creating a composite primary key, for a field that isn't in the database...

2009-06-10 Thread tonemcd

Hi all,
We have a situation where;
1. we have a database that has several tables that use composite
primary keys
2. the database *cannot* be munged to add an auto increment integer
field (sadly, otherwise this would be a very short post)
3. we don't need to write back to the database
4. we don't need these tables to be represented in the admin
5. we would lookup records in the table via one or more of the
(primary keyed, therefore indexed) composites of the primary key
6. we need a 'primary key' so we can iterate over the objects that are
returned from queries

so, with that in mind,

can anyone suggest a way of 'creating' the key we need for #6 above?

I had thought of something like this;

# this field does not exist in the database
fake_pk = FakePrimaryKeyField(primary_key = True, composites =
['field1' ,'field2', 'field3'])
# the following fields do exist in the database
field1 = models.CharField(max_length = 10)
field2 = models.CharField(max_length = 5)
field3 = models.IntegerField()

with our 'FakePrimaryKeyField' doing something like;

pk = '%s%s%s' % (field1, field2, field3)

But I can't figure out how to 'tie in' the fields to tell the _meta
part of the model that fake_pk is supposed to be the primary key.

Note that 'fake_pk' is *not* in the database at all.

Does anyone have any pointers; I've looked at and and
examples of 'custom fields' and nothing I've seen seems to add the
vital "I'm the primary key" juice into the mix.

Any pointers will be gratefully accepted!

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Re: Newcastle, UK Django positions (was "Some django-based jobs available")

2009-04-16 Thread tonemcd

Thanks for the rewrite of the subject line Tim, I should have put more
location information into the post. I've also added it to django-gigs
to get a wider audience.

And thanks for being understanding regarding those 'abominably long
target URLs' - it's an outsourced operation over which we have no
control. They've obviously not heard of SEO!

Regarding the jobs: I don't think we can go for telecommuting at the
moment, but it's something we're willing to consider in the future.

thanks again for your help,

On Apr 16, 1:55 pm, Tim Chase <> wrote:
> tonemcd wrote:
> > I hope I'm not breaching etiquette here.
> Not particularly...however you may also want to post 
> onhttp://djangogigs.comto reach the broadest audience.
> One other tip -- though your email CC's Newcastle, UK addresses
> and the below redirectors point to the Newcastle pages, it's
> helpful to include location information right up front (as well
> as any telecommuting option if available) in the body/subject of
> the email.  This helps folks filter out chaff or spot positions
> of interest.  I've changed the subject line to reflect it, but
> for others on the list that may be considering posting positions,
> it helps.
> > The URLs are;
> > Infrastructure Development Officer:
> > and
> > Web Development Officer:
> In some circles (more so on mailing lists & blogs, less so on
> twitter), this is more a breech of etiquette -- using shortened
> URLs that point randomly into the internet.  However, in the case
> of those abominably long target URLs, I think shortening is
> acceptable in this case :)
> -tim
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Some django-based jobs available

2009-04-16 Thread tonemcd

I hope I'm not breaching etiquette here.

We have two jobs going at the moment, where a large proportion of the
work will be in Django.

To apply, you *must* go through our University online system. Sorry
about that.

The URLs are;

Infrastructure Development Officer:
Web Development Officer:

All further details (including contact details of people who can give
more information) are available at the URLs.


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Re: _clone method in list_detail (generic views) loses information?

2009-03-30 Thread tonemcd

I should have spent the extra 10 minutes trying out the 'property'
solution (rather than the several hours I've spent on the generic view/
pagination code).

Adding this code to the model works perfectly well.

def _link(self):
from settings import ACCESS_PATH

if self.mimetype == 'url':
return '%sredirect?location=%s' % (ACCESS_PATH, self.uuid)
return '%sdownload/%s/%s' % (ACCESS_PATH, self.uuid,
link = property(_link)

I wouldn't mind, except I've used properties extensively before and it
never occurred to me to use them this time  sigh.


On Mar 30, 12:38 pm, tonemcd <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm used to doing things like this;
> resources = Resource.objects.all()
> for resource in resources:
>     if resource.thetype == 'url':
> = '/access/redirect?location=%s' % resource.uuid
>     else:
> = '/access/download/%s/%s' % (resource.uuid,
> resource.filename)
> It means that more logic is shunted from the template to the view.
> This helps some browsers to determine what they should do with a link
> (we use file-disposition and mimetype etc - but we still need to do
> this)
> I've just wired this up to generic views and find that this line (46)
> in django/views/generic/ causes the 'link' attribute to
> disappear. (I put 'queryset[0].__dict__' before and after the line and
> 'link' had dissappeared)
> 46:    queryset = queryset._clone()
> Is this expected behaviour? If so, should I be doing things in a
> different way (property on the model perhaps)?
> Any thoughts appreciated
> Cheers,
> Tone
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_clone method in list_detail (generic views) loses information?

2009-03-30 Thread tonemcd

I'm used to doing things like this;

resources = Resource.objects.all()
for resource in resources:
if resource.thetype == 'url': = '/access/redirect?location=%s' % resource.uuid
else: = '/access/download/%s/%s' % (resource.uuid,

It means that more logic is shunted from the template to the view.

This helps some browsers to determine what they should do with a link
(we use file-disposition and mimetype etc - but we still need to do

I've just wired this up to generic views and find that this line (46)
in django/views/generic/ causes the 'link' attribute to
disappear. (I put 'queryset[0].__dict__' before and after the line and
'link' had dissappeared)

46:queryset = queryset._clone()

Is this expected behaviour? If so, should I be doing things in a
different way (property on the model perhaps)?

Any thoughts appreciated

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Any django training available in the UK?

2008-10-26 Thread tonemcd

Hi all,

Is anyone doing any django training in the UK? I need F2F and possibly
remote *as backup to F2F* for my team.

They are very familiar with Zope, and we are a linux-based shop. We
have facilities on-site for training.

We are based in the North East of England.

Please get in contact and I'll provide as many details as you need.


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Re: Django new comments framework error

2008-08-30 Thread tonemcd

...and of course, I find that
is now fixed!

That should help clear up an awful lot of confusion.

As of r8672, it's in the trunk.


On Aug 29, 7:40 am, tonemcd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Also 
> see
> Short summary: maybe your named url regexes aren't matching the
> variables passed to them in the {% url ... %} tag.
> Apply the patch from
> you'll know for certain if that's it.
> Zapping old .pyc files can't hurt too!
> Cheers,
> Tone
> On Aug 29, 4:29 am, hotani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Did you delete the .pyc files from the django source? Another approach
> > would be to go into /django/contrib/ and delete the comments
> > directory, then do an 'svn up' to restore it. Then you'll be sure to
> > get a fresh copy.
> > That is what worked for me. But if you haven't used the comment system
> > before then there shouldn't even be any pyc files in there, so I don't
> > know what is going on.
> > On Aug 28, 2:57 am, Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > Updated to 8613 with the release of Django 1.0 Beta 2 and saw the
> > > addition of commenting framework - tried to add it and am getting a
> > > similar error to above.
> > > On Aug 27, 3:54 pm, Slavus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Here is the solution:
> > > > You'll get this if you still have stale pyc files left over from the
> > > > old comment system. Delete 'em and your code will work.
> > > I tried this (even though I did not use the old commenting system).
> > > Here is the exception information...
> > > ---
> > >  -
> > > Environment:
> > > Request Method: GET
> > > Request URL:http://localhost/apps/buildboard/builddetails/80/
> > > Django Version: 1.0-beta_1-SVN-unknown
> > > Python Version: 2.5.1
> > > Installed Applications:
> > > ['django.contrib.auth',
> > >  'django.contrib.contenttypes',
> > >  'django.contrib.sessions',
> > >  'django.contrib.sites',
> > >  'django.contrib.admin',
> > >  'django_apps.buildboard',
> > >  'django_xmlrpc',
> > >  'django.contrib.comments']
> > > Installed Middleware:
> > > ('django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware',
> > >  'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware',
> > >  'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware',
> > >  'django.middleware.doc.XViewMiddleware')
> > > Template error:
> > > In template c:\_tools\python251\lib\site-packages\django\contrib
> > > \comments\templates\comments\form.html, error at line 2
> > >    Caught an exception while rendering: Reverse for ' > > post_comment at 0x0158BEF0>' not found.
> > >    1 : {% load comments %}
> > >    2 : 
> > >    3 :   {% for field in form %}
> > >    4 :     {% if field.is_hidden %}
> > >    5 :       {{ field }}
> > >    6 :     {% else %}
> > >    7 :       
> > >    8 :         {% if field.errors %} class="error"{% endif %}
> > >    9 :         {% ifequal "honeypot" %}
> > > style="display:none;"{% endifequal %}>
> > >    10 :         {% if field.errors %}{{ field.errors }}{% endif %}
> > >    11 :         {{ field.label_tag }} {{ field }}
> > >    12 :       
> > > Traceback:
> > > File "c:\_tools\python251\lib\site-packages\django\core\handlers
> > > \" in get_response
> > >   86.                 response = callback(request, *callback_args,
> > > **callback_kwargs)
> > > File "c:\_tools\python251\lib\site-packages\django\contrib\auth
> > > \" in __call__
> > >   67.             return self.view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
> > > File "c:\_projects\django_apps\..\django_apps\buildboard\" in
> > > build_details
> > >   309.     print t.render(c)
> > > File "c:\_tools\python251\lib\site-packages\django\template
> > > \" in render
> > >   176.         return self.nodelist.render(context)
> > > File "c:\_tools\python251\lib\site-packages\django\template
> > > \" in

Re: Photologue Error: NoReverseMatch -- Reverse for 'pl-gallery' not found.

