Re: [Changeset] r3455 - django/trunk/docs

2006-07-29 Thread Matthew Flanagan

while you're at it


On 29/07/06, Jay Parlar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/28/06, Jacob Kaplan-Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > On Jul 28, 2006, at 11:54 AM, Jay Parlar wrote:
> > > Not that I mind :)
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> Ha, victory is mine!
> Thanks,
> Jay P.
> >

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Re: ManyToManyField Usage

2006-07-29 Thread Martin Robinsson

Sorry for the bump. But I'm genuinly interested in understanding why
it's not possible to write:
>>> album.song_set.get_or_create(name='name', album=album)
without specifying the album explicitly as a kw argument. Shouldn't the
album parameter in this example be inferred through the album.song_set
Anyone who can enlighten me? Would my fix above be correct?

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Django vs TurboGears

2006-07-29 Thread jo

Hi all,

I'm evaluating the possibility to use Django for a project, but I have
read so many comments about Django vs TurboGears and right now I am
very confused.
I installed both of them in my system and sincerelly I found that
Django is very easy to install and getting started while TG is not so

Nevertheless I hesitate to trust on the Django semplicity against the
TG complexity and I'm trying to examinate some characteristics in both
of them that interest to me.

Django gives you an admin environment for free while TG doesn't have
such thing and I have no idea how to create it.
TG applys the pattern MVC while Django does it in a strange way.
Django doesn't use AJAX while TG uses Mochikit and JASON.
Django is very compact while TG is assembled with many moduls to put

Someone of you could give me a good reason to use Django instead of TG?

Thank you,

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use data model and database api along

2006-07-29 Thread Gennan Chen
Hi!I will like to django's ORM in my standalone app (not web app).  Do I always its admin tool to create tables? Or it can reuse the table structure I create in the db? Gen
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Re: Django vs TurboGears

2006-07-29 Thread Elver Loho

> I'm evaluating the possibility to use Django for a project, but I have
> read so many comments about Django vs TurboGears and right now I am
> very confused.
> I installed both of them in my system and sincerelly I found that
> Django is very easy to install and getting started while TG is not so
> easy.

Um. Last I checked, both have very clear installation instructions.
Besides, does install time really matter?

> Nevertheless I hesitate to trust on the Django semplicity against the
> TG complexity and I'm trying to examinate some characteristics in both
> of them that interest to me.

If you're comparing frameworks, you also might want to check out Zope.
I've tried Zope 3 myself and found it to be horrible and very
un-Pythonic, but a friend of mine has been writing web applications
with Zope 2 for a very long time and says that it's much better.

> Django gives you an admin environment for free while TG doesn't have
> such thing and I have no idea how to create it.

By writing code. Of course.

To be fair, TG has Catwalk, which works as a sort of makeshift admin
interface, but you'll have to write your own eventually, anyway, if
it's a complicated website you're building.

> TG applys the pattern MVC while Django does it in a strange way.

As many have said before, it's a matter of taste :)

> Django doesn't use AJAX while TG uses Mochikit and JASON.

...and what stops you from using Mochikit and JASON with Django? It's
like saying that you can't order ice-cream at McDonald's, because it's
not part of the Happy Meal you're eating.

> Django is very compact while TG is assembled with many moduls to put
> together.

Well, TG is pretty much a whole lot of Open Source tools and duct
tape. There are advantages to having a sort of a "guiding vision" as
with Django. Then again, as many things are a matter of taste, I've
found that being able to swap out bits is useful and TG is more
loosely-coupled, which makes it easier.

That said, I've used Django with several of its parts swapped out just fine.

I'm gonna do the ultimate geek thing here and compare web frameworks
to science fiction series. Django is like Babylon 5. It has a guiding
vision behind it and it's very coherent, very logical, with all the 5
seasons planned up front. (Except for the slight restructuring after
Bruce Boxleitner was brought in at the beginning of the 2nd season /
magic-removal clean-up of Django.) But TG is a bit like Star Trek --
there might be storylines that span a couple of episodes, but that's
it. Each episode is pretty much on its own and the "big picture" sort
of evolves over time. No real guiding vision / grand plot.

> Someone of you could give me a good reason to use Django instead of TG?

Set aside a weekend and write a simple application with both. Like,
say, a todo-list manager. Or if you hate having to deal with dates and
times, then write a very simple blog engine.

I'll give you a couple of reasons to use Django, which I myself found important.

* Caching framework. Simply awesome.
* Autogenerated admin interface is more advanced than the Turbogears
one. (Last I checked.) Still, you will have to write your own

Um. That's about it. These are its clear, technical advantages over TG
-- I think everything else is just a matter of taste. I'm not really
qualified to say good or bad things about either of the frameworks,
really. I've used both and for the last big web application I built
(an admin interface for a distributed filtering application) I pretty
much rolled my own -- basically many of the components from TG, but
with much of the glue and unneeded parts removed.


