Re: [discuss] Re: re: Massachussetts registered voters

2005-11-19 Thread Caleb Marcus

Lars D. Noodén wrote:
People buy MS products mostly because they're the only thing you *can* 
buy due to a lock on the OEMs.

Probably a more cost effective step would be to first get the OEM 
contracts into the daylight.  MS claims that they are 'trade secrets' 
or some such nonsense.  Getting at those would be a significant step 
in vendors (OEMs) being able to offer non-MS packages like OOo.

Footdragging is a common counter strategy, OEMs still can't remove MS 
icons from the default desktop.  Wasn't that required by the court in 
the MS vs DOJ case that finished in  the mid 1990's.

Software patents kill innovation and harm all Net-based business.
Keep them out of the EU by writing your MEP, keep the market open.

On Thu, 27 Oct 2005, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:

In spite of this, somehow, people still buy Microsoft products because
of the flashy TV commercials that say "do all this in a world of devices
and products that run with Windows". I hate to say it, but at some point
that might need to be our next step...

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Has anyone noticed that the subject line in this whole thread has been 
spelled wrong? Massachusetts was spelled "Massachussetts."

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[discuss] Too many nested quotes

2005-11-19 Thread Caleb Marcus
I would suggest that when replying, as a general guideline, just include 
2 quote levels to avoid confusion. Some emails include 10 quote levels, 
and they can get quite large and annoying. To remove quotes 
automatically on Thunderbird, there's an extension called NestedQuote 
Remover that can be set to automatically remove up to a certain level of 
quotes. This list is confusing as it is, with about 75 messages a day, 
and quotes just confuse things.

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Re: [discuss] Word Completion

2005-11-17 Thread Caleb Marcus

Sam Hiser wrote:

On Thu, 2005-11-17 at 23:51 +0100, Claus Agerskov wrote:

On Wed, 16 Nov 2005, Amiracle Computers wrote:

My Gripe:  One suggestion, don't have Word Completion on by default. I 
would guess that most people educated enough to know about are pretty fast at typing, and to having to hit the enter 
button to finish the word would take longer than continuing typing out 
the word. 

It's easy to turn off.


I love it - in Danish many words are combined words:

  word completion -> ordfuldførselse
  office application -> kontorapplikation
  developer team manager -> udviklingsholdleder
  project management tool function -> projektstyringsværktøjsfunktion

It is the same in German where StarOffice has its origin.

And if Word Completion isn't turned on as default then most users wouldn't 
know about it because it is not a feature in other office suites (afaik).

The most enjoyable greetings

No it's not, it's not in Options, as it should be, but in AutoCorrect. 
Last time I checked, AutoCorrect != AutoComplete.

Re: [discuss] Re: a more complete office suite

2005-11-14 Thread Caleb Marcus

Chad Smith wrote:

On 11/14/05, Nicolas Mailhot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


HTML is already TOO complex for mail. That's why it's rejected by so
many people. Didn't you read what I wrote last day ? Rich mail
acceptance requires a simplified SUBSET of HTML/XHTML, not a SUPERSET
like ODF.

I shudder a the number of cycles needed to filter a mailing list if its
default format changes to ODF.

Nobody cares if you want to filter your email to exclude HTML. That's your
right, and no one is considering, suggesting, implying, or saying that we
should take that right away from you. No one is suggesting that we force you
to send email in any form other than the one you choose. And no one is
implying that we should switch the mailing lists over to HTML, ODF, XML, or

If you would read the subject line of this thread, you would see we are
talking about, not the mailing lists, or the website, of -
but the software itself. We are not talking about taking anything away. We
are not talking about forcing you to remove Mutt, Thunderbird, Evolution, or
anything from your computer. We are saying that an compatible
email client and PIM would be a good idea. If that takes the form of a
separate download, either from OOo, or from Mozilla, or some other third
party - or it that functionality is added to the core OOo suite, is entirely
up to debate. So is the idea of adding anything at all. But what is not
being discussed is violating your right to filter, receive, create, and/or
send your email anyway you see fit.

We are not asking whether or not you, personally, (or anyone on the list)
*LIKES* HTML email - *TRUSTS* HTML email - *USES* HTML email - or *HATES*
HTML email. That's pointless.

It is simply a suggestion to add something to OOo that users have been
begging for since it was taken out of StarOffice, many years ago. And that
is an Outlook like-program that intergrates with OOo, sends, receives, and
edits emails, handles contacts, schedules, and the like. Something that
looks and feels like its a part of OOo, and something that can share
features with OOo.

- Chad Smith
Because everyone loves free software!

Yes, why this discussion of HTML mail? I very much agree with Chad, this 
thread is about adding a mail client to OOo (which, for the record, I 
think is a bad idea), NOT integrating ODF into email or using HTML. 
Please go to social@ if you want to talk about HTML mail.

Re: [discuss] Re: a more complete office suite

2005-11-14 Thread Caleb Marcus

Nicolas Mailhot wrote:

Randomthots wrote:

Now consider that ODF is a much richer format than HTML. And being 
similar to HTML, there is no technical reason (that I see, anyway) that 
the format couldn't be adapted to eventually replace HTML. 

HTML is already TOO complex for mail. That's why it's rejected by so
many people. Didn't you read what I wrote last day ? Rich mail
acceptance requires a simplified SUBSET of HTML/XHTML, not a SUPERSET
like ODF.

I shudder a the number of cycles needed to filter a mailing list if its
default format changes to ODF.

