[Distutils] Call for PEP author/champion: Bundling pip with CPython installers

2013-07-14 Thread Nick Coghlan
Based on the recent discussions, I now plan to reject the pip
bootstrapping-on-first-invocation approach described in PEP 439 in favour
of a new PEP that proposes:

* bundling the latest version of pip with the CPython binary installers for
Mac OS X and Windows for all future CPython releases (including maintenance
* aligns the proposal with the Python 3.4 release schedule by noting that
CPython changes must be completed by the first 3.4 beta, while pip changes
must be completed by the first 3.4 release candidate.
* ensuring that, for Python 3.4, python3 and python3.4 are available
for command line invocation of Python, even on Windows
* ensuring that the bundled pip, for Python 3.4, ensures pip, pip3 and
pip3.4 are available for command line invocation of Python, even on
* ensuring that the bundled pip is able to upgrade/downgrade itself
independent of the CPython release cycle
* ensuring that pip is automatically available in virtual environments
created with pyvenv
* adding a get-pip.py script to Tools/scripts in the CPython repo for
bootstrapping the latest pip release from PyPI into custom CPython source

Note that there are still open questions to be resolved, which is why an
author/champion is needed:

* what guidance, if any, should we provide to Linux distro packagers?
* how should maintenance updates handle the presence of an existing pip
installation? Automatically upgrade older versions to the bundled version,
while leaving newer versions alone?  Force installation of the bundled


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Expectations on how pip needs to change for Python 3.4

2013-07-14 Thread Noah Kantrowitz

On Jul 13, 2013, at 10:58 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

 On 14 July 2013 12:46, Donald Stufft don...@stufft.io wrote:
 I'm sure I've seen people say other things that have made me think are you 
 expecting the pip maintainers to make that change? in the various threads, 
 so I doubt this list is definitive.
 The other big one is the one you noted about pip *not* offering a stable 
 API, *but* exposing an apparently stable API to introspection. Introspection 
 currently tells me that pip exports *at least* 32 public names (and this is 
 without checking for public submodules that aren't implicitly imported by 
  import pip; public = set(k for k, v in pip.__dict__.items() if not 
  k.startswith('_') and (not hasattr(v, __name__) or hasattr(v, 
  __module__) or v.__name__.startswith(pip.))); print(len(public))
 If pip really has no stable public API, then it should properly indicate 
 this under introspection (if it already uses relative imports correctly, 
 then the easiest ways to achieve that are to just shove everything under a 
 pip._impl subpackage or shuffle it sideways into a _pip package).
 Pip does not use relative imports. Is simply documenting the fact there is no 
 public API enough? Pushing everything into a _impl or _pip directory makes me 
 nervous because that's a lot of code churn (and I know there are people using 
 those APIs, and while they aren't technically stable it feels like moving 
 things around just for the sake of an _ in the name is unfriendly to those 
 Either the existing APIs are moved to a different name, or they get declared 
 stable and pip switches to internally forked APIs any time a backwards 
 incompatible change is needed for refactoring purposes (see 
 runpy._run_module_as_main for an example of needing to do this in the 
 standard library). I've had to directly deal with too many issues arising 
 from getting this wrong in the past for me to endorse bundling of a module 
 that doesn't follow this practice with CPython - if introspection indicates 
 an API is public, then it's public and subject to all standard library 
 backwards compatibility guarantees, or else we take the pain *once* and 
 explicitly mark it private by adding a leading underscore rather than leaving 
 it in limbo (contextlib._GeneratorContextManager is a standard library 
 example of the latter approach - it used to lack the leading underscore, 
 suggesting it was a public API when it's really just an implementation detail 
 of contextlib.contextmanager).

Respectfully, I disagree. Pip is not going in to the stdlib, and as such should 
not be subject to the same API stability policies as the stdlib. If the PyPA 
team wants to break the API every release, that is their call as the subject 
matter experts. Pip is not being included as a library at all. What should be 
subject to compat is the defined command line interface, because pip is a CLI 
tool. Independently of this discussion I've already been talking to the PyPA 
team about what they want to consider a stable API, but that is a discussion to 
be had over in pip-land, not here and not now. This new category of bundled 
for your convenience but still external applications will need new standards, 
and we should be clear about them for sure, but I think this is going too far 
and puts undue burden on the PyPA team. Remember the end goal is simply to get 
an installer in the hands of users easier.


Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Expectations on how pip needs to change for Python 3.4

2013-07-14 Thread Nick Coghlan
On 14 July 2013 16:19, Noah Kantrowitz n...@coderanger.net wrote:

 On Jul 13, 2013, at 10:58 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
  On 14 July 2013 12:46, Donald Stufft don...@stufft.io wrote:
  Either the existing APIs are moved to a different name, or they get
 declared stable and pip switches to internally forked APIs any time a
 backwards incompatible change is needed for refactoring purposes (see
 runpy._run_module_as_main for an example of needing to do this in the
 standard library). I've had to directly deal with too many issues arising
 from getting this wrong in the past for me to endorse bundling of a module
 that doesn't follow this practice with CPython - if introspection indicates
 an API is public, then it's public and subject to all standard library
 backwards compatibility guarantees, or else we take the pain *once* and
 explicitly mark it private by adding a leading underscore rather than
 leaving it in limbo (contextlib._GeneratorContextManager is a standard
 library example of the latter approach - it used to lack the leading
 underscore, suggesting it was a public API when it's really just an
 implementation detail of contextlib.contextmanager).

 Respectfully, I disagree. Pip is not going in to the stdlib, and as such
 should not be subject to the same API stability policies as the stdlib. If
 the PyPA team wants to break the API every release, that is their call as
 the subject matter experts. Pip is not being included as a library at all.
 What should be subject to compat is the defined command line interface,
 because pip is a CLI tool. Independently of this discussion I've already
 been talking to the PyPA team about what they want to consider a stable
 API, but that is a discussion to be had over in pip-land, not here and not
 now. This new category of bundled for your convenience but still external
 applications will need new standards, and we should be clear about them for
 sure, but I think this is going too far and puts undue burden on the PyPA
 team. Remember the end goal is simply to get an installer in the hands of
 users easier.

I would also be fine with a solution where import pip issues a warning
about API instability if sys.argv[0] indicates the main executable is
something other than the pip CLI.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Expectations on how pip needs to change for Python 3.4

2013-07-14 Thread Nick Coghlan
On 14 July 2013 16:34, Nick Coghlan ncogh...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 14 July 2013 16:19, Noah Kantrowitz n...@coderanger.net wrote:

 On Jul 13, 2013, at 10:58 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
  On 14 July 2013 12:46, Donald Stufft don...@stufft.io wrote:
  Either the existing APIs are moved to a different name, or they get
 declared stable and pip switches to internally forked APIs any time a
 backwards incompatible change is needed for refactoring purposes (see
 runpy._run_module_as_main for an example of needing to do this in the
 standard library). I've had to directly deal with too many issues arising
 from getting this wrong in the past for me to endorse bundling of a module
 that doesn't follow this practice with CPython - if introspection indicates
 an API is public, then it's public and subject to all standard library
 backwards compatibility guarantees, or else we take the pain *once* and
 explicitly mark it private by adding a leading underscore rather than
 leaving it in limbo (contextlib._GeneratorContextManager is a standard
 library example of the latter approach - it used to lack the leading
 underscore, suggesting it was a public API when it's really just an
 implementation detail of contextlib.contextmanager).

 Respectfully, I disagree. Pip is not going in to the stdlib, and as such
 should not be subject to the same API stability policies as the stdlib. If
 the PyPA team wants to break the API every release, that is their call as
 the subject matter experts. Pip is not being included as a library at all.
 What should be subject to compat is the defined command line interface,
 because pip is a CLI tool. Independently of this discussion I've already
 been talking to the PyPA team about what they want to consider a stable
 API, but that is a discussion to be had over in pip-land, not here and not
 now. This new category of bundled for your convenience but still external
 applications will need new standards, and we should be clear about them for
 sure, but I think this is going too far and puts undue burden on the PyPA
 team. Remember the end goal is simply to get an installer in the hands of
 users easier.

 I would also be fine with a solution where import pip issues a warning
 about API instability if sys.argv[0] indicates the main executable is
 something other than the pip CLI.

Oops, meant to add a point to https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/1052 for
that one.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Expectations on how pip needs to change for Python 3.4

2013-07-14 Thread Donald Stufft

On Jul 14, 2013, at 1:58 AM, Nick Coghlan ncogh...@gmail.com wrote:

 Either the existing APIs are moved to a different name, or they get declared 
 stable and pip switches to internally forked APIs any time a backwards 
 incompatible change is needed for refactoring purposes (see 
 runpy._run_module_as_main for an example of needing to do this in the 
 standard library). I've had to directly deal with too many issues arising 
 from getting this wrong in the past for me to endorse bundling of a module 
 that doesn't follow this practice with CPython - if introspection indicates 
 an API is public, then it's public and subject to all standard library 
 backwards compatibility guarantees, or else we take the pain *once* and 
 explicitly mark it private by adding a leading underscore rather than leaving 
 it in limbo (contextlib._GeneratorContextManager is a standard library 
 example of the latter approach - it used to lack the leading underscore, 
 suggesting it was a public API when it's really just an implementation detail 
 of contextlib.contextmanager).
 Mere documentation of public vs private generally doesn't cut it, as too many 
 people use dir(), help() and inspect() rather than the published docs to 
 explore APIs. The only general exception I'm aware of is test packages, 
 including the standard library's test package, and for those you can make the 
 case that having test or tests as a name segment is just as clear an 
 indicator of something being private as at least one name segment starting 
 with a leading underscore.
 I really this is a fairly big ask for the pip maintainers, but I *don't* 
 consider Oh, don't use our module API, it isn't stable to be an adequate 
 answer for something that is bundled with the standard installers. Beyond 
 that, I don't mind if the answer is to declare the 1.5 API stable or to 
 sprinkle underscore where appropriate or moving everything to a private 
 package - the documentation and the naming conventions just need to be 
 consistent in their private vs public distinctions (although your points do 
 suggest heavily that the right answer is to accept the burden of backwards 
 compatibility for all APIs currently marked public, and move towards the 
 introduction of appropriate private APIs over time through refactoring).

I agree with Noah here. In my eyes pip is either an external project with it's 
own polices on backwards compatibility and governance or it's part of the 
standard library and under the domain of Python core. I'm completely against 
moving it into the standard library for all the reasons I've given in the past.

Maybe I'm reading too much into this but one of my primary fears here is that 
including pip with the Python distribution is going to lead to Python core 
dictating to pip what pip must do with itself. Now I don't mean to say that 
Python core should have no sway over pip either as they are officially blessing 
it and including it as part of the official releases. If I am reading too much 
into it then I apologize.

I just want to make sure that the boundaries between the governance of Python 
and pip are clearly defined and the expectations on both sides are laid out and 
agreed upon before it happens. And I think this raises a good point about how 
the two projects are going to interact.

Donald Stufft
PGP: 0x6E3CBCE93372DCFA // 7C6B 7C5D 5E2B 6356 A926 F04F 6E3C BCE9 3372 DCFA

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

[Distutils] Best practices for optional C extensions

2013-07-14 Thread Ben Darnell
I'd like to add a C extension to speed up a small bit of code in a package
(Tornado), but make it optional both for compatibility with non-cpython
implementations and for ease of installation on systems without a C
compiler available.  Ideally any user who runs pip install tornado on a
system capable of compiling extensions would get the extensions; if this
capability cannot be detected automatically I'd prefer the opt-out case to
be the one that requires non-default arguments.  Are there any packages
that provide a good example to follow for this?

