Re: Was Which CMS Should we Use for - DrupalGeek picks Wordpress!!!!

2009-11-04 חוט Dotan Mazor


ישר כוח.

אני מוסיף את ה"קול" שלי בעד התקדמות עם כל מערכת שהיא, כל עוד יהיה קל 
למשתמשים רגילים לעבוד איתה.


Ori Idan wrote:

די לרדת לפרטים קטנים. די ברור לי שכאשר גיא כתב frame כוונתו היית ל CMS.
אני מניח שזה ברור לכולם.
כן אתה צודק בהערות שלך שרצוי להשתמש במונח הנכון. אבל להתקיף את גיא על 
כך בפומבי לא נראה לי נכון.

נראה שמרבית האנשים באמת בעד וורדפרס ורק אתה נגד זה משני נימוקים עיקריים:
1. נתגלו בוורדפרס מספר פרצות אבטחה חמורות.
2. הוא נפוץ מאד.

הטיעון השני הוא דווקא מה שמחליש את הטיעון הראשון. כן הוא נפוץ מאד כך 
שסביר להניח שיש הרבה מתכנתים שיוכלו לסגור את פרצות האבטחה.
אני לא יודע לגבי מערכות ניהול תוכן אחרות אבל אני מניח שבכל מערכת 
מורכבת ניתן למצוא פרצות אבטחה. אבל מצד שני ניתן גם לתקן אותן.

האם יש עוד טיעון נגד וורדפרס?
ובכלל למה להתווכח כל כך על עניין כזה?
כל זמן שמדובר במערכת שיהיה קל לאנשים שאינם שולטים ב HTML, makefile, 
מערכות ניהול גרסאות וכד' להשתמש בה לדעתי זה בסדר.

אורי עידן

2009/11/4 Shlomi Fish>>

On Friday 23 Oct 2009 15:25:08 guy wrote:
> תגידו, הדיון הזה חשוב?
> כי רק היום קראתי אותו. באמצע השבוע אין לי זמן לעקוב אחרי דיונים
> באנגלית. אולי בפעם הבא לפחות דוברי העברית שבחבורה יכתבו בשפת הקודש?

גיא, באמת. נמאס לי כבר מהטענות שלך נגד ההתכתבות כאן באנגלית. אם
אתה לא רוצה
לקרוא את ההודעות באנגלית, אני לא מכריח אותך, אבל היו לי מספר סיבות
טובות לכתוב
באנגלית, ואני מקווה שאתה יכול להבין אותן.

אם אתה רוצה אני יכול למנות את כולן כאן.

> לדעתי פחות חשוב מה הFrame איתו עובדים, כל עוד הכל בצורה שניתנת
> ובמקרה הצורך להעברה לאדם אחר.

"Frame"? אם אתה כל כך שונא אנגלית מדוע אמרת את המילה הזאת באנגלית.
דרך אגב, זה
לא Frame שהוא תת-חלון של הדפדפן, שהיה פופולרי בעבר ועדיין ניתן
למצוא אותו בכל
מיני מקומות של אנשים שלא יודעים מהחיים שלהם וחסר להם ידע בסיסי
כיצד לחולל אתר
פשוט עם מראה והתנהגות אחידים בעזרת פרל או מה שלא יהיה. ראה:

בכל מקרה, אולי התכוונת ל-"web development framework" שהיא בעברית
צחה "תשתית
לפיתוח אתרי ווב", אבל גם במקרה הזה לא דנו אם ברצוננו להשתמש בתשתית
כזאת שעליה
נמנות Ruby-on-Rails, Django, Catalyst, CGI::Application, Turbo
Gears, Merb,
PHP Symfony, Zend Framework, וכיוצא בהן.

מה שכן דנו בו היה איזו מערכת ניהול תוכן (Content Management System
- CMS)
להשתמש בו, שזה משהו מעל התשתית או לחליפין עם תשתית או פסאודו-תשתית
משלו. רוב
האנשים כאן חושבים שוורדפרס היא הכי טובה, אבל לא יש הסתייגויות ממנה.

בכבוד רב,

   שלומי פיש

> גיא.
> Ori Idan wrote:
> > On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 1:17 PM, Shlomi Fish>
> > >> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Ori!
> >
> > On Saturday 17 Oct 2009 20:39:46 Ori Idan wrote:
> > > It seems as if you are trying to be different just for
the sake
> >
> > of being
> >
> > > different.
> > > You get enough people saying they prefer wordpress for
> >
> > reasons and
> >
> > > you reject it just because many people are using it.
> >
> > Why do you think that?
> >
> >
> > I have read many people urging you to use wordpress,even Lior
who is a
> > drupal geek advised you to use wordpress.
> > However I did not hear any argument against wordpress, other
then the
> > argument that the fact that many people use it is not a reason by
> > itself (which I tend to agree).
> > I did not read or do not remember reading a real reason from
you why
> > not use a known and good platform such as wordpress.
> >
> >
> >

> >
> > ___
> > Discussions mailing list
> > 
> >

Shlomi Fish
Optimising Code for Speed -

Chuck Norris read the entire English Wikipedia in 24 hours. Twice.
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Dotan Mazor

Discussions mailing list

Re: Was Which CMS Should we Use for - DrupalGeek picks Wordpress!!!!

2009-11-04 חוט Tzafrir Cohen

[For those of you who don't remember what this is about: MT: MovableType,
WP: WordPress]

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 08:43:52PM +0300, 

[Which was over a month ago]

Lior Kesos wrote:

> I think the main issue, which is even more important then security is  
> the size of the potential volunteering base.
> This issue was demonstrated lately on the work on august penguins site  
> and the work on the hamakor site.
> I (Drupal Geek and wearer of many drupal shirts) wanted to help build  
> the Hamakor site in Drupal, but eventually Gilad was fed up of me  
> being to busy to actually contribute and thus built it in wordpress.

So, either you actually do it in MT or wait. If you wait, hopefully
someone else will do it. There is a reasonable chance that this someone
will use WP.

Smearing a CMS that is not your favorite is not something I personally
like reading. I have better things to do.

So let's get into practical details:

Can you provide an example implementation with MovableType?

