Re: django images nginx and authentication

2009-10-15 Thread Graham Dumpleton

On Oct 15, 9:41 pm, ReneMarxis  wrote:
> Hello
> i'm faceing the following problem: i have some application for
> creating image galleries (upload/change...).
> Till now the images are served by an nginx webserver (and are
> therefore open to everyone). The django app is running in apache with
> wsgi.
> My problem is i need to restrict the image delivery only to persons
> that are authorized to watch the images. Best would be to include
> djangos authentication with nginx.
> Is there any way to accomplish this or any other hints?

If you are using nginx as a front end proxy to Django application
running in Apache/mod_wsgi, then have Django return X-Accel-Redirect
header with location of static file as hosted by nginx. Then setup
nginx with private URL namespace mapping to files. The X-Accel-
Redirect will be allowed to access those private files but not direct
requests to nginx.

In other words, Django authenticates user and if allowed to access
file, sends back that header to have nginx serve it up.

Because Django is serving up the files direct, this will actually be
quite efficient.

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Re: django images nginx and authentication

2009-10-15 Thread ReneMarxis

Many thanks.

i will try that out. But sounds to be a good solution :)

On 15 Okt., 15:00, tback  wrote:
> Hi Rene,
> look at this: I personally use
> lighttpd and mod_secdownload and googled the above.
> It works like this:
> Your django application and your image server(s) share a secret.
> Your application takes the secret, the url and a timestamp to
> generate a new url consisting of the original url, the timestamp and
> a hash value.
> The image server than takes his secret, the timestamp and the url
> to calculate the hash. If the timestamp is not older than your
> specified period and the hash matches the submitted hash the user
> is allowed to download the image.
> cheers tback
> On Oct 15, 12:41 pm, ReneMarxis  wrote:
> > Hello
> > i'm faceing the following problem: i have some application for
> > creating image galleries (upload/change...).
> > Till now the images are served by an nginx webserver (and are
> > therefore open to everyone). The django app is running in apache with
> > wsgi.
> > My problem is i need to restrict the image delivery only to persons
> > that are authorized to watch the images. Best would be to include
> > djangos authentication with nginx.
> > Is there any way to accomplish this or any other hints?
> > _thanks rene
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Re: invalid sytax when naming url

2009-10-15 Thread Adam Olsen

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 10:14 PM, David  wrote:
> I can't figure out why this is invalid syntax...

You can't pass a keyword argument to a tuple.  It should read:

url(r'^$', object_list, list_args, name='list'),

Adam Olsen

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Re: Converting namespaces to dictionaries for use in template context processors ...

2009-10-15 Thread jc

Hey, so to follow up ... I wrote my own that seems to do the trick, my
little project here is called Tycho, so the Tycho.globals.Config
contains the stuff mentioned in my previous email:

# #
# all Tycho context processors:
import Tycho.globals.Config
import types, copy

def config(request):
# convert Config and it's subclasses to nested dicts:
configs_dict = { }
filternames = (dir(__builtins__), '__module__', '__file__')

def isconfig(e):
if isinstance(e, types.IntType) or   \
   isinstance(e, types.LongType) or  \
   isinstance(e, types.FloatType) or \
   isinstance(e, types.StringType):
return True
return False

def convert(e):
edict = { }

for n in filter( lambda x: x not in filternames, dir(e) ):
if isinstance(getattr(e, n), types.ClassType):
edict[n] = convert( getattr(e, n) )
elif isconfig(getattr(e, n)) and \
   n not in filternames:
   edict[n] = copy.copy(getattr(e, n))
return edict

return convert(Tycho.globals.Config)

if __name__ == '__main__':
# simple dispatch:
print str( config(None) )


... seems to do the trick.


On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 8:55 PM, jc  wrote:
> Hey Django users,
> So I've got a python file in my django app that I'm using to store some 
> configs in (to be global across several django apps), it's basically looks 
> something like this:
> [ -- Contents of -- ]
> VERSION = '0.1'
> MEDIA_PREFIX = '/usr/local/dev-www/m/'
> [ .. etc ...]
> class u:
>     "place to put user/login-specific configurations"
>     MAX_LENGTH  = 64
>     PASS_MIN_LENGTH = 10
> [ ... and some other classes with the same sort of thing too ...]
> Within views themselves, these are easy to access, e.g., 
> Configs.u.MAX_LENGTH, but I'd like be able to easily pass EVERYTHING here to 
> templates.
> So I'm wondering ... is there some easy/prescribed way (perhaps provided by 
> django itsself) to be able to turn this into a set of nested dictionaries for 
> use by a context processor?  So for example, I'd like to effectively end up 
> with:
>    render_to_response('stuff.html',
>     {
>  'config' : {
>       'VERSION' : '0.1'
>   'MEDIA_PREFIX' : '/usr/local/dev-www/m/'
>   # ... etc ...
>              }
>     })
> Thanks!
> -John

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invalid sytax when naming url

2009-10-15 Thread David

I can't figure out why this is invalid syntax...

Here is my code:
from cube.books.models import Listing
from django.contrib import admin
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from django.views.generic.simple import direct_to_template
from django.views.generic.list_detail import object_list


list_args = {
'queryset' : Listing.objects.all(),

urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^$', object_list, list_args, name='list'),
(r'^help/', direct_to_template, {'template' : 'help.html'}),

(r'^admin/doc/', include('django.contrib.admindocs.urls')),

And My Error:

('invalid syntax', ('/home/david/project/cube/', 15, 41,
"(r'^$', object_list, list_args, name='list'),\n"))

File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/django/core/handlers/"
in get_response
  77. request.path_info)
File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/django/core/"
in resolve
  179. for pattern in self.urlconf_module.urlpatterns:
File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/django/core/"
in _get_urlconf_module
  198. self._urlconf_module = __import__
(self.urlconf_name, {}, {}, [''])

Any help? thanks

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Converting namespaces to dictionaries for use in template context processors ...

2009-10-15 Thread jc
Hey Django users,

So I've got a python file in my django app that I'm using to store some
configs in (to be global across several django apps), it's basically looks
something like this:

[ -- Contents of -- ]
VERSION = '0.1'
MEDIA_PREFIX = '/usr/local/dev-www/m/'
[ .. etc ...]

class u:
"place to put user/login-specific configurations"

[ ... and some other classes with the same sort of thing too ...]

Within views themselves, these are easy to access, e.g.,
Configs.u.MAX_LENGTH, but I'd like be able to easily pass EVERYTHING here to

So I'm wondering ... is there some easy/prescribed way (perhaps provided by
django itsself) to be able to turn this into a set of nested dictionaries
for use by a context processor?  So for example, I'd like to effectively end
up with:

 'config' : {
  'VERSION' : '0.1'
  'MEDIA_PREFIX' : '/usr/local/dev-www/m/'
  # ... etc ...



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Re: Upload Progress Bar

2009-10-15 Thread mattimck

Well, John at fariviewcomputing ended up helping me out (Thanks again
John!), and it all works fine now. Turns out nginx was grabbing the
files during the upload, and only handing them to Apache at the end,
so the progress bar didn't work. I took nginx out of the equation and
it works great now.

On Oct 15, 1:01 pm, mattimck  wrote:
> Sorry to drag up a really old topic, but I am having the same issue as
> Pawel on the thread 
> at
> I've responded to that thread, but my message didn't seem to come up.
> So, I apologise if this ends up here twice.
> Is Pawel still around? Was anyone able to help solve this problem? If
> not, could anyone help?
> The basic question is that he was (as am I) trying to implement a
> version of the upload progress bar 
> from
> All seems to be working ok (no errors from Django, and the empty
> progress bar displays for a while during upload), except that the bar
> doesn't move, and Javascript keeps returning "upload is null".
> I'm also getting the same value "null" being returned from the
> upload_progress view in Django (which in turn is what the JS is
> receiving at each interval it checks the view), although i'm using a
> slightly different setup than Pawel (mod_wsgi instead of mod_python,
> and jQuery instead of YUI).
> Any help would be massively and hugely appreciated.
> -Matt
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Re: Running Tornado instead of modwsgi apache

2009-10-15 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves

On Friday 16 Oct 2009 8:10:08 am wrote:
> Blog post with tornado setup? :)

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Re: Running Tornado instead of modwsgi apache

2009-10-15 Thread
Blog post with tornado setup? :)
Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:

On Friday 16 Oct 2009 4:16:26 am Graham Dumpleton wrote:

> > > Are you certain that the web server is the performance bottleneck?  In

> > > my experience, it rarely is.

> >

> > That argument aside, can we get an answer?


> But what he states is very important and shouldn't just be ignored.


> Now, I am sure someone will respond about Tornado, but have you even

> made an attempt to tune your Apache/mod_wsgi installation?