2008-08-30 Thread tonemcd

The link would help :rolls eyes:

On Aug 30, 3:12 pm, tonemcd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Check out this link, apply the patch and I think you'll see the
> problem (basically, whatever is being passed to {% url ... %} does not
> match the regex in
> Cheers,
> Tone
> On Aug 30, 12:25 am, Jacolyte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Here's a pastebin of the traceback:
> > Photologue is version 2.0-rc1
> > Django is version 1.0-beta_1
> > I did everything the photologue readme said. Put photologue in my
> > installed apps, ran syncdb, plinit, etc. everything went fine.
> > I added a photo and made a gallery, and then in the admin interface
> > for my gallery I clicked on "View on site" and it gives me this error.
> > The traceback is saying my code is trying to use a named URL pattern
> > that doesn't exist, right? Well, shouldn't creating a photologue
> > gallery create that URL that the URL pattern references?
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Re: Photologue Error: NoReverseMatch -- Reverse for 'pl-gallery' not found.

2008-08-30 Thread tonemcd

Check out this link, apply the patch and I think you'll see the
problem (basically, whatever is being passed to {% url ... %} does not
match the regex in


On Aug 30, 12:25 am, Jacolyte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's a pastebin of the traceback:
> Photologue is version 2.0-rc1
> Django is version 1.0-beta_1
> I did everything the photologue readme said. Put photologue in my
> installed apps, ran syncdb, plinit, etc. everything went fine.
> I added a photo and made a gallery, and then in the admin interface
> for my gallery I clicked on "View on site" and it gives me this error.
> The traceback is saying my code is trying to use a named URL pattern
> that doesn't exist, right? Well, shouldn't creating a photologue
> gallery create that URL that the URL pattern references?
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Re: Django new comments framework error

2008-08-29 Thread tonemcd

Also see

Short summary: maybe your named url regexes aren't matching the
variables passed to them in the {% url ... %} tag.

Apply the patch from and
you'll know for certain if that's it.

Zapping old .pyc files can't hurt too!


On Aug 29, 4:29 am, hotani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Did you delete the .pyc files from the django source? Another approach
> would be to go into /django/contrib/ and delete the comments
> directory, then do an 'svn up' to restore it. Then you'll be sure to
> get a fresh copy.
> That is what worked for me. But if you haven't used the comment system
> before then there shouldn't even be any pyc files in there, so I don't
> know what is going on.
> On Aug 28, 2:57 am, Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Updated to 8613 with the release of Django 1.0 Beta 2 and saw the
> > addition of commenting framework - tried to add it and am getting a
> > similar error to above.
> > On Aug 27, 3:54 pm, Slavus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Here is the solution:
> > > You'll get this if you still have stale pyc files left over from the
> > > old comment system. Delete 'em and your code will work.
> > I tried this (even though I did not use the old commenting system).
> > Here is the exception information...
> > --- 
> > -
> > Environment:
> > Request Method: GET
> > Request URL:http://localhost/apps/buildboard/builddetails/80/
> > Django Version: 1.0-beta_1-SVN-unknown
> > Python Version: 2.5.1
> > Installed Applications:
> > ['django.contrib.auth',
> >  'django.contrib.contenttypes',
> >  'django.contrib.sessions',
> >  'django.contrib.sites',
> >  'django.contrib.admin',
> >  'django_apps.buildboard',
> >  'django_xmlrpc',
> >  'django.contrib.comments']
> > Installed Middleware:
> > ('django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware',
> >  'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware',
> >  'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware',
> >  'django.middleware.doc.XViewMiddleware')
> > Template error:
> > In template c:\_tools\python251\lib\site-packages\django\contrib
> > \comments\templates\comments\form.html, error at line 2
> >    Caught an exception while rendering: Reverse for ' > post_comment at 0x0158BEF0>' not found.
> >    1 : {% load comments %}
> >    2 : 
> >    3 :   {% for field in form %}
> >    4 :     {% if field.is_hidden %}
> >    5 :       {{ field }}
> >    6 :     {% else %}
> >    7 :       
> >    8 :         {% if field.errors %} class="error"{% endif %}
> >    9 :         {% ifequal "honeypot" %}
> > style="display:none;"{% endifequal %}>
> >    10 :         {% if field.errors %}{{ field.errors }}{% endif %}
> >    11 :         {{ field.label_tag }} {{ field }}
> >    12 :       
> > Traceback:
> > File "c:\_tools\python251\lib\site-packages\django\core\handlers
> > \" in get_response
> >   86.                 response = callback(request, *callback_args,
> > **callback_kwargs)
> > File "c:\_tools\python251\lib\site-packages\django\contrib\auth
> > \" in __call__
> >   67.             return self.view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
> > File "c:\_projects\django_apps\..\django_apps\buildboard\" in
> > build_details
> >   309.     print t.render(c)
> > File "c:\_tools\python251\lib\site-packages\django\template
> > \" in render
> >   176.         return self.nodelist.render(context)
> > File "c:\_tools\python251\lib\site-packages\django\template
> > \" in render
> >   756.                 bits.append(self.render_node(node, context))
> > File "c:\_tools\python251\lib\site-packages\django\template\"
> > in render_node
> >   71.             result = node.render(context)
> > File "c:\_tools\python251\lib\site-packages\django\contrib\comments
> > \templatetags\" in render
> >   158.             formstr = render_to_string(template_search_list,
> > {"form" : self.get_form(context)}, context)
> > File "c:\_tools\python251\lib\site-packages\django\template\"
> > in render_to_string
> >   107.     return t.render(context_instance)
> > File "c:\_tools\python251\lib\site-packages\django\template
> > \" in render
> >   176.         return self.nodelist.render(context)
> > File "c:\_tools\python251\lib\site-packages\django\template
> > \" in render
> >   756.                 bits.append(self.render_node(node, context))
> > File "c:\_tools\python251\lib\site-packages\django\template\"
> > in render_node
> >   81.             raise wrapped
> > Exception Type: TemplateSyntaxError at /apps/buildboard/builddetails/
> > 80/
> > Exception Value: Caught an exception while rendering: Reverse for
> > '' not found.

Re: Random NoReverseMatch

2008-08-28 Thread tonemcd

I've just come across this ticket,,
which has a patch attached. I've just applied the patch and crippled
my url regex again to re-create the error. This is what was reported
this time;

NoReverseMatch: Reverse for 'MBBS.agenda_today_group' with arguments
'(u'st4gp4&5',)' and keyword arguments '{}' not found.

Now *that* would have saved a heap of time earlier on today ;)

Ticket 8221 is down for the 1.0 release, so hopefully, we'll have that
in trunk ready for the big release of V1.0.


