Re: Congratulation!"Restlet: Official Developer's Guide to RESTful Web Applications in Java" will be out!

2008-02-25 Thread Ralf Bommersbach

Jerome Louvel schrieb:

Hi all,

It seems that Dan found out about the upcoming release earlier than I
expected. We are busy writing the manuscript, so there is still a long way
to go before you can pick up the book at your local bookstore :)

The book will cover Restlet 1.1 which we hope to release at the same time.
There is currently no plan for a French version, but I have just asked about
this to my editor. I'll keep you informed.

Best regards,


-Message d'origine-
De : news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de Jean-Yves Cronier
Envoyé : vendredi 22 février 2008 15:50
À :
Objet : Re: Congratulation!“Restlet: Official Developer’s 
Guide to RESTful Web Applications in Java” will be out!

And, Which version is concerned ? RESTlet 1.0 or RESTlet 1.1 ?

Jean-Yves Cronier a écrit :

Is a french version planned ?


Great news --- I just preordered a copy at amazon --- this should come 
_really_ handy for my diploma thesis which is (in part) about 
implementing a RESTful Web Service. This book is _exactly_ what I need - 
I just hope it won't be delayed. In the meantime - are there any other 
good resources about learning to use RESTful (Tutorials, guides, etc) 
other than those found on the Restlet-Homepage?


Re: File extensions to select variants

2008-03-18 Thread Ralf Bommersbach


I personally think this is definitely a great idea! I'm planing to use 
URIs with extensions to support different media-types in my current 
project and at the moment I'm just looking at the resourceRef  in the 
resource-class and then manipulate the available variants and so on - 
its just very dirty!
What I'm interested in: How will the API support this: Will there be 
just a method resource.addExtension(MediaType mime, String ext) or will 
it somehow get integrated with the setVariant-method. I'm relatively new 
to RESTLET so sorry if the answers to my questions are obvious or so... ;-)


Jerome Louvel schrieb:

Hi all,

We have started to discuss with Chuck Mortimer and Stephan Koops the support
of file extensions to influence the content negotiation in Restlet. This is
tracked in the following RFE:

"Support variant selection based on file extension"

The solution we are now considering is to enhance the TunnelService (one for
each application) to support the automatic modification of the "Accept",
"Accept-Language", "Accept-Encoding", "Accept-Charset" headers (actually the
Restlet equivalents in ClientInfo) based on the given file extensions and on
the metadata associated (via the MetadataService).

When processing a request with a resourceRef having file extensions, the
idea is to update the client preferences and cut the URI reference to remove
the extensions. With this, the application itself would not know or have to
care about which way was used to select the variants (via Accept* headers,
via tunnel query parameters or via tunnel file extensions).

Also, we want to enable it by default and to refactor the Directory Restlet
to take advantage of it instead of its internal mechanism. Any opinion on
this new feature before we start coding it? 

Best regards,

Re: Restlet book update

2008-04-28 Thread Ralf Bommersbach

That's sad, I was really looking forward to this.

"The good news is that we are currently considering alternative ways to 
bring the manuscript to interested readers." --> that would be great!

Jerome Louvel schrieb:

Hi all,
Some of you who with pre-orders of the upcoming Restlet book might have

received a cancelling notification. This results from a joint decision
between us and our initial publisher to not move forward together with the
book. We apologize for the troubles and the confusion. 
The good news is that we are currently considering alternative ways to bring

the manuscript to interested readers. Two third of it is already written and
we still hope to have it published in time for Restlet 1.1 release !
Stay tuned,


Re: Tracking Request and Patterns

2008-04-30 Thread Ralf Bommersbach
Hello, I'm trying to do something similar, parsing the path-components 
of an URI to create a kind of query. I dont know the count,type or order 
of the parameters (the path-components) of this query at compile-time so 
 I thought about creating the query on the fly with chained routers and 
extending the query at each step.

Anyway, I have my reasons not to use query-parameters for this (because 
theres hypermedia with info/links to further application states involved 
at each resource-step) and want to dynamically collect the semantic of 
the query at each path-step.

Could you please provide me with a code-snippet how you did it Sanjay, 
because I think thats very close to the thing I would need 


Sanjay Acharya schrieb:

Hi Jerome,

Thanks for the suggestion. I have actually subclassed the Router class and 
overriden the getNext() method to provide me the URI. I am storing the partial 
uri in the case of router chaining to and finally aggregating the same.

Thanks again.


Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 18:38:19 +0200
Subject: RE: Tracking Request and Patterns

Hi Sanjay,

Here is another idea: 

1) Create a subclass of the Route class (which is a Filter) and add the
logic to save the URI template in each request handled. You have access to
the template via the Route.getTemplate() method.

2) Create a subclass the Router class and override the createRoute(String
uriTemplate, Restlet target) to return instances of your Route subclass.

3) Use your Router subclass instead of normal Router instances.

That's all you should need! :)

Best regards,

-Message d'origine-
De : Sanjay Acharya [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Envoyé : mardi 8 avril 2008 17:43

À :
Objet : Tracking Request and Patterns

I am trying to develop a tracker to determine which pattern 
uri of a restlet service has been invoked. For example, an 
OrderApplication may support:

I would like to be able to intercept a request and place the 
pattern uri (example:/order/{orderId})  into the request 
object so that I might be able to use it later for tracking 
purpose. For example, 
being able to use the the result that I place in the request 
within a Tomcat Valve or Filter:
I am searching for the best place to handle this. My first 
thought was to extend the Application class by providing a 
custom AbstractApplication that would do the following:
public abstract class MyApplication extends Application {
  public void handle(Request request, Response response) {

super.handle(request, response);
Restlet root = super.getRoot();

if (! (root instanceof Router)) {


Router router = (Router) root;

RouteList rlist = router.getRoutes();

Route route = rlist.getBest(request, response, 

Template t = route.getTemplate();
String servicedPattern = t.getPattern();

Map attributes = new HashMap();

attribues.put("SERVICED_PATTERN", servicedPattern);  
 // Place the pattern serviced in the request so that it 
may be extracted later. 