* How much customization will it need?
* What will be the process of upgrading it while still preserving your
* Is the Debian package movabletype-opensource good enough to avoid the
  need of a separate installation?
  - Is it well-maintained?

I suspect the sysadmins would prefer using it unless there is a solid
technical reason not to do so.

* MT is installed as a CGI script. Is the performance good enough?

(And to counter one obvious point: we don't need all the potential
volunteer base to know how to maintain our CMS. We need enough of them
to know how to. And we need the maintinance to be simple enough.)

If you need my little help to provide simple review of your prpposed
system from the point of view of someone familiar enough with Perl, I'd
be glad to help. 

Folks, we have a whole nuclear power-plant^W^Wsite to build. So let's
we've spent enough time discussing the bike shed.

Tzafrir Cohen | | VIM is || a Mutt's ||  best
ICQ# 16849754 || friend
Discussions mailing list

Re: Was Which CMS Should we Use for - DrupalGeek picks Wordpress!!!!

2009-11-04 חוט Shlomi Fish
On Wednesday 04 Nov 2009 11:44:26 Ori Idan wrote:
> שלומי,
> די לרדת לפרטים קטנים. די ברור לי שכאשר גיא כתב frame כוונתו היית ל CMS.
> אני מניח שזה ברור לכולם.
> כן אתה צודק בהערות שלך שרצוי להשתמש במונח הנכון. אבל להתקיף את גיא על כך
> בפומבי לא נראה לי נכון.

אתה צודק. אני מתנצל על כך.

> ולעניין.
> נראה שמרבית האנשים באמת בעד וורדפרס ורק אתה נגד זה משני נימוקים עיקריים:
> 1. נתגלו בוורדפרס מספר פרצות אבטחה חמורות.
> 2. הוא נפוץ מאד.

הסיבה השניה שאני נגד וורדפרס היא לא בגלל שהוא נפוץ מאוד. מעולם לא אמרתי שאם 
משהו הוא נפוץ הוא בהכרח לא טוב. אין לי בעייה להשתמש בהרבה תוכנות שהן נפוצות 
ו/או פופולריות מאוד. 

הבעייה העיקרית השניה שהייתה לי עם וורדפרס היא שהוא מאוד באגי ו-quirky וכן דורש 
יותר מדי פלאג-אינים ליישום פונקציונליות בסיסית שצריכה להיות בכל בלוג, ולא 
קיימת אפילו בבלוגים של שאנשים משלמים עליהם כסף. לי אין כוח 
להתקין יותר מדי תוספים כדי לקבל פונקציונליות בסיסית, מה גם שזה עלול להקשות על 
השדרוג של הבלוג עוד יותר.

הבעייה השלישית שיש לי עם וורדפרס היא שכפי שאנשים אומרים הקוד שלו כתוב בצורה 
גרועה מאוד מה שמעורר חשש שעלולים להיות בו באגים רבים נוספים ובכללם באגים של 

> הטיעון השני הוא דווקא מה שמחליש את הטיעון הראשון. כן הוא נפוץ מאד כך שסביר
> להניח שיש הרבה מתכנתים שיוכלו לסגור את פרצות האבטחה.
> אני לא יודע לגבי מערכות ניהול תוכן אחרות אבל אני מניח שבכל מערכת מורכבת
>  ניתן למצוא פרצות אבטחה. אבל מצד שני ניתן גם לתקן אותן.

עובדה שעל אף הכמות הרבה של משתמשים בוורד-פרס עדיין נמצאות בה כל הזמן פרצות 
אבטחה רבות וכן חלק ניכר מהמשתמשים הרבים אינם משדרגים בזמן מסיבות שונות (ובכללן 
בעיות תאימות) - מה שמאפשר לפרוץ לאתרים ולהתקין בהם תולעים ושאר פוגעות.

> האם יש עוד טיעון נגד וורדפרס?

כן, ראה להלן.

> ובכלל למה להתווכח כל כך על עניין כזה?

אמרתי שזה bike shed colour argument.

> כל זמן שמדובר במערכת שיהיה קל לאנשים שאינם שולטים ב HTML, makefile, מערכות
> ניהול גרסאות וכד' להשתמש בה לדעתי זה בסדר.

אז אם כך אני אתקין OpenMelody או מה שלא יהיה כי זה גם מספיק טוב.

