Re: [SH-Discuss] Greater Akron Robotics Club Floor Space request

2014-07-01 Thread Michael Griesacker
Tim, I believe the current procedure is to convince 2 proponent/supporters
to second your idea before it can be officially proposed. (this was to
allow a partially baked idea to be vetted a bit before general membership
submission. I will be your second second. I would request that you put a
sign in your area proudly displaying your club name with contact info if
anyone has questions or concerns, or wants to donate robot parts, etc.

On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 9:32 PM, Philip P. Patnode


 Just got out the tape and made some measurements for you.

 The raised concrete platform in the rear is roughly 125in x 159in.

 That is 19,875 sq in or 138 sq ft.

 Big enough for your purposes?


 On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 4:55 PM, Seeley, Tim (PSA-Akron) wrote:


 The elevated area would be great.  If the bikes are going to be moved  in
 a week or two anyways then no sense in moving them twice.


 So it is official:

 I propose SYN/HAK temporarily grant GARC exclusive use of 144 sq. ft. of
 floor space for 60days.  Location of said 144 square feet to be determined
 by voting members present at the weekly meeting this proposal is voted on.


 Tim Seeley

 *From:* [] *On
 Behalf Of *Philip P. Patnode
 *Sent:* Monday, June 30, 2014 4:06 PM
 *To:* SYN/HAK discussion list
 *Subject:* Re: [SH-Discuss] Greater Akron Robotics Club Floor Space


 If you make the proposal at the meeting tomorrow, I will second it.

 If you are not at the meeting tomorrow, I will be glad to introduce the
 proposal to temporarily grant GARC 144sq ft for 60days.

 I suggest you take over the elevated pad in the back room where I have
 temporarily stored some bikes while the Bike Shop is being painted.

 The bikes can be moved to the garage area and then back to the Bike Shop
 next week.


 On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 3:27 PM, Seeley, Tim (PSA-Akron) wrote:

 Hello All,

 GARC would like to make a proposal / request of SYN/HAK and the board.
 Could a 12 foot by 12 foot floor section be set aside for GARC for the next
 60 days (July and August).  It will be vacated in September.  GARC plans to
 make a lot of progress in the next 8 weeks.   We need space to proto-type
 the Robot and the scoring and playing field.  I know 144 square feet is a
 lot to ask for but it is for a very limited time.

 I plan to be at tomorrow’s meeting, but if I am not would someone please
 champion this proposal?


 Tim Seeley

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Re: [SH-Discuss] meeting minutes

2014-06-27 Thread Michael Griesacker
I thought it had been announced last week at the meeting?
On Jun 26, 2014 5:03 PM, a l wrote:


 Key Proposal - Steve Radonich IV

 Reason: To help with open hours when Becca can’t make it. To more able
 to perform duties as champion.

 Mike - Will you rob us blind? No

 Jimmy - Are you lying? No

 All vote for it.

 This is not how proposals work.

 We've had this discussion before.

 Proposals, -including- proposals to admit new members, proposals to issue
 keys, and any other proposal requires announcement 7 days prior to the
 meeting at which it will be decided.

 This protocol is -not- optional just because it is inconvenient. It does
 not matter when paperwork is handed in. It does not matter if it has been
 discussed with the board, or with most of the membership. The ENTIRE
 membership must be notified 7 days prior to any decision. Any member in
 good standing may make a proposal.

 The continued disregard for well established protocols is troubling.


 Andrew L

 On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 4:52 PM, gs volt wrote:


 Before Tue meeting I did hand off the $4040 left over from the Akron
 Civic Hackathon to Devin.
 I'm assuming the budget includes that as well. If not, well, add that
 amount somewhere as well.

 On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 4:25 PM, a l wrote:

 It was brought up a couple months back that the board would send out the
 discussion agenda for it's meetings. What is listed in the minutes seems a
 little sparse, If I recall correctly there was a mention of the intent to
 discuss ways to increase income as well as a request for comment from the
 Is a more specific Agenda going to be sent out so people can comment or
 plan to attend?

 Could we get a breakdown of recurring monthly costs? I don't think we
 need one every financial report unless fees/services change.
 As far as I know it's something along the lines of :
 $500 - rent
 $200 - internet  hosting, though other options are being considered
 $x00 - insurance
 $xxx - utlities(garbage~$75?, electric, water)

 Perhaps I'm being unrealistic but do we really envision spending $166/mo
 on paper towel, glue, and filament? Previously we had a budget less than
 half that and there seemed to be plenty of each.

 Andrew L

 On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 1:14 PM, Devin Wolfe wrote:

 Didnt see these go through.

 Meeting Minutes 6/24/2014

 Moderator: Devin Wolfe

 Note Taker: Steve Radonich IV


 Angelo - human power technician

 G - charity pins

 Alex - condensated on

 Jimmy - student computer science, no classes this summer

 Dave - radio/TV production

 Andrew - working on a lot of python stuff

 Andy - Goto all the pony parties

 Philip - working on the wall giving us all cancer

 Dennis - Brought to SynHak by G, carpenter

 Becca - makes cookie brownies

 Steve - Take notes

 Devin - mods

 Mike - put peas in stew

 Craig - drives really fast cars today

 Linda - trying to relax after very hard da


 Philip - Submitted a paragraph to downtown akron partnership that
 describes synhak and invites people to come down for the downtown art walk

 Mike - Ordered a USB Radio tuner that can bring in various signals

 Becca - LAN/Retro Game party is the 2nd Saturday of every month, so now
 it’s July 12th

 Becca - Wednesday the 16th at 8PM will have a jewlery class

 Andrew - little bit ago sent out another email about CWG, it needs two
 co-sponsors to go with it, please look over it and make any corrections as

 Andy - Dance pads were a big hit at the pony conventions, next thing
 going is the detroit maker faire if you want to volunteer we can setup a
 synhak table. July 26/27th

 Alex - B-Sides Cleveland July 19th Saturday

 Steve - Brought an iMac G5 fully updated for 10.4 with Diablo II

 G - Third Akron techpint July 30th Wednesday at 10PM

 Devin - Board Meeting Monday at 7PM, we are going to on a board level
 start using Robert’s Rules of order, looking at restructuring the way the
 board is ran.

 * Becca - Point is to make us be more presentable as an organization
 and proficient. When you come to someone and say I’m a champion of SynHak
 you get blank stares.

 * Devin - moving towards more traditional board rules, because it’s
 proven, and implementing a budget forecast

 2014 SYN/HAK budget forecast

 from 6/1/2014 to 6/1/2015

 Funds as of 6/10/2014

 Checking $2,933.80

 Savings $11,805.00

 Register $267.68

 Total Funds: 15,006.48

 Current expenses $1200 per month

 Current income $630 per month

 (Assuming 20 members with Basic membership and paying three months
 ahead and getting the 10% discount)




 To cover the $570 a month ($6840) (for 12 months) not covered by
 members dues plus $160 for deposit on any new utilities.


 Project fund. Expenses associated with Space improvement, 

Re: [SH-Discuss] iMac Workstation

2014-06-23 Thread Michael Griesacker
Thanks Steve!

On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 10:44 AM, Steve Radonich IV

 To all,

 A couple days ago I brought in an iMac G5 for use as a public workstation
 it is sitting on the table the microwave was sitting on last week.

 Please feel free to use it, it is running OS X 10.4.11 fully updated with
 tenfourfox as an updated web browser (port of Firefox ESR 24). I will at
 some point be updating it to OS X 10.5.8 just need to find an external DVD
 drive as the internal one doesn't support DVD-DL. It will have iWork '09
 and iLife '09 on it in the future as well as Diablo II for some fun gaming.

 The only thing I ask is that you not destroy it or move it from its
 current location.

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Re: [SH-Discuss] bike shop proposal - update - request for proxy statement

2014-06-17 Thread Michael Griesacker
I am concerned about spending money on a set of tools, and the tools being
strewn about the space. A significant amount of what I saw on Angelo's list
were general tools that anyone could use to fix lawnmowers, 3d printers,
while I'm fine with that, how do we keep them from getting lost?

also, I asked someone last week if we've tried to source general tool
assortments in the past like this, so that we have a good working base, and
the abbreviated answer was  we've tried

can anyone expand on our past attempts? where did we go wrong? how do we
keep from repeating our mistakes?

would love to discuss this more tonight, as with or without a bike shop, I
see these as real concerns...

On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 9:57 PM, Seeley, Tim (PSA-Akron) wrote:


 I will try to be there to vote for the bike shop.  Should I not make it
 there, you have my limited proxy to vote solely for the funds to support
 the bike shop initiative.


 Tim Seeley

 *From:* Philip P. Patnode []
 *Sent:* Monday, June 16, 2014 9:50 PM
 *Subject:* bike shop proposal - update - request for proxy statement

 Dear All

 Last week was a personal disaster for me.  On Saturday morning, I got a
 call from a close personal friend in serious trouble.   I had to go out of
 town and help him get through some rough times.  I am happy to report that
 the situation is improving and the future for him and his family looks good.

 The bike shop proposal is still under discussion and can come up for a
 vote at the SH meeting tomorrow night.

 With the support of SH members and from non-members like Angelo Coletta
 (Summit Cycling) Theresa Augustin, Mary O'Connor (Pixel Theater), Cable
 Courtney (Downtown Akron), Andy Davis (Bike Kitchen), Victor Hayne (ASCPL)
 and many others, the Bike Shop at SH can become a reality.

 If you are a member in good standing, I need your vote tomorrow night!  If
 you can't be at the meeting and wish to support the proposal, please email
 me a proxy statement stating that you grant me the power to vote on your

 If you have any questions or comments or suggestions, please don't
 hesitate to email me tonight or tomorrow.  I will try to answer you
 questions and address your concerns.



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Re: [SH-Discuss] Using a Internet forum as a discussion item instead.

2014-06-15 Thread Michael Griesacker
I think this is a good idea also
On Jun 14, 2014 10:08 PM, Steve Radonich IV wrote:


 I have quite a bit of experience admining forums and would be up to doing
 it so long as there wlis someone else willing to help from time to time.


