For discussion: JSON-aware views for error responses

2022-04-21 Thread Ville Säävuori
Hello Django devs!

I'm a long time Django user and nowadays work with sites where Django is 
mostly or only an API for the front end. I'm assuming this is not an exotic 
use case in 2022.

One pain point I continue to come across over and over again is that Django 
by default only speaks text/html even if the request has application/json 
accept headers. This often results in situatios where the unassuming JS app 
burps a HUGE html response as a string to the user when something goes 
wrong. And yes, it's obviously not Djangos fault if the frontend developer 
is sloppy but I believe there's lots of things we could improve here.

Some spesific things we could improve:
- At least for 400, 500, and CSRF errors, send JSON (or empty response) 
back instead of HTML if the request is xhr or has JSON headers
- Make it easy to override the JSON like we can do with HTML
- Add good documentation to explain how this works and how it can be 

I'm interested in hearing comments about this, and opinions from the core 
devs if this would be something that could be built into Django. I haven't 
been active here for a looong time but this is a bit of a pet peeve of mine 
and I would be more than happy to implement this also.

And to be clear, I understand we already have middleware APIs and various 
settings to handle this but my point is that I think handling this in 
Django core (even as an optional setting or middleware) would be most 
useful and right way to do this for the community.

Sorry for the long post.


- VS

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Re: Unittest on live data Was: Rolling back tests -- status and open issues

2009-01-14 Thread Ville Säävuori

> Are other developers interested in "readonly unitests on live data", too?

At our company we mostly test  our Django apps with "live" data for
various reasons.

Our process is roughly following: 1. we make a sql-dump of the current
production data (or part of it if it's REALLY big) and move it to the
dev machine. (This is done via Fabric- or capistrano script.) 2. We
create a new test db from the fresh "live" data.  3. We run the tests
with a custom command that works around some problems in the
current testrunner. This process works quite well for us and it's also
mostly automated, so you just have to run one command on a dev machine
(and in some cases type password or two) to make it all happen.

I've been meaning to write a pony request relating to this but I
haven't found a suitable description for it, yet.

Basically, for our needs, it would be a great help if it would be
possible to use raw sql dumps as fixtures for tests.

- VS
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Re: Proposal: django.forms.SafeForm - forms with built in CSRF protection

2008-09-22 Thread Ville Säävuori

> I propose django.forms should include a SafeForm class, which is a
> subclass of Form that includes built-in protection against CSRF. I
> imagine the interface looking something like this:

Why wouldn't the safe form class be the forms.Form class instead? We
do XSS-protection by default already, so why don't we encourage CSRF-
protection, too?

If for some reason you wouldn't want CSRF-magic to your forms, we
could have forms.UnsafeForm (or whatever). Of course, this would
propably mean backwards incompatible change, but I think that this is
something that we'd want in the long run. I'm not saying that we
should push this further from 1.1 but that we should definitely make
something like this (however it's implemented) as the default way in
the long run.

As a separate note, I'd also like some well documented low-level
helpers to make protecting AJAX-calls easier.
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Re: Proposal: {% doctype %} and {% field %} tag for outputting form widgets as HTML or XHTML

2008-09-09 Thread Ville Säävuori

> On the plane back from DjangoCon I implemented the {% doctype %} and
> {% field %} tags I proposed in that thread as custom template tags in
> an application called "django_html". You can grab the code from here
> and try it out:

> I'm pretty confident this is the right approach. What do people think?

I *love* the idea behind this.

I hate the fact that Django only outputs XHTML out of the box, even
though it should be the Web framework for perfectionists (with
deadlines and no time to write custom renderers only to get valid

About the {% doctype %} tag, should we then maintain a (potentially
long?) list of different doctypes and/or should there be a way to
define your own?

- VS
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Re: RFC: Django 1.0 roadmap and timeline

2008-06-12 Thread Ville Säävuori

> So what's the point of hoping for September if it's not real?

The point of deadlines are that people tend to try to make them come
true. If there is something that I've learned as a project manager
during all the years that I've worked as one, it's that deadlines are

Its not as important *when* the deadline is, as long as there is one.

If the proposed timeline is in the lines of "it would be great if we
would have 1.0 by the end of this year", we'll still be having this
same conversation about deadlines next year at this time  :)

- VS
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Re: RFC: Django 1.0 roadmap and timeline

2008-06-12 Thread Ville Säävuori

> Jacob, honestly, where this date has come from? It can as easily be
> August or October. You've outlined a good feature list and seem resolute
> to stick to it. But unless all those lieutenants would plan their
> features *in work hours*, you just can't know the date.

Firstly, as Jacob said, the schedule is just a draft at this point.
But I'm very much +1 on locking down spesific dates for any given
milestone. It's vital to have firm schedule and dates for making it
all happen in a relatively short period of time.

As what would those dates exactly be, I couldn't care less. As long as
they're not too far in the future, lets jazz on! :)

And FWIW, I think the proposed roadmap is brilliant. Not too many
features but still enough to make most of us very happy. Especially if
we can get at least few of the maybes in.

