is abysmally slow, that I forgot to mention in
my original post, is (re)scanning the music library.  SS was
particularly finicky about broken playlist links, so every time I
added, deleted or renamed tracks, I needed to rescan the library.  This
takes well over half an hour, during which I must suffer in silence :-( 
I'm hoping SC won't be so touchy about broken links, and will just do
what any intelligent s/w does, and skip the 'missing' track.

Which brings me to a related question.  I create my own playlists
outside of SS/SC, using a batch file and a few programs I've written
(takes ~24 seconds to create the 'everything' playlist and then derive
the artist and other playlists from it).  I don't understand why SC
needs to 'scan' anything.  Why couldn't I just navigate to a ready-made
playlist and say 'play this', and off it goes (just like Spider or other
Perhaps I'm missing something, and SS/SC was created for a completely
different purpose from what I expect it to do (just play my music,
anytime, without delay).  I guess what I want is Spider Player with a
Squeezebox driver! :-)
I must say it's been a great disappointment to me that SS/SC doesn't
handle external playlists well - SS wouldn't even display artist/title
information from an extended M3U playlist!  I've yet to test SC for
this.  Playlists seem such a powerful/flexible way to organise and
manage what you want to hear.  And if SC handled them properly, I
wouldn't have to bother editing my 15,000 tracks to add artist/title
tags - a task I don't look forward to!


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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-10 Thread y360

DanielTheGreat;277272 Wrote: 
> If I reboot the PC it is several minutes (with much disc-thrashing)
> before I can play anything from SlimServer.  Why is this?

You seem very knowledgeable so I hesitate to mention the obvious, but
have you verified the PC's virtual memory setting ?


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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-10 Thread y360

Just in case anyone reading this wants to verify their PC's virtual

Settings->Advanced->Virtual Memory Change

It's best to set virtual memory size at 1.5 times the size of physical


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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-10 Thread Robin Bowes
DanielTheGreat wrote:

> My music server is a 3GHz P4 Win2k PC with 2GB RAM and heaps of HDD
> space free.

That should be more than enough power to run SC.

> If I reboot the PC it is several minutes (with much disc-thrashing)
> before I can play anything from SlimServer.  Why is this?

That doesn't sound right.

A few questions...

Are you running anything else on the server?
Are you running any spyware/AV software?
How are you starting SC?
What happens if you disable SC and restart the server - does it still 
thrash the disk?


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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-10 Thread erland

DanielTheGreat;277787 Wrote: 
> I had a look for Erland's SqlPlayList plugin, but his download page
> doesn't include that plug-in.  I'll have a further look when I get more
> time.
Sure it does, just select it on the left side of the download page.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'

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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-10 Thread Phil Leigh

DanielTheGreat;277787 Wrote: 
> Phil, with all due respect, I have to disagree with your first sentence,
> while agreeing with your second.  When 'Track gain' is selected for
> volume adjustment, SlimServer/SqueezeCenter DOES 'scale' the audio
> samples, thereby destroying the integrity of the DTS code stream.
> There was some discussion last year about SS being made smarter by
> recognising DTS bit-streams and disabling gain adjustments for those
> tracks.  It was suggested that the developers would aim for this in
> Rev. 7, but this clearly hasn't happened (I installed SqueezeCenter 7
> yesterday and tested it today, and I still get white noise when volume
> adjustment is enabled for a DTS track.  Disabling volume adjustment
> ['none'] allows DTS FLAC files to play perfectly through the
> Squeezebox's Toslink o/p).
> Daniel

Daniel - I think we are actually agreeing!
My point was that SS/SC doesn't "corrupt DTS files" - replaygain does
the "corrupting". I agree that making replaygain "DTS aware" would be
neat. All I was saying was that any media player that has "replaygain"
functionality would cause the same problem.

The obvious solution of course is to fix the problem by disabling
replaygain or setting the replaygain tags to 0db (not sure that works
but worth a try) 

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber & Chord cables

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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-10 Thread Phil Leigh

Doh! - yes of course...didn't think of that - simply remove the RG tags!

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber & Chord cables

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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-10 Thread smst

DanielTheGreat;277787 Wrote: 
> Phil, with all due respect, I have to disagree with your first sentence,
> while agreeing with your second.  When 'Track gain' is selected for
> volume adjustment, SlimServer/SqueezeCenter DOES 'scale' the audio
> samples, thereby destroying the integrity of the DTS code stream.
> There was some discussion last year about SS being made smarter by
> recognising DTS bit-streams and disabling gain adjustments for those
> tracks.  It was suggested that the developers would aim for this in
> Rev. 7, but this clearly hasn't happened (I installed SqueezeCenter 7
> yesterday and tested it today, and I still get white noise when volume
> adjustment is enabled for a DTS track.  Disabling volume adjustment
> ['none'] allows DTS FLAC files to play perfectly through the
> Squeezebox's Toslink o/p).