 --- Original Message ---

 From: Craig Bergdorf
 Sent: June 14, 2014 10:07 PM
 To: SYN/HAK discussion list
 Subject: Re: [SH-Discuss] Using a Internet forum as a discussion item

  I am for SMF but hope someone else can help admin it (who has experience
 how much daily work that is).  Perhaps most could be mitigated by requiring
 an invite from an admin with a direct email, and having no automated sign
 up system of any kind.  I have a whm/cpanel host that can run it with a few
 clicks,  shall I set it up?

  Tonight I can setup to point to it ( is still in

 On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 7:39 PM, Steve Radonich IV

  I'm all for SMF or phpbb

 --- Original Message ---

 From: alex kot
 Sent: June 14, 2014 6:41 PM
 To: SYN/HAK discussion list
 Subject: [SH-Discuss] Using a Internet forum as a discussion item instead.

To make things easier for everyone I think we should use an internet
 forum for Discussion and updates instead of a mailer.  We can still use a
 mailer, but maybe something for major updates and announcements only.

  I am leaning towards SMF2 simple machine forums.  I am going to provide
 the wiki list so everyone gets to see the choices and provide input.

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Re: [SH-Discuss] Proxy

2014-06-10 Thread Michael Griesacker
Whoops, sorry everyone, that wasn't my understanding
On Jun 10, 2014 5:46 PM, Justin Herman wrote:

 Actually it is a blank check

 On Tuesday, June 10, 2014, Michael Griesacker

 OK, Robert has to tell Phillip what his vote is, and cc another member
 for confirmation. Its not like a blank check.

 On Jun 10, 2014 4:10 PM, Robert Rybicki

 Dear all

 Robert W wishes to give Philip proxy rights for tonight's meeting.

 Thank you.

 Sent from my iPhone
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Re: [SH-Discuss] New things at the space

2014-05-30 Thread Michael Griesacker
Thanks Devin!!
On May 29, 2014 10:38 PM, Devin Wolfe

 I just dropped off 5 medium steel racks/shelves. They are a bit rough but
 they are sturdy. One made it into the bike area and the rest are in/near
 the machine room.

 I also brought in more items for the hack pile (fittings, switches ect) in
 bins in the M room and steel and aluminium pipe.

 There is a pile of ceiling jacks that are not to be hacked. These are for
 the building of the loft with the help of the giant I beam near by.

 There is another, rather sturdy filing cabinet in the palm room. Maybe it
 can be used in the basement?

 More, nicer racks will be arriving in the coming weeks. The EE lab is to
 ;get two the basement a few and one for the craft room.


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Re: [SH-Discuss] garage door design contest

2014-05-22 Thread Michael Griesacker
Philip, I didn't think the discussion last night was petty, silly,
frivolous, or stupid as you described, but necessary for an up/down vote of
confidence. I felt there should be some safeguards to inappropriate or
off/topic designs that may look great in an art studio, but not so much on
the front of our building -I'm fine with you deciding what those safeguards
should be, and I think a disclaimer in the entry form would be be fine. I
do think it is a worthwhile project, and don't think we should committee
this to death, but it seemed like you weren't really prepared to discuss
the idea, just wanting approval for what you were already putting in
motion. Regardless of your decision, please try to stay positive and
constructive on the mailing list.

best regards

On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 8:39 PM, Philip P. Patnode ppatn...@gmail.comwrote:


 Short version = The contest has been cancelled.

 Long version =

 Because I was feeling like I did not have sufficient support and
 enthusiasm from the members of SYN/HAK for the garage door design contest I
 created, I brought up the subject at last night's weekly meeting.

 Since the contest requires considerable time to create the individual
 entries and marketing materials, plus requires an initial outlay of
 personal funds, I wanted to get a quick Yes or No vote from the 14 SH
 members present at the meeting.  If a majority of members voted to continue
 working on the contest or abandon the contest immediately, I would have
 been able to end the discussion during the meeting within two minutes.  A
 positive outcome would have prompted further discussion after the meeting
 or, online, through email.

 Unfortunately, the simple request for a quick vote turned to the usual
 chaos we have all seen at the weekly meetings over the past few months when
 new subjects and issues are presented.  What should have been a two minute
 exercise in group democracy rapidly descended into the all-too-common
 middle-school playground fight, with petty bickering, silly suggestions,
 frivolous warnings against undesirable images, and outright stupid
 comments.  There were a few good ideas about improving the contest, but it
 was hard to concentrate with all the noise.

 Just because the contest winner would get 1/3 of the entry fees collected
 is not a valid reason the make the entry fee evenly divisible by 3.  As the
 contest originator, why should I have to appeal to the math-challenged
 contestant? Anybody who progressed past 6th grade should not have a problem
 with a decimal or fractional reminder after performing a numerical division.

 Several members brought up the apparently real possibility of lurking
 artistic trolls who are just waiting for an opportunity to mess with a
 contest and produce results in line with their anti-social agenda.  I am
 still waiting for the video or still photos of the anonymous trolls.

 I even had to defend the use of paint and/or decals as a safe medium that
 would not interfere with the functionality of the garage door.  I wonder
 about such an imagination that ponders a winning design that might require
 35 coats of paint, weighing over 100 lbs.  Or, maybe they thought the use
 of a decal would somehow prevent the door from bending at the hinges?

 After careful consideration and a willingness to accept a minor financial
 loss, I have decided to end the contest before it ever got started.

 The $55 collected from five people, from a total of eleven entries
 purchased even before the final details were worked out, will be returned
 to them in full.

 The $30 gift certificate for the contest winner that was made available by
 Urban Eats Cafe and Patnode Photography will be converted to cash and
 distributed back to the sponsors.

 The conversation about contest co-sponsorship with another downtown
 business will be terminated.

 From a personal standpoint, I am withdrawing from any involvement in the
 repair or repainting of the SH garage door.  It is not my project and I
 will not spend any time, money, or energy on it.  Someone else can take it
 on as a project, if they are so inclined.   I also don't want to be
 involved in any project concerning the exterior of the building, such as
 signage, mailbox location, installing a RFID door entry system, use of a
 garage door opener, CFLs for lighting, etc.  Don't ask me for my opinion
 about what the garage door should look like or what kind of signage should
 be on the building or where to install the mailbox.  I really don't care
 about any of the possibilities.

 This incident has definitely had an adverse effect on my morale and
 attitude about SYN/HAK and some of the members.  I will be way more
 cautious in the future before I try to do something positive for the
 organization.  There is a limit to the artificial drama, negativity, and
 pettiness I am willing to tolerate.



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Re: [SH-Discuss] Board Meeting Minutes 19 May 2014

2014-05-19 Thread Michael Griesacker
Steve, Justin, Becca,  Congratulations! Looking forward to good things to

Devin, thanks for hanging in there.

Chris E and Omar, thank you for your service.

On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 7:22 PM, Craig Bergdorf wrote:

 Congratulations to all.

 (and again, apologies I couldn't make it, (believe me, if there was any

 On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 7:01 PM, Steve Radonich IV 

 Board Meeting 19 May 2014

 Note Taker: Steve Radonich IV
 Moderator: Devin Wolfe

 G - Board
 Devin - champion
 Justin - Board
 Becca - Board

 Purpose: Elect 3 champions from the following nominations: Steve Radonich
 IV, Philip, Craig, Justin, G, and Becca.

 Steve - 5
 Philip - 1
 Craig - 3
 Justin - 4
 G - 2
 Becca - 3

 Tie Breaker:

 Becca - 3
 Craig - 2

 Can't reach Craig for proxy vote. He was reached before the time was up
 for the meeting.

 Devin: Everyone ok with a hand raise?

 All: Yes

 Devin: All for Becca?

 All: Raises their hands.

 New Champions:

 Meeting Ends: 16:59

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Re: [SH-Discuss] Proposal to manage proposal approval.

2014-05-14 Thread Michael Griesacker
from Wikipedia: A *filibuster* is a parliamentary
debate is extended, allowing one or more members to delay or entirely
prevent a vote on a given proposal. It is sometimes referred to as *talking
out a bill*,[1] and
characterized as a form of obstruction in a
legislature other
decision-making body.

so, is this to supersede Steve's proposal process?

I see no mention of blocking, which I don't think I really understood
anyways, seemed like just a more overt form of filibustering. Not against
dropping that usage, I just want to make sure I understand.

-also, this seems pretty simple and easy to understand.  I like simple

On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 10:32 AM, Justin Herman wrote:

 Issue being resolved:

 As SynHak has grown larger, SynHak has undergone some growing pains.
 Valuable individuals have come and been scared off by our elaborate
 procedures and processes. Browbeating has become all too common. When
 motions with members are seconded and modified voting has occurred
 decisions have been able to be made without long fruitless tirades.

 A clear proposal and decision making strategy would help us avoid 3 hour
 meetings where everyone feels like they went though a battle. Voting treats
 all members present at the meeting and members who announce a proxy before
 meetings to have an equal voice. In addition voting will allow us to move
 forward and return to the meetings of the past. Our meetings could be quick
 and productive, instead of long and tiresome. It will curb grandstanding,
 soap-boxing, meandering of topics, and filibustering. IMO discussion is
 vital to hash out ideas but not all discussion needs to occur during public
 meetings. In addition voting does not need to be used at all times.

 example: A member motions to close the meeting, someone seconds it. No
 one speaks up for opposition. The motion passes.) (2nd example: A proposal
 is presented do do X.Y.Z. A discussion occurs. During the discussion
 members and non members voice their opinions. Some members agree with the
 proposal while others don't. A member calls for a vote. A verbal vote of
 the members in good standing and their selected proxy. A majority of more
 than 50% of the total votes cast and the proposal passes, 50% (or less) and
 the proposal fails with the option to be resubmitted and reapplied later.