בכבוד רב,

שלומי פיש

> > On Friday 23 Oct 2009 15:25:08 guy wrote:
> > > תגידו, הדיון הזה חשוב?
> > > כי רק היום קראתי אותו. באמצע השבוע אין לי זמן לעקוב אחרי דיונים ארוכים
> > > באנגלית. אולי בפעם הבא לפחות דוברי העברית שבחבורה יכתבו בשפת הקודש?
> >
> > גיא, באמת. נמאס לי כבר מהטענות שלך נגד ההתכתבות כאן באנגלית. אם אתה לא
> > רוצה לקרוא את ההודעות באנגלית, אני לא מכריח אותך, אבל היו לי מספר סיבות
> > טובות לכתוב
> > באנגלית, ואני מקווה שאתה יכול להבין אותן.
> >
> > אם אתה רוצה אני יכול למנות את כולן כאן.
> >
> > > לדעתי פחות חשוב מה הFrame איתו עובדים, כל עוד הכל בצורה שניתנת לתחזוקה
> > > ובמקרה הצורך להעברה לאדם אחר.
> >
> > "Frame"? אם אתה כל כך שונא אנגלית מדוע אמרת את המילה הזאת באנגלית. דרך
> > אגב, זה
> > לא Frame שהוא תת-חלון של הדפדפן, שהיה פופולרי בעבר ועדיין ניתן למצוא אותו
> > בכל
> > מיני מקומות של אנשים שלא יודעים מהחיים שלהם וחסר להם ידע בסיסי כיצד לחולל
> > אתר
> > פשוט עם מראה והתנהגות אחידים בעזרת פרל או מה שלא יהיה. ראה:
> >
> >
> >
> > בכל מקרה, אולי התכוונת ל-"web development framework" שהיא בעברית צחה
> > "תשתית לפיתוח אתרי ווב", אבל גם במקרה הזה לא דנו אם ברצוננו להשתמש בתשתית
> > כזאת שעליה
> > נמנות Ruby-on-Rails, Django, Catalyst, CGI::Application, Turbo Gears,
> > Merb, PHP Symfony, Zend Framework, וכיוצא בהן.
> >
> > מה שכן דנו בו היה איזו מערכת ניהול תוכן (Content Management System - CMS)
> > להשתמש בו, שזה משהו מעל התשתית או לחליפין עם תשתית או פסאודו-תשתית משלו.
> > רוב
> > האנשים כאן חושבים שוורדפרס היא הכי טובה, אבל לא יש הסתייגויות ממנה.
> >
> > בכבוד רב,
> >
> >שלומי פיש
> >
> > > גיא.
> > >
> > > Ori Idan wrote:
> > > > On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 1:17 PM, Shlomi Fish  > > > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hi Ori!
> > > >
> > > > On Saturday 17 Oct 2009 20:39:46 Ori Idan wrote:
> > > > > It seems as if you are trying to be different just for the sake
> > > >
> > > > of being
> > > >
> > > > > different.
> > > > > You get enough people saying they prefer wordpress for several
> > > >
> > > > reasons and
> > > >
> > > > > you reject it just because many people are using it.
> > > >
> > > > Why do you think that?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > I have read many people urging you to use wordpress,even Lior who is
> > > > a drupal geek advised you to use wordpress.
> > > > However I did not hear any argument against wordpress, other then the
> > > > argument that the fact that many people use it is not a reason by
> > > > itself (which I tend to agree).
> > > > I did not read or do not remember reading a real reason from you why
> > > > not use a known and good platform such as wordpress.
> >
> > 
> >
> > > > ___
> > > > Discussions mailing list
> > > >
> > > >
> >
> > --
> > -
> > Shlomi Fish   http

Re: Was Which CMS Should we Use for - DrupalGeek picks Wordpress!!!!

2009-11-04 חוט Ori Idan
די לרדת לפרטים קטנים. די ברור לי שכאשר גיא כתב frame כוונתו היית ל CMS.
אני מניח שזה ברור לכולם.
כן אתה צודק בהערות שלך שרצוי להשתמש במונח הנכון. אבל להתקיף את גיא על כך
בפומבי לא נראה לי נכון.

נראה שמרבית האנשים באמת בעד וורדפרס ורק אתה נגד זה משני נימוקים עיקריים:
1. נתגלו בוורדפרס מספר פרצות אבטחה חמורות.
2. הוא נפוץ מאד.

הטיעון השני הוא דווקא מה שמחליש את הטיעון הראשון. כן הוא נפוץ מאד כך שסביר
להניח שיש הרבה מתכנתים שיוכלו לסגור את פרצות האבטחה.
אני לא יודע לגבי מערכות ניהול תוכן אחרות אבל אני מניח שבכל מערכת מורכבת ניתן
למצוא פרצות אבטחה. אבל מצד שני ניתן גם לתקן אותן.

האם יש עוד טיעון נגד וורדפרס?
ובכלל למה להתווכח כל כך על עניין כזה?
כל זמן שמדובר במערכת שיהיה קל לאנשים שאינם שולטים ב HTML, makefile, מערכות
ניהול גרסאות וכד' להשתמש בה לדעתי זה בסדר.

אורי עידן

2009/11/4 Shlomi Fish 

> On Friday 23 Oct 2009 15:25:08 guy wrote:
> > תגידו, הדיון הזה חשוב?
> > כי רק היום קראתי אותו. באמצע השבוע אין לי זמן לעקוב אחרי דיונים ארוכים
> > באנגלית. אולי בפעם הבא לפחות דוברי העברית שבחבורה יכתבו בשפת הקודש?
> >
> גיא, באמת. נמאס לי כבר מהטענות שלך נגד ההתכתבות כאן באנגלית. אם אתה לא רוצה
> לקרוא את ההודעות באנגלית, אני לא מכריח אותך, אבל היו לי מספר סיבות טובות
> לכתוב
> באנגלית, ואני מקווה שאתה יכול להבין אותן.
> אם אתה רוצה אני יכול למנות את כולן כאן.
> > לדעתי פחות חשוב מה הFrame איתו עובדים, כל עוד הכל בצורה שניתנת לתחזוקה
> > ובמקרה הצורך להעברה לאדם אחר.
> "Frame"? אם אתה כל כך שונא אנגלית מדוע אמרת את המילה הזאת באנגלית. דרך אגב,
> זה
> לא Frame שהוא תת-חלון של הדפדפן, שהיה פופולרי בעבר ועדיין ניתן למצוא אותו
> בכל
> מיני מקומות של אנשים שלא יודעים מהחיים שלהם וחסר להם ידע בסיסי כיצד לחולל
> אתר
> פשוט עם מראה והתנהגות אחידים בעזרת פרל או מה שלא יהיה. ראה:
> בכל מקרה, אולי התכוונת ל-"web development framework" שהיא בעברית צחה "תשתית
> לפיתוח אתרי ווב", אבל גם במקרה הזה לא דנו אם ברצוננו להשתמש בתשתית כזאת
> שעליה
> נמנות Ruby-on-Rails, Django, Catalyst, CGI::Application, Turbo Gears, Merb,
> PHP Symfony, Zend Framework, וכיוצא בהן.
> מה שכן דנו בו היה איזו מערכת ניהול תוכן (Content Management System - CMS)
> להשתמש בו, שזה משהו מעל התשתית או לחליפין עם תשתית או פסאודו-תשתית משלו.
> רוב
> האנשים כאן חושבים שוורדפרס היא הכי טובה, אבל לא יש הסתייגויות ממנה.
> בכבוד רב,
>שלומי פיש
> > גיא.
> >
> > Ori Idan wrote:
> > > On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 1:17 PM, Shlomi Fish  > > > wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi Ori!
> > >
> > > On Saturday 17 Oct 2009 20:39:46 Ori Idan wrote:
> > > > It seems as if you are trying to be different just for the sake
> > >
> > > of being
> > >
> > > > different.
> > > > You get enough people saying they prefer wordpress for several
> > >
> > > reasons and
> > >
> > > > you reject it just because many people are using it.
> > >
> > > Why do you think that?
> > >
> > >
> > > I have read many people urging you to use wordpress,even Lior who is a
> > > drupal geek advised you to use wordpress.
> > > However I did not hear any argument against wordpress, other then the
> > > argument that the fact that many people use it is not a reason by
> > > itself (which I tend to agree).
> > > I did not read or do not remember reading a real reason from you why
> > > not use a known and good platform such as wordpress.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > Discussions mailing list
> > >
> > >
> >
> --
> -
> Shlomi Fish
> Optimising Code for Speed -
> Chuck Norris read the entire English Wikipedia in 24 hours. Twice.
> ___
> Discussions mailing list
Discussions mailing list

Re: Was Which CMS Should we Use for - DrupalGeek picks Wordpress!!!!

