AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '_meta'

2006-08-16 Thread Hawkeye

I'm trying to create my first Django app.  When I attempt to validate,
I receive the "str object has no attribute _meta" error.

Can anyone provide any insight?

I'm running from the dev branch, and have included the output of
"./ validate"


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 11, in ?
line 1343, in execute_manager
execute_from_command_line(action_mapping, argv)
line 1260, in execute_from_command_line
line 1013, in validate
num_errors = get_validation_errors(outfile)
line 885, in get_validation_errors
for r in rel_opts.get_all_related_objects():
line 124, in get_all_related_objects
if f.rel and self ==
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '_meta'

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Re: AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '_meta'

2006-08-16 Thread Hawkeye

Hmm... Looks like I fixed this.

I had:
from app.user.models import UserProfile
owner = models.ForeignKey('UserProfile', related_name='foo')

I changed it to:
from app.user.models import UserProfile
owner = models.ForeignKey(UserProfile, related_name='foo')

Is this a bug, or was my understanding of quoted ForeignKey values


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Re: AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '_meta'

2006-08-16 Thread Hawkeye

And this is one of the many reasons I love Django the community.

Highly informative response, for which I thank you.

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Re: Django chokes on template blocks?

2006-08-17 Thread Hawkeye

So... I'm relatively new to Django, but...

You have "{% block content %}{% endblock %}" (note: this is from the
image posted)

My suggestion would be to try putting a space between the tags.  I
don't have Django in front of me, so I can't test this, but it looks
like it's expecting content in the block tag and trying to perform an
operation on it.  Since there is no content, it might be getting

I may be very wrong, but that's my first though.


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Re: Django chokes on template blocks?

2006-08-17 Thread Hawkeye

Adrian Holovaty wrote:
> This comment is inaccurate. {% block %} tags are not required to have
> any space between them. "{% block content %}{% endblock %}" -- with no
> space -- is perfectly valid.

Sorry about that.  Thought I understood what was going on, for a

Good luck finding a resolution... I'll step back into the shadows on
this one.


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Difficulty accessing via related_name

2006-09-09 Thread Hawkeye

Hi folks,

I'm trying to develop an application that 'extends' the User object.
I'm using the 'related_name' argument for ForeignKey to access the
related objects through request.user

I have a class, similar to this
class Foo(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, edit_inline=models.TABULAR unique-True,

def __str__(self):
return "Foo ID#%s" %

def some_function(self):
return "Result"

If I try to display the relationship, I'd expect to get 'Foo ID#1', but
I get this...
print "User's Foo: %s" %


When I try to traverse the reference, I can't access any of the
functions or attributes
AttributeError at /foos/1/
'RelatedManager' object has no attribute 'some_function'

Am I doing something wrong? Making an incorrect assumption about the
functionality of Django?

Any insight would be appreciated! Thanks!

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Concurrency and data modification

2006-09-09 Thread Hawkeye

I'm wondering if there's any way to handle concurrent modification of
data in a django application.

Say I have a class:
class ViewCount(models.Model):
object = models.ForeignKey(Foo)
count = models.IntegerField(default=0)

I'd like to be able to do something like:
def incrementCount(target_count):
target_count.count = target_count.count + 1

Conceptually, if multiple servers are running, and 2+ try to update the
count at the same time, it's possible that the new total would be
incorrect. (For completeness: A reads 0, A writes 1, B reads 1, C reads
1, C writes 2, B writes 2... count is 2 but should be 3)

Does Django have an integrated solution to this sort of problem?
If not, does the community have a 'best practice' for dealing with


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Re: Difficulty accessing via related_name

2006-09-09 Thread Hawkeye

Ah ha!  Thank you... I now see the error of my ways!

Since I'm using unique=True, is there any way to avoid the [0] mumbo
jumbo? (I don't see any but I figure it won't hurt to ask).


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Re: Concurrency and data modification

2006-09-09 Thread Hawkeye

I don't think that transactions are enough to solve this problem, but I
could be wrong.

My understanding of a transaction is that it will prevent a write after
a write, but not a read after a read... so if both read before either
writes, the data will be incorrect.  The data might also come from a
cache, but the underlying issue is that the data is removed from the
database before being returned. PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG.

A starts transaction, A reads 0, A writes 1, A ends transaction, B
starts transaction, B reads 1, C starts transaction, C reads 1, C
writes 2, C ends transaction, B writes 2, B ends transaction

In tutorial 4's commentary, a similar problem was addressed, and
Adrian's solution was to 'create a custom method on your model that
does an "UPDATE polls_choices SET votes = votes + 1 WHERE id = %s".'

I'm not quite sure how to make this happen... I didn't see any place to
specify raw SQL to pass to the DB except for the SELECT statements that
define a QuerySet (that doesn't mean they're not there).

How does one specify raw SQL outside of a QuerySet?

As an aside, this seems like a common design pattern... so maybe a
.increment() method for 'IntegerField's would make sense.


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Re: Concurrency and data modification

2006-09-11 Thread Hawkeye

How does the cache framework with respect to transactions?

If I update a field at the database level, and it locks it... wouldn't
it still be possible to grab a stale copy from the cache?


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Re: Concurrency and data modification

2006-09-11 Thread Hawkeye

How does raw SQL interact with the 'save' function?

Say I need to:
increment 'count'
set another variable on the same object

Do I need to write custom SQL to update the second variable?
Can I just use .save() and have it work as I want it to (or will count
be changed to the old value)?

How can I keep the database value and the django-viewed value the
same... can I do the update SQL and then 'self.count = self.count +
1'... is there any way to 'freshen' the value after the update so that
.save won't be impacted?