Why are we arguing about HTML mail in an OOo Discuss list? But while we 
are, I will just share what I think. An email is not meant to be a web 
page. The only formatting that should remain in HTML mail are font, 
size, text color (not background color) and images, which should by 
default be blocked in your client until something is clicked.

Re: [discuss] Why?

2005-11-14 Thread Caleb Marcus

Robin Laing wrote:

Caleb Marcus wrote:

Ian Lynch wrote:

On Sun, 2005-11-13 at 03:39 +0900, Roger Markus wrote:


 It seemed (seems) to me that you have been more interested in 
pounding away
at a narrow view and ignoring many facts pointed out to you 
regarding the

wider picture.

Chad Smith has demonstrated on many occassions that he has no 
ability to
see past the end of his nose. You are wasting your time trying to 

with him.


Y'know, there's something on almost EVERY email client, even webmail 
clients, that would be really useful. It's called... a FILTER! I 
suggest all of you who are sick of Chad's comments should look in 
their client's help and figure out how to use it. Seriously, the 
Chad-hating has gotten worse than his own idiocy, so I am blocking 
everything with Chad in the body.

I can second the motion to use your email filters if you don't like 
the Chad comments.

I for one, even though I disagree with Chad on many occasions won't be 
doing it.  I find that we sometimes forget that we are in a war, 
whether we want to be or not.  MS is becoming more afraid of any 
competition and we are becoming a target.  Chad may be a lover of MSO 
but he brings criticism of OOo to the discussions that we need to deal 

If MSO is faster or provides a different interface that works better, 
then it is nice that these are pointed out.  I may not find the need 
of greater integration of an email program to be important, but to 
others is is.  The speed issue that has been discussed is a major 
problem.  Chad's comments made me look into it a bit and do some tests.

Sure Chad is annoying but even in his own way he brings issues to the 
front.  Over the months I have learned to look at his comments more in 
the way of a stone in a shoe that needs to be dealt with.  He has 
pointed out why MSO is better for him and I, for one will admit, it 
has made me look twice.  Of course, for me, MSO doesn't work as well 
as OOo between different machines.  Heck, I still cannot find a Linux 
version. :)

If you don't like Chad's comments, then filter them.

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What Chad says is this: Why should we not use MSO formats? OOo can open 
them, and almost every other office suite.

Here's why: The MSO format for each suite is different, since they're 
all reverse-engineered. Many suites don't work well together when using 
the MSO format. With ODF, the specs are available, so each and every 
ODF-supporting office suite should work together flawlessly, displaying 
files the exact same way they are displayed in other suites. Also, MS 
changes the formats all the time. It's only a matter of time before they 
start encrypting them, like DVDs do. With every MSO release, there's a 
period of time in which users of other suites, and even older versions 
of MSO, can't open new MSO format documents.

Chad, take time to search the WWW about this, and post when you know 
what you're talking about.

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[discuss] UI issues

2005-11-14 Thread Caleb Marcus is an amazing piece of software, but I think that the 
default user-interface configuration is dreadful. It took me only about 
10 minutes to figure out how to use it, but for less computer-literate 
users, it can be scary. The worst part is that to change anything, you 
need the Options dialog, which is awful. Here are some of the many 
problems in the Options dialog that should be changed to improve's usability.

   * When you're in Writer, it should focus or only show Writer
 options, in Draw, it should show Draw, etc. Many sections should
 be made specific to the component, rather than being under the header.
   * There are literally about 40 sections, many of which don't make sense.
   * Mouse options shouldn't be in View. (one example of functions in
 the wrong place)
   * The Load/Save>General section has an extremely poorly designed
 section for default file formats. You select the file format you
 want to change, for instance Presentation, then in another box
 select a format, like OpenDocument Presentation. The right way to
 do it is to have drop-down boxes for each type of file, with file
 formats in them. This is just one example of using the wrong widget.
   * The Help Agent should be off by default, or at least a bit less
 excitable. For example, it pops up whenever it changes things like
 "teh" to "the," and whenever I save in an XML format. It *does
 not* need to tell me about how great OOo's XML files are every
 time I save. Also, it's hard to find the options for the Help
 Agent.>General is simply the wrong place to put it.
 There should be an option in the Help menu, or even better, in
 every window the Help Agent opens.
   * The word autocomplete function, although I like it, can be
 distracting. It should be off by default, and the setting should
 be somewhere like Writer>Writing (which should be
 created). It's not even in the options dialog, it's in
 Tools>AutoCorrect. AutoComplete != AutoCorrect.

The developers are doing a wonderful job at adding useful features, but 
they also need to take time to integrate them properly, into the right 
part of, before moving onto the next feature.

Lastly, please don't tell me, "It's FLOSS, you can do those things 
yourself." I'm not a programmer, so I can't. I contribute to by using it, helping other users, and telling people 
about it. I am *not* a developer. It's the wrong mindset to say that if 
the users want a feature, they should build it themselves.

Re: [discuss] Re: Re: Revision History

2005-11-12 Thread Caleb Marcus

Andrew Brown wrote:

Caleb Marcus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:43764C34.2040005

Aha! I see what happened here. I have been mainly using Writer lately 
for homework projects that needed to be submitted in doc format. If 
you load a doc file Versions doesn't appear in the menu (presumably 
because the MS idea of versioning is incompatible with OOo). When I 
loaded an odt it was there.

Thanks! Learn something every day.

Just a random suggestion, try using DOC less and use RTF. It is 
understood by almost all office software (including Office) and can't 
carry a virus.