> Also be aware that the Tornado benchmarks are quite misleading.

> Although they given an impression that it runs up to 4 times quicker

> than Apache/mod_wsgi that is not actually true and it certainly

> doesn't mean your full application stack is magically going to run 4

> times quicker.

my two paise: I run a VPS with 5 django sites on it. RAM is 256. I was using 

more or less untweaked apache with mod_python. The only tweaking done was 

playing around a bit with prefork settings. Now the sites there are extremely 

low volume - if any of them get more than 10 visitors a day it is some thing 

to celebrate. But even at this volume, pages (simple pages) were taking upto 2 

minutes to load. And once or twice when there were more than a 100 visitors to 

one site, the server would freeze. Top would show several apache instances 

hogging most of the memory. I shifted to nginx/tornado. No tweaking here. Just 

the default install. Page loads are under a couple of seconds (compared to 

minutes). The processes do not even show up in the top part of top. There fore 

my take is: for the low end of the market, the bottleneck is RAM and the 

webserver. At this end of the market there is not much point in spending time 

tweaking apache when much better performance can be expected without spending 

much time with nginx/tornado. My experience in another server shows that this 

is at least twice as fast as apache/mod_wsgi. I repeat - this is my experience 

for low end of the market. And my experience is empirical.




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Re: Deadlock detected

2009-10-15 Thread Christophe Pettus

On Oct 15, 2009, at 8:01 AM, Szymon wrote:
> CONTEXT:  SQL statement "SELECT 1 FROM ONLY "public"."postac_postacie"
> x WHERE "id" OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) $1 FOR SHARE OF x"

What this is doing is acquiring a shared lock on the row where id = $1  
(the parameter) on table postas_postacie (you probably could figure  
this out); this corresponds to application Postac, model class  
Postacie.  I'd examine the use cases of those models to see if  
different view methods are acquiring locks in a different order and  
creating a circular dependency.

-- Christophe Pettus

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Re: Running Tornado instead of modwsgi apache

2009-10-15 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves

On Friday 16 Oct 2009 4:16:26 am Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> > > Are you certain that the web server is the performance bottleneck?  In
> > > my experience, it rarely is.
> >
> > That argument aside, can we get an answer?
> But what he states is very important and shouldn't just be ignored.
> Now, I am sure someone will respond about Tornado, but have you even
> made an attempt to tune your Apache/mod_wsgi installation?
> Also be aware that the Tornado benchmarks are quite misleading.
> Although they given an impression that it runs up to 4 times quicker
> than Apache/mod_wsgi that is not actually true and it certainly
> doesn't mean your full application stack is magically going to run 4
> times quicker.

my two paise: I run a VPS with 5 django sites on it. RAM is 256. I was using 
more or less untweaked apache with mod_python. The only tweaking done was 
playing around a bit with prefork settings. Now the sites there are extremely 
low volume - if any of them get more than 10 visitors a day it is some thing 
to celebrate. But even at this volume, pages (simple pages) were taking upto 2 
minutes to load. And once or twice when there were more than a 100 visitors to 
one site, the server would freeze. Top would show several apache instances 
hogging most of the memory. I shifted to nginx/tornado. No tweaking here. Just 
the default install. Page loads are under a couple of seconds (compared to 
minutes). The processes do not even show up in the top part of top. There fore 
my take is: for the low end of the market, the bottleneck is RAM and the 
webserver. At this end of the market there is not much point in spending time 
tweaking apache when much better performance can be expected without spending 
much time with nginx/tornado. My experience in another server shows that this 
is at least twice as fast as apache/mod_wsgi. I repeat - this is my experience 
for low end of the market. And my experience is empirical.

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Re: Middleware to replace @login_required SOLVED, + PCI Compliance

2009-10-15 Thread Shawn Milochik


Thanks for the feedback. I did create my own middleware, and it was
ridiculously simple.
I just looked at the django.middleware files and saw how easy it was.

I only had to make exceptions for the pages pertaining to resetting a forgotten
password (from django.contrib.auth.views) and the login page.

I put them in the same middleware, because it was so simple. I would tend
to agree that they should be separate, except that they're each handling one
end of an 'if' block (logged in or not), and it might actually make
more sense to
the maintenance programmer to have them together.

For the curious, here's my code. Also, for the wise and helpful who
might find fatal flaws and will help me correct them:

Incidentally, this is part of a larger effort to make contrib.auth
PCI compliant. Since this was the last step in that effort, I'm planning
to write up the whole thing, since I asked about how to do it and didn't
get any answers.

PCI compliance requires password expiration after 90 days (max), a minimum
password length, letters and numbers in the password, and disallowing users
to re-use old passwords for a minimum of the four most recently used.


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Re: Running Tornado instead of modwsgi apache

2009-10-15 Thread Graham Dumpleton

On Oct 16, 10:21 am, Antoni Aloy  wrote:
> 2009/10/16 Graham Dumpleton :
> > On Oct 16, 4:59 am, Ramdas S  wrote:
> >> On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 11:11 PM, Christophe Pettus 
> >> wrote:
> >> > On Oct 15, 2009, at 10:36 AM, Ramdas S wrote:
> >> > > I am currently running all my sites on modwsgi apache! Though I
> >> > > cannot complain that the performance is bad, I would like to have
> >> > > more.
> >> > Are you certain that the web server is the performance bottleneck?  In
> >> > my experience, it rarely is.
> >> That argument aside, can we get an answer?
> > But what he states is very important and shouldn't just be ignored.
> I agree with Grahan if you're looking for performance first you have
> to look at your own code, tune your database, then your web server and
> then perhaps you have to consider other server options.
> In our case our reason to move from apache+wsgi configuration to a
> ngnix + WSGI CherryPy/Tornado configuration not was performace but
> resources. Even loosing some performance the relation between the
> number of requests per second and the memory and CPU consumed in the
> computer was good enougth to justify the change.

What resources? Often this again comes down to issue of properly
setting up Apache/mod_wsgi.

If resources are limited, eg., memory, you should not for example be
using embedded mode of mod_wsgi or mod_python.


If you configure things properly with Apache/mod_wsgi, there is no
reason why it should be any worse on resources than competing

The problem is that most people just don't have a clue about how to
setup Apache well, or don't actually even investigate how Apache/
mod_wsgi can be reconfigured to address such issues. Documentation is
only useful when people read it. Mailing lists are also only useful if
you actually go asking how to do things when you don't understand.

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Re: When would you use Context instead of RequestContext?

2009-10-15 Thread ringemup

You have a point.  Then again, Django does have a wiki, which is a
good place for suggestions to be annotated with a discussion of the
pros and cons of a particular approach.

On Oct 15, 6:13 pm, bruno desthuilliers
> who is going to decide which are "best" practices ?-)
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Re: Running Tornado instead of modwsgi apache

2009-10-15 Thread Antoni Aloy

2009/10/16 Graham Dumpleton :
> On Oct 16, 4:59 am, Ramdas S  wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 11:11 PM, Christophe Pettus wrote:
>> > On Oct 15, 2009, at 10:36 AM, Ramdas S wrote:
>> > > I am currently running all my sites on modwsgi apache! Though I
>> > > cannot complain that the performance is bad, I would like to have
>> > > more.
>> > Are you certain that the web server is the performance bottleneck?  In
>> > my experience, it rarely is.
>> That argument aside, can we get an answer?
> But what he states is very important and shouldn't just be ignored.

I agree with Grahan if you're looking for performance first you have
to look at your own code, tune your database, then your web server and
then perhaps you have to consider other server options.

In our case our reason to move from apache+wsgi configuration to a
ngnix + WSGI CherryPy/Tornado configuration not was performace but
resources. Even loosing some performance the relation between the
number of requests per second and the memory and CPU consumed in the
computer was good enougth to justify the change.

Antoni Aloy López

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Console output on dev server

2009-10-15 Thread DeeDubb

When running the dev server, it shows a log of everything that happens
(i.e. - GET & POST messages) in the console. Is there anyway to hide
those log messages and only show errors (if they happen)?

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Re: Running Tornado instead of modwsgi apache

2009-10-15 Thread Graham Dumpleton

On Oct 16, 4:59 am, Ramdas S  wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 11:11 PM, Christophe Pettus wrote:
> > On Oct 15, 2009, at 10:36 AM, Ramdas S wrote:
> > > I am currently running all my sites on modwsgi apache! Though I
> > > cannot complain that the performance is bad, I would like to have
> > > more.
> > Are you certain that the web server is the performance bottleneck?  In
> > my experience, it rarely is.
> That argument aside, can we get an answer?

But what he states is very important and shouldn't just be ignored.