I'm running SlimServer 6.5.4, so things might be different for me, but
I have no problem playing back DTS files with ReplayGain enabled (with
the "smart" setting, which I believe uses "track" or "album" based on
the current track's relation to the rest of the playlist).  None of my
DTS files have ReplayGain information embedded in them, so there's
nothing for SlimServer to do -- I would have thought that it wouldn't
adjust the audio at all if there were no RG tags.

Some simple things to check (which you may have already tried):

1. Check that there are no ReplayGain values set for your DTS files.  I
use foobar2000: I can ask for a track's properties and, on the
"Properties" tab (as opposed to "Metadata") I can see RG values.  fb2k
can clear RG values too.

2. Check that the Digital Volume Control setting is "fixed" (or
similar; I don't remember the exact setting name and it may have
changed for SC).

3. Check that there's no bitrate limiting enabled.

If you can play DTS back with RG disabled, I imagine the last two are
okay, but check anyway.  Perhaps things have changed between SS 6.5.4
and SS 7, but I can't see why the server would apply RG with no RG tags


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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-10 Thread smst

DanielTheGreat;277787 Wrote: 
> There was some discussion last year about SS being made smarter by
> recognising DTS bit-streams and disabling gain adjustments for those
> tracks.

I forgot to mention earlier: I've previously requested that some tag
(perhaps the community could decide upon one) could be recognised by
SlimServer as meaning "the contents are for SPDIF output only".  One
could tag the relevant files without requiring that SlimServer
recognise the various bitstreams (two types of DTS, AC3, etc).  The
tag's meaning would be "do not apply RG, do not adjust volume, do not
limit bitrate, and do not use analogue outputs".

I'd find a variation on the latter helpful.  I intend to buy a new SB
for my kitchen and won't be using digital outputs.  I'd like it if the
SB would refuse to play tracks marked as SPDIF-only, especially to
avoid a nasty white-noise surprise during random mix.


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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-10 Thread Pale Blue Ego

I believe there is a feature request for Squeezecenter to treat *.dts
files as a separate file format.  That way, any players not connected
to a DTS decoder could be told to ignore any .dts files that might be
sent as part of a larger playlist.

Pale Blue Ego

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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-11 Thread DanielTheGreat

Thanks Phil, yes, I think we're on the same wavelength.  I too had
considered changing the tag gains to 0dB, but haven't yet got round to
testing it (didn't have a good tag editor for a start - most don't seem
to allow gain editing!).  SMST's suggestion to kill the gain tags is
even better.  I eventually found a version of foobar2k that supposedly
works under Win2k, and will try to install/test it over the next few

Y360, my virtual memory was/is  set at a little over 6GB; should be

Robin, I'm running lots of other stuff on my music 'server' - it's my
'work' PC (I work from home) running Outlook, Skype, ZoneAlarm, POW,
and various other applications (IE6, Word, programming
environments/compilers, etc) as the need arises.  But I don't run any
anti-virus/spyware background tasks (they slow the PC too much). 
ZoneAlarm would be the main background cycle-stealer, with POW coming
into play when I run IE6.

SC is started automatically at boot-up from the Startup directory.  I
did notice that if I stop SS/SC before I reboot, the startup
'thrashing' time is much reduced, but I'll have to do some more tests
to quantify this (I can't right now; I'm in the middle of a big
processing job).  I found this disappointing too - I would have thought
SC would shut down correctly when commanded by Windows, without me
having to manually intervene.  To me, anything in the System Tray can
be ignored during shutdown - only programs in the Taskbar should be
first closed (especially Outlook, which suffers from the same problem
if not closed before rebooting - probably validating its .pst file
which wasn't properly closed).

Erland, my apologies!  I probably looked late at night and just looked
at the main (central) page content.  I've downloaded the 2 plugins now,
and will read the wikis when I have more time, to decide whether to
instal and try your additions.

This is absolutely no reflection on Erland and the many other people
who have contributed to the Slim product, but I tend to shy away from
products that need lots of 'add-ons' to make them work properly.  I
guess I've been 'conditioned' by the many commercial products that you
just install and they do (more or less) what they're supposed to, so
I'm not used to products that have grown like topsy from a band of
enthusiasts, and are still (effectively) in development.  But we're
slowly getting there!

SMST, you've made some great suggestions about special tags for
surround tracks - I heartily agree.  Indeed, I'd like to see it go one
step further and include a new gain tag (perhaps call it 'SurrGain'?)
that is NOT used by replay gain players, but is broadcast (when it's
present) along with the file header at the start of each track.  [I
know nothing about how SC 'broadcasts' the music stream via Wi-Fi, but
I'm assuming there's some sort of 'header' sent at the start of each
track, with the tag info etc).  With such a SurrGain tag, I could (when
I learn how to program network-aware DOS applications) reprogram my
DOS6.22 touch PC that controls most functions of my (overly complex)
surround system.  It could then adjust my system's 'pre-volume' so that
the DTS tracks sounded the same loudness as the replay-gain-adjusted
stereo tracks.  Of course I would need to empirically determine the
values and tag the SurrGain for each album, but with only a few dozen
DTS CDs, that wouldn't be arduous.


