Re: Dumping objects in templates

2008-02-08 Thread Jorge Gajon

On Fri, Feb 8, 2008 at 6:46 AM, Gollum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Is there any way to dump the whole object to html, for usual debugging
>  purposes. All I want is to see some objects whole structure, all field
>  values, child sets, etc. that are available for template.
>  I'm kind of new to python and django, but I have some cakePHP
>  experience and debug() function just that and I miss this kind of
>  functionality in django.

Hi Gollum,

The advantage of Python over PHP is that you have a REPL (the python
interactive shell) and you don't need tricks like PHP's debug() for
viewing stuff.

My advice is that you read how to use the Python debugger (pdb);
here's a short tutorial:

And the complete reference:

You can use the pdb in you view function to see how your objects are
constructed, what information you get from the request, and even
modify any variable in-place or call any function that you desire.


def my_view(request):
if request.method == "POST":
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
# inspect your objects and environment
# with pdb commands...

You can put a pdb.set_trace() in any place you want; in a custom
template tag, in a model or form method, in any part of the django
code; any place where python code is being run.

The flexibility and dynamism you get from the interactive debugger can
not be matched by any amount of "print" statements in your code (or
debug() calls) --  that was the PHP way but Python is a different

- Jorge

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Re: Passing form initial values from one view to another?

2008-01-24 Thread Jorge Gajon

Hi Dennis,

On Jan 23, 2008 9:19 PM, Dennis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> follow up here though.  Once this is implemented you end up with the
> redirect URL looking something like this:
> Which seems okay, but I also have a couple of other fields I'd like to
> default, so when we add in more fields, the URL can become unwieldy:

It's not really necessary to send all the values back in the query
string. You only need to send the id which you can use to fetch the
object in your view and access all of its fields.

For example, revisiting your process_task view:

def process_task(request):
if request.method == 'POST':

 I'm skipping this part

if request.GET.get('newcontext'):
# If there is a "newcontext" in the querystring,
# we fetch it and use it to set up the initial
# form values.
context = get_object_or_404(Context, pk=request.GET['newcontext'])
form = ProcessForm(initial={
# There were no new context
# use a form without initial values.
form = ProcessForm()

return render_to_response('process.html', {'form': form})

If you haven't used "get_object_or_404" before, take a look here:

> Which doesn't seem to be in line with django principles of readable
> URL's.  Thinking about this a little longer I thought it might be a
> good idea to take a approach to the problem and create a new
> entry such as:

Even though you could do that, personally I wouldn't. I think that an
action or resource should be represented by a single URI. Your
"process task" view is an action, which can accept different
parameters to use as initial values but still, it is the same action.
You would be unnecessarily duplicating code and complicating your file.

Of course you might have seen URIs like these:

Which makes sense because every blog entry is an unique resource which
should be represented by a unique URI. Also, a blog is a public facing
site and you would be interested in search engines indexing all your
entries. Plus it makes it easier to tell someone over the phone how to
get to a specific entry.

In your case I'm guessing you are developing an application which
requires a log-in before using it. Your application will be
controlling the work flow from page to page, and you won't dictate
someone over the phone to enter a long and confusing URI and
parameters in their browser.

- Jorge

P.D. I noticed that your code is not consistently indented. Make sure
you use the same number of spaces for each indentation level,
preferably four, otherwise you will encounter problems in the future
and it could be difficult to locate them if your indentation is all
mixed up.

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Re: Passing form initial values from one view to another?

2008-01-22 Thread Jorge Gajon

On Jan 20, 2008 11:58 PM, Dennis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This works from the standpoint of getting back to the "process.html"
> template with the new Context object selected on the original form.
> However, since this is using render_to_response instead of a redirect,
> the URL on the user's browser still holds the "create_context"
> location.  So, when the user hits "submit" on the process.html page,
> the form gets sent back to the "create_context" view and things don't
> operate as expected (another context gets created rather than
> submitting to the "process_task" view)
> The ideal way to do this would be to HttpResponseRedirect in place of
> the "render_to_response" but this doesn't allow me to pass the form
> object or any kind of dictionary representing the initial values.  Is
> there a way to do this?  Or am I going about this in the wrong manner?

Hi Dennis,

You are right that the ideal way would be to return an
HttpResponseRedirect, and that's what I would do too.

You can pass the id of the created context object as a parameter in
the request back to the 'process_task' view.

For example, your create_context view would look like this:

def create_context( request ):
   if request.method == 'POST':
   form = CreateContextForm(request.POST)
   if form.is_valid():
   # Do form processing here...
   # todo: clean_data is legacy, will need to be changed
   # to cleaned_data in next release.
   data = form.clean_data
   c = Context.objects.create(  name=data['name'] )
   # Pass the context id in the 'newcontext' parameter
   return HttpResponseRedirect('/process/?newcontext=%s' %
   form = CreateContextForm()
   return render_to_response('create_projctx.html', {'form':form})

Then your process_task view would be changed to check if there is a
'newcontext' parameter available in your request, in which case you
use it to set the initial data of the form.

def process_task(request):
   if request.method == 'POST':
   form = ProcessForm(request.POST)
   if form.is_valid():
   # Do form processing here...
   # todo: clean_data is legacy, will need to be changed
   # to cleaned_data in next release.
   data = form.clean_data

   t = Task.objects.create( context=data['context']
   , due_date=data['due_date'] )
   return HttpResponseRedirect( request.META['HTTP_REFERER'] )
   form = ProcessForm(initial={
  'context': request.GET.get('newcontext', None)
   return render_to_response('process.html', {'form': form})

The important part here is this:
   form = ProcessForm(initial={
  'context': request.GET.get('newcontext', None)

You are setting an initial context depending on the value of the
'newcontext' request parameter, but because that parameter may not
always be present you need to use the .get() method, the first
parameter is the key to get from the dictionary and the second
parameter is a value to return if the key is not found.

In this case, when 'newcontext' is not found you'll get a None value
back. After you create a new context on the other view and get
redirected to process_task, there should be a value in the
'newcontext' request parameter, and the form will render with that
context selected.

Also note that this line:
return HttpResponseRedirect( request.META['HTTP_REFERER'] )
will cause you problems because after creating a context, the referrer
will be the /create_context/ page.

Hope this helps.


- Jorge

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Re: ANN: is out!

2007-06-25 Thread Jorge Gajon

On 6/22/07, Jeremy Dunck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dice que estas en #django-es en freenode o un otra network?  Estoy en
> #django-es ahora.
> (Como se dice "network"?)

Se dice "red"


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Re: Interesting problem importing

2007-04-07 Thread Jorge Gajon

On 4/7/07, Michael Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the shell an error when I do the export
> File "", line 1
> export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = speakeasy.settings
> ^(arrow is under the E)
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Hi Michael, I probably wasn't clear in my previous post. I described
two ways to launch your python shell, one was to write "python shell", while the other was to define the environment
variable in your bash shell (the export thingy).

I see that you are already using "python shell", which means
that you don't have to worry about setting the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE
environment variable; already did it for you.

I apologize if I did things confusing before.


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Re: Import, referencing modules across packages

2007-04-06 Thread Jorge Gajon

On 4/6/07, Trey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Alright, I would like to reuse one of the forms, say Form1 inside of
> the views for app2. So inside of the function I try this:
> def viewfunction(request):
>  from app1.forms import Form1
> which fails pretty badly, I have also tried this:
> def viewfunction(request):
>   from projectpath.app1.forms import Form1
> If anyone knows how to reuse classes from one application directory to
> another please let me know your secrets :)

The "from project.app1.forms import Form1" line should work just fine,
what is the error you are seeing?.

Also, make sure that there is an "" file in your
/project/app1/ folder.

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Re: Interesting problem importing

2007-04-06 Thread Jorge Gajon

On 4/6/07, Michael Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am extremely new to programming, much less Django, but am working my
> tail off trying to deploy a student alternative Webzine site.
> For the images I have been trying to use the nesh utils,
>, because they
> look perfect and a friend recommended them to me. I have tried
> different methods to install the application and made the changes
> talked about here, 
> , but am still having problems. I am trying my hardest to break down
> the code and figure out what could be going on.
> As I was going through the code, I opened a python shell to try to
> import the functions. In order I did
> from django.conf import settings
> from django.core.cache import get_cache
> and it raises an 'EnvironmentError: Environment Variable
> DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is undefined'. A quick search finds a few code
> trac problems and a few fixes regarding this problem but none have
> helped.

Just what the error says, you have to define the
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable.

Assuming you have started a project, go to your project folder and in
your shell run this:

  ~$ python shell

It will set up the settings environment for you and fire up a python shell.

If you still want to do it yourself, then what you need to do is
something like this (in your shell of course):

  ~$ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=myproject.settings
 ~$ python

The 'export' thing is how you define an environment variable.

I'm assuming here that your are using a Linux machine, if you are in
Windows then you'll have to use the "python shell" command.


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Re: Serving Media through mod_proxy.

