form_for_model and hidden foreign key?

2007-02-21 Thread dballanc

Please forgive me if this is a stupid question, but I haven't been
able to find a good answer searching!  Doesn't help that I'm only a
few weeks acquainted  with both both Django and Python.  I'm
definitely liking it so far.

Anyway, I've got a custom user model with several required foreign
keys.  I need to have a form that only displays a subset of the model
fields, and the required keys are not in this subset!  That leads to
problems with trying to save the form generated by form_for_model().

class CustomUser(model.Models)
client = models.ForeignKey(Client)
agent = models.ForeignKey(Agent)
type = models.ForeignKey(LeadType,null=True)
site = models.ForeignKey(ClientSite,null=True)
firstname = models.CharField(blank=True, maxlength=64)
lastname = models.CharField(blank=True, maxlength=64)
email = models.CharField(blank=True, maxlength=64)
phone = models.CharField(blank=True, maxlength=12)

 then in the view I've got 

def CustomUser_callback(form, **kwargs):
display_fields = ('firstname', 'lastname', 'email', 'phone')
if in display_fields:
return form.formfield(**kwargs)
return None

RegistrationForm = forms.form_for_model(CustomUser,
myform = RegistrationForm(request.POST) # This won't work because the required foreign keys
client, and agent are not set

The form display is exactly what I need, showing only the fields
listed in display_fields, but I can't figure out how I should specify
the client and agent keys (which are known to the view) to allow the
form to save.

I thought about creating a CustomUser(), setting the fields and just
using the model to save... but it just doesn't seem like that should
be the 'right' way, even if it works.  Any pointers or suggestions
would be most appreciated.

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Re: my problem from HELL: Pleas help me out on this

2007-02-21 Thread James Bennett

On 2/21/07, enquest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It seems as soon I import "from bar.models import Test" do then this
> class will not show up in the the ADMIN. I restarted apache 100 time,
> changed the code 100 times to figure out. Tryied everthing. But as soon
> as I do an "import Test" for example the admin wont show it!!!

Are these models in different apps? In two files in the same app?

If they're in different apps, are both of those in the INSTALLED_APPS
setting, and are you certain the DB tables have been created for them?

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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MultiWidget subclass not calling compress

2007-02-21 Thread Justin Findlay

I have a simple MultiValueField and MultiWidget (that I modified from
this example

from django import newforms as forms

class ContactWidget(forms.MultiWidget):
  def __init__(self,attrs=None,contact_types=()):
widgets =
  def decompress(self,value):
if value:
  return value.split('__')
return ['','']

class ContactField(forms.MultiValueField):
fields = (forms.ChoiceField(),forms.CharField(max_length=35))
widget = ContactWidget(contact_types=contact_types)
  def compress(self,data_list):
if data_list:
  return '__'.join(data_list)
return None

contact_choices = ['Office Phone','Home Phone','Cell
contact_pairs = [(c,c) for c in contact_choices]

class ContactForm(forms.Form):
  custom_field =

But when I use ContactForm to validate some data the decompress method
of ContactWidget doesn't get called, neither does commenting out
ContactWidget's decompress method raise the NotImplementedError in /
usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/newforms/widgets.MultiWidget as
I would expect.

>>> d = {'custom_field':'Office Phone__1234567890','submit':'submit'}
>>> cf = ContactForm(d)
>>> cf.is_valid()
>>> cf.clean_data
{'custom_field': u'__'}

What have I done wrong?


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my problem from HELL: Pleas help me out on this

2007-02-21 Thread enquest

I have two models for testing purpose... I realy need to solve this
problem. If not I will have to stop using Django what would be a pitty.
But I can't spend an other day searching This problem occurs on a
Debian apache2 server (fresh install)

model 1
from django.db import models
from bar.models import Test
# Create your models here.

class Foo(models.Model):
test = models.CharField(maxlength=40)
what = models.CharField(maxlength=10)
bar = models.ForeignKey(Test)
def __str__(self):
return self.test
class Admin:

model 2
from django.db import models
# Create your models here.

class Test(models.Model):
foos = models.CharField(maxlength=40)
bars = models.CharField(maxlength=10)
def __str__(self):
return self.foos
class Admin:

It seems as soon I import "from bar.models import Test" do then this
class will not show up in the the ADMIN. I restarted apache 100 time,
changed the code 100 times to figure out. Tryied everthing. But as soon
as I do an "import Test" for example the admin wont show it!!!