Now, I am sure someone will respond about Tornado, but have you even
made an attempt to tune your Apache/mod_wsgi installation?

Also be aware that the Tornado benchmarks are quite misleading.
Although they given an impression that it runs up to 4 times quicker
than Apache/mod_wsgi that is not actually true and it certainly
doesn't mean your full application stack is magically going to run 4
times quicker.

If you compare like applications on top, unlike what they did in
comparing a minimal native hello world program with heavyweight Django
(in comparison), you will get results which are quite similar. On
MacOS X with an untuned Apache installation, Tornado is actually
slower than Apache/mod_wsgi when comparing a Tornado hello world
application with a WSGI hello world application.

That all said, if you still want to believe their slanted benchmarks
then that is fine. Just make sure you are choosing one hosting
mechanism over another based on what you perceive is usability as far
as ease of installation, configuration and management. It is quite
pointless to make decisions on just benchmarks as no single benchmark
will really give you the full picture and as other person pointed out
the web server is usually never the bottleneck.

Thus, chasing better performance, which likely will amount to less
than a few percent difference in the context of the complete
application stack, by shifting to another hosting mechanism is likely
more to just waste time which you could spend on fixing up the
performance of your application and database access.

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Re: How manage (for testserver) fixtures files when use django.contrib.auth

2009-10-15 Thread aa56280

Are you looking for help on creating fixtures? If so, try this:

If you're trying to add users using fixtures, then have a look here:

On Oct 15, 12:18 pm, Jacobian  wrote:
> I find very much, if exists a link with explain could you send me,
> Thanks.
> P.D. Sorry, for my english.
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Customizing form widget

2009-10-15 Thread aa56280

I have a Category and SubCategory model. Each SubCategory belongs to a
Category via a Foreign Key. (So each Category can have many

I have several places throughout my app where I show the list of
SubCategories as part of some ModelForm. It renders like so:

subcategory 1
subcategory 2
subcategory 3

Which is dandy, but I would like to customize this a bit by showing
Categories as well in an , like so:

  subcategory 1
  subcategory 2
  subcategory 3


Any ideas on how I can make that happen? Thanks in advance for any
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Re: When would you use Context instead of RequestContext?

2009-10-15 Thread bruno desthuilliers

On 15 oct, 18:28, ringemup  wrote:
> I don't think I've seen the two-function technique used much, if at
> all.

To be true, I never saw it anywhere except in some of my own code. But
I wish I'd seen it more often... Also and FWIW, the "rendering" part
of the "two-fold" views is easily factorable as an higher order

> I'd certainly find it beneficial if more of the pluggables I use
> took that approach.
> I wonder if a central repository of information about best practices
> would benefit the community?

Probably - but who is going to decide which are "best" practices ?-)

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Re: Can't get css working

2009-10-15 Thread bruno desthuilliers

On 15 oct, 17:44, David  wrote:
> Thank you for the interesting discussion.
> Still, my original problem is bothering me.

The "interesting discussion" was actually a practical example of a
setup that is known to work and really helps avoiding typos.

Did you try to rewrite your code according to this example ? If yes,
and it still fails, please make a tarball of your project and post it
somewhere we can get it.

> Any idea what I could do to narrow it down?

Make sure you have 'DEBUG=True' in your and
"django.core.context_processors.debug" listed in your
TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS, run the dev server and point your browser
to "". You should get a  debug page
telling you whether the 404 comes from the dispatcher not being able
to resolve the url, or if the url was resolved but the file not found.

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Re: Django and SSL Deployment using mod_wsgi

2009-10-15 Thread Vitaly Babiy
Hey take a look at this
Vitaly Babiy

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 5:30 PM, wrote:

> I'm trying to do the same thing but I'm having problems getting nginx
> to server over https. I removed all 443 references for apache and
> added them to my nginx/sites-available/, so I have a
> declaration for static content listening on port 80 and then another
> for ssl on 443. I'm totally new to this so I'm a bit unsure what's
> wrong, do I need to add some WSGI reference to the nginx config, is
> there a ssl mod for nginx I need to enable?
> Thanks,
> Jason
> On Aug 31, 10:39 am, Francis  wrote:
> > We setup aNginxproxy in front ofApache/WSGI and gotNginxto handle
> > theSSLcert and simply pass on a flag to WSGI if the connection was
> > coming through http or https.
> >
> > Next you'll want aSSLmiddleware, we use:
> >
> > Now its a matter of configuring which views you wantSSL(follow
> > example in the middleware)
> >
> > On Aug 28, 11:04 pm, Vitaly Babiy  wrote:
> >
> > > Hey guys,
> > > What is the best way to deploy an app that uses mod_wsgi that some
> parts of
> > > it need to be behindSSL?
> >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Vitaly Babiy
> >

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Re: Django and SSL Deployment using mod_wsgi

2009-10-15 Thread

I'm trying to do the same thing but I'm having problems getting nginx
to server over https. I removed all 443 references for apache and
added them to my nginx/sites-available/, so I have a
declaration for static content listening on port 80 and then another
for ssl on 443. I'm totally new to this so I'm a bit unsure what's
wrong, do I need to add some WSGI reference to the nginx config, is
there a ssl mod for nginx I need to enable?



On Aug 31, 10:39 am, Francis  wrote:
> We setup aNginxproxy in front ofApache/WSGI and gotNginxto handle
> theSSLcert and simply pass on a flag to WSGI if the connection was
> coming through http or https.
> Next you'll want aSSLmiddleware, we 
> use:
> Now its a matter of configuring which views you wantSSL(follow
> example in the middleware)
> On Aug 28, 11:04 pm, Vitaly Babiy  wrote:
> > Hey guys,
> > What is the best way to deploy an app that uses mod_wsgi that some parts of
> > it need to be behindSSL?
> > Thanks,
> > Vitaly Babiy
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InLine Validation

2009-10-15 Thread Jairo R. Peralta

hello, I'm somewhat new to Python->Django and I found a little

-> I have 2 classes <--
PayForm class (models.Model):
 type = models.CharField (max_length = 1, choices =
 weekendDays = models.BooleanField ()
 models.BooleanField holydays = ()
 dateTime = models.DateTimeField (default =
(), editable = False)

DateMother class (datebase):
 day = models.CharField (max_length = 2, choices = DAYMONTH_DAYS)
 month = models.CharField (max_length = 2, choices =
 payform = models.ForeignKey (PayForm, editable = False)

-> Inline <--
PayFormInLine class (admin.TabularInline):
 model = DateMother

-> ModelAdmin <--
PayFormAdmin class (admin.ModelAdmin):
 inlines = [

for example if the form was the following

Type: type1
WeekendDays: yes
Holydays: yes

Day Month
  15, 05
  30, 04
  15, 06

¿I do like to compare the values of Month (moth [0], month [1 ]...) ?

Thank you.

: -( :- ( : -( :- ( : -( :- (  BAD   BAD   BAD : -( :- ( : -( :- ( : -
( :- ( : -( :- ( : -( :- (
DateMotherFormset class (BaseInlineFormSet):

 def clean (self):
 cleaned_data = self.cleaned_data
 self.cleaned_data.get day = (day)
 month = self.cleaned_data.get ( "month")

 count = 0
 for form in self.forms:
 if month [0] == '5 ':
 self._errors [ "month"] [0] = ErrorList ([ 'Error'])

 return cleaned_data
: -( :- ( : -( :- ( : -( :- (  BAD   BAD   BAD : -( :- ( : -( :- ( : -
( :- ( : -( :- ( : -( :- (
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InLine Validation

2009-10-15 Thread Jairo R. Peralta

hola, soy algo nuevo en Python-Django y me he encontrado con un
pequeño problema.

-> tengo 2 clases <-

class PayForm(models.Model):
type = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=PAYFORMS_TYPES)
weekendDays = models.BooleanField()
holydays = models.BooleanField()
dateTime = models.DateTimeField(,

class DateMother(DateBase):
day = models.CharField(max_length=2, choices=HOLYDAYS_DAYS)
month = models.CharField(max_length=2, choices=HOLYDAYS_MONTHS)
payform = models.ForeignKey(PayForm, editable=False)

-> Inline <-

class PayFormInLine(admin.TabularInline):
model   = DateMother

-> ModelAdmin <-

class PayFormAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [

por ejemplo si el formulario fuera el siguiente

Type: type1
WeekendDays: yes
Holydays: yes

Day  Month
 15,  05
 30,  04
 15,  06

como me hago para comparar los valores de Month(moth[0], month[1]...)


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Re: Can't get css working

2009-10-15 Thread David

thanks for your help!
I just won't get it.
"GET /media_site/style.css HTTP/1.1" 404 2118
is triggered by the link-tag in the template.