2007-02-27 Thread Jorge Gajon

Hi David,

On 2/27/07, David Abrahams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm running django with Apache/mod_python and serving media through
> lighttpd. I have only one IP address, so lighttpd is running on port
> 8081, but some of my clients are behind firewalls that block ports
> other than 80.
> I'm planning to ditch Apache and run everything with lighttpd under
> FastCGI, but I'm not ready to do that just yet just yet, so I'm
> wondering if I can use mod_proxy to make it look like the media is
> being served on port 80.  My guess is that would defeat the purpose of
> having separate servers, but I thought I'd check.

Take a look at this page under the section titled "Serving media files"

That way you can also serve your media files from your same Apache instance.

Personally I've been using Lighttpd with FastCGI and it has been
working great. In fact Lighttpd only redirect the traffic to the
Django FastCGI instance, it doesn't have to load any python code
itself so it is very light-weight and very good for serving media


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Re: model referencing itself

2007-01-04 Thread Jorge Gajon

Hi Aljosa,

On 1/4/07, Aljosa Mohorovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

i'm trying to create a model which referencing itself and for this
code i get this error:
"name 'Chapter' is not defined"

how do i do this or something similar?

from django.db import models

class Chapter(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(maxlength=200)
content = models.TextField()
prev = models.OneToOneField(Chapter)
next = models.OneToOneField(Chapter)

Try with:
prev = models.OneToOneField('self')
next = models.OneToOneField('self')


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Re: problem with inclusion_tag

2007-01-04 Thread Jorge Gajon

On 1/4/07, stoKes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Jan 4, 12:10 pm, "Jorge Gajon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Adam,
> On 1/3/07, stoKes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > base.html
> > {% showmenu %}
> > {% for service in services %}
> > {{
> > }}
> > {% endfor %}
> > but receiving this error:
> > Exception Type: TemplateSyntaxError
> > Exception Value:Invalid block tag: 'showmenu'Try putting {% load 
showmenu %} before the call to the tag, for example:
> {% load showmenu %}
> {% showmenu %}
> {% for service in services %}
> {{ }}
> {% endfor %}
> The {% load %} tag loads a .py file that contains your custom tags. In
> this case it will try to load the file
> /project/templatetags/
> If the .py file with your custom tags had a different name, for
> example "" then you would need to type a {% load mytags %} in
> your template before using your custom tags.

Hey Jorge,

I had tried that, however, this is the error I got :

Exception Type: TemplateSyntaxError
Exception Value:'showmenu' is not a valid tag library: Could not load
template library from django.templatetags.showmenu, No module named

i've created other templatetags before that loaded perfectly if i did
it for a certain app, for example,


but this is more of a global template tag so im not sure if my
procedure in doing this is correct or not

Oh I didn't noticed that little detail. But no, you can't have a
"global" templatetag, your custom tags must be inside the
'templatetags' folder inside your app. This is what the documentation
says about it:

 """The {% load %} tag looks at your INSTALLED_APPS setting and only
allows the loading of template libraries within installed Django apps.
This is a security feature: It allows you to host Python code for many
template libraries on a single computer without enabling access to all
of them for every Django installation.

If you write a template library that isn't tied to any particular
models/views, it's perfectly OK to have a Django app package that only
contains a templatetags package."""

Hope it helps


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Re: problem with inclusion_tag

2007-01-04 Thread Jorge Gajon

Hi Adam,

On 1/3/07, stoKes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

{% showmenu %}
{% for service in services %}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}

but receiving this error:

Exception Type: TemplateSyntaxError
Exception Value:Invalid block tag: 'showmenu'

Try putting {% load showmenu %} before the call to the tag, for example:

   {% load showmenu %}
   {% showmenu %}
   {% for service in services %}
   {{ }}
   {% endfor %}

The {% load %} tag loads a .py file that contains your custom tags. In
this case it will try to load the file

If the .py file with your custom tags had a different name, for
example "" then you would need to type a {% load mytags %} in
your template before using your custom tags.


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Re: Curious error

2007-01-02 Thread Jorge Gajon

On 1/1/07, Ramdas S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

class billnumber(models.Model):
date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, primary_key = True)
def __str__(self):

You added the 'primary_key' attribute to your date field, therefore
your model will not have an 'id' field which you are trying to access
in __str__().

Remove the 'primary_key' attribute from the date field in your model,
or else, modify your __str__() method.


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Re: Can't get my URLs right.

2006-12-27 Thread Jorge Gajon

On 12/27/06, Jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So now that I add an about page, as what I get is a
bunch of 404 errors because it's looking form my CSS and images in:
/about/css/styles.css (should be /css/styles.css) and images references
in the CSS in about/css/i/abc.png (should be i/abc.png).  I don't
really want to keep recurring and linking my file system to make this

Hi Jason,
You need to write absolute urls in your html, for example, instead of:


You have to:


Notice the slash at the beginning of "/css/styles.css".


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Re: Extrange behavior with get 'self' FK in admin view

2006-12-24 Thread Jorge Gajon


On 12/20/06, ElGranAzul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, i've and extrange behavior with admin views with the following

I copied your code to a test project, added the missing Country and
Island objects and tried it but I could not reproduce your problem,
everything works fine here. I added some objects and the list view
works fine, the detail view also works fine.

It's probable that the error lies in one of the Country or Island
objects. Also, I did re-indent your code when I copied it here. You
should re-check your indentation, I can see that the body of
__parents_repr has a higher indentation that the rest of the code,
although it shouldn't really matter, you should probably check it just
to be sure.


class Subdivision(models.Model):
code = models.CharField(_('Code'), maxlength=10, primary_key=True)
name = models.CharField(_('Name'), maxlength=100, core=True)
stype = models.CharField(_('Type'), maxlength=3,
country = models.ForeignKey(Country, verbose_name=_('Country'))
island = models.ForeignKey(Island, verbose_name=_('Island'),
blank=True, null=True)
parent = models.ForeignKey('self', related_name="children",
verbose_name=_('Parent Subdivision'), blank=True, null=True)
lat = models.FloatField(_('Latitude'), max_digits=9,
decimal_places=6, blank=True, null=True)
lon = models.FloatField(_('Longitude'), max_digits=9,
decimal_places=6, blank=True, null=True)

def __str__(self):
parent = self._parents_repr()
if parent:
return ('%s (%s of %s, %s)') % (,
self.get_stype_display(), parent,
return ('%s (%s of %s)') % (,
__str__.short_description = _("Descipcion")

def _recurse_for_parents(self, cat_obj):
p_list = []
if cat_obj.parent_id:
p = cat_obj.parent
more = self._recurse_for_parents(p)
if cat_obj == self and p_list:
return p_list

def _parents_repr(self):
p_list = self._recurse_for_parents(self)
if len(p_list) >= 1:
p = p_list.pop()
p_list = p[0]
p_list = ''
return p_list

class Meta:
verbose_name = _('Subdivision')
verbose_name_plural = _('Subdivisions')

class Admin:
list_display = ('code','name','island','__str__')
list_filter = ['country','stype']
search_fields = ['code','name']

The problem is that wehn i try to edit an object and call
self._parents_repr() in __str__ the admin views raise an 404 error
saying that cannot find a model with this code, but if i remove the
self._parents_repr() it works ok. In shell the str output works good,
and in admin list.

Is it an admin views error?

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Re: dynamic query key asignment

2006-12-23 Thread Jorge Gajon

Hi there k1000,

On 12/21/06, k1000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is there any way to create dynamically key ( 'thiskey_exact' ) in query
object. eg:
 Object.objects.filter(thiskey_exact = 'something')

I'll paste here an example from one project I have here:



dyn_key = '%s__icontains' % 'nombre'
kwargs = {} # a dictionary
kwargs[dyn_key] = 'fabri'  # the value to the key


{'nombre__icontains': 'fabri'}



Hope it helps.


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Re: Request data in inclusion tag

2006-12-21 Thread Jorge Gajon

Hi Eugene,

On 12/21/06, Eugene Pyvovarov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Look, I have a little problem. I need to put on the page shopping cart
icon and quantity of elements in  cart. I make custom inclusion tag.
But now I have a problem - I can not access request object with session
data(I store quantity in user's session).
How can i do this thing?

You need to pass a RequestContext from your views to your template,
take a look at this:

Your inclusion tag will also need a second parameter called
'takes_context' set to True, ie:

mytag = register.inclusion_tag('template.html', takes_context=True)(mytag)



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Re: Admin login problem

2006-12-13 Thread Jorge Gajon

On 12/12/06, Yatla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Newbie here - saw that the same question was asked earlier but not
> answered, and the post was locked so I could not reply.
> I have a Django site in a subdirectory as follows (via fcgi) - (using
> ver 0.96 pre via svn)
> When I go into the Admin area as follows
> The login form that comes up has action="/admin/" (not "/dj/admin"), so
> the post goes to
> which is not the Django site.  Somehow the /dg/ subdirectory info is
> not prefixed to the form action.  Is there a configuration with the
> main site prefix that I'm missing somwhere, I ony see path to media to
> be set in tte seetings?