On the IRC channel they can't help. So my last hope is this mailing
list... Maybe somebody here can help me

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Re: Postgre and mysql

2007-02-21 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves

On 21-Feb-07, at 11:51 PM, James Bennett wrote:

> consumer-level hosting plans, and tends to have more "friendly"
> administration features (e.g., web-based control panels for managing a
> database).

for those who *must* go the gui/web way there is pgadmin and phgpgadmin



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Re: Question about queries

2007-02-21 Thread SmileyChris

Hi Josh,

  prev = album.photo_set.filter(id__lt=).order_by('-id')[:

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Changing Default Type For OneToOneField

2007-02-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I'm just learning Django, so I apologize in advance for what may be a
remedial question, but here goes:

I created two models.  In the first, I defined the Primary Key to be a
60 character CharField into which I'm putting a UUID (uuid.uuid4(), to
be specific).

In the second model, I created a OneToOneField that linked back to the
first model.

When Django auto generated the sql for the second table, the primary/
foreign key column it created was of type Integer.  That's a type
mismatch with the primary key field in the first table.

I overcame this by editing the SQL before running it, but syncdb
doesn't work, and it's an added step I have to remember to do

Is there a way to tell OneToOneField that it should be creating a 60ch
CharField instead of an Integer field?


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Question about queries

2007-02-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've been struggling with a problem recently and since I'm not a
programmer, I feel like I'm beating my head against a wall.  I have a
Django app that will act as a photo gallery for photos I've taken over
the years and I've organized those photos into albums.  I have a page
that lists all the pictures from a particular album and a page that
allows you to view a single photo from that album.  To the left of
that photo is a thumbnail of the photo immediately before the current
photo and to the right is the photo that comes next.  The problem I'm
having is targeting the record immediately before the current record.
I've been able to successfully target the next record by doing
something like this:

  slug = 
  photo_id = 

  album = Album.objects.get(slug=slug)
  next = album.photo_set.filter(id__gt=)[:1]

In order to get to the previous I've used the following:

  prev = album.photo_set.filter(id__lt=)[:1]

But alas, this returns the first record encountered that is less than
the supplied 'id'.  This would inevitably be the first photo in the
album.  Does anyone have any ideas?  Thanks in advance.


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Re: error in SQL syntax for allow_empty=True in

2007-02-21 Thread abe

thanks, that patch solved it.


On Feb 21, 4:52 pm, Michael Radziej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> abe:
> > I'm trying to call object_list in
> > django/views/generic/
> > with allow_empty=True
> > but if I use {{object_list.count}} in a template I get the following
> > error:
> >  (1064, "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
> > corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
> > near 'count,1' at line 1")
> > the generated sql looks like:
> > `db_tmpcompound`.`id`,`db_tmpcompound`.`name`,`db_tmpcompound`.`mol_weight`
> > FROM `db_tmpcompound`
> > WHERE ((`db_tmpcompound`.`db_nr` < 5))
> > ORDER BY `db_tmpcompound`.`db_nr` ASC LIMIT count,1
> See this ticket:
> Michael
> --
> noris network AG - Deutschherrnstraße 15-19 - D-90429 Nürnberg -
> Tel +49-911-9352-0 - Fax +49-911-9352-100 The 
> IT-Outsourcing Company
> Vorstand: Ingo Kraupa (Vorsitzender), Joachim Astel, Hansjochen Klenk -
> Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Stefan Schnabel - AG Nürnberg HRB 17689

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Created pluggable board and wiki applications

2007-02-21 Thread kahless


Since i haven't found any existing board / wiki applications which
would fit my needs and are easy enough to integrate into a custom
django project, i have created my own ..
i tried to stick to the
as much as possible.. and i see no reason it wouldn't fit into any
project ..

i have created a site (which .. of course uses
exactly this wiki and board) describing it's functionality and how to
use it - .. i've
released it under the BSD license .. so if anyone is interested feel
free to download the code and try it out..
Although it does not provide full functionality yet you would expect
from a wiki / board (especially user permission handling is very
minimal yet) .. it is still quite useful imho..