After it checks in the The output is the same, whether I have
the "static-stuff" configured or not. So I probabely can't tell
whether the url wasn't found other the problem occured later on.
Later it would try to find the file in the file system, in


On 15 Okt., 21:38, Jim McGaw  wrote:
> Sorry, David, didn't mean to hijack your discussion!
> Looking over your original code, is it possible you need to use the +=
> operator? So, you have your urlpatterns, and then you add one for the
> static media below:
> urlpatterns = pattern('',
>     # patterns for site here
> )
> urlpatterns += patterns(''
>     (r'^media_site/(?P.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',
>         {'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT}),
> )
> This depends on how you have thing set look like you have:
> patterns('', ... etc... ), which won't do anything. You need to add it
> to the urlpatterns variable.
> By the way, breaking it out into two urlpatterns definitions might
> seem silly, but it also allows you to conditionalize the use of local
> static media in DEBUG mode, so it won't be used in production:
> urlpatterns = patterns('',
>    # etc.
> )
> if settings.DEBUG:
>     urlpatterns += patterns(''
>         (r'^media_site/(?P.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',
>             {'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT}),
>     )
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Re: Middleware stored locally

2009-10-15 Thread When ideas fail

I have an, is the path the likely problem or is it something



On 15 Oct, 02:07, BenW  wrote:
> I think every dir on the import path needs and
> On Oct 14, 5:10 pm, When ideas fail  wrote:
> > If i have a lib folder in my app what is the correct way to reference
> > it in
> > I've tried this
> >     'myapp.lib.django_authopenid.middleware.OpenIDMiddleware'
> >    # and
> >   'myapp.django_authopenid.middleware.OpenIDMiddleware'
> > )
> > the file its in is
> > \Apache2.2\myapp\lib\django_authopenid
> > but I get a 500 Internal Server and the error log tells me the
> > following:
> > [Thu Oct 15 00:56:39 2009] [error] [client]     raise
> > exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured, 'Error importing middleware %s: "%s"'
> > % (mw_module, e)
> > [Thu Oct 15 00:56:39 2009] [error] [client]
> > ImproperlyConfigured: Error importing middleware
> > abeona.django_authopenid.middleware: "No module named
> > django_authopenid.middleware"
> > I'd appreciate any help
> > Thanks
> > Andrew
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Re: Can't get css working

2009-10-15 Thread Jim McGaw

Sorry, David, didn't mean to hijack your discussion!

Looking over your original code, is it possible you need to use the +=
operator? So, you have your urlpatterns, and then you add one for the
static media below:

urlpatterns = pattern('',
# patterns for site here

urlpatterns += patterns(''
(r'^media_site/(?P.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',
{'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT}),

This depends on how you have thing set look like you have:

patterns('', ... etc... ), which won't do anything. You need to add it
to the urlpatterns variable.

By the way, breaking it out into two urlpatterns definitions might
seem silly, but it also allows you to conditionalize the use of local
static media in DEBUG mode, so it won't be used in production:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
   # etc.

if settings.DEBUG:
urlpatterns += patterns(''
(r'^media_site/(?P.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',
{'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT}),

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Re: Developer help appreciated: unicode() not returning SafeString correctly - possibly a bug?

2009-10-15 Thread Margie Roginski

Ah - ok, I see!  My knowledge of the unicode area is lacking, so I
hadn't actually realized we were overriding a built-in by defining
__unicode__.  Completely obvious now that you point it out of course.

I don't need to be returning a string instead of unicode.  I just
inadvertantly ended up doing that due to the fact that my widget, in
certain cases, does not need to provide an input and thus was not
calling its super() method. I'm used to using strings rather than
unicode, so the resulting widget was just rendering some html for
display only, and my render() method was returning it as a string
rather than as unicode.  In all other cases where I've done this sort
of thing, I think I at some point ended up concatenating my html onto
the return value of the widget's super() method, or concatenating it
with the return of render_to_string(), and both of those have the
effect of turning it into unicode, so I just never noticed the

So possibly a silly question, but is it considered best practice to
code all strings as unicode as you write them, or is it better to
convert to unicode at the end?  IE

def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
rendered = u' blah blah blah '
rendered += u' blah blah blah '
return mark-safe(rendered)


def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
rendered = ' blah blah blah '
 rendered += ' blah blah blah '
   return mark_safe(unicode(rendered))

Or maybe it doesn't matter at all, just curious if there is some
benefit to one versus the other.

I do recognize that what I'm doing above is ugly and that the html
should  go into the template, and eventually I will move it there.
Sometimes it's just easier to live in python when debugging and not
have the added complexity of the template.

Ok, thanks for your response, that clarified a lot.


On Oct 14, 10:21 pm, Karen Tracey  wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 6:25 PM, Margie Roginski
> wrote:
> > Eventually I end up in the force_unicode() function at code that looks
> > like this:
> > if hasattr(s, '__unicode__'):
> >    s = unicode(s)
> > The call to unicode(s) has resulted in my render function getting
> > called, and as far as I can tell, unicode(s) should simply return the
> > value that my render function returned.  I would expect the resulting
> > 's' to be a SafeString.  However, if I look at the type of s after
> > unicode(s) has been called, it's type is now  rather
> > than 
> Python absolutely positively no exceptions requires that unicode(x) returns
> unicode.  If your implementation of __unicode__ does not return unicode,
> then Python will attempt to coerce it to unicode.  SafeString inherits from
> str, and str is a type that can be coerced to unicode, so that is what
> Python does.  (If an implementation of __unicode__ returns something that is
> neither unicode nor can be coerced to unicode, an exception will be
> raised.)
> > This seems to result in the mark_safe() that I did in my render
> > function not having the intended effect.
> > I have anlayzed this code to death, and I absolutely cannot figure out
> > why the value being returned by my render function would be changing
> > from SafeString to unicode.
> Because Python forces the return value from a unicode() call to be of type
> unicode, so it coerces the SafeString to unicode.
> Note that if in my render() function I have a unicode string rather> than a 
> normal string, I don't see this issue.  I can obviously work
> > around this, but would like to know if this seems like a bug that I
> > should post.  Perhaps it is a python bug even?  That's hard to
> > believe, but I guess it's possible.
> If you call mark_safe on a unicode type, you get SafeUnicode  instead of
> SafeString.  Since SafeUnicode inherits from unicode, no conversion is
> needed and the safeness property is maintained through the calls.  Why do
> you want to be returning strings instead of unicode from your widget's
> render()?
> Karen
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Re: Running Tornado instead of modwsgi apache

2009-10-15 Thread Ramdas S
On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 11:11 PM, Christophe Pettus wrote:

> On Oct 15, 2009, at 10:36 AM, Ramdas S wrote:
> > I am currently running all my sites on modwsgi apache! Though I
> > cannot complain that the performance is bad, I would like to have
> > more.
> Are you certain that the web server is the performance bottleneck?  In
> my experience, it rarely is.

That argument aside, can we get an answer?

> --
> -- Christophe Pettus
> >

Ramdas S
+91 9342 583 065

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Re: Admin Settings

2009-10-15 Thread freeav8r

Creating a function off the model worked great!

--- On Wed, 10/14/09, Bayuadji  wrote:

> From: Bayuadji 
> Subject: Re: Admin Settings
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 11:52 PM
> or create a function that return
> object.foreign_key.field1.
> then use the function in list_display
> cheers.
> -djibon-
> On 10/14/09, justquick 
> wrote:
> >
> > try using 'foreign_key__field1' instead
> >
> > On Oct 14, 12:04 pm, freeav8r 
> wrote:
> >> Is it possible to do something like this:
> >>
> >> class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
> >>     list_display = (‘field1’, field2’,
> ‘foreign_key’,
> >> ‘foreign_key.field1’, foreign_key.field2’,)
> >>
> >>, MyModelAdmin)
> >>
> >> ‘foreign_key’ works just fine, but
> ‘foreign_key.field1’ and
> >> ‘foreign_key.field2’ error out.  Any
> suggestions?
> > >
> >
> -- 
> --
> my linkedin profile :
> --
> > 


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Re: Running Tornado instead of modwsgi apache

2009-10-15 Thread Christophe Pettus

On Oct 15, 2009, at 10:36 AM, Ramdas S wrote:

> I am currently running all my sites on modwsgi apache! Though I  
> cannot complain that the performance is bad, I would like to have  
> more.

Are you certain that the web server is the performance bottleneck?  In  
my experience, it rarely is.

-- Christophe Pettus

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Running Tornado instead of modwsgi apache

2009-10-15 Thread Ramdas S
I am currently running all my sites on modwsgi apache! Though I cannot
complain that the performance is bad, I would like to have more.