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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-11 Thread Honva

DanielTheGreat;277272 Wrote: 
> I can't include my DTS files because SlimServer corrupts them when
> replay gain is enabled.  

Slimserver has no problem handling DTS files.  As mentioned before, DTS
files need to be sent to the receiver straight through without altered. 
You do not need to turn replay gain off for other files.  Just make sure
that you do not include replaygain info in your DTS files.  If
slimserver does not find the replaygain tag, it will not apply
replaygain to them.  Just remove the replaygain tags on those DTS
files, set digital out to 100% and you will have no problem.


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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-12 Thread funkstar

DanielTheGreat;278616 Wrote: 
> [I know nothing about how SC 'broadcasts' the music stream via Wi-Fi,
> but I'm assuming there's some sort of 'header' sent at the start of
> each track, with the tag info etc).
SC sends the FLAC stream completely intact to the SqueezeBox, alothough
the only thing the SqueezeBox does is decompress and play the audio
sctream. Information on the screen is not derived from the tags inside
the SB, that is sent as seperate data from SC (all screen information
is supplied by the server, the SB knows nothing). Equally, the SB
doesn't look at any gain that needs to be applied, the server just
tells the device to increase or lower the volume by x amount for each


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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-12 Thread smst

DanielTheGreat;278616 Wrote: 
> SMST's suggestion to kill the gain tags is even better.  I eventually
> found a version of foobar2k that supposedly works under Win2k, and will
> try to install/test it over the next few days.
You can use metaflac to remove RG tags from FLAC files.  (I don't know
if metaflac is distributed with SlimServer or not; it's available from
the FLAC website though.)


metaflac.exe --remove-replay-gain "My DTS File.flac"

> SMST, you've made some great suggestions about special tags for surround
> tracks - I heartily agree.  Indeed, I'd like to see it go one step
> further and include a new gain tag (perhaps call it 'SurrGain'?) that
> is NOT used by replay gain players, but is broadcast (when it's
> present) along with the file header at the start of each track.  [I
> know nothing about how SC 'broadcasts' the music stream via Wi-Fi, but
> I'm assuming there's some sort of 'header' sent at the start of each
> track, with the tag info etc).  With such a SurrGain tag, I could (when
> I learn how to program network-aware DOS applications) reprogram my
> DOS6.22 touch PC that controls most functions of my (overly complex)
> surround system.  It could then adjust my system's 'pre-volume' so that
> the DTS tracks sounded the same loudness as the replay-gain-adjusted
> stereo tracks.  Of course I would need to empirically determine the
> values and tag the SurrGain for each album, but with only a few dozen
> DTS CDs, that wouldn't be arduous.
Interesting idea.  You'd need a server plugin to read that tag and pass
it on to your other PC, and to send a "revert to normal" tag if the tag
wasn't present on the next track.  Calculating the value might be
tricky, but ultimately I guess you could use some utility (BeSweet
might do it; I don't know if it has a DTS plugin) to downmix the DTS
file to a stereo WAV, and calculate the gain values using that.


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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-12 Thread Phil Leigh

Daniel, IF SC doesn't shutdown properly (and very quickly!) durng a
normal windows shutdown, you have a setup issue somewhere. Have you
looked at the windows event log (admin tools) recently?

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber & Chord cables

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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-13 Thread DanielTheGreat

funkstar, thanks for the explanations about the SC/SB conversations.  Is
there a central repository for such pearls of wisdom, or does one just
acquire them through osmosis?
smst, thanks very much for the metaflac code (metaflac came with my
FLAC download).  Using your command I created rrg.bat with just one
for %%f in (*.flac) do metaflac.exe --remove-replay-gain %%f
Then I just had to open a DOS box in each of my DTS sub-directories (a
simple right-click operation for each one) and issue the RRG command,
and all flacs in that directory were 'ungained'!  It's done, and now I
look forward to listeneing to my surround tracks shuffled in with the
stereo gain-adjusted stuff.  I'm prepared to wait a few years for the
SurrGain tag :-)))
Phil, I hadn't looked at the Windows log (never do), but I have now,
and found heaps of errors every day.  The most common one is an event
7000 for 'Service Control Manager', but a look at its properties
suggests it's related to my WinFast TV2000 Tuner (which I no longer
use) looking for a lost file.  Some similar errors relate to other
services not finding files - the scary thing is some of those
applications (e.g. AVG7) were uninstalled years ago, but are still
doing something on my system!
I suspect these errors are a result of the resizing partitions on my
RAID5 virtual drive (after adding an extra HDD) that I did a week ago,
when Partition Magic crashed in the middle of the process.  Scandisk
'repaired' lots of errors, and I was eventually able to complete the
resizing, but it looks like lots of files were lost in the crash. 
However the slow start-up of SS after a reboot predates that event by a
long shot.   Neverthelss I guess I'm going to have to identify all the
applications/services that are missing files, and reinstall (or
uninstall) them.  Surprisingly, so far I haven't noticed any bad
behaviour (I mean no worse than the usual Windoze bad behaviour :-)
since the resizing catastrophe.
Incidentally (smst), how do you create the little box around your code
fragment? [You can see I'm a complete novice to this forum stuff.]


