Re: FormWizard accessing previous fields data

2009-02-02 Thread Johan Liseborn

On Feb 2, 2009, at 23:32, wrote:

> On Feb 1, 2:38 am, "" <>
> wrote:
>> I never understood the logic of it either. I also expected to be able
>> to do  something like {{previous_fields.firstname }}.
> Found it!
> class EnrollWizard(FormWizard):
>def get_template(self, step):
>return 'enroll_wizard_%s.html' % step
>def process_step(self, request, form, current_step):
>if current_step == 3:
>form0 = self.get_form(0, request.POST)
>form1 = self.get_form(1, request.POST)
>form2 = self.get_form(2, request.POST)
>context = (dict(form0=form0, form1=form1, form2=form2))
>return render_to_response(self.get_template(self.step),
> context)
> And then in the template to display a summary i play with ifequal
>  {%ifequal form0.course 2%}
>  Intensive course
>  {%endif%}
>  {%ifequal form0.course 1%}
>  Standard course
>  {%endif%}
> If anybody has a more elegant solution i'm all ears!

Not sure whether it is more elegant or not, but here goes:

As I understand it, the wizard-class contains an extra_context that  
automatically gets handed to the templates. You can modify the  
extra_context in the process_step-method, allowing you to add  
additional information for each step you go through. Also, as I  
understand it, the process_step-method is given a cleaned (correct)  
form for the current step, so you can extract information from that  
form and put it into the extra_context.

Thus, you could do something like (no changes to get_template):

class EnrollWizard(FormWizard):
def process_step(self, request, form, step):
   if step == 0:
  self.extra_context['foo'] = form.cleaned_data['foo']
   elif step == 1:
  self.extra_context['bar'] = form.cleaned_data['bar']
   elif step == 3:
  self.extra_context['baz'] = form.cleaned_data['baz']

Now, in each template you will have access to more and more additional  
information, just like so:

{{ foo }}

{{ bar }}

{{ baz }}

I am not sure exactly how this maps to your example (as I do not fully  
understand it), but maybe it could simplify things slightly for you?

Now, if someone could point me to a simple way of combining form  
wizards with formsets, my day would be complete... :-)



Johan Liseborn

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Re: Where is the source code for Practical Django Projects?

2008-07-17 Thread Johan Liseborn

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 09:56, Phillip Parrin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't think the templates for the weblog(coltrane) app are in the
> book... atleast not where they should be, in the chapter covering
> it
> the templates i'm talking about are:
> entry_archive.html
> entry_archive_year.html
> entry_archve_month.html
> entry_archive_day.html

Pages 104-107 contains examples of the above, I believe.

> and i think this is the same for the link_* templates.

I didn't implement the link-part, but it seems some information is
available on pages 110-111. I guess "the details is left to reader"
regarding most of the link-templates... :-)

Also, it seems you have to run the trunk version of django-tagging if
you are running Django from trunk, and it seems the trunk version of
django-tagging works slightly differently than described in the book,
or at least I did not manage to get it working exactly as stated in
the book.

>  - btw great book :D




Johan Liseborn

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Problem with custom manager from blog example in "Practical Django Projects"

2008-07-16 Thread Johan Liseborn

I am working through some of the examples from James Bennetts
"Practical Django Projects" and I have encountered a small problem.
Note that I am not describing the whole context here, so if you have
not read the book, you may find it somewhat difficult to answer.

In the blog example, we define an additional manager for the
Entry-class (called the LiveEntryManager); the purpose is to easily be
able to retrieve "live" blog entries only (and skip the ones that are
still draft or hidden, saying something like The
examples tells us to also add a "regular" manager to the Entry class,
but to define them with the live one first, something like:

live = LiveEntryManager()
objects = models.Manager()

Now, doing it like this gives me problems in the admin interface (I am
running a fairly recent trunk), in that I cannot view (or edit)
entries that are not in the "live" state; AFAIU, the admin interface
will use the default manager, which is the first one defined, in this
case the LiveEntryManager, and thus I will only have access to live
entries in the admin.