Please let me know what you think ..

thx & cu,
  Herbert Poul

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newforms question: select widget

2007-02-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I just want to render a formfield as a select field without having to
create a Form class.

Why does this not work?

from django import newforms as forms
ConfForm = forms.models.form_for_model(Conference)
form = ConfForm()
choices = (
day_of_week = forms.Select('day_of_week')

exceptions.ValueErrorTraceback (most
recent call last)


ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is

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Re: Postgre and mysql

2007-02-21 Thread James Bennett

On 2/21/07, Grupo Django <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello, I want to know which of these two databases are prefered by
> django. I can choose and I'd like to know if there is some differences
> in performance or integration (like foreign keys).
> If someone knows a comparative between both of them it would be good,
> not only about django integration but about everything.

Objectively, Postgres supports more SQL features than MySQL, and
generally has better data integrity features (MySQL's default table
type, for example, doesn't "really" enforce foreign key integrity).
MySQL tends to be faster with large numbers of small queries, but
Postgres tends to do better with more complex things and also seems to
scale better on multi-core systems.

MySQL, on the other hand, tends to be more widely supported on
consumer-level hosting plans, and tends to have more "friendly"
administration features (e.g., web-based control panels for managing a

Subjectively, I prefer Postgres.

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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Re: podcast-feed

2007-02-21 Thread patrick k.

thanks. that´s exactly what I was looking for.


Am 20.02.2007 um 21:06 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> I did it, but not using the syndication. I just use a generic list
> view and point to a template to build the xml. Not hard at all. Here's
> my template:
> version="2.0">
> Gretsch Pages Radio
> Music from the Gretsch Pages Community description>
>2007 The Gretsch Pages copyright>
> en
> {% for i in object_list|dictsortreversed:"pub_date" %}
> {{i.song_title|escape}} -
> {{i.artist.preferred_name}}
> {{i.song_file}}" type="audio/mpeg" />
> {{i.pub_date}}
> {{i.artist.avatar }}" />
> {% endfor %}
> On Feb 20, 7:46 am, "va:patrick.kranzlmueller"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> has anyone done a podcast-feed (iTunes) using django syndication?
>> I know that it´s possible by changing
>> if somebody has already done it, it´d be great to share the code and/
>> or give some advice.
>> thanks,
>> patrick
> >

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Re: error in SQL syntax for allow_empty=True in

2007-02-21 Thread Michael Radziej

> I'm trying to call object_list in
> django/views/generic/
> with allow_empty=True
> but if I use {{object_list.count}} in a template I get the following
> error:
>  (1064, "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
> corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
> near 'count,1' at line 1")
> the generated sql looks like:
> `db_tmpcompound`.`id`,`db_tmpcompound`.`name`,`db_tmpcompound`.`mol_weight`
> FROM `db_tmpcompound`
> WHERE ((`db_tmpcompound`.`db_nr` < 5))
> ORDER BY `db_tmpcompound`.`db_nr` ASC LIMIT count,1

See this ticket:


noris network AG - Deutschherrnstraße 15-19 - D-90429 Nürnberg -
Tel +49-911-9352-0 - Fax +49-911-9352-100 - The IT-Outsourcing Company

Vorstand: Ingo Kraupa (Vorsitzender), Joachim Astel, Hansjochen Klenk -
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Stefan Schnabel - AG Nürnberg HRB 17689

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Re: Postgre and mysql

2007-02-21 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves

On 21-Feb-07, at 8:06 PM, Grupo Django wrote:

> Hello, I want to know which of these two databases are prefered by
> django. I can choose and I'd like to know if there is some differences
> in performance or integration (like foreign keys).

in brief, postgres tries to be standards compliant - so if you are  
worried about standards ...



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Re: Yet another ManyToMany with "Self" question ...

2007-02-21 Thread ZebZiggle

More on this ... it seems that django adds two entries to the join



added two entries:
id = 7   from = 1to = 2
id = 8   from = 2to = 1

Is this the correct behavior? I would assume only one relationship
should be added (from = 1 to = 2)

Hmm ... looking deeper it seems the answer is in the "symmetrical"
flag ... let me investigate.