- VS
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Re: idea?

2007-08-15 Thread Ville Säävuori

> Is this a common problem for people or just me?  I don't run into it
> with every app, but I do refactor my models often times and run into
> this, and think it would be nice if there were a more automated way to
> clean up those tables.

I've bumped into this same problem several times. It would be nice
that contenttypes-app would know how to clean up itself from time to

- VS

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Re: Localflavors: request for developers and triagers

2007-03-30 Thread Ville Säävuori

I'm the author of the Finnish localflavor, #3847.

> So could triagers please mark tickets with such strings as needing an
> improved patch and could original developers of these files please
> include any strings containing non-ASCII characters in as u"..."
> strings, not traditional strings.

I updated my patch to follow this practice. I'm not quite sure that
the new  patch is okay, but please add a comment to it if there's
still something to change :)

- VS

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Re: Moving towards Django 1.0

2007-01-13 Thread Ville Säävuori

It's good to see some push towards 1.0

> == Feedback ==

What about one-to-one relationships? They seem to have had a deprecated
status for some time now.

In addition to organizing the documentation, I'd also like to see some
cleaning up and reorganization in the wiki. It also should be at least
somewhat collaborative work, maybe some sprint weekend or similar. I
think that the wiki is a great and valuable addition to the official
docs, but it's getting very hard to navigate and find stuff as the
content keeps growing.

I'd like to help as much as I can, but I'm not very experienced
Python-developer, so it would be nice to have some tips here on the
list and maybe on the page, too :)

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Re: UNICODE and newforms

2007-01-10 Thread Ville Säävuori

> I see several ways how to solve this problem:
> 1) migrate django to unicode aka big bang approach

+1 from me.

I'm also working with Django with a language that has many "funky
characters". I, too, am not very experienced with Python and unicode,
but it's still a major pain sometimes. It would be _very_ nice to have
unicode troughout the framework.

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Re: Newforms and hidden fields

2007-01-06 Thread Ville Säävuori

I'm trying to convert my user registration forms to newforms and this
was my first glitch with them. My scenario is this:

user submits username + email, which are hashed and validation email is
sent to user. (Nothing is saved to db at this point.) User comes back
with the hash, which is then de-hashed to initial data for the second
registration form that asks for a password.

# Unbound form with dynamic initial data
f = MyForm(initial={'foo': 'initial value'})

Something like this would work well in my case. I could pass the
username and email as hidden fields with initial data, and then ask and
validate the password.

Apart from this little issue, newforms have been really fun to use.

- VS

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Re: Customizable object tools

2006-12-20 Thread Ville Säävuori

Replying to myself

This would be great. But I think it would be better to name the
templates __foo.html. It would make the customization of
admin pages very easy and Django-like.

D'oh. After looking the admin source code, this allready works! I
wonder howcome it isn't documented? (Or is it?)

Anyway, you can override the default admin template (at least for
change_list.html and change_form.html) by putting your own template to
/yourtemplates/admin// for app-wide override or to
/yourtemplates/admin/appname/modelname/ for model-wide override,

This is great. And I really think it should be better documented! :)

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Re: Customizable object tools

2006-12-20 Thread Ville Säävuori

ao wrote:

_change_list.html instead of original one. If it somehow did the
same like with generic views where it looks for a _detail.html
but loads a default detail.html if former does not exist.

+1 from me.

This would be great. But I think it would be better to name the
templates __foo.html. It would make the customization of
admin pages very easy and Django-like.

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Re: Branch Merges?

2006-11-07 Thread Ville Säävuori

> - schemaEvolution
> - the wiki-pages only talk about (at least 2 different) proposals. 
> does
> that mean that one of the proposals has been implemented? which one?

I would be very interested in testing this but for me the showstopper
has been both the wiki-page (what's happening, or is anything?) and
documentation (how do I use it?). The test files are not very easy to
follow withouth documentation.

I think that wiki-pages, in general, should have clear and up-to-date
information of their status. SchemaEvolution-page is a complete mess,

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Re: Suggestion: Better slugifying of scandinavic characters

2006-05-15 Thread Ville Säävuori

> Completely removing umlauts etc. makes such a bad impression outside of
> the US! It's like writing "Adran Hlty" instead od "Adrian Holovaty".

Yes. I definitely agree.

> Say. do people in Finland also usually rewrite into ASCII like this:

Actually, in Finnish, no. I think (in URLs) that would be almost as bad
as removing the umlauts alltogether. (But, AFAIK they do this in some
european countries.)

To give an example of the problem, consider this title for example:
"Tämä on ääkkösiä sisältävä otsikko". Django slugifyes this
into "tm-on-kksi-sisltv-otsikko". That's practically unreadable (in
Finnish). A MUCH better version would be

I think that this problem applies in most european languages, too.
Like, say, Swedish, German and French.

Just my 0,02 e =)

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