A simple solution to this is to just reverse the order, putting the
"regular" manager first in Entry class. The problem with this is that
in a later chapter, where we write custom tags, we write a tag that is
able to handle different types of models, and you will want to use the
LiveEntryManager for Entry classes, but as the tag should be able to
handle different models, you don't know a priori that you are going to
deal with an Entry, so in order to only get the live entries in that
case, the tag relies on using the "self.model._default_manager.all()"
way of getting to the objects. And obviously, this only works if the
LiveEntryManager is defined first...

So, is there an elegant solution to this, or does it have to get ugly...?



Johan Liseborn

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Re: How do I add the user ID to a template?

2008-06-24 Thread Johan Liseborn

On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 15:47, Huuuze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A n00b question for everyone: My base template has a "Welcome
> " section in it.  Currently, I'm adding the username (which
> is coming from Django's auth/auth framework) to the template with the
> following bit of code:
> {{ request.session.user.username }}
> This works, however, it requires me to add the "request" object to any
> return statement that deals with displaying a page:
> return render_to_response('somepage.html', {'request':request})
> I'm guessing there's a better way to do this, but I can't seem to find
> an answer.  Help!

I believe you can use django.template.RequestContext to accomplish
what you want; in your view, do something like:

from django.template import RequestContext

return render_to_response('somepage.html',

That will, among other things (and depending on the
TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS variable in your populate the
request-object with a "user" field.

You can read more here:



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Re: User Profile in Admin interface (using trunk)

2008-06-21 Thread Johan Liseborn

On Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 02:46, ristretto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Was there any solution to this?  I'm looking through the tickets,
> wiki, docs, web, and now the source trying to figure out how to get my
> profile data saved along with a User in the admin.  Anyone have that
> working?   My situation is the same as this poster's, except I don't
> get any error; I just get no profile record created.

I never got any suggestions, so I moved to a different solution (using
my own form in "application space"); it was not optimal, but it worked
well enough for my particular case.

I am not yet that familiar with newforms-admin, but I assume it would
allow for solving things like this, right?

Anyway, it would be interesting to hear if there is some form of
solution for this even before newforms-admin. I cannot imagine that we
are the only two people that have stumbled upon the problem... :-)



Johan Liseborn

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Re: just doesn't go

2008-02-16 Thread Johan Liseborn

On Feb 16, 2008 1:46 PM, doNascimento <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm on mac OS X (10.4)
> Installed the official release (0.96.1)
> I've put on my path folder but it's not working when I
> use Python before it. (I get Python couldn't open ...)

I believe you need to do one of two things:

*either* you make sure that is on your path (so that
when you do e.g. "echo $PATH" in a shell, one of the directories
listed should be where you have Then you also need
to make sure that is executable (by setting the x-flag
of; if you do "ls -l" in the directory
where is located you should see something like
"rwxr-xr-x" in front of; if there are no x:es, you
need to set the x flag by doing someting like "chmod u+x"). When you have done this, you should be able to run from whichever directory you are in (given that you
have a working installation of python that is, but it seems you
already have that).

*or* you run using the "python" command; in this case,
you have to give the full (or relative) path to, as
the python command will not use your PATH setting to locate files.

Me personally, I usually create a "bin" directory in my home
directory, put "/Users/" in my path, and put symlinks to
whatever scripts or stuff I want to be able to run directly from the
command line.



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Re: Using the sites-system with a twist - is it possible?

2008-02-15 Thread Johan Liseborn

On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 2:31 PM, Dj Gilcrease <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 12:41 PM, Johan Liseborn
>  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >  I tried your suggested approach, wrote a small middleware class,  and
>  >  I actually got it working quite quickly, thanks!
>  >
>  >  The thing I am thinking about now is if there is a way to make the
>  >  filtering part more "automagic" (like I think the sites-stuff does
>  >  it); I was looking at custom managers, but it seems I cannot really do
>  >  it like that, because the filter criteria needs to be known when you
>  >  define the custom manager, whereas my filter criteria is only known at
>  >  run-time, when a specific request hits the server. (What I am worried
>  >  about is that I will forget to do the filtering for a view and
>  >  accidentally return too much data.)
>  Should be able to do this relatively simple within the middleware your
>  created by following the example @
> to get
>  the current user outside a request, you just adapt it to get the
>  current site outside a request. Then your Manager looks something like

Sweet, thanks! I managed to use the stuff you provided to accomplish
what I want; now, in views, I can just use Foo.object.all() (or
similar) and the returned set will have already been filtered
according to the "domain" of the user.