Yes, but our RTF filters are horrible. Much worse than the .doc ones. And 
-- really -- you can't get word viruses if you use OOo to open word 

True, but some viruses infect DOC files on the disk, and sending 
infected files to Word users will infect them.

Re: [discuss] Re: Revision History

2005-11-12 Thread Caleb Marcus

Randomthots wrote:

Peter Hillier-Brook wrote:

Randomthots wrote:

G. Roderick Singleton wrote:

Hmm, does File > Versions not fill your requirements?  I think it 

do the job.

This is what I meant about the Help being inaccurate. On OO2, 
Windows version, I have no "Versions" menu item under File. I have 
"Changes" under the Edit menu. Are these the same thing?

File/Versions is certainly there in OOo 2.0 under WinXP: I use it all 
the time. It is greyed out for new files and only becomes operative 
after loading a previously saved file, as would be expected.

Have a closer look under the File menu: Versions appears about half 
way down.


Peter HB

Aha! I see what happened here. I have been mainly using Writer lately 
for homework projects that needed to be submitted in doc format. If 
you load a doc file Versions doesn't appear in the menu (presumably 
because the MS idea of versioning is incompatible with OOo). When I 
loaded an odt it was there.

Thanks! Learn something every day.

Just a random suggestion, try using DOC less and use RTF. It is 
understood by almost all office software (including Office) and can't 
carry a virus.

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Re: [discuss] Why?

2005-11-12 Thread Caleb Marcus

Ian Lynch wrote:

On Sun, 2005-11-13 at 03:39 +0900, Roger Markus wrote:


 It seemed (seems) to me that you have been more interested in pounding away
at a narrow view and ignoring many facts pointed out to you regarding the
wider picture.

Chad Smith has demonstrated on many occassions that he has no ability to
see past the end of his nose. You are wasting your time trying to reason
with him.

Y'know, there's something on almost EVERY email client, even webmail 
clients, that would be really useful. It's called... a FILTER! I suggest 
all of you who are sick of Chad's comments should look in their client's 
help and figure out how to use it. Seriously, the Chad-hating has gotten 
worse than his own idiocy, so I am blocking everything with Chad in the 

Re: [discuss] suggestion

2005-11-11 Thread Caleb Marcus

Paul Scott wrote:

Paul wrote:

I'm sure it could be done. However the purpose of PDF's is to provide
a non-editable format (as much as possible).

Can you document that?  How does Portable Document Format imply that?

There are other tools out
there than can edit and manipulate pdf's - which would probably be
better used.

Why?  Once import exists it shouldn't make any difference.  Sounds 
like a *possibly* good idea to me.

Paul Scott

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PDF is sort of like a typesetting format, it really saves how the 
document looks, not how it was made.

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Re: [discuss] Re: OpenOffice 3.0

2005-11-11 Thread Caleb Marcus

KamiHír wrote:

Randomthots írta:

Derek Meyer wrote:

On the release of OpenOffice 2.0, OOo has come up to (and surpassed)
Microsoft Office standards for the working professional.  If you 
want to
increase the user base significantly, there are two things that I 

must be done first and foremost:


*Implement a ClipArt system to compete with Microsoft's
*Improve Impress usability - see review posted all over online for


These two things will increase appeal to the average home computer 
With that audience, OpenOffice will gain tremendous ground - but 
until then,
the lack of ClipArt especially, will continue to distract attention 
your excellent suite.  Potential users, such as schools and 
families, need
clipart available for projects, but without it they will continue to 

ridiculous amounts for Microsoft Office.


Thanks for your consideration,

Derek Meyer

I also haven't read the reviews on Impress of which you speak, but 
from posts to these lists I would not tend to argue with the idea 
that Impress still needs work in some areas.

As to the ClipArt... I'm a pragmatic sort of fellow. One can find 
clip art all over the place -- Web sites too numerous to mention 
(just Google for it), CD's at Wal-mart with a few thousand images for 
$10, etc.  For that matter, I have absolutely no compunction against 
going to 
and getting clip art from Microsoft. There are no licensing 
restrictions that I can see and the images work perfectly well in OOo.

I'm somewhat underwhelmed by the OpenClipArt project; don't get me 
wrong, I'm behind the concept and I appreciate the efforts of the 
contributors, but... well, way too many penguins for one thing. I've 
tried to use it several times and I have yet to find an image that I 
need. And until OOo can utilize SVG images, the WMF format from the 
MS site is still the best choice for resizable images.

And did you try my gallery? 

The current version is 1.22

If implements clipart, I recommend having the download 
only contain the software, but the first time you run it it asks you 
whether you want to download clipart from the web.

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Re: [discuss] Palm Pilot - OOo 1.x / 2.x

2005-11-10 Thread Caleb Marcus

Andreas Neugebauer wrote:

Hi alltogether,

does anyone know a tool to get OOo Files, esp. Calcfiles,  on a Palm 
Pilot like OfficeToGo does for M$ ?

Andreas 'Nupela Didiman' Neugebauer

EDV - LeiterTel:  +49 421 59 08 166
Azul Kaffee GmbH & Co. KG   Fax:  +49 421 59 08 200
Am Deich 43 Mobil:+49 177 38 85 486
D - 28199 BremenSKYPE: aneugebauer


331B 85E0 CE3B C7D7 CB19  3DC1 F102 61E1 1E46 374A


Life isn't like a box of chocolates. It's more like a jar of 
jalapenos. What you do today, might burn your ass tomorrow

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No, I don't think so. But you can save as Excel.