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Re: Yet another ManyToMany with "Self" question ...

2007-02-21 Thread ZebZiggle


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Seeking best-practices: modular site hosting multiple URLs

2007-02-21 Thread Sundial Services

I would like to find references to "best practices" regarding the
design of a major site with these characteristics:

(1)  The site will support multiple URLs, which appear visually to be
entirely separate sites but which will share much of the same
implementation.  The "site" module obviously provides the basic
functionality here...  that's a given.

(2)  Each site will offer much the same functionality, that is to say,
the same apps such as shopping-cart, messaging and inventory.  But
once again, each site is visually and functionally distinct.

My particular interest here is:  how the internal directory-structure
(as seen by the developer, not the end-user URIs) and settings can be
most-efficiently set up to maximize code-reuse (cohesion) while
minimizing (or better yet, eliminating) coupling between the sites.

I'm no stranger to Django.

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Re: Postgre and mysql

2007-02-21 Thread Tim Chase

> Hello, I want to know which of these two databases are prefered by
> django. I can choose and I'd like to know if there is some differences
> in performance or integration (like foreign keys).

"PostgreSQL is recommended, because we're PostgreSQL fans, and 
MySQL and SQLite 3 are also supported."

> If someone knows a comparative between both of them it would be good,
> not only about django integration but about everything.

I tend to prefer PostgreSQL because I find it more featureful.  I 
have been stung too many times with MySQL when I reach for a 
particular standard SQL feature only to find it's not there, or 
that I need to upgrade to the bleeding-edge versions to get the 
features I want.  The history I've seen is that

MySQL:  started fast but feature-deficient; added/adding SQL 
features with further releases

PostgreSQL: started quite SQL compliant/feature-rich but was a 
bit slow; grew faster with further releases

There are also administrative issues:  I find MySQL easier to get 
up and running as well as administer.  PostgreSQL has more of an 
"enterprise" feel to it which can be both a blessing and a curse 
(have to start postmaster as a particular postgresql user rather 
than launching as root and then dropping privs).

One might opt to use MySQL or SQLite for development and then 
migrate to MySQL or PostgreSQL.

I've had occasional problems with MySQL corrupting data (usually 
when there's a high-volume of writing to the DB) so that was the 
deciding nudge towards PostgreSQL for anything production.  MySQL 
may have improved since my souring experiences.

Just my $2.0e-2 (USD) from my experiences with both.


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Re: Postgre and mysql

2007-02-21 Thread Sundial Services

The essential differences to consider are (1) transactional support,
and (2) data-types and SQL support.  Both systems can be expected to
deliver comparable performance under ordinary loads.

On Feb 21, 9:36 am, "Grupo Django" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello, I want to know which of these two databases are prefered by
> django. I can choose and I'd like to know if there is some differences
> in performance or integration (like foreign keys).
> If someone knows a comparative between both of them it would be good,
> not only about django integration but about everything.
> Thank you.

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Re: Looking for competent Django Developer mod of Existing Client Database package

2007-02-21 Thread Sundial Services

>From your description, I conclude that your application must be
"generally, in good shape, running okay, and so on."  That now you
simply want it to be extended.  Fortunately for you, the Django
framework makes this a very straightforward process.  (The fact that
one Django installation is now supporting multiple site-addresses is,
of course, a built-in feature of Django.)

The next step would be for you to fully describe what you want changed
about the site, and what you want added.  You might wish to post those
details for all to see so that you won't be bombarded with individual

Clearly, a site-modification is done by first cloning the existing
site (database and executables), removing all "live" customer-
information, particularly financial, and inserting a couple of dummy
entries.  The source-code is checked-in to a revision control system
so that any version of it can be retrieved and so that all changes
made to it during the modification process can be tracked.

If you chose to have Sundial Services perform the work, a blanket
contract called a General Services Agreement (GSA) would be executed,
and under that contract, Task Orders would be issued, each of which
describes a well-defined unit of work (large or small), with stated
delivery times and price.  A blanket-retainer maintenance agreement
(covering ongoing attention to the site) is also available.  The
important characteristic is that both parties must have a clear idea
of what is to be done.  (Often, Task Order #1 is the task of mapping-
out the possible future Tasks.)