I however do not believe the above is the correct place for 
this sort of tracking as the above code assumes that the 
routers are not chained. Further placing I am not sure whether 
placing objects in will be available 
after the restlet finishes the processing, something I have 
yet to try.
Any suggestions/thoughts/experiences with where the best 
place to plugin this tracking information would be appreciated.


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Re: Restlet book update

2008-05-07 Thread Ralf Bommersbach
Great news. I can see the "resource" isn't up yet, but I'm looking 
forward to it!


Jerome Louvel schrieb:

Hi Jean-Yves,

We are currently converting the manuscript to DocBook XML format to publish
a free multi-page HTML version on a site. The idea
is to get more feed-back and to increase the amount of online Restlet
documentation to facilitate and broaden usage of the technology.

In parallel, we are looking for publishers interested in publishing a PDF
and a paperback version of the book. Several persons from the community have
proposed help (thx!), given advices and we are currently looking through the
various options.

We are also quite busy with other high priority issues, so the process takes
more time than what we would like. We will keep you posted when significant
progress is made.

Best regards,

-Message d'origine-
De : news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de Jean-Yves Cronier
Envoyé : mardi 6 mai 2008 19:58
À :
Objet : Re: Restlet book update

Any news about that ?

Ralf Bommersbach a écrit :

That's sad, I was really looking forward to this.

"The good news is that we are currently considering alternative ways to 
bring the manuscript to interested readers." --> that would be great!

Jerome Louvel schrieb:

Hi all,
Some of you who with pre-orders of the upcoming Restlet book might have

received a cancelling notification. This results from a joint decision
between us and our initial publisher to not move forward together with 
book. We apologize for the troubles and the confusion.  
The good news is that we are currently considering alternative ways to 
the manuscript to interested readers. Two third of it is already 
written and

we still hope to have it published in time for Restlet 1.1 release !
Stay tuned,


Firefox content-negotiation preferences

2008-05-29 Thread Ralf Bommersbach

Hello list,
while I absolutely love Firefox, there's one thing that's disturbing me 
for a while now (well since I started developing in a RESTful way) : The 
standard behavior of Firefox 2 is  to prefer an XML-Representation over 
an HTML-Representation. You can easily see that in the Accept-header of 
the HTTP-Request:


this means if I have a resource that has an human-readable 
HTML-Representation and also an XML-Representation (e.g. for 
machine-based parsing of the resource) - that if the url has no 
extension that explicitly specifies the mime-type (like .atom, or .htm) 
- the user gets the xml-Representation of the Resource. This is often 
confusing for the user and clearly  not very helpful: The default choice 
for a Web-Browser (all other things being equal) should IMHO be Hypermedia.
This Behavior of Firefox 2 is also incosistent with all other Browser 
out there (at least as far as I know), which adds to the confusion...

so,my question is: does anyone know of a (preferrably non-hacky) way to 
set HTML as the default first choice across _all_ browser (like, if no 
extension is given, always assume html...) ?

P.S. By the way, In Firefox 3, HTML seems to be the default

Re: Firefox content-negotiation preferences

2008-05-29 Thread Ralf Bommersbach
Ok I set getTunnelService.setUserAgentTunnel(true) in the constructor of 
my Application-subclass but no change, still defaults to xml... :-(

Do I have to edit the agent/

My Firefox2 user-agent reads:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: 
Gecko/20080404 Firefox/

best regards

Stephan Koops schrieb:

Hi Ralf,

Thierry implemented a feature for this. Take a look at the 
TunnelService.userAgentTunnel. You find the config file to replace the 
accept header in org/restlet/service/ and the config 
file for check the name of the browser in 

As first try to call TunnelService.setUserAgentTunnel(true) and look, if 
it works.

best regards

Ralf Bommersbach schrieb:

Hello list,
while I absolutely love Firefox, there's one thing that's disturbing 
me for a while now (well since I started developing in a RESTful way) 
: The standard behavior of Firefox 2 is  to prefer an 
XML-Representation over an HTML-Representation. You can easily see 
that in the Accept-header of the HTTP-Request:


this means if I have a resource that has an human-readable 
HTML-Representation and also an XML-Representation (e.g. for 
machine-based parsing of the resource) - that if the url has no 
extension that explicitly specifies the mime-type (like .atom, or 
.htm) - the user gets the xml-Representation of the Resource. This is 
often confusing for the user and clearly  not very helpful: The 
default choice for a Web-Browser (all other things being equal) should 
IMHO be Hypermedia.
This Behavior of Firefox 2 is also incosistent with all other Browser 
out there (at least as far as I know), which adds to the confusion...

so,my question is: does anyone know of a (preferrably non-hacky) way 
to set HTML as the default first choice across _all_ browser (like, if 
no extension is given, always assume html...) ?

P.S. By the way, In Firefox 3, HTML seems to be the default

Re: Firefox content-negotiation preferences

2008-05-29 Thread Ralf Bommersbach
Yes I already use the extension-Tunnel (its a nice feature by the way) 
and yes, if i explicitly write .htm or .html at the end of the uri it 
works. What I want though is that the user gets html even if he doesn't 
use any extension.
There are many use cases imaginable, where a user will not know about 
extensions and just try an URI (e.g. /SOS/OFFERINGS/WeatherMS)
He should then - per default - get Hypermedia which is human-readable 
and points to other representation/resources.

