Re: [discuss] Migrating legacy documents to OpenDocument

2005-11-09 Thread Lars D . Noodén
Thanks.  The short answer seems to be to wait for an eventual MS Word 2.0 
filter or to convert them by hand.

Software patents kill innovation and harm all Net-based business.
Keep them out of the EU by writing your MEP, keep the market open.

On Sun, 6 Nov 2005, CPHennessy wrote:

If it is rally a Word2 problem then may help. Note sure
when it will be in a production release tho. But I assume sooner rather than
later. Maybe when it is available in a developer build you could try it.

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Re: [discuss] Embedded list managment information

2005-11-09 Thread Lars D . Noodén

Its now 'issue' number 57549:

Software patents kill innovation and harm all Net-based business.
Keep them out of the EU by writing your MEP, keep the market open.

On Tue, 8 Nov 2005, CPHennessy wrote:

On Fri November 4 2005 09:27, Lars D. Noodén wrote:

The many OOo mailing lists currently embed list management information in
the message headers.  Can the 'list-archive' header be added to those,
please?  Accessing the archive of old messages is one of the more
important advantages of using list.

That would provide a quick link to the lists messages down in the email
list management information link which mail clients use to make
hyperlinked shortcuts for those functions.  Otherwise, it can be difficult
and slow to rummage around on the web to find or re-find the archive every
time an old message or thread is sought.

The header and its content would look something like this:


The lists already use three other list headers, so adding 'list-archive'
should be easy:


Sounds like a great idea. Can you please report this in issuezilla ?
( -> "My Pages" -> "Register", then when you receive a
confirmation email, "Login" and "File an issue" )
In this way the relevant developers will see your bug report / suggestion and
you will also see the progress of this feature / bug report if it is

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Re: [discuss] newsforge article on SO8: develop excellent softwsre, not mimick Microsoft -- opinions

2005-11-09 Thread Nicu Buculei

lars_o_hansen wrote:

bottom line: add features users want rather than mimick Microsoft

I agree with this, but read the thread about an Outlook equivalent to 
see people arguing for the opposite

my pages:
Open Clip Art Library:

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Re: [discuss] newsforge article on SO8: develop excellent softwsre, not mimick Microsoft -- opinions

2005-11-09 Thread Lars D . Noodén
One can still have a combined mail + calendar client without emulating the 
mistakes of MS.  Whether OOo leaves that for other projects or starts yet 
another mail + calendar client project, there is the opportunity to design 
the interface (among other things) more correctly based usability 
and time-motion studies.

Software patents kill innovation and harm all Net-based business.
Keep them out of the EU by writing your MEP, keep the market open.

On Wed, 9 Nov 2005, Nicu Buculei wrote:

lars_o_hansen wrote:
bottom line: add features users want rather than mimick Microsoft

I agree with this, but read the thread about an Outlook equivalent to see 
people arguing for the opposite

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[discuss] Bibus (a reference manager) 1.1 has been released and now supports OOo 2.0

2005-11-09 Thread Stephan Gromer
Dear all,

As this has been an issue recently, I wanted to inform you that a new
version of the reference manager Bibus has been released an can be
downloaded from

It runs under Python and is thus rather OS independent.
Debian packages are available.
Installation under Windows has also been improved since 1.0.

As the bibliography project within OOo has not yet released anything
useable I recommend to give Bibus a try (and don't judge the program
by its homepage ;) )


Stephan Gromer, MD. PhD.
Work:  Biochemie-Zentrum Heidelberg / Im Neuenheimer Feld 504 / D-69120
 Heidelberg / Tel.: +49 (6221) 544291 / Fax.: +49 (6221) 545586
Home:  Sternallee 89 / D-68723 Schwetzingen / Tel.: +49 (6202) 855038
 Mobil: +49 (172) 7694555 / URL:

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[discuss] OOo Foundation : Building the future ?