 SynHak will follow the organization's by-laws, and use discussion and if
 necessary, voting of the members present, in good standing, at the
 membership meeting (including proxies) to handle all proposals that public
 meeting discussion has show to have opposing voices. Any member can call
 for a silent ballot but verbal ballots will be the default. For a proposal
 to pass, more than 50% of the votes cast must agree with the proposal.

 Submitted By: Justin Herman
 Proposal Endorsed by: Devin Wolfe  Chris Neer

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Re: [SH-Discuss] REMINDER: Meeting tonight!

2014-05-13 Thread Michael Griesacker
Is phong sick?
On May 13, 2014 12:39 PM, Justin Herman wrote:

 Looks like phong forgot to send this reminder out:

 Meeting tonight

 7pm @ 48 S Summit Street Akron.

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[SH-Discuss] Website under for maintenance?

2014-05-02 Thread Michael Griesacker
Having trouble getting onto the website, is someone working on the server?
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Proposal: Removal of Torrie from the SYNHAK Community

2014-05-01 Thread Michael Griesacker
I don't know how Steve or any of us can guess your motivation at times, not
sure that is even a fair question, or relevant. Perhaps you would enlighten
us on your motivation, but some of your behavior doesn't seem justifiable
to me in any context. In this respect I will not block this proposal,
however I would like to see how the rest of the members choose to deal with
this, and feel that protecting/enabling abusive behavior is not really a
solution that any of us should be comfortable with. I can't say I know how
all of this started, as it seems that some actions are actually reactions
to prior events, but we have to start making it better. I want a community
that I can be proud of.


On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 7:32 AM, Torrie Fischer tdfisc...@hackerbots.netwrote:

 Steve, if I started things as you suggest, whats my motivation?

 On Thursday, May 01, 2014 04:37:33 Steve Radonich IV wrote:
  I understand that there is going to be a lot of resistance to such a
  proposal, and in fact believe that the most likely outcome is having the
  proposal rejected by the membership. However, I do hope that we can have
  productive conversation addressing an issue that we are having that is
  typically left to be discussed about little groups. I do feel that Torrie
  has been acting in a manner that is very detrimental to the community and
  has caused SYNHAK to start to tear itself apart.
  I personally don't like my name being publicly tarnished by someone who's
  accusations about me are unfounded. I have admitted that my wording was
  acceptable and , if I haven't already I certainly meant to, apologise to
  Torrie for saying those unexcellent things. What I said though does not
  deserve me being continually called a transphobe on the public discuss
  list, especially after I have addressed this before I believe multiple
  times. How anyone can defend her comments on the discuss list the last 24
  hours really baffles my mind.
  Not only have I tried to discuss some of these issues on the mailing
 list, I
  have not once responded to anything Torrie has said in a nasty manner.
  While in comparison Torrie goes into other threads in the public mail
  and trashes me there as well. On top of that after no one else on the
  discuss list comes to my defence when I have been the civil one in this
  whole affair, instead I get champions and others going to the defence of
  Torrie. Then when I make a proposal to have her removed from the
  because not many on the list were completely fine with her comments and
  idle, multiple people express their intentions to block it, some without
  any reasons as to why they're going to block it. People may not want to
  admit it, but there are those in the group that will not criticise Torrie
  no matter what she says or does, I guess because either they are very
  friends with her, or because she came up with the idea of SYNHAK.
  I honestly had a lot of respect for her in the past, as well as enjoyed
  hanging out with her at and outside of SYNHAK. Up until the last 24
 hours I
  had hope that me and her could still remain friends, however she burned
  that bridge as she intended to with her initial email under the Hiatus
  Hiatus thread.
  Quote from her initial email:
   I'm also aware of a board vote to remove me from my office of
  Treasurer, so I figure that I might as well join the fun and burn some
  bridges while  I go down in beautiful crimson flames.
  Can someone please explain to me why I am the unreasonable one because I
  feel that someone who acts like that has no place in a community that is
  supposed to be open to everyone? Is it because I feel that she has become
  the center of such a big issue involving many members of SYNHAK? Ask
  yourself the following: Has her response to many of the emails today been
  in line with our Code of Conduct Be excellent to each other?
  I really want to have a discussion on this issue, and I thought the
  list was a place where we all are supposed to discuss things, so as not
  exclude anyone who can not make it to a Tuesday meeting. Instead when I
  time into a reply that really wants to get deep into the issue and truly
  solve it most of my points or questions go unaddressed in responses.
  To sum this all up as simply as I can: The biggest problem I see is that
  Torrie preaches how we should all be open minded to other view points and
  ideas, at least giving them some serious thought, and I can totally agree
  with that. However, open mindedness is not a one-way street but she seems
  to think that it works that way. As soon as I expressed a view point that
  was polar opposite of one of hers she started being aggressive towards me
  and I find that unfortunate. This all could have been avoided if she
  practiced what she preached.
  Hope to get some serious replies instead of the normal name calling and
  complete dismissal.

Re: [SH-Discuss] Proposal: Family Dues Structure

2014-04-30 Thread Michael Griesacker
thanks for splitting this off of the original proposal and cleaning up the
language, pretty much the exact thing we discussed originally in our

On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 9:16 PM, Steve Radonich IV nesfr...@outlook.comwrote:

 A family is defined as those living in the same household. With the 1st
 Adult family member paying the standard single member rate, currently at
 $35/mo. With additional Adult family members paying a rate of $15/mo. Any
 children under the age of 18 paying a rate of $5/mo.

 The rewritten proposal as promised, any and all feedback is welcomed.


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Re: [SH-Discuss] New Mailing List

2014-04-30 Thread Michael Griesacker
didn't notice this before, but the wiki wasn't updated, and only showed:
(I added champions this morning)


There are a few private lists that require special permissions to view, but
they are documented here anyways in case someone wants to send a mail to

   - ** - Goes to all the board members
   - ** - Goes to selected
   individuals who have access to security tokens. See
Sysadmin a list of who that is.
   - ** - All
members required to be
subscribed to this list, and only members may ever be

On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 9:29 AM, Chris Egeland ch...@chrisegeland.comwrote:

 Hello everyone,

 I just wanted everyone to know that, as I mentioned in yesterday's
 meeting, I have created a new mailing lists for the champions. Anyone can
 send to it to easily get in touch with the champions. The purpose of this
 was to reduce the need for people to know the email addresses of all of the
 champions if they wanted to get in touch with them.

 To contact the champions, please email and someone
 should get back to you within a reasonable timeframe.

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Re: [SH-Discuss] Proposal: Key Policy in Relation to Minors

2014-04-30 Thread Michael Griesacker
Andrew, as stated prior, the purpose of reposting is this, we had 3
different ideas lumped into one proposal. It was requested at the meeting
to separate them into 3 different proposals, (of which you may remember it
was inquired if we should split them up in the meeting prior, but was
decided against at the time), so they could stand on thier individual
merit. This one about key access seemed to be the most controversial, but
Steve wasn't trying to force this through he was just restating it
separately so it could be discussed separately, and I think it has a good
likelyhood of evolving/maturing into something we all can accept. But we
have to start somewhere.

On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 4:28 PM, a l wrote:

 As I remember it, the discussion last night was generally against this
 wording why repost it.
 I don't recall if alternate wording was agreed on.
 Tangentially related to Torrie's comment: do we have something already on
 the books that addresses this? I'll get the exact wording of the liability
 waiver to double check.

 Please keep discussion constructive towards the proposal.

 Andrew L
 On Apr 30, 2014 4:14 PM, Steve Radonich IV wrote:

 If you read the e-mail Torrie you would know that I am not in support of
 this proposal, but was in fact one that you made in the first place. I was
 just asked to rewrite them and separate them into 3 different proposals so
 that they could all be addressed individually as they have nothing to do
 with each other. Please continue to act unexcellent towards other members
 of SYNHAK, it really solves the problem and helps your situation. :)


 Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 16:12:39 -0400
 Subject: Re: [SH-Discuss] Proposal: Key Policy in Relation to Minors

 On Wednesday, April 30, 2014 15:09:17 Robert Rybicki wrote:
  With the very well worded proposal of minors and coming to the space, I do

  not see how this proposal is necessary or even a good idea.  I would like
  to think that my family has made a good example as to why. The issue has
  always been apparent to me of liability. This proposal does not solve this

  issue. It only bars minors from keys. Why do this?

 Steve loves rules and has an authoritarian stance on everything. Thats the
 only reasonable answer that can explain this majestic piece of legalese:

 (Copied to my server in case its deleted from ubuntuone)

  Sent from my iPhone
   On Apr 30, 2014, at 2:59 PM, Steve Radonich IV

   Any minor that is a member before the date that this proposal is approved
   shall be exempt from the following rule.
   No minors will be permitted to have a key, or apply for one.

   The proposal re-written, any and all feed back is welcome. I would like 
   make it known that I am not in support of this proposal just rewriting
   them into better wording as they were originally intended.

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[SH-Discuss] salt shaker needed

2014-04-29 Thread Michael Griesacker
will someone please bring one to the space tonight?
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Meeting minutes from 2014-04-22

2014-04-24 Thread Michael Griesacker
Andy, first time note taker was being silly. Chris didn't ask about
windows or pet doors either, just doors.

On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 3:03 AM, Andrew Buczko a4s...@dsprototyping.comwrote:

 * Andy -yes, no pet doors as of yet, maybe a robot door.
 ^ I did not say that. I said Yes, the plans are in my car, I can get them
 if you want. I don't remember anything about a pet door.

 On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 4:03 PM, Chris Egeland ch...@chrisegeland.comwrote:

 On 4/23/2014 2:43 PM, a l wrote:

* no one wishes to propose to split the member dues/key restrictions

  It is unclear if this was consented and if so what the wording of the
 proposal is/was. Could someone who remembers the conversation update the

 At last night's meeting, this was discussed, not consented to.  At last
 week's meeting (04-15-2014), this was brought up as a discussion item, not
 a proposal.  As such, last night's discussion (04-22-2014) was, technically
 speaking, the first meeting it was discussed as a proposal.