On Aug 28, 6:20 pm, tonemcd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, this bit me a while back when I svn-up'ed from trunk and I got
> fed up of changing my django.pth to point to trunk_r7971, so I was
> determined to get it sorted out.
> The first thing is that the NoReverseMatch error seems to be a catch-
> all for a variety of exceptions, so if you can, check out your imports
> as Koen outlines below.
> However, I think that in this case it is far more likely that you have
> some data that is triggering the NoReverseMatch exception, as you say
> it happens randomly, and I think what is happening is your arguments
> to {% url ... %} are not compatible with what your named url is
> expecting to see.
> This is what happened to me; my urls are of the form;
> today//agenda
> where  is letters (upper and lowercase), numbers and '-', so
> these are valid stgp01, st2gp2-18 etc.
> I used this match to begin with;
> url(r'^today/(?P[\w,-]+)/agenda$
> from
> you can see that \w handles alphanumerics and _.
> This is what killed it;
> /today/st4gp8&9/agenda
> With r7971 this would not have been a problem (well actually it would
> have been a problem because the URL wouldn't work), but at least it
> wouldn't give you an error. Now it does (it was changed in r8211, 
> see
> more details).
> The solution for me was to include & and friends into the regex, so I
> added \W as well (the above URL has details).
> My final URL pattern is url(r'^today/(?P[\w,\W-]+)/agenda$ and
> this works just fine.
> I don't know what you're matching, but I'd hazard a guess that what
> you're pumping out is not compatible with what your URL regex is
> expecting to see.
> This seems like a prime example of something that needs a slightly
> more descriptive error message, but whether that's possible or not, I
> don't know (I did dig around in, but it went rapidly
> over my django-fu).
> Hope this helps,
> Tone
> On Aug 25, 8:40 pm, koenb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I guess you are seeing the bug reported in #6379. You probably have an
> > import error somewhere, but it is being hidden by theNoReverseMatch
> > exception that is raised for anything that goes wrong.
> > Koen
> > On 25 aug, 16:13, Robin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > i have the same exception and exactly as Julien explained in the dev
> > > server works fine ... and also works fine with fast_cgi, but I am
> > > using apache + mod_wsgi and it didn't work with the same problem:
> > >NoReverseMatch
> > > Has any of you any clue to this error ?
> > > thanks in advance,
> > >         r
> > > On Aug 16, 8:16 pm, Alberto Piai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > On Aug 16, 12:01 am, Julien Phalip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > Hi,
> > > > > It's likely that there is a typo somewhere in your templates, either
> > > > > you didn't write the view name properly, or you didn't provide the
> > > > > right parameters.
> > > > > In the error message, there should be the name of the view. Look up
> > > > > every occurrence et double check that you haven't made any typo.
> > > > I'm checking everything again. But actually I don't think the
> > > > problem's there, as everything works fine when run from django's dev
> > > > server, and now it's been working fine for some hours even on lighttpd
> > > > +fcgi. When the problem appears again I'll send the traceback.
> > > > Thanks for you help,
> > > > Alberto
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Re: site using Django/mod_python/apache2 randomly showing "It worked!" page

2008-08-28 Thread tonemcd

Does Apache have mod_wsgi? If so, you can get them to make a change to
your .conf file as detailed at

This means you only need to 'touch' the .wsgi file specified by the
WSGIScriptAlias to get your Apache process to restart. Works a treat!

I moved away from mod_python for the very reason you've outlined. The
wealth of information on mod_wsgi is immense!


On Aug 28, 6:25 pm, Gremmie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 27, 8:18 pm, Richard Simões <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> I have 
> non-root access to a server with apache2 and mod_python. I
> > installed django with svn to a location in my home directory and
> > created a test project. When I go to a URL defined with and
> >, 9/10 times the expected page is shown. The remaining 1/10
> > times the "It worked!" page pops up. Searching for this problem seems
> > a bit difficult. Any idea on what could be happening?
> It sounds like some of the apache processes are running your new code,
> but some of the other processes are still running the typical
> mod_python test program you use to see if mod_python is configured
> correctly. You will need to restart apache after every code change.
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Re: Random NoReverseMatch

2008-08-28 Thread tonemcd

Well, this bit me a while back when I svn-up'ed from trunk and I got
fed up of changing my django.pth to point to trunk_r7971, so I was
determined to get it sorted out.

The first thing is that the NoReverseMatch error seems to be a catch-
all for a variety of exceptions, so if you can, check out your imports
as Koen outlines below.

However, I think that in this case it is far more likely that you have
some data that is triggering the NoReverseMatch exception, as you say
it happens randomly, and I think what is happening is your arguments
to {% url ... %} are not compatible with what your named url is
expecting to see.

This is what happened to me; my urls are of the form;


where  is letters (upper and lowercase), numbers and '-', so
these are valid stgp01, st2gp2-18 etc.

I used this match to begin with;

you can see that \w handles alphanumerics and _.

This is what killed it;


With r7971 this would not have been a problem (well actually it would
have been a problem because the URL wouldn't work), but at least it
wouldn't give you an error. Now it does (it was changed in r8211, see for
more details).

The solution for me was to include & and friends into the regex, so I
added \W as well (the above URL has details).

My final URL pattern is url(r'^today/(?P[\w,\W-]+)/agenda$ and
this works just fine.

I don't know what you're matching, but I'd hazard a guess that what
you're pumping out is not compatible with what your URL regex is
expecting to see.

This seems like a prime example of something that needs a slightly
more descriptive error message, but whether that's possible or not, I
don't know (I did dig around in, but it went rapidly
over my django-fu).

Hope this helps,

On Aug 25, 8:40 pm, koenb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I guess you are seeing the bug reported in #6379. You probably have an
> import error somewhere, but it is being hidden by theNoReverseMatch
> exception that is raised for anything that goes wrong.
> Koen
> On 25 aug, 16:13, Robin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > i have the same exception and exactly as Julien explained in the dev
> > server works fine ... and also works fine with fast_cgi, but I am
> > using apache + mod_wsgi and it didn't work with the same problem:
> >NoReverseMatch
> > Has any of you any clue to this error ?
> > thanks in advance,
> >         r
> > On Aug 16, 8:16 pm, Alberto Piai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On Aug 16, 12:01 am, Julien Phalip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > It's likely that there is a typo somewhere in your templates, either
> > > > you didn't write the view name properly, or you didn't provide the
> > > > right parameters.
> > > > In the error message, there should be the name of the view. Look up
> > > > every occurrence et double check that you haven't made any typo.
> > > I'm checking everything again. But actually I don't think the
> > > problem's there, as everything works fine when run from django's dev
> > > server, and now it's been working fine for some hours even on lighttpd
> > > +fcgi. When the problem appears again I'll send the traceback.
> > > Thanks for you help,
> > > Alberto
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Re: Having trouble with per-view caching

2007-11-04 Thread tonemcd

check this out:-

Not sure cache decorators have arguments...


On Nov 4, 11:13 pm, "Hugh Bien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've emailed a few questions to this mailing list already and I've gotten
> great responses, so thanks everyone for helping out people who are new to
> Django.
> Okay, on to my question.  I'm trying to get caching working with my weblog
> but I keep running into an AttributeError.  All I am doing is importing the
> 'cache_page' function and decorating my view:
> @cache_page(60 * 15)
> def my_view:
># do stuff and return render_to_response ...
> I get this error when I go to any view:
> Exception Type:AttributeErrorException Value:'function' object has no
> attribute 'method'Exception
> Location:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/si 
> te-packages/django/middleware/
> in process_request, line 47
> which occurs at this line in
> if not request.method in ('GET', 'HEAD') or request.GET:
> I really have no idea what went wrong, has anyone else run into this error?
> Thanks,
> - Hugh

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Re: ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX setting weirdness

2007-09-29 Thread tonemcd

This may not be relevant, but I've had no end of confusion with
ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX. What I've found is this;

If you're running the development server, the value of
ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX is effectively ignored. Look at the code in django/
core/servers/, in AdminMediaHandler and you'll see it
serves the media up from the location that django is installed from.

However, once you use something like fastcgi or mod_python to serve
your content, the value of ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX is used, and you need to
make sure it's pointing to something (of course, Apache/lighttpd etc
rewrite rules can be used to tidy things up).

This is all based on the description of what ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX does
by Malcolm Tredinnick:-

hope this helps,

On Sep 28, 6:35 pm, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> This looks like a bug to me.
> When I set ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = '/media/', some weird things happen,
> such as:
> - I get different 404 messages for non existing files
> - the served files does not appear in the development server console
> - the files under \site-packages\django\contrib\admin\media\ are
> served, instead of the /media/ folder in under my MEDIA_ROOT
> But when I set ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = 'http://localhost:8000/media/'
> everything works as expected, that is:
> - standard 404 messages
> - served files appear in the console
> - files under MEDIA_ROOT/media/ are served
> Any idea why this difference exists?

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Re: can´t do django update: propfind request failed

2007-09-23 Thread tonemcd

Check your ~/.subversion/servers file. Any proxy requirements (such as
would be in the environment variable 'http_proxy') need to be
replicated there.

# http-proxy-exceptions = *,
http-proxy-host =
http-proxy-port = 8080


On Sep 23, 10:35 am, patrickk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> we have a server with about 15 customers (vhosts) - every setup is
> exactly the same and usually django-updates work fine.
> but, when I don´t do an update for about 6 months, it doesn´t work
> anymore (it´s the third this happens now).
> our system-administrator didn´t find anything.
> thanks,
> patrick
> On Sep 21, 5:53 pm, "James Bennett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 9/21/07, patrickk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > when I do "svn update" within the django_src directory, I´m getting
> > > this error:
> > > svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/'
> > > svn: PROPFIND of '/': 200 OK (
> > It's working fine for me. Double-check that things are working on your
> > end of the network (especially that your administrator has not
> > deployed any firewall or proxy rules which would block SVN).
> > --
> > "Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of 
> > correct."