Hi Yatla,
Are you using an .htaccess file? I have a site on Dreamhost in which
my Django app live under a sub-url like this:

In my .htaccess file (in the 'galeria' folder of the domain) I have
the following rules:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(media/.*)$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(django.fcgi)
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ django.fcgi/galeria/$1 [L]

Remember that in your file you will need to include the admin
urls like this:

 (r'^galeria/admin/', include('django.contrib.admin.urls')),

Hope it helps.


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Re: Validation 3 steep complicate form

2006-12-04 Thread Jorge Gajon


On 12/3/06, GvaderTh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello All. I read django documentation about forms, had seek internet
> and didn't found solution for situation like this: I have order form
> divided to 3 steeps, after every step should be validation and if
> validation is succesfull, user can fill form for next-step. Form for
> every step  doesn't map to database table, or object, I think that only
> filled succesfully 3 step, the result will be a new object. What is the
> best way to do this? At the beggining I thought that after every step,
> value after validation I will hold in session and at the end I made
> final object. But for now I don't know how to write template for this
> task, and how to do validation for this. Any help? Please
> Thanks
> G.

Since the first two forms doesn't map to a database object, you will
need to create custom forms and manipulators. Take a look at:

Although, the way to create and use custom forms is going to change
soon. Just be aware of that.

You can create three views, one for each step. In the first view,
create a custom manipulator to handle and validate the data that is
entered in that first view. If the data is correct, use sessions to
store a flag that indicates that the user has entered the information
correctly and redirect him to the next view. In the next view you
would then check in the session that the flag for the previous view is

If you will later need the supplied information then store it in the
session too, do not use hidden fields to carry it over different

Sessions documentation:


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Re: Setting checkbox to check as default value

2006-12-04 Thread Jorge Gajon

Hi Jeff,

On 12/2/06, jeffhg58 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a custom manipulator and I am trying to set the checkbox default
> to checked.
> For example, my field name is:
> forms.CheckboxField(field_name="current"),

Pass a 'checked_by_default' argument to the CheckboxField constructor,
like this:

forms.CheckboxField(field_name="current", checked_by_default=True),


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Re: Calling Methods from Admin

2006-12-02 Thread Jorge Gajon

On 12/2/06, Beau Hartshorne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What's the best way make a method call from Django's admin? I'd like
> to set up a link or button that re-sends emails to users who've lost
> them to the Internet or spam traps or whatever.

Well, I'm not sure what is the best way to do it, but I'll explain how
I would do it.

First, you need to display the link that will trigger the process. For
example, if you have this model in your app's file:

class Person(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(maxlength=80)
email = models.EmailField()

class Admin:
list_display = ('name', 'email', 'reminder_link')

def reminder_link(self):
return 'Send
reminder' %
reminder_link.allow_tags = True

There you are telling the admin interface to display three columns,
the 'name', 'email' and a 'reminder_link' property which will cause it
to call a method of that name on the object. Therefore you need to
define that method, which simply returns an HTML portion that should
display a link. You'll need to set an 'allow_tags' property to the
method so that the admin interface does not escape the HTML that it

Adjust the link that the 'reminder_link' method returns to better fit
your project.

Next, we'll have to handle any request to
'/admin/person/sendreminder/' with a custom view.

You'll have to add an url pattern to your file:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^admin/person/sendreminder/(\d+)/$', 'myapp.views.send_reminder'),
(r'^admin/', include('django.contrib.admin.urls')),

 your other urls

You must add the handler for '/admin/person/sendreminder/' before the
default 'admin/' pattern, otherwise the included admin would try to
handle it and would spit an error.

Now you need to create the view that will actually do the work of
sending the reminder. In your file you will define the
'send_reminder' view:

from django.core.mail import send_mail

def send_reminder(request, person_id):
person = get_object_or_404(Person, pk=person_id)

subject = 'Your name reminder'
body = 'Hey, your name is %s' %
sender = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
recipient = []

send_mail(subject, body, sender, recipient)
return render_to_response('reminder_sent.html')

That function send a simple email to the user indicated by the
'person_id' parameter. You would then create 'reminder_sent.html'
template and display a confirmation message.

The only thing left to do is to make sure that only a staff user can
access the '/admin/person/sendreminder/' url. To do that you need to
decorate your view with a 'staff_member_required' decorator like this:

from django.contrib.admin.views.decorators import staff_member_required
from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache

def send_reminder(request, person_id):
return render_to_response('reminder_sent.html')
send_reminder = staff_member_required(never_cache(send_reminder))

And that's it. Hope it can help.


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Re: Help with Contact Form

2006-12-01 Thread Jorge Gajon

On 11/30/06, luxagraf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all I have a quick question, I just whipped up a custom
> manipulator for a contact form and, following the suggestion in the
> django docs, I'm using a
> HttpResponseRedirect("/contact/thankyou/")
> to get rid of the post data, but what I'd like to display at that
> redirect url is a copy of the message the user sent... but I can't
> figure out how to do that...
> is there a way to do something like this:
> HttpResponseRedirect("/contact/thankyou/"
> extra_context={'my_form_data': data_as_list})

You cannot do that because HttpResponseRedirect causes the browser to
navigate to another URL, it does not render anything at all. Think of
it as if the user manually typed the "/contact/thankyou/" URL in their

> note that I'm not storing the message, there is no model to query to,
> I thought of using a cookie, but the seems unnecessary...

Since you are not storing the data, then I can only thing of two
solutions. One is to pass that data on the query string of the
"thankyou" url, and get it from request.GET on that view.

The other option is, as you said, to use sessions.

I would personally use sessions, or store the data into the database.


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Re: Accessing request and session objects from templates

2006-11-06 Thread Jorge Gajon


> I am wondering if there is a way to access request data and session object
> directly from Django templates, in the same way as {{ user }} for instance.
> I must admit I'm a bit lost with template context processors and so on...

You need to activate the "django.core.context_processors.request"
context processor. To do that you should add the following to your file:


Then, to actually have your context processors activated during a
template rendering, you must pass a RequestContext as the context for
your template. In other words, when you are returning a
render_to_response() in your view you should do it like this:

def my_view(request):
# do your stuff

return render_to_response('my_template.html',
  context_instance=RequestContext(request) )

Take a look at the documentation here:

Hope it helps.


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Re: setting and using an object variable without using a field

2006-11-04 Thread Jorge Gajon

On 11/3/06, Rob Slotboom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And. it's working.
> Just one question: Is this the right way to do such things?

I don't see any problem with it, as long as the template doesn't care
where "voted_by_remote_add" comes from or how it is constructed.

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Re: Error importing

2006-10-31 Thread Jorge Gajon

On 10/31/06, sansmojo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all!  My server admin has set up an apache/mod_python server for
> me, but we keep getting the following error:
> Our apache config is here:

You probably only need to change this line in your apache config:
SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE /var/www/closed/ce/

for this one:


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Re: Custom manipulator

2006-10-30 Thread Jorge Gajon

> 1) {{form.teacher}} doesn't render the actual teacher assigned to that
> course but just the first in the list of teachers.

I'm guessing here since I don't have open any project to test it on,
but I suspect that is because you are initializing your form data with

   new_data = dict(code=course.code,,
description=course.description, teacher=course.teacher,

which makes new_data['teacher'] contain a teacher object when you
actually only need a value. You could change that to:

Another thing, maybe you are doing more things that you didn't
included in the pasted code, but I don't see any need for a custom
manipulator there, and I would suggest you to use the default
generated manipulators.

Your code could be more simpler, like this:

def course_edit(request, course_id):
manipulator = Course.ChangeManipulator(course_id)
raise Http404

course = manipulator.original_object
new_data = {}
errors = {}

if request.POST:
new_data = request.POST.copy()
errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)
if not errors:

return HttpResponseRedirect("/course_edit/%s" % course_id)
new_data = manipulator.flatten_data()

form = forms.FormWrapper(manipulator, new_data, errors)
return render_to_response("course.html", {'form'=form})

> 2) In the manipulator save() method i have to refer to model fields
> with course.teacher_id. Shouldn't i be able to just do course.teacher
> without instantiating a teacher object?

No, course.teacher must be a Teacher object. And since you are using a
custom manipulator, you'll need to fetch that object in the save()

Or, as you already noted, you can use course.teacher_id and assign it
a valid id.


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Re: Generating a choices set from data

2006-10-30 Thread Jorge Gajon

On 10/27/06, Russell Keith-Magee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/26/06, Ice9 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi, I'm kinda new to django, and I ran into a problem
> > I'm making a cutom form, and one of the field I want it to be
> > SelectField. the problem is I dont want to hard code the choices in, I
> > want to generate a set of choice I can use from the data i already
> > have.
> > For example, I have a lot of polls, and I want the choices to be all
> > the polls posted by user root. How would I come to do that?
> Sounds like you need 'limit_choices_to' on a Foreign Key. Add a
> Foreign Key on Choices to the Poll model; use the limit_choices_to
> argument on the ForeignKey defintion to filter out those choices you
> don't want.

