Re: Using datetime.time object in form field choices

2011-09-12 Thread josephi
I also just realised that it's common to use an integer as the first
element of a choice pair. Maybe the only restriction is that the
datatype you use in the choice pair match the model field you're
eventually saving it back to?

On Sep 13, 3:20 pm, josephi  wrote:
> Hello
> I have a model Booking with a TimeField start_time on it. I want to
> ensure that times entered into this field are whole hours only.
> I've set up a ModelAdmin object to use this model in the admin
> interface. On the ModelAdmin I've used a custom ModelForm where I
> override the default field for start_time and use a ChoiceField with
> choices set to something like this ((time(9), '9 am'), (time(10), '10
> am'), ...).
> This seems to work perfectly well, with the correct time values being
> saved to the database. The only real reason I'm asking this question
> is that I couldn't find any examples of anything other than a string
> being used as the first element of a choice pair. In my case I've used
> a datetime.time. Can anyone think of any way that this might cause
> problems or stop working in a future version of django? Is it intended
> that you can use arbitrary objects in choices, or is this only working
> accidentally?
> Thanks

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Using datetime.time object in form field choices

2011-09-12 Thread josephi

I have a model Booking with a TimeField start_time on it. I want to
ensure that times entered into this field are whole hours only.

I've set up a ModelAdmin object to use this model in the admin
interface. On the ModelAdmin I've used a custom ModelForm where I
override the default field for start_time and use a ChoiceField with
choices set to something like this ((time(9), '9 am'), (time(10), '10
am'), ...).

This seems to work perfectly well, with the correct time values being
saved to the database. The only real reason I'm asking this question
is that I couldn't find any examples of anything other than a string
being used as the first element of a choice pair. In my case I've used
a datetime.time. Can anyone think of any way that this might cause
problems or stop working in a future version of django? Is it intended
that you can use arbitrary objects in choices, or is this only working


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Caching/Reload problem - cannot refresh model data

2011-09-12 Thread puppriss
Greetings All,

Now, you may think me a bit of an asshat for doing it this way, but 

I have a MySQL db backend, DJANGO admin, and a self-coded desktop 
application ('InsectApp') written in Python. The 2 apps, DJANGO-Admin & 
InsectApp, both use the same 'settings' file and access the same data (I 
coded InsectApp so it would use the DJANGO database API because I thought it 
would make life easier!).

The problem: is that there are now 2 ways of entering data, one via either 
app. For example, I'm in InsectApp and have imported model 'species' 
(InsectApp.models.speices) - meanwhile I add a new 'species' record via the 
Admin. On returning to InsectApp, I cannot access the new record unless I 
exit and restart the app. I have tried reloading InsectApp.models but it 
doesn't work. 

I'm assuming it's something to do with caching the data on first import of 
model 'species', but I have no CACHES in my In any case both 
apps use the same

Can anyone explain and/or help me? Is there even a way of doing it?
Thanks in advance

p.s. I need the Admin site because we need certain database info, eg species 
taxonomy, to be updated remotely by taxonomists. The InsectApp is for rapid 
entering of large amounts of data wihtin our local network, which would be 
too clunky using the Admin alone. Hence the 2 apps

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Newbie problem installing Django

2011-09-12 Thread fasteddie
I get the below error msg when I try to install Django 1.3.1 on a
windows7 64bit machine.

Django-1.3.1/Django-1.3.1/docs/topics/install.txt  says

Installing an official release

1. Download the latest release from our `download page`_.

2. Untar the downloaded file (e.g. ``tar xzvf Django-NNN.tar.gz``,
   where ``NNN`` is the version number of the latest release).
   If you're using Windows, you can download the command-line tool
   bsdtar_ to do this, or you can use a GUI-based tool such as 7-
zip_. [I used WinZip]

3. Change into the directory created in step 2 (e.g. ``cd Django-

4. If you're using Linux, Mac OS X or some other flavor of Unix,
   the command ``sudo python install`` at the shell
   If you're using Windows, start up a command shell with
   privileges and run the command `` install``.