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Re: [discuss] Palm Software

2005-11-08 Thread Caleb Marcus

CPHennessy wrote:

On Wed October 12 2005 20:39, + Jim wrote:

 [ MODERATED ] ***

I use a Palm PDA, and would like to use a small spreadsheet application on
it.  There are a number of these available, but all seem to require Excel
on the main computer to sync.  Since I use on my computer, I
would like to know if there are any Palm spreadsheet aps that will sync
with it, or if  you have any plans to develop such an application in the

Hi Jim,
 When you install there is a customization option. If you 
select this you have additional filters for documents which I think that Palm 

Please reply to only

Not true, it only exports to Palm Doc, which is a plain-text file 
similar to a memo.

Re: [discuss] OOo Writer with Outlook?

2005-11-01 Thread Caleb Marcus
I agree, Thunderbird is definitely better than Outlook. If you need the 
PIM functions (calendar, to do list), you can use Sunbird, also made by 

Sophie Gautier wrote:

Hi Chuck,
Chuck wrote:

Outlook has an option to let you use MS Word as your email editor. Does
anyone know if it's possible to make it use OOo Writer instead? The more
I work with OOo the more a like it over MS Office.

Why don't you give a try to Thunderbird ?
I'm sure the more you'll use it the more you'll like it over Outlook :)

Kind regards

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Re: [discuss] A funny thing about the (un)installer

2005-10-30 Thread Caleb Marcus

It does that to me for every program I have open, like Firefox and such.

Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:

While editing a mail to this group, I was uninstalling my
old 1.9.122 to finally set up the new 2.0. While the
uninstaller was doing the usual "data gathering" stuff etc I
finished sending the email and all. Then I turned back to
the uninstaller and found out it was waiting for me to close
that email ... why?

Because the email title contained '' and the
uninstaller checks for that string to see if OOo is
currently running. Obviously, it asks you to close it
because uninstallation requires the program to be closed.

I dont think this should be considered a bug (after all, you
can always ignore the condition, which you can do when you
know that the window it asks you about is not really an OOo
window), but found it was funny and deserved mentioning.
Just so :)


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Re: [discuss] timing of user survey

2005-10-29 Thread Caleb Marcus

That's a good idea.

R. Potter wrote:

I just down loaded version 2.0 after using the pre-2.0 release.  I 
registered my new product and took the survey.  Keep in mind I had yet 
to actually investigate all the new features.  I answered the survey 
questions based exclusively on my pre-2.0 usage.  At the end of the 
survey I listed features I would like to see.  I listed a "MS Access" 
capable database and templates.  Upon brief investigation it appears 
that my desired features have been addressed.  To keep these surveys 
more accurate and valuable, I wounder if a survey request should be 
timed after a user has had time to actually use the product?  This 
would provide more accurate data related to the product being used, 
not previous product usage.

-Robert Potter

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Re: [discuss] thanks, quick question

2005-10-29 Thread Caleb Marcus
I don't think so, but I am not a lawyer. What I do know is that MANY 
commercial and non-commercial (like this one) programs can do it, and 
they still exist. The software isn't illegal, and you don't have to use 
the Microsoft formats. In fact, unless you need to send files to someone 
else, use the included OpenDocument format. It makes much smaller files, 
cannot contain viruses, and is a completely open standard.

Henrik Sundberg wrote:

2005/10/29, Timothy Stockdale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

 Thanks for your product. I was just wondering whether or not this is
completely legal. Even using it to open certain Microsoft files? (Word,
Powerpoint, Excel)

I'm also uncertain. Is the reversed engineering ,used to construct the
import export filters, completely legal?

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Re: [discuss] installing problem for open o20

2005-10-29 Thread Caleb Marcus
I am not sure what you mean by the Java problem. However, I know that 
somewhere in the Options is an option for the steps when you make a 
square or other object.

mehmet demir wrote:

before installing I read read me file and then decided to install "java" 
then I installed oo20. during installation (at the begining) it gave a warning "you have java. 
first remove it then install oo20" I waited,supposed it would cancel the installation but 
continued. at last I tried to start "draw" as I drew a square it gave jvm.dll fault, oo 
was shut down.
several times I tried but the same result.

I remembered the warning. firstly I removed Java(J2SE from add/remove)then restarted pc 
then wanted to remove oo20. from the options I chose "recover 00"  it 
reinstalled java and some others. the installation proccess took long time then the fist 
installation. now there is no problem.
**so, let oo install all components, donot install java before.
but I think there is a problem. just after the warning about java it should 
stop installing oo. instead it continued and problem occured.
it should be recovered.

I donot like something about "draw".  shapes are colorful if you donot want color you 
should choose "hide" option near the color. older version has both two options 
practically. this is more difficult.
also while dragging the square it is drawn with the steps of 0,5cm. if you want to draw more sensitive with milimeters you should hold down ctrl on the keyboard. it is not practical either. 
maybe this has a solution but I havenot known yet. I installed oo20 today.

mehmet demir
I use oo20 on win98se

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Re: [discuss] thanks, quick question

2005-10-29 Thread Caleb Marcus
Burn it to a CD, post it to your website... if you are a programmer, you 
can even change it.

There is nothing illegal about opening Word files in

Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:

Saturday, October 29, 2005 Jonathon Blake wrote:


Timothy wrote:


whether or not this is completely legal.


It is legal to use.
You can also sell, or give away as many copies as you want to.

In fact, I would say you are *encouraged* to give away
copies. Spread the word. It's extremely important that as
many people as possible know of its existence.