Russell's answer is your best option in this case and is also cleaner.
However, if you still want to know how to generate the choices list
for your SelectField, you can do something like this:

class MyManipulator(forms.Manipulator):
def __init__(self):
filtered_data = MyModel.objects.filter(... some condition...)
my_choices = [(, obj) for obj in filtered_data]

self.fields = (
forms.SelectField(field_name='name', choices=my_choices),

Basically you use a list generation expression to generate a list of
tuples, each tuple must contain two elements, the first element is the
choice value (e.g. the id of the object) and the second element is the
label that you want to display in the select field for that value (in
this example we assume that obj has an appropriate __str__() method).

Hope it helps.


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Re: template and special character problem

2006-09-18 Thread Jorge Gajon

On 9/18/06, Phil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I tried what you suggested (replace my meta http-equiv by your version)
> and it does no good )c:

Sorry to hear that Phil, I don't know what else to suggest :(  It is
really weird that it works when you duplicate the content-type line

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Re: template and special character problem

2006-09-17 Thread Jorge Gajon

On 9/16/06, Phil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the base.html template I added in the  section a {% block
> extrahead %}{% endblock %}.
> And in the index.html template I added {% block extrahead %}  http-equiv="content-type" content="application/xhtml+xml;
> charset=UTF-8" /> {% endblock %}

It is really strange that you need to duplicate your content-type to
make it work. I believe your problem lies in how the browser is
interpreting your html file and not in Django.

Also, what happens if you instead specify your content-type in your
base.html file like this?

There are two differences, Content-Type (first letters are uppercase)
and the mime type is "text/html" instead of "application/xhtml+xml"

By default, Django serves the Content-Type header (in the HTTP
response headers) like that. See DEFAULT_CHARSET and

> I plan to debug this to see why Django doesn't seem to know what is the
> encoding of the index.html template.

If your text editor is correctly writing your files in UTF-8 and you
didn't changed the DEFAULT_CHARSET setting in your settings file, then
there shouldn't be any problem with how Django reads your templates.

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Re: template and special character problem

2006-09-14 Thread Jorge Gajon


On 9/12/06, Phil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I render index.html, the special character from base.html are
> rendered normaly but the ones from index.html are shown as '?'.

Make sure that the editor you are using is writing your files to disk
with the correct encoding.

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Re: foreignKey + manipulator...performance problem, SOLVED

2006-09-04 Thread Jorge Gajon


On 8/31/06, Gábor Farkas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> you need to use the raw_id_admin = True flag in the ForeignKey,
> and all will be fine.

Great!, Thank you Gábor  :)
I was having the same problem too.


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Re: foreignKey + manipulator...performance problem

2006-09-02 Thread Jorge Gajon

On 9/2/06, Jorge Gajon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think this should be put on a ticket as an enhancement, the
> manipulator should load the foreign data only (and just only) when you
> actually put a {{ form.foreign_field }} in your template and the html
> select tag needs to be rendered.

Or maybe just wait for the impending removal of manipulators :)

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Re: foreignKey + manipulator...performance problem

2006-09-02 Thread Jorge Gajon


On 8/30/06, gabor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> everything is ok, until you call
> Owner.AddManipulator()... this will take a long time.

I got this same problem yesterday, however I'm short in time so I
couldn't look deeper on what to do. I ended passing
follow={'field':False} and then saving the object manually but I don't
like that and will try to do something better later.

I think this should be put on a ticket as an enhancement, the
manipulator should load the foreign data only (and just only) when you
actually put a {{ form.foreign_field }} in your template and the html
select tag needs to be rendered.

I can't write up the ticket because I need to go in 5 minutes :(


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Re: Having trouble with views

2006-08-11 Thread Jorge Gajon

Many people come to Django without having knowledge of Python before,
and that's perfectly fine!, but you must be aware that it is DOUBLE
hard, and you must double your efforts to learn Django and Python

My recommendation (and Malcolm also said it) is that you first get to
know Python better and then tackle Django, one at a time. It will make
things easier in the long run, and you will be able to better
understand how Django works and why.

Here are some places to start:

Trust me, once you feel comfortable writing and debugging Python
programs, getting Django to do what you want it to do will be really


On 8/11/06, Tomas Jacobsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No problem. Thank you for all your help! I really appreciate what you
> have done. Without your help, I probably would have given up on django
> a long time ago. I will try to read more of the tutorials, It's just
> that it isen't that easy to find a tutorial that covers what Im trying
> to do.
> Best regards,
> Tomas

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Re: Scandinavian characters in .po files and timezones

2006-07-31 Thread Jorge Gajon


Take notice that there is also a 'fileencoding' setting in vim. When
you create a new file in vim, 'fileencoding' will not be set and so it
will take the current value from 'encoding'.

When you open an existing file, vim will try to determine its encoding
and set 'fileencoding' accordingly. But be aware that if you change
the 'encoding' the 'fileencoding' variable will not be affected.

If you want to actually change the encoding of an existing file you
must change the variable 'fileencoding' and save (:w) the file.

Look at :help fileencoding   and   :help encodingfor more details.

You could also take a look at this script:


On 7/30/06, Mikko Nylén <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for all answers. I was able to fix the problem by starting over with 
> the django.po. May be the problem was that when I did start working with the 
> file, I didn't have set encoding=utf-8 and when I turned it on in the middle, 
> Vim didn't convert the characters to UTF-8.
> - Mikko Nylén
> >

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Re: debugging xmlhttprequest POST's is a PAIN! Need help.

2006-07-14 Thread Jorge Gajon


On 7/14/06, Jeremy Dunck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Run with the built-in server and put this in your view code:
> import pdb
> pdb.set_trace()

+1 for using pdb. It will save you a lot of time debugging your code.

And if you haven't used pdb, check out this tutorial:

Highly recommended!

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Re: Custom Manipulator problem

2006-07-14 Thread Jorge Gajon

Hi again, I rushed with my previous email.

Why don't you use the generated manipulator from the model instead of
writing your own?

You only need to change this line:
   manipulator = EntryManipulator()
with this line:
   manipulator = Entry.AddManipulator()
that should work.

Then there's no need to write the custom manipulator.


On 7/14/06, Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> When using custom Manipulator (which in fact does nothing.. I've cut
> some additional custom validation here) I'm getting error as follows:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File
> "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.95-py2.4.egg/django/core/handlers/"
> in get_response
>   74. response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
> File "/usr/local/www/data/django/projects/pbook/../pbook/book/"
> in create_entry
>   23. new_entry =
> File
> "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.95-py2.4.egg/django/forms/"
> in save
>   92. raise NotImplementedError
>   NotImplementedError at /
> -
> Python 2.4.2, DB: SQLite, svn from trunk as of July 13th
> Error occurs on POST when submitting, I am able to see & fill in the
> form.
> This is my code:
> ---> book/
> from django.db import models
> class Entry(models.Model):
> name = models.CharField(blank=False, maxlength=30)
> last = models.CharField(blank=False, maxlength=50)
> nr = models.IntegerField(unique=True, blank=True, maxlength=10)
> nr_mobile = models.IntegerField(unique=True, blank=True,
> maxlength=9)
> def __str__(self):
> return
> class Admin:
> pass
> --> book/
> from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
> from django.core import validators
> from django import forms
> from import Entry
> from django.http import Http404, HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect
> def create_entry(request):
> manipulator = EntryManipulator()
> if request.POST:
> new_data = request.POST.copy()
> errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)
> if not errors:
> manipulator.do_html2python(new_data)
> new_entry =
> return HttpResponse("Entry created: %s" % new_entry)
> else:
> errors = new_data = {}
> form = forms.FormWrapper(manipulator, new_data, errors)
> return render_to_response('book/entry_form.html', {'form': form })
> class EntryManipulator(forms.Manipulator):
> def __init__(self):
> self.fields = (
> forms.TextField(field_name='name',
> is_required=True, maxlength=30),
> forms.TextField(field_name='last',
> is_required=True, maxlength=50),
> forms.IntegerField(field_name='nr',
> maxlength=10),
> forms.IntegerField(field_name='nr_mobile',
> maxlength=9),
>   )
> --->
> from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
> from import Entry
> urlpatterns = patterns('',
>  (r'^$', ''),
>  (r'^admin/', include('django.contrib.admin.urls')),
> )
> ---> templates/book/entry_form.html
> {% if form.has_errors %}
> Please correct the following error{{ form.error_dict|pluralize
> }}:
> {% endif %}
> Name: {{ }}
> {% if %}*** {{|join:", " }}{%
> endif %}
> Last: {{ form.last }}
> {% if form.last.errors %}*** {{ form.last.errors|join:", " }}{%
> endif %}
> Phone nr: {{ }}
> {% if %}*** {{|join:", " }}{% endif
> %}
> Mobile nr: {{ form.nr_mobile }}
> {% if form.nr_mobile.errors %}*** {{ form.nr_mobile.errors|join:",
> " }}{% endif %}
> Thanks,
> Robert
> >

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Re: Custom Manipulator problem

2006-07-14 Thread Jorge Gajon

You need to implement the save() method in your custom manipulator.