Anyway right now this is not a very urgent problem for me, its just 
something thats been bugging me and I thought I'd share ;-)

I'm using Restlet 1.1M4

Stephan Koops schrieb:

Hi Ralf,

I only see that feature, but do not used it yet. Thierry, could you help?

Ralf, you could try the extension tunnel. If you add ".html" to the URI 
it automaticly sets the acept header to "text/html".

best regards

Ralf Bommersbach schrieb:
Ok I set getTunnelService.setUserAgentTunnel(true) in the constructor 
of my Application-subclass but no change, still defaults to xml... :-(

Do I have to edit the agent/

My Firefox2 user-agent reads:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: 
Gecko/20080404 Firefox/

best regards

Re: Firefox content-negotiation preferences

2008-05-29 Thread Ralf Bommersbach

Ok will do, I'll keep you informed.


Thierry Boileau schrieb:

Hello Ralf,

could you tell us what is the content of the "accept" header? Is this 
exactly the one specified in the ""?

If not, you will have to provide your own file.
Proceed as follow:
 - in a directory of your convenience, add your own "" 
file in the following sub-path: org/restlet/service/

 - add in your classpath the directory.

Could you keep us informed?

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau

Yes I already use the extension-Tunnel (its a nice feature by the way) 
and yes, if i explicitly write .htm or .html at the end of the uri it 
works. What I want though is that the user gets html even if he 
doesn't use any extension.
There are many use cases imaginable, where a user will not know about 
extensions and just try an URI (e.g. /SOS/OFFERINGS/WeatherMS)
He should then - per default - get Hypermedia which is human-readable 
and points to other representation/resources.

Anyway right now this is not a very urgent problem for me, its just 
something thats been bugging me and I thought I'd share ;-)

I'm using Restlet 1.1M4

Stephan Koops schrieb:

Hi Ralf,

I only see that feature, but do not used it yet. Thierry, could you 

Ralf, you could try the extension tunnel. If you add ".html" to the 
URI it automaticly sets the acept header to "text/html".

best regards

Ralf Bommersbach schrieb:
Ok I set getTunnelService.setUserAgentTunnel(true) in the 
constructor of my Application-subclass but no change, still defaults 
to xml... :-(

Do I have to edit the agent/

My Firefox2 user-agent reads:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; 
rv: Gecko/20080404 Firefox/

best regards

Re: Firefox content-negotiation preferences

2008-05-29 Thread Ralf Bommersbach
Ok it seems to work now: The problem was I didn't realize that the 
org.restlet.jar library (1.1M4) that I had referenced in my project did 
_not_ contain the / There are only 
the class files in it and so of course the properties couldn't be loaded 
I guess. So I followed your advice, copied the 2 files into my 
project-classpath and voila! - responses default now to HTML in Firefox2

Thanks again!


Thierry Boileau schrieb:

Hello Ralf,

could you tell us what is the content of the "accept" header? Is this 
exactly the one specified in the ""?

If not, you will have to provide your own file.
Proceed as follow:
 - in a directory of your convenience, add your own "" 
file in the following sub-path: org/restlet/service/

 - add in your classpath the directory.

Could you keep us informed?

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau

Yes I already use the extension-Tunnel (its a nice feature by the way) 
and yes, if i explicitly write .htm or .html at the end of the uri it 
works. What I want though is that the user gets html even if he 
doesn't use any extension.
There are many use cases imaginable, where a user will not know about 
extensions and just try an URI (e.g. /SOS/OFFERINGS/WeatherMS)
He should then - per default - get Hypermedia which is human-readable 
and points to other representation/resources.

Anyway right now this is not a very urgent problem for me, its just 
something thats been bugging me and I thought I'd share ;-)

I'm using Restlet 1.1M4

Stephan Koops schrieb:

Hi Ralf,

I only see that feature, but do not used it yet. Thierry, could you 

Ralf, you could try the extension tunnel. If you add ".html" to the 
URI it automaticly sets the acept header to "text/html".

best regards

Ralf Bommersbach schrieb:
Ok I set getTunnelService.setUserAgentTunnel(true) in the 
constructor of my Application-subclass but no change, still defaults 
to xml... :-(

Do I have to edit the agent/

My Firefox2 user-agent reads:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; 
rv: Gecko/20080404 Firefox/

best regards


2008-05-30 Thread Ralf Bommersbach

Hi there.
Suppose I have an URL that itself has an URL embedded, like 

If I call request.getResourceRef.getSegments(), I get a list of all the 
Segments of the URL, BUT because the method only looks for slashes it 
also tokenizes the pieces of the embedded url. What if I want the 
embedded URL as ONE Segment. Is there a built-in way in Restlet to do 
this? (hint: I have already declared the template param service_url as 

Best regards

Re: resourceRef.getSegments()

2008-05-30 Thread Ralf Bommersbach
I have a vague idea about somehow comparing the routing-template that 
lead to this resource with the actual Resourc-Reference... but I can't 
find a way to get the template that routed to this resource (I have 
multiple templates that sometimes route to the same resource)

so what I need is something like resource.getRequest.getTemplate
or Application.getCurrent.getRouter.getTemplate(thisResource)

Ralf Bommersbach schrieb:

Hi there.
Suppose I have an URL that itself has an URL embedded, like 

If I call request.getResourceRef.getSegments(), I get a list of all the 
Segments of the URL, BUT because the method only looks for slashes it 
also tokenizes the pieces of the embedded url. What if I want the 
embedded URL as ONE Segment. Is there a built-in way in Restlet to do 
this? (hint: I have already declared the template param service_url as 

Best regards


2008-05-30 Thread Ralf Bommersbach

Hello, its me again.