Re: [discuss] Re: Request to unsusbscribe (or at least ignore) Chad

2005-10-29 Thread Caleb Marcus
If C. Smith was on the Users list (I've seen no evidence of that yet) then
it would be a problem. However, being on the Discuss list, I don't believe
that it's a problem warranting him being thrown out. I do think his idiocy
is rather funny, though.

On 10/29/05, Andrew Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "M. Fioretti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:20051028200137.GH4077
> :
> > In the last year C. Smith has repeatedly annoyed many other members of
> > this list. Apart from (lack of) good manners, he has consistantly
> > demonstrated ignorance of basic IT and industry policy concepts,
> > regardless of how many times they have been proven to him with
> > objective data, with a determination that can only be explained by:
> >
> > 1) serious mental disability, or
> > 2) deliberate trolling
> >
> I think Chad should stay, for three reasons. The first is that he's not
> the only person showing a stubborn and apparently deliberate inability to
> comprehend their opponents' points. It is a characteristic both of
> mailing lists in general, and geeks, if I may use the term, in
> particular. See the brilliant paper on "tact filters" at
> Secondly, and selfishly, if he goes someone else will have to take up the
> position of microsoft realist, and I fear it will be me. I agree with
> every word he said in his rant about how many people tell outrageous lies
> about Microsoft and its software -- for another example, look at the
> shitstorm on George Ou's Ziff Davies blog after he pointed out that Calc
> is about *136 times* slower to load spreadsheets than Excel. This is a
> fact. It is freely admitted by our own engineers. It has something to do
> with the inefficiencies of OOo's own coding, and something to do with the
> inherent inefficiencies of XML. Yet there are hundreds of messages
> denouncing him for "spreading Microsoft FUD" and similar things.
> Inconvenient facts are not enemy propaganda.
> Thirdly -- let's keep a sense of proportion. This is a mailing list. It
> achieves nothing. It's recreational typing. If individuals want to
> killfile him, that's fine, and probably a prerequisite for sanity. I have
> a killfile of my own which works so well I have forgotten who is in it.
> But announcing that he is to be expelled from it is just silly.
> --
> Andrew Brown
> The email in the header does not work.
> Contact details and possibly useful macros from
> -
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Re: [discuss] Re: bug in impress appear effect

2005-05-21 Thread Caleb Marcus

Yes, 1.0.4 has fixed this.

Stephan Gromer wrote:

The problem has apparently already been solved in the latest 1.9.104
release. I had encountered it as well before.
So, just download the latest release.


Caleb Marcus

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Re: [discuss] OOo

2005-05-19 Thread Caleb Marcus
Actually, there is a /newer/ beta, 1.9.104. Downloading it as I speak.
Alex wrote:
Have you checked out the newest beta (v 1.9.100)?  It has many nice 

Alex Janssen
Brecht Seys wrote: <> is cool, stable, but I 
have some remarks, some easy-to-program (I think so...) stuff:

It are some reasons why most people still use MSO, (most classmates 
and my brothers know OOo but they think in some points, MSO is still 
better then OOo, and they're right:)

-The whole OOo-thing:
*more user-friendly!!! (the main reason people still use MSO)
-something new?
*designing cd/dvd/...-covers,...?
*switch easily between the modes (diamodus, overview-modus, 
screen-presentation,...) with buttons or something like that
*make more faster and easyer links:
e.g. when you click on the upper part of the picture of dia 4, the 
program goes to dia 8, when you click on the lower part of dia 6 
(e.g. a piece of an image and a text), it goes to dia 10,...
*more printing-options:
e.g. print >>easily<< (without going into menu's and changing "print 
folder"-button or stuff like that) 6 dia's/page, page on the side 
(you know what I mean, the page 90° turned) with dia 1,2 on the left 
side and 3,4 at the right of the page
make a wizard or something for it

*more buttons instead of buttons with a tiny arrow (
<>mother didn't knew you could draw a freehand-line)
*If you open a MSWord.doc -document with tables, the tables are 
mostly somewhat bigger then in MSW
*Add the MSW-brush tool (for easily copying text-styles to other text 

keep up the good (and free;p) work!

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Caleb Marcus

Re: [discuss] OO2 Beta Impress Problem

2005-05-19 Thread Caleb Marcus
This isn't a problem. It's simply a limitation of OOo. Motion in OOo 
slideshows is jerky, I too hope that they will fix it soon. However, you 
aren't using the latest version. The latest version is 1.9.101.

Steven Harzmann wrote:
Hello Team,
I have downloaded the german version 1.9.79 (OpenOffice2 Beta). After
testing it for a wile i got faced with a kind of problem within the
OO2-modul Impress.
Description of problem:
A loaded original MS PowerPoint presentation as well as a presentation
created by Impress (OpenOffice 2 Beta), caused an disturbing effect while
doing the slideshow. 
The animated (the motion) sliding in of text- and graphicsparts where
buckling, or lagging. There was no smooth or fluent motion. No matter from
wich side the textparts moved in. Further more the longer the presentation
is, the harder this effekt appear. It seemed to me that Impress had problems
by processing the slideshow. 

I tried to fix that effect by altering different values in the memory
management within the OpenOffice2 options. All settings i tried were
ineffective, the slideshow is stil lagging. 
However starting the same presentation files with MS PowerPoint the problem
was gone. By the way my operating system is windows xp.