2005-11-09 Thread Laurent Godard

Hi all

First please forgive me for this late announcement and putting this to 
your attention :(
As CCR, i relay a discussion that occured in the community council, 
thanks to Louis
and the discussion that occured then

The discussion has been then relayed on native-lang projects

please note the good summary of the council discussion from Bernhard Dippold

I now some discussion occuring in french, japanese and german team. You 
may be already involved in them. Feel free to update there in english

Btw, for the general users, here is the relay on an english list

The purpose of it is to start thinking on ways to make OOo independant 
and provide background for variuous corporate developpers, fundings ...

Loocking at OpenDocument growth, the question is : is OOo the same as 
OpenDocument ? It has been agreed is discussions that it is not. Yes OOo 
is the premium integrator of OpenDocument but it is an office suite, 
which means more than a document format regarding user experience for 

So here raises the question :
How can we build something that provides a neutral place that allow 
funders but also major contributors (yes, and smaller ones too) that are 
usually competitors to come and work together on their common goal : OOo

We are now in a unique situation that let us create the future of an 
independant OOo. We need to do it with a large vision as it will be 
difficult, once setup, to change even if things can be built step by step.

Every idea, suggestion is welcommed. Btw, please remain positive and 
constructive as we all have so few time to spend

Thanks to all


Laurent Godard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Ingénierie
Indesko >>
Nuxeo CPS >> -
Livre "Programmation", Eyrolles 2004

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[discuss] Still looking for good reasons for open source

2005-11-09 Thread Andrew Brown
Michael Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> Then i wonder if this is the correct forum for your query?

It's not really a query. I'm thinking out loud. Ian Lynch made some good 
points about OSS applications best understood as a strategic 
collaboration between behemoths like IBM and SUN. But that's not how Eric 
Raymond would see it. 
> Is there
> anything we could say that would convince you. 

What are you trying to convince me of? I think it's obvious to anyone 
that such ideas as "with enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow" is 
something between wildly misleading and utter crap. It certainly doesn't 
apply to OOo. Assume, for the sake of argument, that OOo's Marketing 
project own figure of 50m users is accurate. Of these 50m, at most 500 
can have contributed to the program -- that's the figure of people who 
signed the JCA. 

As I know, signing the JCA doesn't actually make you a programmer. I'd be 
surprised if more than 200 people had ever contributed code, and if more 
than 10 of them were not paid, full-time by their employers to do so. 

That's not an impressive figure over five years. Ten volunteer developers 
is fewer, perhaps, than you'd get on the average sourceforge project. 
It's not surprising that there are currently 6030 defects open in the 
project, and a further 5506 requests for enhancements. (There are, 
incidentally, 21180 issues marked as "fixed")

OK -- so there aren't very many programmers in the world with the 
necessary skills and interests. But the other thing we have learnt in the 
last five years is that most users, so far from being able to fix bugs, 
can't even identify them. 

We all know what a nightmare it is to navigate Issuezilla, and how few of 
the reports on these lists make it in there. The QA volunteers -- before 
you ask, I am one, too -- struggle with a mountain of crud in their 
limited spare time. And they are quite simply overwhelmed.

With enough eyeballs, you see so many bugs you might as well be having 
the DTs.

> Perhaps you should just
> sit back and watch events as a social experiment.

Andrew Brown
The email in the header does not work.
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[discuss] Re: Re: a more complete office suite

2005-11-09 Thread Andrew Brown
Chad Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> Regardless of that, even if Google was (and I think possibly is) the
> greatest company to ever touch a keyboard, limiting to
> one email provider is a step in the wrong direction. Providing links
> into Thunderbird would be different than, say, providing links into
> AOL's email. 
Rewriting thunderbird to do this is a presumably large job which no one is 
going to fund. Google is already sitting on the edge of the bed with Sun, 
and might not mind a hand -- oh, I don't like where that metaphor is 

I don't think one would be removing any functionality from OOo: simply 
adding some that might be useful.

> Now, I am by no means against providing links into Gmail (as I use
> Gmail, and would like to use OOo to email with), but I don't think
> that would solve the problem.