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Re: Django vs TurboGears

2006-07-29 Thread James Bennett

> Someone of you could give me a good reason to use Django instead of TG?

I could, but different people are going to be swayed by different
types of reasons. Take a weekened, build a simple app in both, see
which one fits your brain better.

"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
  -- George Carlin

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Re: Django vs TurboGears

2006-07-29 Thread Adrian Holovaty

On 7/29/06, Elver Loho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...and what stops you from using Mochikit and JASON with Django? It's
> like saying that you can't order ice-cream at McDonald's, because it's
> not part of the Happy Meal you're eating.

Great line, Elver! I'm going to have to remember that one. :)


Adrian Holovaty |

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Filter objects spanning two relations

2006-07-29 Thread Maciej Bliziński

Hello all,

I'll illustrate my problem with a small example.

Let's consider a data model:

from django.db import models

class OldTag(models.Model):
content = models.TextField()

class NewTag(models.Model):
   content = models.TextField()
   oldtags = models.ManyToManyField(OldTag)

class Document(models.Model):
content = models.TextField()
oldtags = models.ManyToManyField(OldTag)

So there are two many-to-many relationships between classes.

I'd like to find all the documents that are related to a specific new
tag. To reach the new tags, I need to pass old tags first, do I'd expect
to use something like this:

>>> Document.objects.filter(oldtags__newtags__content = 'popcorn')

But it doesn't work:
TypeError: Cannot resolve keyword 'newtags' into field

Let's consider an example data:

from myproject.myapp.models import OldTag, NewTag, Document

d, dc = Document.objects.get_or_create(content = "spam")
ot, otc = OldTag.objects.get_or_create(content = "eggs")
nt, ntc = NewTag.objects.get_or_create(content = "popcorn")

I can easily find all the documents with the specified old tag:

>>> Document.objects.filter(oldtags__content = 'eggs')

To find the field that I could access with the filter, I look inside the
old tag object:

>>> dir(ot)
['AddManipulator', 'ChangeManipulator', 'DoesNotExist', '__class__',
'__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__getattribute__',
'__hash__', '__init__', '__metaclass__', '__module__', '__ne__',
'__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__',
'__str__', '__weakref__', '_collect_sub_objects', '_default_manager',
'_get_FIELD_display', '_get_FIELD_filename', '_get_FIELD_height',
'_get_FIELD_size', '_get_FIELD_url', '_get_FIELD_width',
'_get_image_dimensions', '_get_next_or_previous_by_FIELD',
'_get_next_or_previous_in_order', '_get_pk_val', '_meta', '_prepare',
'_save_FIELD_file', '_set_related_many_to_many', 'add_to_class',
'content', 'delete', 'document_set', 'id', 'newtag_set', 'objects',
'save', 'validate']

So there's something called newtag_set in the old tag object. It allows
to fetch all the new tags related to the old tag. I managed to get what
I want with this expression:

>>> Document.objects.filter(oldtags__in = NewTag.objects.get(content = 
>>> 'popcorn').oldtags.all())

...but it executes two SQL queries, while it can be done with just one
query. Do you have any better ideas?


Maciej Bliziński

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Django course at Spain

2006-07-29 Thread Javier Nievas


Por si le interesa a alguien, hay un curso en la Universidad de Granada
acerca de Django y el Web 2.0. Aqui os dejo el enlace:


There's a course in the University of Granada (Spain) about Django and
Web 2.0. That's the link with more info about it.

I think it could be interesting for people in this group

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Re: Django vs TurboGears

2006-07-29 Thread Javier Nievas

Django does not use MVC model, it uses Model - View - Template (MVT)
model. It's similar, because an MVC view is like an MVT template, and
an MVC controller is like a MVT view.

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Re: Django vs TurboGears

2006-07-29 Thread Elver Loho

On 7/29/06, Javier Nievas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Django does not use MVC model, it uses Model - View - Template (MVT)
> model. It's similar, because an MVC view is like an MVT template, and
> an MVC controller is like a MVT view. -- It's
the same thing, just with a different name.

But to be buzzword-compliant, let's call it an n-tier architecture! ;)

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Re: use data model and database api along

2006-07-29 Thread Ian Clelland

On 7/29/06, Gennan Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I will like to django's ORM in my standalone app (not web app).  Do I always
> its admin tool to create tables? Or it can reuse the table structure I
> create in the db?

You should be able to use the Django ORM on an existing database (not
that I've actually tried this).

Basically, you can use the admin tool to create the file
from an existing database, rather than doing it the other way around.