2009-11-04 חוט Shlomi Fish
On Friday 23 Oct 2009 15:25:08 guy wrote:
> תגידו, הדיון הזה חשוב?
> כי רק היום קראתי אותו. באמצע השבוע אין לי זמן לעקוב אחרי דיונים ארוכים
> באנגלית. אולי בפעם הבא לפחות דוברי העברית שבחבורה יכתבו בשפת הקודש?

גיא, באמת. נמאס לי כבר מהטענות שלך נגד ההתכתבות כאן באנגלית. אם אתה לא רוצה 
לקרוא את ההודעות באנגלית, אני לא מכריח אותך, אבל היו לי מספר סיבות טובות לכתוב 
באנגלית, ואני מקווה שאתה יכול להבין אותן. 

אם אתה רוצה אני יכול למנות את כולן כאן.

> לדעתי פחות חשוב מה הFrame איתו עובדים, כל עוד הכל בצורה שניתנת לתחזוקה
> ובמקרה הצורך להעברה לאדם אחר.

"Frame"? אם אתה כל כך שונא אנגלית מדוע אמרת את המילה הזאת באנגלית. דרך אגב, זה 
לא Frame שהוא תת-חלון של הדפדפן, שהיה פופולרי בעבר ועדיין ניתן למצוא אותו בכל 
מיני מקומות של אנשים שלא יודעים מהחיים שלהם וחסר להם ידע בסיסי כיצד לחולל אתר 
פשוט עם מראה והתנהגות אחידים בעזרת פרל או מה שלא יהיה. ראה:

בכל מקרה, אולי התכוונת ל-"web development framework" שהיא בעברית צחה "תשתית 
לפיתוח אתרי ווב", אבל גם במקרה הזה לא דנו אם ברצוננו להשתמש בתשתית כזאת שעליה 
נמנות Ruby-on-Rails, Django, Catalyst, CGI::Application, Turbo Gears, Merb, 
PHP Symfony, Zend Framework, וכיוצא בהן.

מה שכן דנו בו היה איזו מערכת ניהול תוכן (Content Management System - CMS) 
להשתמש בו, שזה משהו מעל התשתית או לחליפין עם תשתית או פסאודו-תשתית משלו. רוב 
האנשים כאן חושבים שוורדפרס היא הכי טובה, אבל לא יש הסתייגויות ממנה.

בכבוד רב,

שלומי פיש

> גיא.
> Ori Idan wrote:
> > On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 1:17 PM, Shlomi Fish  > > wrote:
> >
> > Hi Ori!
> >
> > On Saturday 17 Oct 2009 20:39:46 Ori Idan wrote:
> > > It seems as if you are trying to be different just for the sake
> >
> > of being
> >
> > > different.
> > > You get enough people saying they prefer wordpress for several
> >
> > reasons and
> >
> > > you reject it just because many people are using it.
> >
> > Why do you think that?
> >
> >
> > I have read many people urging you to use wordpress,even Lior who is a
> > drupal geek advised you to use wordpress.
> > However I did not hear any argument against wordpress, other then the
> > argument that the fact that many people use it is not a reason by
> > itself (which I tend to agree).
> > I did not read or do not remember reading a real reason from you why
> > not use a known and good platform such as wordpress.
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> > ___
> > Discussions mailing list
> >
> >

Shlomi Fish
Optimising Code for Speed -

Chuck Norris read the entire English Wikipedia in 24 hours. Twice.
Discussions mailing list

Re: Was Which CMS Should we Use for - DrupalGeek picks Wordpress!!!!

2009-10-23 חוט guy

תגידו, הדיון הזה חשוב?
כי רק היום קראתי אותו. באמצע השבוע אין לי זמן לעקוב אחרי דיונים ארוכים 
באנגלית. אולי בפעם הבא לפחות דוברי העברית שבחבורה יכתבו בשפת הקודש?

לדעתי פחות חשוב מה הFrame איתו עובדים, כל עוד הכל בצורה שניתנת לתחזוקה 
ובמקרה הצורך להעברה לאדם אחר.


Ori Idan wrote:

On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 1:17 PM, Shlomi Fish > wrote:

Hi Ori!

On Saturday 17 Oct 2009 20:39:46 Ori Idan wrote:
> It seems as if you are trying to be different just for the sake
of being
> different.
> You get enough people saying they prefer wordpress for several
reasons and
> you reject it just because many people are using it.

Why do you think that?

I have read many people urging you to use wordpress,even Lior who is a 
drupal geek advised you to use wordpress.
However I did not hear any argument against wordpress, other then the 
argument that the fact that many people use it is not a reason by 
itself (which I tend to agree).
I did not read or do not remember reading a real reason from you why 
not use a known and good platform such as wordpress.

Ori Idan

Discussions mailing list

Discussions mailing list

Re: Was Which CMS Should we Use for - DrupalGeek picks Wordpress!!!!