Sure. But it's like my proposal about character formatting earlier -- a 
simple way forward that solves part of the problem for some of the people 
who feel it. Since gmail has an api, and OOo is quite easy to script, a 
macro/addon that sent the current document as either plain text or html 
through gmail seems perfectly possible. 

The real problem is calendaring and contact management. If Google offered 
those things web-based, stuff would get really interesting.

Andrew Brown
The email in the header does not work.
Contact details and possibly useful macros from

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Re: [discuss] Logotron School Office

2005-11-09 Thread Mathias Bauer
Daniel Carrera wrote:
> Alan Harris wrote:
>> Logotron School Office
>> Is this officially part of Open Office? Looks like a £29 rip off of Open 
>> Office, Logotron say that they are only charging for the resources that 
>> they've created and that they've added a more friendly front end to this 
>> Open Office
> Looks like a rip-off. They didn't change the interface at all. It is 
> true that the OOo interface is not kid-friendly. This is a problem that 
> the company I work for has to face often. We supply schools with IT 
> services and try to get them using OOo, but OOo's interface and network 
> setup don't help at all (e.g. each kid has to go through the initial 
> setup every time they use OOo on a new computer - think about it, 400 
> kids times 100 computers). Some schools have tried it and just gave up 
> and asked us to switch them back to MS Office.

Schools can use StarOffice and ask Sun for some administration tools
that makes their life easier.

But while we are at it, software for schools is an interesting story.
If you can read German you might be interested in the following link
that points to a cool application designed for primary schools:

Even without understanding the text the screenshots you find here and
there might be interesting.

The company that createf this application (that BTW now is Open Source)
presented at last years OOoCon in Berlin. They used the API to remove
the complete StarOffice user interface (yes, they used SO not OOo, but
that's not a requirement) and replaced it by an own one that utilizes
the OOo Bean and the OOo API. Great stuff.

The UI of "SO4Kids" can be configured to be absolutely minimalistic
or can offer more elements that allow to use more features

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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Re: [discuss] a more complete office suite

2005-11-09 Thread Rigel
Maybe then, Jonathan, we should re-name it to a Desktop Publishing, suite,
instead of an Office Suite.
 Office suit implies everything you would use commonly ever day in your
 An office suite typicaly includes e-mail, an address book, and schedule, as
well as a project management application, which hasn't been mentioned.

 On 11/7/05, Jonathon Blake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chad wrote:
> > Why? - WHY?
> > Because it makes *SENSE* to, that's why.
> It makes absolutely no sense to include an email client in an office
> suite.
> >spell-checker should draw from the same list of words.
> That is what elm is for.
> > It makes sense that since email is mostly words, and text documents are
> mostly words, the interface should be similiar, if not identical.
> But email and docuemtns are two completly different crittters. They
> might have words in common, but that is _all_ they have in common.
> It makes much more sense for OOo to be functionally equivalent to a
> Dekstop Publishing Program, than to be functinally equivalent to an
> email client.
> >contact information (Names, emails, addresses, phone numbers,
> birthdays, relationships,
> Those datapoints belong in a databse. How many email client can
> reaed a _true_ database --- something thaty can be created and edited
> using SQL?
> > For these, and I am sure dozens of other reasons,
> How many email clients can read MySQL, Oracle, FireBird, SQLite or
> similar databases?
> > it makes sense to have an email client as a part of your office suite,
> whether that suite is
> How can it make sense to include something, which is incapable of
> using the tools it _needs_ to perform its function?
> xan
> jonathon
> --
> Does your Office Suite conform to ISO Standards?

Re: [discuss] OOo Foundation : Building the future ?

2005-11-09 Thread Daniel Carrera

Just my 2 cents...

Laurent Godard wrote:
How can we build something that provides a neutral place that allow 
funders but also major contributors (yes, and smaller ones too) that are 
usually competitors to come and work together on their common goal : OOo

I think there should be a notion of "member" (instead of just being 
subscribed to the list). To make an analogy with OOo, people with the 
observer status in some project could be "members".