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Re: Need Customized Forms which look very much like Django admin interface ...

2007-01-25 Thread tonemcd

See here:


On Jan 25, 8:01 am, "Praveen Swaminathan"
> I am trying to write a form which has multiple elements. One of them is a
> Date field. How do I do it so that it looks like an admin interface
> --
> Thanks and Regards
> Praveen

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Re: How to create a simple PDF

2007-01-16 Thread tonemcd

I was going to suggest looking at a Java-based system called Jasper
reports, which we got into because we found ourselves spending too much
time writing ReportLab scripts to generate PDFs (Jasper has a wysiwyg
interface and connects to databases directly).

However, seeing Chris' email reminded me of RML, which was designed by
the ReportLab guys and *much* easier to use than ReportLab itself. We
looked into that and were very interested, but the licencing fee was
too high for us (the RL guys do a lot of work for finance houses, and
they have plenty of cash).

I don't think TinyRML is as powerful as RML, but you can't beat the

Conrad, I think you should definitely look at Chris' solution - we've
done a *lot* of work in ReportLab and as Kenneth says, it's not
trivial, whereas Chris has made it all look easy ;) I particularly like
the fact that the PDF templates (in RML format) are django templates -
it reinforces the idea that django can do stuff other than HTML.


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Re: ViewDoesNotExist at /admin/

2006-12-20 Thread tonemcd

Two things;
1) you don't have anything setup in TEMPLATE_DIRS - may be important...
2) what does this give you;

% ls -l  /home/miiandu/django_src/django/contrib
you want admin to look something like this;
drwxr-xr-x  7 miiandyou 4096 Dec  4 18:19 admin

% ls -l  /home/miiandu/django_src/django/contrib/admin
drwxr-xr-x  3 herbert 4096 Dec 12 00:52 views

If they don't look like that, Margaret's suggestion of chown and chmod
is probably the thing you need to do.


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-~--~~~~--~~--~--~--- - python there, no django (yet)

2006-12-09 Thread tonemcd - very neat, lots of APIs to go through (HTML,
Javascript etc) and now including python.

No django as yet. :(

However, you can't download copies of XML formats to see how others
have done it (eg python).


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Re: Simple CAS 1.0 authentication

2006-12-04 Thread tonemcd

Just a quick note to say *thankyou very much* for making this
available. I installed it into one of my development sites over the
weekend and it works like a charm. I only tried the middleware version
(which is probably more appropriate for an authentication backend) and
found it to work just fine.

In the end, all I had to do to get CAS authentication operational on my
site was to change one line in and two in (once I'd
installed cas into django.contrib). If that doesn't show the power of
middleware then I don't know what does ;)

Again, thanks heaps for making this available - it's done the business
for me!


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Re: Database optmization guru needed...

2006-11-18 Thread tonemcd

Perhaps something from here will help?

Where your list is an xrange(min...max) of id's from your database
table. That is, do it in python, not with your database...

Or maybe this, - which *does*
use the database ;)


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advice needed - how to manage 100+ django sites in a scaleable, manageable setup

2006-10-17 Thread tonemcd

Hi all,
We're about to put our first django site online on Monday, which is a
major departure for us. We currently host 100+ Zope instances, almost
all of which are load balanced over more than one physical server using
pound. Our databases are MySQL and increasingly, PostgreSQL, and these
are also load balanced using pound.

At the moment, the django site is running using mod_python and Apache
2.0, but this is not the way that our other systems run - we use pound
and Zope clustering software (ZEO) to enable us to clone and slot in
another Zope instance into the cluster as needed. This system has grown
organically over several years, for example, for quite some time, we
did no load balancing at all, even for our most heavily used systems.

What I'd really like to know is how we could replicate this level of
functionality with a django setup.

Any ideas? I can provide more details if people would like to know, but
really at the moment, I'm just trying to get a handle on what's

many thanks in advance,

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Re: Having problems getting started with Zyons

2006-07-19 Thread tonemcd

Quick update, Ian has updated the source in svn to fix the glitch.

I've svn-uped and it everything is hunky-dory...

Thanks very much Ian, from a reported glitch at 10:16 through to
resolution by 12:31. Nice one!


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Re: Having problems getting started with Zyons

2006-07-19 Thread tonemcd

I've posted a ticket at with a
description of the problem and a possible solution based on the SQL

Funny, I would have thought there were more MySQL 4.0-4.1 people around
than that (which would have shown the glitch earlier), guess I really
do need to look at MySQL 5!!


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Re: Having problems getting started with Zyons

2006-07-19 Thread tonemcd

Thanks Ian, Malcolm, this works!;

mysql> select content_type_id, object_id, sum( unique_views) as sum_uv
from  counter_objecthourcounter  where site_id=1 and effective_date >=
'2006-07-18 09:50:07' and content_type_id in (30) group by
content_type_id, object_id order by sum_uv desc  LIMIT 40;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

IMHO, The initial error message from MySQL (Invalid use of group
function) is a little bit look what happens if the
'group by' part of the query is removed;

mysql> select content_type_id, object_id, sum( unique_views) as sum_uv
from  counter_objecthourcounter  where site_id=1 and effective_date >=
'2006-07-18 09:50:07' and content_type_id in (30)  order by
sum(unique_views)  LIMIT 40;
ERROR  (HY000): Invalid use of group function


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Re: Having problems getting started with Zyons

2006-07-19 Thread tonemcd

I dug around a little,;>this
helped a lot - and I found that this works (4.1.18-standard);

mysql> select content_type_id, object_id, sum( unique_views)  from
counter_objecthourcounter  where site_id=1 and effective_date >=
'2006-07-18 09:50:07' and content_type_id in (30) group by
content_type_id, object_id  LIMIT 40;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

But of course the 'order by sum (unique_views) desc' has gone.


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Re: Having problems getting started with Zyons

2006-07-19 Thread tonemcd

I think that's it - it definitely causes an SQL error on MySQL

Drat. Our main systems (where I intend to run django 'for real') are
stuck on the 4.1 series for the time being (hence why my machine is
still running 4.1.18-standard). However, as I make the final decisions
on what server versions we use, this could change ... ;)


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Re: Having problems getting started with Zyons

2006-07-19 Thread tonemcd

Sorry Ian, I didn't mean to diss your application in the main
discusssion forum! I just thought it might be a stupid user problem (I
couldn't find it in the forum).

I've been watching the development of zyons for a while with a view to
using it for the first stage of our Zope migration project and thought
that I'd have a go at the latest release.

Stupidly, I have posted the wrong SQL, it should be;
select content_type_id, object_id, sum( unique_views)  from
counter_objecthourcounter  where site_id=1 and effective_date >=
'2006-07-18 09:50:07' and content_type_id in (30) group by
content_type_id, object_id order by sum( unique_views ) desc LIMIT 40

I'll post the trackback in the 'bugs' forum at

Thanks for what looks like a really useful application by the way!


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Having problems getting started with Zyons

2006-07-19 Thread tonemcd

Hi all,
I'm trying to get the Zyons community/bulletin board system up and
running - we think it could be extremely useful for a large part of our
education community, and will assist us in migrating from Zope to
Django. Trouble is, I can't get it to work on my machine (MacBook Pro,
Python 2.4.3/MySL 4.1.18-standard)

I get this error on pointing at the root;

ProgrammingError at /
(, 'Invalid use of group function')

Template error (at line 38)

In template
error at line 38
Caught an exception while rendering.
28  {% latest_conversations conv 10 %}
30 {% for c in conv %}
31 {{
}} {{ }}
32 {% endfor %}
37  Most Popular
38  {% popular_objects Conversation c_o 40 %}
40  {% for a in c_o %}
41  {{ }}
42  {% endfor %}
48  {% endblock %}

The actual SQL generated is;
select content_type_id, object_id, sum( unique_views)  from
counter_objecthourcounter  where site_id=1 and effective_date >=
'2006-07-18 09:12:08' and content_type_id in (30) order by sum(
unique_views ) desc LIMIT 40

Is this a simple thing that I can fix (ie I've done something stupid),
or do I need to include more traceback information?

Cheers for any help,

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Re: Wiki or Blogs done with django

2006-05-29 Thread tonemcd

Possibly the quickest blog to get up and running is by Ross Poulton - - his code has not had the magic removed yet

Paul Bissex - - has done a *very* small
Wiki implementation.


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Feedjack - A Django+Python Powered Feed Aggregator (Planet)

2006-05-28 Thread tonemcd

Now this looks like a really cool django application.


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Re: Limiting selection in admin pages [NEWBIE]

2006-05-16 Thread tonemcd

Good question - short answer is it's not anything I tried to do, so I
don't know...