 The proposal in question is available to view here:

 No changes to the wording of this proposal was discussed or agreed to
 last night.  As such, this proposal will undergo the consensus process at
 next week's meeting.

  Regarding Hacker grants: Since Torrie proposed this and will not be at
 meetings in the near future could someone who understands her vision please
 answer a few questions I have? The following is the current wording:
 *I'm proposing that we allocate $5400 of our recent $15k knight
 foundation grant to, each month, give $150 to a hacker with great ideas who
 applies for it *

  * $5,400 is a lot of money to ear mark for one project with uncertain
 terms. It is in fact 3 years worth(at the proposed 150/mo) of hacker grants
 as well as over 1/3 of our total grant monies. Could we lower this dollar
 amount? perhaps to $1,800 offering 1 years worth of mini-grants instead. We
 can always revisit the idea after one year.

  * What exactly is the application process and constitutes 'great ideas'.
 If two people apply in the same month how do we decide between them? Two in
 the same hour?  If only one person applies does that guarantee them the
 money? What's the application deadline?

  * Do we hand people a check for $150 or refund reciepts?

  * It sounds like this is open to the public, how do we best promote this?

 Andrew L

 On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 10:18 AM, Omar Rassi omar.ra...@gmail.comwrote:

  Regarding the hacker grants proposal, I have a question for Steve.
 Steve said, before we spend any money, we should have a discussion of what
 we want to do with this, before we start spending it.

 Isn't that what we're doing with the proposed expenditure on funding
 mini-hacker grants? By discussing spending money on hacker grants, we are
 in fact discussing how we're going to spend money. What sort of discussion
 were you looking to have on this?

 On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 9:51 AM, Chris Egeland 

  The link has been properly updated.

 Here are the minutes:

 |venue=48 South Summit

 = Agenda =

 * '''Note Taker:''' MikeG
 * '''Moderator:''' Becca

 == Introduction and Names ==

  * Round of introductions
 ** What is your name?
 ** What do you do?
 ** If this is your first time, how did you hear about SYNHAK?
  * Ed, Robert R's Grampa, Retired Study of Law.
 * Jen, Stay at home mom
 * Robert, likes to invent
 * Becca, frosts cakes,defrosts bread
 * Mike, pressed the button
 * STeve, brings horribly outdated computers to syhak
 * Matt, updates software
 * Matt, Deathray enthusiast
 * Linda, Librarian, wants her own Makerspace, found out from Clev Pub
 * Joe, retired mechanic
 * Craig, flips cars
 * G, restores bycicles, for kiks
 * Andy, computer tomography machines
 * Chris, untapps
 * Will, gots a new phone
 * Philip, takes pictures, wants to start bike refurb service, with
 MAtt, G, and Theresa, not for profit, but for fun

 == Announcements ==
 * Mini Maker fair, KSU Library, 12-4pm Thurs
 * Informal announcement Akron Mini Maker Faire October 18th  11-4pm
 Akron Bublic Library, main branch
 * NAMES Convention: MEchanical engineering society, makes working mini
 trains, in Michigan
 * Shop Safety tomorrow 8pm
 ** Closed toed shoes
 ** Long sleeve shirt/short sleeve/overshirt
 ** long pants
 ** stick with cottons
 * Matt: may have line on garage toolshop, but in Michigan

 == Membership ==
 * Jen, never considered to be a member, was told Rob couldn't skype
 into a meeting, or join via proxy
 ** G, can we have special off-tuesday meeting for a non-tuesday enabled
 ** Becca, why can't he be interviewed over the phone.
 ** Chris E, don't see bylaw restriction, to a non-tues meeting to
 address a new member app.

 == Financial Report ==
 * Funds in bank:
  none reported


Re: [SH-Discuss] Calling a Special Board Meeting

2014-04-14 Thread Michael Griesacker
firstly, that's a little too much detail for 'discuss', and should be
reserved to 'members', please excercise some diplomacy. Secondly I take
offense to requesting the deposing of a boardmember for unboardliness
-that sounds like a slippery slope. Thirdly, likening Andy's usefullness to
some guy with tools is a bit too much. This isn't helping.

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 5:46 PM, Omar Rassi wrote:


 Our response to Andy's complaint was that he should go talk to Torrie and
 try to work out his issues. At that time he was offered mediation. This did
 not happen though the issues he brought up were discussed with Torrie
 anonymously (now that's out of the bag). Fast forward to now, it has been
 brought up that the champions need to try to open a dialogue between them
 because Torrie is clamming up regarding Andy (she has said multiple times
 in private she feels hostility from Andy when trying to talk to him). Andy
 was again asked to come and talk with a mediator, and then asked again.
 Andy's response to flatly refuse to attempt dialogue and deny that there's
 a problem between them while the same time calling Torrie a name. This is
 not appropriate behavior from a board member of synhak to an officer of
 synhak. It makes no difference to me what their friendship is, but to
 refuse cooperation and even the attempt to come to an understanding with
 eachother a good board member does not make. Make no mistake, Andy has been
 good to the space and is a good person. But just because you have a
 crimping tool with the socket set doesn't mean its going to be useful. The
 call is for the board and members to discuss if he is still a good fit for
 board nothing more. his membership status is not in question nor at stake.
 I would rather not remove anyone from anything but what is the alternative
 if one officer is unwilling to talk to the other?
 On Apr 14, 2014 12:18 PM, a l wrote:

 Calling people out in public is not the best nor most mature way of
 handling issues. Everyone here has each other's emails. If you're concerned
 about transparency and fairness for resolving issues we have Members@.
 I'd wager most of discuss isn't concerned with whether two of our core
 members are getting along.
 I as a member am only concerned that two of our core members are not
 talking to each other.
 I don't care if it's tin can and string, IRC, snapchat, smoke signals or
 binding arbitration. If two members can't communicate to each other we're a
 worthless community. How can we expect to attract new members if we're
 having trouble getting along with ourselves?

 Andrew L

 On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Torrie Fischer wrote:

 On Monday, April 14, 2014 08:46:00 Devin Wolfe wrote:
  So I have been watching this and I have a question.
  What exactly did Andy do to warrant removal from the board?
  From my end it looks like:
  He had a problem with another member, so he verbally addressed it.
  He then brought it to that attention of the champions, again verbally.
  He then filed a formal complaint with the champions
  He continued to verbally address the situation.
  Torrie publicly announced she was ignoring his emails (on IRC)

 Uh, what? I did nothing of that. Andy did nothing of that.

 The complaint was an anonymous member. Andy has not addressed anything.

  Now you are trying to kick Andy out for not meeting with you when you
  request it? Is he not doing his job as a board member? Has he
 threatened or
  phisicaly harmed Torrie or any other member?
  What's the problem? People don't always get along, THAT IS LIFE. This
 is a
  volunteer organization that without members that work so hard for FREE
  pay the be here, we would not exist.
  Frankly I am disgusted that you would even suggest this.
  On Apr 14, 2014 1:04 AM, Andrew Buczko
   I have a busy month this month. Everything happens in April! I will
 not be
   able to respond to requests within 5 days.
   Here is what's going on for April:
   -My Mother's B-Day
   The North American Model Engineering Society
   Cleveland Mini Maker Fair
   Akron Brony Meetup
   Slot Car Racing
   Cuyahoga Falls Amateur Radio Club 60th Annual HAMFEST

Re: [SH-Discuss] Membership Family Plans

2014-04-12 Thread Michael Griesacker
Rob, I will try to be brief. The discussion brought up some concerns, and
the topic of discussion was member/family pricing. As an aside, we
discussed our current rules concerning keys: Non-members are barred from
having keys, keys are non-transferrable between members. -also: There is
responsibility/risk of a keyholder, and when asked what's the youngest age
a member should be to be entrusted to be at the space alone by themselves
in case of accident, emergency, other the consensus of the small group was
18yrs. I agree Robert is far more mature and responsible for his age, but
we felt it time to discuss some general rules, not exceptions. Seeing
Robert is intending to be chaperoned to the space by a parent, this is not
a conflict, except for the key part, and we felt that fit nicely into the
family membership pricing discussion. Technically, his membership, -if
going under the student clause would be $15. If an adult family member
joined, his membership would drop to 5$ and the first adult would be $35,
the second adult $15.

 I wouldn't have worded nice stuff so much as sharp and pokey if the
wrong end is used for the wrong thing. This is a makeshift electronics
lab/workshop, not a padded romper room (envisioning Mcdonalds play area).
We are all delighted to have Robert join, but did not fully think through
all the aspects.  We all know Robert wouldn't be riding his bycicle here,
or being dropped off while mom goes to the grocery store. So I apologize
for the wording coming off as an attack on you and your wife's parenting
skills or to your son. We all feel that he should be encouraged and
nurtured as much as possible, but want to make sure we are setting some
healthy/reasonable boundaries. If you are willing to willing to work with
us on this minor growing pain, I think we can settle on a reasonable
solution that doesn't include 100x more fire extinguishers.  Again, all of
this proposed has not been voted on by the membership group, just discussed
by our subcommittee, and released for general discussion.

best regards,

On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 12:37 AM, Robert Rybicki

 Sorry for the double post. Craig I thank you for sharing your story and
 your warm confirmation about membership. That is the kind of kinship we
 should all strive for.

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Apr 11, 2014, at 10:56 PM, Craig Bergdorf wrote:

 (Happy to hear the argument about age having little to do with anything.
 I think I can get away with saying 29 when anyone asks for the foreseeable
 future, and before that it was 23, 16, 13, etc.  I won't pretend I don't
 still have a bit of a complex on judgement based on age, being the awkward
 but tall kid dragged to mensa meetings their whole childhood that some
 drunkens would occasionally mistake for a peer, then came the question
 that still cuts to the bone how old are you? )

 A member is a member.
 Since the seven year old member is my son, I will add my opinions to the

 First and foremost I want to express my sad displeasure in reading this.
  Perhaps this being paraphrased ideas of a discussion many things are
 getting lost in translation. However the things I have issue with are
 listed as problems

 My seven year old lives 46 minutes driving distance from the space and
 does not currently drive himself places. If he was of driving age and as a
 parent I decided he was mature enough to go places by himself, or use shop
 tools, or as you put it nice things then I would let him go do those
 things. Perhaps sometimes I would go with him at times to check on how safe
 he is still being. Perhaps also I would put two gps tracking devices on his
 car so when he finds the first one I have redundancy. Also guaranteed I, or
 a close and not easily recognizable friend would tail him at times. The
 point I am trying to make here, is my son that is a member of syn/hak, is
 not autonomous yet, and when the time comes that he is, we will still
 parent him.