I see that the Template class support a MODE_STARTS_WITH and MODE_EQUALS 
but no MODE_ENDS_WITH. I think that would be very helpful in many 
use-cases, for example if you have a URL like /.../.../.../result where 
the path before the result-resource is variable but you always have a 
results-resource at the end...

Right now I have to explicitly set a route for every possible mutation 
of the paths with a result-resource at the end, would be much easier if 
I could just write router.attach("/result", 

just an idea, what do you think?

Help: IE chunked-http problem

2008-06-06 Thread Ralf Bommersbach


I'm getting strange errors when loading restlet-pages in IE, it 
sometimes does insert seemingly random numbers at the start of the page 
and at the end like



I did some reseach and think it has to do with chunked-transfer-encoding 
of http packets.


for some reasons IE (6&7) don't seem to handle chunked http-packets 
correctly and inserts the chunk-length as content or so. Needless to say 
this totally screws up my pages...

At least this is the only explanation I have as other browsers don't 
have this problem (did I mention that I HATE IE?).

BTW, I'm using the integrated Noelios HTTP-server.

Anyone else getting this?
Anyone knows how I can disable the hppt-chunking on the noelios http-server?

Best regards

Re: Help: IE chunked-http problem

2008-06-06 Thread Ralf Bommersbach
Hi, first its nice to hear I'm not the only one with this problem. It's 
driving me crazy... ;-)

Yes, I also have the problem very randomly (sometimes it loads just 
fine, sometimes it doesn't even do CSS, sometimes there are the numbers) 
but _only_ with IE and the internal noelios server. Until now I have 
only used the internal server connector, as its easy to setup and use 
for testing-purposes. Maybe I should try another, like the Apache 
tomcat? I'll have to look how to do that.

Do you by any chance know if this htpp-chunking can be disabled via the 
restlet-api? To test my theory that its the http-chunking thats causing 
the errors...


Thierry Boileau schrieb:

Hello Ralf,

I've encountered also this strange behaviour but randomly and only a few 
times with the internal server connector.

What is yours? Did you try to use another one?

best regards,
Thierry Boileau


I'm getting strange errors when loading restlet-pages in IE, it 
sometimes does insert seemingly random numbers at the start of the 
page and at the end like



I did some reseach and think it has to do with 
chunked-transfer-encoding of http packets.


for some reasons IE (6&7) don't seem to handle chunked http-packets 
correctly and inserts the chunk-length as content or so. Needless to 
say this totally screws up my pages...

At least this is the only explanation I have as other browsers don't 
have this problem (did I mention that I HATE IE?).

BTW, I'm using the integrated Noelios HTTP-server.

Anyone else getting this?
Anyone knows how I can disable the hppt-chunking on the noelios 

Best regards

Re: Help: IE chunked-http problem

2008-06-06 Thread Ralf Bommersbach

Ok thanks that helped a lot!
I use now the jetty server-connector and not only did the speed improve, 
but also (so far) the error can't be reproduced with Internet Explorer. 
Everythings just fine! thanks again :-)

p.s. so yeah - it seems that the internal server just has some problems 
handling/delivering http-chunks (in combination with Internet-Explorer 
as client), or so...

Best regards

Thierry Boileau schrieb:

Hi Ralf

 >Maybe I should try another, like the Apache tomcat? I'll have to look 
how to do that.
Oh, that's simple, have a look at this page:
You only have to put the jar of one of the server connectors and the 
jars of its dependencies (try with Jetty first) in your classpath. Et 
voilà, that's all!

best regards,
Thierry Boileau

Hi, first its nice to hear I'm not the only one with this problem. 
It's driving me crazy... ;-)

Yes, I also have the problem very randomly (sometimes it loads just 
fine, sometimes it doesn't even do CSS, sometimes there are the 
numbers) but _only_ with IE and the internal noelios server. Until now 
I have only used the internal server connector, as its easy to setup 
and use for testing-purposes. Maybe I should try another, like the 
Apache tomcat? I'll have to look how to do that.

Do you by any chance know if this htpp-chunking can be disabled via 
the restlet-api? To test my theory that its the http-chunking thats 
causing the errors...


Thierry Boileau schrieb:

Hello Ralf,

I've encountered also this strange behaviour but randomly and only a 
few times with the internal server connector.

What is yours? Did you try to use another one?

best regards,
Thierry Boileau


I'm getting strange errors when loading restlet-pages in IE, it 
sometimes does insert seemingly random numbers at the start of the 
page and at the end like



I did some reseach and think it has to do with 
chunked-transfer-encoding of http packets.


for some reasons IE (6&7) don't seem to handle chunked http-packets 
correctly and inserts the chunk-length as content or so. Needless to 
say this totally screws up my pages...

At least this is the only explanation I have as other browsers don't 
have this problem (did I mention that I HATE IE?).

BTW, I'm using the integrated Noelios HTTP-server.

Anyone else getting this?
Anyone knows how I can disable the hppt-chunking on the noelios 

Best regards

Re: Help: IE chunked-http problem

2008-06-10 Thread Ralf Bommersbach

ahem ok, sure, dumb question: how do I do this? :-/

Kevin Conaway schrieb:

Ralf, can you open a ticket for this?

Perhaps we're not setting the correct header combination or IE requires a
strange one to parse chunked encodings.

On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 11:47 AM, Ralf Bommersbach <

Ok thanks that helped a lot!
I use now the jetty server-connector and not only did the speed improve,
but also (so far) the error can't be reproduced with Internet Explorer.
Everythings just fine! thanks again :-)

p.s. so yeah - it seems that the internal server just has some problems
handling/delivering http-chunks (in combination with Internet-Explorer as
client), or so...