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Re: Limiting selection in admin pages [NEWBIE]

2006-05-16 Thread tonemcd

Sorry Q,
I forgot to add the WorkGroup definition;

class WorkGroup(models.Model):
groupName = models.CharField(maxlength=50)

def __str__(self):
return "%s" % self.groupName

That's where the 'groupName' is coming from in my lookup.

I'm using rev 2900 (ie the merged MR trunk) so I don't think there's
any other magic going on. I'm guessing your definition of WorkGroup (or
whatever your foreign key is) has a field 'name'. It may be that the
lookup mechanism is checking for the 'name' property, but without
digging into the source, it's just a guess on my part.


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Re: Limiting selection in admin pages [NEWBIE]

2006-05-15 Thread tonemcd

This works (it's the pa - personal assistant - bit you want);

class Person(models.Model):
firstName = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
lastName = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
organization = models.ManyToManyField(Organization, related_name =
emailAddress = models.EmailField()
title = models.CharField(maxlength=20, blank=True)
phone = models.CharField(maxlength=20, blank=True)
mobile = models.CharField(maxlength=20, blank=True)
# extraneous stuff not included
groups = models.ManyToManyField(WorkGroup, related_name = 'groups',
coordinator = models.ManyToManyField(WorkGroup, related_name =
'coordinator', blank=True)
photos = models.ForeignKey(Photo, blank=True, null=True)
pa = models.ForeignKey("self", blank=True, null=True,
limit_choices_to = {'groups__groupName__exact' : 'Administration'})
 # PA for this person


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Re: ANN: magic-removal branch merged to trunk

2006-05-02 Thread tonemcd

Ditto to that - I've been watching the activity on, and there's been a huge amount of work done

Thanks again guys, this is a great framework!


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Re: FileField fieldRequired error

2006-05-02 Thread tonemcd

Take it easy You'll not make friends if people think you're

This works for me with an ImageFile field. FileField should work the

Template snippet:

Title: {{ form.title }}

Post date: {{
form.postdate_date }} Post time:
{{ form.postdate_time }}

Tags: {{ form.assoc_tags

Image: {{
form.image_file }} {{form.image}}

Body: {{ form.body }}

And this view;
Post is the name of my model, be careful to not confuse it with POST.

def upload(request):
# get all the content
# for now, just assume a file is uploaded
files = request.FILES
for uploaded in files.keys():  # key is from , ie image_file
filedata = files[uploaded]
filename = filedata['filename']
content_type = filedata['content-type']
content = filedata['content']
body = request.POST.get('body', '')
assoc_tags = request.POST.getlist('assoc_tags')
title = request.POST.get('title', '')
manipulator = Post.AddManipulator()   # Post is my model name
new_data = request.POST.copy()
new_data.update(request.FILES)# definitely needed
new_data['poster_id'] = str(   # following needed
to make sure passes off without a hitch
new_data['poster'] =
new_data['slug'] = slugify(title)
new_data['totalscore'] = 0
new_data['image'] = filename# this doesn't look
like it should work, does it?
new_data['uuid'] = 'no data entered'
new_post =
return HttpResponseRedirect('/electives/')


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Re: Google SoC: Call for student applications

2006-05-02 Thread tonemcd

There's some seriously cool projects in that list!

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Re: Passing variables to include?

2006-04-21 Thread tonemcd

And enlightenment descends ;)

Cheers for the pointer Ivan!


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Re: Passing variables to include?

2006-04-21 Thread tonemcd

I don't understand why a more generic form of this tag isn't available;

{% datatofillinthetemplate "templates/macrosnippet.html" %}

Is there a philosophical reason why this doesn't exist?


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Re: Django vs Rails

2006-04-13 Thread tonemcd

That's a really good screencast - the Java-based frameworks come out
particularly badly (but the author is looking more at the rapid
applications development model, where multiple XML configs and
compiling certainly doesn't help matters)

I was surprised at how well Zope (Plone actually) comes out of it. I
guess he was using Archetypes to do the heavy lifting - I've found
plone to have a *very* steep learning curve.

Django comes out well, with the caveat that Simon mentions re: i18N.

Recommended - it's 37" long though and 300+ megabytes...


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Re: Feed rss and xml

2006-04-10 Thread tonemcd

Err, before running off into XSL land, you might want to try a few
things beforehand.

Why not add some CSS to your XML feed, many newer browsers will render
the XML using the CSS to give a human-readable output.

I'd definitely do that before getting involved with XSL transforms
(you'll likely have to call an XSLT processor programme from within
your view methods - not a trivial thing to do).


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Re: Query for "missing" information

2006-04-10 Thread tonemcd

Dunno about the ORM, but the DB API exposes raw 'selects' as well;  (under 'Other
Lookup Options')


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Re: Modify pulldown contents in admin interface

2006-04-10 Thread tonemcd

If you're using magic removal, this thread outlines a nice solution;


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Re: Advice on 'voting' system that excludes previous voters

2006-04-09 Thread tonemcd

Ok, really last post...

There's a problem with my code, is not right, voter.voter_id
is correct.

def alreadyvoted(post, voterid):
voters = post.vote_set.all()
print "len(voters)", len(voters)
for voter in voters:
print "voter:", post,, voterid
if voter.voter_id == voterid:
return True
return False


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Re: Advice on 'voting' system that excludes previous voters

2006-04-09 Thread tonemcd

Replying to your own posts is so uncool ;)

Here's something that works, I have no idea whether it's efficient or
not - any ideas?.

This code is in my

Essentially what's happening is that I'm adding another attribute
called 'alreadyvoted' to each one of the 'posts'. This is then
available in the template as post.alreadyvoted in this format,

{% for post in posts %}
{% endfor %}

def index(request):
# get Tags and Posts
tags = Tag.objects.all()
posts = Post.objects.all()

def alreadyvoted(post, voterid):
voters = post.vote_set.all()
for voter in voters:
if == voterid:
return True
return False

for post in posts:
post.alreadyvoted = alreadyvoted(post,

# as we're using a RequestContext, pretty sure that user variable
is predefined.
context = Context(request, {'debugMe': True, 'tags': tags, 'posts':
'tagcloud':makeTagCloud(), 'request': request, 'user':
return render_to_response('electives/index',

Hope this helps someone, and if there's a smarter way of doing this,
I'd really like to know ;)


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Advice on 'voting' system that excludes previous voters

2006-04-09 Thread tonemcd

Hi all,
I am working on a voting system based on a model with three classes,
Post (the thing people will be voting on), Vote (the vote itself) and
Person (the voter and the poster). I've put simplified version at the
end of this post.

To get all the posts, I use
posts = Post.objects.all()
in my and this is passed into the template.

In the template I'm basically doing this
{% for post in posts %}
Posters:{% for poster in post.vote_set.all %}
{{poster.voter}}, {{user}} {% ifequal poster.voter  user %}
already voted {% endifequal %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Which doesn't work (in that the 'already voted' text is never shown,
even when I know that {{user}} has voted for a particular post). I have
the feeling that I'm not doing this right from the get-go, perhaps I
should be loading up the posts variable in my

Does anyone have any pointers on how to do this? I've been banging my
head against a wall trying to get this sorted (this was relatively easy
to do in Zope).


The models are here:

class Person (models.Model):
student = models.ForeignKey(User)
nickname = models.CharField(maxlength = 20)
def __repr__(self):
return "%s" % self.student.__repr__()

class Post(models.Model):
slug = models.SlugField(
help_text='Automatically built from the title.',
assoc_tags = models.ManyToManyField(Tag)
title = models.CharField('Title', maxlength=30)
postdate = models.DateTimeField('Date')
image = models.ImageField(
'Attach Image',
uuid = models.CharField(blank=True, maxlength=36, help_text = 'This
is a unique identifier for the image for this post') # This is the uuid
of the image.
body = models.TextField('Body Text')
poster = models.ForeignKey(Person)
def __repr__(self):
return self.title

class Vote(models.Model):
(-1, 'down'),
(0, 'neutral'),
(1, 'up'),
post = models.ForeignKey(Post)
voter = models.ForeignKey(Person)
value = models.IntegerField(choices = VOTE_CHOICES)
votedate = models.DateTimeField('Vote date')
def _post_title(self):
post_title =
if post_title is None:
return "No post title"
post_title = post_title.title
return "%s %s" % (post_title, self.value)
post_title = property(_post_title)
def __repr__(self):
return "%s" % self.post_title

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Re: Relationship with self with relationship data in

2006-04-04 Thread tonemcd

I wish I'd known about the forward reference method a bit earlier,
would have saved a lot of hair-pulling. It seems that most of my
hiccups with django seem to be related to data models and accessing
that data using the ORM (I'm a Zope guy, and you don't do it that way


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Re: Brain fried - need help with M2M and MR

2006-04-03 Thread tonemcd

Yes, of course - it all makes sense now after some sleep.