Now I only have to figure out exactly what it is I've done... :-) I
guess the principle is that a single request/response always runs in
one and only one thread, so therefore I can tuck stuff away in thread
local storage and access it down the line during the same
request/response "cycle", right?

Thanks again!



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Re: Using the sites-system with a twist - is it possible?

2008-02-14 Thread Johan Liseborn


Thanks for your reply!

On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 2:55 AM, Malcolm Tredinnick
>  On Wed, 2008-02-13 at 14:52 +0100, Johan Liseborn wrote:
>  >  while my requirement seems to indicate
>  > that the "site" (or pseudo-domain) should be decided by the logged in
>  > user rather than the domain name, so I am a bit pessimistic that I can
>  > accomplish what I say above, even though the two use cases seems very
>  > similar data-handling-wise; please tell me I am wrong... :-)
>  Well, they're similar in that different access paths see different data,
>  but that's pretty much everything in web land. The Sites framework is
>  one level at which these access paths can be controlled. You want to
>  control it at a different level: per-request.
>  If I was going to be doing this, I'd almost certainly just write up a
>  quick middleware that ran after the authentication middleware on the
>  request path and set an attribute on the request object indicating the
>  "site" (in your model) to use for further lookups. Then it's just a
>  matter of filtering lookups with that restriction each time. Needs a
>  little thought, depending on what you're doing, but certainly possible.

I tried your suggested approach, wrote a small middleware class,  and
I actually got it working quite quickly, thanks!

The thing I am thinking about now is if there is a way to make the
filtering part more "automagic" (like I think the sites-stuff does
it); I was looking at custom managers, but it seems I cannot really do
it like that, because the filter criteria needs to be known when you
define the custom manager, whereas my filter criteria is only known at
run-time, when a specific request hits the server. (What I am worried
about is that I will forget to do the filtering for a view and
accidentally return too much data.)

Anyway, I'll keep at it and see what I can come up with; any
additional input is always appreciated!




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Using the sites-system with a twist - is it possible?

2008-02-13 Thread Johan Liseborn

Hi all,

I am trying to figure out if I can use Django's sites-system in a
small experiment I am conducting. Please bear with me, as I am still
struggling to fully understand the sites-system. I am using the svn
version of Django (currently rev 7106, I believe).

I would like to build a site published on *one* address (e.g. where users can register for something like a "master
account" and several "normal accounts" and get their own little
sandbox to handle their data (this would be similar to a site, but it
would not have its own domain name; let's call this a

The idea, of course, is to handle data for multiple pseudo-domains in
the same database, while still disallowing people from one
pseudo-domain access to the data of another pseudo-domain. This would
be useful for a whole suite of software-as-a-service deployments; e.g.
if I where to offer a service of "Family Accounting" (just a silly
example), a family would setup a master account (the "administrator")
and several normal accounts, and then they could happily start
entering their earnings and spendings, resting assured that no one
outside their pseudo-domain would see their accounting status.

As far as I can tell, the Django site-system relies on the different
sites having different domains, while my requirement seems to indicate
that the "site" (or pseudo-domain) should be decided by the logged in
user rather than the domain name, so I am a bit pessimistic that I can
accomplish what I say above, even though the two use cases seems very
similar data-handling-wise; please tell me I am wrong... :-)

Also, is there a way to play with the sites-system using runserver? It
seems you need to have multiple settings-files (which I guess would be
simple using e.g. Apache and a bunch of virtual hosts), but it seems I
cannot do that with runserver.

Kind Regards,


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