 The way nice things is worded I am taken back to my own childhood when
 my evil aunt had us over and I was confined to the kitchen, because she had
 a house full of collectable garbage (much like syn/hak,) and I was too much
 of an animal to go into the rest of the rooms in the house.  If there are
 concerns about your members not being able to handle tool, machines,
 supplies, or members projects (again, I'm fuzzy on what is nice,) perhaps
 those concerns could be brought up to that member or the members guardian.
 My wife was at the meeting with our seven year old. Nothing was said.

 Robert W in in fact seven and is more responsible than myself at times. If
 you tell him a rule, good luck trying to change it after that, because it
 has already been programmed. He is excited to be part of this community. A
 community he and believe in and he absolutely belongs in.  He is also
 excited to gain full 24/7 access to the space because of my unusual
 schedule. If entrusted with 

Re: [SH-Discuss] today @ kn Kustums

2014-04-11 Thread Michael Griesacker
uhhh, that's not the recommended way to load drivers...

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 11:55 PM, Torrie Fischer

 On Thursday, April 10, 2014 22:47:27 Craig Bergdorf wrote:
  If anyone remembers the first laser printer I donated to the space, it
  in the Perkins room for a while (I printed a few things on it from one of
  the linux boxes), then eventually it was moved to the freehack pile when
  brought in a real laserjet that jammed constantly (like a boss).  Anyway,
  before the move I took it back, and it's been in my garage since.  Today
  took it out for a good'nuff laser printer for a buddy's car flip shop and
  found it won't work in win7 easily.  It also had developed streaks from
  sitting for the winter, and just generally being garbage.
  Then this happened:
  Also, F/S one gently used Ford Ranger :)

 RIP our first printer
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Blocking Proposal Sub-Group Meeting

2014-04-11 Thread Michael Griesacker
I'd have a better chance of making it if it were monday night

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 2:18 PM, Steve Radonich IV nesfr...@outlook.comwrote:

 I was set in charge of scheduling a sub-group meeting for discussion on my
 blocking proposal. Was thinking this Saturday 04/12/2014, at 1300 ( 1 PM).
 Does that work for everyone that is interested in attending?


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Re: [SH-Discuss] Do Not Hack barricade tape

2014-03-24 Thread Michael Griesacker
1000 foot of Caution tape (non-adhesive) or Crime Scene Do Not Cross
can be had for a little under 10$ a roll shipped. that's significantly
cheaper than custom do not hack tape,  what's the chance that we can use
that? I know it doesn't say exactly what we want, but, we're hackers,
right?   -I am partial to the crime scene tape, as caution is a little
misleading.  I'm thinking even if you don't see the whole statement, you
get the idea, so someone could use a 4 section on their small project, and
that would convey the intent.

On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 7:56 AM,

 I believe he was pointing out the uselessness of a ticket if there is no


 Sent from Yahoo Mail on 

 * From: * Torrie Fischer;
 * To: * SYN/HAK discussion list;
 * Subject: * Re: [SH-Discuss] Do Not Hack barricade tape
 * Sent: * Mon, Mar 24, 2014 11:21:05 AM

   On Monday, March 24, 2014 03:49:58 Andrew Buczko wrote:
  Rix, that's cool an all, but if there is no punishment for disobeying the
  rules then the tickets are pointless.

 *snort chuckle guffaw*

 punishments? :)

 I think that if you're bringing something to SYNHAK and leaving it out,
 pretty much asking for it to be hacked on. If the sticker says DO NOT
 thats really just a general advisory.

 If you're worried about things getting hacked on, there are already
 to that, like taking the project home or keeping it in a bin with a lock.

  On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 1:24 AM, Ryan Rix wrote:
   a l writes:
Hello all,
As most of you know we have the policy that you can hack things in
space that aren't labeled 'do not hack'. Which is just about
everything. There've been a few instances of people not seeing or
ignoring 'Do Not Hack' Labels but by and large the system works. To
help insure that the system keeps working I've been looking for a
place to get custom printed packing or barricade tape for some time
now. This way people can place pre-printed labels on things they want
left alone. Barricade tape is cheaper so I've been looking into that
Unfortunately it's not exactly cheap. I found a place that does small
quantities for a reasonable price but it's still pricey for something
that's a bit of a novelty.
will print 2 color barricade tape for $40 per 1000' roll. There are
places that will print adhesive tape but most won't deal in less than
case(6 roll) quantities. Every place charges a setup fee but the link
above is the first place that sells in quantities less than 3 rolls.
roll with setup fees will cost $75 and 3 rolls at most places is
$150-160. 6 rolls of adhesive tape runs about $160-180 at the few
places I looked.
My question is this: Is purpose made 'DO NOT HACK' tape something
people would use? Also would anyone contribute towards the cause or
should a proposal be written to release funds. Our current system of
masking tape/sharpie works most of the time and I doubt this would be
any more successful. I just thought it would be a cool thing to have.
   Something like the parking passes on
   -labs/ could be useful and much cheaper.
Andrew Leitholf
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Do Not Hack barricade tape

2014-03-24 Thread Michael Griesacker
pricing chart is on the wiki, not sure if this is what you are asking

since I remember you mentioning that there is no difference in member
pricing at the openhouse, maybe that's changed?  If this is the case, I'm
confused again, as I don't remember discussing/voting on that.

On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 9:06 AM, Torrie Fischer tdfisc...@hackerbots.netwrote:

 On Monday, March 24, 2014 08:43:44 a l wrote:
  Rrix, Those look great and a bunch cheaper. I'm sure there's a printshop
  out there that does custom post-its/notepads  for less than $75.
  I believe he was pointing out the uselessness of a ticket if there is no
  I think Torrie was pointing out the reprimand comes in the form of your
  item may get hacked if labeled improperly.
  If the sticker says DO NOT HACK, thats really just a general advisory.
  That sounds as if you're advocating hacking on things labeled DO NOT
  That's probably not what you meant as that would be unexcellent.
  That said if you[general] leave a labeled project strewn across a
  I'm going to clear the workbench off, while doing my best to keep your
  project together but in a more appropriate location that doesn't
  with people using our infrastructure.

 Perhaps the stickers should say DO NOT MINDLESSLY HACK. I'm cool with
 someone taking something in the space that sasy DO NOT MINDLESSLY HACK
 turning it into something better.

  Tim your robot should be fine where it is since that's largely out of the
  way. Just be sure to label things if you leave them at the space. Since
  GARC will be meeting regularly at SynHak we do offer member storage
  solutions ranging from a small tool box to a large rubbermaid tub, for a
  fee. Contact the Treasurer for pricing.

 Erm, what do I charge people? :)

  Andrew L
  On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 7:56 AM,
   I believe he was pointing out the uselessness of a ticket if there is
   Sent from Yahoo Mail on
   * From: * Torrie Fischer;
   * To: * SYN/HAK discussion list;
   * Subject: * Re: [SH-Discuss] Do Not Hack barricade tape
   * Sent: * Mon, Mar 24, 2014 11:21:05 AM
 On Monday, March 24, 2014 03:49:58 Andrew Buczko wrote:
Rix, that's cool an all, but if there is no punishment for disobeying
rules then the tickets are pointless.
   *snort chuckle guffaw*
   punishments? :)
   I think that if you're bringing something to SYNHAK and leaving it out,
   pretty much asking for it to be hacked on. If the sticker says DO NOT
   thats really just a general advisory.
   If you're worried about things getting hacked on, there are already
   to that, like taking the project home or keeping it in a bin with a
On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 1:24 AM, Ryan Rix wrote:
 a l writes:
  Hello all,
  As most of you know we have the policy that you can hack things
  space that aren't labeled 'do not hack'. Which is just about
  everything. There've been a few instances of people not seeing or
  ignoring 'Do Not Hack' Labels but by and large the system works.
  help insure that the system keeps working I've been looking for a
  place to get custom printed packing or barricade tape for some
  now. This way people can place pre-printed labels on things they
  left alone. Barricade tape is cheaper so I've been looking into
  Unfortunately it's not exactly cheap. I found a place that does
  quantities for a reasonable price but it's still pricey for
  that's a bit of a novelty.

  will print 2 color barricade tape for $40 per 1000' roll. There
  places that will print adhesive tape but most won't deal in less
  case(6 roll) quantities. Every place charges a setup fee but the
  above is the first place that sells in quantities less than 3
  roll with setup fees will cost $75 and 3 rolls at most places is
  $150-160. 6 rolls of adhesive tape runs about $160-180 at the few
  places I looked.
  My question is this: Is purpose made 'DO NOT HACK' tape something
  people would use? Also would anyone contribute towards the cause
  should a proposal be written to release funds. Our current
 system of
  masking tape/sharpie works most of the time and I 

Re: [SH-Discuss] Saturday Cleanup and Cleveland Mini Maker Faire

2014-03-23 Thread Michael Griesacker
I have a tournament on the 29th, so I will be unavailable, but I believe I
can finish up the craft room ceiling and rehang the lights by then so we
can restock it with it's furnishings, -that will be one less thing to clean

On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 12:28 PM, Torrie Fischer

 So, I think we all agreed to have the cleanup day on March 29th.

 Turns out that the Cleveland Mini Maker Faire is that day.

 I think we have a table there, but I'm not sure.