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Re: Concurrency and data modification

2006-09-11 Thread Hawkeye

I think that this would be great (for my purposes)...

It doesn't look like this exists in Django right now. Are there plans
to implement this? Maybe a ticket that already exists?

I'd still be concerned about the cache getting in the way, but as a
first step the 'for_update' addition would be fantastic.


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Forms with error reporting

2006-09-11 Thread Hawkeye

The FormWrapper design pattern seems to be great, but I have a

Is there any way that I can put errors in the response that aren't
linked with form fields?

For example, in an authentication page... if the authentication fails,
I don't want to link an error to either the user or password field...
it should be linked to the page.  I guess what I'm looking for is
something like 'form.generic.errors'

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Forms with error reporting

2006-09-12 Thread Hawkeye

The example shows only field-specific errors...

{% if form.has_errors %}
Please correct the following error{{ form.error_dict|pluralize
{% endif %}
{% if %}*** {{|join:", " }}{% endif

As I understand it, this block is only determining if there are errors
on the page and if there are one or many. Then it progresses into
per-field errors.

I'm looking more for:
{% if form.has_errors %}
Please correct the following error{{ form.error_dict|pluralize
{% if form.generic.errors %}*** {{ form.generic.errors|join:", " }}{%
endif %}
{% endif %}

I could do this by defining a 'generic' field and manually assigning
errors to it, but that seems like a kludge.

Thanks for your feedback so far,

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Request for 'transaction' disambiguation

2006-09-12 Thread Hawkeye

Hi all,

I'm poking-around with transactions... and I must admit I'm confused as
to how to properly implement transactions in Django.

I'm trying to make use of "Tying transactions to HTTP requests", but
I'm not having much luck.

I've placed TransactionMiddleware in the MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES.

I tried:
foo.value = "foo"
# something that generates an error

But "foo" was still being set while "bar" wasn't. My expected outcome
was that neither would be set.

Then I tried:
foo.value = "foo"
# NO ERROR is generated
And now neither "foo" nor "bar" were being set.

Can anyone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong?


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Re: Request for 'transaction' disambiguation

2006-09-13 Thread Hawkeye


Looks like Django defaults to the default MySQL table type (MyISAM),
which doesn't support transactions.

My fault completely.


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Re: Request for 'transaction' disambiguation

2006-09-14 Thread Hawkeye

Yeah... I added a comment to the docs, but
"default-storage-engine=innodb" is the way that I configured it, and it

Thanks for the feedback though.


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Boolean logic in .filter on QuerySets

2006-09-14 Thread Hawkeye

Is is possible to make use of boolean logic in QuerySet filters?

Say I have two dates:

I'd like to do my_model.objects.filter(foo_date__gt=somedate OR

Obviously that syntax isn't valid, but does something exist to allow
that sort of logic?


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Re: Model-level DB cache

2006-09-27 Thread Hawkeye

I had the same reaction at first... "this has to be a transaction
issue", but I decided to give it a try.

I'm working from trunk, and here's what I did to recreate the problem:

{{ In shell }}
>>> a = Foo.objects.all()
>>> a
[< Foo: Foo 5>, < Foo: Foo 6>, < Foo: Foo 7>, < Foo: Foo 8>]

{{ In MySQL shell }}
delete from foo_foo where id=8;

{{ In same shell }}
>>> a
[< Foo: Foo 5>, < Foo: Foo 6>, < Foo: Foo 7>, < Foo: Foo 8>]
>>> b = Foo.objects.all()
>>> b
[< Foo: Foo 5>, < Foo: Foo 6>, < Foo: Foo 7>, < Foo: Foo 8>]
>>> transaction.rollback()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
  File "[...]/django/db/", line 161, in rollback
  File "[...]/django/db/", line 102, in set_clean
raise TransactionManagementError("This code isn't under transaction
TransactionManagementError: This code isn't under transaction
>>> b[3]
< Foo: Foo 8>

Maybe we're making the same mistake, but this behavior seems strange to
me as well.


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Re: Django and Media Temple Grid Server

2006-10-18 Thread Hawkeye

> I do not understnd why some people build a
> new sytem using 2 years old software (2.3.5
> released in Feb 2005).

So far as I understand, MediaTample's servers are all based on RedHat's
ES/AS offerings.

I tried to get Django running on a dedicated server with MT before, but
gave up (on MT, not Django) because it would have meant leaving
RedHat's support for Apache, Python, and mod_python.  I really hope
that they offer their grid setup for Django -- I think it would be a
huge benefit for the community to have a provider the size of
MediaTemple encouraging use of Django.


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Re: web sites using clusters

2006-10-23 Thread Hawkeye

Django works very well in a multi-server two-tiered environment. (Web +
DB)  I'm pretty sure that this was one of the goals of Adrian, et al.
as they developed Django.

As long as your database cluster can handle the traffic, you can keep
adding Django webservers with an outward-facing load-balancing scheme.
The web servers don't need to talk to each other, but make sure your
database is using transactions and the proper isolation level for your

I don't know of any tutorial for setting up a Django cluster, but it's
really just "add more servers" and "synchronize the applications
they're running".  There are likely tutorials for setting up generic
web server clusters, and Django shouldn't be much different.

I use subversion to keep all of my servers running the same code, but
other options are certainly possible.

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Re: web sites using clusters

2006-10-23 Thread Hawkeye

It should be noted that they don't offer shell access; so, while it is
theoretically possible to get Django to run on the Mosso service, you
wouldn't have access to

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