Re: 1.5: syntax of AUTH_USER_MODEL

2012-11-08 Thread Michael K

On Monday, October 29, 2012 11:09:11 AM UTC-4, Tomas Neme wrote:
> This is, IMO, the biggest and most stupid problem in django core 
> design, because it stops you from having an otherwise completely legal 
> configurations, like having a 'cms.plugins.picture' app alongside a 
> 'myproject.custom.picture' one which might do something completely 
> different. I.E.: you can't have apps with repeated app labels even if 
> there's no python path conflict between them. 
> I don't know what the reason behind this is. I know it allows you to 
> make a model part of any given app regardless of where it's located 
> (via Meta.app_label), but this could very easily be extended (in a 
> backwards-incompatible way, I'm afraid) to require to be the fully 
> qualified name of the app package 
This is actually a good feature for Django to have.  By enforcing app 
labels, you enforce data integrity at the application level, not just the 
database level.  I used to think this was horrible as well until I built a 
work-around for it and then had all kinds of database integrity issues.

In addition, if an application by the same name is being used in multiple 
places, you should instead manage the different use with URL patterns and 
not try to rig it otherwise.  If it's a completely different application 
than the others, the option I choose is to rename the app's folder and 
update my INSTALLED_APPS accordingly.  If you didn't write the application 
and it's not truly decoupled, you may have to make other changes.


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API keys

2010-01-05 Thread Michael K
I already searched the group and found one subject that sounds related
(Google-style API keys, I believe was the name of it), but I wanted to
do something specific and was wondering if anyone can give pointers in
the appropriate direction.

I'm building a site, the backend API managed via Django, the front end
by php.  I know it sounds weird, but we're approaching it from the
standpoint of providing the API access as a service, similar to how
Google allows access to their Maps API.

Here's the specifics:

* Django backend should provide nothing but an error should a site try
to access it without an API Key
* The API key should tie in to 1 or more URLs, so that we can make
sure the site accessing it is the same that owns the key
* API keys or URLs should be permissions-capable.  That is, some URLs
should have complete access to the data, whereas others may only have
access to specific models or managers

The trouble I'm running into is deciding whether this would be best
suited as middleware or an auth backend.  I know how to approach it
with middleware, but I have a feeling I may end up having to kludge
some stuff together for the permissions side.

If it's an auth backend, I just need to do a bit more research to
develop that, and figure out how to have the backend use a specific
model for the API access itself, and the standard User model for the
admin panel.

Any help/pointers/etc. would be appreciated, especially if this has
already been done and public domain or under a license we can work
with.  I wouldn't want to re-invent the wheel.

If you have any questions on specifics, you can reply here or offlist.

Michael King
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Re: problems downloading django

2009-12-18 Thread Michael K
On Dec 18, 2:13 pm, Michael K <> wrote:
> Still having the same issue.  I'm on a windows machine, but even if I
> use wget on one of the Solaris machines, the TAR is reported as having
> no files and/or is corrupted.
> Is there another download location I can try?
> --
> Michael


Thanks for the response on this, it made me think of something else to
try - a different web browser.  It seems Chrome beta doesn't like
something about the delivery of the tar.gz.  When I used IE, the file
opened first try.

I also realized the problem with the wget is the same as my SVN issue
- except in this case, the Solaris machines are blocked from using the
proxy server in question.  Once I changed the environment to point to
the appropriate one, I also got the file from there.

Sorry to waste the bandwidth, but hopefully someone will search for
download issues - and if they're running Chrome, they'll know what's


PS: Chrome version is


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Re: problems downloading django

2009-12-18 Thread Michael K

On Dec 18, 2:10 pm, Michael K <> wrote:
> On Dec 16, 4:10 pm, James Bennett <> wrote:> On Wed, Dec 
> 16, 2009 at 2:13 PM, Michael K <> wrote:
> > > Should I take the silence to mean I should open a bug report?
> > I clicked the "download" link for Django 1.1.1, and the package
> > downloaded. On finishing the download, I was able to checksum it and
> > get the same results as the signed checksum document provided at the
> > time of the 
> > release:
> > Thus, the problem is most likely not with anything on
> >; instead, it's probably something related to your
> > own Internet connection.
> It's been a couple of days, I'll try it again.
> Thanks for the response!