PEP 426 uses c-accelerators as an example of an extra, but it's unclear
how this would work (based on the equivalent setuptools feature).  There
doesn't appear to be a way to know what extras are requested at build time.
 If the extra required a package like cython then you could build the
extension whenever that package is present, but what about hand-written
extensions?  Extras are also opt-in instead of opt-out, so I'd have to
recommend that most people use pip install tornado[fast] instead of pip
install tornado (with tornado[slow] available as an option for limited

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

[Distutils] Best practices for optional C extensions

2013-07-14 Thread Ben Darnell
I'd like to add a C extension to speed up a small bit of code in a package
(Tornado), but make it optional both for compatibility with non-cpython
implementations and for ease of installation on systems without a C
compiler available.  Ideally any user who runs pip install tornado on a
system capable of compiling extensions would get the extensions; if this
capability cannot be detected automatically I'd prefer the opt-out case to
be the one that requires non-default arguments.  Are there any packages
that provide a good example to follow for this?

PEP 426 uses c-accelerators as an example of an extra, but it's unclear
how this would work (based on the equivalent setuptools feature).  There
doesn't appear to be a way to know what extras are requested at build time.
 If the extra required a package like cython then you could build the
extension whenever that package is present, but what about hand-written
extensions?  Extras are also opt-in instead of opt-out, so I'd have to
recommend that most people use pip install tornado[fast] instead of pip
install tornado (with tornado[slow] available as an option for limited

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Expectations on how pip needs to change for Python 3.4

2013-07-14 Thread Nick Coghlan
On 14 July 2013 16:43, Donald Stufft don...@stufft.io wrote:

 I just want to make sure that the boundaries between the governance of
 Python and pip are clearly defined and the expectations on both sides are
 laid out and agreed upon before it happens. And I think this raises a good
 point about how the two projects are going to interact.

Agreed, I think the boundaries need to be clear. If something installed by
default is *only* support code for a bundled application, then it should
either adhere to the standard library's backwards compatibility policies
(by appropriately marking private APIs as private), or else it should issue
a warning when imported by any other application. Either of those options
sounds good to me.

However, I consider expecting people to just know (or to look at
documentation to determine) which provided modules are public or private
without adhering to standard naming conventions or providing an explicit
runtime warning to be unreasonable.

(and yes, if pip goes down the runtime warning path, we should probably
look into providing a runtime warning for at least the test namespace and
possibly even the idlelib namespace, too)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Expectations on how pip needs to change for Python 3.4

2013-07-14 Thread Donald Stufft

On Jul 14, 2013, at 3:01 AM, Nick Coghlan ncogh...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 14 July 2013 16:43, Donald Stufft don...@stufft.io wrote:
 I just want to make sure that the boundaries between the governance of Python 
 and pip are clearly defined and the expectations on both sides are laid out 
 and agreed upon before it happens. And I think this raises a good point about 
 how the two projects are going to interact.
 Agreed, I think the boundaries need to be clear. If something installed by 
 default is *only* support code for a bundled application, then it should 
 either adhere to the standard library's backwards compatibility policies (by 
 appropriately marking private APIs as private), or else it should issue a 
 warning when imported by any other application. Either of those options 
 sounds good to me.
 However, I consider expecting people to just know (or to look at 
 documentation to determine) which provided modules are public or private 
 without adhering to standard naming conventions or providing an explicit 
 runtime warning to be unreasonable.
 (and yes, if pip goes down the runtime warning path, we should probably 
 look into providing a runtime warning for at least the test namespace and 
 possibly even the idlelib namespace, too)
 Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

Yea I forget to talk about the *actual* change that prompted that email when I 
started feeling dictated to which touched upon one of my fears in this process 

I'm not against either renaming or emitting a warning. I was actually asking if 
just documenting the fact would be ok because I fear bugs from the code churn 
that renaming would cause :)

I think we'd need to rename things because emitting a warning is an all or 
nothing ordeal and we've had requests to make certain parts of the API public 
for Chef and other tools like it.

A question that certainly raises in my mind though is standard library's 
backwards compatibility policies. What affect does this have on *actual* 
public API exposed from pip? Does it mean we cannot break compatibility for 
them until Python 4.x? That sounds very onerous for something that is installed 
in a way that allows easy upgrade and downgrading separately from Python to 
match the version requirements of someone using that library. Pip has it's own 
versions and develops at it's own speed.

I think it would be reasonable for the pip maintainers to be asked to declare a 
public API (even if that's None) using the naming scheme or an import warning 
and declare a backwards compatibility policy for pip itself so that people can 
know what to expect from pip. I do not however, believe it is reasonable to 
bind pip to the same policy that CPython uses nor the same schedule. (If you 
weren't suggesting that I apologize).

Donald Stufft
PGP: 0x6E3CBCE93372DCFA // 7C6B 7C5D 5E2B 6356 A926 F04F 6E3C BCE9 3372 DCFA

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Expectations on how pip needs to change for Python 3.4

2013-07-14 Thread Nick Coghlan
On 14 July 2013 17:13, Donald Stufft don...@stufft.io wrote:

 I think it would be reasonable for the pip maintainers to be asked to
 declare a public API (even if that's None) using the naming scheme or an
 import warning and declare a backwards compatibility policy for pip itself
 so that people can know what to expect from pip. I do not however, believe
 it is reasonable to bind pip to the same policy that CPython uses nor the
 same schedule. (If you weren't suggesting that I apologize).

The main elements of CPython's backwards compatibility policy that I
consider relevant are:

* Use leading underscores to denote private APIs with no backwards
compatibility guarantees
* Be conservative with deprecating public APIs that aren't fundamentally
* Use DeprecationWarning to give at least one (pip) release notice of an
upcoming backwards incompatible change

We *are* sometimes quite aggressive with deprecation and removal even in
the standard library - we removed contextlib.nested from Python 3.2 as a
problematic bug magnet well before I came up with the contextlib.ExitStack
API as a less error prone replacement in Python 3.3. It's only when it
comes to core syntax and builtin behaviour that we're likely to hit issues
that simply don't have a sensible deprecation strategy, so we decide we
have to live with them indefinitely.

That said, I think the answer to this discussion also affects the answer to
whether or not CPython maintenance releases should update to newer versions
of pip: if pip chooses to adopt a faster deprecation cycle than CPython,
then our maintenance releases shouldn't bundle updated versions. Instead,
they should follow the policy:

* if this is a new major release, or the first maintenance release to
bundle pip, bundle the latest available version of pip
* otherwise, bundle the same version of pip as the previous release

This would mean we'd be asking the pip team to help out by providing
security releases for the bundled version, so we can get that without
breaking the public API that's available by default.

On the other hand, if the pip team are willing to use long deprecation
cycles then we can just bundle the updated versions and not worry about
security releases (I'd prefer that, but it only works if the pip team are
willing to put up with keeping old APIs around for a couple of years before
killing them off once the affected CPython branches go into security fix
only mode).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Expectations on how pip needs to change for Python 3.4

2013-07-14 Thread Donald Stufft
I do think pip is pretty conservative about backwards compat other than the 
security related changes I've been doing. 

I think we can find the middle ground that lets things work smoothly here :). I 
was just making sure that we wernt going to have to keep things around for 
really long times like python 4 ;)

On Jul 14, 2013, at 3:35 AM, Nick Coghlan ncogh...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 14 July 2013 17:13, Donald Stufft don...@stufft.io wrote:
 I think it would be reasonable for the pip maintainers to be asked to 
 declare a public API (even if that's None) using the naming scheme or an 
 import warning and declare a backwards compatibility policy for pip itself 
 so that people can know what to expect from pip. I do not however, believe 
 it is reasonable to bind pip to the same policy that CPython uses nor the 
 same schedule. (If you weren't suggesting that I apologize).
 The main elements of CPython's backwards compatibility policy that I consider 
 relevant are:
 * Use leading underscores to denote private APIs with no backwards 
 compatibility guarantees
 * Be conservative with deprecating public APIs that aren't fundamentally 
 * Use DeprecationWarning to give at least one (pip) release notice of an 
 upcoming backwards incompatible change
 We *are* sometimes quite aggressive with deprecation and removal even in the 
 standard library - we removed contextlib.nested from Python 3.2 as a 
 problematic bug magnet well before I came up with the contextlib.ExitStack 
 API as a less error prone replacement in Python 3.3. It's only when it comes 
 to core syntax and builtin behaviour that we're likely to hit issues that 
 simply don't have a sensible deprecation strategy, so we decide we have to 
 live with them indefinitely.
 That said, I think the answer to this discussion also affects the answer to 
 whether or not CPython maintenance releases should update to newer versions 
 of pip: if pip chooses to adopt a faster deprecation cycle than CPython, then 
 our maintenance releases shouldn't bundle updated versions. Instead, they 
 should follow the policy:
 * if this is a new major release, or the first maintenance release to bundle 
 pip, bundle the latest available version of pip
 * otherwise, bundle the same version of pip as the previous release
 This would mean we'd be asking the pip team to help out by providing security 
 releases for the bundled version, so we can get that without breaking the 
 public API that's available by default.
 On the other hand, if the pip team are willing to use long deprecation cycles 
 then we can just bundle the updated versions and not worry about security 
 releases (I'd prefer that, but it only works if the pip team are willing to 
 put up with keeping old APIs around for a couple of years before killing them 
 off once the affected CPython branches go into security fix only mode).
 Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Best practices for optional C extensions

2013-07-14 Thread Paul Moore
On 13 July 2013 14:14, Ben Darnell b...@bendarnell.com wrote:

 I'd like to add a C extension to speed up a small bit of code in a package
 (Tornado), but make it optional both for compatibility with non-cpython
 implementations and for ease of installation on systems without a C
 compiler available.  Ideally any user who runs pip install tornado on a
 system capable of compiling extensions would get the extensions; if this
 capability cannot be detected automatically I'd prefer the opt-out case to
 be the one that requires non-default arguments.  Are there any packages
 that provide a good example to follow for this?

I believe that coverage has an optional C extension like this.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Expectations on how pip needs to change for Python 3.4

2013-07-14 Thread Nick Coghlan
On 14 July 2013 17:50, Donald Stufft don...@stufft.io wrote:

 I do think pip is pretty conservative about backwards compat other than
 the security related changes I've been doing.

 I think we can find the middle ground that lets things work smoothly here
 :). I was just making sure that we wernt going to have to keep things
 around for really long times like python 4 ;)

Even most of the standard library isn't that conservative - it usually only
happens when we can't find a sensible place to hook up DeprecationWarning.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Expectations on how pip needs to change for Python 3.4

2013-07-14 Thread Noah Kantrowitz

On Jul 14, 2013, at 12:35 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

 On 14 July 2013 17:13, Donald Stufft don...@stufft.io wrote:
 I think it would be reasonable for the pip maintainers to be asked to declare 
 a public API (even if that's None) using the naming scheme or an import 
 warning and declare a backwards compatibility policy for pip itself so that 
 people can know what to expect from pip. I do not however, believe it is 
 reasonable to bind pip to the same policy that CPython uses nor the same 
 schedule. (If you weren't suggesting that I apologize).
 The main elements of CPython's backwards compatibility policy that I consider 
 relevant are:
 * Use leading underscores to denote private APIs with no backwards 
 compatibility guarantees
 * Be conservative with deprecating public APIs that aren't fundamentally 
 * Use DeprecationWarning to give at least one (pip) release notice of an 
 upcoming backwards incompatible change
 We *are* sometimes quite aggressive with deprecation and removal even in the 
 standard library - we removed contextlib.nested from Python 3.2 as a 
 problematic bug magnet well before I came up with the contextlib.ExitStack 
 API as a less error prone replacement in Python 3.3. It's only when it comes 
 to core syntax and builtin behaviour that we're likely to hit issues that 
 simply don't have a sensible deprecation strategy, so we decide we have to 
 live with them indefinitely.
 That said, I think the answer to this discussion also affects the answer to 
 whether or not CPython maintenance releases should update to newer versions 
 of pip: if pip chooses to adopt a faster deprecation cycle than CPython, then 
 our maintenance releases shouldn't bundle updated versions. Instead, they 
 should follow the policy:
 * if this is a new major release, or the first maintenance release to bundle 
 pip, bundle the latest available version of pip
 * otherwise, bundle the same version of pip as the previous release
 This would mean we'd be asking the pip team to help out by providing security 
 releases for the bundled version, so we can get that without breaking the 
 public API that's available by default.
 On the other hand, if the pip team are willing to use long deprecation cycles 
 then we can just bundle the updated versions and not worry about security 
 releases (I'd prefer that, but it only works if the pip team are willing to 
 put up with keeping old APIs around for a couple of years before killing them 
 off once the affected CPython branches go into security fix only mode).