I think it should be democratic. The Board of Directors (or whatever you 
call it) should be elected directly by the membership. In a way similar 
to how the CCR is elected today, except that the BoD should not be able 
to remove nominated members from the election (I think this is a problem 
with the current CCR election model).

Likewise, the Board of Directors (BoD) should not have company 
representatives unless of course, they are elected directly by the 
membership. In other words, if the membership votes someone into the BoD 
and that someone happens to be in a company, that's cool. But no company 
should be able to put someone in the BoD directly.

I think that this model would be a good and healthy change for OOo. It 
would make it more grass roots, and more community-based than it is 
today. And this is where OOo should be going. Towards independence and 

Of course, you can argue that companies that put resources should have a 
say. But remember that they already have 100% control over what *their* 
contribution is going to be. If Google adds 5 developers to OOo, those 
developers will work on what Google tells them to. We don't need to give 
Google a spot on the BoD to make that happen.

You might consider having a Company Advisory Board (CAB) that makes 
recommendations to the BoD. And the BoD can decide whether to listen to 
the CAB or not, and it understands the consequences of each action. If 
they never listen to the CAB, they risk losing company support. If they 
do nothing but what the CAB tells them, they risk losing community 
support and they get replaced when the next set of elections comes in. 
So you can have a nice balance here, and listen to big companies, 
without losing the community.

Every idea, suggestion is welcommed. Btw, please remain positive and 
constructive as we all have so few time to spend

I hope the above qualifies :-)

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[discuss] Re: Desire the Information

2005-11-09 Thread Olive

Jivani Pragnesh wrote:

Dear Sir,
Hello & greetings.
I have download the Openoffice 2.0 from your website and start using its software.
I would like to know more Special features provided in 2.0 comparing to MS Office.
Once I open my MS Office file in Openoffice 2.0 and save it in Openoffice 2.0 I could't open it in MS Office. What's the solution ?

File -> Save As; then choose in the Dialog Box Microsoft word 97 or RTF.


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[discuss] MySQL Driver for Base

2005-11-09 Thread Martin J Hooper
Anyone know where I can get a MySQL driver for base?  I have a mysql 
server running on the network and I was wondering wether I could use it 
or not...

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Re: [discuss] Re: a more complete office suite/ Robbie Graham

2005-11-09 Thread mark

PLEASE turn *off* your "request confirmation" in your email tool!

mark "unless you *really* *want* 500 confirmations/day"
Q: What is the ultimate fate of the Univese?
A: We are *so* screwed.

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[discuss] Gates memo warns of 'disruptive' changes

2005-11-09 Thread Chad Smith
Gates memo warns of 'disruptive' changes

In a memo to top company executives, the software giant's chairman ponders
the challenges posed by a host of online competitors.

It seems MS is more worried about Writely - - than
it is about

That's not a slam against OOo, merely a suggestion that a online version of
OOo (like, perhaps, the one Google is developing) would be a good idea right
about now.

- Chad Smith - Because everyone loves free software!

Re: [discuss] Gates memo warns of 'disruptive' changes

2005-11-09 Thread Daniel Carrera

Chad Smith wrote:

It seems MS is more worried about Writely - - than
it is about

That's not a slam against OOo, merely a suggestion that a online version of
OOo (like, perhaps, the one Google is developing) would be a good idea right
about now.

Indeed, an on-line office suite that supports both MS formats and 
OpenDocument would be significantly mroe disruptive than OOo itself. I 
do hope that Google is working on that. No one could do that as well as 

DEMAND __  __  __
  |  ||__)|__|\ |  - Tell Microsoft to support it
  |__||   |__| \|DOCUMENT  - Sign the petition

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[discuss] Icons

2005-11-09 Thread Kelvin Davis-Smith
Hi Guys.