But when I typed " install" from the windows command line I
got the following error msg.

c:\Python27>cd Django-1.3.1

c:\Python27\Django-1.3.1> install
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python27\Django-1.3.1\", line 69, in 
version = __import__('django').get_version()
ImportError: No module named django


What did I do wrong and what do I have to change.

You can  either respond to me on this list or by email direct to

Ed Porter

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Re: Alter the list of fields returned by a queryset without turning them into strings?

2011-09-12 Thread Jacob Kaplan-Moss
On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 8:41 PM, Joshua Russo  wrote:
> Do I just need to do a little more pre-processing in the view or can I
> accomplish what I'm trying to do?

The method you're looking for is ``only()`` (or perhaps its cousin,

``only()`` takes a list of fields like ``values()``, and constrains
the SELECT clause similarly, but instead of returning a dictionary
returns a model instance, so things like the FileFile objects work

Do note that if you use ``defer()``/``only()`` and the access a field
*not* in the select list Django will go perform another query for you,
thus making things less efficient. So only reach for ``only()`` when
you know you're only accessing the specific named fields (as it looks
like you are in your example).

Good luck,


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Alter the list of fields returned by a queryset without turning them into strings?

2011-09-12 Thread Joshua Russo
I have 2 tables, document and event. I want to retrieve the document url and 
the event date but it seems like I can't do this in a single query set and 
that is then used directly in a template. This was my first thought:

context = {
'minutes': Document.objects.filter(documentType=1, 

with the template looking like 

{% for scm in minutes %}
⋅ {{ 
scm.event__start_date|optTimeShort }}
{% endfor %}

The problem is that the values() command turns the FileField into a string.

If I remove the values() command I can access the event through event_set 
but it's not clear to me how to access the one and only event in the set 
within the template.

Do I just need to do a little more pre-processing in the view or can I 
accomplish what I'm trying to do?

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Re: Using gedit for django development

2011-09-12 Thread Mario Gudelj
This is awesome dude. I was looking for something like this since I moved to

On 13 September 2011 10:12, Micah Carrick  wrote:

> I've written a blog post on using gedit, the default text editor in GNOME,
> as a Django IDE. If you're a Linux user and you've never considered using
> gedit for development then this may be an interesting read for you.
>  --
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Using gedit for django development

2011-09-12 Thread Micah Carrick
I've written a blog post on using gedit, the default text editor in GNOME,
as a Django IDE. If you're a Linux user and you've never considered using
gedit for development then this may be an interesting read for you.

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Re: Class-based FormView Contact Form

2011-09-12 Thread Paul Walsh
Hi Russ,

Thanks for the input. I am actually looking to use FormView as opposed to 
UpdateView or CreateView because I am not working with model data at all: I 
want to create a simple contact form, and send the data of the form to a 
recipient via email - I don't want to write anything to the db at all. I am 
pretty new to Django so maybe this is obvious to some. Anyway, the way I 
understand your answer it is basically to do with model data. 

I'll dig into the source code.


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Interactions among values, annotate, and aggregation in django querysets

2011-09-12 Thread barry
I posted this in StackOverflow, and haven't gotten an answer there
yet. I'm hoping someone here can answer my question. I don't know if
this represents a django bug, or a lack of understanding on my part.


Copy of text:

I have these two models:

class Leaf(models.Model):

class Root(models.Model):
leafs = models.ManyToManyField(Leaf)
species = models.CharField(max_length=20)
age = models.FloatField()

objects = CustomQuerySetManager()

class QuerySet(query.QuerySet):
def small(self):
return self.annotate(leaf_count=models.Count('leafs')).\

def oldest_each_species(self):
oldest_each_species = set()
for d in
some_oldest = self.filter(
return oldest_each_species

And this test harness:

class AggTest(test.TestCase):
def set_up(self):

def test_surprise(self):
for i in range(0,2):
root = models.Root(species='oak', age=i)
for j in range(0,4):
leaf = models.Leaf()

print "All Roots"
for root in models.Root.objects.small():
print, root.species, root.leafs.count()

print "All oldest"
for matron in models.Root.objects.oldest_each_species():
print, matron.age

print "All small oldests DOESN'T WORK"
for matron in
print, matron.age

print "All small oldests again"
for matron in models.Root.objects.\
print, matron.age

which prints:

All Roots
1 oak 4
2 oak 4
All oldest
2 1.0
All small oldests DOESN'T WORK
All small oldests again
2 1.0

I was surprised by the result, but the interactions between values(),
annotate(), and aggregate() often surprise me.