 Bad scheduling on my part, I had forgotten to add it to my and SYNHAK's

 Who might be going to the Maker Faire, and who might be handling our table
 there? Should we move cleanup day to Sunday or another day?
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Paint related items for everyone to pick and choose from

2014-03-22 Thread Michael Griesacker
Pretty sure there were
On Mar 22, 2014 2:55 AM, Robert Rybicki wrote:

 Are there any silver paint pens?  I could really use a couple.


 Sent from my iPhone

 On Mar 22, 2014, at 2:27 AM, Craig Bergdorf wrote:

 That's what the (classic) donation pile is for, I'll be there for my open
 hours Sunday: Noon to 3
 On Mar 22, 2014 12:21 AM, Byron Moran wrote:

 G, I am actually in the process of painting part of my apartment as we
 speak. I hope no one minds if I swoop in and grab a couple of these
 tomorrow. When will the space be open for me to do so? Super helpful!

 On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 12:16 AM, gs volt wrote:

 Tonight I brought in two boxes of paint rollers (photo of 1box):

 At the moment, these two boxes are on top of the power wheels racing
 car's red cover in front of the back bathroom.

 Also, brought in some Duplicolor Scratch Fix All-in-1 pens (approx. 100):

 These pens are of various colors of automobiles by make and have been
 stored at room temperature on the lower shelf next to our 3d printer.
 Typically I learned that folks that have scratches on their cars, can use
 them to fix them quickly.

 If anyone has use for them, feel free to take them home.

 On opening day, I brought some paint in a Dole banana box that is in the
 machine room area somewhere that can be used for projects as well.

 All this stuff is coming direct from Sherwin-Williams' give-aways they
 sometimes have for anyone to take at no charge! Per item, in their store
 these things retail for a quite a lot. I'm glad to share all this with
 everyone at Synhak.

 Those members who would like to learn how to paint, can consider
 learning it from those that do I'd say, now that we have a huge number of
 these rollers. Perhaps we can have a let's paint synhak's walls that need
 paint day!



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 Byron D Moran
 Software Development Consultant

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Re: [SH-Discuss] When did we start to use Consensus with blocking?

2014-03-20 Thread Michael Griesacker
what was also said is that the history file can be edited by three people,
and there is no tracking of that.
So there are members, and more than one, that could edit the wiki and erase
the history of that event, or erase the history of another members edit.

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 12:30 PM, Omar Rassi wrote:

 Wiki editing is not totally anonymous AND has timestamps and archives so
 we can see who changed what to what when (even if the who is just an IP
 address). As Torrie demonstrated, saying Anyone can put whatever on the
 wiki and its there is inaccurate.
 On Mar 20, 2014 7:19 AM, Torrie Fischer

 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 03:19:12 Andrew Buczko wrote:
  Torie, The meeting minutes from :
  Say nothing about how we decide on a proposal. The meeting minutes
  refer to the Proposal page:
  The Proposal page Has the basic rules on how we decide on proposals,
 but it
  was last modified on 19 March 2014, at 16:23.
   Being that this is a wiki and I just verified that I can change the
  document to say what ever I want it to say then I / we cannot trust that
  this is how it's has always  been.
  Plus, even if it has been, I don't see consensus working in a larger

 On March 20th, someone added Andy was here

 On March 19th, I added the {{Banner_policy}} tag

 On March 11th, someone added a proposal to update our address in the

 On January 7th, 2013, the page was created with that whole protocol.

 The only way to edit the history of a page is through direct editing of
 database, which only G, Chris, and myself have access to, and there isn't
 way to tell who if anyone did.
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Re: [SH-Discuss] When did we start to use Consensus with blocking?

2014-03-20 Thread Michael Griesacker
I do listen to Steven Gibson, and he has some good points on security.
However listening to Mozart does not make me a musician. Furthermore, I was
clarifying that not anyone can post to the wiki without an audit trail,
unless there is collusion with one of 3 people.

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 1:46 PM, Torrie Fischer tdfisc...@hackerbots.netwrote:

 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 10:26:30 Ryan Rix wrote:
  Are you really that paranoid that someone is acting dishonestly? They
  could also write postfix filters that rewrite your mailing list mails

 Or run all the output from uwsgi through some other proxy that replaces

 Or edit the mailman code to only send some mails to some people

 Or rewrite the list archives

 Or upload a completely rewritten version of the bylaws

 These are the reasons why I'm a perfectionist about the security on
 and refuse to hand it out to just anyone who asks nicely, proposal or

  Michael Griesacker writes:
   what was also said is that the history file can be edited by three
   people, and there is no tracking of that.
   So there are members, and more than one, that could edit the wiki and
   erase the history of that event, or erase the history of another
   members edit.
   On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 12:30 PM, Omar Rassi
   Wiki editing is not totally anonymous AND has timestamps and
   archives so we can see who changed what to what when (even if the
   who is just an IP address). As Torrie demonstrated, saying Anyone
   can put whatever on the wiki and its there is inaccurate.
   On Mar 20, 2014 7:19 AM, Torrie Fischer wrote:
   On Thursday, March 20, 2014 03:19:12 Andrew Buczko wrote:
Torie, The meeting minutes from :
Say nothing about how we decide on a proposal. The meeting
   minutes only
refer to the Proposal page:
The Proposal page Has the basic rules on how we decide on
   proposals, but it
was last modified on 19 March 2014, at 16:23.
Being that this is a wiki and I just verified that I can
   change the
document to say what ever I want it to say then I / we
   cannot trust that
this is how it's has always been.
Plus, even if it has been, I don't see consensus working in
   a larger group.
   On March 20th, someone added Andy was here
   On March 19th, I added the {{Banner_policy}} tag
   On March 11th, someone added a proposal to update our address
   in the bylaws
   On January 7th, 2013, the page was created with that whole
   The only way to edit the history of a page is through direct
   editing of the
   database, which only G, Chris, and myself have access to, and
   there isn't a
   way to tell who if anyone did.
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Group discounts

2014-03-12 Thread Michael Griesacker
I think family rates should be 10 to 15$ more per each additional member
with no discounts for buying in advance. I'm fine with non family group
rates as currently proposed.
 On Mar 12, 2014 9:22 PM, Omar Rassi wrote:

 No problem, that's discuss is for! To help each other.

 On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 8:18 PM, Torrie Fischer 

 On Wednesday, March 12, 2014 22:01:21 Seeley, Tim wrote:
  Would $94.50 be the rate paid by an individual paying 3 months at one
  (3*35) = 105
  10% of 105 = 10.5

 Yeah, you're both right.

 I'm an engineer, I swear.

  Tim Seeley
  From: [] On
  Behalf Of Omar Rassi Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 5:36 PM
  To: SYN/HAK discussion list
  Subject: Re: [SH-Discuss] Group discounts
  I think your 7 month 3 people example fall in the 20% discount if the
  largest discount applies. Other than that I see no issue with this.
  able to pay dues for multiple people seem like an more efficient
  than having two different pricing plans (a family discount plan and bulk
  membership plan).
  On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 5:21 PM, Torrie Fischer wrote: I
  to resume our previous discussions about the family discount plans.
  Previous thread:
  First, I agree with Andrew's suggestion that the student and senior
  should be combined into one. $15 seems reasonable, yeah?
  Second, the discount system.
  I'd like to stick with the idea of being able to buy subscriptions in
  blocks. However, I'd like to adopt a constant discount rate based on how
  many unique individuals are being paid for, with a disjoint discount for
  the number of months that are bought for a single person.
  Here's how I think it can be broken down for a single person:
  * 0% discount for 1 month
  * 10% discount for 3 or more months
  And if it is for a whole group:
  * 15% discount for 2-6 people
  * 20% discount for 7 or more
  If multiple discounts are available, the largest one will be used.
  * 1 person, 1 month: $35, 0% discount
  * 1 person, 2 months: $70, 0% discount
  * 1 person, 3 months: $101.5, 10% discount of $105
  * 2 people, 1 month for each person: $59.50, 15% discount of $70
  * 2 people, 2 months for each person: $119, 15% discount of $140
  * 2 people, 3 months for each person: $178.50, 15% discount of $210
  * 7 people, 3 months for each person: $624.75, 15% discount of $735
  This should be quite a bit simpler than the previous idea, and still
  with the original idea of making it easier for couples or families to
  support themselves.
  Finally, I am considering developing a sliding scale for the low income
  rate. I'm not too sure how that would get implemented, but charging a
  percentage of membership dues based on the ability to pay seems a lot
  fair than pegging everyone at $15/mo, especially since we're all about
  inclusiveness. ___
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Re: [SH-Discuss] SYNHAK Drug Policy

2014-03-09 Thread Michael Griesacker
in regards to the recent incident last tuesday, and, if memory serves,
there were two incidents with the same individual, was that member asked to
leave, and did someone sit down with that member the next day or after and
discuss their inappropriate behavior?

On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 10:25 PM, Torrie Fischer tdfisc...@hackerbots.netwrote:

 On Sunday, March 09, 2014 17:35:31 wrote:
  I feel that my suggestion was side stepped completely.
  After receiving multiple verbal complaints, and a written formal
 complaint I
  feel this has become a problem. Your suggestion doesn't allow SYNHAK to
  really say anything other than bad hacker, think about what you have
  done. I don't want to see it degrade to people calling the police
  of calmly resolving any issues within Synhak. The policy has nothing to
  with adult alcohol consumption or behavior as that is subject to opinion
  and point of view. With this policy we can calmly and internally quell

 Sorry, I re-read this and just about spat my tea on my laptop.

 Internally quell?

 Devin, SYNHAK is an organization that values communication and
 This has never changed in the last two years.

 If someone has a complaint about another participant in the community, the
 solution is to get the two together and hash out their differences. If
 had come and complained to me that another member was doing something they
 didn't approve of, I would be sure to get the two together in a safe space
 mediate. Somehow that hasn't actually needed to happen 'till all this
 over. I think we should consider ourselves quite lucky.