Got a fun one- when i install OpenOffice 2 on an NT4 workstation it has
a 70% chance of messing up the icons on the PC - seems to superimpose
another icon over the standard one - any other icon (eg recycle bin
icon, Novell Icon, Quake Icon).
even if get the icons back to normal, next time  you restart it happens

anyone else come accross this, and are there any fixes available for



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[discuss] Email database "phonebook"

2005-11-09 Thread John
 I have an idea that I think users would find very useful. An Email directory. 
People who wanted to join would add their name, email address and residential 
addresses and organizations, clubs, schools that they belong or belonged to. 
Someone looking for a person would just querry with some information they know 
and a list of possible people's email addresses would return. I know many 
people who try to find old freinds but that doesn't always work because many 
names are to common or people don't post to usenet. I think alot of people 
would find this a very useful application. 

Join Excite! -
The most personalized portal on the Web!

[discuss] web based open office

2005-11-09 Thread John
 Everyone seems to be getting ready for web based office applications; i.e. 
Microsoft,  Maybe the open source community can port openoffice 
to a server that would allow users to process documents, spreadsheets and 

Join Excite! -
The most personalized portal on the Web!

Re: [discuss] Re: Re: Re: Re: The .odt file format

2005-11-09 Thread mark

Chad Smith wrote:

On 11/8/05, Andrew Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I read it years ago, and it seems to me wrong about almost everything.

We strongly disagree, then - I've known ESR for more then 25 years, and 
we are as opposite as possible on politics & economics... but there are 
things we agree on, and TC&TB is one.

Oh no, Andrew! You are in for it now! You might as well have called Tux the

*runs and hides before the "Petition to Remove Andrew" flames get started*

Oh, how *cute*. So, Chad, are you ever planning on growing out of 5th grade?

The W Administration - a toad for breakfast for the 21st Century

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Re: [discuss] MySQL Driver for Base

2005-11-09 Thread Shoshannah Forbes

On 09/11/2005, at 17:43, Martin J Hooper wrote:

Anyone know where I can get a MySQL driver for base?  I have a  
mysql server running on the network and I was wondering wether I  
could use it or not...

You can download a JDBC driver from the MySQL website so you can work  
with Base.

Shoshannah Forbes

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[discuss] Re: Oo 2.0

2005-11-09 Thread R N D Martin
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alexandro Colorado) wrote:

> *From:* "Alexandro Colorado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> *Date:* Wed, 02 Nov 2005 11:41:02 -
> On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 10:47:57 -, hajo blok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > wrote:
> > Dear Mr Mrs.
> >
> > Installing oo2 is no problem but I've missed the possibillity to 
> > install  other than at the c disk.
> > I like to install on another disk.
> > Might this be possible in the future?
> >
> > yours sincerely
> >
> > hajo blok
> I went throught the tutorial just now, and I can tell you that you 
> to  choose on custom installation, that will give you the option 
> select the  packages to install and ALSO a button showing the 
> for -changing  installation folder.
> -- 
> Alexandro Colorado
> CoLeader of ES
I eventually found that that was how you had to do it.  Annoyingly, 
OO2 still puts too much on my C (op system) partition.  Changing it 
all has been a laborious process. 

Niall Martin

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Re: [discuss] web based open office

2005-11-09 Thread Paul
You can currently run OOo across a server, with the server doing the
bulk of the processing and only 'thin' clients.

Also see about future moves of OOo :,39024650,39212301,00.htm


On 11/10/05, John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Everyone seems to be getting ready for web based office applications; i.e. 
> Microsoft,  Maybe the open source community can port 
> openoffice to a server that would allow users to process documents, 
> spreadsheets and presentations.
> ___
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> The most personalized portal on the Web!

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Re: [discuss] Email database "phonebook"

2005-11-09 Thread Paul
Its a good thought, but are you suggesting this should be in
OpenOffice?? There are web sites out there that offer similar

Google for them and have a go.