2009-10-20 חוט Ori Idan
On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 11:08 PM, Shlomi Fish  wrote:

> Hi Ori!
> Thanks for your message, and for not top-posting. See below for my
> response.
> On Tuesday 20 Oct 2009 13:29:02 Ori Idan wrote:
> > On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 1:17 PM, Shlomi Fish 
> wrote:
> > > Hi Ori!
> > >
> > > On Saturday 17 Oct 2009 20:39:46 Ori Idan wrote:
> > > > It seems as if you are trying to be different just for the sake of
> > > > being different.
> > > > You get enough people saying they prefer wordpress for several
> reasons
> > >
> > > and
> > >
> > > > you reject it just because many people are using it.
> > >
> > > Why do you think that?
> >
> > I have read many people urging you to use wordpress,even Lior who is a
> > drupal geek advised you to use wordpress.
> > However I did not hear any argument against wordpress, other then the
> > argument that the fact that many people use it is not a reason by itself
> > (which I tend to agree).
> > I did not read or do not remember reading a real reason from you why not
> >  use a known and good platform such as wordpress.
> >
> I'm sorry if I have made this impression, and it's possible I did. I
> realise I
> may have come up as an anti-conformism zealot who does "davka" to people
> just
> because they all tell him something else.
> However, in my original message, I gave several reasons why I would prefer
> to
> avoid WordPress, and why I dislike it and distrust it (its popularity put
> aside). That and when I replied to the people on the list, I explained
> using
> reason, logic and experience why they are wrong.
> Allow me to quote my original message:
> <<
> 1. WordPress - lots and lots of security holes, too basic functionality by
> default; requires a bootload of plugins to convert into a usable state
> which
> many bloggers won't install; and has lots of bugs - it already ate some of
> my
> comments and refused to let me post them again, and the blog owners did not
> know what to do about it.
> I think I'll pass.
> >>
> I guess every complex software system has security holes and if you can
install some plugins that will fix it then it is Ok.
I find it strange that you say such things on a system that is so widely
used as wordpress.
I guess that the system you wanted to install that I have never heard of and
I guess has about 1% of the users of wordpress might have more security
Also when you say security holes, I think you have to check what are the
odds for damage and what kind of damage.
After all even Linux has security problems, however comparing to other
systems even in wider use, it's problems are small.
When you choose a system for a website that is not yours private and many
other people would work on it, I think you should take into account the time
needed for them to learn how to use the system.
Most people urged you to use wordpress but you try to show them they are
wrong. why?

Ori Idan
Discussions mailing list

Re: Was Which CMS Should we Use for - DrupalGeek picks Wordpress!!!!

2009-10-20 חוט Shlomi Fish
Hi Ori!

Thanks for your message, and for not top-posting. See below for my response.

On Tuesday 20 Oct 2009 13:29:02 Ori Idan wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 1:17 PM, Shlomi Fish  wrote:
> > Hi Ori!
> >
> > On Saturday 17 Oct 2009 20:39:46 Ori Idan wrote:
> > > It seems as if you are trying to be different just for the sake of
> > > being different.
> > > You get enough people saying they prefer wordpress for several reasons
> >
> > and
> >
> > > you reject it just because many people are using it.
> >
> > Why do you think that?
> I have read many people urging you to use wordpress,even Lior who is a
> drupal geek advised you to use wordpress.
> However I did not hear any argument against wordpress, other then the
> argument that the fact that many people use it is not a reason by itself
> (which I tend to agree).
> I did not read or do not remember reading a real reason from you why not
>  use a known and good platform such as wordpress.

I'm sorry if I have made this impression, and it's possible I did. I realise I 
may have come up as an anti-conformism zealot who does "davka" to people just 
because they all tell him something else. 

However, in my original message, I gave several reasons why I would prefer to 
avoid WordPress, and why I dislike it and distrust it (its popularity put 
aside). That and when I replied to the people on the list, I explained using 
reason, logic and experience why they are wrong.

Allow me to quote my original message:

1. WordPress - lots and lots of security holes, too basic functionality by 
default; requires a bootload of plugins to convert into a usable state which 
many bloggers won't install; and has lots of bugs - it already ate some of my 
comments and refused to let me post them again, and the blog owners did not 
know what to do about it.

I think I'll pass.

Here is some stuff I said later on:

> There are many people that can subscribe to security rss for wordpress
> or upgrade the plugin, I think that we are missing is people that will
> create content and there are many people with that affiliation in the
> wordpress community.

From my experience, eventually it ends up with very few people actively 
maintaining the back-end. I've been trying to get people to clean up spam from 
some of the community's MediaWikis (,, ,etc.) and so far I've done the lion's share of the work.

At once point on eskimo (the old host of someone installed a PHP-
BB instance under and he didn't have time to update it 
even after I asked him to. I ended up having to completely disable the domain 
there. As expected, there was little there, so not a lot of harm was done.

And here is some more stuff:

1. There's already a WordPress worm that has infected many sites:

(sorry for the broken URL - here's a short one - )

2. I know someone who is a very competent Israeli programmer (also active in 
the FOSS world) who set up WordPress on his blog, and it is incredibly old and 
vulnerable to this worm (and many other exploits, including those by malicious 
crackers), who says upgrading his installation now would be painful in part 
because he has several custom plugins. So his blog is still vulnerable and 
open to the world. So if a fire has caught the firs, what will the moss on the 
wall say?

3. Quoting (BCCed to this message) on IRC:

   rindolf, i got hacked via wordpress
   wordpress is a piece of shit, all i can say.
   problem is that i can't post backslashes in my wordpress posts.
haha. wordpress code:
admin/import/wordpress.php?rev=6870 parsing xml with regexes
   it's wordpress that converted normal quote to smart quote

I also recall him saying something along the lines (but cannot find it) of 
"WordPress' code is so bad that it looks it was written with one hand. The 
left one.". (He is free to reply to my post in private and give some more of 
his opinion about the internal quality and external quality of the WordPress 
code, and with his permission, I will forward it here.).

I agree that judging pkrumins' evaluation of the code (as much as I trust him 
and I do respect his judgement a lot) is not as good as a first-hand 
experience with the WordPress code, but I'll have to rely on it for now 
because I don't have time to go over all the code that I use or would like to 
use daily. I sometimes have to rely on other people's judgement or the general 
reputation of the project and what people think of it in comparison to its 
competing projects.

4. One of the most pervasive arguments in this discussion has been that I 
should use WordPress because it is the most p

Re: Was Which CMS Should we Use for - DrupalGeek picks Wordpress!!!!