So i wondered if there is any similar problem known or is it just a setup
thing? I know that this version of OpenOffice is not finished yet, but i
thought you might be interested in my observations. I hope Impress will work
properly some day. I realy like the whole package!
Thx anyway,
Steven H.
PS: Is there any release date for the final version 2 yet

Caleb Marcus
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Re: [discuss] Version 1.9.101

2005-05-18 Thread Caleb Marcus
Oh, I'm not familiar with the numbering. I just want to know about when 
it should be out.

Eike Rathke wrote:
Hi Caleb,
On Wed, May 18, 2005 at 10:56:08 -0400, Caleb Marcus wrote:

When will OOo 1.9.101 be out?

You missed it ;-)  No, honestly, the next snapshot probably will be m104.

Caleb Marcus

[discuss] Version 1.9.101

2005-05-18 Thread Caleb Marcus
When will OOo 1.9.101 be out?
Caleb Marcus
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[discuss] Transitions in 1.9.100

2005-05-16 Thread Caleb Marcus
When I installed 1.1.4, I was dissapointed to find that there were no 
"fade" type transitions. I now use 1.9.100, and it has these 
transitions, but they are very jumpy. Does everyone see this? Will it be 
fixed in 1.9.101?

Windows XP Home Edition
Pentium 4 3.06 GHZ
nVidea Gforce with 64 MB
512 MB RAM
Caleb Marcus
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Re: [discuss] Openoffice Grammer Check

2005-05-15 Thread Caleb Marcus
If the product doesn't meet /your specific/ needs, don't use it.
Brandon Clinger wrote:
I was disappointed when I saw that Open office had no grammar check.
Grammar check is very helpful for school projects, where grammar is a
great chunk of a reports grade. I know Microsoft Office 2003 has
grammar check, but it keeps quite expensive to upgrade office every so
often. I would love to switch to Openoffice, but it will just not
suite my needs the way Microsoft Office does.

Caleb Marcus

Re: [discuss] Turkish Tabloid Enrages Germany with Nazi Comparisons

2005-05-15 Thread Caleb Marcus
I'm getting spam in German in my inbox, addressed to: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], as well as some other email 
addresses, do you think this has anything to do with this post?

Sophie Gautier wrote:
Caleb Marcus wrote:
Does this have anything to do with

This is a spam, I recieved about 500 of these mail tonight on the 
moderation of the FR lists and my OOo adress.

Kind regards

Caleb Marcus
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Re: [discuss] Turkish Tabloid Enrages Germany with Nazi Comparisons

2005-05-15 Thread Caleb Marcus
Does this have anything to do with
Full Article:,1518,345889,00.html
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Caleb Marcus
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[discuss] OOo 1.9.101: When?

2005-05-13 Thread Caleb Marcus
Does anyone know when 1.9.101 is coming out?
Caleb Marcus
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Re: [discuss] Strange-1

2005-05-13 Thread Caleb Marcus
Just to tell you, we are not a sir. We are many people who have signed 
up to this list. For help, post to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sylvic wrote:
Dear Sir:
It is so strange. I copy the first to second and also second to first. 
The first file works in the second but the second does not worked in 
the first. How strange it is. Why?

Best regards,Mozart

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Caleb Marcus

Re: [discuss] OPEN OFFICE

2005-05-11 Thread Caleb Marcus
Yes, runs in Windows XP Service Pack 2.
nebu rajan wrote:


Caleb Marcus
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Re: [discuss] help wanted

2005-05-11 Thread Caleb Marcus
I believe the stable version has a limit on rows.
Bjorn Claeys wrote:
Good day:
i recently installed the stable version of open office and the first time
i opened an excel file, it told me some rows were not imported cause "to
many rows". another file did not open due to "password protection". can somebody
help me please???

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Caleb Marcus
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Re: [discuss] Impress autocomplete

2005-05-10 Thread Caleb Marcus
I use 1.9.100 (a beta release) and it doesn't have it.
Hi All
Just a quick question (I posted it to a marketer a couple of days back and don't know 
whether the issue has been raised); is it possible to also have autocomplete/word 
completion for Impress as opposed to just for writer? I'm sure that one can type up the 
text for a slide in Writer and then copy it into Impress but I would like to know if it would 
not be possible to incorporate the option for autocomplete into the build for Impress as 
well (or maybe it's already been incorporated in 1.1.4 - don't know because I'm using 

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Caleb Marcus
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Re: [discuss] Open Impress in Oo2

2005-05-10 Thread Caleb Marcus
I have 1.9.100, I'm waiting for 1.9.101. So you were right.
Joseph B. Roth wrote:
Actually I'm sleeping here sorry. 1.9.100 came out almost 2 weeks ago 
I believe. Here is the link to the page for it.
Sorry about that, I read your reply and thought you were waiting for 
the next release.
JB {mental note, read the whole thread}

At 10:06 PM 5/10/2005, you wrote:
Joseph B. Roth wrote:
I believe their planned release dates for the betas are every two 
weeks. One should be coming up this weekend I think. Not sure if 
Impress is going to be updated this time though.

At least I think that's what I read somewhere.
At 09:36 PM 5/10/2005, you wrote:
When will 1.9.101 be out?
Thorsten Behrens wrote:
Harald Krahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I am using Oo2 1.9.95 besides 1.1.4
In Open Impress of Oo2 slide transition using the fade option 
goes in
visible short steps and not smoothly  as it should.

Hi Harald,
please give 1.9.101 a try, once that's out. Some of the slide
transitions should be significantly improved, starting from that
Generally, if you have Linux on your laptop, running a recent Xorg or
XFree version also improves transition speed at lot, at least if the
display driver uses hardware acceleration and holds Pixmaps in VRAM
(typically, vendor-provided drivers tend to do that).