On 11/10/05, John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I have an idea that I think users would find very useful. An Email 
> directory. People who wanted to join would add their name, email address and 
> residential addresses and organizations, clubs, schools that they belong or 
> belonged to. Someone looking for a person would just querry with some 
> information they know and a list of possible people's email addresses would 
> return. I know many people who try to find old freinds but that doesn't 
> always work because many names are to common or people don't post to usenet. 
> I think alot of people would find this a very useful application.
> ___
> Join Excite! -
> The most personalized portal on the Web!

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[discuss] Re: MySQL Driver for Base

2005-11-09 Thread Martin J Hooper

Shoshannah Forbes wrote:
You can download a JDBC driver from the MySQL website so you can work  
with Base.

Thanks - Will have a look at that... :)

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[discuss] WordStar Keyboard Command Emulator

2005-11-09 Thread Allen Brandes
Is there a plug in or a selection for a WordStar Keyboard Command Emulator

Allen Brandes
Chief Engineer
Best Harvest Bakeries, Inc.
913-287-6300 Office
913-287-7765 Fax

[discuss] suggestion

2005-11-09 Thread Kent Byron

I have a suggestion for the next release of OpenOffice. Let the program
import PDF files. For example, I would like to combine two different
files, one of which is the continuation of the first, into a single PDF
file. Another example would be to combine several separate chapters of a
book, which are already in PDF format, into a single PDF file.

Could this possibly be done? Thanks.

Kent Byron

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Re: [discuss] suggestion

2005-11-09 Thread Paul
I'm sure it could be done. However the purpose of PDF's is to provide
a non-editable format (as much as possible). There are other tools out
there than can edit and manipulate pdf's - which would probably be
better used.


On 11/10/05, Kent Byron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a suggestion for the next release of OpenOffice. Let the program
> import PDF files. For example, I would like to combine two different
> files, one of which is the continuation of the first, into a single PDF
> file. Another example would be to combine several separate chapters of a
> book, which are already in PDF format, into a single PDF file.
> Could this possibly be done? Thanks.
> Kent Byron
> -
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[discuss] omr

2005-11-09 Thread JinXation
i've got an idea that i think would be a very useful addon. when i speak
about omr, i'm not talking about the standard scantron omr, i'm talking
about the security marks on printed documents that are used in
folder/inserters. there are several solutions for these 6 marks on the sides
of printouts, but the price can easily exceed thousands of dollars. it's
insane that people would charge the amounts they do for adding the maximum
of 6 marks on each page printed. anyways, that's my idea. drop me a line and
let me know what you think. thanks.

Re: [discuss] a more complete office suite

2005-11-09 Thread Jonathon Blake
Rigel wrote:

>  An office suite typicaly includes e-mail, an address book, and schedule, as 
> well as a project management application, which hasn't been mentioned.

The only one of those items that can not be done within OOo 1.0.3 is email.

Unfortuntly, the templates for project mangement and scheduling for
OOo seem to have disappeared.  :(


Does your Office Suite conform to ISO Standards?

Re: [discuss] Gates memo warns of 'disruptive' changes

2005-11-09 Thread Alex Janssen

Chad Smith said the following on 11/09/2005 11:31 AM:

Gates memo warns of 'disruptive' changes

In a memo to top company executives, the software giant's chairman ponders
the challenges posed by a host of online competitors.

It seems MS is more worried about Writely - - than
it is about

That's not a slam against OOo, merely a suggestion that a online version of
OOo (like, perhaps, the one Google is developing) would be a good idea right
about now.

- Chad Smith - Because everyone loves free software!


I don't think or windows live or office live will be 
replacing OOo in my office any time soon.  I know that you can speculate 
that it might, but it won't. 
We like having our software run locally and having our data local, not 
on someones server somewhere in internetland.  Just imagine someone you 
don't know filtering through your company data without your knowledge.  
It could happen if you give someone else control over your data.