 I've received some pretty nasty e-mails from individuals regarding
 misunderstandings about my financial reporting. So I talked with Chris and
 he's tried to reach out and get some mediation going. I think that was
 2-3 weeks ago. From what I can tell they're still upset and not telling me
 Chris why that is. I say that because neither of us have heard back.

 Internally quell really comes off like a non-statement. This drug policy
 idea appears to be an attempt to wave some hands and hope the problem goes
 away without actually connecting the people in question to resolve their

 Can I start complaining to you about the disrespect I get from various
 Is the solution to that an anti-harassment policy that just reiterates Be
 Excellent To Others without actually addressing the underlying issue of
 people thinking its OK to fill my day to day interactions with misery?

 No, not really. Nothing would change.

 I really want to get back to hacking. I'm tired of all this infighting and
 hearing whispers that people don't like me all while they refuse to talk
 to me
 about their issues even after directly asking them to do so.

 Can you please try to resolve these tensions in a proven manner instead of
 making big empty statements of drugs are bad, mmmkay? If you want, I'd be
 more than happy to bring in some professional mediators. I'll even pay
 them if
 thats what is needed.

 For some perspective of where I'm coming from, I'll bring up this quote
 I've always looked back at regarding SYNHAK's governance and my ever
 fight against more rules:

 For we're excellent to each other here
 We rarely ever block
 We value tools over pre-emptive rules
 And spurn the key and the lock.
-- Danny O'Brien, 2010-11-09 general meeting notes, Noisebridge

  these situations. If this is a matter best suited for the police, then
  should be the course of action the next time this situation arises.
  Devin Wolfe
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[SH-Discuss] Fwd: Stewing at the Meeting 3/4

2014-03-04 Thread Michael Griesacker
sent this to announce this morning, but looks like somebody has a day

-- Forwarded message --
From: Michael Griesacker
Date: Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 11:26 AM
Subject: Stewing at the Meeting 3/4

I will be bringing a pot of venison stew tonight for anyone who would like
to try it, I can't gaurantee there will be enough for all, but it will be a
mushroom base, and have  meat/vegetables in it.  -bring your own
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Re: [SH-Discuss] plastic lids from mcdonalds

2014-03-01 Thread Michael Griesacker
That was me, Philip
On Mar 1, 2014 11:24 AM, Philip P. Patnode wrote:


 Someone asked me to bring them* two clear plastic salad cover lids* from
 McDonalds after the last weekly meeting.

 Lack of sleep and constant harping from my imaginary girlfriend has
 resulted in a temporary loss of memory.  I can't remember who asked me to
 save them.

 Anyway, I will be bringing two lids with me today.  If not claimed today,
 the person who wants them will find them hanging on or near the bulletin
 board, just inside the entrance.

 ETA at the Open House is around/about/almost 2pm.


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Re: [SH-Discuss] Meeting minutes from 2014-02-25

2014-02-27 Thread Michael Griesacker
* Devin: Let's put a 100% freeze on all new funds until we figure out a
game plan for it.  Use a financial advisor, Miami Foundation.  -  That's
from the minutes
On Feb 27, 2014 4:48 PM, Torrie Fischer wrote:

 On Feb 27, 2014 4:38 PM, wrote:
  There has been a misunderstanding. My proposal last night was filed
 under discussion items, I am not sure as to why.

 I dont remember you saying anything was a proposal. What in particular are
 you talking about, and what's the wording you are proposing?

  From: Torrie Fischer
  To:; SYN/HAK discussion list
  Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 11:48 PM
  Subject: Re: [SH-Discuss] Meeting minutes from 2014-02-25
  On Wednesday, February 26, 2014 13:50:20 wrote:
   While I appreciate your input, I don't feel your implied authority
   argument is valid. I do not see the need to change the proposal at this
  Whoah whoah whoah, when did this become a proposal with any kind of real
  wording? This was discussion about working on the idea.
   Devin Wolfe
From: Torrie Fischer
   To: SYN/HAK discussion list
   Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 9:28 AM
   Subject: Re: [SH-Discuss] Meeting minutes from 2014-02-25
   On Wednesday, February 26, 2014 06:17:31 wrote:
I don't follow. If you have stated many times, champions do not have
authority. Why would anti-authoritarian-type-people have any issue
this what so ever? They would just serve as another member on the
concerned about the growth of SYNHAK.
   Technically, they have no authority.
   Realistically, champions have been called the leaders of SYNHAK,
   dictator for life, presidents, directors, and many other titles that
   some kind of authority.
   Consider also the situation of a champion taking over another
 officer's job
   while they're still on the CWG. Suddenly they are on the CWG and have
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Meeting minutes from 2014-02-25

2014-02-27 Thread Michael Griesacker
** Justin: Proposes that we create a working group for this grant.
** Tim: Do they have specific restrictions?
*** They use the words charitable use.  Which carries more meaning than
may appear at the surface.
On Feb 27, 2014 6:21 PM, Michael Griesacker wrote:

 * Devin: Let's put a 100% freeze on all new funds until we figure out a
 game plan for it.  Use a financial advisor, Miami Foundation.  -  That's
 from the minutes
 On Feb 27, 2014 4:48 PM, Torrie Fischer

 On Feb 27, 2014 4:38 PM, wrote:
  There has been a misunderstanding. My proposal last night was filed
 under discussion items, I am not sure as to why.

 I dont remember you saying anything was a proposal. What in particular
 are you talking about, and what's the wording you are proposing?

  From: Torrie Fischer
  To:; SYN/HAK discussion list
  Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 11:48 PM
  Subject: Re: [SH-Discuss] Meeting minutes from 2014-02-25
  On Wednesday, February 26, 2014 13:50:20 wrote:
   While I appreciate your input, I don't feel your implied authority
   argument is valid. I do not see the need to change the proposal at
  Whoah whoah whoah, when did this become a proposal with any kind of
  wording? This was discussion about working on the idea.
   Devin Wolfe
From: Torrie Fischer
   To: SYN/HAK discussion list
   Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 9:28 AM
   Subject: Re: [SH-Discuss] Meeting minutes from 2014-02-25
   On Wednesday, February 26, 2014 06:17:31 wrote:
I don't follow. If you have stated many times, champions do not have
authority. Why would anti-authoritarian-type-people have any issue
this what so ever? They would just serve as another member on the
concerned about the growth of SYNHAK.
   Technically, they have no authority.
   Realistically, champions have been called the leaders of SYNHAK,
   dictator for life, presidents, directors, and many other titles that
   some kind of authority.
   Consider also the situation of a champion taking over another
 officer's job
   while they're still on the CWG. Suddenly they are on the CWG and have
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Re: [SH-Discuss] New Space, New Newsletter!!!

2014-02-27 Thread Michael Griesacker
How often did we have our old newsletter?
On Feb 27, 2014 9:53 PM, Justin Herman wrote:

 Hey everyone.

 With our new space open house I thought we could get a newsletter going.

 If you would like to subscribe join here

 If you could like to help write/submit content, join us at

 I hope to have ~1 or so a month.


 Justin Herman

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Re: [SH-Discuss] Tuesday

2014-02-25 Thread Michael Griesacker
The space is now open
On Feb 24, 2014 10:03 AM, Torrie Fischer wrote:

 On Monday, February 24, 2014 00:13:42 Andrew Buczko wrote:
  This is a hacker space, so the easyist way is to repel down from a
  helicopter and blow torch your way through the roof.

 Considering what I've heard about the roof, that might be overkill. You
 just be able to call it names and it'll fall of its own lack of self

  On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 2:45 PM, Becca Salchak
   Sorry sent that from my phone ment earliest
   On Sunday, February 23, 2014, Torrie Fischer
   On Sunday, February 23, 2014 09:34:47 Becca Salchak wrote:
What is the easiest that someone will have the space open on
   A key would be the easiest way to open the space, I think.
   I'll be there at 6 PM :)
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   Becca Salchak
   peace and love
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Re: [SH-Discuss] vacuum former question-OPENING DAY related

2014-02-24 Thread Michael Griesacker
Andrew, if ever I say something that has more than one interpretation, and
one of them upsets you, I meant the other one. Although that was a double
entendre, By drinking the Coolaid I meant buying in to our culture, and
getting excited about what we do. For amusement, here is a short list of
accidental entendre's from:

   - Panda mating fails: veterinarian takes over
   - Miners refuse to work after death
   - New obesity study looks for larger test group
   - Children make nutritious snacks
   - Criminals get nine months in violin case

furthermore, children snacks aside, I think this project may get pushed out
a bit if our current plastic is the wrong type

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 12:27 AM, Andrew Buczko a4s...@dsprototyping.comwrote:

 Mike, what exactly do you mean when you say Drinking the Coolaid I hope
 you are not referencing what I think you are referencing.

 Hmm, we should try some coffee mugs to see just how good and how many we
 can form, using the plastic that we have.

 as for getting food safe plastic, better order it over night if you want
 it in time for opening day.
 I think that making our own SynHak We Make Akron cups would be fun!

 On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 6:13 PM, a l wrote:

 The plastic we have is -not- food safe. We works need to buy some PETG
 plastic. Most cups are injection molded. While we could make some cups, the
 bigger they are the more likely the form will pull unevenly.

 Andrew L
 On Feb 23, 2014 1:31 PM, Justin Herman wrote:

 Devin would be the person to ask about the plastic.

 On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 12:39 PM, Becca Salchak blsalc...@yahoo.comwrote:

 I don't know anything about it but if we could make it work that would
 be really cool
 On Feb 23, 2014 11:59 AM, Michael Griesacker

 1) is our vacuum former using food-grade plastic?
 2) has anyone made forms for cups yet?
 3) is anyone interested in showcasing our infrastructure capability by
 making SynHak logo cups for Drinking the Coolaid on opening day/ or 
 sponsored event? I'm thinking about 4oz size to facilitate punch,
 adequately carry our logo or web address, and small enough to serve as a
 -so bigger than shotglass, but not by a lot.

 thoughts?  -and a cost analysis would be appropriate, I don't remember
 how much sheets cost

 Best Regards

 Mike G

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Re: [SH-Discuss] Small bathroom has been painted

2014-02-21 Thread Michael Griesacker
On Feb 21, 2014 8:27 PM, Andrew Buczko wrote:

 Phile wanted to let Mike know that the small bathroom has been painted and
 is ready for sink - instalment :)


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Re: [SH-Discuss] Bylaws discussion: Community Working Group

2014-02-19 Thread Michael Griesacker
Does anyone else have a concern about this?
CWG has the authority to modify their protocol with
approval of the Membership. -I have an issue with this, since having
authority overrides needing approval. If they need approval, they don't
have authority. I'll assume they don't have authority, and the wording just
needs cleaned up.