Unwrapping my query, I have


which turns into the SQL

SELECT `autest_root`.`species`, MAX(`autest_root`.`age`) AS
   FROM `autest_root` LEFT OUTER JOIN `autest_root_leafs`
  ON (`autest_root`.`id` = `autest_root_leafs`.`root_id`)
   GROUP BY `autest_root`.`species`, `autest_root`.`species`
   HAVING COUNT(`autest_root_leafs`.`leaf_id`) < 6  ORDER BY NULL

As shown in the test [at "All small oldests again"], I have a work-
around, adding a nested django query on the ids, so I'm not looking
for a work-around, but better work-arounds are welcome.

I would say I don't understand the interactions well enough to even
know if this is a bug in django. If it is, I'll continue to use a work-

If not a bug, I would like a better understanding of these
interactions, and how to manage situations like this. My best guess
would be to have small() return the nested query, to encapsulate the
fact that it is using annotations to do its job.


* Is this a bug in django?
* Is there some documentation which explains what I'm seeing?
* What is the "best practice" for dealing with this kind of

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Re: Trouble expressing a query in the ORM

2011-09-12 Thread Stuart
On Sep 9, 8:28 am, Pewpewarrows  wrote:
> Tim Shaffer's response would have you doing N+1 queries, and having to loop
> through all of your Target objects in-memory. Technically it would work, but
> as soon as you have a decently sized amount of data in there it'd slow to a
> crawl.

I just wanted to chime in and point out that select_related() is a
helpful tool for avoiding n+1 queries in django.

It may not be particularly suitable for this particular problem (due
to the requirement of bringing back only the most recent property on
each target) but I wanted to mention it for the archives since no one
else had.


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New application : django-ajaxmiddleware

2011-09-12 Thread Adrien Lemaire
Hi django folks,

I just wrote a middleware to handle ajax request really easily :
I need some beta testers to give me some feedback, raise some bugs if
my tests don't cover enough, etc.

Thanks for your help, hope you'll like and adopt it as well :) I'm
also open to critics if there is room for improvement in my code !

Adrien Lemaire

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Re: Problems trying to use ManyToMany field before saving in a ModelForm

2011-09-12 Thread Ilian Iliev
My advice is to use custom model form and hide these M2M fields if you are
creating a new object.
You can overwrite the init method of the form to do this.

On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 6:01 PM, Carlos Brum  wrote:

> Hello guys,
> I have a problem to deal with a field ManyToMany in Django. It is
> the following:
> When I try to access a list of relations that is my ManyToMany field
> I get an error
> "%ModelName% instance needs to have a primary key value before a many-
> to-many relationship Can be used. "
> I need to perform validation "before storing the record in the
> database".
> As you can see in the "view" code below, I used "save" in the
> "ModelForm" with "commit = False"
> so would build the ManyToMany relationship  in memory.
> This did not work.
> I've tried to find the solution on the internet but found nothing that
> work.
> Surely someone has been there.
> Thanks to collaboration.
> ##
> # Source
> ##
> Note: The Model "Group" is the native Django admin
> ##
> # Model
> ##
> class Application (models.Model):
>   . . .
>   groups =
> models.ManyToManyField (Group related_name = 'application')
>   . . .
>   eh_valida def (self):
>   validating = True
>   # ##
>   # HAVE PROBLEMS HERE. The attribute "self.grupos" is not
> filled. It should be a list.
>   # Error: %ModelForm% instance
>   # Needs to have a primary key value before the
>   # Many-to-many relationship Can be used. "
>   # ##
>   meuConjuntoDeGrupos = set (self.grupos)
>   # ##
>   . . .
>   return validating
> ##
> # ModelForm
> ##
> AplicacaoForm class (ModelForm):
>   class Meta:
>   model = Application
> # View
> def adiciona_aplicacao (request, idQuestionario):
>   form = AplicacaoForm (request.POST)
>   if request.method == 'POST':
>   if form.is_valid ():
> (commit = False)
>   if form.instance.eh_valida ():
> (commit = True)
>   HttpResponseRedirect return (reverse (manager))
>   #
>   . . .
> --
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eng. Ilian Iliev
Web Software Developer