If I can surmise your worry here, it is that people will open an interactive 
terminal, import pip, reflect out the classes/methods/etc, see that despite 
being mentioned no-where in the Python or pip documentation the methods and 
classes don't start with an underscore, and thus conclude that this is a stable 
API to build against? I agree that conventions are good, but I have to say this 
sounds like a bit of a stretch and certainly anyone complaining that their 
undocumented API that they only found via reflection (or reading the pip 
source) was broken basically gets what they deserve. The point I was trying to 
make is that a major shift in thinking is needed here. pip is not part of 
CPython, regardless of this bundling neither this mailing list nor the CPython 
team will have any control (aside from the nuclear option that the CPython team 
can elect to stop bundling pip). If you think it would be good for the 
code-health of pip to be clearer about what their public API is, I will suppor
 t that all the way and in fact have an open ticket against pip to that effect 
already, but that is something for the pip team to decide. This does very much 
mean that the CPython team is not just backing the pip codebase, but the 
PyPA/pip team. I think the past few years have shown them deserving of this 
trust, and they should be allowed to run things as they see fit. These lines 
get blurry since several people move back and forth between CPython and PyPA 
(and distutils and PyPI, etc) hats, so I think this must be stated clearly up 
front that what the CPython team thinks is reasonable for an API policy will 
be nothing more than a recommendation from very knowledgable colleagues and 
will be given the appropriate consideration and respect it deserves based on 
that. Hopefully that makes my point-of-view a little clearer.


Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Expectations on how pip needs to change for Python 3.4

2013-07-14 Thread Nick Coghlan
On 14 Jul 2013 18:24, Noah Kantrowitz n...@coderanger.net wrote:

 On Jul 14, 2013, at 12:35 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

  On 14 July 2013 17:13, Donald Stufft don...@stufft.io wrote:
  I think it would be reasonable for the pip maintainers to be asked to
declare a public API (even if that's None) using the naming scheme or an
import warning and declare a backwards compatibility policy for pip itself
so that people can know what to expect from pip. I do not however, believe
it is reasonable to bind pip to the same policy that CPython uses nor the
same schedule. (If you weren't suggesting that I apologize).
  The main elements of CPython's backwards compatibility policy that I
consider relevant are:
  * Use leading underscores to denote private APIs with no backwards
compatibility guarantees
  * Be conservative with deprecating public APIs that aren't
fundamentally broken
  * Use DeprecationWarning to give at least one (pip) release notice of
an upcoming backwards incompatible change
  We *are* sometimes quite aggressive with deprecation and removal even
in the standard library - we removed contextlib.nested from Python 3.2 as a
problematic bug magnet well before I came up with the contextlib.ExitStack
API as a less error prone replacement in Python 3.3. It's only when it
comes to core syntax and builtin behaviour that we're likely to hit issues
that simply don't have a sensible deprecation strategy, so we decide we
have to live with them indefinitely.
  That said, I think the answer to this discussion also affects the
answer to whether or not CPython maintenance releases should update to
newer versions of pip: if pip chooses to adopt a faster deprecation cycle
than CPython, then our maintenance releases shouldn't bundle updated
versions. Instead, they should follow the policy:
  * if this is a new major release, or the first maintenance release to
bundle pip, bundle the latest available version of pip
  * otherwise, bundle the same version of pip as the previous release
  This would mean we'd be asking the pip team to help out by providing
security releases for the bundled version, so we can get that without
breaking the public API that's available by default.
  On the other hand, if the pip team are willing to use long deprecation
cycles then we can just bundle the updated versions and not worry about
security releases (I'd prefer that, but it only works if the pip team are
willing to put up with keeping old APIs around for a couple of years before
killing them off once the affected CPython branches go into security fix
only mode).

 If I can surmise your worry here, it is that people will open an
interactive terminal, import pip, reflect out the classes/methods/etc, see
that despite being mentioned no-where in the Python or pip documentation
the methods and classes don't start with an underscore, and thus conclude
that this is a stable API to build against? I agree that conventions are
good, but I have to say this sounds like a bit of a stretch and certainly
anyone complaining that their undocumented API that they only found via
reflection (or reading the pip source) was broken basically gets what they
deserve. The point I was trying to make is that a major shift in thinking
is needed here. pip is not part of CPython, regardless of this bundling
neither this mailing list nor the CPython team will have any control (aside
from the nuclear option that the CPython team can elect to stop bundling
pip). If you think it would be good for the code-health of pip to be
clearer about what their public API is, I will suppor
  t that all the way and in fact have an open ticket against pip to that
effect already, but that is something for the pip team to decide. This does
very much mean that the CPython team is not just backing the pip codebase,
but the PyPA/pip team. I think the past few years have shown them deserving
of this trust, and they should be allowed to run things as they see fit.
These lines get blurry since several people move back and forth between
CPython and PyPA (and distutils and PyPI, etc) hats, so I think this must
be stated clearly up front that what the CPython team thinks is
reasonable for an API policy will be nothing more than a recommendation
from very knowledgable colleagues and will be given the appropriate
consideration and respect it deserves based on that. Hopefully that makes
my point-of-view a little clearer.

I started a thread on python-dev proposing strengthened wording in PEP 8
regarding marking of private interfaces, but beyond that, yes, I now agree
that this isn't a blocker for bundling pip with CPython.



 Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

[Distutils] Another conversation starter - pip documentation in the Python docs

2013-07-14 Thread Paul Moore
I don't think there is any doubt that we need to document to at least some
extent how to use pip, in the Python documentation for 3.4. The obvious
place is Installing Python Modules as a chapter to itself.

What is less clear to me is how much to document - just basic pip install
XXX, or the whole pip command set, or somewhere in between? Should there
be some type of refer to www.pip-installer.org for the complete
documentation reference?

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Another conversation starter - pip documentation in the Python docs

2013-07-14 Thread Nick Coghlan
On 14 July 2013 21:09, Paul Moore p.f.mo...@gmail.com wrote:

 I don't think there is any doubt that we need to document to at least some
 extent how to use pip, in the Python documentation for 3.4. The obvious
 place is Installing Python Modules as a chapter to itself.

 What is less clear to me is how much to document - just basic pip install
 XXX, or the whole pip command set, or somewhere in between? Should there
 be some type of refer to www.pip-installer.org for the complete
 documentation reference?

This is the hole
https://python-packaging-user-guide.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ is supposed
to fill - once it's ready (i.e. things have stabilised sufficiently ,
then I'd like to replace the Installing Python Modules and Distributing
Python Modules sections for 2.7 and 3.3 with some *very* abbreviated quick
start guides that then reference that site. The 3.3 changes would then
carry over into 3.4.

I spent some time at PyCon AU talking to Matthew Iverson (
https://bitbucket.org/Ivoz/python-packaging-user-guide) who

I believe Marcus was hoping to get back to that after pip 1.4 was out the
door, but anyone on the PyPA list on BitBucket actually has full access to
accept pull requests, etc.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Another conversation starter - pip documentation in the Python docs

2013-07-14 Thread Paul Moore
On 14 July 2013 12:42, Nick Coghlan ncogh...@gmail.com wrote:

 This is the hole
 https://python-packaging-user-guide.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ is
 supposed to fill - once it's ready (i.e. things have stabilised
 sufficiently , then I'd like to replace the Installing Python Modules and
 Distributing Python Modules sections for 2.7 and 3.3 with some *very*
 abbreviated quick start guides that then reference that site. The 3.3
 changes would then carry over into 3.4.

Hmm, OK. I've no problem with that (although I do find the packaging guide
pretty hard to get into for an end user who only wants to *use* packages,
not *create* them, but that's a separate issue for me to address by
providing some pull requests). I was more thinking in terms of your quick
start guides. I think we should explain *in the core documentation* how to
(a) install a new package, (b) uninstall a package, (c) list what is
installed and (d) upgrade pip itself. That translates to the pip install,
uninstall, and list commands at a minimum.

I could offer some text, if that's the way you want to go with this. How
about if I provide a new (short) document called something like Python
package management and we work out how to integrate it into the docs as
things settle down?

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

[Distutils] Executable wrappers and upgrading pip (Was: Current status of PEP 439 (pip boostrapping))

2013-07-14 Thread Paul Moore
On 13 July 2013 10:05, Paul Moore p.f.mo...@gmail.com wrote:

 How robust is the process of upgrading pip using itself? Specifically on
 Windows, where these things typically seem less reliable.

OK, I just did some tests. On Windows, pip install -U pip FAILS. The
reason for the failure is simple enough to explain - the pip.exe wrapper is
held open by the OS while it's in use, so that the upgrade cannot replace

The result is a failed upgrade and a partially installed new version of
pip. In practice, the exe stubs are probably added fairly late in the
install (at least when installing from sdist, with a wheel that depends on
the order of the files in the wheel), so it's probably only a little bit
broken, but a little bit broken is still broken :-(

On the other hand, python -m pip install -U pip works fine because it
avoids the exe wrappers.

There's a lot of scope for user confusion and frustration in all this. For
standalone pip I've tended to recommend don't do that - manually
uninstall and reinstall pip, or recreate your virtualenv. It's not nice,
but it's effective. That sort of advice isn't going to be realistic for a
pip bundled with CPython.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


PS In better news, apart from this issue, pip upgrades of pip and
setuptools seem fine.
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Another conversation starter - pip documentation in the Python docs

2013-07-14 Thread Nick Coghlan
On 14 July 2013 23:01, Paul Moore p.f.mo...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 14 July 2013 12:42, Nick Coghlan ncogh...@gmail.com wrote:

 This is the hole
 https://python-packaging-user-guide.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ is
 supposed to fill - once it's ready (i.e. things have stabilised
 sufficiently , then I'd like to replace the Installing Python Modules and
 Distributing Python Modules sections for 2.7 and 3.3 with some *very*
 abbreviated quick start guides that then reference that site. The 3.3
 changes would then carry over into 3.4.

 Hmm, OK. I've no problem with that (although I do find the packaging guide
 pretty hard to get into for an end user who only wants to *use* packages,
 not *create* them, but that's a separate issue for me to address by
 providing some pull requests). I was more thinking in terms of your quick
 start guides. I think we should explain *in the core documentation* how to
 (a) install a new package, (b) uninstall a package, (c) list what is
 installed and (d) upgrade pip itself. That translates to the pip install,
 uninstall, and list commands at a minimum.

 I could offer some text, if that's the way you want to go with this. How
 about if I provide a new (short) document called something like Python
 package management and we work out how to integrate it into the docs as
 things settle down?