...the CWG would be using to set a precident that defines approval of the
membership.. - the CWD should not be setting precedence or definitions of
membership approval. Do we not have a defined process of membership
approval already?


 On Feb 19, 2014 7:48 PM, Andrew Buczko wrote:

 Can you explain that in english?
 Are we going to farm-out our disputes to a desktop environment?

 On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 10:27 AM, Torrie Fischer

 I'd like to suggest a modification to our bylaws via amendment.

 The Problem: Nobody is actually trained to handle interpersonal disputes
 the resolution therof

 The Solution: A Community Working Group that acts as the central point of
 contact for questions about communication between community participants
 with a respected independent mediator between community participants.

 This is an idea that is currently being worked on at Norton's Imperial
 with lots patterns taken from KDE:

 I would like to see this implemented as:

 * A brief amendment to our bylaws that defines the offices required and
 delegates the power of conflict resolution and community management to
 with a statement that the CWG has the authority to modify their protocol
 approval of the Membership.
 * A protocol established by the membership in the traditional proposal
 that the CWG would be using to set a precident that defines approval of
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Re: [SH-Discuss] The Webcam

2014-02-04 Thread Michael Griesacker
I don't care where its mounted, (besides the restrooms), but I do like the
semi private areas idea.
On Feb 4, 2014 11:20 PM, Justin Herman wrote:

 Seems fair.
 On Feb 4, 2014 11:01 PM, Torrie Fischer

 Hi, all.

 I think this is something we should talk about briefly.

 We've now got internet at the space. The kiosk should be up tomorrow
 so we can start to figure out when anyone is around. The Webcam is also a
 help with this so I'd like to have that ready again soon, but it needs a
 little more infrastructure in place (ipv4 port forwarding/nat) first.

 I've never really appreciated the spooky anonymous all-seeingness of the
 webcam. Thats why I worked to make sure the Perkins Room could be a rather
 private place. I'd like to have a similar environment at 48 S Summit.

 Any thoughts on where to put the webcam? I would think that putting it
 down the hallway pointing towards the west wall could provide enough
 indication of activity without a significant reduction in privacy. It
 easily show if any lights are on, with occasional glimpses of some
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Re: [SH-Discuss] launches

2014-01-27 Thread Michael Griesacker
sorry, can't provide guidance here

On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 7:02 PM, Andrew Buczko a4s...@dsprototyping.comwrote:

 Event 38 in Akron does stuff like that.

 Michael What mapping app software do you recommend?

 On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 9:01 AM, Michael Griesacker

 Thanks G, interesting
 On Jan 23, 2014 4:44 PM, gs volt wrote: has launched online to teach interested readers how
 to get familiar with online mapping.

 I hear its a crucial civic hacking skillset to have.

 Here's an intro about them:

 Maptime is, rather literally, time for mapmaking. Our mission is to open
 the doors of cartographic possibility to anyone interested by creating a
 time and space for collaborative learning, exploration, and map creation
 using mapping tools and technologies.

 This open learning environment for all levels and degrees of knowledge
 offers intentional support for the beginner. Maptime is simultaneously
 flexible and structured, creating space for workshops, ongoing projects
 with a shared goal, and independent/collaborative work time. One of these
 projects is the the ABC’s of 

 Maptime was started as an idea at the 2013 State of the Map 
 US conference,
 where some of the organizers – Beth and Camille – realized that they wanted
 to become better mapmakers, but were frustrated with the lack resources for
 learning how to make them. At the same time, discussions were 
 emerging about
 creating diversity in the Open Street Map community. Maptime is an answer
 to both calls— how to learn, and how to engage a diverse group of people.

 Inspiration for Maptime comes from both hack nights and knitting
 circles. Both are models of spaces for people to create and learn together.
 Our goal is to provide this space with an open heart and without
 pretension. You can bring your own projects to work on, or just hang out
 and socialize or ask questions. Some people are experts, and some people
 are just getting started, but all of us are learning, so why not do it

 That’s our story. Come be a part of it.  Maps for all forever!

 If its something you've always been curious about, get involved
 electronically and make cool stuff.


 G | Gaurav Narain Saxena | (330) 283 - 4972

 I am a Board Member at SYN/HAK The Akron
 Hackerspace located at 48 S Summit St Akron Ohio 

 I am providing technical consulting services to 
 Sherwin-Williams behalf of Bennett
 Adelson (Microsoft Solution Center)
 located at 6050 Oak Tree Blvd, Cleveland, Ohio 
 I have also been providing solutions to non-trivial problems other
 businesses may have through my company Whiskey Bits LLC located in Portage
 Lakes, Ohio
 Learn more about things I have created by reading my About 
 page my

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Re: [SH-Discuss] 48 Summit St front room discussion thread

2014-01-20 Thread Michael Griesacker
I am also against taking the wall down, for now, and feel scope creep is a
valid point. I apologize for lack of lengthy supporting argument, but I
only have two thumbs.
On Jan 20, 2014 12:32 PM,

 Omar, the decision is split. This is a discussion for the next meeting. I
 am against tearing out the storage closet and the wall it resides in. That
 being said I am not against removing the window from the other, south
 facing, wall. Stop trying to push decisions through by calling it Synhak
 philosophy and brushing it under the rug. If we have disagreements we need
 to give everyone a chance to speak their piece. See you at the next meeting,

 Devin Wolfe.

 Sent from Yahoo Mail on 

 * From: * Omar Rassi;
 * To: * SYN/HAK discussion list;
 * Subject: * Re: [SH-Discuss] 48 Summit St front room discussion thread
 * Sent: * Mon, Jan 20, 2014 4:40:18 PM

   Andrew L, I agree, we all love Synhak and want the best for our new
 space but we must refrain from passionate sarcasm and profanity during
 discussion, its not acceptable during meetings nor should it be during
 discussion. From this thread, there is a very strong and compelling
 argument from more than one person for bringing down the walls in the front
 room, turning one wall into a welcome bar.

 Currently, having a walled off restricted area is not in keeping with
 Synhak's philosophy. The admin computer I had set up before plus our
 document github should be more than sufficient sufficient to store and
 maintain any documentation or office related work that needs done by an
 officer in the event an officer doesn't have access to their own computer
 to do it with. When Synhak grows large enough to warrant a dedicated office
 space, then we'll revisit the subject.

 My mind's eye is seeing the area becoming a place to make it easy to find
 to more information on Synhak, access to membership and liability forms,
 showcase sample projects (like the hard drive speakers Dialbot, etc). like
 the the kiosk that was at 21 W. North but version 2.0. essentially an
 excellent first sight for new visitors and guests of Synhak.

 For now, lets get the area ready for that by taking down the wall, making
 the bar height section of the other wall, and continue the renovations and
 repair that must take place anyway regardless of what happens to the wall.

 On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 8:30 AM, a l wrote:

 Firstly I realize people are passionate about the space and making it
 better but if we could leave dismissive, explicit, and excessively
 sarcastic commentary out of the discussion that would be excellent to

 Secondly the arguments against tearing down the office we already have to
 build a slightly different one in the exact same place are more than just
 There are other things in need of doing!. Secondly as you pointed out
 tearing down walls is not expensive. Remodeling the now larger space so it
 doesn't look like people ran drunkenly around with sawz-alls and crowbars
 is the expensive part. We have to get: ceiling tile, drywall, paint,
 relocate more outlets(new wiring, boxes, c), and floor vents for formerly
 wall vents.
 We are losing money and working on a finite time table. Having a
 prioritized list actually does mean we should focus the vast majority of
 our limited time and money on them. They are the projects that need to get
 done in order for SynHak to function come opening day. Getting the main
 workspace up and running should be everyone's main effort. After that's
 done we can and should focus on the 'nice to have' list.

 Andrew L

 On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 1:01 AM, Andrew Buczko 

 I shouldn't have to explain this...

 Every time you start a project you run into expenses. Yes we can recycle
 what materials we have but there's always something else needed to get the
 project done.

 Personally, I'm done with this, so  so already started tearing out the
 wall, so fuck it! lets just gut the whole fucking place!

  On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 11:29 AM, Omar Rassi omar.ra...@gmail.comwrote:

 Andy, I also emailed the start of this thread to,
 discuss is what responded first.

 A few questions for you Andy:
 It's a nice little room, we can use for what ever we want, if you
 take it away then all we'll have is big empty space.

 It won't be empty, it would be built into the welcome bar. The whole
 reason we moved to 48 Summit is because we need more space, are you saying
 we now have too much? How does keeping the walls make it less empty?

 we don't have the money to build new walls.

 Why would we need to build new walls there? Why would a Synhak office
 absolutely require walls? If a separate office is needed, a walled off
 area right by the front door is not a good place to have one, so a 

Re: [SH-Discuss] Pushing opening day back a week?

2014-01-13 Thread Michael Griesacker
I agree
On Jan 13, 2014 8:02 PM, Omar Rassi wrote:

 Thumbs up

 On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 6:22 PM, Becca Salchak blsalc...@yahoo.comwrote:

 I think that's a good plan
 On Jan 13, 2014 6:01 PM, Torrie Fischer

 Anyone have an issue with moving our open house to March 1st? I guess
 Devin is planning some kind of smaller test-run open house for the 22nd
 with OddMall folks. The reasoning is that if they find something to
 complain about, we can fix it that week.
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