On 7/14/06, Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> When using custom Manipulator (which in fact does nothing.. I've cut
> some additional custom validation here) I'm getting error as follows:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File
> "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.95-py2.4.egg/django/core/handlers/"
> in get_response
>   74. response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
> File "/usr/local/www/data/django/projects/pbook/../pbook/book/"
> in create_entry
>   23. new_entry =
> File
> "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.95-py2.4.egg/django/forms/"
> in save
>   92. raise NotImplementedError
>   NotImplementedError at /
> -
> Python 2.4.2, DB: SQLite, svn from trunk as of July 13th
> Error occurs on POST when submitting, I am able to see & fill in the
> form.
> This is my code:
> ---> book/
> from django.db import models
> class Entry(models.Model):
> name = models.CharField(blank=False, maxlength=30)
> last = models.CharField(blank=False, maxlength=50)
> nr = models.IntegerField(unique=True, blank=True, maxlength=10)
> nr_mobile = models.IntegerField(unique=True, blank=True,
> maxlength=9)
> def __str__(self):
> return
> class Admin:
> pass
> --> book/
> from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
> from django.core import validators
> from django import forms
> from import Entry
> from django.http import Http404, HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect
> def create_entry(request):
> manipulator = EntryManipulator()
> if request.POST:
> new_data = request.POST.copy()
> errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)
> if not errors:
> manipulator.do_html2python(new_data)
> new_entry =
> return HttpResponse("Entry created: %s" % new_entry)
> else:
> errors = new_data = {}
> form = forms.FormWrapper(manipulator, new_data, errors)
> return render_to_response('book/entry_form.html', {'form': form })
> class EntryManipulator(forms.Manipulator):
> def __init__(self):
> self.fields = (
> forms.TextField(field_name='name',
> is_required=True, maxlength=30),
> forms.TextField(field_name='last',
> is_required=True, maxlength=50),
> forms.IntegerField(field_name='nr',
> maxlength=10),
> forms.IntegerField(field_name='nr_mobile',
> maxlength=9),
>   )
> --->
> from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
> from import Entry
> urlpatterns = patterns('',
>  (r'^$', ''),
>  (r'^admin/', include('django.contrib.admin.urls')),
> )
> ---> templates/book/entry_form.html
> {% if form.has_errors %}
> Please correct the following error{{ form.error_dict|pluralize
> }}:
> {% endif %}
> Name: {{ }}
> {% if %}*** {{|join:", " }}{%
> endif %}
> Last: {{ form.last }}
> {% if form.last.errors %}*** {{ form.last.errors|join:", " }}{%
> endif %}
> Phone nr: {{ }}
> {% if %}*** {{|join:", " }}{% endif
> %}
> Mobile nr: {{ form.nr_mobile }}
> {% if form.nr_mobile.errors %}*** {{ form.nr_mobile.errors|join:",
> " }}{% endif %}
> Thanks,
> Robert
> >

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Re: Non iterable argument

2006-07-13 Thread Jorge Gajon

You are calling manipulator.do_html2python() before the call to

The correct thing is to call do_html2python() after you have validated
the data and there are no errors.

It should look like this:

errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)
print errors
if not errors:
print "noerrors"
print new_data['owner']


On 7/13/06, Lucas Vogelsang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> I have an integer in my model:
>  rating= models.IntegerField(null=true, blank=true)
> And I create my Add form for the class like as described in the
> manipulator doc with a manipulator[1]. As expected, { form.rating }
> creates an input field. However, when I try to submit the form I get
> the error "Non iterable argument", see [2].
> Anybody can help me out with this?
> [1]
> [2]
> regards, lucas
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Signed with GPG & Enigmail - see
> iD8DBQFEtn4P3RQ/RpGW2HgRAn9qAJ9btgJXt34o2aQWnSiXwRkmwVnOBwCgsmrO
> yDHFpzWwFpM2jN7RlXmHyYY=
> =iBZU
> >

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Re: Please fix my ugly code

2006-07-13 Thread Jorge Gajon

Hi again Carlos,

I suggested this change in your code:
> results = Vozilo.objects.all()
> if selected_model_id != 0:
> results = results.filter(model_id__exact=selected_model_id)
> if selected_gorivo_id != 0:
> results.extend(results.filter(gorivo_id__exact=selected_gorivo_id))
But I'm totally wrong there. Your original code should be fine,
because you were chaining the filters. The 'extends' is not necessary
and in fact it is wrong.

I also realized that the filter logic in the code that I proposed is
wrong. With that code you would get a list of cars that match the
specified model, along with all the cars that match the gorivo type
(regardless of model).

The correct thing is to chain the filters like you did in your
original code. This should work, I tested it with a model I have here.

results = Vozilo.objects.all()
if model:
results = results.filter(model=model)
if gorivo:
results = results.filter(gorivo=gorivo)

I'm sorry if I caused any confusion and for not paying more attention
to that filtering part :)


On 7/13/06, Jorge Gajon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Carlos,
> I think your code is going good so far. Of course I'm not a guru but I
> think your code is fine. Is there something that you don't feel
> comfortable with? With respect to adding the results of both filters,
> you need to extend the results of the first results (if any), like
> this:
> results = Vozilo.objects.all()
> if selected_model_id != 0:
> results = results.filter(model_id__exact=selected_model_id)
> if selected_gorivo_id != 0:
> results.extend(results.filter(gorivo_id__exact=selected_gorivo_id))
> If I were to code that view I would use a custom manipulator and it
> would end up something like the following. But PLEASE, PLEASE, be
> aware that it's just my personal way of doing things, I am no one to
> tell you how to do things.
> class FilterResultsManipulator(forms.Manipulator):
> def __init__(self):
> model_choices = [(, m) for m in Model.objects.all()]
> gorivo_choices = [(, g) for g in
> Gorivo.objects.all().order_by('opis')]
> self.fields = (
> forms.SelectField(field_name='model', choices=model_choices),
> forms.SelectField(field_name='gorivo', choices=gorivo_choices),
> )
> def home(request):
> results = []
> filter_manipulator = FilterResultsManipulator()
> filter_data = {}
> if request.POST:
> filter_data = request.POST.copy()
> model = None
> gorivo = None
> if filter_data.get('model'):
> model = get_object_or_404(Model, pk=filter_data['model'])
> if filter_data.get('gorivo'):
> gorivo = get_object_or_404(Gorivo, pk=filter_data['gorivo'])
> if model:
> results = Vozilo.objects.filter(model=model)
> if gorivo:
> results.extend(Vozilo.objects.filter(gorivo=gorivo))
> else:
> results = Vozilo.objects.order_by('?')[:5]
> filter_form = forms.FormWrapper(filter_manipulator, filter_data, {})
> return render_to_response('cars/home.html', {
> 'results': results,
> 'filter_form': filter_form,
> })
> And the template you only need to display the form fields.
> Search by:
> Model: {{ filter_form.model }}
> Gorivo: {{ filter_form.gorivo }}
> The custom manipulator and associated form wrapper takes care of
> displaying the select fields in your form and maintaining the selected
> option between posted pages. The use of the utility
> get_object_or_404() frees you of worrying if the incoming data is
> invalid or malformed, if it is a 404 exception will be raised and the
> user will get a 404 page.
> If you have questions about the above code feel free to ask.
> Cheers,
> Jorge
> On 7/13/06, Carlos Yoder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hello people, my ongoing adventures in firstdjangoappland continue thus:
> >
> > I'm putting together a simple search app for a car project. On entry,
> > user sees a list of 5 random cars. He can use up to two comboboxes to
> > filter the results (car model and fuel type).
> >
> > This is what I've come up with on my home() view, so far, and it looks
> > really ugly.
> >
> > def home(request):
> >
> > results = {}
> >
> > # these 2 guys are the filters
> > mo

Re: Please fix my ugly code

2006-07-13 Thread Jorge Gajon

Hi Carlos,

I think your code is going good so far. Of course I'm not a guru but I
think your code is fine. Is there something that you don't feel
comfortable with? With respect to adding the results of both filters,
you need to extend the results of the first results (if any), like

results = Vozilo.objects.all()
if selected_model_id != 0:
results = results.filter(model_id__exact=selected_model_id)
if selected_gorivo_id != 0:

If I were to code that view I would use a custom manipulator and it
would end up something like the following. But PLEASE, PLEASE, be
aware that it's just my personal way of doing things, I am no one to
tell you how to do things.

class FilterResultsManipulator(forms.Manipulator):
def __init__(self):
model_choices = [(, m) for m in Model.objects.all()]
gorivo_choices = [(, g) for g in
self.fields = (
forms.SelectField(field_name='model', choices=model_choices),
forms.SelectField(field_name='gorivo', choices=gorivo_choices),

def home(request):
results = []
filter_manipulator = FilterResultsManipulator()
filter_data = {}

if request.POST:
filter_data = request.POST.copy()

model = None
gorivo = None
if filter_data.get('model'):
model = get_object_or_404(Model, pk=filter_data['model'])
if filter_data.get('gorivo'):
gorivo = get_object_or_404(Gorivo, pk=filter_data['gorivo'])

if model:
results = Vozilo.objects.filter(model=model)
if gorivo:
results = Vozilo.objects.order_by('?')[:5]

filter_form = forms.FormWrapper(filter_manipulator, filter_data, {})

return render_to_response('cars/home.html', {
'results': results,
'filter_form': filter_form,

And the template you only need to display the form fields.