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Re: [discuss] Open Impress in Oo2

2005-05-10 Thread Caleb Marcus
Joseph B. Roth wrote:
I believe their planned release dates for the betas are every two 
weeks. One should be coming up this weekend I think. Not sure if 
Impress is going to be updated this time though.

At least I think that's what I read somewhere.
At 09:36 PM 5/10/2005, you wrote:
When will 1.9.101 be out?
Thorsten Behrens wrote:
Harald Krahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I am using Oo2 1.9.95 besides 1.1.4
In Open Impress of Oo2 slide transition using the fade option goes in
visible short steps and not smoothly  as it should.

Hi Harald,
please give 1.9.101 a try, once that's out. Some of the slide
transitions should be significantly improved, starting from that
Generally, if you have Linux on your laptop, running a recent Xorg or
XFree version also improves transition speed at lot, at least if the
display driver uses hardware acceleration and holds Pixmaps in VRAM
(typically, vendor-provided drivers tend to do that).

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Re: [discuss] Open Impress in Oo2

2005-05-10 Thread Caleb Marcus
When will 1.9.101 be out?
Thorsten Behrens wrote:
Harald Krahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I am using Oo2 1.9.95 besides 1.1.4
In Open Impress of Oo2 slide transition using the fade option goes in
visible short steps and not smoothly  as it should.

Hi Harald,
please give 1.9.101 a try, once that's out. Some of the slide
transitions should be significantly improved, starting from that

Generally, if you have Linux on your laptop, running a recent Xorg or
XFree version also improves transition speed at lot, at least if the
display driver uses hardware acceleration and holds Pixmaps in VRAM
(typically, vendor-provided drivers tend to do that).

Re: [discuss] Access help from QuickStarter

2005-05-09 Thread Caleb Marcus
Thanks. I thought maybe the general help box should be tabbed, as well 
as the options box. I just feel that although standard, opening a 
document to change settings and get help isn't effective. A more useful, 
intuitive way is to access it through the "control panel" (in OOo this 
is the QuickStarter) than from the documents.

Elizabeth Matthis wrote:
Hi Caleb,
I answered your first post already, but for some reason it apparently 
didn't get posted to the list, so here is my reply again:

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [discuss] Access Help from QuickStarter
Date: Fri, 06 May 2005 12:13:29 +0200
From: Elizabeth Matthis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: openoffice.discuss
Hi Caleb,
Caleb Marcus wrote:
> I'd like to be able to access Help and Options from the QuickStarter.
> Any thoughts?
I like your idea of adding " Help" to the
Quickstarter menu. (But I'm not a developer, so I don't know
if it is possible) I suggest you create an "Enhancement" in
IssueTracker for that idea.
I'm not sure what you mean by "Options" though. Can you
explain your idea in a bit more detail for me? If you mean
the "Tools - Options" pages with the tree hierarchy, then I
can tell you already that those options are in many cases
application-specific and therefore must be opened out of one
of the applications (Writer, Impress, Calc, etc) and cannot
"stand-alone" like the Help viewer can. (i.e. Tools -
Options cannot be accessed via Quickstarter)
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Re: [discuss] Open Impress in Oo2

2005-05-08 Thread Caleb Marcus
I have noticed that all of the transitions need a lot of work.
Harald Krahl wrote:
Dear Developers,
I am using Oo2 1.9.95 besides 1.1.4
In Open Impress of Oo2 slide transition using the fade option goes in 
visible short steps and not smoothly  as it should.

I am using a Acer TravelMate 800 Notebook with a Centrino CPU of 
1.6Ghz and 1GB RAM. Under Oo 1.1.4 it works fine. Hope you will be 
able to fix this before final release of Oo2.

However many thanks to the developers of OpenOffice. Your work is 

Yours Harald Krahl

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[discuss] The auto-completer (or whatever it's called)

2005-05-08 Thread Caleb Marcus
When I am typing, Writer sometimes suggests words by showing them 
highlighted in blue. There are two things I would like to know:

1. What is this feature called?
2. How do I use it? (how do I insert the suggested word)
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[discuss] Reasons for using OOo

2005-05-08 Thread Caleb Marcus
I bought MS Office with my computer, but at the time I didn't know about 
OOo. I'm wondering what peoples' reasons for using OOo are.

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[discuss] Access help from QuickStarter

2005-05-08 Thread Caleb Marcus
I'd like to be able to access Help and Options from the QuickStarter. 
Any thoughts?

(Note: This is a re-post. I was unsubscribed for a day, but the problem 
seems to be fixed.)

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[discuss] Auto-completion in Writer

2005-05-08 Thread Caleb Marcus
When I am typing, Writer sometimes suggests words by showing them 
highlighted in blue. There are two things I would like to know:

1. What is this feature called?
2. How do I use it? (how do I insert the suggested word)
(Note: This is a re-post. I was unsubscribed for a day, but the problem 
seems to be fixed.)

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[discuss] mailing list problem

2005-05-08 Thread Caleb Marcus
I haven't gotten messages from the mailing list in a while, could 
someone respond so I know that it's working?

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[discuss] Access Help from QuickStarter

2005-05-05 Thread Caleb Marcus
I'd like to be able to access Help and Options from the QuickStarter. 
Any thoughts?

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Re: [discuss] QuickStarter is now quick! - Build 100

2005-05-05 Thread Caleb Marcus
Yes, it has gotten much faster. I noticed that in Build 97 (I think 
that's the build) it didn't quite work right. I'm glad to have the 
quickstarter back.