Best regards

Thierry Boileau schrieb:

 Hi Ralf

 >Maybe I should try another, like the Apache tomcat? I'll have to look
how to do that.
Oh, that's simple, have a look at this page:
You only have to put the jar of one of the server connectors and the jars
of its dependencies (try with Jetty first) in your classpath. Et voilà,
that's all!

best regards,
Thierry Boileau

 Hi, first its nice to hear I'm not the only one with this problem. It's

driving me crazy... ;-)

Yes, I also have the problem very randomly (sometimes it loads just fine,
sometimes it doesn't even do CSS, sometimes there are the numbers) but
_only_ with IE and the internal noelios server. Until now I have only used
the internal server connector, as its easy to setup and use for
testing-purposes. Maybe I should try another, like the Apache tomcat? I'll
have to look how to do that.

Do you by any chance know if this htpp-chunking can be disabled via the
restlet-api? To test my theory that its the http-chunking thats causing the


Thierry Boileau schrieb:

Hello Ralf,

I've encountered also this strange behaviour but randomly and only a few
times with the internal server connector.
What is yours? Did you try to use another one?

best regards,
Thierry Boileau


I'm getting strange errors when loading restlet-pages in IE, it
sometimes does insert seemingly random numbers at the start of the page and
at the end like


I did some reseach and think it has to do with
chunked-transfer-encoding of http packets.

for some reasons IE (6&7) don't seem to handle chunked http-packets
correctly and inserts the chunk-length as content or so. Needless to say
this totally screws up my pages...

At least this is the only explanation I have as other browsers don't
have this problem (did I mention that I HATE IE?).

BTW, I'm using the integrated Noelios HTTP-server.

Anyone else getting this?
Anyone knows how I can disable the hppt-chunking on the noelios

Best regards

Re: resourceRef.getSegments()

2008-06-13 Thread Ralf Bommersbach

Ok thanks I think I will do that!

Jerome Louvel schrieb:

Hi Ralf,

Stephan's idea is probably the best for now as the slashes will be encoded
and ignore by the parsing done in getSegments().

In the future, we want to add automatic encoding and decoding to the
Template class so this would be fully transparent as you expected. Just
marking a variable as TYPE_URI_PATH should be enough for the Template class
to know that the {servier_url} value needs to be encoded or decoded.

We have a related RFE already:

"Generation of URIs from URI templates and encoding"

Best regards,

-Message d'origine-
Envoyé : vendredi 30 mai 2008 12:43

À :
Objet : Re: resourceRef.getSegments()

Hi Ralf,

you could url encode the service url.

best regards

Ralf Bommersbach schrieb:

Hi there.
Suppose I have an URL that itself has an URL embedded, like 

If I call request.getResourceRef.getSegments(), I get a list of all 
the Segments of the URL, BUT because the method only looks for slashes 
it also tokenizes the pieces of the embedded url. What if I want the 
embedded URL as ONE Segment. Is there a built-in way in Restlet to do 
this? (hint: I have already declared the template param service_url as 

Best regards

Re: resourceRef.getSegments()

2008-06-13 Thread Ralf Bommersbach
Ooopps ok I just read the RFE and saw that apparently its solved in the 
newest milestone. Very nice I will try and test it as soon as possible! :-)


Ralf Bommersbach schrieb:

Ok thanks I think I will do that!

Jerome Louvel schrieb:

Hi Ralf,

Stephan's idea is probably the best for now as the slashes will be 

and ignore by the parsing done in getSegments().

In the future, we want to add automatic encoding and decoding to the
Template class so this would be fully transparent as you expected. Just
marking a variable as TYPE_URI_PATH should be enough for the Template 

to know that the {servier_url} value needs to be encoded or decoded.

We have a related RFE already:

"Generation of URIs from URI templates and encoding"

Best regards,

-Message d'origine-
vendredi 30 mai 2008 12:43

À :
Objet : Re: resourceRef.getSegments()

Hi Ralf,

you could url encode the service url.

best regards

Ralf Bommersbach schrieb:

Hi there.
Suppose I have an URL that itself has an URL embedded, like 

If I call request.getResourceRef.getSegments(), I get a list of all 
the Segments of the URL, BUT because the method only looks for 
slashes it also tokenizes the pieces of the embedded url. What if I 
want the embedded URL as ONE Segment. Is there a built-in way in 
Restlet to do this? (hint: I have already declared the template param 
service_url as Variable.TYPE_URI_PATH.

Best regards

Safari content-negotiation...

2008-06-17 Thread Ralf Bommersbach


some time ago I posted a question regarding Firefox content-negotiation 
preferences (problem: prefers XML over HTML), see here:

as you can see in the thread I was able to solve the problem (with the 
help of the list, thanks very much) by using the Tunnelservice and the / files.

I face now the same problem with Safari 3.1 for Windows. It also - per 
default - show the XML (only the text-content of the nodes) if there are 
multiple available representations and no explicit mimeType is requested 
(e.g. per file-extension).

The difficulty I have in correcting this behavior is that the User-Agent 
template provided in the seems to be the one for 
Safari-2 on Mac and the new one for Safari-3 on Windows is slightly 
different, as you can see here:

I have been trying to modify the user-agent template in the file so that 
it fits the Safari3, but so far I have no luck: I must be doing 
something wrong and I fear I have not enough in-depth understanding of 
how exactly the tunnelservice/user-agent mechanism works to get this 

and ideas/help would be appreciated, thanks!

Best regards
Ralf Bommersbach

Re: Safari content-negotiation...