Check out the documentation at for a
starting point.

Ian Clelland

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Re: Django course at Spain

2006-07-29 Thread Jeremy Dunck

On 7/29/06, Javier Nievas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> There's a course in the University of Granada (Spain) about Django and
> Web 2.0. That's the link with more info about it.
> I think it could be interesting for people in this group

That's great!  :)

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Re: Template widget size

2006-07-29 Thread Steven Armstrong

On 07/28/06 19:20, Nagy Károly wrote:
> Steven Armstrong írta:
>>I've extended some of django's built in model and form fields to accept 
>>an additional kwarg named 'html_attributes'.
>>It works like this:
>>class Whatever(models.Model):
>>   ...
>>   title = models.CharField(maxlength=128,
>> html_attributes={
>>   'size': 15,
>>   'class': 'myCssClass'
>> }
>>   )
>>   content = models.TextField(
>> html_attributes={
>>   'dojoType': 'Editor',
>>   'items': 'formatBlock;textGroup;|;justifyGroup'
>> }
>>   )
>>   ...
>>The fields are then rendered like:
>>>name="title" size="15" value="" maxlength="128" />
>>Not perfect, but works for me.
>>I could wrap it up as a patch if someone's interested.
> I do. Backward compatible and does not hurt nobody(?).
> That is perfect for me Steve, if you share i'll thank you.
> Charlie.

Hi Charlie

Instead of writing a patch, I've extended/wrapped djangos model and form 
fields. This way you can update django without having to reapply patches.

You can find the code and instructions under [1].

Just for the record. I'm totally with Malcolm that this is not a pretty 
solution and that in time there must be a better way.



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Preview updates from auto-admin(?)

2006-07-29 Thread ToddG

Hi all-

Is there any way to preview updates in the auto-admin? From what I can
tell the answer is "no".

The use case I'm referring to is say an editor needs to update
information on the "contact us" page, which is already published, and
they want to make sure they got their formatting and HTML correct. It'd
be real handy to have a "Preview" button that would show what the
update will look like in context. "View on site" will use the current
(not yet updated) info so that won't reflect pending changes.

Is jamming in another form submit button which POSTs to a custom view a
sensible approach to try to add this functionality?


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Re: Filter objects spanning two relations

2006-07-29 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On 7/30/06, Maciej Bliziński <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'd like to find all the documents that are related to a specific newtag. To reach the new tags, I need to pass old tags first, do I'd expectto use something like this:>>> Document.objects.filter
(oldtags__newtags__content = 'popcorn')But it doesn't work:TypeError: Cannot resolve keyword 'newtags' into fieldWhat you want here is:  >>> Document.objects.filter(oldtags__newtag__content = 'popcorn')
(i.e., newtag, not newtags)The reason for this is the related name for the m2m objects.Document literally has an oldtags field, so the first query term uses the name defined in the model. This puts the qeury context in the OldTag table.
The OldTag table is the 'remote' end of both m2m fields, so it gets m2m descriptors added automatically, using default names - in this case 'newtag_set' and 'document_set'. If you want to query over these fields, you omit the '_set' part of the default name (hence, oldtags__newtag__).
Alternatively, if you changed your model to define 'related_name's for the m2m fields:class NewTag(models.Model):   content = models.TextField()   oldtags = models.ManyToManyField(OldTag, related_name='newtags')
class Document(models.Model):    content = models.TextField()    oldtags = models.ManyToManyField(OldTag, related_name='documents')The descriptor and the query term use the same keyword - OldTags.newtags
 will be descriptor for the set of related new tags, and your original query:>>> Document.objects.filter(oldtags__newtags__content = 'popcorn')
Will work as you expected - the query term looks for the explicitly defined related name, rather than the default name.Hope this helps,Yours,Russ Magee %-)
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ANN: Django 0.95 released

2006-07-29 Thread Adrian Holovaty

Hi all,

We've packaged and released Django version 0.95, which packages all of
the significant advances in Django development since the 0.91 release
in January 2006.

For more information see these two documents:

Thanks to all the great people who made this possible!


Adrian Holovaty |

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Accessing debug items in a template

2006-07-29 Thread skullvulture

My first task with Django now that I've got it set up on on dreamhost
account and have gone throught the tutorial is to take one my my basic
HTML sites and transfer it into Django templates.

 All my templates look good, written the urlconf, my views, and got all
my images and css into my media folder. The only thing I have left to
do is get my base.html template to do a bit of logic to determine what
class to assign my  tags in my nav bar for the 'you are hear

I want to do:


SCRIPT_URL is an item that print with debug when I add {% debug
%}, and it's value is '/home/ when I'm on the home page.  However,
I can't access the value of that variable.