Still having the same issue.  I'm on a windows machine, but even if I
use wget on one of the Solaris machines, the TAR is reported as having
no files and/or is corrupted.

Is there another download location I can try?



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Re: problems downloading django

2009-12-18 Thread Michael K

On Dec 16, 4:10 pm, James Bennett <> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 2:13 PM, Michael K <> wrote:
> > Should I take the silence to mean I should open a bug report?
> I clicked the "download" link for Django 1.1.1, and the package
> downloaded. On finishing the download, I was able to checksum it and
> get the same results as the signed checksum document provided at the
> time of the 
> release:
> Thus, the problem is most likely not with anything on
>; instead, it's probably something related to your
> own Internet connection.
My first assumption was that it was my network connection, but I've
had no issues downloading from any other site - just

It's been a couple of days, I'll try it again.

Thanks for the response!



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Re: problems downloading django

2009-12-16 Thread Michael K

On Dec 15, 2:01 pm, Michael K <> wrote:
> On Dec 15, 12:30 pm, Michael K <> wrote:
> > I tried to download the TAR file(s) for releases, but I get a ~5Mb
> > corrupted tar.gz from the website.

Should I take the silence to mean I should open a bug report?



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Re: No module named urls (again)

2009-12-15 Thread Michael K

On Dec 15, 3:18 pm, Pablo Solera  wrote:
> When I try to run the same server from eclipse, it seems that
> something is not correct.
> I got the error: ImportError at / "No module named urls"
> I do have the on my application, and averything works fine out
> of eclipse.
> Could it be a PATH problem? How could I debug it?

Did you add your project path to the PYTHONPATH environment variable
in your Run profile?  That's what the problem sounds like - Eclipse's
environment doesn't know to tell Python that your Django project needs
to be in the PYTHONPATH.



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Re: problems downloading django

2009-12-15 Thread Michael K
On Dec 15, 12:30 pm, Michael K <> wrote:
> I tried to download the TAR file(s) for releases, but I get a ~5Mb
> corrupted tar.gz from the website.   With this in mind, I tried the
> SVN, and here's what that resulted in:
> svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/django/trunk'
> svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/django/trunk': Could not resolve hostname
> `': The requested name is valid and was found in
> the database, but it does not have the correct associated data being
> resolved for.   (
> Here's the thing - I can browse it, so I think the "resolve hostname"
> may be a misnomer.  It says it can find it, but something's "missing".

Discovered the SVN problem is proxy-server related (they don't allow
the commands necessary for it to work).

However, that still leaves me unable to download the release packages.

Does anyone know of a mirror site that might let me download the



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problems downloading django

2009-12-15 Thread Michael K
I don't know when this started, as I've not needed to download django
in a while, but I've come across a strange issue.  Pardon if this is
going to the wrong place.

I tried to download the TAR file(s) for releases, but I get a ~5Mb
corrupted tar.gz from the website.   With this in mind, I tried the
SVN, and here's what that resulted in:

svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/django/trunk'
svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/django/trunk': Could not resolve hostname
`': The requested name is valid and was found in
the database, but it does not have the correct associated data being
resolved for.   (

Here's the thing - I can browse it, so I think the "resolve hostname"
may be a misnomer.  It says it can find it, but something's "missing".




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Re: use Django's database layer for a regular python program?

2007-06-27 Thread Michael K

It's currently being done for a server application, I don't see why it
couldn't be used for a desktop application as well?

Check out and

The first is a desktop application that uses Django, I'm just not sure
if it's using the database backend or not.   The second is a MUD
server that uses Django for data storage as well as the web services
for MUD management.

It should be as simple as creating a new project and ignoring the urls/
views part of the code, and just importing the models as normal.



On Jun 27, 7:09 am, ahlongxp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm currently developing a desktop application, not a web application.
> But I want to use django's models to store and retrieve data in
> Database. Is it possible? How should I do it?