2009-10-20 חוט Ori Idan
On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 1:17 PM, Shlomi Fish  wrote:

> Hi Ori!
> On Saturday 17 Oct 2009 20:39:46 Ori Idan wrote:
> > It seems as if you are trying to be different just for the sake of being
> > different.
> > You get enough people saying they prefer wordpress for several reasons
> and
> > you reject it just because many people are using it.
> >
> Why do you think that?

I have read many people urging you to use wordpress,even Lior who is a
drupal geek advised you to use wordpress.
However I did not hear any argument against wordpress, other then the
argument that the fact that many people use it is not a reason by itself
(which I tend to agree).
I did not read or do not remember reading a real reason from you why not use
a known and good platform such as wordpress.

Ori Idan
Discussions mailing list

Re: Was Which CMS Should we Use for - DrupalGeek picks Wordpress!!!!

2009-10-20 חוט Shlomi Fish
Hi Ori!

On Saturday 17 Oct 2009 20:39:46 Ori Idan wrote:
> It seems as if you are trying to be different just for the sake of being
> different.
> You get enough people saying they prefer wordpress for several reasons and
> you reject it just because many people are using it.

Why do you think that?


Shlomi Fish


Shlomi Fish
Why I Love Perl -

Chuck Norris read the entire English Wikipedia in 24 hours. Twice.
Discussions mailing list

Re: Was Which CMS Should we Use for - DrupalGeek picks Wordpress!!!!

2009-10-17 חוט Ori Idan
It seems as if you are trying to be different just for the sake of being
You get enough people saying they prefer wordpress for several reasons and
you reject it just because many people are using it.

Ori Idan

On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 8:34 PM, Shlomi Fish  wrote:

> Hi Tomer!
> On Saturday 17 Oct 2009 19:47:37 Tomer Cohen wrote:
> > Please go with Wordpress. Wordpress has stronger userbase in Israel, and
> > picking MoveableType will make tasks much simpler than with MT.
> >
> > We used MoveableType in the past at and replaced it with
> > Wordpress in order to get better options. As far as I remember,
> > is also powered by WP these days, and picking WP for IGLU
> > will allow consolidation in the future.
> >
> This seems like the "everyone are doing this so so should we" argument
> which
> I've de-constructed in a previous message, to which you didn't reply
> (despite
> my explicit request to do so in the E-mail to which you replied.) I have
> pointed out several major problems in WordPress, and you have not offered a
> rebuttal for any of them.
> Please do so and please avoid top-posting, or I will have to mark your
> message
> as a not-to-the-point reply and ignore it. Reality to be conquered must be
> obeyed.
> Regards,
>Shlomi Fish
> --
> -
> Shlomi Fish
> My Aphorisms -
> Chuck Norris read the entire English Wikipedia in 24 hours. Twice.
> ___
> Discussions mailing list
Discussions mailing list

Re: Was Which CMS Should we Use for - DrupalGeek picks Wordpress!!!!

2009-10-17 חוט Lior Kesos
If you want something more complex and scalable go with Drupal (and  
there is a chance that other drupal community members might help you).
If you really want to harness the power of the larger community go  
with wordpress.
Movabletype seems to me to be a bad choice just because size of  
community while if you need something that scale from a functional  
point of view there will be more support using drupal
my 0.0.2 cents

On Oct 17, 2009, at 6:47 PM, Shlomi Fish wrote:

> Hi all.
> Since I didn't get any reply to my last replies about this topic, I  
> think I'll
> go with MovableType because it what seems to be the best solution at  
> the
> moment. I'll probably install it under ,  
> etc.
> If you think I'm wrong with this decision and should choose  
> WordPress or
> something else, please reply to my previous replies, and let me know  
> why I am
> wrong. If you agree with my points, also please reply to support me.  
> But
> silence is considered as equivalent to an acceptance.
> So speak now, or forever hold your peace.
> Regards,
>   Shlomi Fish
> On Thursday 24 Sep 2009 23:56:01 Shlomi Fish wrote:
>> Hi Lior!
>> On Wednesday 23 Sep 2009 20:43:52 Lior Kesos wrote:
>>> I think the main issue, which is even more important then security  
>>> is
>>> the size of the potential volunteering base.
>>> This issue was demonstrated lately on the work on august penguins  
>>> site
>>> and the work on the hamakor site.
>>> I (Drupal Geek and wearer of many drupal shirts) wanted to help  
>>> build
>>> the Hamakor site in Drupal, but eventually Gilad was fed up of me
>>> being to busy to actually contribute and thus built it in wordpress.
>>> They are WAY more people that can help out based on wordpress and I
>>> believe that this should be done in the simplest CMS around with the
>>> biggest user base(hence wordpress).
>> If I understand you correctly, you say that we should pick up the  
>> dominant
>> solution with the largest user base. However, I can say the same  
>> about
>> dominant solutions in other fields such as PHP, MySQL, or Microsoft
>> Windows. "Everyone knows Windows, so that's what we should use this
>> because it's the dominant solution."
>> Brain-share in the market is an important consideration, but not  
>> the only
>> one. It's not hard to train people in adding new posts to a  
>> different CMS
>> - it's usually very simple. But we should not give in to the  
>> prevalence of
>> WordPress (or whatever) and not consider solutions that are better,  
>> just
>> because they are less popular.
>> Please let me know if I understood you.
>>> There are many people that can subscribe to security rss for  
>>> wordpress
>>> or upgrade the plugin, I think that we are missing is people that  
>>> will
>>> create content and there are many people with that affiliation in  
>>> the
>>> wordpress community.
>> From my experience, eventually it ends up with very few people  
>> actively
>> maintaining the back-end. I've been trying to get people to clean  
>> up spam
>> from some of the community's MediaWikis (,
>>, ,etc.) and so far I've done the  
>> lion's
>> share of the work.
>> At once point on eskimo (the old host of someone  
>> installed a
>> PHP- BB instance under and he didn't have time to
>> update it even after I asked him to. I ended up having to completely
>> disable the domain there. As expected, there was little there, so  
>> not a
>> lot of harm was done.
>> Regards,
>>  Shlomi Fish
> -- 
> -
> Shlomi Fish
> Interview with Ben Collins-Sussman -
> Chuck Norris read the entire English Wikipedia in 24 hours. Twice.