I have been reading on the web on different peopl's experience and
suggestions, on migrating to Tornado with Nginx or Lighty serving the static
files I seen both good and bad!

How much of performance gain can you expect? What is the groups official


Ramdas S
+91 9342 583 065

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How manage (for testserver) fixtures files when use django.contrib.auth

2009-10-15 Thread Jacobian

I find very much, if exists a link with explain could you send me,

P.D. Sorry, for my english.

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Re: Middleware to replace @login_required

2009-10-15 Thread Ethan Jucovy
On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Shawn Milochik wrote:

> Middleware question:
> If 100% of an apps views require a logged-in user except for the login
> page, does it makes sense to have middleware check the URL and
> redirect to the login page rather than putting the @login_required
> decorator over all the views?

This is what I do, yeah.  It's a nice way to "decorate" your site when your
auth requirement isn't so fine grained.

We have an AuthRequirementMiddleware that you might find useful -- though it
may be just as easy to rewrite. :)  It lets you specify path prefixes (in that are exempt from the auth check.  It sounds like you might
want to invert that logic.

Forkable trunk:

I have to ensure that users' passwords expire, and to do that I need
> to check the user's profile on each page load and redirect to the
> password change page if it has.
> I tried doing this within a context processor, but redirection doesn't
> work from there. I was told on the IRC channel that I should be using
> middleware.
> If that's the case, doesn't it makes sense to just handle the (nearly
> identical) task of @login_required in the same middleware?

I'd keep them in separate middlewares for cleaner organization and
futureproofing, but YMMV.


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DRY: max length not taken from Model.field when using ModelForm

2009-10-15 Thread Gerard

Hi All,

It seems the max_lenght from the model definition is not respected thoughout 
the form that's created when using Modelform.

 company_name = models.CharField(max_length=75)

Is this correct or am I missing something?
And while violating DRY is the Modelform definition the best place to put this?

It does seem to work for the form fields' label, which is taken from the 
model fields' verbose name.

Thanx for any light on the subject



self.url =

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Re: When would you use Context instead of RequestContext?

2009-10-15 Thread ringemup

I don't think I've seen the two-function technique used much, if at
all.  I'd certainly find it beneficial if more of the pluggables I use
took that approach.

I wonder if a central repository of information about best practices
would benefit the community?

On Oct 15, 3:40 am, bruno desthuilliers
> > Is using RequestContext best practice for apps meant to be pluggable?
> As a general rule, yes. FWIW and while we're at it, another best
> practice for pluggable apps would be, whenever possible, to write "two-
> folds" views - that is, split the view into two functions, one that do
> the job and returns a RequestContext, and the other one - the
> "official" view - that calls on the first and takes of the rendering
> etc.
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Re: Embedding multiple images in html email

2009-10-15 Thread Tim Chase

> Can't you include the link and source within the html code of the email?

The problem then becomes that many email programs no longer 
display remote images inline unless the email comes from a 
trusted source.  It was a popular way to add tracking bugs to 
HTML emails, so MUAs began to disable the functionality.  To get 
around it, you have to include the image in the HTML-email itself 
as a named attachment, and then reference it with  as described at[1]

Don't forget that some folks fly with HTML email turned off or 
from mobile devices that may not support HTML email, so they will 
only see the plain-text version which you'll want to include. 
The images and HTML version will likely appear merely as attachments.



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Middleware to replace @login_required

2009-10-15 Thread Shawn Milochik

Middleware question:

If 100% of an apps views require a logged-in user except for the login
page, does it makes sense to have middleware check the URL and
redirect to the login page rather than putting the @login_required
decorator over all the views?

I have to ensure that users' passwords expire, and to do that I need
to check the user's profile on each page load and redirect to the
password change page if it has.
I tried doing this within a context processor, but redirection doesn't
work from there. I was told on the IRC channel that I should be using

If that's the case, doesn't it makes sense to just handle the (nearly
identical) task of @login_required in the same middleware?


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Re: Embedding multiple images in html email

2009-10-15 Thread Angel Cruz
Can't you include the link and source within the html code of the email?

for example, as a snippet:
html = """\

  blah blah blah;>;



# Record the MIME types of both parts - text/plain and text/html.
part1 = MIMEText(text, 'plain')
part2 = MIMEText(html, 'html')

# Attach parts into message container.
# According to RFC 2046, the last part of a multipart message, in this
# the HTML message, is best and preferred.

s = smtplib.SMTP(blah-blah-whatever-MY_SMTP_SERVER)
# sendmail function takes 3 arguments: sender's address, recipient's
# and message to send - here it is sent as one string.
s.sendmail(me, myRecipient, msg.as_string())

Since it is html, you can embed as many images as you want?

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 5:30 AM, Muhammed Abad wrote:

> As the topic says, can I embed multiple images in an html email
> template so the recipient does not have to download them?
> I know this might be a silly request, but a client has asked me to do
> this for him and Im absolutely stumped.
> The closest to a solution I have come to is this :
> If someone else can get this to work, please let me know.
> Any other solution are welcome.
> Thanks in advance.
> M.
> >

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Re: Can't get css working

2009-10-15 Thread David

Thank you for the interesting discussion.
Still, my original problem is bothering me.
Any idea what I could do to narrow it down?
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Re: Multi-db support

2009-10-15 Thread David De La Harpe Golden

Jeff Bell wrote:

> My problem occurs during larger queries - I get 'Too many connections'
> error.  If I run these queries through django's default manager they
> are handled fine.  Can anyone point me in the right direction, maybe
> the source code where django handles this.  I'm pretty sure I need to
> close the connection in my MultiDBManager but not sure how to
> accomplish this.

If you mean something based on MultiDBManager here:

I think it makes an awful lot of DatabaseWrappers as-is. I _think_ (but
could be wrong), that seriously lowers connection reuse, so you end up
with a lot of dangling connections.

Here's something further pared down I'm currently testing with django
1.1.1 to tide us over until true multi-db for our own simple
multi-postgresql-database case. It "seems to work", though doesn't
address a bunch of stuff true multi-db would cover - I just needed
(okay, wanted) read-only access to an extra database through django orm,
but you could probably add Eric's _insert. I also only use processes not
threads, with mod_wsgi daemon mode.  Doing it this way, you should
probably consider an altconnection1.close() sometimes (it won't happen
implicitly sometimes unlike the main connection), but it's only using
one extra DatabaseWrapper instance per extra database.

from django.conf import settings
from django.db import backend
altconnection1 = backend.DatabaseWrapper(
'DATABASE_NAME': "altdb1",
'TIME_ZONE': settings.TIME_ZONE,

class ExtDBManager(models.Manager):
def __init__(self, connection, *args, **kwargs):
self.connection = connection
super(ExtDBManager, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

def get_query_set(self):
qs = super(ExtDBManager, self).get_query_set()
qs.query.connection = self.connection
return qs

class MyModel1(models.Model):
   class Meta:
   managed = False
   db_table = 'table1'
   objects =  ExtDBManager(altconnection1)

class MyModel2(models.Model):
   class Meta:
   managed = False
   db_table = 'table2'
   objects =  ExtDBManager(altconnection1)

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Deadlock detected

2009-10-15 Thread Szymon


Sometimes Django (on higher loads) throws exception:

TransactionRollbackError: deadlock detected
DETAIL:  Process 58214 waits for ShareLock on transaction 121403425;
blocked by process 58200.
Process 58200 waits for ShareLock on transaction 121403482; blocked by
process 58214.
HINT:  See server log for query details.
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "SELECT 1 FROM ONLY "public"."postac_postacie"
x WHERE "id" OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) $1 FOR SHARE OF x"

Any suggestions? Apache + mod_wsgi + Postgres.
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Cannot create notification records in

2009-10-15 Thread


I'm using django notification. I've installed django-messages, that
tries to add records for into the notification_noticetype table.

Here is the

from django.db.models import get_models, signals
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_noop as _

if "app.notification" in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
from import models

def create_notice_types(app, created_models, verbosity, **kwargs):
notification.create_notice_type("messages_received", _
("Message Received"), _("you have received a message"), default=2)
notification.create_notice_type("messages_sent", _("Message
Sent"), _("you have sent a message"), default=1)
notification.create_notice_type("messages_replied", _("Message
Replied"), _("you have replied to a message"), default=1)
notification.create_notice_type("messages_reply_received", _
("Reply Received"), _("you have received a reply to a message"),
notification.create_notice_type("messages_deleted", _("Message
Deleted"), _("you have deleted a message"), default=1)
notification.create_notice_type("messages_recovered", _
("Message Recovered"), _("you have undeleted a message"), default=1)


print "Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not

Django founds the notification app but it seems that this line

signals.post_syncdb.connect(create_notice_types, sender=notification)

doesn't get executed.