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Re: admin css/images disappeared

2007-06-19 Thread Michael K

On Jun 19, 5:55 am, "Evan Carmi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> My admin css and images have disappeared. I am running django with
> lighttpd. My settings contains:
> -
> # URL prefix for admin media -- CSS, JavaScript and images. Make sure to
>use a
>  39 # trailing slash.
>  40 # Examples: ";, "/media/".
>  41 ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = '/media/'
>  42
> -
> My urls is:
> -
> from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
> urlpatterns = patterns('',
> # Example:
> (r'^polls/', include('binarymanipulations.polls.urls')),
> # Uncomment this for admin:
> (r'^admin/', include('django.contrib.admin.urls')),
> (r'^date/', include('')),
> (r'^blog/', include('')),
> (r'^contact/', include('')),
> (r'^comments/',
> include('django.contrib.comments.urls.comments')),
> )
> -
> For an example the login screen:
> Any help would be greatly appreciated,
> Evan


In your lighttpd configs, make an Alias for /media/ to your admin
media itself.  This should be found somewhere in django/contrib/ (in
wherever you installed django).

For info on Lighttpd aliases:



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Re: Can a field get auto populated based on another field within the Admin?

2007-05-25 Thread Michael K

On May 25, 2:28 pm, Greg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have three tables (Manufacturer, Collection, Style).  I have 10
> manufacturers.  Each manufacturer contains approx. 20 collection.
> Each collection contains approx. 20 Styles.  I was wondering if it's
> possible when I'm adding styles I can select the manufacturer then my
> collection (foreign key) field when drilled-down on shows only the
> collections from the manufacturer I selected in the field above.  I'm
> thinking that this might require some javascript.
> Below are some of my tables
> Thanks for any help


You're right that this will require some javascript, but you shouldn't
have to write much on your own.  There's a couple of examples at:
ajax-example-part-1">The B-List: Django tips: A simple AJAX example,
part 1
ajax-example-part-2">The B-List: Django tips: A simple AJAX example,
part 2

The basics of how it would work, is use the Javascript to make a call
to a view that outputs it however you'd like - XML, JSON or even
straight "option" fields - then have it replace the innerHTML
attribute on the DOM object in question.  Again, depending on the ajax
toolkit you choose, you shouldn't have much javascript to write, and
the python side of the code should be fairly self-explanatory.


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Re: Is it possible to redirect with POST data?

2007-05-03 Thread Michael K

On May 3, 4:24 pm, "Bob T." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a situation where I would like a view to do a redirect to a URL
> that is expecting POST (rather than GET) data. GET would be easy, but
> how can I do a POST redirect? The URL I would be redirecting to is not
> under my control, so I can't just change it to use GET data.
> Thanks,
> Bob


It entirely depends on what you're trying to do, but as you've
described it, the only way I know of is using JavaScript on the view
page that submits the POST data.

If the target site was under your control, there'd probably be other
ways of doing it.

If I were an expert in JavaScript, I'd give you an example, but I
believe HttpRequest is the place to start.



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Re: operationalError 2002, mysql on osx 10.9

2007-05-02 Thread Michael K

On May 2, 3:25 pm, Michael K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Try setting DATABASE_HOST to 'localhost' instead of blank.  What OS
> are you running this on?

This will teach me to read the subject closely.  I should have went
with my gut feeling that it was Mac OS X :)


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Re: operationalError 2002, mysql on osx 10.9

2007-05-02 Thread Michael K

On May 2, 10:09 am, Mark Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Being a newbie has its challenges...

I know exactly what you mean.

> The server is running mysql, I use phpMyAdmin and a couple of other
> applications successfully with it.
> There is an existing database of the same name as the new django
> project.
> I didn't find anything interesting in the logs, but then the django
> logs are empty at the moment.
> I did not find a file at "/tmp/mysql.sock"

The error involving not being able to open the /tmp/mysql.sock usually
has to do with host resolution OR the server being down (we've ruled
that one out).  Simply put, your mysql isn't listening on a UNIX
socket, but an actually IP address (be it a normal one, or,
but the application is trying to open the UNIX socket, instead of the
IP socket.

Try setting DATABASE_HOST to 'localhost' instead of blank.  What OS
are you running this on?



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Re: How to do this in Django?

2007-05-01 Thread Michael K

On May 1, 12:38 pm, Pythoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Michael,
> Thank you for your reply.
> I agree the solution with DIVs instead of IFRAMEs would be nice.
> But it needs AJAX. and you say a little AJAX.
> Can you give me an idea how to use that little AJAX together with my
> described problem?
> Thank you
> L.

I'll give it a good stab.  I'm not much of a JavaScript programmer,
but I understand the concepts surrounding AJAX.