That sounds great - so far it's mostly just been myself and Marcus thinking
about it (mostly Marcus, to be honest, along with a couple of folks that
submitted pull requests and BitBucket issues), and it keeps getting bumped
down the todo list by other things. I think we're getting closer to having
something stable enough to document clearly, though - with distribute
merged back into setuptools and pip not far away, the bootstrapping seems
to be the only remaining slightly messy part (since the 3.4 discussions
aren't relevant to the user guide as yet).

As far as your first point goes, I agree the Installation Tutorial part
should probably come first and definitely needs more content. I did just
accept a pull request earlier that at least makes that page more than just
a list of headings (see
courtesy of


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Expectations on how pip needs to change for Python 3.4

2013-07-14 Thread Brett Cannon
On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 4:23 AM, Noah Kantrowitz n...@coderanger.netwrote:

 On Jul 14, 2013, at 12:35 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

  On 14 July 2013 17:13, Donald Stufft don...@stufft.io wrote:
  I think it would be reasonable for the pip maintainers to be asked to
 declare a public API (even if that's None) using the naming scheme or an
 import warning and declare a backwards compatibility policy for pip itself
 so that people can know what to expect from pip. I do not however, believe
 it is reasonable to bind pip to the same policy that CPython uses nor the
 same schedule. (If you weren't suggesting that I apologize).
  The main elements of CPython's backwards compatibility policy that I
 consider relevant are:
  * Use leading underscores to denote private APIs with no backwards
 compatibility guarantees
  * Be conservative with deprecating public APIs that aren't fundamentally
  * Use DeprecationWarning to give at least one (pip) release notice of an
 upcoming backwards incompatible change
  We *are* sometimes quite aggressive with deprecation and removal even in
 the standard library - we removed contextlib.nested from Python 3.2 as a
 problematic bug magnet well before I came up with the contextlib.ExitStack
 API as a less error prone replacement in Python 3.3. It's only when it
 comes to core syntax and builtin behaviour that we're likely to hit issues
 that simply don't have a sensible deprecation strategy, so we decide we
 have to live with them indefinitely.
  That said, I think the answer to this discussion also affects the answer
 to whether or not CPython maintenance releases should update to newer
 versions of pip: if pip chooses to adopt a faster deprecation cycle than
 CPython, then our maintenance releases shouldn't bundle updated versions.
 Instead, they should follow the policy:
  * if this is a new major release, or the first maintenance release to
 bundle pip, bundle the latest available version of pip
  * otherwise, bundle the same version of pip as the previous release
  This would mean we'd be asking the pip team to help out by providing
 security releases for the bundled version, so we can get that without
 breaking the public API that's available by default.
  On the other hand, if the pip team are willing to use long deprecation
 cycles then we can just bundle the updated versions and not worry about
 security releases (I'd prefer that, but it only works if the pip team are
 willing to put up with keeping old APIs around for a couple of years before
 killing them off once the affected CPython branches go into security fix
 only mode).

 If I can surmise your worry here, it is that people will open an
 interactive terminal, import pip, reflect out the classes/methods/etc, see
 that despite being mentioned no-where in the Python or pip documentation
 the methods and classes don't start with an underscore, and thus conclude
 that this is a stable API to build against?

Yes, and to make that statement even stronger: all of that happening with a
freshly installed copy of Python with no external packages installed.
Nick's worry stems from experience (which I have also had) where people
simply don't check docs as to whether something is public in the stdlib and
so it ends up being considered such by users to the point that we feel
obliged to support it.

 I agree that conventions are good, but I have to say this sounds like a
 bit of a stretch and certainly anyone complaining that their undocumented
 API that they only found via reflection (or reading the pip source) was
 broken basically gets what they deserve.

That's what we typically say for older modules, especially when we are
cranky. =) But it doesn't stop the wingeing and bug reports. Luckily I
think we have gotten better about this.

 The point I was trying to make is that a major shift in thinking is needed
 here. pip is not part of CPython, regardless of this bundling neither this
 mailing list nor the CPython team will have any control (aside from the
 nuclear option that the CPython team can elect to stop bundling pip). If
 you think it would be good for the code-health of pip to be clearer about
 what their public API is, I will suppor
  t that all the way and in fact have an open ticket against pip to that
 effect already, but that is something for the pip team to decide. This does
 very much mean that the CPython team is not just backing the pip codebase,
 but the PyPA/pip team. I think the past few years have shown them deserving
 of this trust, and they should be allowed to run things as they see fit.
 These lines get blurry since several people move back and forth between
 CPython and PyPA (and distutils and PyPI, etc) hats, so I think this must
 be stated clearly up front that what the CPython team thinks is
 reasonable for an API policy will be nothing more than a recommendation
 from very knowledgable colleagues and will be given the appropriate
 consideration and respect it deserves based 

Re: [Distutils] Best practices for optional C extensions

2013-07-14 Thread Tres Seaver
Hash: SHA1

On 07/13/2013 09:14 AM, Ben Darnell wrote:
 I'd like to add a C extension to speed up a small bit of code in a
 package (Tornado), but make it optional both for compatibility with
 non-cpython implementations and for ease of installation on systems
 without a C compiler available.  Ideally any user who runs pip
 install tornado on a system capable of compiling extensions would get
 the extensions; if this capability cannot be detected automatically
 I'd prefer the opt-out case to be the one that requires non-default
 arguments.  Are there any packages that provide a good example to
 follow for this?
 PEP 426 uses c-accelerators as an example of an extra, but it's
 unclear how this would work (based on the equivalent setuptools
 feature).  There doesn't appear to be a way to know what extras are
 requested at build time. If the extra required a package like cython
 then you could build the extension whenever that package is present,
 but what about hand-written extensions?  Extras are also opt-in
 instead of opt-out, so I'd have to recommend that most people use pip
 install tornado[fast] instead of pip install tornado (with
 tornado[slow] available as an option for limited environments).

zope.interface subclasses the 'build_ext' command so:

-  % -
from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
from distutils.errors import CCompilerError
from distutils.errors import DistutilsExecError
from distutils.errors import DistutilsPlatformError

class optional_build_ext(build_ext):
Allow the building of C extensions to fail.

def run(self):
except DistutilsPlatformError as e:

def build_extension(self, ext):
build_ext.build_extension(self, ext)
except (CCompilerError, DistutilsExecError) as e:

def _unavailable(self, e):
print('*' * 80)

An optional code optimization (C extension) could not be compiled.

Optimizations for this package will not be available!)
print('*' * 80)
-  % -

- -- 
Tres Seaver  +1 540-429-0999  tsea...@palladion.com
Palladion Software   Excellence by Designhttp://palladion.com
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined - http://www.enigmail.net/


Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Call for PEP author/champion: Bundling pip with CPython installers

2013-07-14 Thread Nick Coghlan
On 15 July 2013 00:28, Brett Cannon br...@python.org wrote:

 On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 2:13 AM, Nick Coghlan ncogh...@gmail.com wrote:

 Based on the recent discussions, I now plan to reject the pip
 bootstrapping-on-first-invocation approach described in PEP 439 in favour of
 a new PEP that proposes:
 * ensuring that, for Python 3.4, python3 and python3.4 are available
 for command line invocation of Python, even on Windows

 Can I ask why this is part of the PEP?

Mostly because pip3 makes no sense without it. If we *don't* bring
Windows into conformance with the way other platforms handle parallel
Python 2 and Python 3 installs, then the PEP should document an
explicit rationale for not doing it (the py launcher doesn't count in
that regard, since the real purpose of that is to handle shebang lines
through file associations, with the direct command line usage as an
added bonus).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Call for PEP author/champion: Bundling pip with CPython installers

2013-07-14 Thread Brett Cannon
On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 2:13 AM, Nick Coghlan ncogh...@gmail.com wrote:

 Based on the recent discussions, I now plan to reject the pip
 bootstrapping-on-first-invocation approach described in PEP 439 in favour
 of a new PEP that proposes:
 * ensuring that, for Python 3.4, python3 and python3.4 are available
 for command line invocation of Python, even on Windows

Can I ask why this is part of the PEP?
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Call for PEP author/champion: Bundling pip with CPython installers

2013-07-14 Thread Paul Nasrat
On 14 July 2013 02:13, Nick Coghlan ncogh...@gmail.com wrote:

 Based on the recent discussions, I now plan to reject the pip
 bootstrapping-on-first-invocation approach described in PEP 439 in favour
 of a new PEP that proposes:

 * bundling the latest version of pip with the CPython binary installers
 for Mac OS X and Windows for all future CPython releases (including
 maintenance releases)
 * aligns the proposal with the Python 3.4 release schedule by noting that
 CPython changes must be completed by the first 3.4 beta, while pip changes
 must be completed by the first 3.4 release candidate.
 * ensuring that, for Python 3.4, python3 and python3.4 are available
 for command line invocation of Python, even on Windows
 * ensuring that the bundled pip, for Python 3.4, ensures pip, pip3 and
 pip3.4 are available for command line invocation of Python, even on
 * ensuring that the bundled pip is able to upgrade/downgrade itself
 independent of the CPython release cycle
 * ensuring that pip is automatically available in virtual environments
 created with pyvenv
 * adding a get-pip.py script to Tools/scripts in the CPython repo for
 bootstrapping the latest pip release from PyPI into custom CPython source

 Note that there are still open questions to be resolved, which is why an
 author/champion is needed:

I've a bunch of contacts in various distros still - I've not championed a
PEP before but I would be happy to take this on.

 * what guidance, if any, should we provide to Linux distro packagers?

* how should maintenance updates handle the presence of an existing pip

There are various distro packaging specific ways of handling this. Hard
requirements, recommends, obsoleting the standalone package and providing
it virtually as part of

Automatically upgrade older versions to the bundled version, while leaving
 newer versions alone?  Force installation of the bundled version?

My personal experience is that forcing the bundled version to OS with
strong in-built packaging (Linux, BSD, other *NIX)  is likely to meet with
some resistance. I can certainly talk with some people, my instinct is it's
likely to be only bundle with installers, allow optional install as part of
the cPython build which can then be subpackaged/ignored for seperate
pip/bundled as distros so desire.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

[Distutils] [issue154] file protection group/world writeable on egg-info files since 0.7x

2013-07-14 Thread richard

New submission from richard:

since 0.7.x, there are some issues in the tarball setuptools.egg-info 
1. the file protection of the files is group/world writeable (should be 
group/world read-only)
2. there are additional .orig files
3. there is an additional directory EGG-INFO containing an obsolete copy of 

This should be trivial to fix in the source tree.  extract below from the 0.8 
drwxrwxrwx 0/0   0 2013-07-05 19:12 
-rw-rw-rw- 0/0 654 2013-07-05 19:12 
drwxrwxrwx 0/0   0 2013-07-05 19:12 
-rw-rw-rw- 0/0 153 2013-07-02 17:30 
-rw-rw-rw- 0/02773 2013-07-05 19:12 
-rw-rw-rw- 0/02773 2013-07-03 14:12 
-rw-rw-rw- 0/0   45823 2013-07-05 19:12 
-rw-rw-rw- 0/0 186 2013-07-05 19:12 
-rw-rw-rw- 0/0 186 2013-07-03 14:12 
-rw-rw-rw- 0/03663 2013-07-05 19:12 
-rw-rw-rw- 0/0  49 2013-07-05 19:12 
-rw-rw-rw- 0/0   2 2013-07-02 17:48 

messages: 737
nosy: richard
priority: bug
status: unread
title: file protection group/world writeable on egg-info files since 0.7x

Setuptools tracker setupto...@bugs.python.org
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Executable wrappers and upgrading pip (Was: Current status of PEP 439 (pip boostrapping))

2013-07-14 Thread Steve Dower
From: Paul Moore
 On 13 July 2013 10:05, Paul Moore p.f.mo...@gmail.com wrote:
 How robust is the process of upgrading pip using itself? Specifically on
 Windows, where these things typically seem less reliable.
 OK, I just did some tests. On Windows, pip install -U pip FAILS. The reason
 for the failure is simple enough to explain - the pip.exe wrapper is held open
 by the OS while it's in use, so that the upgrade cannot replace it.
 The result is a failed upgrade and a partially installed new version of pip. 
 practice, the exe stubs are probably added fairly late in the install (at 
 when installing from sdist, with a wheel that depends on the order of the 
 in the wheel), so it's probably only a little bit broken, but a little bit
 broken is still broken :-(
 On the other hand, python -m pip install -U pip works fine because it avoids
 the exe wrappers.
 There's a lot of scope for user confusion and frustration in all this. For
 standalone pip I've tended to recommend don't do that - manually uninstall 
 reinstall pip, or recreate your virtualenv. It's not nice, but it's effective.
 That sort of advice isn't going to be realistic for a pip bundled with 
 Does anyone have any suggestions?