I googled but didn't found anything.
Has anyone ever encountered this issue?

I'm running on Python2.5 and Django 1.1.1

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Re: ModelAdmin.save_model Not being called

2009-10-15 Thread eka

The problem was that I was overriding the save_model method on the
InlineAdmin instead of on the ModelAdmin itself.

Now is being called...

Cheers. and thanks!

On Oct 15, 11:16 am, eka  wrote:
> DR:
> Yes your are right. My bad... still my one is not being called.
> Here is the code:
> class LocatedItemStackedInline(generic.GenericStackedInline):
>     template = "admin/location_app/located_items/stacked.html"
>     model = LocatedItem
>     extra = 1
>     form = MyModelForm
>     raw_id_fields = ('location',)
>     def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
>         import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
>         super(LocatedItemStackedInline, self).save_model(request, obj,
> form, change)
>     def save_form(self, request, form, change):
>         import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
>         super(LocatedItemStackedInline, self).save_form(request, form,
> change)
> On Oct 15, 11:13 am, Daniel Roseman  wrote:
> > On Oct 15, 2:58 pm, eka  wrote:
> > > Hi all
> > > I need to override the ModelAdmin save_model and I found out that is
> > > not being called. I checked the documentation where it says how to use
> > > it and the searched around the code to see if there is a call to that
> > > method and can't find any call to save_model anywhere in all Django
> > > src (versions 1.0 and 1.1).
> > >
> > > Any clue? Is this not implemented? Bug? Or I'm missing something?
> > > Regards
> > > Esteban (eka)
> > I don't know where you're looking, but save_model is called from
> > add_view, change_view and changelist_view in contrib.admin.options.
> > --
> > DR.
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Re: ModelAdmin.save_model Not being called

2009-10-15 Thread eka


Yes your are right. My bad... still my one is not being called.

Here is the code:

class LocatedItemStackedInline(generic.GenericStackedInline):
template = "admin/location_app/located_items/stacked.html"
model = LocatedItem
extra = 1
form = MyModelForm
raw_id_fields = ('location',)

def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
super(LocatedItemStackedInline, self).save_model(request, obj,
form, change)

def save_form(self, request, form, change):
import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
super(LocatedItemStackedInline, self).save_form(request, form,

On Oct 15, 11:13 am, Daniel Roseman  wrote:
> On Oct 15, 2:58 pm, eka  wrote:
> > Hi all
> > I need to override the ModelAdmin save_model and I found out that is
> > not being called. I checked the documentation where it says how to use
> > it and the searched around the code to see if there is a call to that
> > method and can't find any call to save_model anywhere in all Django
> > src (versions 1.0 and 1.1).
> >
> > Any clue? Is this not implemented? Bug? Or I'm missing something?
> > Regards
> > Esteban (eka)
> I don't know where you're looking, but save_model is called from
> add_view, change_view and changelist_view in contrib.admin.options.
> --
> DR.
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Re: ModelAdmin.save_model Not being called

2009-10-15 Thread Peter2108

Is this what you were looking for?

def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
Given a model instance save it to the database.

It is in contrib.admin.options:

-- Peter
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Re: ModelAdmin.save_model Not being called

2009-10-15 Thread Daniel Roseman

On Oct 15, 2:58 pm, eka  wrote:
> Hi all
> I need to override the ModelAdmin save_model and I found out that is
> not being called. I checked the documentation where it says how to use
> it and the searched around the code to see if there is a call to that
> method and can't find any call to save_model anywhere in all Django
> src (versions 1.0 and 1.1).
> Any clue? Is this not implemented? Bug? Or I'm missing something?
> Regards
> Esteban (eka)

I don't know where you're looking, but save_model is called from
add_view, change_view and changelist_view in contrib.admin.options.
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Re: ModelAdmin.save_model Not being called

2009-10-15 Thread eka

Also overriding the is not an option since I need to use
the request object that is passed to the save_model method cause I
have some stuff in the request I need to use.

Any clue?

On Oct 15, 11:07 am, eka  wrote:
> But is there any reason why I can't use that one? Is documented :P
> On Oct 15, 11:05 am, Bayuadji  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > You could override save on Model instead.
> > -djibon-
> > On 10/15/09, eka  wrote:
> > > Hi all
> > > I need to override the ModelAdmin save_model and I found out that is
> > > not being called. I checked the documentation where it says how to use
> > > it and the searched around the code to see if there is a call to that
> > > method and can't find any call to save_model anywhere in all Django
> > > src (versions 1.0 and 1.1).
> > >
> > > Any clue? Is this not implemented? Bug? Or I'm missing something?
> > > Regards
> > > Esteban (eka)
> > --
> > --
> > my linkedin profile :
> > --
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Bug #6138

2009-10-15 Thread Peter2108

This fix for this bug has been commited and is in revision 11624. As I
'own' the bug should I chnage the status to 'fixed'? Presently no-one
has done that.

-- Peter

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Re: ModelAdmin.save_model Not being called

2009-10-15 Thread eka

But is there any reason why I can't use that one? Is documented :P

On Oct 15, 11:05 am, Bayuadji  wrote:
> Hi,
> You could override save on Model instead.
> -djibon-
> On 10/15/09, eka  wrote:
> > Hi all
> > I need to override the ModelAdmin save_model and I found out that is
> > not being called. I checked the documentation where it says how to use
> > it and the searched around the code to see if there is a call to that
> > method and can't find any call to save_model anywhere in all Django
> > src (versions 1.0 and 1.1).
> >
> > Any clue? Is this not implemented? Bug? Or I'm missing something?
> > Regards
> > Esteban (eka)
> --
> --
> my linkedin profile :
> --
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Re: displaying tree data in admin

2009-10-15 Thread ev

Thank you, Daniel, I'm trying to use this:

On Oct 15, 12:09 pm, Daniel Roseman  wrote:
> On Oct 15, 8:16 am, ev  wrote:
> > May be there were developers solutions? Where should I look for?
> Look at the django-mptt project. It implements an efficient algorithm
> for tree access, and also has some useful libraries that help with
> displaying trees. You might be able to use one of them.
> Alternatively, you could represent the tree simply by making
> __unicode__ prefix a series of dashes equal to the level of the
> element:
>     def __unicode__(self):
>         return u"%s %s" % ((u'-' * self.level),
> This would show the elements like this:
> root
> -level1
> --level2
> ---level3
> etc.
> --
> DR.
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Re: ModelAdmin.save_model Not being called

2009-10-15 Thread Bayuadji


You could override save on Model instead.


On 10/15/09, eka  wrote:
> Hi all
> I need to override the ModelAdmin save_model and I found out that is
> not being called. I checked the documentation where it says how to use
> it and the searched around the code to see if there is a call to that
> method and can't find any call to save_model anywhere in all Django
> src (versions 1.0 and 1.1).
> Any clue? Is this not implemented? Bug? Or I'm missing something?
> Regards
> Esteban (eka)
> >

my linkedin profile :

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ModelAdmin.save_model Not being called

2009-10-15 Thread eka

Hi all

I need to override the ModelAdmin save_model and I found out that is
not being called. I checked the documentation where it says how to use
it and the searched around the code to see if there is a call to that
method and can't find any call to save_model anywhere in all Django
src (versions 1.0 and 1.1).

Any clue? Is this not implemented? Bug? Or I'm missing something?


Esteban (eka)
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Re: Generic View update_object with foreign key.

2009-10-15 Thread

-- Sent from my Palm Unknown
BvgfgfDavodM wrote:

Hello all,

Im just getting started with Django so apologies if this is a silly


I have worked through the 4 tutorials and built the Poll application.

I am now trying to add a page to edit polls using a generic view. My

aim is to be able to edit polls in the same way as in the admin view,

i.e editing the question and the foreign keyed choices.

I have managed to implement the generic update_object and can happily

edit the main data for the poll but am getting stuck with editing the

foreign key values.

>From reading the documentation I think I need to pass 'form_class' :

MyPollForm instead of 'model' : Poll. Where MyPollForm is a model form

for poll with an inline formset for choices.


class ChoiceInline(???):

class Meta:

model = Choice

class MyPollForm(ModelForm):

class Meta:

model = Poll


Am I going about this the right way? If so what does choice inline

need to inherit from and how do I add it to MyPollForm?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: question about foreign key

2009-10-15 Thread tback

Hi jul,

if there is a chance that the country doesn't exist you have to check
that before.
Have a look at get_or_create:

Cheers, Till

On Oct 15, 1:51 pm, jul  wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got the two models Country and Restaurant shown below. Is there a
> way to directly set a country by instanciating a restaurant with a
> Country instance? Something like:
> r=Restaurant(name='whatever', country=Country(name='newcountry'))
> which returns "Column 'country_id' cannot be null"
> Or do I have to previously check if the country exists, and creating
> it if it doesn't?
> Thanks
> jul

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Re: django images nginx and authentication

2009-10-15 Thread tback

Hi Rene,

look at this: I personally use
lighttpd and mod_secdownload and googled the above.