Thanks for the hint on ipython Luke, I've had it installed for ages wth
django, and it is *extremely* helpful, but I just couldn't see the wood
for the trees.

For the record for anyone else doing this, here's how I did it with
generic views and magic removal
info_dict = {'queryset': Tag.objects.select_related(), 'slug_field':
'slug', 'template_name':'electives/tag_list'}
'django.views.generic.list_detail.object_detail', info_dict),

and electives/tag_list is (essentially);

{% for post in object.post_set.all %}
{{ post.title

{% if post.image %} {% endif %}

{{ post.description|truncatewords:80 }}

Posted on {{ post.postdate|date:"F
j, Y" }} Tags: {% for tag in post.tag_set.all %}{% if not
forloop.first %}, {% endif %}{{ tag.title }}{% endfor %}

{% endfor %}

Thanks a lot for the help, it's much appreciated,

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Re: Brain fried - need help with M2M and MR

2006-04-03 Thread tonemcd

 It's all so much clearer to me now...

My headache has cleared up now, and I can see exactly what you mean
Derek. It works fine now, thanks!

Here's a snippet for others;


def tag(request, tag):
# get all posts that mention this tag
thetag = Tag.objects.get(slug=tag)
posts = thetag.post_set.all()

context = Context(request, {'debugMe': True, 'posts': posts,
'tagcloud':makeTagCloud(), 'request': request, 'user': request.user})
return render_to_response('electives/taglist',

Cheers for your help,

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Brain fried - need help with M2M and MR

2006-04-03 Thread tonemcd

My head hurts (really, it does, I think I've given myself a headache
trying to figure this out)

I'm using magic-removal and have a 'simple' model for a tag-based
posting system (which will turn into a voting and image uploading

Here's the model (slightly cut down to save space);

class Tag(models.Model):
slug = models.SlugField(
help_text='Automatically built from the title.',
title = models.CharField('Title', maxlength=30)
description = models.TextField(
blank = True,
help_text='Short summary of this tag'
def __repr__(self):
return self.title


class Post(models.Model):
slug = models.SlugField(
help_text='Automatically built from the title.',
assoc_tags = models.ManyToManyField(Tag)
title = models.CharField('Title', maxlength=30)

What I want to do is get a list of posts that are related to a tag. I
know it can be done because Ross Poulton has done it at

His setup is slightly different though, in that he's using the trunk
and generic_views. I'm trying to keep using MR as "it's the future" ;)

Trouble is, I just cannot get my head around the proper incantation in
MR to do this...

I've not done generic_views in MR yet, so if there's a HowTo or
something around (example would be great), then I'll leap into that.

If that's not possible, I'd just appreciate some pointers to any code
that might help?


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Re: Anyone using RazorLogix for hosting?

2006-04-02 Thread tonemcd

Hmm, I've had Zope instances that grow to 2 gigs of memory (but are
mainly around the 200-300 Meg region).

Most of our Apache instances have been about 2-8 Megs (php and gd
installed), but I've not done work with mod_python yet, so I have no
numbers there.

Thanks for the info.

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Re: mini-wiki advice

2006-04-02 Thread tonemcd

Here's something I'm using in an application - it uses the 'Textile'
engine so that the person entering the markup doesn't have to worry
about HTML. Works well!

It's in a model, and this is all MR by the way;

class Person(models.Model):
expectations = models.TextField('Expectations body', blank=True)
expectations_markup = models.TextField('Expectations body as HTML',
blank=True, null=True)

def save(self):
import textile
self.expectations_markup = textile.textile(self.expectations)
super(Person, self).save()

Also check out from Paul Bissex - a Wiki
in 15-20 lines of python (and Django!) ;)


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Re: A model which is recursively referring to itself in Magic Removal

2006-04-02 Thread tonemcd

Try replacing 'Item' with 'self' - that works for me.


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Re: How to exclude in limit_choices_to (magic removal)

2006-04-02 Thread tonemcd

I tried __ne and (somewhat naively) __exclude and neither works.

The Wiki documentation at
says that 'ne is no longer a valid lookup type'

I had a look around and in the MR version of the file
db/backends/mysql/ we have this;

'exact': '= %s',
'iexact': 'LIKE %s',
'contains': 'LIKE BINARY %s',
'icontains': 'LIKE %s',
'gt': '> %s',
'gte': '>= %s',
'lt': '< %s',
'lte': '<= %s',
'startswith': 'LIKE BINARY %s',
'endswith': 'LIKE BINARY %s',
'istartswith': 'LIKE %s',
'iendswith': 'LIKE %s',

Whereas in the 0.91 release (at the location core/db/backends/
we have this;

'exact': '= %s',
'iexact': 'LIKE %s',
'contains': 'LIKE BINARY %s',
'icontains': 'LIKE %s',
'ne': '!= %s',
'gt': '> %s',
'gte': '>= %s',
'lt': '< %s',
'lte': '<= %s',
'startswith': 'LIKE BINARY %s',
'endswith': 'LIKE BINARY %s',
'istartswith': 'LIKE %s',
'iendswith': 'LIKE %s',

I guess you could add the line into your own MR installation, but there
might be some side-effects (I did it as a test and got repeated entries
- I've since edited it out)

Anyone know the proper way of doing this?


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Anyone using RazorLogix for hosting?

2006-04-01 Thread tonemcd

Hi all,
Razorlogix,, looks quite a neat
hosting service (mod_python, one slick installs for django, trac, svn,
MySQL and PostGres etc.)
Does anyone have any opinions on them?

Thanks a lot in advance, 

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Re: limit_choices_to

2006-03-27 Thread tonemcd

Well Luke (the author) might have a better idea than me, but I'll have
a go ;)

Put it anywhere in your applications folder structure, Luke chose
cciw/middleware because his app is called 'cciw' - but it doesn't
matter because in his model file, he has the following...

import cciw.middleware.threadlocals

class ApplicationAdminOptions(AdminOptions):


Now,I haven't used this mind, so no gaurantees it will work, but as
Luke is one of the core django developers, there's a better than evens
chance that it will ;)


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Re: Assigning default value for field in admin

2006-03-26 Thread tonemcd

This looks like it might help, although it's not exactly
what you're after...


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Re: Showing admin-style forms on regular user forms?

2006-03-26 Thread tonemcd

Check this out -

It's very rushed, as I was on the way to the airport and just wanted to
get the post made before I forgot it, but it does work...


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Re: limit_choices_to

2006-03-26 Thread tonemcd

I think that this might
be helpful. There's also been some traffic on limit_choices_to in the
group recently (although not strictly relevent to your problem I think)


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Re: Advice on developing with django for a team of 10+

2006-03-25 Thread tonemcd

Ah, that explains things, thanks for that Fredrik.

I guess I'm showing my Zope roots - not too much is done on the command
line with Zope ;)


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Re: SQL Debugging and limit_choices_to in MR Branch

2006-03-23 Thread tonemcd

Way-Hay!, this works

pa = models.ForeignKey("self", blank=True, null=True,
limit_choices_to = {'groups__groupName__exact' : 'Administration'})
 # PA for this person

Now the only people who are in the popup are those who are in the group
'Administration'. Very neat ;)


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Re: Advice on developing with django for a team of 10+

2006-03-23 Thread tonemcd

I'm still finding my feet with svn Eric ;)

I don't want my .pyc files being put into the repository, and I thought
a recursive svn property ignore would do the trick. I used the info
from, specifically;

$ svn propset -R svn:ignore . -F ignore.txt

where ignore.txt consists of *.pyc

I must have done something wrong though ;)

Your svnstatus looks quite handy, so I'll use something like that.


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Re: Django API doc

2006-03-23 Thread tonemcd

Daniel, this is terrific work!, I definitely agree with John that you
should file this into trac. I can see it saving people a mountain of


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Re: SQL Debugging and limit_choices_to in MR Branch

2006-03-23 Thread tonemcd

Thanks for the patch ChaosKCW,

I still can't get this to work though,
pa = models.ForeignKey("self", blank=True, null=True,
limit_choices_to = {'groups__exact' : 'Administration'})  # PA for
this person

I'm now getting mesages about an m2m table not existing.

What I'd like to do is something like

limit_choices_to = {'WorkGroups.groupName__exact' : 'Administrator'}

but that returns "Cannot resolve keyword 'WorkGroup.groupName' into

thanks for any help,

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Re: Help getting admin and non-admin app running in Apache

2006-03-23 Thread tonemcd

I've found that it's better to have __repr__  return a string whether
our not the field is a string or not;

def __repr__(self):
return "%s" % self.modelField


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Re: Advice on developing with django for a team of 10+

2006-03-23 Thread tonemcd

Oooh, now that's neat. My own tinkering with svn to ignore .pyc files
hasn't worked out so well...