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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-13 Thread Robin Bowes
DanielTheGreat wrote:

[lots of stuff about a poorly Windows box]

IMHO you should do a clean re-install of your Windows box.


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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-13 Thread smst

DanielTheGreat;279099 Wrote: 
> Incidentally (smst), how do you create the little box around your code
> fragment? [You can see I'm a complete novice to this forum stuff.]

Like so: *[**code]insert code here[/**code]*


insert code here

As a general tip, if you click the "Quote" button under any reply you
can see the exact content of somebody's post, including tags.


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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-14 Thread funkstar

DanielTheGreat;279099 Wrote: 
> funkstar, thanks for the explanations about the SC/SB conversations.  Is
> there a central repository for such pearls of wisdom, or does one just
> acquire them through osmosis?
Osmosis generally. I've been a follow of SlimDevices since before the
first hardware was released back in 2001. I used to subscribe to the
mailing list but moved across to the forums back in November 2005. I
guess there is a lot of information a few of us just know, without
realising where it comes from :)

DanielTheGreat;279099 Wrote: 
> [lots of stuff about a poorly Windows box]

I'll second Robin on this one. Nuke windows and re-install, I'd put a
small wager on it being a lot slicker after that :)


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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-15 Thread DanielTheGreat

smst;279113 Wrote: 
> Like so: *[**code]insert code here[/**code]*
> > 

  >   > insert code here

> > 
> As a general tip, if you click the "Quote" button under any reply you
> can see the exact content of somebody's post, including tags.

Thanks smst, that's neat.  I guess there's a sticky post somewhere in
the Beginners section that explains this stuff, but I haven't yet got
round to looking for it :-)

funkstar;279565 Wrote: 
> Osmosis generally. I've been a follow of SlimDevices since before the
> first hardware was released back in 2001. I used to subscribe to the
> mailing list but moved across to the forums back in November 2005. I
> guess there is a lot of information a few of us just know, without
> realising where it comes from :)

OK, when I get the time to write something for my touch PC to eavesdrop
on the SB3 broadcasts (it'll be a year or two, when I retire), I'll know
where to come for advice :-)

funkstar;279565 Wrote: 
> I'll second Robin on this one. Nuke windows and re-install, I'd put a
> small wager on it being a lot slicker after that :)

No doubt you're both right, but it's a several days job to rebuild my
C: drive - reinstalling dozens of applications, reconfiguring them for
the way I work, downloading/installing web updates, etc.  I don't
really have the time for that right now (this is my work PC too [I work
from home], and I'm still working!).  But I have considered it
previously, and if I get really desperate I'll have to bite the



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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-16 Thread Zaragon

Daniel it is probably worth you spending time un-installing all the
applications that you don't use. Not just to stop any errors you may
have picked up from the RAID resize.

It is surprising how many applications install all those little helper
things in odd places like the system tray to make it 0.25 seconds
quicker to start up. Or have additional utilities like iTunes that has
the device synchroniser to sync up the iPod which you don't have. All
of which need time to start up and shut down and their potential to
cause instability. Not to mention how the registry gets bloated.

All of which shouldn't have much effect on performance unless you are
overloading available real memory. It would be worth looking at the
process list when SC is running slow to see if anything else is hogging
the CPU or memory.

One thing that just occurred to me that perhaps others with more
knowledge can comment on. You get thrashing on startup if SC isn't
closed down before you shut down the PC. I'd hazard a guess at that
being the database doing a consistency check (I don't know mySQL.) on
startup because it has found it to be in an inconsistant state. That
sort of thing I'd expect if it was unexpectedly terminated or if data
wasn't flushed before shutdown. Way back when the issue for external
RAID arrays was always ensuring write cache data was flushed to all
relevant array disks before shutting down the array, if it wasn't you
got RAID resyncs on startup as the array checked itself for consistency
and then DB consistency checks if the RAID didn't adjust properly.

Since Windows asks apps to close and doesn't force terminate them they
should all shut down cleanly and it should also be aware to flush all
the disc caches. So it shouldn't be a problem. But...something is.


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