Search by:
Model: {{ filter_form.model }}
Gorivo: {{ filter_form.gorivo }}

The custom manipulator and associated form wrapper takes care of
displaying the select fields in your form and maintaining the selected
option between posted pages. The use of the utility
get_object_or_404() frees you of worrying if the incoming data is
invalid or malformed, if it is a 404 exception will be raised and the
user will get a 404 page.

If you have questions about the above code feel free to ask.


On 7/13/06, Carlos Yoder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello people, my ongoing adventures in firstdjangoappland continue thus:
> I'm putting together a simple search app for a car project. On entry,
> user sees a list of 5 random cars. He can use up to two comboboxes to
> filter the results (car model and fuel type).
> This is what I've come up with on my home() view, so far, and it looks
> really ugly.
> def home(request):
> results = {}
> # these 2 guys are the filters
> model_list = Model.objects.all()
> gorivo_list = Gorivo.objects.all().order_by('opis')
> selected_model_id = 0
> selected_gorivo_id = 0
> if request.POST:
> # this handles 'SELECTED' attribute on comboboxes
> try:
> selected_model_id = int(request.POST['model_id'])
> except:
> pass
> try:
> selected_gorivo_id = int(request.POST['gorivo_id'])
> except:
> pass
> # and this should take care of the filtering... but I'm 
> stumped really
> # both filters should add up
> results = Vozilo.objects.all()
> if selected_model_id != 0:
> results = 
> results.filter(model_id__exact=selected_model_id)
> if selected_gorivo_id != 0:
> results = 
> results.filter(gorivo_id__exact=selected_gorivo_id)
> else:
> # no POST, we show 5 random cars.
> results = Vozilo.objects.order_by('?')[:5]
> return render_to_response('cars/home.html', {
> 'model_list':model_list,
> 'gorivo_list':gorivo_list,
> 'selected_model_id':selected_model_id,
> 'selected_gorivo_id':selected_gorivo_id,
> 'results': results
> })
> There must be a better way of doing this, right? I'm a terrible newbie
> both at Python and Django --and I'm not a kid anymore, so no more time
> to spare hitting my head on walls :-)
> Insights? Ideas?
> Thanks a million,
> --
> Carlos Yoder
> >

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Re: Checking whether a Foreignkey object has been assigned to anything

2006-07-12 Thread Jorge Gajon

Also, I think you need to add null=True to the ForeignKey, like this:

   category = models.ForeignKey(Category,null=True, blank=True)

blank=True indicates the admin interface that a value can be omitted,
but null=True is necessary to indicate to the database that the column
can be NULL.

On 7/12/06, Phil Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi - I've got a bit of a conundrum.
> I have two models, Category and Photo which look something like this:
> class Category(models.Model):
>   title = models.CharField(maxlength=80)
>   slug = models.SlugField(prepopulate_from=("title",))
> class Photo(models.Model):
>   catalogue_number = models.IntegerField(maxlength=80)
>   slug = models.SlugField(prepopulate_from=("catalogue_number",))
>   category = models.ForeignKey(Category,blank=True)
> There is a one-to-many relationship defined so that a Photo can be
> assigned a Category.
> Now, what I want to be able to do is get a list of Categories, but
> ONLY those Categories which have been assigned to one or more Photos.
> I can think of plenty of ugly ways to work around this, but wondered
> whether anyone had a graceful solution?
> -Phil
> >

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Re: Checking whether a Foreignkey object has been assigned to anything

2006-07-12 Thread Jorge Gajon


If there are not a lot of categories (i.e. a thousand or more), you
could iterate over all categories and filter only those that have a
photo_set of 1 or more. For example in a view you could do:

categories = [c for c in Category.objects.all() if c.photo_set.count()]

You could say that it is not very optimal because you are fetching all
the categories. But I personally wouldn't worry about it if there are
not many categories.


On 7/12/06, Phil Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi - I've got a bit of a conundrum.
> I have two models, Category and Photo which look something like this:
> class Category(models.Model):
>   title = models.CharField(maxlength=80)
>   slug = models.SlugField(prepopulate_from=("title",))
> class Photo(models.Model):
>   catalogue_number = models.IntegerField(maxlength=80)
>   slug = models.SlugField(prepopulate_from=("catalogue_number",))
>   category = models.ForeignKey(Category,blank=True)
> There is a one-to-many relationship defined so that a Photo can be
> assigned a Category.
> Now, what I want to be able to do is get a list of Categories, but
> ONLY those Categories which have been assigned to one or more Photos.
> I can think of plenty of ugly ways to work around this, but wondered
> whether anyone had a graceful solution?
> -Phil
> >

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Re: Having trouble with views

2006-07-12 Thread Jorge Gajon

Hi again,

> a ForeignKey to Category in your Project model, i.e. that a Project
> belongs to a Category, like this:

Ooopss, I left something out there.

But any case I wanted to apologize for rushing with my previous email,
I did not read the email that Malcolm sent before and he is raising
very important points. Please take a close look at what he is saying
and asking there. You'll need to figure out that first.


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Re: Having trouble with views

2006-07-12 Thread Jorge Gajon

Hi Tomas, I have not read the previous emails, so please excuse me if
I'm misinterpreting something. I'll comment on what you said on the
last email only.

> I have tried with  but
> I think I need to write a new function inside in my
> "portfolio" app, that will bring out that category slug, because it's
> not rendring out the category slug now.

That is because you are not passing any 'category' variable to the
template, but you don't need to. What you need to do is something like

You access the category of the current project with
'project.category'. I am assuming here that in your models you defined
a ForeignKey to Category in your Project model, i.e. that a Project
belongs to a Category, like this:

> My portfolio urls looks like this now (with corrected typos)
> # Portfolio:
> (r'^portfolio/$', 'myproject.portfolio.views.index'),
> (r'^portfolio/(?P\d+)/$',
> 'myproject.portfolio.views.list'),
> (r'^portfolio/(?P\d+)/(?P\d+)/$',
> 'myproject.portfolio.views.detail'),

The urls you see there are nothing more than regular expressions. In a
regular expression you can match a single digit with the expression
'd', and you can match one or more digits by putting the plus sign
after the 'd' ( ej. 'd+').

But in your case you need to match words, not digits. To match a word
you need to match one or more alphanumeric characters. The expression
for an alphanumeric character is 'w', to match one or more you put the
plus sign after it: w+.

Your urls could look like this:
(r'^portfolio/(?P\w+)/$', 'myproject.portfolio.views.list'),

With the above urls you can match urls like /portfolio/web/school/,
where web is the category and school is the slug of the project. But
there's a problem. If your category or project slug contains two or
more words, those words will be separated by a - (hyphen) character.
For example, the url /portfolio/web/school-portal/ will not be matched
by the above urls.

You need to include the hyphen sign in your regular expression. To do
that you need to enclose the 'w' and the '-' in brackets and put the
plus sign after the closing bracket like this:

(r'^portfolio/(?P\[-w]+)/$', 'myproject.portfolio.views.list'),

The above urls will now correctly match a path like /portfolio/web/site-portal/

> # Create your views here.
> def index(request):
> latest_project_list = Project.objects.all().order_by('-created')
> return render_to_response('portfolio/index.html',
> {'latest_project_list': latest_project_list})
> def list(request, category_slug):
> category_slug_list = Category.objects.all()
> return render_to_response('portfolio/index.html',
> {'category_slug_list': category_slug_list})

I see that you are using the same template (index.html) in both views.
Is that what you intended?

Also, the list() view is supposed to list the projects under the
specified Category. I'm guessing that what you want is to get the
Category that correspond to the specified category_slug and then list
the projects that belong to that category. In that case I would change
your list() view like this:

def list(request, category_slug):
# Get the category and the projects that belong
# to this category.
category = Category.objects.get(slug=category_slug)
projects = category.project_set.all()

return render_to_response('portfolio/category_projects.html',
{'category':category, 'projects': projects}

And the portfolio/category_projects.html would look like this:

{{ category }}
Projects in this category:

{% for pro in projects %}
pro.title }}
{% endfor %}

As for the index.html,
> Projects
> {% if latest_project_list %}
> {% for project in latest_project_list %}
> {{
> project.title }}
> {% endfor %}

Change this:

with this:

I hope this makes things clearer.


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Re: FileBrowser Test Version

2006-07-08 Thread Jorge Gajon

Wow, thank you this is fantastic.

It's highly probable that I'll use this soon. When I do, I'll make
sure to give you feedback and contribute back with something of

Thank you for releasing this, it will be very useful for a project we
will work on soon.