Charlottesville, Virginia

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Re: [discuss] Gates memo warns of 'disruptive' changes

2005-11-09 Thread Chad Smith
On 11/9/05, Alex Janssen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't think  or windows live or office
> live will be
> replacing OOo in my office any time soon. I know that you can speculate
> that it might, but it won't.
> We like having our software run locally and having our data local, not
> on someones server somewhere in internetland. Just imagine someone you
> don't know filtering through your company data without your knowledge.
> It could happen if you give someone else control over your data.

No, it wouldn't be a good idea for a businesses. But for the home users
market, and for the student market, it would be a good idea.

- Chad Smith - Because everyone loves free software!

[discuss] Re: Icons

2005-11-09 Thread John Thompson
On 2005-11-09, Kelvin Davis-Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Got a fun one- when i install OpenOffice 2 on an NT4 workstation it has
> a 70% chance of messing up the icons on the PC - seems to superimpose
> another icon over the standard one - any other icon (eg recycle bin
> icon, Novell Icon, Quake Icon).
> even if get the icons back to normal, next time  you restart it happens
> again.
> anyone else come accross this, and are there any fixes available for
> this?

It's been a while since I've used Windows much, but doesn't Microsoft's 
"TweakUI" utility have a "Repair Icons" function for just this purpose?



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Re: [discuss] Re: Icons

2005-11-09 Thread Paul
I personally haven't come across this at all. Potentially you could
'repair' your OOo installation to see if that improves the situation.


On 11/10/05, John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2005-11-09, Kelvin Davis-Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Got a fun one- when i install OpenOffice 2 on an NT4 workstation it has
> > a 70% chance of messing up the icons on the PC - seems to superimpose
> > another icon over the standard one - any other icon (eg recycle bin
> > icon, Novell Icon, Quake Icon).
> > even if get the icons back to normal, next time  you restart it happens
> > again.
> >
> > anyone else come accross this, and are there any fixes available for
> > this?
> It's been a while since I've used Windows much, but doesn't Microsoft's
> "TweakUI" utility have a "Repair Icons" function for just this purpose?
> --
> -
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[discuss] Re: Gates memo warns of 'disruptive' changes

2005-11-09 Thread Randomthots

Chad Smith wrote:

On 11/9/05, Alex Janssen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't think  or windows live or office
live will be
replacing OOo in my office any time soon. I know that you can speculate
that it might, but it won't.
We like having our software run locally and having our data local, not
on someones server somewhere in internetland. Just imagine someone you
don't know filtering through your company data without your knowledge.
It could happen if you give someone else control over your data.

No, it wouldn't be a good idea for a businesses. But for the home users
market, and for the student market, it would be a good idea.

- Chad Smith

Personally, I can't imagine using an office suite over the Internet. 
Unless I was hooked up over really fast, fat, pipes all the way, the 
delay would drive me nuts. Maybe in a University environment over a LAN 
that had a multi-Gbps ISP hookup, but not over any normal home hook-up, 
not even broadband.


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[discuss] Monthly Update for Knowledgebase

2005-11-09 Thread Jonathon Coombes
Hi All,

Just to let you know that along with the upgrade of the Knowledgebase
site, I have started to implement some more features. This includes
the option to browse the knowledgebase. At this stage, in its simplest
form, it is purely to see the last 20 questions that have been added
to the database.

Secondly, the search page lists a section on recent questions. If your
question does not come up here, do not panic! It actually shows the
questions which were unanswered, that is, if you did not read an
answer and/or provide feedback it will remain in the list, otherwise
it is removed from the recent questions.

Below is the FAQ as usual. At this stage there is 860 entries in the

OOo Tips:
OOo Knowledgebase:
Cybersite Consulting: Knowledgebase

1. What is the Knowledgebase?
The knowledgebase (or KB for short), is a collection
of knowledge regarding from previous and existing
users. This enables users to query the knowledgebase to see if there
is any information relating to a specific problem or idea they may
have regarding the software.

2. Where is the Knowledgebase?
The KB is currently at location
This site is in continual development to help improve the service.