Mobile: +359 88 66 08 400

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Problems trying to use ManyToMany field before saving in a ModelForm

2011-09-12 Thread Carlos Brum
Hello guys,

I have a problem to deal with a field ManyToMany in Django. It is
the following:

When I try to access a list of relations that is my ManyToMany field
I get an error

"%ModelName% instance needs to have a primary key value before a many-
to-many relationship Can be used. "

I need to perform validation "before storing the record in the
As you can see in the "view" code below, I used "save" in the
"ModelForm" with "commit = False"
so would build the ManyToMany relationship  in memory.

This did not work.

I've tried to find the solution on the internet but found nothing that

Surely someone has been there.

Thanks to collaboration.

# Source
Note: The Model "Group" is the native Django admin

# Model

class Application (models.Model):

   . . .

   groups =
models.ManyToManyField (Group related_name = 'application')

   . . .

   eh_valida def (self):

   validating = True

   # ##
   # HAVE PROBLEMS HERE. The attribute "self.grupos" is not
filled. It should be a list.
   # Error: %ModelForm% instance
   # Needs to have a primary key value before the
   # Many-to-many relationship Can be used. "
   # ##

   meuConjuntoDeGrupos = set (self.grupos)

   # ##
   . . .

   return validating

# ModelForm
AplicacaoForm class (ModelForm):

   class Meta:
   model = Application

# View

def adiciona_aplicacao (request, idQuestionario):

   form = AplicacaoForm (request.POST)

   if request.method == 'POST':

   if form.is_valid (): (commit = False)

   if form.instance.eh_valida (): (commit = True)
   HttpResponseRedirect return (reverse (manager))

   . . .

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Re: Implementing a List of Foreign Keys in a Model

2011-09-12 Thread Kurtis Mullins
Thanks a lot for that tip. I actually read over the Generic Foreign Keys
several times before I asked the question but it still left me pretty
confused. Is there a place I can see a good, straight-forward example of how
this works? The "tags" example they had just didn't do it for me. Plus, they
didn't really show how to call it from a command line which would be
important to me.

On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 4:32 AM, Daniel Roseman wrote:

> On Sunday, 11 September 2011 00:18:28 UTC+1, Kurtis wrote:
>> Hey Guys,
>> I have a very simple stub of a project. I'm trying to do something
>> that should be very simple but isn't as easy as I hoped.
>> I have a UserProfile class. This object is basically just an extension
>> of the standard User Class. Within my UserProfile class, I want to
>> have a list of PublicProfile foreign keys. PublicProfile itself is an
>> abstract class with multiple classes extending it. For example, a User
>> can create an ArtistProfile, a BandProfile, etc...
>> To give you a sense of what I'm trying to accomplish from a user's
>> perspective: A user can sign up and create multiple Pages (represented
>> as PublicProfile) for bands, artists, etc...
> Sounds like you want [generic relations](
> ).
> --
> DR.
> --
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many to many in many relations

2011-09-12 Thread Nicklas

This question probably deserves a RTFM answer, but I have spent a few
hours that I didn't have and would really appreciate a kick in the
right direction.

The thing is that I need to get registrations from colleagues.

They need each of them to give a value per municipality, per month,
per company.

So the result is a kind of multidimensional matrix.