2008-06-17 Thread Ralf Bommersbach

That was my first idea too...
well,I've tested it and unfortunatley this doesn't work :-(

Thierry Boileau schrieb:

Hello Ralf,

what you need to do is to provide your own file (as 
said in the thread you mention), then add the following pattern, which 
should work (I've not tested it):
Mozilla/{mozillaVersion} (Macintosh; U; {agentOs};{osData}) 
AppleWebKit/{appleWebKitVersion} ({appleWebKitComment}) 
Version/{familyVersion} {agentName}/{agentVersion}

best regards,
Thierry Boileau


some time ago I posted a question regarding Firefox 
content-negotiation preferences (problem: prefers XML over HTML), see 

as you can see in the thread I was able to solve the problem (with the 
help of the list, thanks very much) by using the Tunnelservice and the / files.

I face now the same problem with Safari 3.1 for Windows. It also - per 
default - show the XML (only the text-content of the nodes) if there 
are multiple available representations and no explicit mimeType is 
requested (e.g. per file-extension).

The difficulty I have in correcting this behavior is that the 
User-Agent template provided in the seems to be the 
one for Safari-2 on Mac and the new one for Safari-3 on Windows is 
slightly different, as you can see here:

I have been trying to modify the user-agent template in the file so 
that it fits the Safari3, but so far I have no luck: I must be doing 
something wrong and I fear I have not enough in-depth understanding of 
how exactly the tunnelservice/user-agent mechanism works to get this 

and ideas/help would be appreciated, thanks!

Best regards
Ralf Bommersbach

Re: Safari content-negotiation...

2008-06-17 Thread Ralf Bommersbach
p.s. I changed "Macintosh" to "Windows" in the user-agent template, 
still doesn't work.

Ralf Bommersbach schrieb:

That was my first idea too...
well,I've tested it and unfortunatley this doesn't work :-(

Thierry Boileau schrieb:

Hello Ralf,

what you need to do is to provide your own file (as 
said in the thread you mention), then add the following pattern, which 
should work (I've not tested it):
Mozilla/{mozillaVersion} (Macintosh; U; {agentOs};{osData}) 
AppleWebKit/{appleWebKitVersion} ({appleWebKitComment}) 
Version/{familyVersion} {agentName}/{agentVersion}

best regards,
Thierry Boileau


some time ago I posted a question regarding Firefox 
content-negotiation preferences (problem: prefers XML over HTML), see 

as you can see in the thread I was able to solve the problem (with 
the help of the list, thanks very much) by using the Tunnelservice 
and the / files.

I face now the same problem with Safari 3.1 for Windows. It also - 
per default - show the XML (only the text-content of the nodes) if 
there are multiple available representations and no explicit mimeType 
is requested (e.g. per file-extension).

The difficulty I have in correcting this behavior is that the 
User-Agent template provided in the seems to be the 
one for Safari-2 on Mac and the new one for Safari-3 on Windows is 
slightly different, as you can see here:

I have been trying to modify the user-agent template in the file so 
that it fits the Safari3, but so far I have no luck: I must be doing 
something wrong and I fear I have not enough in-depth understanding 
of how exactly the tunnelservice/user-agent mechanism works to get 
this right...

and ideas/help would be appreciated, thanks!

Best regards
Ralf Bommersbach

Re: Safari content-negotiation...

2008-06-17 Thread Ralf Bommersbach

Ok thanks I tried the from the svn and now it works...

again, Thanks a lot!

Ralf :-)

Thierry Boileau schrieb:

Hi Ralf,

 >p.s. I changed "Macintosh" to "Windows" in the user-agent template, 
still doesn't work.

Oops, I forget it.

I've tried with this one (that is to say after replacing "Macintosh" by 
"Windows")  and it works for me.
Mozilla/{mozillaVersion} (Windows; U; {agentOs};{osData}) 
AppleWebKit/{appleWebKitVersion} ({appleWebKitComment}) 
Version/{familyVersion} {agentName}/{agentVersion}

You have to create a org/restlet/data hierarchy of directory where you 
put  your "" file in. Then, update your classpath with 
this path (put it before the declaration of the org.restlet.jar.

I've also refreshed the file in the svn repository.

best regards,
Thierry Boileau

p.s. I changed "Macintosh" to "Windows" in the user-agent template, 
still doesn't work.

Ralf Bommersbach schrieb:

That was my first idea too...
well,I've tested it and unfortunatley this doesn't work :-(

Thierry Boileau schrieb:

Hello Ralf,

what you need to do is to provide your own file (as 
said in the thread you mention), then add the following pattern, 
which should work (I've not tested it):
Mozilla/{mozillaVersion} (Macintosh; U; {agentOs};{osData}) 
AppleWebKit/{appleWebKitVersion} ({appleWebKitComment}) 
Version/{familyVersion} {agentName}/{agentVersion}

best regards,
Thierry Boileau


some time ago I posted a question regarding Firefox 
content-negotiation preferences (problem: prefers XML over HTML), 
see here:

as you can see in the thread I was able to solve the problem (with 
the help of the list, thanks very much) by using the Tunnelservice 
and the / files.

I face now the same problem with Safari 3.1 for Windows. It also - 
per default - show the XML (only the text-content of the nodes) if 
there are multiple available representations and no explicit 
mimeType is requested (e.g. per file-extension).

The difficulty I have in correcting this behavior is that the 
User-Agent template provided in the seems to be 
the one for Safari-2 on Mac and the new one for Safari-3 on Windows 
is slightly different, as you can see here:

I have been trying to modify the user-agent template in the file so 
that it fits the Safari3, but so far I have no luck: I must be 
doing something wrong and I fear I have not enough in-depth 
understanding of how exactly the tunnelservice/user-agent mechanism 
works to get this right...

and ideas/help would be appreciated, thanks!