It works like this:
Your django application and your image server(s) share a secret.
Your application takes the secret, the url and a timestamp to
generate a new url consisting of the original url, the timestamp and
a hash value.

The image server than takes his secret, the timestamp and the url
to calculate the hash. If the timestamp is not older than your
specified period and the hash matches the submitted hash the user
is allowed to download the image.

cheers tback

On Oct 15, 12:41 pm, ReneMarxis  wrote:
> Hello
> i'm faceing the following problem: i have some application for
> creating image galleries (upload/change...).
> Till now the images are served by an nginx webserver (and are
> therefore open to everyone). The django app is running in apache with
> wsgi.
> My problem is i need to restrict the image delivery only to persons
> that are authorized to watch the images. Best would be to include
> djangos authentication with nginx.
> Is there any way to accomplish this or any other hints?
> _thanks rene

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Re: django images nginx and authentication

2009-10-15 Thread tback


it seems that my first post didn't go through. I'm personally
using lighttpd with mod_secdownload. But google just gave
me this this:
I'm pretty sure it will serve your needs.

cheers, tback

On Oct 15, 12:41 pm, ReneMarxis  wrote:
> Hello
> My problem is i need to restrict the image delivery only to persons
> that are authorized to watch the images. Best would be to include
> djangos authentication with nginx.
> Is there any way to accomplish this or any other hints?
> _thanks rene

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Re: question about foreign key

2009-10-15 Thread Daniel Roseman

On Oct 15, 1:46 pm, bruno desthuilliers
> On 15 oct, 13:51, jul  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I've got the two models Country and Restaurant shown below. Is there a
> > way to directly set a country by instanciating a restaurant with a
> > Country instance? Something like:
> > r=Restaurant(name='whatever', country=Country(name='newcountry'))
> >
> > which returns "Column 'country_id' cannot be null"
> Indeed - the Country instance only exists in memory by that time.
> > Or do I have to previously check if the country exists, and creating
> > it if it doesn't?
> You may want to read about the Queryset.get_or_create 
> method:
> In your above exemple, this would be used like:
> r=Restaurant(name='whatever', country=Country.objects.get_or_create
> (name='newcountry')[0])

Worth pointing out that you need the [0] there because get_or_create
returns a tuple of (item, created) where created is a boolean showing
whether or not the item was actually created.
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Re: When would you use Context instead of RequestContext?

2009-10-15 Thread Russell Keith-Magee

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 9:01 PM, wiswaud  wrote:
> If i'm not mistaken, RequestContext, through context_processors.auth,
> will call request.user.get_and_delete_messages() and put in the
> messages to the user in the context. That's fine and dandy, except
> that in most modern applications, you have client-side code that will
> be calling server-side partial templates; for example, to refresh the
> contents of a message div. If you use RequestContext in such views,
> you'll lose the messages, unless you make sure to somehow send those
> back to the client as well, and have client-side code that checks for
> that.

It's strange you should raise that issue, because as of about 24 hours
ago, it isn't the case any more. Luke Plant checked in some changes to
trunk that make the retrieval of messages by RequestContext both lazy
and memoized, so they won't be retrieved unless you explicitly request
them, and they will be preserved for the length of the request once

Russ Magee %-)

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Re: When would you use Context instead of RequestContext?

2009-10-15 Thread wiswaud

If i'm not mistaken, RequestContext, through context_processors.auth,
will call request.user.get_and_delete_messages() and put in the
messages to the user in the context. That's fine and dandy, except
that in most modern applications, you have client-side code that will
be calling server-side partial templates; for example, to refresh the
contents of a message div. If you use RequestContext in such views,
you'll lose the messages, unless you make sure to somehow send those
back to the client as well, and have client-side code that checks for

Of course in that case, you might want to disable
context_processors.auth, fill in the user context variable yourself,
and have a special call/view for messages so that your js code makes a
separate call for messages.

I'm not saying using Context for partials is the solution here, i'm
just saying that's something to watch out for, as the messages are
lost if you're not careful.

On Oct 15, 3:40 am, bruno desthuilliers
> On 14 oct, 19:44, Nan  wrote:
> > So it's basically just an issue of optimization?
> > Is using RequestContext best practice for apps meant to be pluggable?
> As a general rule, yes. FWIW and while we're at it, another best
> practice for pluggable apps would be, whenever possible, to write "two-
> folds" views - that is, split the view into two functions, one that do
> the job and returns a RequestContext, and the other one - the
> "official" view - that calls on the first and takes of the rendering
> etc.
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Re: question about foreign key

2009-10-15 Thread bruno desthuilliers

On 15 oct, 13:51, jul  wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got the two models Country and Restaurant shown below. Is there a
> way to directly set a country by instanciating a restaurant with a
> Country instance? Something like:
> r=Restaurant(name='whatever', country=Country(name='newcountry'))
> which returns "Column 'country_id' cannot be null"

Indeed - the Country instance only exists in memory by that time.

> Or do I have to previously check if the country exists, and creating
> it if it doesn't?

You may want to read about the Queryset.get_or_create method:

In your above exemple, this would be used like:

r=Restaurant(name='whatever', country=Country.objects.get_or_create

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Embedding multiple images in html email

2009-10-15 Thread Muhammed Abad

As the topic says, can I embed multiple images in an html email
template so the recipient does not have to download them?

I know this might be a silly request, but a client has asked me to do
this for him and Im absolutely stumped.

The closest to a solution I have come to is this :

If someone else can get this to work, please let me know.

Any other solution are welcome.

Thanks in advance.


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question about foreign key

2009-10-15 Thread jul


I've got the two models Country and Restaurant shown below. Is there a
way to directly set a country by instanciating a restaurant with a
Country instance? Something like:

r=Restaurant(name='whatever', country=Country(name='newcountry'))

which returns "Column 'country_id' cannot be null"

Or do I have to previously check if the country exists, and creating
it if it doesn't?


class Country(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True)

class Restaurant(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

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Generic View update_object with foreign key.

2009-10-15 Thread DavodM

Hello all,

Im just getting started with Django so apologies if this is a silly

I have worked through the 4 tutorials and built the Poll application.
I am now trying to add a page to edit polls using a generic view. My
aim is to be able to edit polls in the same way as in the admin view,
i.e editing the question and the foreign keyed choices.

I have managed to implement the generic update_object and can happily
edit the main data for the poll but am getting stuck with editing the
foreign key values.

>From reading the documentation I think I need to pass 'form_class' :
MyPollForm instead of 'model' : Poll. Where MyPollForm is a model form
for poll with an inline formset for choices.

class ChoiceInline(???):
class Meta:
model = Choice

class MyPollForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Poll

Am I going about this the right way? If so what does choice inline
need to inherit from and how do I add it to MyPollForm?

Thanks in advance,

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help, insert into a foreign key produces unusual 'invalid keyword argument' error

2009-10-15 Thread Sam Walters

Hi, im using django 1.0+mysql
I get an unexpected error:
"'event' is an invalid keyword argument for this function"
I get using a django view which used to work for moving data into the
mysql db by saving a foreign key
instance of 'Event' in 'Category'.

1. The model is:

class Event (models.Model):
added = models.DateTimeField()
addedBy = models.IntegerField()
contact = models.CharField(max_length=100)
email = models.CharField(max_length=100)
phoneBH = models.CharField(max_length=30)
phoneAH = models.CharField(max_length=30)
phoneFax = models.CharField(max_length=30)
phoneM = models.CharField(max_length=30)
url = models.CharField(max_length=100)
title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
description = models.TextField()
def __unicode__(self):
return u"%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s"%(self.added,
self.addedBy,,, self.phoneBH, self.phoneAH,
self.phoneFax, self.phoneM, self.url, self.title, self.cost,

class Category (models.Model):
event = models.ForeignKey(Event)
name = models.CharField(max_length=40)
def __unicode__(self):
return u"%s"%(

2. The piece of code which produces the error in the view:

>>   events_category = Category(name=new_event_tag, event=events_event)
#note events_event is just a saved instance of Event()

3. The behaviour of the error is such that if i rename the 'Category'
model to something else eg: 'Category2', drop the table and then
syncdb and run it again then i dont get the error. However if it is
called 'Category' then for some reason it does not work. Of course the
downside here is id have to go through and rename all usage of the
Category model in my views to the new class which with my project will
take a long time.