Unless I misunderstand how the exe wrappers work (they're all the same code 
that looks for a .py file by the same name?) it may be easiest to somehow mark 
them as non-vital, such that failing to update them does not fail the 
installer. Maybe detect that it can't be overwritten, compare the contents/hash 
with the new one, and only fail if it's changed (with an instruction to use 
'python -m...')?

Spawning a separate process to do the install is probably no good, since you'd 
have to kill the original one which is going to break command line output.

MoveFileEx (with its copy-on-reboot flag) is off the table, since it requires 
elevation and a reboot. But I think that's the only supported API for doing a 
deferred copy.

If Windows was opening .exes with FILE_SHARE_DELETE then it would be possible 
to delete the exe and create a new one by the same name, but I doubt that will 
work and in any case could not be assumed to never change.

So unless the exe wrapper is changing with each version, I think the best way 
of handling this is to not force them to be replaced when they have not changed.


Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Another conversation starter - pip documentation in the Python docs

2013-07-14 Thread Marcus Smith
 Hmm, OK. I've no problem with that (although I do find the packaging guide
 pretty hard to get into for an end user who only wants to *use* packages,
 not *create* them

there's a section marked Installation Tutorial.  Someone wanting to
install packages should be able to get into that, once it actually has
content  : )

 I think we should explain *in the core documentation*

How about if I provide a new (short) document called something like Python
 package management

IMO, we should put the energy into one comprehensive document (the new user
guide) and link out to it, not duplicate effort into the core docs.
The Installing Python Modules/Distributing Python Modules documents
should be integrated into the new User Guide.
It will be confusing and anti-zen for a user to come upon those documents
and have to reconcile it with the user guide

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Executable wrappers and upgrading pip (Was: Current status of PEP 439 (pip boostrapping))

2013-07-14 Thread Paul Moore
On 14 July 2013 17:45, Steve Dower steve.do...@microsoft.com wrote:

 So unless the exe wrapper is changing with each version, I think the best
 way of handling this is to not force them to be replaced when they have not

Thanks. That sounds annoyingly complex (pretty much as I expected, though).
My feeling is that I'd like to remove the exe wrapper altogether, and use a
.py file. I need to check what issues there might be with that before
recommending it, though.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Executable wrappers and upgrading pip (Was: Current status of PEP 439 (pip boostrapping))

2013-07-14 Thread Donald Stufft

On Jul 14, 2013, at 1:03 PM, Paul Moore p.f.mo...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 14 July 2013 17:45, Steve Dower steve.do...@microsoft.com wrote:
 So unless the exe wrapper is changing with each version, I think the best way 
 of handling this is to not force them to be replaced when they have not 
 Thanks. That sounds annoyingly complex (pretty much as I expected, though). 
 My feeling is that I'd like to remove the exe wrapper altogether, and use a 
 .py file. I need to check what issues there might be with that before 
 recommending it, though.
 Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Wouldn't a .py file make the command `pip.py`` and not ``pip`` ?

Donald Stufft
PGP: 0x6E3CBCE93372DCFA // 7C6B 7C5D 5E2B 6356 A926 F04F 6E3C BCE9 3372 DCFA

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Executable wrappers and upgrading pip (Was: Current status of PEP 439 (pip boostrapping))

2013-07-14 Thread Noah Kantrowitz

On Jul 14, 2013, at 9:45 AM, Steve Dower wrote:

 From: Paul Moore
 On 13 July 2013 10:05, Paul Moore p.f.mo...@gmail.com wrote:
 How robust is the process of upgrading pip using itself? Specifically on
 Windows, where these things typically seem less reliable.
 OK, I just did some tests. On Windows, pip install -U pip FAILS. The reason
 for the failure is simple enough to explain - the pip.exe wrapper is held 
 by the OS while it's in use, so that the upgrade cannot replace it.
 The result is a failed upgrade and a partially installed new version of pip. 
 practice, the exe stubs are probably added fairly late in the install (at 
 when installing from sdist, with a wheel that depends on the order of the 
 in the wheel), so it's probably only a little bit broken, but a little bit
 broken is still broken :-(
 On the other hand, python -m pip install -U pip works fine because it 
 the exe wrappers.
 There's a lot of scope for user confusion and frustration in all this. For
 standalone pip I've tended to recommend don't do that - manually uninstall 
 reinstall pip, or recreate your virtualenv. It's not nice, but it's 
 That sort of advice isn't going to be realistic for a pip bundled with 
 Does anyone have any suggestions?
 Unless I misunderstand how the exe wrappers work (they're all the same code 
 that looks for a .py file by the same name?) it may be easiest to somehow 
 mark them as non-vital, such that failing to update them does not fail the 
 installer. Maybe detect that it can't be overwritten, compare the 
 contents/hash with the new one, and only fail if it's changed (with an 
 instruction to use 'python -m...')?
 Spawning a separate process to do the install is probably no good, since 
 you'd have to kill the original one which is going to break command line 
 MoveFileEx (with its copy-on-reboot flag) is off the table, since it requires 
 elevation and a reboot. But I think that's the only supported API for doing a 
 deferred copy.
 If Windows was opening .exes with FILE_SHARE_DELETE then it would be possible 
 to delete the exe and create a new one by the same name, but I doubt that 
 will work and in any case could not be assumed to never change.
 So unless the exe wrapper is changing with each version, I think the best way 
 of handling this is to not force them to be replaced when they have not 

The usual way to do this is just move the existing executable to 
pip.exe.deleteme or something, and then write out the new one. Then on every 
startup (or maybe some level of special case for just pip upgrades?) try to 
unlink *.deleteme. Not the simplest system ever, but it gets the job done.


Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Executable wrappers and upgrading pip (Was: Current status of PEP 439 (pip boostrapping))

2013-07-14 Thread Ian Cordasco
On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 1:12 PM, Noah Kantrowitz n...@coderanger.net wrote:

 On Jul 14, 2013, at 9:45 AM, Steve Dower wrote:

 From: Paul Moore
 On 13 July 2013 10:05, Paul Moore p.f.mo...@gmail.com wrote:
 How robust is the process of upgrading pip using itself? Specifically on
 Windows, where these things typically seem less reliable.

 OK, I just did some tests. On Windows, pip install -U pip FAILS. The 
 for the failure is simple enough to explain - the pip.exe wrapper is held 
 by the OS while it's in use, so that the upgrade cannot replace it.

 The result is a failed upgrade and a partially installed new version of 
 pip. In
 practice, the exe stubs are probably added fairly late in the install (at 
 when installing from sdist, with a wheel that depends on the order of the 
 in the wheel), so it's probably only a little bit broken, but a little bit
 broken is still broken :-(

 On the other hand, python -m pip install -U pip works fine because it 
 the exe wrappers.

 There's a lot of scope for user confusion and frustration in all this. For
 standalone pip I've tended to recommend don't do that - manually 
 uninstall and
 reinstall pip, or recreate your virtualenv. It's not nice, but it's 
 That sort of advice isn't going to be realistic for a pip bundled with 

 Does anyone have any suggestions?

 Unless I misunderstand how the exe wrappers work (they're all the same code 
 that looks for a .py file by the same name?) it may be easiest to somehow 
 mark them as non-vital, such that failing to update them does not fail the 
 installer. Maybe detect that it can't be overwritten, compare the 
 contents/hash with the new one, and only fail if it's changed (with an 
 instruction to use 'python -m...')?

 Spawning a separate process to do the install is probably no good, since 
 you'd have to kill the original one which is going to break command line 

 MoveFileEx (with its copy-on-reboot flag) is off the table, since it 
 requires elevation and a reboot. But I think that's the only supported API 
 for doing a deferred copy.

 If Windows was opening .exes with FILE_SHARE_DELETE then it would be 
 possible to delete the exe and create a new one by the same name, but I 
 doubt that will work and in any case could not be assumed to never change.

 So unless the exe wrapper is changing with each version, I think the best 
 way of handling this is to not force them to be replaced when they have not 

 The usual way to do this is just move the existing executable to 
 pip.exe.deleteme or something, and then write out the new one. Then on every 
 startup (or maybe some level of special case for just pip upgrades?) try to 
 unlink *.deleteme. Not the simplest system ever, but it gets the job done.

I accidentally only emailed Paul earlier, but why can't we upgrade the
pip module with the exe and then replace the process (using something
in the os.exec* family) with `python -m pip update-exe` which could
then succeed since the OS isn't holding onto the exe file? I could be
missing something entirely obvious since I haven't developed
(directly) on or for Windows in at least 5 years.
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Executable wrappers and upgrading pip (Was: Current status of PEP 439 (pip boostrapping))

2013-07-14 Thread Noah Kantrowitz

On Jul 14, 2013, at 10:31 AM, Ian Cordasco wrote:

 On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 1:12 PM, Noah Kantrowitz n...@coderanger.net wrote:
 On Jul 14, 2013, at 9:45 AM, Steve Dower wrote:
 From: Paul Moore
 On 13 July 2013 10:05, Paul Moore p.f.mo...@gmail.com wrote:
 How robust is the process of upgrading pip using itself? Specifically on
 Windows, where these things typically seem less reliable.
 OK, I just did some tests. On Windows, pip install -U pip FAILS. The 
 for the failure is simple enough to explain - the pip.exe wrapper is held 
 by the OS while it's in use, so that the upgrade cannot replace it.
 The result is a failed upgrade and a partially installed new version of 
 pip. In
 practice, the exe stubs are probably added fairly late in the install (at 
 when installing from sdist, with a wheel that depends on the order of the 
 in the wheel), so it's probably only a little bit broken, but a little bit
 broken is still broken :-(
 On the other hand, python -m pip install -U pip works fine because it 
 the exe wrappers.
 There's a lot of scope for user confusion and frustration in all this. For
 standalone pip I've tended to recommend don't do that - manually 
 uninstall and
 reinstall pip, or recreate your virtualenv. It's not nice, but it's 
 That sort of advice isn't going to be realistic for a pip bundled with 
 Does anyone have any suggestions?
 Unless I misunderstand how the exe wrappers work (they're all the same code 
 that looks for a .py file by the same name?) it may be easiest to somehow 
 mark them as non-vital, such that failing to update them does not fail the 
 installer. Maybe detect that it can't be overwritten, compare the 
 contents/hash with the new one, and only fail if it's changed (with an 
 instruction to use 'python -m...')?
 Spawning a separate process to do the install is probably no good, since 
 you'd have to kill the original one which is going to break command line 
 MoveFileEx (with its copy-on-reboot flag) is off the table, since it 
 requires elevation and a reboot. But I think that's the only supported API 
 for doing a deferred copy.
 If Windows was opening .exes with FILE_SHARE_DELETE then it would be 
 possible to delete the exe and create a new one by the same name, but I 
 doubt that will work and in any case could not be assumed to never change.
 So unless the exe wrapper is changing with each version, I think the best 
 way of handling this is to not force them to be replaced when they have not 
 The usual way to do this is just move the existing executable to 
 pip.exe.deleteme or something, and then write out the new one. Then on every 
 startup (or maybe some level of special case for just pip upgrades?) try to 
 unlink *.deleteme. Not the simplest system ever, but it gets the job done.
 I accidentally only emailed Paul earlier, but why can't we upgrade the
 pip module with the exe and then replace the process (using something
 in the os.exec* family) with `python -m pip update-exe` which could
 then succeed since the OS isn't holding onto the exe file? I could be
 missing something entirely obvious since I haven't developed
 (directly) on or for Windows in at least 5 years.