Lior Kesos -
Linnovate - Community Infrastructure Care
office: +972 722500881
cell: +972 524305252
skype: liorkesos

Discussions mailing list

Re: Was Which CMS Should we Use for - DrupalGeek picks Wordpress!!!!

2009-10-17 חוט Shlomi Fish
Hi Tomer!

On Saturday 17 Oct 2009 19:47:37 Tomer Cohen wrote:
> Please go with Wordpress. Wordpress has stronger userbase in Israel, and
> picking MoveableType will make tasks much simpler than with MT.
> We used MoveableType in the past at and replaced it with
> Wordpress in order to get better options. As far as I remember,
> is also powered by WP these days, and picking WP for IGLU
> will allow consolidation in the future.

This seems like the "everyone are doing this so so should we" argument which 
I've de-constructed in a previous message, to which you didn't reply (despite 
my explicit request to do so in the E-mail to which you replied.) I have 
pointed out several major problems in WordPress, and you have not offered a 
rebuttal for any of them.

Please do so and please avoid top-posting, or I will have to mark your message 
as a not-to-the-point reply and ignore it. Reality to be conquered must be 


Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish
My Aphorisms -

Chuck Norris read the entire English Wikipedia in 24 hours. Twice.
Discussions mailing list

Re: Was Which CMS Should we Use for - DrupalGeek picks Wordpress!!!!

2009-10-17 חוט Tomer Cohen
Please go with Wordpress. Wordpress has stronger userbase in Israel, and
picking MoveableType will make tasks much simpler than with MT.

We used MoveableType in the past at and replaced it with
Wordpress in order to get better options. As far as I remember, is also powered by WP these days, and picking WP for IGLU
will allow consolidation in the future.

On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 18:47, Shlomi Fish  wrote:

> Hi all.
> Since I didn't get any reply to my last replies about this topic, I think
> I'll
> go with MovableType because it what seems to be the best solution at the
> moment. I'll probably install it under , etc.
> If you think I'm wrong with this decision and should choose WordPress or
> something else, please reply to my previous replies, and let me know why I
> am
> wrong. If you agree with my points, also please reply to support me. But
> silence is considered as equivalent to an acceptance.
> So speak now, or forever hold your peace.
> Regards,
>Shlomi Fish
> On Thursday 24 Sep 2009 23:56:01 Shlomi Fish wrote:
> > Hi Lior!
> >
> > On Wednesday 23 Sep 2009 20:43:52 Lior Kesos wrote:
> > > I think the main issue, which is even more important then security is
> > > the size of the potential volunteering base.
> > > This issue was demonstrated lately on the work on august penguins site
> > > and the work on the hamakor site.
> > > I (Drupal Geek and wearer of many drupal shirts) wanted to help build
> > > the Hamakor site in Drupal, but eventually Gilad was fed up of me
> > > being to busy to actually contribute and thus built it in wordpress.
> > > They are WAY more people that can help out based on wordpress and I
> > > believe that this should be done in the simplest CMS around with the
> > > biggest user base(hence wordpress).
> >
> > If I understand you correctly, you say that we should pick up the
> dominant
> > solution with the largest user base. However, I can say the same about
> > dominant solutions in other fields such as PHP, MySQL, or Microsoft
> >  Windows. "Everyone knows Windows, so that's what we should use this
> >  because it's the dominant solution."
> >
> > Brain-share in the market is an important consideration, but not the only
> >  one. It's not hard to train people in adding new posts to a different
> >  - it's usually very simple. But we should not give in to the prevalence
> of
> >  WordPress (or whatever) and not consider solutions that are better, just
> >  because they are less popular.
> >
> > Please let me know if I understood you.
> >
> > > There are many people that can subscribe to security rss for wordpress
> > > or upgrade the plugin, I think that we are missing is people that will
> > > create content and there are many people with that affiliation in the
> > > wordpress community.
> >
> > From my experience, eventually it ends up with very few people actively
> > maintaining the back-end. I've been trying to get people to clean up spam
> >  from some of the community's MediaWikis (,
> >, ,etc.) and so far I've done the
> lion's
> >  share of the work.
> >
> > At once point on eskimo (the old host of someone installed
> a
> >  PHP- BB instance under and he didn't have time to
> >  update it even after I asked him to. I ended up having to completely
> >  disable the domain there. As expected, there was little there, so not a
> >  lot of harm was done.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> >   Shlomi Fish
> --
> -
> Shlomi Fish
> Interview with Ben Collins-Sussman -
> Chuck Norris read the entire English Wikipedia in 24 hours. Twice.
> ___
> Discussions mailing list

Sent from Haifa, Israel
Discussions mailing list

Re: Was Which CMS Should we Use for - DrupalGeek picks Wordpress!!!!

2009-10-17 חוט Shlomi Fish
Hi all.

Since I didn't get any reply to my last replies about this topic, I think I'll 
go with MovableType because it what seems to be the best solution at the 
moment. I'll probably install it under , etc.

If you think I'm wrong with this decision and should choose WordPress or 
something else, please reply to my previous replies, and let me know why I am 
wrong. If you agree with my points, also please reply to support me. But 
silence is considered as equivalent to an acceptance.

So speak now, or forever hold your peace.