Best regards
Ralf Bommersbach

Routing problem

2008-07-15 Thread Ralf Bommersbach
Hello I have a little problem with routing which I just can't seem to 
find a workaround, perhaps someone here has some idea...

Okay the thing is this:

In my application I have some routers that are linked together like this:

Router rootRouter = new Router(getContext());
Router fooRouter = new Router(getContext());
Router barRouter = new Router(getContext());

rootRouter.attach("", rootResource.class);
rootRouter.attach("/foo", fooRouter);

fooRouter.attach("", fooResource.class);
fooRouter.attach("/bar", barRouter);

barRouter.attach("", barResource.class);
... and so on...

My problem is this: At the moment I use as matching route for the 
templates MODE_STARTS_WITH. The advantage is that its very forgiving, 
particular it doesn't care wether there is a slash a the end of the url 
or not. So HOST/foo leads to fooResource as well as HOST/foo/ .
The disadvantage is a that HOST/foo/nonsense matches (because of 
MODE_STARTS_WITH) fooResource as well, which is _not_ what is intended. 
(should get a 404 instead)

Okay I can always use MODE_EQUALS right? Thats what I thought too, but I 
 quickly realised that that mode is a litte _too_ unforgiving for my 
needs: For example because of the very strict matching it will match 
HOST/foo but HOST/foo/ will lead to a 404. I tried with setting 2 strict 
routes, one with and one without the slash but then I got problems with 
the next router down the line.

Summary: MODE_STARTS_WITH is a litte too forgiving, MODE_EQUALS a little 
to strict, particular in regard to slashes at the end (which should make 
no difference anyways)

Any ideas, tips, workarounds are highly welcome!

Best regards

Bugfix for possible Nullpointer in

2008-07-17 Thread Ralf Bommersbach

Okay I think I found a little bug in the (in the 1.1snapshot):

It occurrs when the UserAgentTunnel in the Application is set enabled 
(setUserAgentTunnel(true) and your application gets a request where the 
user-agent is omitted.
The Template then tries to parse the user-agent string and gets a 

Here is the relevant part of the stackTrace:
at java.util.regex.Matcher.getTextLength(Unknown Source)
at java.util.regex.Matcher.reset(Unknown Source)
at java.util.regex.Matcher.(Unknown Source)
at java.util.regex.Pattern.matcher(Unknown Source)
at org.restlet.util.Template.parse(

and here a code snippet of the relevant part of at line 
752 (with the fix):

public int parse(String formattedString, Map variables) {
int result = -1;
// fix
if (formattedString == null)
return result;

Apparently Google Maps does this (i.e. no user-agent), as I pasted an 
URL which points to an KML-Representation of a Resource in the Google 
Maps Query Box and got the Nullpointer. (I can also see in the Server 
log that there is no user-agent)
When I disable the UserAgentTunnel it works (google maps neatly displays 
the kml then)

Okay thats it I think.

Ralf Bommersbach

P.S. The fixed file is attached

 * Copyright 2005-2008 Noelios Consulting.
 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development
 * and Distribution License (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License.
 * You can obtain a copy of the license at
 * See the License for the specific
 * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each file and
 * include the License file at If
 * applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields
 * enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
 * Portions Copyright [] [name of copyright owner]

package org.restlet.util;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;


 * String template with a pluggable model. Supports both formatting and parsing.
 * The template variables can be inserted using the "{name}" syntax and
 * described using the modifiable map of variable descriptors. When no
 * descriptor is found for a given variable, the template logic uses its default
 * variable property initialized using the default [EMAIL PROTECTED] Variable} 
 * Note that the variable descriptors can be changed before the first parsing or
 * matching call. After that point, changes won't be taken into account.
 * Format and parsing methods are specially available to deal with requests and
 * response. See [EMAIL PROTECTED] #format(Request, Response)} and
 * [EMAIL PROTECTED] #parse(String, Request)}.
 * @see Resolver
 * @see";>URI Template
 *  specification
 * @author Jerome Louvel ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
public class Template {

public static final int MODE_EQUALS = 2;

public static final int MODE_STARTS_WITH = 1;

 * Appends to a pattern a repeating group of a given content based on a
 * class of characters.
 * @param pattern
 *The pattern to append to.
 * @param content
 *The content of the group.
 * @param required
 *Indicates if the group is required.
private static void appendClass(StringBuilder pattern, String content,
boolean required) {


if (content.equals(".")) {
// Special case for the TYPE_ALL variable type because the
// dot looses its meaning inside a character class
} else {

if (required) {
} else {


 * Appends to a pattern a repeating group 

Re: Routing problem

2008-07-17 Thread Ralf Bommersbach
Okay thanks for all the answers.  I see I'm not the only one with this 

> using MODE_EQUALS on both, though, because when I use MODE_STARTS_WITH,
> the user can pass, "/bar/this_is_nonsensical_garbage" and it matches


Bruno Harbulot schrieb:
To solve this at the moment, I make sure the
users start using the system via a correct URI; all the subsequent URIs 
they get have the appropriate trailing slashes, since the representation 
that lead them to these other resources have been generated accordingly.

If the user just follows the links I provide him in the representations, 
I'm fine yes.
But this doesn't help if the user decides to alter the URI manually 
(e.g. in the adress bar of the browser)

At the moment I have only the option between allowing the strangest uris 
to match or practically crippling my application to the point where its 
not usable anymore.

Anyway, thanks for the helpful suggestions. Perhaps someone will have a 
glorious idea for how to solve this! :-)


get Resource-class for a specific URI

2008-07-22 Thread Ralf Bommersbach

Hello I have a short question:

Is there a way to get the resource-class for a specific URI from an 
RESTLET-Application during runtime, without actually doing the request? 
Something like "Class App.getMatchingResourceClass(String uriString)" ?