% svn proplist
Properties on '.':
% svn st
M  magic/site1/modeltest/models.pyc


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Re: SQL Debugging and limit_choices_to in MR Branch

2006-03-21 Thread tonemcd

I have a similar problem with limit_choices_to and MR.

Within the admin interface I'd like to limit the choices for a persons
'personalAssistant' to come from a group called 'Administration'. At
the moment, it doesn't work, all 'Persons' are shown in the
'personalAssistant' popup, and I know I have some that have the
WorkGroup 'Administration'. Here's my model:

class WorkGroup(models.Model):
groupName = models.CharField(maxlength=50)

def __repr__(self):
return "%s" % self.groupName

class Person(models.Model):
firstName = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
lastName = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
title = models.CharField(maxlength=20, blank=True)
groups = models.ManyToManyField(WorkGroup, related_name = 'groups',
coordinator = models.ManyToManyField(WorkGroup, related_name =
'coordinator', blank=True)
personalAssistant = models.ForeignKey("self", blank=True,
null=True, limit_choices_to = {'groups_groupName' : 'Administration'})
# PA for this person

But the limit_to_choices isn't limiting choices at all.

Does anyone have any pointers?


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Re: Recursive ForeignKey with blank=True

2006-03-19 Thread tonemcd

This works for me David,

class Staff(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
reportsTo = models.ForeignKey("self", blank=True, null=True)

def __repr__(self):
return "%s" %

class Admin:
list_display = ('name',)

This is with the magic-removal branch, rev 2530.


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Re: django for sysadmin

2006-03-16 Thread tonemcd

Come on Kenneth, you can't post something like that without providing
*something* like a screenshot or more details? ;)


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Re: Advice on developing with django for a team of 10+

2006-03-16 Thread tonemcd

Our developers get involved in a lot of projects Tom - so it's almost a
combinatorial explosion situation!

I've been using subversion to get the latest django updates and have
found it pretty approachable, so that's a big plus.

We've not decided on django yet ;) there's still Zope3, TurboGears and
RoR to consider, but I've been very impressed with django and to be
honest, the learning curve WRT Zope3 just seems *waay* too high. RoR is
a different language altogether - so that's going to be a high hurdle.

Thanks for your comments!

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Advice on developing with django for a team of 10+

2006-03-16 Thread tonemcd

Hopefully, by this time next week we will have a dedicated server
(Sunfire 4100) running django and support stuff. I'd then like to start
developing new applications as soon as possible after that.

I've been playing around with django on my AlPB for about 6 months now
and have learnt a fair bit, but I really need some pointers for how a
group would develop with django. Our background is in Zope, and
virtually all the development on that platform takes place using a
browser, with a relatively small amount of python scripting taking
place on the server. We have quite a sophisticated Zope setup, running
circa. 150 services with development servers and clustering of
deployment servers, so we're no babes in the woods when it comes to web
development ;)

With people working with browsers, it means that people do not have the
source of the site on their local machines (they may have some python
scripts lying around, but the bulk of the site is held on the server).
This has been handy in the past, as no one person can screw up the
application (well, they can, but they have to try a bit!)

We use a variety of machines to develop on, I and several others use a
Mac, most people use PCs and we have some people using RH linux as
their desktop. This has not mattered in the past when we've been using
browsers, but with something like django, things may be different - I
don't know.

I see the following scenarios, and would really appreciate a heads-up
if I'm way off base.

1. People ssh into the box and edit the source code directly. This is
going to mean a lot of hassle re: unix permissions and over-writing of
other peoples work. The editors and other tools on the server are
probably going to scare some of my people off as they use GUIs -
browsers - to develop with at the moment. Telling them that emacs is
the one true editor (tm) is not going to cut it I'm afraid ;) This does
have the advantage that the server is the only place where the source
code lives.

2. People use editors on their desktop machines and sftp to the box.
Same problems as #1 wrt permissions, but at least they get an editor
they're happy with. Source is now distributed.

3. People run their own local django installations, and commit changes
to a development server for testing before those changes are sent to
the deployment server. This means each individual user machine has to
have access to the databases and keeps a copy of the source on their
machine. It also means a lot of django trunk duplication on each
machine (I guess we could do an 'svn up' where the target is our own
django installation on the server - nice thought!). We have very little
experience of using svn etc however.

Our people would normally work on several projects, and with option #3,
we would have to have all those projects on their local machines.

I don't want to ramble on here, as I'd like to know if I'm missing
something really obvious already!

So, if anyone is doing something like this, I'm all ears!


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Re: magic-removal: from import get_thumbnail_url

2006-03-15 Thread tonemcd

You might want to raise a ticket on this so the development team will
know about it.


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Re: Changing filenames on an upload...

2006-03-12 Thread tonemcd


Should have said I was using magic-removal, and that this is within the
admin interface.

The reason for the uuid filename is because I'm thinking of having a
lot of files uploaded and I could end up with dozens of files called
'TEST.DOC' and this is one way of guaranteeing that the filename will
be unique within that directory. It's based on some Zope code that
works very well. We basically add the filename onto the end of the uuid
and get something like
cetl/3C644E61-E4EF-451E-BF03-804D9A7692D5/presentation.ppt. The file is
actually stored in the filesystem using the uuid - we squirt it out as
a binary stream having first set it's mimetype. Having the filename
tacked on the end helps browsers to figure out what the file is and act

If Django is always going to save the file using the uploaded file
name, I might have to skip uploading files using the admin interface.

I should say that I do have an application where all this uuid stuff is
working just fine with standard file uploads (although I've not ported
that to magic removal...)

Thanks for the help though Malcolm, you've saved me quite a bit of
effort in digging around!


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Changing filenames on an upload...

2006-03-12 Thread tonemcd

Hi all,
I have this model

class Photo(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(maxlength=20)
image = models.ImageField(upload_to="cetl/")

def save(self):
import commands
self.image = 'cetl/%s' % commands.getoutput("uuidgen")
super(Photo, self).save()

def __repr__(self):
return '' % self.image

class Admin:
list_display = ('name', 'image',)

As I want the filename to be unique within the directory. Thing is the
save() method is not doing what I thought it would!

What gets saved into the directory is this;

What gets saved into the database is this;
| id | name | image |
| 11 | database | cetl/3C644E61-E4EF-451E-BF03-804D9A7692D5 |

So where am I going wrong? ;)


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Re: table needs all fields filled in?

2006-03-09 Thread tonemcd

blank=True should allow you to submit a partially-filled form, but you
have a lot of core=True fields in there as well, perhaps you have too
many? From the Model Reference documentation;

For objects that are edited inline to a related object.

In the Django admin, if all "core" fields in an inline-edited object
are cleared, the object will be deleted.

It is an error to have an inline-editable relation without at least one
core=True field.


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Re: Django filter hack

2006-03-08 Thread tonemcd

This is very nice - very helpful!


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Re: weird learning thingie

2006-03-05 Thread tonemcd

I see a lot of thumbnails on the page (looks like a terrific place
too!), click on one of them and get a full sized image.

I'm using Safari 2.0.3 - ok (also works in Shiira 1.2.1)
Firefox and Camino 1.0 - behaviour you describe

Hmm, could be a browser problem?


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Re: caching questions

2006-03-03 Thread tonemcd

Have you seen this Fredrik?

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Re: date time errors: please explain?

2006-02-28 Thread tonemcd

I'm pretty sure that fields defined as DateTimeField in your model are
converted to python datetime objects when read from the database.

That means you can use all the datetime methods on it, like
datetime.timedelta for example.

Check out
for more details.

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Re: Request for ideas

2006-02-14 Thread tonemcd


There's some documentation, and it's pretty good. Having more won't
hurt though and will definitely help the people considering migrating
to django with their decisions. I'd suggest external (ie different to
the 'django' database) MySQL/Postgres databases, LDAP and
(if you feel up to it!) Shibboleth.


Re: Paginator Documentation

2006-02-01 Thread tonemcd

I got to a similar state, but I couldn't figure out what the template
should look like! (dumb, I know). Do you have an example you can post?

I'm trying to implement parts of the admin system into my own apps, and
the paginator is a core part of that (looking at migrating from Zope,
and the 'batch' stuff there is quite neat), so this would be a real


Re: You want some of that 'adminy' goodness in your own apps?

2006-02-01 Thread tonemcd

Hadn't thought of that Brian, I'll have a go at putting something a bit
more sensible into the Wiki (I was in a hurry to go to a meeting and
wanted to get the content online somewhere before it left me

Come to think of it, I may try diffing against the original docs and
submitting it as a ticket (first attempt at that though...)


You want some of that 'adminy' goodness in your own apps?

2006-01-31 Thread tonemcd

Here's what I've found...

Start with the very useful tutorial at - in general it's
very helpful, but there are some small gaps in the documentation, which
would certainly have helped me

#1: I'd emphasize that this document
(, will help
djangonauts get a lot of the adminy goodness into their own apps. Big
win to the django team.