Unfortunately windows doesn't actually offer the equivalent of a POSIX exec(). 
The various functions in os don't actually replace the current process, they 
just create a new one and terminate the old one. This means the controlling 
terminal would see the pip process as ended, so it makes showing output 
difficult at best.


Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Executable wrappers and upgrading pip (Was: Current status of PEP 439 (pip boostrapping))

2013-07-14 Thread Noah Kantrowitz

On Jul 14, 2013, at 10:39 AM, Noah Kantrowitz wrote:

 On Jul 14, 2013, at 10:31 AM, Ian Cordasco wrote:
 On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 1:12 PM, Noah Kantrowitz n...@coderanger.net wrote:
 On Jul 14, 2013, at 9:45 AM, Steve Dower wrote:
 From: Paul Moore
 On 13 July 2013 10:05, Paul Moore p.f.mo...@gmail.com wrote:
 How robust is the process of upgrading pip using itself? Specifically on
 Windows, where these things typically seem less reliable.
 OK, I just did some tests. On Windows, pip install -U pip FAILS. The 
 for the failure is simple enough to explain - the pip.exe wrapper is held 
 by the OS while it's in use, so that the upgrade cannot replace it.
 The result is a failed upgrade and a partially installed new version of 
 pip. In
 practice, the exe stubs are probably added fairly late in the install (at 
 when installing from sdist, with a wheel that depends on the order of the 
 in the wheel), so it's probably only a little bit broken, but a little 
 broken is still broken :-(
 On the other hand, python -m pip install -U pip works fine because it 
 the exe wrappers.
 There's a lot of scope for user confusion and frustration in all this. For
 standalone pip I've tended to recommend don't do that - manually 
 uninstall and
 reinstall pip, or recreate your virtualenv. It's not nice, but it's 
 That sort of advice isn't going to be realistic for a pip bundled with 
 Does anyone have any suggestions?
 Unless I misunderstand how the exe wrappers work (they're all the same 
 code that looks for a .py file by the same name?) it may be easiest to 
 somehow mark them as non-vital, such that failing to update them does not 
 fail the installer. Maybe detect that it can't be overwritten, compare the 
 contents/hash with the new one, and only fail if it's changed (with an 
 instruction to use 'python -m...')?
 Spawning a separate process to do the install is probably no good, since 
 you'd have to kill the original one which is going to break command line 
 MoveFileEx (with its copy-on-reboot flag) is off the table, since it 
 requires elevation and a reboot. But I think that's the only supported API 
 for doing a deferred copy.
 If Windows was opening .exes with FILE_SHARE_DELETE then it would be 
 possible to delete the exe and create a new one by the same name, but I 
 doubt that will work and in any case could not be assumed to never change.
 So unless the exe wrapper is changing with each version, I think the best 
 way of handling this is to not force them to be replaced when they have 
 not changed.
 The usual way to do this is just move the existing executable to 
 pip.exe.deleteme or something, and then write out the new one. Then on 
 every startup (or maybe some level of special case for just pip upgrades?) 
 try to unlink *.deleteme. Not the simplest system ever, but it gets the job 
 I accidentally only emailed Paul earlier, but why can't we upgrade the
 pip module with the exe and then replace the process (using something
 in the os.exec* family) with `python -m pip update-exe` which could
 then succeed since the OS isn't holding onto the exe file? I could be
 missing something entirely obvious since I haven't developed
 (directly) on or for Windows in at least 5 years.
 Unfortunately windows doesn't actually offer the equivalent of a POSIX 
 exec(). The various functions in os don't actually replace the current 
 process, they just create a new one and terminate the old one. This means the 
 controlling terminal would see the pip process as ended, so it makes showing 
 output difficult at best.

Check that, maybe I'm wrong, does anyone know if the P_OVERLAY flag unlocks the 
original binary? /me drags out a windows VM …


Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Another conversation starter - pip documentation in the Python docs

2013-07-14 Thread Marcus Smith
 On 14 July 2013 18:02, Marcus Smith qwc...@gmail.com wrote:

 there's a section marked Installation Tutorial.  Someone wanting to
 install packages should be able to get into that, once it actually has
 content  : )

 Yes, I see that. I'm not sure I like the up-front decide between user or
 system or virtualenv presentation, though. I'm working on something I
 prefer, see what you think when it's done.

yea, don't take the current install tutorial TOC that seriously.
The user/global/virtualenv content came from a recent merge Nick referred
to above.
We just need knowledgeable people to get in there and start working/changing

OK... But remember that most users are consumers of packages, not creators
 of them. The packaging guide should reflect that

Like Nick said, we can put the Installation Tutorial above the Packaging
Neither tutorial should be considered Advanced IMO.  The tutorials should
be crisp and fast.

Also, we *could* put a Quickstart above both tutorials, that just lists
the frequent commands with one-liner descriptions, but we have to be really
careful that it doesn't end up duping the tutorials, which are also
intended to be quick as well.

 If not, let's just get a user-only starter page in the Python docs and
 leave the packaging guide as the more comprehensive documentation it can
 refer to).

anything that results in feeling like the user guide needs a user-only
starter page in Python docs means we're doing it wrong IMO  :  )

I admit the title itself concerns me: Python Packaging User Guide,  like
it should have the word Installation in it.
Python Installation and Packaging User Guide?  (its s long though)

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Another conversation starter - pip documentation in the Python docs

2013-07-14 Thread Marcus Smith

 I believe Marcus was hoping to get back to that after pip 1.4 was out the
 door, but anyone on the PyPA list on BitBucket actually has full access to
 accept pull requests, etc.

yes, the time has come to get this thing going or risk getting a yet
another dead document rep, which it's starting to get.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Executable wrappers and upgrading pip (Was: Current status of PEP 439 (pip boostrapping))

2013-07-14 Thread Noah Kantrowitz

On Jul 14, 2013, at 10:43 AM, Noah Kantrowitz wrote:

 On Jul 14, 2013, at 10:39 AM, Noah Kantrowitz wrote:
 On Jul 14, 2013, at 10:31 AM, Ian Cordasco wrote:
 On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 1:12 PM, Noah Kantrowitz n...@coderanger.net 
 On Jul 14, 2013, at 9:45 AM, Steve Dower wrote:
 From: Paul Moore
 On 13 July 2013 10:05, Paul Moore p.f.mo...@gmail.com wrote:
 How robust is the process of upgrading pip using itself? Specifically on
 Windows, where these things typically seem less reliable.
 OK, I just did some tests. On Windows, pip install -U pip FAILS. The 
 for the failure is simple enough to explain - the pip.exe wrapper is 
 held open
 by the OS while it's in use, so that the upgrade cannot replace it.
 The result is a failed upgrade and a partially installed new version of 
 pip. In
 practice, the exe stubs are probably added fairly late in the install 
 (at least
 when installing from sdist, with a wheel that depends on the order of 
 the files
 in the wheel), so it's probably only a little bit broken, but a little 
 broken is still broken :-(
 On the other hand, python -m pip install -U pip works fine because it 
 the exe wrappers.
 There's a lot of scope for user confusion and frustration in all this. 
 standalone pip I've tended to recommend don't do that - manually 
 uninstall and
 reinstall pip, or recreate your virtualenv. It's not nice, but it's 
 That sort of advice isn't going to be realistic for a pip bundled with 
 Does anyone have any suggestions?
 Unless I misunderstand how the exe wrappers work (they're all the same 
 code that looks for a .py file by the same name?) it may be easiest to 
 somehow mark them as non-vital, such that failing to update them does not 
 fail the installer. Maybe detect that it can't be overwritten, compare 
 the contents/hash with the new one, and only fail if it's changed (with 
 an instruction to use 'python -m...')?
 Spawning a separate process to do the install is probably no good, since 
 you'd have to kill the original one which is going to break command line 
 MoveFileEx (with its copy-on-reboot flag) is off the table, since it 
 requires elevation and a reboot. But I think that's the only supported 
 API for doing a deferred copy.
 If Windows was opening .exes with FILE_SHARE_DELETE then it would be 
 possible to delete the exe and create a new one by the same name, but I 
 doubt that will work and in any case could not be assumed to never change.
 So unless the exe wrapper is changing with each version, I think the best 
 way of handling this is to not force them to be replaced when they have 
 not changed.
 The usual way to do this is just move the existing executable to 
 pip.exe.deleteme or something, and then write out the new one. Then on 
 every startup (or maybe some level of special case for just pip upgrades?) 
 try to unlink *.deleteme. Not the simplest system ever, but it gets the 
 job done.
 I accidentally only emailed Paul earlier, but why can't we upgrade the
 pip module with the exe and then replace the process (using something
 in the os.exec* family) with `python -m pip update-exe` which could
 then succeed since the OS isn't holding onto the exe file? I could be
 missing something entirely obvious since I haven't developed
 (directly) on or for Windows in at least 5 years.
 Unfortunately windows doesn't actually offer the equivalent of a POSIX 
 exec(). The various functions in os don't actually replace the current 
 process, they just create a new one and terminate the old one. This means 
 the controlling terminal would see the pip process as ended, so it makes 
 showing output difficult at best.
 Check that, maybe I'm wrong, does anyone know if the P_OVERLAY flag unlocks 
 the original binary? /me drags out a windows VM …

Ignore my ignoring, with os.execl command flow does return back to the 
controlling terminal process (the new process continues in the background) and 
with os.spawnl(os.P_OVERLAY, 'python-2') I just get a segfault on 3.3. Yay for 
not completely misremembering, boo for this being so complicated.


Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Executable wrappers and upgrading pip (Was: Current status of PEP 439 (pip boostrapping))

2013-07-14 Thread Ian Cordasco
On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 2:10 PM, Noah Kantrowitz n...@coderanger.net wrote:

 On Jul 14, 2013, at 10:43 AM, Noah Kantrowitz wrote:

 On Jul 14, 2013, at 10:39 AM, Noah Kantrowitz wrote:

 On Jul 14, 2013, at 10:31 AM, Ian Cordasco wrote:

 On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 1:12 PM, Noah Kantrowitz n...@coderanger.net 

 On Jul 14, 2013, at 9:45 AM, Steve Dower wrote:

 From: Paul Moore
 On 13 July 2013 10:05, Paul Moore p.f.mo...@gmail.com wrote:
 How robust is the process of upgrading pip using itself? Specifically on
 Windows, where these things typically seem less reliable.