Basically, your author links would call a javascript function that
uses XMLHttpRequest to retrieve the data for the descriptions.  It can
either return XML for your javascript to parse, or it can just return
the exact HTML you need for filling in the DIV.  An example for this
might be a simplified view template that just has the loop through the
data to display the markup and actual data, then replace the innerHTML
of the descriptions DIV with the data that's returned.  Instant re-

I believe Django has most of what you need to simplify the generation
of the data already built-in.  It's just a matter of figuring out how
to glue the pieces together.

I'd suggest looking at James' example (
2006/07/31/django-tips-simple-ajax-example-part-1) for a start, and
just keep in mind the concepts.  The code part almost come naturally
if you know anything about JavaScript.

Hopefully, someone will read this and will be able to give you a
better, with code, example than I have. :)



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Re: Using Django outside of Django

2007-05-01 Thread Michael K

On Apr 30, 7:21 pm, Mike H <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm sure this has been discussed elsewhere, but common terms like
> "using" "django" "models" and "scripts" make it hard to find! ;)
> I've written a nice multi-user mp3 jukebox for our office, it lets users
> add tracks to their playlist and then interleaves the playlists so that
> everyone gets a fair turn at getting their tracks played. It also
> streams the mp3s to the machine in the office with the nice speakers
> attached :)
> I'm currently running the streamer and playlist rotator by doing similar
> to this :
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/dukebox$ python shell <
> I'm wondering if there is a less hackish way of interfacing with Django
> outside of the context of a web request?


Joe's post is on the money.  You shouldn't need to use the shell at
all, but can directly import django's pieces directly in another
script (such as your

Check out for some examples in that regard.
It's a mud codebase that uses Django for its database backend and



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Re: import problem

2007-05-01 Thread Michael K

On Apr 29, 6:37 pm, kamil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Michael. You are right there was module named utils (coincidentally
> same name as django module) in the nesh thumbnail app.
> Problem resolved :)
> Thank You Very Much for the time You dedicate me.
> I feel in debt with U and I feel really happy to feel such a feedback
> in django community.


Glad I could help.  The community's helped me quite a bit, I figured I
should help were I could.  Maybe someday, someone will have a question
you can help with, eh?



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Re: How to do this in Django?

2007-05-01 Thread Michael K

On May 1, 5:47 am, Pythoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Julio and James,
> Thank you both for your help.
> I know that frames could be useful to help solve my problem but...
> Let's suppose this:
>  height="30"style="height:10.8em" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
>  height="60"style="height:4em"marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
> where you can see two frames( iframes).One Authors ( list of
> authors)and the other Descriptions( their replies).
> As you can see  each frame must consists source page DAuthors.html and
> DDescriptions.html, that should be generated on fly( dynamically)
> according to user's demand( depending on what he will want to see).

What I would suggest, if you're using IFrames, is that you use
different views for those "pages", and never call them from the site
directly, except as iframes in another template.

For example, you might have the following template files:


Display.html would have the template code needed for the view to work,
including the iframe tags, which would look something like:

along with any attribute tags.  The "context" would be something like
a record ID for the forum or whatever you're using this for.

My only concern is that you seem to be wanting to have it change the
Descriptions when you select an author?

The best way (in my opinion) to do this, is use a little AJAX and use
DIVs instead of IFRAMEs.  Something like...

{{ code to loop through authors }}

Re: import problem

2007-04-25 Thread Michael K

On Apr 24, 4:19 pm, kamil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanx Michael for your attention.
> I'm using todays build from svn trunk.
> I started project from the beginning to eliminate possibility that its
> something wrong with my code.
> when I run "python runserver" everything seams OK.
> when I hit any page I got error I mentioned
> Yes I'm runnung it as the same user as shell. I tried to run it as
> root and it comes the same.
> It starts to desesperate me. After tomorrow I got meeting with my
> client to show him my project :¿
> and I'm stacked with this.
> Help would be greatly appreciated


I did some deeper digging, and I don't seem to have a
django.core.utils.text at all in the trunk.  I'd check your urlconf's
and make sure they're sane namespace-wise.  That is, if you're trying
to import a utils.text module in your, that's the likely
culprit.  The URLconf code can't resolve the module name for some

Do you have an app named "utils" in your project?  If so, then there
might be something else wrong (missing, permissions,
etc).  If not, that's probably where your problem lies.  You just
might have put in the urlconf information incorrectly.