#2: The date and time javascript widgets are what I wanted most of all.
It would be handy if the example model included a DateTime field.
Here's what I have;

startdate = meta.DateTimeField(db_column='start_date')  # there
were too many underscores, I wanted to keep it simple!!

This is represented in the form template like this;

Start Date:

{{ form.startdate_date }} {{ form.startdate_time }}

{% if form.startdate.errors %}*** {{
form.startdate.errors|join:", " }}{% endif %} 

The big thing here is that the field 'startdate' is expanded out in the
form, _date and _time are made available (this may have been where I
went wrong, my initial attempt had {{ form.start_date }}, but I never
saw any content in the form).

#3: There seems to be an error in the code for loading up an edit_form.
The example document has this;

if request.POST:
new_data = request.POST.copy()
errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)
if not errors:

# Do a post-after-redirect so that reload works, etc.
return HttpResponseRedirect("/places/edit/%i/" %
errors = {}
# This makes sure the form accurate represents the fields of
the place.
new_data = place.__dict__

*no way* could I get this to work, I had to do this instead

if request.POST:
new_data = request.POST.copy()
errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)
if not errors:

# Do a post-after-redirect so that reload works, etc.
return HttpResponseRedirect("/resources/edit/%i/" %
errors = {}
# This makes sure the form accurate represents the fields of
the place.
#new_data = resource.__dict__
new_data = manipulator.flatten_data()

Note that
new_data = resource.__dict__
is replaced with
new_data = manipulator.flatten_data()

Ok, nearly there, but could I get the clock and calendar widgets? Nope
- I used Xylescope to check on the CSS, I used alerts in the Javascript
etc. etc. and then I found it was stopping on gettext... Some
additional digging provided this jewel; i18n.txt in the docs.

Add this;
(r'^jsi18n/$', 'django.views.i18n.javascript_catalog', {'packages':

to your for your application, make sure that your header HTML
looks *something* like this;

And Bob's your Uncle, Fannys your Aunt (ie the javascript widgets

Hope this helps ;)


Re: FileField :: mx file size

2006-01-30 Thread tonemcd

Cheers Adrian, that's very handy to know..


Re: assign or rename a variable in templates

2006-01-30 Thread tonemcd

If you can handle Zope PageTemplates, the plugin from Stefan might be

That allows for variable creation, but of course you don't get the
django templates...


Re: FileField :: mx file size

2006-01-30 Thread tonemcd

I think that's more a progress 'barber pole' widget than something
which will detect the length of a file and drop the connection if it's
over a certain size (although it's hard to tell...)


Re: image field update impossible.

2006-01-29 Thread tonemcd

Ah I see. Sorry, but I've not used ImageFields yet, so I don't think I
can help in that instance...


Re: effbot using django...

2006-01-29 Thread tonemcd

and he's looking for some help re: templates

> (Update: The sample pages are now generated by a django application, directly 
> from
> moinmoin output)
> (Update: I've fixed sidebar handling in the renderer. if anyone wants to work 
> on a nice
> template/style to replace the current undesign, drop me a line)


Re: FileField :: mx file size

2006-01-29 Thread tonemcd

So does this happen *before* the file is uploaded - I mean when the
submit button is pressed? It seems that Django will be getting
information from the browser about the length of the data to be
uploaded - and that's something I've always thought HTTP could not

If so, this is *very* interesting (it's interesting anyhow, because of
the validator!).


Re: image field update impossible.

2006-01-29 Thread tonemcd

I guess a validator would sort things out in this situation. However,
this is a general problem - uploading files that have the same name
(test.doc, figures.xls, etc.) - how do you know that its ok to
overwrite the file with the same name? If it's just you uploading
files, you're probably ok, but if this is to be a shared system, you'll
need to be more watchful.

If you're not careful, you'll end up writing a content management


Re: FileField :: mx file size

2006-01-29 Thread tonemcd

I didn't think you could do that - find out the size of an file to
upload *before* it's uploaded, and act upon it. I've wanted to do that
in CGI, Perl, PHP and Zope, and never figured out how to do it (it
would have saved a few embarrasing incidents in the past; the 170 Mbyte
powerpoint, the CD!! that was uploaded, etc. etc.)

I'd like to see the validator you come up with Arthur!


Re: How do I get POST variables in my template

2006-01-26 Thread tonemcd

* thud! * - the sound of a rather large penny dropping.

Many many thanks Adrian, it's making a *lot* more sense now (how on
earth did I miss that page in the docs!)

I *think* that the reason why my request.POST was coming though as
empty (even when I clicked submit) is that I had no name for my submit
button, ie . If I made no selections
on my form (just checking), and clicked submit, I expected POST to have
*something* in it, but it didn't..., and as I was doing a test of the

if request.POST:

then blah() wasn't being called.

A real d'oh! moment.

thanks again (and to the.ech0, Eric and Amit) - now onto the next
hurdle! :)

(I just hope I've understood the situation clearly enough)

Re: How do I get POST variables in my template

2006-01-26 Thread tonemcd

Hello again Amit,

I'm trying to get the Zen of Django, by using methods I used to use in
Zope ;)

Essentially, I used to have statements like this  sprinkled around my pages to check that
form-based variables where being passed through correctly. Zope put
into a namespace called 'form', but also made them available in the
main namespace. The request namespace was populated with all POST and
GET variables. Django presents POST as POST:, so I
don't know what variables are in the POST namespace.

In Zope, what I'd do is this;


then in 'dostuff', I'd do;

or more likely  and get the whole namespace -
actually I'd use PageTemplates, but they're more verbose than dtml ;

With Django I need to know what's in the REQUEST variable and display
it explicitly, eg {{ request.FILES.file.filename }}

Simply doing a {{ request }} doesn't show the variables that are passed
through from a form - something I used to rely on heavily in Zope-land.

I guess my Django Zen level isn't high enough (yet).


Re: How do I get POST variables in my template

2006-01-26 Thread tonemcd

Thanks for the info 'the.ech0' - it seems that's what I have to do.

I guess what I was after was functionality like  in
Zope, where the entire HTTP Request object is dumped, along with
environment and other variables. GET and POST are all expanded out too.
With the Zope PageTemplate code that Stefan contributed, I can get that
functionality back, but only by using PageTemplates ;)

It does seem to me that for something as 'busy' as POST and GET, there
ought to be some functionality for inspecting what's in the object...

Still on the learning curve for Django - thanks for the advice though.


Re: Upgrading models...

2006-01-19 Thread tonemcd

That's a very interesting thought Todd.

I don't know enough about Ruby to follow the code properly, but the
idea is pretty neat...

Re: Dreamhost - problem with Django installation

2006-01-16 Thread tonemcd

Their (DreamHost) prices are ridiculous (ie low), and to keep them low,
they can only spend time on things that have an identified market (they
say this in their FAQs or KnowledgeBase or whatever its called). It's
the main reason they don't provide PostGres.

I guess FCGI for Django hasn't hit the big time for them...

I've looked at Dreamhost (cheap, ridiculous storage and bandwidth, very
much mass-market driven), TextDrive (not as cheap as DreamHost, but
still good, ok storage and bandwidth, PostGres and other nice bits of
software - but weird usage 'no webdevelopment'), A2 (from (cheap, low storage and bandwidth, PostGres or
MySQL), Zettai (more expensive, unlimited domains, PostGreSQL and/or
MySQL, Zope and Plone) and Gypsy hosting (same price as Zettai -
$24.95/month, full Django, Postgres, Apache2, ok storage and bandwidth
- currently not taking any more signups)

I've not plonked down money for any of them yet.

So you pays your money and you takes your choice... ;)


Re: Retrieving choices from model->field->choices

2006-01-15 Thread tonemcd

How about creating a method in the model (untested!)

def mychoices(self):
return self.choices

then its

>>> a = Person.get_list()
>>> a[0].choices()

(I think)


Re: Storing News articles - retaining some HTML tags

2006-01-15 Thread tonemcd

If your articles have HTML in them, you'll need to be careful that no
'dangerous' HTML is included (javascript is the most common). A good
library is stripogram -

I think you are right in that the only filter you need to worry about
after that is the linebreak filter (no '()').


Do I use @login_required to extend authentication?

2006-01-14 Thread tonemcd

I guess the title says it all - I want to use authentication methods
that I'm used to from my Zope applications. This is mainly MySQL
authentication, using a table consisting of; username, password, roles
and domain. The authentication database is external and used by many
other applications. However, I very much want to use additional
authentication methods such as Shibboleth and LDAP (particularly

Should I use the login_required decorator from
django.views.decorators.auth to do this? and if so, has anyone else
done this - and have some code they can contribute? ;)


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