 OK, I just did some tests. On Windows, pip install -U pip FAILS. The 
 for the failure is simple enough to explain - the pip.exe wrapper is 
 held open
 by the OS while it's in use, so that the upgrade cannot replace it.

 The result is a failed upgrade and a partially installed new version of 
 pip. In
 practice, the exe stubs are probably added fairly late in the install 
 (at least
 when installing from sdist, with a wheel that depends on the order of 
 the files
 in the wheel), so it's probably only a little bit broken, but a little 
 broken is still broken :-(

 On the other hand, python -m pip install -U pip works fine because it 
 the exe wrappers.

 There's a lot of scope for user confusion and frustration in all this. 
 standalone pip I've tended to recommend don't do that - manually 
 uninstall and
 reinstall pip, or recreate your virtualenv. It's not nice, but it's 
 That sort of advice isn't going to be realistic for a pip bundled with 

 Does anyone have any suggestions?

 Unless I misunderstand how the exe wrappers work (they're all the same 
 code that looks for a .py file by the same name?) it may be easiest to 
 somehow mark them as non-vital, such that failing to update them does 
 not fail the installer. Maybe detect that it can't be overwritten, 
 compare the contents/hash with the new one, and only fail if it's 
 changed (with an instruction to use 'python -m...')?

 Spawning a separate process to do the install is probably no good, since 
 you'd have to kill the original one which is going to break command line 

 MoveFileEx (with its copy-on-reboot flag) is off the table, since it 
 requires elevation and a reboot. But I think that's the only supported 
 API for doing a deferred copy.

 If Windows was opening .exes with FILE_SHARE_DELETE then it would be 
 possible to delete the exe and create a new one by the same name, but I 
 doubt that will work and in any case could not be assumed to never 

 So unless the exe wrapper is changing with each version, I think the 
 best way of handling this is to not force them to be replaced when they 
 have not changed.

 The usual way to do this is just move the existing executable to 
 pip.exe.deleteme or something, and then write out the new one. Then on 
 every startup (or maybe some level of special case for just pip 
 upgrades?) try to unlink *.deleteme. Not the simplest system ever, but it 
 gets the job done.

 I accidentally only emailed Paul earlier, but why can't we upgrade the
 pip module with the exe and then replace the process (using something
 in the os.exec* family) with `python -m pip update-exe` which could
 then succeed since the OS isn't holding onto the exe file? I could be
 missing something entirely obvious since I haven't developed
 (directly) on or for Windows in at least 5 years.

 Unfortunately windows doesn't actually offer the equivalent of a POSIX 
 exec(). The various functions in os don't actually replace the current 
 process, they just create a new one and terminate the old one. This means 
 the controlling terminal would see the pip process as ended, so it makes 
 showing output difficult at best.

 Check that, maybe I'm wrong, does anyone know if the P_OVERLAY flag unlocks 
 the original binary? /me drags out a windows VM …

 Ignore my ignoring, with os.execl command flow does return back to the 
 controlling terminal process (the new process continues in the background) 
 and with os.spawnl(os.P_OVERLAY, 'python-2') I just get a segfault on 3.3. 
 Yay for not completely misremembering, boo for this being so complicated.

I expected I was wrong, but I appreciate you looking at it to be certain.
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Another conversation starter - pip documentation in the Python docs

2013-07-14 Thread Marcus Smith
 I admit the title itself concerns me: Python Packaging User Guide,  like
 it should have the word Installation in it.
 Python Installation and Packaging User Guide?  (its s long

other ideas:
Python Installation and Packaging Guide
Python Installation and Distribution Guide
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] buildout/setuptools/distribute unhelpful error message (0.7.x issue?)

2013-07-14 Thread Chris Withers

On 13/07/2013 17:37, Jason R. Coombs wrote:

It looks like something is trying to install Setuptools 0.7.2, possibly 
a temporary version of distribute or one that's not visible by default in your
Python environment.

That would have been buildout's bootstrap.py. Jim, is this fixed in the 
latest 1 and 2 bootstrap.pys?

When you get that error message, I suggest you upgrade away from 

The problem is that this is the stable python-pkg-resources in Debian, 
so likely Ubuntu to. This problem has the potential to affect many many 
users so I hope a sensible story is being developed to deal with it...

The easiest way to do this if you have distribute installed is to
'easy_install -U distribute', which will grab distribute 0.7.3 and install

What's the OS-packages plan for dealing with this? I would consider 
doing the above to an OS-installed package to be pretty anti-social...

I hope that helps. Please report back if that doesn't get you going.

I fixed it before you replied, but it was pretty horrific:

aptitude remove python-pkg-resources
aptitude remove python-pkg-resources python-bzrlib python-pygments
aptitude remove python-pkg-resources bzr python-bzrlib python-pygments
aptitude remove python-pkg-resources bzr bzr-svn python-docutils 
python-bzrlib python-pygments

...which removed a lot of packages. I'm in a position where I can manage 
that, but I'd imagine a civilian user could end up in a lot of trouble.

Also, don't forget the weird and crappy setuptools versions that Apple 
will have baked in to the various Pythons that ship with the various Mac 

While this merge is a good thing, it's causing a lot of pain from what 
I've heard and experienced.



-Original Message-
From: Distutils-SIG [mailto:distutils-sig-
bounces+jaraco=jaraco@python.org] On Behalf Of Chris Withers
Sent: Sunday, 07 July, 2013 03:09
To: distutils sig
Subject: [Distutils] buildout/setuptools/distribute unhelpful error message
(0.7.x issue?)

Hi All,

What is this exception trying to tell me?

Extracting in /tmp/tmpJNVsOY
Now working in /tmp/tmpJNVsOY/setuptools-0.7.2 Building a Setuptools egg
in /tmp/tmpBLZGeg /tmp/tmpBLZGeg/setuptools-0.7.2-py2.6.egg
Traceback (most recent call last):
File bootstrap.py, line 91, in module
File /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py, line 451, in
  self.add(dist, entry, False)
File /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py, line 542, in
File /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py, line 705, in
File /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py, line 2727, in
  add_activation_listener(lambda dist: dist.activate())
File /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py, line 2227, in
File /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py, line 2328, in
  with distribute. Found one at %s % str(self.location))
ValueError: A 0.7-series setuptools cannot be installed with distribute.
Found one at /tmp/tmpBLZGeg/setuptools-0.7.2-py2.6.egg

I don't see any distribute in there, and I don't know where it might be...

$ python2.6
Python 2.6.8 (unknown, Jan 29 2013, 10:05:44) [GCC 4.7.2] on linux2 Type
help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
   import setuptools
Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in module
ImportError: No module named setuptools



Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing  Python Consulting
 - http://www.simplistix.co.uk
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing  Python Consulting
   - http://www.simplistix.co.uk
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Executable wrappers and upgrading pip (Was: Current status of PEP 439 (pip boostrapping))

2013-07-14 Thread Paul Moore
On 14 July 2013 18:06, Donald Stufft don...@stufft.io wrote:

 Wouldn't a .py file make the command `pip.py`` and not ``pip`` ?

Not if .py is a registered extension. What I can't remember is whether it
needs to be in PATHEXT (which it isn't by default). The big problem here is
that the behaviour isn't very well documented (if at all) so the various
command shells act subtly differently. That's why I want to test, and why
it won't be a 5-minute job to do so...

But the various replace the exe afterwards hacks sound awfully
complicated to me - particularly as pip doesn't control the exes in the
first place, they are part of the setuptools console script entry point

My strong preference here is to remove the current use of setuptools entry
points, simply because I don't think the problem is solvable while pip
doesn't control the exe management at all. That's a non-trivial change, but
longer term maybe the best.

Question for Nick, Brett and any other core devs around: Would python-dev
be willing to include in the stdlib some sort of package for managing
exe-wrappers? I don't really want pip to manage exe wrappers any more than
I like setuptools doing so. Maybe the existing launcher can somehow double
up in that role?

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Another conversation starter - pip documentation in the Python docs

2013-07-14 Thread Paul Moore
On 14 July 2013 18:49, Marcus Smith qwc...@gmail.com wrote:

 I admit the title itself concerns me: Python Packaging User Guide,  like
 it should have the word Installation in it.
 Python Installation and Packaging User Guide?  (its s long

I like Package Management Guide. Strong hints of managing existing 3rd
party packages, which is good because it's what the majority want, but
general enough to allow for including managing the build  distribution of
your own packages.

BTW, I'm sick and tired of agonising every time I use the word package
over whether I should be correct and use distribution. Can the guide
just come right out and bless the occasionally-ambiguous but commonly-used
dual nature of the word package? If not, can people start actually
*using* distribution consistently for what pip downloads and installs, so
I can find a few more examples for me to copy when I end up with awkward
phrases like distributing your distribution...? (You'd never believe
English was my native language, would you? :-))

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Another conversation starter - pip documentation in the Python docs

2013-07-14 Thread Marcus Smith

 BTW, I'm sick and tired of agonising every time I use the word package
 over whether I should be correct and use distribution. Can the guide
 just come right out and bless the occasionally-ambiguous but commonly-used
 dual nature of the word package? If not, can people start actually
 *using* distribution consistently for what pip downloads and installs, so
 I can find a few more examples for me to copy when I end up with awkward
 phrases like distributing your distribution...? (You'd never believe
 English was my native language, would you? :-))

I hear you.  I feel the same agony.  It think we should use the word
Distribution, but it's hard to compete when PyPI uses Package.
Nick, what do we do?   :  )

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Another conversation starter - pip documentation in the Python docs

2013-07-14 Thread Marcus Smith
thoughts on changing our use of Package on pypi to Distribution?
(except for the title of course)
If we're not going to do that, we should explain and bless the double use
of Package and drop using Distribution in any docs.
Our fundamental concepts shouldn't be confusing and conflicted.

On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 1:05 PM, Marcus Smith qwc...@gmail.com wrote:

 BTW, I'm sick and tired of agonising every time I use the word package
 over whether I should be correct and use distribution. Can the guide
 just come right out and bless the occasionally-ambiguous but commonly-used
 dual nature of the word package? If not, can people start actually
 *using* distribution consistently for what pip downloads and installs, so
 I can find a few more examples for me to copy when I end up with awkward
 phrases like distributing your distribution...? (You'd never believe
 English was my native language, would you? :-))

 I hear you.  I feel the same agony.  It think we should use the word
 Distribution, but it's hard to compete when PyPI uses Package.
 Nick, what do we do?   :  )


Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Another conversation starter - pip documentation in the Python docs

2013-07-14 Thread Donald Stufft

On Jul 14, 2013, at 5:22 PM, Marcus Smith qwc...@gmail.com wrote:

 thoughts on changing our use of Package on pypi to Distribution? (except 
 for the title of course)
 If we're not going to do that, we should explain and bless the double use of 
 Package and drop using Distribution in any docs.
 Our fundamental concepts shouldn't be confusing and conflicted.
 On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 1:05 PM, Marcus Smith qwc...@gmail.com wrote:
 BTW, I'm sick and tired of agonising every time I use the word package over 
 whether I should be correct and use distribution. Can the guide just come 
 right out and bless the occasionally-ambiguous but commonly-used dual nature 
 of the word package? If not, can people start actually *using* 
 distribution consistently for what pip downloads and installs, so I can 
 find a few more examples for me to copy when I end up with awkward phrases 
 like distributing your distribution...? (You'd never believe English was my 
 native language, would you? :-))
 I hear you.  I feel the same agony.  It think we should use the word 
 Distribution, but it's hard to compete when PyPI uses Package.
 Nick, what do we do?   :  )
 Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

PyPI will eventually move to using the definitions as defined in PEP426 
http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0426/#supporting-definitions .