Rigel wrote:
I noticed a dramatic improvement in the loading time in the quickstarter. I am
impressed. The load time for OpenOffice components has been minimized on my
system. Load time is down by 80% for most of the components. :)
I like the progress in this area, and now have a reason to leave the
quickstarter left on :)
Thanks, Rigel
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Re: [discuss] QuickStart in 1.9.79

2005-05-04 Thread Caleb Marcus
Thanks, that helps. I'll use HTTP.
Graham wrote:
Caleb Marcus wrote:
Hmm, 1.9.79 seems to be the latest beta, and I don't see it. Maybe 
it's because they haven't gotten the latest beta for bittorrent yet.

In truth, the latest beta is 1.9.100 but I think the latest torrent is 
1.9.87 and '95 coming shortly


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Re: [discuss] QuickStart in 1.9.79

2005-05-04 Thread Caleb Marcus
Hmm, 1.9.79 seems to be the latest beta, and I don't see it. Maybe it's 
because they haven't gotten the latest beta for bittorrent yet.

Steve Kopischke wrote:
Yes. Try the latest beta and you will find the function has returned.
'Caleb Marcus' wrote on 05/04/05 15:59:
I like all the new features in 1.9.79, and can't wait for 2.0, but I 
miss being able to right click the quick-launch box and open a 
document in 1.1.4. Does anyone know about this functionality in 2.0?

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Re: [discuss] QuickStart in 1.9.79

2005-05-04 Thread Caleb Marcus
Thanks. Wow... I downloaded this version yesterday.
Steve Kopischke wrote:
Yes. Try the latest beta and you will find the function has returned.
'Caleb Marcus' wrote on 05/04/05 15:59:
I like all the new features in 1.9.79, and can't wait for 2.0, but I 
miss being able to right click the quick-launch box and open a 
document in 1.1.4. Does anyone know about this functionality in 2.0?

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[discuss] QuickStart in 1.9.79

2005-05-04 Thread Caleb Marcus
I like all the new features in 1.9.79, and can't wait for 2.0, but I 
miss being able to right click the quick-launch box and open a document 
in 1.1.4. Does anyone know about this functionality in 2.0?

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Re: [discuss] Usability Improvement Suggestions

2005-05-03 Thread Caleb Marcus
I agree with two, but not one.
Mr. I. M. Williams wrote:
A couple of suggestions on features which I believe would improve 
useability of OpenOffice.
1. The drop-down menus with Font and Font Size would be more useable 
if the currently selected Font / Font Size were centred in the dropped 
down window. That way it would be easier to select the previous item 
in the list, just as likely as wanting the next item.
2. It would be helpful if the "Recent Document" list carried the list 
of recent documents relevant to the particular application in which 
the list was opened, i.e. text documents in Writer, spreadsheets in 
Calc, etc.
As it is, if we use Writer for a number of text documents and then go 
back to working on a spreadsheet there is, very likely, no spreadsheet 
in the "Recent Documents" list.

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Re: [discuss] Open Source Software

2005-05-02 Thread Caleb Marcus
Yes, but I was talking about Open Source.
Joseph B. Roth wrote:
At 07:52 PM 5/1/2005, you wrote:
I just want to know what open source software people are using. I use 
Firefox, Thunderbird, GIMP, Audacity, Perl, and OpenOffice.

Let's see, I use:
DVD Decrypter <--should I admit that?
Virtual Dub
Not all are open source but all are freeware so I guess I strayed from 
the subject a bit.

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Re: [discuss] Collaboration features?

2005-05-02 Thread Caleb Marcus
You can make changes, then the owner can type a password and accept or 
reject the changes.

Christian Andersson wrote:
see comments inline.
Daniel Carrera wrote:
Is anyone here familiar with the "collaboration" featues of MS 
Office? What do they do? What do they provide?

I'm sorry that i cannot answer your question above. since I have never 
used any collaboration features of microsoft office (I have infact 
never used any MS office version above 95, and that was in school)

My understanding is that it lets two people edit the same file and 
resolve the conflicts. But how does that differ from OOo's "compare 
document" feature? Do they provide file history in the sense of CVS? 
That is, the ability to go back in time to previous versions of the 

I can however tell you what our company has done for openoffice 
regarding document collaboration.

We have developed a Collaboration suite for Openoffice 1.1.x and 2.0, 
where all users assigned to a document, can simultaniously work in the 
same document. The functionality is advanced with a client/server 
implementation using a relation database on the server.
The Collaboration suite will be released when 2.0 is officially released.

The suite contains the following functionality:
*  Granting read and write access to sections of a document.
   o The rights can be granted on department level, role level
 and user level. Granting the acces can either be done directly
 in OOo or from a webpage.
   o If the user has read access to a section this can only be
 read, not written to.
   o Hiding of sections the user has no read access to.
   o Setting of priority, due dates and estimated worktime.
   o Integration with intranet
* Centralized configuration management of the complete
  package where different configuration and access profiles
  (OpenOffice functions) can be set for:
   o Organisation, department and users with inheritance and blocking
   o Every item in the config and access profiles can be limited by
 dates if needed. As an example we can mention the disabling of
 spellcheck,cut and paste during a exam day for a class, but
 for pupils with dyslexia the spellcheck is enabled.
/Christian Andersson
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[discuss] Open Source Software

2005-05-01 Thread Caleb Marcus
I just want to know what open source software people are using. I use 
Firefox, Thunderbird, GIMP, Audacity, Perl, and OpenOffice.

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