Is there a way to refer to items within debug?  Or is there a better
way to do this that I'm overlooking?

Sorry for the newbie question, but I'd really appreciate any help.

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Simplifying template?

2006-07-29 Thread Todd O'Bryan

Is there any way to make the following any simpler? It's inside  
another {% for ... %}, so the ugliness is particularly jarring.

{% for t in s.teachers %}
{{ t.userinfo.informal_name }}{% if not forloop.last %}}; {{% endif %}}
{% endfor %}

It's roughly the equivalent of

{{ s.teachers|join:"; " }}

except that I need those extra functions called on each element.

I have to either write my own filter or template, don't I? :-(


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Re: ifequal template problem

2006-07-29 Thread can xiang

Hi, carlos

I just come across the same problem with ifequal and bring into the same  
solution with yours that I think is silly too.

I just want to convert the auto-generated id into string to have a simple  
correct ifequal test. I simply can not convert strings into integer  
because strings just flexible than int do in object lookup.

My problem is I have a lot of model needs this dirty thing so what would I  
do:) Hope we can find better ways.

在 Tue, 18 Jul 2006 17:03:24 +0800,Carlos Yoder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> OK, I fixed it, by defining a 'computed' method that returns the int
> value in str form. So silly!
>   def prva_registracija_mm_str (self):
>   return str(self.prva_registracija_mm)
> Ohwell :-)
> On 7/17/06, Carlos Yoder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Forgot to say, I have the same logic working with no problem, but for
>> a CharField, so this issue must be related to the field's datatype...
>> On 7/17/06, Carlos Yoder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Hello there,
>> >
>> > I'm using a object_detail generic view to display some data. One of
>> > the object's fields is an IntegerField, with choices limited to
>> > MONTHS, a tuple of tuples mapping the values.
>> >
>> > Now, on the template I want to expand the stored values to the
>> > 'human_readable' val, using somehting like:
>> >
>> > 
>> > Prva registracija:
>> > 
>> > {% for data in MONTHS.items %}
>> > {% ifequal data.0 object.prva_registracija_mm %}
>> > {{ data.1 }}
>> > {% else%}
>> > debug: {{ data.0}} is not equal to  
>> {{ object.prva_registracija_mm }} 
>> > {% endifequal %}
>> > {% endfor %}
>> >  
>> {{ object.prva_registracija_mm}}.{{ object.prva_registracija_}}
>> > 
>> >
>> > The dictionary arrives correctly at the template via this code:
>> >
>> > (r'^(?P\d+)/$',
>> > 'django.views.generic.list_detail.object_detail',
>> > dict(info_dict, extra_context={'MONTHS': dict(MONTHS) })),
>> >
>> > ...and everything seems to be fine. When I run the template on the
>> > browser, the stored value (an integer 2) never matches what I suppose
>> > is a string '2'.
>> >
>> > How should I convert this to same datatypes? I'm sure this is a very
>> > common task (expanding admin choices), isn't it?
>> >
>> > Best regards and big thanks,
>> >
>> > --
>> > Carlos Yoder
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Carlos Yoder

~~~can xiang~~~

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filters in admin

2006-07-29 Thread jws

Is it currently possible to create filters in the admin interface that
limit the displayed itemsby a criteria applied to a datefield?

As an example, if a user model has datefields to indicate start and end
dates of their site membership, I'd like to create a filter to only
show  'current members'. The actual criteria would be where the end
date of their membership > today.

I suppose more generally, it would be nice to be able to create any
sort of filter that could be described using the database API.

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Req HR/SAP/SysAna/SAP/J2EEConst/JAVADev/Tech Fac/CustSupp/SerSour/TrnMgr/BussAna/SoftProdPromo/WritingTechDocu/AccoutAstt....

2006-07-29 Thread

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2006-07-29 Thread Vance Dubberly
postgresql_psycopg2Yes I found it. Yes I know it's not supported . But could somebody tell me how to tell it to shut up? My eyes are bleeding! :)  The debug output is just a little overwhelming and quite useless unless you are the module developer. Is there switch somewhere I could flip without shutting off debugging for everything?

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Re: ANN: Django 0.95 released

2006-07-29 Thread Isaac Sparrow

We doubted the 0.95 release would happen this week when you mentioned
it at the Django meet and greet at OSCON. Guess you were right :)

Great work!


On 7/29/06, Adrian Holovaty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We've packaged and released Django version 0.95, which packages all of
> the significant advances in Django development since the 0.91 release
> in January 2006.
> For more information see these two documents:
> Thanks to all the great people who made this possible!
> Adrian
> --
> Adrian Holovaty
> |
> >

Random Geek Stuff:

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