Donald Stufft
PGP: 0x6E3CBCE93372DCFA // 7C6B 7C5D 5E2B 6356 A926 F04F 6E3C BCE9 3372 DCFA

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Another conversation starter - pip documentation in the Python docs

2013-07-14 Thread Marcus Smith
no reason not to change Package to Distribution now, right?
this (http://docs.python.org/2/install/index.html) already uses the
Distribution word.
which means changing sentences like  There are currently 32660 packages
here. to There are currently 32660 distributions here.
and the main table listing would use the word Distribution

On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 2:24 PM, Donald Stufft don...@stufft.io wrote:

 On Jul 14, 2013, at 5:22 PM, Marcus Smith qwc...@gmail.com wrote:

 thoughts on changing our use of Package on pypi to Distribution?
 (except for the title of course)
 If we're not going to do that, we should explain and bless the double use
 of Package and drop using Distribution in any docs.
 Our fundamental concepts shouldn't be confusing and conflicted.

 On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 1:05 PM, Marcus Smith qwc...@gmail.com wrote:

 BTW, I'm sick and tired of agonising every time I use the word package
 over whether I should be correct and use distribution. Can the guide
 just come right out and bless the occasionally-ambiguous but commonly-used
 dual nature of the word package? If not, can people start actually
 *using* distribution consistently for what pip downloads and installs, so
 I can find a few more examples for me to copy when I end up with awkward
 phrases like distributing your distribution...? (You'd never believe
 English was my native language, would you? :-))

 I hear you.  I feel the same agony.  It think we should use the word
 Distribution, but it's hard to compete when PyPI uses Package.
 Nick, what do we do?   :  )


 Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

 PyPI will eventually move to using the definitions as defined in PEP426
 http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0426/#supporting-definitions .

 Donald Stufft
 PGP: 0x6E3CBCE93372DCFA // 7C6B 7C5D 5E2B 6356 A926 F04F 6E3C BCE9 3372

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Another conversation starter - pip documentation in the Python docs

2013-07-14 Thread Donald Stufft

On Jul 14, 2013, at 5:29 PM, Marcus Smith qwc...@gmail.com wrote:

 no reason not to change Package to Distribution now, right? 
 this (http://docs.python.org/2/install/index.html) already uses the 
 Distribution word.
 which means changing sentences like  There are currently 32660 packages 
 here. to There are currently 32660 distributions here.
 and the main table listing would use the word Distribution

That's 32600 projects, There are almost 200k distributions. And the main table 
listing would be Releases or Project Releases.

 On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 2:24 PM, Donald Stufft don...@stufft.io wrote:
 On Jul 14, 2013, at 5:22 PM, Marcus Smith qwc...@gmail.com wrote:
 thoughts on changing our use of Package on pypi to Distribution? (except 
 for the title of course)
 If we're not going to do that, we should explain and bless the double use of 
 Package and drop using Distribution in any docs.
 Our fundamental concepts shouldn't be confusing and conflicted.
 On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 1:05 PM, Marcus Smith qwc...@gmail.com wrote:
 BTW, I'm sick and tired of agonising every time I use the word package 
 over whether I should be correct and use distribution. Can the guide 
 just come right out and bless the occasionally-ambiguous but commonly-used 
 dual nature of the word package? If not, can people start actually *using* 
 distribution consistently for what pip downloads and installs, so I can 
 find a few more examples for me to copy when I end up with awkward phrases 
 like distributing your distribution...? (You'd never believe English was 
 my native language, would you? :-))
 I hear you.  I feel the same agony.  It think we should use the word 
 Distribution, but it's hard to compete when PyPI uses Package.
 Nick, what do we do?   :  )
 Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org
 PyPI will eventually move to using the definitions as defined in PEP426 
 http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0426/#supporting-definitions .
 Donald Stufft
 PGP: 0x6E3CBCE93372DCFA // 7C6B 7C5D 5E2B 6356 A926 F04F 6E3C BCE9 3372 DCFA

Donald Stufft
PGP: 0x6E3CBCE93372DCFA // 7C6B 7C5D 5E2B 6356 A926 F04F 6E3C BCE9 3372 DCFA

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Another conversation starter - pip documentation in the Python docs

2013-07-14 Thread Marcus Smith
although some of the uses could be argued as needing Project
e.g Package documentation is hosted on its own domain

On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Marcus Smith qwc...@gmail.com wrote:

 no reason not to change Package to Distribution now, right?
 this (http://docs.python.org/2/install/index.html) already uses the
 Distribution word.
 which means changing sentences like  There are currently 32660 packages
 here. to There are currently 32660 distributions here.
 and the main table listing would use the word Distribution

 On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 2:24 PM, Donald Stufft don...@stufft.io wrote:

 On Jul 14, 2013, at 5:22 PM, Marcus Smith qwc...@gmail.com wrote:

 thoughts on changing our use of Package on pypi to Distribution?
 (except for the title of course)
 If we're not going to do that, we should explain and bless the double use
 of Package and drop using Distribution in any docs.
 Our fundamental concepts shouldn't be confusing and conflicted.

 On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 1:05 PM, Marcus Smith qwc...@gmail.com wrote:

 BTW, I'm sick and tired of agonising every time I use the word
 package over whether I should be correct and use distribution. Can
 the guide just come right out and bless the occasionally-ambiguous but
 commonly-used dual nature of the word package? If not, can people start
 actually *using* distribution consistently for what pip downloads and
 installs, so I can find a few more examples for me to copy when I end up
 with awkward phrases like distributing your distribution...? (You'd never
 believe English was my native language, would you? :-))

 I hear you.  I feel the same agony.  It think we should use the word
 Distribution, but it's hard to compete when PyPI uses Package.
 Nick, what do we do?   :  )


 Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

 PyPI will eventually move to using the definitions as defined in PEP426
 http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0426/#supporting-definitions .

 Donald Stufft
 PGP: 0x6E3CBCE93372DCFA // 7C6B 7C5D 5E2B 6356 A926 F04F 6E3C BCE9 3372

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Another conversation starter - pip documentation in the Python docs

2013-07-14 Thread Marcus Smith
 That's 32600 projects, There are almost 200k distributions. And the main
 table listing would be Releases or Project Releases.

ok,  got it.  anything I do from here on will follow this.
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Another conversation starter - pip documentation in the Python docs

2013-07-14 Thread Paul Moore
On 14 July 2013 22:36, Marcus Smith qwc...@gmail.com wrote:

 That's 32600 projects, There are almost 200k distributions. And the main
 table listing would be Releases or Project Releases.

 ok,  got it.  anything I do from here on will follow this.

That's much better. I apologise, I hadn't noticed that PEP 426 included
terminology definitions.
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Executable wrappers and upgrading pip (Was: Current status of PEP 439 (pip boostrapping))

2013-07-14 Thread Nick Coghlan
On 15 Jul 2013 05:44, Paul Moore p.f.mo...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 14 July 2013 18:06, Donald Stufft don...@stufft.io wrote:

 Wouldn't a .py file make the command `pip.py`` and not ``pip`` ?

 Not if .py is a registered extension. What I can't remember is whether it
needs to be in PATHEXT (which it isn't by default). The big problem here is
that the behaviour isn't very well documented (if at all) so the various
command shells act subtly differently. That's why I want to test, and why
it won't be a 5-minute job to do so...

 But the various replace the exe afterwards hacks sound awfully
complicated to me - particularly as pip doesn't control the exes in the
first place, they are part of the setuptools console script entry point

 My strong preference here is to remove the current use of setuptools
entry points, simply because I don't think the problem is solvable while
pip doesn't control the exe management at all. That's a non-trivial change,
but longer term maybe the best.

 Question for Nick, Brett and any other core devs around: Would python-dev
be willing to include in the stdlib some sort of package for managing
exe-wrappers? I don't really want pip to manage exe wrappers any more than
I like setuptools doing so. Maybe the existing launcher can somehow double
up in that role?

Not sure it fits the launcher, but having something along those lines in
the stdlib makes sense (especially in the context of a pip bundling PEP).

Another option we may want to consider is an actual msi installer for pip
(I'm not sure that would actually help, but it's worth looking into), as
well as investigating what other self-updating Windows apps (like Firefox)
do to handle this problem.



 Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Executable wrappers and upgrading pip (Was: Current status of PEP 439 (pip boostrapping))

2013-07-14 Thread Noah Kantrowitz

On Jul 14, 2013, at 3:06 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

 On 15 Jul 2013 05:44, Paul Moore p.f.mo...@gmail.com wrote:
  On 14 July 2013 18:06, Donald Stufft don...@stufft.io wrote:
  Wouldn't a .py file make the command `pip.py`` and not ``pip`` ?
  Not if .py is a registered extension. What I can't remember is whether it 
  needs to be in PATHEXT (which it isn't by default). The big problem here is 
  that the behaviour isn't very well documented (if at all) so the various 
  command shells act subtly differently. That's why I want to test, and why 
  it won't be a 5-minute job to do so...
  But the various replace the exe afterwards hacks sound awfully 
  complicated to me - particularly as pip doesn't control the exes in the 
  first place, they are part of the setuptools console script entry point 
  My strong preference here is to remove the current use of setuptools entry 
  points, simply because I don't think the problem is solvable while pip 
  doesn't control the exe management at all. That's a non-trivial change, but 
  longer term maybe the best.
  Question for Nick, Brett and any other core devs around: Would python-dev 
  be willing to include in the stdlib some sort of package for managing 
  exe-wrappers? I don't really want pip to manage exe wrappers any more than 
  I like setuptools doing so. Maybe the existing launcher can somehow double 
  up in that role?
 Not sure it fits the launcher, but having something along those lines in the 
 stdlib makes sense (especially in the context of a pip bundling PEP).
 Another option we may want to consider is an actual msi installer for pip 
 (I'm not sure that would actually help, but it's worth looking into), as well 
 as investigating what other self-updating Windows apps (like Firefox) do to 
 handle this problem.

They do the exec a helper executable that replaces the original approach, 
which works fine for non-console apps since there isn't the problem of the 
shell getting confused :-/


Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Executable wrappers and upgrading pip (Was: Current status of PEP 439 (pip boostrapping))

2013-07-14 Thread Paul Moore
On 14 July 2013 23:09, Noah Kantrowitz n...@coderanger.net wrote:

  Another option we may want to consider is an actual msi installer for
 pip (I'm not sure that would actually help, but it's worth looking into),
 as well as investigating what other self-updating Windows apps (like
 Firefox) do to handle this problem.

 They do the exec a helper executable that replaces the original
 approach, which works fine for non-console apps since there isn't the
 problem of the shell getting confused :-/

Generally, I don't think that going down the route of MSIs is a good move.
They aren't a good fit for this problem. Apart from anything else, they
won't support installing into a virtualenv.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] Another conversation starter - pip documentation in the Python docs

2013-07-14 Thread Nick Coghlan
On 15 Jul 2013 07:45, Paul Moore p.f.mo...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 14 July 2013 22:36, Marcus Smith qwc...@gmail.com wrote:

 That's 32600 projects, There are almost 200k distributions. And the
main table listing would be Releases or Project Releases.

 ok,  got it.  anything I do from here on will follow this.

 That's much better. I apologise, I hadn't noticed that PEP 426 included
terminology definitions.

They were necessary for me to keep them straight in my own head. The
original set were a bit odd, but I think the
project/release/distribution/archive split has ended up in a reasonable
place after a few iterations (it's still open to revisions if anything
seems too awkward, though).

I don't think the ambiguity of package will ever go away entirely, but we
can justify that to some degree by noting that distributions mainly serve
to get Python packages and modules installed and available for import.



 Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org