4. here is the error, its the usual sort of thing you get trying to
insert the wrong variable name into the model only it is the correct
name. I am familiar with what django docs say about the error and it
should be recognising the Foreign key 'event' being in Category but it
doesnt! I just hope im forgetting something easy
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Exception Type: TypeError
Exception Value:

'event' is an invalid keyword argument for this function

Exception Location:
/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/django/db/models/ in
__init__, line 265
Python Executable:  /usr/bin/python
Python Version: 2.5.2

5. I have a feeling something is wrong with mysql or django
is not building the table properly... any troubleshooting advice would
go a long way to helping me :)

In addition here is what "python inspectdb" says about Category:

class EventsCategory(models.Model):
id = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True)
event_id = models.IntegerField()
name = models.CharField(max_length=120)
class Meta:
db_table = u'events_category'


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unable to see SQL even after DEBUG=True in settings

2009-10-15 Thread Indudhar Devanath
Here is what is happening.

>>> from django.db import connection
>>> from mysite import settings
>>> settings.DEBUG
>>> connection.queries

I have run the app such that it has executed number of db queries and I know
for sure there must be some sql.  But still I don't see any in
connection.queries.  what am I doing wrong?


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Re: questions about model attribute permissions set in django admin

2009-10-15 Thread Eesti Mate

Hi Allen,

it looks like there is a 'pain in the ass' solution to your needs:


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django images nginx and authentication

2009-10-15 Thread ReneMarxis


i'm faceing the following problem: i have some application for
creating image galleries (upload/change...).
Till now the images are served by an nginx webserver (and are
therefore open to everyone). The django app is running in apache with

My problem is i need to restrict the image delivery only to persons
that are authorized to watch the images. Best would be to include
djangos authentication with nginx.

Is there any way to accomplish this or any other hints?

_thanks rene
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Re: Django project layout - authentication

2009-10-15 Thread nausikaa


We have a class 'LDAPBackend' with an authenticate function.
Then in the view we use 'authenticate' from django.contrib.auth and
if that returns None, we call the 'authenticate' bound to
Does it make sense to have a separate app just for one class?
I assume the answer is no.
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Re: [django-tagging] machinetags with namespaces and values, a ready-to-use branch

2009-10-15 Thread Sam Lai

2009/10/15 Gregor Müllegger :
> Hi django-users,
> in the last week i took a quick look over the django-tagging issue tracker and
> found the interesting issue #14 "Support for machine tags". This seems to be
> the oldest unclosed issue for django-tagging. This thrilled me so much that i
> wanted to give it a try and developed a django-tagging branch with support for
> namespaces and values.

Great work; this should come in handy for my next project. I wish I
had gotten my earlier hacks up to scratch and made them public; I had
some of this functionality implemented. Serves me right for being
distracted with other projects :)

I haven't looked at your code yet (I will soon), but I'm just curious
if your changes have had any impact on performance? I remember that
when I set out to implement some of this code, I had issues with it
being efficient when there are larger sets of tags, including
excessive database calls, or excessive data parsing.

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Django project layout - authentication

2009-10-15 Thread nausikaa


I'm writing a web interface where users (in groups with different
rights) can login and view and edit db entries.
At the moment the login functionality is in

The authenticate method in checks the Users table and if that
fails it tries ldap authentication.
Now my question:

Would it be better to make a separate app called 'auth' or is it ok to
just leave it in the
It's not much code but then again dividing the project into many apps
seems not like a bad idea either.

Thanks for your help.

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complete a form from auth_user

2009-10-15 Thread luca72

i need to put in the forms.ChoiceField the value of the django
uath_user table i can do it?
how can import the table in the file

Thanks luca

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Re: Can't get css working

2009-10-15 Thread Bayuadji

Hi Bruno,

Nice tips you got.
thanks :)


On 10/15/09, bruno desthuilliers  wrote:
> On 14 oct, 19:34, David  wrote:
>> Thanks JIm, didn't solve my problem, but always good to learn some
>> best practices. Any particular reason  why
>> {'document_root' : os.path.join(settings.CURRENT_PATH,"media_site") })
>> is better than
>> {'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT}
>> in
> Obviously none, except a failure to spot this repetition, I'd say !-)
> Here's what we usually do here for dev settings - as DRY as possible:
> ## 
> import os
> # typical default dev server setting
> PROJECT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
> # easier to use the same componant for URL and PATH
> MEDIA_DIR = "site_media"
> # the MEDIA_ROOT must end with a path separator AFAICT
> MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, MEDIA_DIR) + os.path.sep
> # use the fully qualified URL
> # NB : we don't use os.path.join here - it's an url, not a system path
> # don't forget the media processor for {{ MEDIA_URL }} in the
> templates
> # 
> "",
> # 
> )
> ## 
> from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
> from django.conf import settings
> urlpatterns = patterns(
> '',
> # urls here
> )
> if settings.get("DEV_SERVER", False):
> urlpatterns += patterns(
> '',
> # static stuff
> (r'^%s/(?P.*)$' % settings.MEDIA_DIR,
>  'django.views.static.serve',
>  {'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT}
> ),
>   )
> ##  base.html 
> >
> {% block title %}My project's title{% endblock %}
>  etc
> This WorksForUs(tm) so far - as long as the dev server's user has read
> access on MEDIA_ROOT and it's content of course !-)
> >

my linkedin profile :

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Re: Can't get css working

2009-10-15 Thread bruno desthuilliers

On 14 oct, 19:34, David  wrote:
> Thanks JIm, didn't solve my problem, but always good to learn some
> best practices. Any particular reason  why
> {'document_root' : os.path.join(settings.CURRENT_PATH,"media_site") })
> is better than
> {'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT}
> in

Obviously none, except a failure to spot this repetition, I'd say !-)

Here's what we usually do here for dev settings - as DRY as possible:

import os

# typical default dev server setting
PROJECT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

# easier to use the same componant for URL and PATH
MEDIA_DIR = "site_media"

# the MEDIA_ROOT must end with a path separator AFAICT
MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, MEDIA_DIR) + os.path.sep

# use the fully qualified URL
# NB : we don't use os.path.join here - it's an url, not a system path

# don't forget the media processor for {{ MEDIA_URL }} in the

from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from django.conf import settings

urlpatterns = patterns(
# urls here

if settings.get("DEV_SERVER", False):
urlpatterns += patterns(
# static stuff
(r'^%s/(?P.*)$' % settings.MEDIA_DIR,
 {'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT}

##  base.html 


{% block title %}My project's title{% endblock %}


This WorksForUs(tm) so far - as long as the dev server's user has read
access on MEDIA_ROOT and it's content of course !-)


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Re: First tutorial - Not off to a good start :(

2009-10-15 Thread Brett Parker

On 14 Oct 20:27, AndrewXHill wrote:
> Glad you found a solution. I think though that you could have also
> just removed the .py, not add 'python', so your command would have
> been,
> $ django-admin startproject mysite

Quite correct - the debian/ubuntu packages have django-admin, not on the path, as that binary is copied to /usr/bin and
the policy says that binaries in there should not include the extension.

Brett Parker

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Re: displaying tree data in admin

2009-10-15 Thread Daniel Roseman

On Oct 15, 8:16 am, ev  wrote:
> May be there were developers solutions? Where should I look for?

Look at the django-mptt project. It implements an efficient algorithm
for tree access, and also has some useful libraries that help with
displaying trees. You might be able to use one of them.

Alternatively, you could represent the tree simply by making
__unicode__ prefix a series of dashes equal to the level of the

def __unicode__(self):
return u"%s %s" % ((u'-' * self.level),

This would show the elements like this:

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Re: When would you use Context instead of RequestContext?

2009-10-15 Thread bruno desthuilliers

On 14 oct, 19:44, Nan  wrote:
> So it's basically just an issue of optimization?
> Is using RequestContext best practice for apps meant to be pluggable?

As a general rule, yes. FWIW and while we're at it, another best
practice for pluggable apps would be, whenever possible, to write "two-
folds" views - that is, split the view into two functions, one that do
the job and returns a RequestContext, and the other one - the
"official" view - that calls on the first and takes of the rendering
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Re: displaying tree data in admin

2009-10-15 Thread ev

May be there were developers solutions? Where should I look for?

On Oct 15, 9:18 am, Михаил Лукин  wrote:
> There is no sucj feature in admin interface
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 9:18 PM, ev  wrote:
> > I've created model Structure referenced to itself and filled it with
> > my data.
> > class Structure(models.Model):
> >        parent=models.ForeignKey('self', blank=True, null=True,
> > related_name='child_set')
> >        title=models.CharField(max_length=100)
> > Default admin interface shows my data as a plain list. What should I
> > do to see my data in a tree?
> --
> regards,
> Mihail
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