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Re: import problem

2007-04-24 Thread Michael K

On Apr 24, 5:41 am, kamil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi. I'm using developement built-in django server.
> Python 2.5.1c1 (release25-maint, Apr 12 2007, 21:00:25) [GCC 4.1.2
> (Ubuntu 4.1.2-0ubuntu4)] on linux2
> on fresh Kubuntu Feisty (7.04)


I'm assuming you're just running "python runserver" for your
command line?

Are you using Django 0.96, or the svn trunk?  Sorry to add questions,
I was hoping it would be a simple problem of too many Python binaries
on a system. :)

Are you getting an exception on the server output?

And lastly, are you running the server as the same user you're running
the python shell?



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Re: Redirect middleware

2007-04-23 Thread Michael K

On Apr 23, 10:13 am, plungerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> greetings,
> i am attempting to do a simple redirect using django's redirect
> middleware.  everything works fine if you want to redirect from one
> distinct URI to another, for example,
> /big/ --->
> however, if you want to redirect to a child page in terms of the URI
> structure, it does not seem to work for me.  for example:
> /about/ --->
> what we have here, is an about page that is not finished, so we want
> folks who request /about/ to go to a subpage but instead you see the /
> about/ page.


I've had a similar problem before, unrelated to redirect middleware,
but related to urlconfs.   What do your urlconfs look like for the
about pages/sub-pages?


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Re: import problem

2007-04-23 Thread Michael K

On Apr 22, 4:38 pm, kamil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi. I installed Django on Python 2.5
> and I receive following error on the built in server:
> Exception Type: ImportError
> Exception Value:No module named utils.text
> Exception Location: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/core/
> in _get_urlconf_module, line 178
> however utils.text exist in Django directory and importing in shell
> works fine.
> Please help.


Can you paste the header you get when you start your Python

This almost sounds to me like you have more than one version of Python
installed, or your library path settings are incorrect somewhere
(probably in your web server configuration).

Are you using mod_python to host the project?

Lots of details missing before we can help much.



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Re: Poll tutorial question

2007-04-19 Thread Michael K

On Mar 29, 9:03 am, Gilhad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wednesday 28 March 2007 11:50, wheresdave wrote:
> > got it fixed. Whitespace was showing up before pass. found the setting
> > in scite to show whitespace.
> Well, whitespaces in Python are pretty difficult to keep in line, if you are 
> used to other languages.
> I personally use Tabs for intending and VIM editor and have it to make Tabs 
> visible like dark blue |--,

Hey, do you mind sharing your .vimrc for that, probably best on ?


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Re: Django on Windows for an intranet site

2007-04-19 Thread Michael K

On Apr 19, 12:40 pm, jay graves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm a Django newbie (1 week) but a long time (since early 2000) Python
> programmer.
> I have an internal project for work and I'm proposing that we use
> Django.
> Here are some general questions that I would like the community's
> opinion on.
> 1.  I have to use Windows 2003 server due to the fact that I have to
> interface with an existing application through ODBC.  I'm not tied to
> IIS/MSSQL but would probably try to follow the recommendations 
> at utilize Apache/
> mod_python/PostgreSQL.  This division of the company just upgraded
> their infrastructure before I got involved and by default we are a
> windows shop.  The server I would use is the domain controller and
> also runs Exchange.  Any red flags here?  The number of users is
> really small. (<30)

Having gotten my start as a sys admin, I'd raise a tentative red flag
on this one.  Since you're looking at a relatively small number of
users, this may not be as much of an issue if the server has the iron
to back this up. But... A PDC + Exchange is already a potential
performance hog.  Adding on another service (Apache or otherwise)
could mean slow response times all around.  The PDC might side of it
might not suffer as much,  but Exchange is a resource hog (and needs
every bit it gets), and you may end up slowing down both Exchange and
your Django application (whichever way you host it).  Is the existing
application on Windows using ODBC?  If so, you're not necessarily
stuck with Windows Server, as there are ODBC solutions for Linux/BSD,
meaning you could put the Apache server on a separate piece of iron.
All that being said, if the server hardware is fairly modern, and the
user base stays level, it should handle it just fine.  My only concern
is you'd effectively have three different database platforms on one
server, two of them backends for potentially resource-intensive
services that I don't foresee the company getting rid of. :)

The HOWTO should get you up and running on the services
side, either way.