3. Why have a knowledgebase? Why not just have the FAQ's?
The KB actually contains a lot of the information already in the
FAQ's at this time, so there is no missing out on information.
The reasons why it would be benefitial are two fold: a) it can be
queried using English in a natural way, and b) it can "create"
knowledge based on existing information and feedback. It also has
the chance of duplicating the same FAQ, but this provides a
slightly different view and provides depth to the knowledge.

4. Can I add questions and answers to the knowledgebase?
By all means! Simply click on the contribute button on the side and
provide the question in simple, easy to understand terms. Then fill
in the answer with as much detail as possible. Once done, simply
submit it for review.

5. I submitted a question, but it is not showing up? Why not?
The questions that are submitted are not immediately visible to the
public. This is to avoid any bad submissions that may be made by
individuals. The questions are submitted and then reviewed by the
moderators who then approve them and make them visible to the public.
Once made visible, they will show up as new entries on any search
for seven days, then are treated as normal questions from then on.

6. The question I asked gave a list of answers, what do I do?
The answers are based on the "intelligence" of the software trying
to match your question. This means that some of the answers may be
what you want, some may be close, and others not related at all.
Look at providing feedback (see below) to these to help the system
learn for a better response next time.

7. The page asked about providing feedback, why is this used?
For each question that finds an answer, you will be asked for feedback.
This means selecting the option of Yes,No, or Maybe for each of the
possible answers. Doing this will increase the "intelligence" of the
knowledgebase in matching answers next time. You do not have to provide
feedback for every answer, but 3-5 feedbacks per question will help
improve it dramatically.

8. What if there is no match for my question?
Contribute the question anyway so that it can be added to the knowledgebase.
Then submit your question to the users mailing list at
This functionality is in the process of being automated to make it simpler
for new users.

9. Can I access the Knowledgebase in my own Language?
Currently the knowledgebase is all in English. If there is enough
interest and help from other people, it can certainly be modified
to adjust for other languagues. If you are interested in this area,
please let me know.

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Re: [discuss] Re: Gates memo warns of 'disruptive' changes

2005-11-09 Thread Rigel
I have tried writely over broadband cable at 5 Mbps, and it's pretty darn
fast! Once it loads the interface, the actual back and forth data transfer
is minimal. Everything happens localy on your machine until you tell it to
"save" the document.
 If you click the "special characters" button, it gets the table ONCE, and
then it accesses the cache every other time. I find it to be very well done.
But watch out for the pop-ups. They're not ads. Just half their functions
come up in other windows. Kind of annoying.
 On 11/9/05, Randomthots <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chad Smith wrote:
> > On 11/9/05, Alex Janssen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>I don't think   or
> windows live or office
> >>live will be
> >>replacing OOo in my office any time soon. I know that you can speculate
> >>that it might, but it won't.
> >>We like having our software run locally and having our data local, not
> >>on someones server somewhere in internetland. Just imagine someone you
> >>don't know filtering through your company data without your knowledge.
> >>It could happen if you give someone else control over your data.
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > No, it wouldn't be a good idea for a businesses. But for the home users
> > market, and for the student market, it would be a good idea.
> >
> > --
> > - Chad Smith
> Personally, I can't imagine using an office suite over the Internet.
> Unless I was hooked up over really fast, fat, pipes all the way, the
> delay would drive me nuts. Maybe in a University environment over a LAN
> that had a multi-Gbps ISP hookup, but not over any normal home hook-up,
> not even broadband.
> Rod
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [discuss] Icons

2005-11-09 Thread Mathias Bauer
Kelvin Davis-Smith wrote:
> Hi Guys.
> Got a fun one- when i install OpenOffice 2 on an NT4 workstation it has
> a 70% chance of messing up the icons on the PC - seems to superimpose
> another icon over the standard one - any other icon (eg recycle bin
> icon, Novell Icon, Quake Icon).
> even if get the icons back to normal, next time  you restart it happens
> again.

OOo doesn't support NT4 so you should expect more trouble. Please look here:

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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