Shlomi Fish

On Thursday 24 Sep 2009 23:56:01 Shlomi Fish wrote:
> Hi Lior!
> On Wednesday 23 Sep 2009 20:43:52 Lior Kesos wrote:
> > I think the main issue, which is even more important then security is
> > the size of the potential volunteering base.
> > This issue was demonstrated lately on the work on august penguins site
> > and the work on the hamakor site.
> > I (Drupal Geek and wearer of many drupal shirts) wanted to help build
> > the Hamakor site in Drupal, but eventually Gilad was fed up of me
> > being to busy to actually contribute and thus built it in wordpress.
> > They are WAY more people that can help out based on wordpress and I
> > believe that this should be done in the simplest CMS around with the
> > biggest user base(hence wordpress).
> If I understand you correctly, you say that we should pick up the dominant
> solution with the largest user base. However, I can say the same about
> dominant solutions in other fields such as PHP, MySQL, or Microsoft
>  Windows. "Everyone knows Windows, so that's what we should use this
>  because it's the dominant solution."
> Brain-share in the market is an important consideration, but not the only
>  one. It's not hard to train people in adding new posts to a different CMS
>  - it's usually very simple. But we should not give in to the prevalence of
>  WordPress (or whatever) and not consider solutions that are better, just
>  because they are less popular.
> Please let me know if I understood you.
> > There are many people that can subscribe to security rss for wordpress
> > or upgrade the plugin, I think that we are missing is people that will
> > create content and there are many people with that affiliation in the
> > wordpress community.
> From my experience, eventually it ends up with very few people actively
> maintaining the back-end. I've been trying to get people to clean up spam
>  from some of the community's MediaWikis (,
>, ,etc.) and so far I've done the lion's
>  share of the work.
> At once point on eskimo (the old host of someone installed a
>  PHP- BB instance under and he didn't have time to
>  update it even after I asked him to. I ended up having to completely
>  disable the domain there. As expected, there was little there, so not a
>  lot of harm was done.
> Regards,
>   Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish
Interview with Ben Collins-Sussman -

Chuck Norris read the entire English Wikipedia in 24 hours. Twice.
Discussions mailing list

Re: Was Which CMS Should we Use for - DrupalGeek picks Wordpress!!!!

2009-09-24 חוט Shlomi Fish
Hi Lior!

On Wednesday 23 Sep 2009 20:43:52 Lior Kesos wrote:
> I think the main issue, which is even more important then security is
> the size of the potential volunteering base.
> This issue was demonstrated lately on the work on august penguins site
> and the work on the hamakor site.
> I (Drupal Geek and wearer of many drupal shirts) wanted to help build
> the Hamakor site in Drupal, but eventually Gilad was fed up of me
> being to busy to actually contribute and thus built it in wordpress.
> They are WAY more people that can help out based on wordpress and I
> believe that this should be done in the simplest CMS around with the
> biggest user base(hence wordpress).

If I understand you correctly, you say that we should pick up the dominant 
solution with the largest user base. However, I can say the same about 
dominant solutions in other fields such as PHP, MySQL, or Microsoft Windows. 
"Everyone knows Windows, so that's what we should use this because it's the 
dominant solution."

Brain-share in the market is an important consideration, but not the only one. 
It's not hard to train people in adding new posts to a different CMS - it's 
usually very simple. But we should not give in to the prevalence of WordPress 
(or whatever) and not consider solutions that are better, just because they 
are less popular. 

Please let me know if I understood you.

> There are many people that can subscribe to security rss for wordpress
> or upgrade the plugin, I think that we are missing is people that will
> create content and there are many people with that affiliation in the
> wordpress community.

From my experience, eventually it ends up with very few people actively 
maintaining the back-end. I've been trying to get people to clean up spam from 
some of the community's MediaWikis (,, ,etc.) and so far I've done the lion's share of the work.

At once point on eskimo (the old host of someone installed a PHP-
BB instance under and he didn't have time to update it 
even after I asked him to. I ended up having to completely disable the domain 
there. As expected, there was little there, so not a lot of harm was done.


Shlomi Fish

> My 2 (suprising) cents
> Lior
> On Sep 23, 2009, at 6:44 PM, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> >> Drupal, although somewhat maintained would be to heavy for the
> >> cause...
> >> WordPress, although pretty simple can be very powerful and cover
> >> almost all
> >> needs
> >
> > Maybe, but I:
> >
> > 1. Will need to install many plugins.
> >
> > 2. Will need to remember to religiously keep it up-to-date, or hope
> > that
> > Debian Stable will. WordPress had many vulnerabilities in the past
> > due to
> > "sloppy" coding. "sloppy" is in quotes because it is far too easy to
> > write
> > such dangerous code in PHP. We can easily get hit by a worm or a
> > specialised
> > hacker or something, and I'd prefer to avoid it.
> Lior Kesos -
> Linnovate - Community Infrastructure Care
> mail:
> office: +972 722500881
> cell: +972 524305252
> skype: liorkesos
> ___
> Discussions mailing list

Shlomi Fish
"The Human Hacking Field Guide" -

Chuck Norris read the entire English Wikipedia in 24 hours. Twice.
Discussions mailing list

Re: Was Which CMS Should we Use for - DrupalGeek picks Wordpress!!!!

2009-09-23 חוט Lior Kesos
I think the main issue, which is even more important then security is  
the size of the potential volunteering base.
This issue was demonstrated lately on the work on august penguins site  
and the work on the hamakor site.
I (Drupal Geek and wearer of many drupal shirts) wanted to help build  
the Hamakor site in Drupal, but eventually Gilad was fed up of me  
being to busy to actually contribute and thus built it in wordpress.
They are WAY more people that can help out based on wordpress and I  
believe that this should be done in the simplest CMS around with the  
biggest user base(hence wordpress).
There are many people that can subscribe to security rss for wordpress  
or upgrade the plugin, I think that we are missing is people that will  
create content and there are many people with that affiliation in the  
wordpress community.
My 2 (suprising) cents
On Sep 23, 2009, at 6:44 PM, Shlomi Fish wrote:

>> Drupal, although somewhat maintained would be to heavy for the  
>> cause...
>> WordPress, although pretty simple can be very powerful and cover  
>> almost all
>> needs
> Maybe, but I:
> 1. Will need to install many plugins.
> 2. Will need to remember to religiously keep it up-to-date, or hope  
> that
> Debian Stable will. WordPress had many vulnerabilities in the past  
> due to
> "sloppy" coding. "sloppy" is in quotes because it is far too easy to  
> write
> such dangerous code in PHP. We can easily get hit by a worm or a  
> specialised
> hacker or something, and I'd prefer to avoid it.

Lior Kesos -
Linnovate - Community Infrastructure Care
office: +972 722500881
cell: +972 524305252
skype: liorkesos

Discussions mailing list