> 2.  Should I stick with 0.96 or would 'trunk' be OK.  I would really
> like to use the newforms-admin stuff once it has merged but since I'm
> new I'd like some advice.
> I've read
> since I'm writing brand new code I don't have any backwards compatible
> issues to contend with and of course I would be careful when
> 'updating' my Django working copy.

There are some backwards incompatible issues coming down the pipe from
the newforms-admin branch, and some of them aren't documented yet.  If
you use 0.96, you'll find yourself refactoring a bit when the next
release comes out, but it's a safe bet.  On the other hand, using
trunk means that you have the latest and greatest, and will be able to
adjust your code more incrementally, rather than all-at-once, I
believe.  Lastly, if you used the newforms-admin branch, you should
end up with less refactoring in the end, once it's merged into trunk.
I've not looked at it intensely, yet, so I could be off base a little
on how much refactoring you'll have to do.

> The site would need to go 'live' around Aug 1.  Any gut feel on how
> much 'churn' there will be in the API during now until then.  From
> everything I've read, Django has tried really hard to minimize API
> incompatibilities and personally I'm not that worried about it but
> would like some feedback.

>From what I've seen over the past couple of years, there isn't a whole
lot of "ZOMG, my project is DOOMED!" churn in the API.  Most of your
update fixes should come in the way of editing a single file when a
new backwards-incompatible change comes around, though that's not
always the case.  The new admin stuff would require model definition
changes as well as some minor edits to your url definitions, and some
probably others, as some of the differences are not documented yet, as
I said before.

> This is a very high profile project internally and I'm excited about
> using Django/Python.  If this initial project goes well, there will be
> alot more candidate projects for Django at my company.  Getting
> justification for the first one is the hardest but once it's an
> 'existing' technology it's an easier sell for new projects.

My concerns with performance could mean a lot here.  The API churn not
so much, if you keep up with things and make sure you have a good Test/
QA system in place.   If the performance is horrible because of the
server you're stuck with, they could blame Django, ruining any chance
of it coming up again in the future.  I proposed Rails for an
application once that was supposed to have dedicated iron - at the
last minute, they decided to host is shared.  It hurt the performance
of the application, and despite my pointing out that the server was
already over-loaded before the application went on it, they blamed it
entirely on Rails.  

Re: build problem with databrowse

2007-04-19 Thread Michael K

On Apr 18, 1:57 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi all,
> I checked out a fresh copy of django-svn with databrowse contrib app included.
> I run 'python sdist' or 'python bdist_rpm' and the 
> templates-folder of databrowse is missing.
> Can somebody verify this ?
> Regards,
> Dirk


It seems to exist for me, I was able to do a sdist without a
problem on 5030.  According to svn, the folder's been there since

Do you have a traceback?


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Re: django comparison

2007-04-19 Thread Michael K

On Apr 19, 10:39 am, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This was the contrib that Adrian unveiled at PyCon2007 that had a
> room full of applause.  I beleve he referred to it as giving "the
> treatment" or "the works" to your data.  It allows easy
> exploration of a data-set, as it will create views wherein your
> data gets automatically linked and displayed saving tons of work.
>   I have a feeling this is going to become a killer-app for Django.
> I missed its entry into contrib/ but look forward to toying with it!
> -tkc

Further reason to bemoan missing PyCon this year.  The worst part is,
I'm originally from the Dallas area, so it's not like I didn't have
other excuses to go - just couldn't get the time off.

I agree, this is the one thing that was kinda missing (though not
missed) from Django.  I have the perfect use for this.

Now all we need is a more advanced (additional contrib, maybe?)
permissions system.  I've tried a few approaches experimentally, but
nothing seems to look or feel right, just yet.  I have a project that
could be refactored and reduced in size if there were an "ownership"
concept in the auth module.


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Re: Doctest isn't running (0.96)

2007-04-19 Thread Michael K

On Apr 19, 10:17 am, Michael K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 19, 9:03 am, "Ryan Alexander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There's an easier (django) way to do this:
> def __str__(self):
> return
> This will return the second value of the tuple, "Sunday" if it were
> "6".

that should be:

return self.get_day_display()

Dunno how that extra "day" got in there.  Must be the daylight savings
change. :)