I will store this in a database with a new row for each colleague-
municipality-month-company combination

My collegues, the municipalities, the months, and companis all has
their own classes/tables so the class storing the result looks like

class Prognose(models.Model):
collegue = models.ForeignKey(Collegues)
municipality = models.ForeignKey(Municipalities)
month = models.ForeignKey(Months)
company = models.ForeignKey(Companies)
volum_value = models.IntegerField()

In php or asp I would have nested iterations a and created a matrix of
text boxes and built the insert statement from that.
But I have a strong feeling that this has a much simpler solution
using the philosophy of Django.

Can I define ManyToMany relations to many tables like in this case?

What is the right terms for this issue?

BTW, Django looks really great, the parts that I have understood so
far :-)


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Re: Admin Site appending letter "s" to end of each model\table name

2011-09-12 Thread Casey Greene
I did not realize that my email client had not grabbed new mail from 
today and this was 2 days old.  Sorry for the reply ad nauseum.


On 09/12/2011 09:24 AM, Casey Greene wrote:


On 09/10/2011 05:40 PM, Gillwill wrote:

Apparently the Django default is to append the letter "s" to the end
of the model name for each listed under a given application on the
Site Administration page. (It does this in the tutorial sample site as
well - e.g. naming "poll" "polls", etc...)

Is there any way to get rid of that?

I would think there would be, but I've yet to find in the default
admin templates or code where it is doing this.

Any help appreciated.


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Re: Admin Site appending letter "s" to end of each model\table name

2011-09-12 Thread Casey Greene


On 09/10/2011 05:40 PM, Gillwill wrote:

Apparently the Django default is to append the letter "s" to the end
of the model name for each listed under a given application on the
Site Administration page. (It does this in the tutorial sample site as
well - e.g. naming "poll" "polls", etc...)

Is there any way to get rid of that?

I would think there would be, but I've yet to find in the default
admin templates or code where it is doing this.

Any help appreciated.


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Re: two independent Django sites, one user - share User objects

2011-09-12 Thread Donald Stufft
You could pick one site to be your canonical site, and add it as a second db to 
the first, and then use a custom authentication backend to auth against that 
site, then create a local user with the same password hash. 

On Monday, September 12, 2011 at 7:38 AM, Markus Gattol wrote:

> Say I have n (e.g. three) independent Django sites and one user. Rather than 
> having n times a password/username I'd like to share this across all n sites. 
> Also a users profile [0] and so forth. Now assume I don't want to use OpenID, 
> how would I be able to have User objects in sync across n Django sites? Maybe 
> using ZeroMQ and have each Django site listen to some actions on other Django 
> sites and then replay whatever action takes place on all Django sites?
> [0] 
>  -- 
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two independent Django sites, one user - share User objects

2011-09-12 Thread Markus Gattol
Say I have n (e.g. three) independent Django sites and one user. Rather than 
having n times a password/username I'd like to share this across all n 
sites. Also a users profile [0] and so forth. Now assume I don't want to use 
OpenID, how would I be able to have User objects in sync across n Django 
sites? Maybe using ZeroMQ and have each Django site listen to some actions 
on other Django sites and then replay whatever action takes place on all 
Django sites?


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Re: Multitenant in Django

2011-09-12 Thread Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]
This is similar to something we have used for one of our clients, except we
used :)

+1 for this approach

On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 3:49 PM, Alessandro Pasotti wrote:

> 2011/9/9 sjtirtha 
>> But I cannot set the SITE_ID in the right?
>> Because if one user set the SITE_ID = 1, then parallel another user
>> can set the SITE_ID = 2.
>> Because we only have one instance.
> Right, but AFAIK if you don't use threads you shouldn't have any problem.
> We have been using the middleware hack with Django 1.2.6 from more than one
> year.
> The midleware run first and set settings.SITE_ID according to the current
> site, something like
> Currently running nginx + uwsgi but we used mod_wsgi for the last couple of
> months.
> --
> Alessandro Pasotti
> w3:
> --
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