Mike Robinson :: Chattanooga, TN :: (423) 255-9524 ::

Fantasys wrote:
> Looking for a really competent Django  person to work on an Existing
> Client Database package.

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Postgre and mysql

2007-02-21 Thread Grupo Django

Hello, I want to know which of these two databases are prefered by
django. I can choose and I'd like to know if there is some differences
in performance or integration (like foreign keys).
If someone knows a comparative between both of them it would be good,
not only about django integration but about everything.

Thank you.

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Re: Pro Django: Web Development Done Right

2007-02-21 Thread Trey Darley

Hash: SHA1

Boy, I sure wish I could buy the book already!

- --Trey

Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> On 2/21/07, Jaroslaw Zabiello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have just found "Pro Django: Web Development Done Right" book in
>> Amazon. Is it related with DjangoBook or it is another, different book?
> They are one and the same book. The draft chapters are being published
> online for comment to make the final printed product as good as it can
> be.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)
> > 

- --
Kingfisher Operations - System Administration - Development - Database
Trey Darley - Principal
"Svensson," I say, "kindly remember this most banal of truisms: the most
incredible comedies are written by life."
"My life is more like a railway timetable."
"Just wait till time intervenes. The alchemy of time transforms
everything into comedy. Everything..."
[J. Skvorecky, The Engineer of Human Souls]

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Darwin)


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Re: Pro Django: Web Development Done Right

2007-02-21 Thread Russell Keith-Magee

On 2/21/07, Jaroslaw Zabiello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have just found "Pro Django: Web Development Done Right" book in
> Amazon. Is it related with DjangoBook or it is another, different book?

They are one and the same book. The draft chapters are being published
online for comment to make the final printed product as good as it can

Russ Magee %-)

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Re: Captcha example

2007-02-21 Thread Mike

Hi Joe,

Thanks for taking the time to respond--that makes sense to me.

I had to go all the way to Poland but finally found a working code
example (Dziękuję!). Here's the link in case it's helpful for someone

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Re: Newforms: Setting field width?

2007-02-21 Thread ScottB

> All my form elements on a newforms form are rather tiny. Is there any
> way to specify the width of these fields?

By default no length is specified for inputs, so they will be whatever
size the browser defaults to.

It's not the prettiest, but if you specify the widget to use, you can
set attributes for that widget, such as "size" for a TextInput.

class SignupForm(forms.Form):
username = forms.CharField(widget=widgets.TextInput(attrs={'size':

Another way would be to set the sizes using css.

#myform input { width: 100em; }


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Pro Django: Web Development Done Right

2007-02-21 Thread Jaroslaw Zabiello

I have just found "Pro Django: Web Development Done Right" book in
Amazon. Is it related with DjangoBook or it is another, different book?

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Pro Django: Web Development Done Right

2007-02-21 Thread Jaroslaw Zabiello

I have just found "Pro Django: Web Development Done Right" book in
Amazon. Is it related with DjangoBook or it is another, different book?

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ImageField and adding username to the path

2007-02-21 Thread Benedict Verheyen


in my application, i want to enable the users to upload pics.
These pictures are thus linked to the user.
I want to reflect that on a filesystem bases by saving the pics
in a directory that also has the authenticated user.

Getting the authenticated user isn't a problem, customizing the path is.
In my model i have this code:

IMAGE_PATH = "img/_USER_/icons/"

class Icon(models.Model):
image = models.ImageField(upload_to=IMAGE_PATH, blank=True,
help_text="Maximum 100px by 100px, 50 kb")
def save(self):
self.user = threadlocals.get_current_user()
if ( self.image ):
self.image = self.image.replace("_USER_",str(self.user))

However this doesn't change the image path and it's still saved in
img/_USR_/icons/ instead of img//icons.
This is confirmed by self.get_image_url()

How can i get the _USER_ replaced by the username?


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cant get date js thingie using form_for_model

2007-02-21 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves


i was using form_for_model and it worked great - only thing, I didnt  
get the fancy date entry js thingie like in admin. What do I need to  
do to get that?


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