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Re: django comparison

2007-04-19 Thread Michael K

On Apr 19, 9:31 am, "Jeremy Dunck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/19/07, Nicola Larosa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Michael K wrote:
> > > The best part is, if you put together the models first, the clients can
> > > start adding and manipulating content before you're done with all of the
> > > functionality - just give them access to the admin panel, if you want.
> > The next step is doing away with a predefined model altogether. Semantic
> > web CMS, anyone? ;-)
> Have you looked at trunk/django/contrib/databrowse yet?  :)

Wow, I don't update since 49xx,  lo and behold, there's a new module
in contrib!  Just briefly looking over it, it looks like it wraps
models for some black magic data browsing?  And what's this? A plugin
hook? :)


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Re: Doctest isn't running (0.96)

2007-04-19 Thread Michael K

On Apr 19, 10:02 am, "Ryan Alexander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Solved my own problem, admitting to my own stupidity for the sake of
> posterity and search engines.
> The problem was that one of the lines in the test had an extra space
> in it before the prompt, (I was using tabs btw, I don't know how it
> got there.)
> Anyway, that extra space made the whole thing be not recognized.  I'm a dork.

> IT WAS THIS LINE!!  Gaaah.
> >  >>> wed

Hah! I would have never known or caught that, but it's good to know /
now/ that doctest is that sensitive (understandably so), for my own
future reference. :)


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Re: Doctest isn't running (0.96)

2007-04-19 Thread Michael K

On Apr 19, 9:03 am, "Ryan Alexander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's the code at the top of my file:
> def __str__(self):
> if is None:
> return 'undefined'
> else:
> return WEEKDAY_CHOICES[int(][1]

There's an easier (django) way to do this:

def __str__(self):

This will return the second value of the tuple, "Sunday" if it were

The DB api documents get_FOO_display() here:

> class Meta:
> ordering = ("day",)
> yet when I do the:
>  python test
> command, it says  Ran 0 tests in 0.000s
> Is there something I didn't set up properly?  I followed the
> instructions on the django site?!

I'm not entirely sure, as I've only used unittest at this point, but I
think you have to call the doctest.test_mod() in your, or in at some point.

Have you tried directly testing the models individually?  Like:

python test dayofweeks



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Re: Spanish tutorial

2007-04-19 Thread Michael K

On Apr 19, 9:07 am, "Jeremy Dunck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> +1
> "
> A veces da la impresión de que hay un concurso del tipo ¡Con XXX monto
> una aplicación del tipo YYY en ZZZ minutos ! ó ¡Mi framework lava más
> blanco!
> No vamos a entrar en el juego.
> "
> Thank you.  :)

A fair shake is better than no shake at all, I say. :)


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Re: selecting a framework ,

2007-04-19 Thread Michael K

On Apr 19, 9:17 am, gops <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi ,
> I want to develop a ERP for very small business ( two - three use +
> customer : normally not more than 10 people using the erp ) , I know a
> little bit of php , but i am interested in django as my platform ,
> my question is , is there any such system available which i can look
> at to get some idea , from where to start... ???
> Thanks .

I don't know if any applications already exist for Django, but there
should at least be some pieces ready-to-go out there.  Django would be
well-suited for such a project, I'd think, simply because of how
tightly you can integrate the models.  The admin backend should pretty
much do most of what you need for data collection for the ERP, leaving
the views being the bulk of your work in all likelihood.

Check out for some good examples and a head
start on Django.  Having come from a PHP background myself, I can say
you'll find Python quite a bit more strict on how you format your
code, but you should be able to pick up on how to do things fairly
quickly.  You said you know a little bit of PHP, how much is a little
bit?  To get started in Django, you'll need to learn a little bit of
Python - to really harness the power of it, you'll want to learn a
lot.  Most of it, luckily, you will learn as you go.  If you don't
know any Python at all, definitely check out the tutorials on  They will help.

Since you said this is for a small business, this shouldn't be an
overwhelming project to do in Django.  Honestly, I'd be terrified of
building an ERP from scratch in PHP for an enterprise of any size.
Not so much using Django - most of the horrid SQL and web logic is
already done for you.

As a starting point, again, I'd take a look at the examples on the
book and main websites, and probably for some
more code examples.  Start small and simple, make releases often, and
try to avoid feature bloat.  If you work incrementally, you should end
up with a sturdy ERP in no time.

Lastly, I'm certain folks here would be more than happy to take a look
at bits of code and help with errors.