 I'm pretty sure there is something like this in the API - after all 
the Routers do exactly that during runtime to decide which resource 
matches an URI - but I can't for the life of me find the corresponding 
method(s) in the API...

Any help would be very appreciated! Thanks! :-)


Re: get Resource-class for a specific URI

2008-07-22 Thread Ralf Bommersbach
Ok thanks for the extensive answer, I will try to implement something 
along the lines you suggested.

> ps: what is your need?
Well I want to implement something like a "navigation-history" of the 
uri-syntax in my application. I want to display that graphically (either 
image-map or treenodes or something like that) and it's not enough to 
just list the urisegments as in my app there are differt possible 
'uri-routes' to the same target and i need to determine at runtime which 
routes was taken, so I need a way to analyse each part of the 
hierarchical uri and find ou t which resource that is
Because in REST you have no persistant state on the server, the only way 
to do that (I think) is to look at the differnt uri-segments and map 
them to the resources they belong.

 (hmm okay I know it sounds confusing, I hope the point comes across ;-) )

best regards

Thierry Boileau schrieb:

Hello Ralf,

well, I'm not aware of such method...
When routing a URI, the upper call is Router#getNext(Request, Response). 
This method is in charge to determine the right route according to the 
request and response objects (because URI templates may reference 
request and response properties).
Then, the chosen route is in charge to handle the request and response 
(second call: Route#handle(Request, Response)). As it is a filter, it 
transfers the call to its "next" attribute (third call:Filter#getNext()) 
which is either a Restlet instance (such as an application, a guard, 
etc) or a Finder instance that wraps a resource class and instantiates 
it dynamically.  At the end, the given Restlet or Resource instance 
handles the call.

As you may have notice, Router does not really handle "Resource 
classes". Calls are routed to Restlet instances : a "true Restlet 
instance" or a Finder instance that wraps a Resource class which may 
explain why "Class App.getMatchingResourceClass(String uriString)" 
method does not exist at this time.
An implementation of such method may more or less have to create the 
Request/Response couple from the URI:
- request = new Request(Method.GET, uriString); response = new 
Then, get the upper router of the application (application#getRoot()), 
call Router#getNext(Request, Response) and check the type of the 
returned object. If it is a finder, then call Finder#getTargetClass() in 
order to retrieve the resource class.


best regards,
Thierry Boileau
ps: what is your need?

Hello I have a short question:

Is there a way to get the resource-class for a specific URI from an 
RESTLET-Application during runtime, without actually doing the 
request? Something like "Class App.getMatchingResourceClass(String 
uriString)" ?

 I'm pretty sure there is something like this in the API - after all 
the Routers do exactly that during runtime to decide which resource 
matches an URI - but I can't for the life of me find the corresponding 
method(s) in the API...

Any help would be very appreciated! Thanks! :-)


WADL howto?

2008-08-21 Thread Ralf Bommersbach


I read in the RC1 release note about the wadl-support and since it is 
one of the requirements of my application that it should be 
discoverable, it thought that it would be nice if I could automatically 
generate a WADL description of my application (e.g. to publish it in a 
catalogue/registry instance).

Does the WADL extension support this (from my understanding it does) and 
are there any tutorials for it? It haven't found anything yet, besides 
the API, and to figure it out with from API alone is a litte tiresome ;)

Best regards
Ralf Bommersbach

Re: WADL howto?

2008-08-22 Thread Ralf Bommersbach
Thanks alot. I'm able to retrieve descriptions of individual resources 
now, when I do a OPTIONS request on the resources URI. The *-targetUri 
however doesn't work. I get an empty response. But its okay for me now.

Greetings Ralf

Vincent Ricard schrieb:

Hi Ralf,

Does the WADL extension support this (from my understanding it does) and
are there any tutorials for it? It haven't found anything yet, besides
the API, and to figure it out with from API alone is a litte tiresome ;)

I used the wadl component in the other way (specify the wadl file, and let
WadlComponent load my Resource subclasses); but in your case, i think you
"just" have to inherit WadlApplication to register your WadlResource
subclasses (with createRoot), and for each resource override the
'describe' method.
Excerpt from the javadoc:
This description can be customized by overriding the #describe() and
#describeMethod(Method, MethodInfo) methods.

Hope this help.


Re: Restlet + Dojo?

2008-09-15 Thread Ralf Bommersbach

Yes I am. Have a look at this:

(It's still a litte slow)

Basically I use FreeMarker to dynamically generate HTML-representations 
of resources at runtime, including various Dojo elements. For example, 
one of them is a dojo-grid which uses the JSON-representation of the 
same resource as data-input for the grid embedded in the HTML-page.


Justin Stanczak schrieb:

Anyone using this combo? Any tips? Just wanted to give a shout out. I'm
looking into using this combo, seems like a good fit. I would just use JSON
services with Restlet resources.

Re: Restlet + Dojo?

2008-09-15 Thread Ralf Bommersbach

Okay the link below seems to be broken:
This should work:

Ralf Bommersbach schrieb:

Yes I am. Have a look at this: 

(It's still a litte slow)

Basically I use FreeMarker to dynamically generate HTML-representations 
of resources at runtime, including various Dojo elements. For example, 
one of them is a dojo-grid which uses the JSON-representation of the 
same resource as data-input for the grid embedded in the HTML-page.


Justin Stanczak schrieb:

Anyone using this combo? Any tips? Just wanted to give a shout out. I'm
looking into using this combo, seems like a good fit. I would just use 

services with Restlet resources.