On 7/8/06, patrickk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> today we´ve finished the test version of our django filebrowser.
> some screenshots are here:
> you can download the filebrowser here:
> installation shouldn´t take more than 5-10 minutes.
> requirements: we are using PIL to create the thumbnails.
> this version is for testing (although we´re already using it). I hope
> that some of you will find the time to install the filebrowser.
> feedback is more than welcome.
> thanks,
> patrick
> >

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Re: Where to put custom sql?

2006-07-06 Thread Jorge Gajon

I'm not sure if this could help you, or maybe I'm not getting it
right. In any case please excuse me if this is something that you
already have checked out.

You can override the default managers to do different things.
I think this could be useful:


On 7/6/06, Filipe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hello there,
> I'm starting with Django a new project where I most probably will be
> using only custom sql. The most part of the system will be some
> (complex) searching for data in a database, so I think I won't take a
> lot of benefit from using the ORM.
> What I'm planning is not to have model classes inherited from
> django.db.models, but I might still need some model classes to deliver
> the collected data to the views and to enclose some business logic.
> The problem is, if I'm not to use django's object-relational mapper, I
> will need to write my own data retrieval logic, where is the best place
> to put it?  perhaps in the models?
> The most part of the data being collected will arrive from the DB in a
> somewhat "unnormalized" way, and I'll want to "normalize" it into
> several different domain objects. So, placing the data retrieval logic
> on the domain objects doesn't really make that much sense to me,
> because in each data retrieval operation several types of domain
> objects will be retrieved. This is actually logic that has to do with a
> bunch of different object types, and not only with a specific object
> type.
> Some time ago I've read something about Manipulators and, at the time,
> it seemed to be what I am looking for. Is it?
> Cheers,
> Filipe
> >

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Re: prepare method in Manipulator (and FomField) doesn't get called (and also a minor bug in CheckboxSelectMultipleField)

2006-07-06 Thread Jorge Gajon

> Thanks. I don't know what to put inside html2python. The prepare
> method actually sets the list to the values (the first value in the
> tuple for choices).

I don't think there's anything to change in html2python. As you said
the prepare only puts the selected check boxes in the list.
Only those check boxes that were selected will be POSTed with the

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Re: prepare method in Manipulator (and FomField) doesn't get called (and also a minor bug in CheckboxSelectMultipleField)

2006-07-06 Thread Jorge Gajon

Hi Le Roux,

> the field name is category_ids, but the checkboxes are named
> category_ids1 and category_ids3.

That is to be expected. Imagine you have two
CheckboxSelectMultipleFields in your manipulator, one named
'color_selection' and other named 'music_selection', which represent
foreign keys to Color and Music models.

Of course there would be  a Color with id 1 and a Music with also an
id of 1. That's why the check boxes need to be uniquely identified by
prepending the model name:

... etc

Otherwise the names would clash. That's why there is the prepare()
method, to bring back the selected values.

By calling prepare() on get_validation_errors() as you have shown in
your patch should make this transparent :)

> to know what the original type of the field was. (I had to make sure
> value and text were both strings in my manipulator's __init__ method

I guess this is how it is supposed to work, the value must be a
string. You can only output strings in html, there's not distinction
between a string and a int or something else, everything is a string
in html. The values for  tags (of any kind) should be strings.

The __init__ method for the SelectField and RadioSelectField could be
changed to apply str() on each of the values of the passed in choices
tuples. But maybe that could be a little 'magical'.

> -output.append(' class="v%s" name="%s"%s /> %s' % \
> +output.append(' class="v%s" name="%s"%s value="on" /> %s'
> % \

That's a good catch, I have been using check boxes and didn't noticed
that they didn't have a value='on'. I guess firefox is supplying the
value 'on' by default, or maybe it is being set somewhere in the
Django machinery but I don't see where. But yeah, value="on" should be
there on the output.


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Re: Try to tweak given manipulators or start from scratch?

2006-07-04 Thread Jorge Gajon

Hi Todd,

> > and for a ForeignKey:
> > related_object = OtherObject.objects.get(pk=23)
> > new_data['related_object'] = str(
> This, not so much. The related object entry is in the data field of
> the FormWrapper when I look at it, but if I render the SelectField it
> corresponds to, the empty entry is pre-selected, not the entry that
> corresponds to the related_object. Is it not possible to pre-select
> something in a SelectField, or do you have to do it some other way?

I'm sorry, I forgot to mention that there is something odd with the
current default manipulators with regards to foreign keys. As far as I
know, this is going to be changed before Django hits 1.0.

Let me try to explain this with an example. Suppose you have a
Customer model with two fields, a name and a country of origin:

class Customer(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(maxlength=100)
country = models.ForeignKey(Country)

The odd thing is that the FormWrapper, when rendering the select
field, will pre-select the country according to the value in
new_data['country_id'] instead of new_data['country']. But when the
form is POSTed to the view, the selected value will come in

In other words, look at this view:

def add_customer(request):
manipulator = Customer.AddManipulator()
new_data = {}
errors = {}

if request.POST:
new_data = request.POST.copy()
errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)

# The country selected by the user comes in the field
# new_data['country'], but if there were errors from
# get_validation_errors(), the selection will be lost
# because FormWrapper expects 'country_id',
# so we need to do this:

new_data['country_id'] = new_data['country']

if not errors:
return HttpResponseRedirect('/some/url/')

# No POST, set up default values
# FormWrapper expects country_id!
mexico = Country.objects.get(name='Mexico')
new_data['country_id'] = str( )

form = forms.FormWrapper(manipulator, new_data, errors)
return render_to_response('template.html', {'form': form})

As you can see, the problem is that the FormWrapper uses the value in
'country_id' when rendering the select field in the template, but when
the form is posted the value will be available in new_data['country']
(as expected).

This does not happen when you build a custom manipulator, I don't know
why. Hopefully this discrepancy will disappear before Django hits
version 1.0.

> Also, since I don't really want the user to be able to change this,
> it would be just as nice for me to replace the SelectField that the
> AddManipulator creates with a HiddenField of my own, but I can't see

This is not recommended at all. It is easy for a malicious user to
change the value in a hidden field, thus bypassing your rules and
compromising your application. Never put in a hidden field a value
that must not be altered, just set the value in your view function.


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Re: Try to tweak given manipulators or start from scratch?

2006-07-03 Thread Jorge Gajon


The choice between doing a custom manipulator from scratch or using
the automatically generated one depends on many factors. In an
application that I am writing I used a custom manipulator because I
needed to create several different objects (from different models) in
one single step. So instead of mixing several manipulators and
FormWrappers, I created a single custom manipulator and that made
things a lot easier.

But in other parts of this same application, where I only needed to
add or change a single model, I used the default manipulators.

On 7/3/06, Todd O'Bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> MultipleSelectField to only certain items. Another one needs to be
> set to a particular item and the user not given a choice to change it.

If you want to use the default manipulator but you do not want the
user to be able to change all the fields you can do something like

def add_object_view(request):
manipulator = MyModel.AddManipulator()
new_data = {}
errors = {}

if request.POST:
new_data = request.POST.copy()

# The user cannot supply the following value so it's hard coded here.
new_data['special_value'] = 'The user didn't entered this!'

errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)
if not errors:
new_obj =
return HttpResponseRedirect('/some/url/view/here/')

# No post, fill up default values
new_data['some_field'] = 'default value'

form = form.FormWrapper(manipulator, new_data, errors)
return render_to_response('some_template.html', {'form': form})

Note that you need to insert the hard coded (or computed) values
before the call to get_validation_errors() because otherwise you would
get an error about them being required (if they are). Also note that
all the fields in new_data MUST be strings before calling
get_validation_errors(). So that if you want to insert the current
time in a date field you would need to do something like this:
new_data['date'] ='%Y-%m-%d')

and for a ForeignKey:
related_object = OtherObject.objects.get(pk=23)
new_data['related_object'] = str(

If you want to use an automatic manipulator but want to only restrict
the selections in a select list you could subclass the manipulator
like this:

class MyCustomManipulator(MyModel.AddManipulator):
def __init__(self):

for field in self.fields:
if field.field_name == 'related_object':
choices = [(, obj) for obj in
field.choices = choices


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Re: Limiting Choices in AddManipulator

2006-07-02 Thread Jorge Gajon

Maybe you could try this:

user_choices = [(, u) for u in User.objects.filter(query)]
form['field_name'].formfield.choices = user_choices

choices expects a list of tuples in the form of (value, display), so
that it generates a select field like this:

 . etc


On 7/1/06, Todd O'Bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How can I limit the choices in an AddManipulator?
> I have a m2m relation to User, and it presents all users. I'd like to
> filter and only present a subset.
> I've tried setting the choices of the SelectMultipleField, but haven't
> had any luck finding the correct incantation. I've gotten as far as
> trying this after I create the form
> form['field_name'].formfield.choices = User.objects.filter(query)
> but get some error regarding unpacking a tuple. (I think this is more a
> Python gotcha than a Django one.)
> Any help?
> Todd
> >

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Re: custom form view not keeping information

2006-06-20 Thread Jorge Gajon

Why don't you post some code to see if we can understand better your
problem and what modifications could be done?