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Re: django comparison

2007-04-19 Thread Michael K

On Apr 19, 9:23 am, Nicola Larosa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Michael K wrote:
> > The best part is, if you put together the models first, the clients can
> > start adding and manipulating content before you're done with all of the
> > functionality - just give them access to the admin panel, if you want.
> The next step is doing away with a predefined model altogether. Semantic
> web CMS, anyone? ;-)
> --
> Nicola Larosa - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oh just the thought of it makes my head hurt. >.<

Although if something like that gets worked on, I wouldn't mind
helping where I can. :)  (Assuming the work hasn't already been done!)

What can I say?  I'm a masochist at heart.


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Re: Spanish tutorial

2007-04-19 Thread Michael K

On Apr 19, 5:36 am, David Asorey Álvarez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've written a tutorial in Spanish, maybe it could interest to some of
> you.
> This document lives at:
> Best,
> --
> David
> P.S.: Excuse my poor syntax. I can deal with English in "read-only"
> mode.

Your English is better than my Spanish (and probably my own English) -
from what I can comprehend, the tutorial looks very thorough and well


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Re: django comparison

2007-04-19 Thread Michael K

On Apr 18, 9:40 pm, M Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wednesday 18 April 2007 14:22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:> For what it's 
> worth, I found Django to be LESS work than Mambo/Joomla,
> > just because I wasted an ungodly amount of time trying to make Mambo
> > do what I wanted.
> Did you get on-board with the Django book, or something else?
> --
> Kind regards,
> M Harris <><

The book is a very good place to start.  The development team has
managed to take all of the different sorts of documentation and
examples spread over the main site and crunch it down into digestible
pieces.  I wish the book had been around when I first started playing
with Django. :)

I can say I used Mambo before the split, and have toyed with Joomla
afterwards and Django has proven far more intuitive to use for
building custom applications.  Like the house analogy, if you only
need it for a simple CMS, Joomla may be your best bet.  If you want to
add features and have complete control, however, Django would be
better.  Not to mention, the zen of Django is specifically content
management at a very abstract level - you define what content is, and
it manages the rest.  You just fill in the blanks as to how it looks
and functions.  The best part is, if you put together the models
first, the clients can start adding and manipulating content before
you're done with all of the functionality - just give them access to
the admin panel, if you want.


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Discussion on django-job-at-wefi

2007-04-18 Thread Michael K


Are you still looking to fill out the team?

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stackless and django

2007-04-18 Thread Michael K

I have a strange question.  If I'm using a stackless version of
python, could I, in theory, use channels and tasklets within a django

I can't think of any problems, and I've not experienced any issues
with using the stackless binary to run, but I'm kind of
wondering (aloud, I suppose) if one could, say, kick off a bunch of
database updates (or generate a report) with a tasklet, returning back
to the django app immediately with a message of "Processing in the
backend..." or somesuch, without the whole process breaking.

The way I understand stackless, it would probably start blocking at
the end of the execution of the request, waiting for the tasklet to
finish, but I'm guessing there might be a way around that.

Either way, I'm going to play around with it this weekend, just wanted
to get the thoughts of others.


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Re: myghtyboard forum problem

2007-03-09 Thread Michael K

On Mar 8, 6:41 pm, "zehi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All Right. It seems to be a problem somewhere else:
> Both, localy and on server I run python 2.5. It looks like, that
> diamanda installation procedure is calling older python version
> 2.4 ??? Is it possible?
> sample:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] raw]$ python syncdb
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] raw]$ cd ..
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] django_current_python_25]$ export
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] django_current_python_25]$ export PYTHONPATH=$PWD
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] django_current_python_25]$ syncdb
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home2/zehi/bin/", line 5, in ?
> management.execute_from_command_line()
>   File "/home2/zehi/lib/python2.4/django/core/", line
> 1238, in execute_from_command_line
> translation.activate('en-us')


This alone tells me that your is using python2.4,
unless you have your ~/lib all messed up. :)

Check the source's shebang (first line) and see if
it's calling 2.4 specifically?

Other than that, it still sounds like a database problem for the first
part.  I'd still consider looking at your table's defaults.  This
latest error looks like Python can't find your modules, which, again,
appears to be because of the version you think you're running not
being the version you're actually running. :)

> It's over my head yet. Somebody has experience with that?

Everything is typically over my head when it comes to Django, but I'm
getting there.  :)  Best bet: focus more on Python than the "Django
Way" and it will make more sense as you learn.


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