On 6/19/06, hotani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm pretty much giving up on this -- unless i find an alternative, I'm
> going to end up using hidden fields with the generic update view. I
> know this is far from ideal, but I can't get anything else to work.
> Basically this is a bug tracker - kind of a get-my-feet-wet app to test
> out Django. In order to close a bug, i have to actually show a checkbox
> for the boolean field "closed" and the user has to click it to confirm
> they are closing the bug. That is not at all what I wanted, but it is
> the only thing that works.
> In addition, since I can't seem to write a view that works, I'm having
> to pass the "closed_date" and "posted_by (user)" with hidden fields -
> this sucks pretty hard, but I'm out of options.
> >

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Re: The only click to add any class

2006-06-15 Thread Jorge Gajon

> And when I save form, got this error:
> Invalid value: 'region' should be a  'serp2.apps.common.models.Region'> instance, not a  Request

The hint is in the error message.
You must pass a Region object to the region parameter,
new_data['region'] contains only the id that the user selected from
the select list.

You can do this:

def save(self, new_data):
t = Town(
region = Region.objects.get(pk=new_data['region']),

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Re: Initial data for sites framework?

2006-06-04 Thread Jorge Gajon

This is not exactly what you are asking for, but you can modify your
own local copy of Django. The file to modify is:


Change the line that looks like this:
s = Site(domain="", name="")


> HI.
> I don't use the sites framework. Still, it looks as is I need to
> install and initialize it in order to get the feeds (syndication)
> framework.
> Is there some place I can put the initial values for the sites
> framework, so the standard site is created automatically in the
> database and I don't need to log into the admin and edit my site each
> time I generate the database again during development)? It always
> defaults to "" after a syncdb.
> Daniel
> >

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Re: Ajax support, there is no need for reinventing the wheel

2006-06-03 Thread Jorge Gajon

Jeff Forcier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As for the general AJAX discussion, I agree wholeheartedly with
> James--there's no need to tightly couple a given framework, especially
> since good AJAX is exactly what he suggested and what I, at least, have
> used successfully--the JS framework on one side and RESTful Django
> views that return JSON or XML data on the other side.

I totally agree.

I certainly would not like to see more complexity added by bundling an
X or Y Ajax library. Better let the developer choose whatever js
library he wants.

I've been using MochiKit for the client side and SimpleJSON at the
server side which is extremely easy to use. And adding a
'/myobject/(\d+)/json/' url and view is dead simple. So far I don't
see any need to "Add AJAX support to Django", what support?

As for the bundled admin application, it is a "contributed"
application which could use any ajax library without, it shouldn't
introduce any complexity to "Django as a framework".


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Re: How to validate CheckboxField?

2006-05-27 Thread Jorge Gajon


Yeah it's strange that the CheckboxField doesn't have a validator
list. I guess this is worth a ticket. But there's a way to get what
you want without passing a validator list. If you define a method
"validate_field_name", that method will be called when you call the
get_validation_errors() on the manipulator. You can use something like

from django.core import validators
from django import forms

class TestManipulator(forms.Manipulator):
def __init__(self):
self.fields = (

def validate_first(self, data, all_data):
# If this is not selected and the other checkbox isn't
# selected either, raise an error.
if   not data   and   not all_data['second']:
raise validators.ValidationError, "one of these checkboxes
is required"
validate_first.always_test = True

validate_first() will be called and if both checkboxes are unchecked
it will raise an error. Because the field is not marked as required,
you must set an "always_test" attribute, otherwise the validatior
wouldn't be called if the field was empty.

You could also add a validate_second() method, but in this case is not
necessary since you only want to check if any of the two fields is


On 5/26/06, Jaroslaw Zabiello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am using Django SVN. How to validate tthe form which consists of two
> CheckboxField fields. The rule is: the form is validated if ANY of
> those fields is checked. My manipulator is:
> from django import forms
> class TestManipulator(forms.Manipulator):
>   def __init__(self):
> self.fields = (
>   forms.CheckboxField(field_name='first'),
>   forms.CheckboxField(field_name='second'),
>   )
> The problem is, I have no access to validators parameter:
>   forms.CheckboxField(field_name='first', validators=[myvalidator])
> because (as I found in django/forms/ file) the constructor
> has only 'field_name' and 'checked_by_default'.
> I know that I can use CheckboxSelectMultipleField, e.g.
> forms.CheckboxSelectMultipleField(
>   field_name='options',
>   choices=[('1', '2'), ('first', 'second')],
>   validator_list=[validators.isNotEmpty]),
> )
> but generated html code is not acceptable for me, because I do not want
> to have ... list.
> >

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Re: Foreign keys in views

2006-05-26 Thread Jorge Gajon

I also found that behavior and what I did was to copy
new_data['station'] to new_data['station_id'] when there were errors
from "get_validation_errors()". Like this:

def change_recording(request, recording_id):
if request.POST:
new_data = request.POST.copy()
errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)
if not errors:
new_recording =
return HttpResponseRedirect("/dwasrod/")
new_data['station_id'] = new_data['station']
new_data['other_foreign_id'] = new_data['other_foreign']
new_data = recording.__dict__

I later had to create a custom manipulator instead of using the
default one. With a custom manipulator you don't have this field name
discrepancy, and don't need to do that value copying. I now prefer to
use a custom manipulator.


On 5/25/06, Christian Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've written (well copied) the following view. In my model I have a defined
> an attribute "station = models.ForeignKey(Station)". Now, if I call the
> change view, the station is selected. However, if I submit the change view
> with some errors, the station is de-selected in the new view.
> I've also written a create view that is given a station id on creation an
> pre-populates the interface. Here I found that the foreign key's id comes in
> as new_data["station"] but has to go out as new_data["station_id"]. Is that
> correct and do the generic views stuff like that under the hood?
> Form fields for many-to-many relations work as expected, so maybe I'm doing
> something wrong with the foreign key fields.
> Any hints are - as always - welcome
> chris
> def change_recording(request, recording_id):
> try:
> manipulator = Recording.ChangeManipulator(recording_id)
> except:
> raise Http404
> recording = manipulator.original_object
> errors = {}
> new_data = {}
>  if request.POST:
> new_data = request.POST.copy()
> errors =
> manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)
> if not errors:
> manipulator.do_html2python(new_data)
> new_recording =
> return HttpResponseRedirect("/dwasrod/")
> else:
> new_data = recording.__dict__
> form = FormWrapper(manipulator, new_data, errors)
> return
> render_to_response('aufnahmen/recording_form.html',
> {'form': form})
>  >

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Re: Forms: SelectField with default value

2006-05-10 Thread Jorge Gajon

I'm not sure if you can specify a default to use with the built-in Admin views.

However, if you are developing your own views you can set the default
data to pass to the FormWrapper with something like this (I'm using
this code and it works):

def mycustomview(request):
manipulator = MyModel.AddManipulator()
new_data = {}
errors = {}

if request.POST:
new_data = request.POST.copy()
errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)

if not errors:
new_object =
return HttpResponseRedirect('/finished/')

# No POST, fill up default values
#Use the id of the related value that you want as default
new_data['my_select_field'] = '3'

form = forms.FormWrapper(manipulator, new_data, errors)
data = {
'form': form,
return render_to_response('my_template.html', data)

That should work for you if you are doing a custom view. But if you
need this functionality in the Admin, I think it is possible to wrap
an Admin view with a custom view of yours. I have not done that, but
you could search about it in the mailing list.


On 5/10/06, Juancho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to get a SelectField to render with a default value, i.e.,
> a pre-selected choice.
> With the current SelectField implementation, this is not possible.  I
> see this issue has been addressed before but was closed as "wontfix"
> with this reason:
> "This is not in the scope of the framework. Formfields
> just know how to display themselves -- they don't know (or care) about
> data. Put this in your business logic."
> More here ...
> Can someone explain to me the expected way to render a select field
> with selected value??  The only way i can see currently is to implement
> my own custom SelectField which will render HTML with a default value.
> I don't understand how formfields can not "know (or care) about data"
> when they are bound to a specific data list in the first place, in
> order to even display a list of data to select from.
> Comments/clarification/help??  thx all
> juancho
> >

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Re: No Subclassing in models yet? How would you guys do the following:

2006-05-10 Thread Jorge Gajon

He is using a common joke found in the slashdot community. See

But then again, this is not slashdot. So yeah, maybe he was drunk.

> Hmm - were you drunk when you posted this?
> >

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Re: Question

2006-05-08 Thread Jorge Gajon

> In my I use
> (r'^shop/(?P.*?)/','')
> but also
>  (r'^TradeOffice/',''),
> so that I can not change simply
> (r'^shop/(?P.*?)/','')
>  into
> (r'^(?P.*?)/','')

Why not?
The patterns will be checked from top to bottom. So if you put
(r'^(?P.*?)/','') as
the last pattern it should work.

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