[dmarc-ietf] Comportment on this list

2014-05-29 Thread Murray S. Kucherawy

The IETF has some written guidelines about management of and conduct on
mailing lists.  In particular, the IETF's anti-harassment policy [1] and a
number of RFCs [2] [3] [4] [5] and IESG statements [6] [7] form the body of
the IETF's guidelines and procedures regarding mailing list management.
Although this mailing list is not presently associated with a working
group, its management and policies are covered by several of these.

The recurring theme among them is that the lists are to be used for
technical or procedural discussion to advance a particular goal, and
professionalism is expected of participants.  When the debate veers off
topic or into anything from the plainly impolite to the patently personal,
it serves only to interfere with any progress that's being made.

Multiple posts from the last 24 hours certainly have the feel of being
outside of what's acceptable.  In at least one case, it has resulted in a
formal complaint from another participant, which has led me here as one of
the two list administrators of record.

I understand that it might be fun or even cathartic to beat up on people
who disagree with your position, or on those who are members of the
DMARC.org cabal, or any of the other the people you may wish to blame for
the mess in which we find ourselves, but I believe we are all better served
by cooperating to find a path forward from where we are now rather than
engaging in those activities.  Learning from the past is fine; pointing
fingers about the past is not.

Thus, I am reminding all of you of your obligation to keep this discussion
professional, on topic, respectful, and friendly.  You do neither yourself
nor the community any favors by giving in to the temptation to be rude or
one-up the other person when you get frustrated.  It will not be tolerated
here going forward.

-MSK, list admin

[1] http://www.ietf.org/iesg/statement/ietf-anti-harassment-policy.html
[2] RFC 2418
[3] RFC 3683
[4] RFC 3934
[5] RFC 4633
[6] http://www.ietf.org/IESG/STATEMENTS/statement-disruptive-posting.txt
[7] http://www.ietf.org/IESG/STATEMENTS/moderated-lists.txt
dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Non-solution for DMARC disruption of normal email use while still offering its normal protection

2014-05-29 Thread John R Levine
Hello John, what you're missing -- and its easy to miss -- is that Yahoo 
has an outstanding offer to help developers (this means $!) fix things.

Really, that makes no difference.  I don't want Yahoo or anyone else to 
pay us to screw up our mail software to work around them -- I want them to 
spend their money to fix things so we don't have to.

Yahoo, in their own blog, estimates there are 30,000 mail systems that 
they have damaged by their DMARC actions.  I would be surprised if there 
were more than a few hundred mail systems acting on DMARC policies, 
although some of those are very, very large.  Is it that hard to 
understand why someone might think it was unreasonable to demand that the 
30,000 make changes of no benefit to themselves, rather than the few 
hundred fix their buggy fussp?

The 30K estimate is probably low, since there are likely many small mail 
systems they aren't aware of but that they are damaging.  For example, 
yesterday a middle school teacher who found my old Dummmies web site wrote 
to me out of the blue to say that his web form that lets students and 
parents send mail to him stopped working for AOL and Yahoo addresses, 
which just disappear.  It took about two seconds to figure out what was 
wrong when he told me that his script sends mail to his Gmail account.  I 
told him what was wrong, and he did a hack that sticks in a fake From: 
address, so the mail gets through but now his script works worse since he 
can't write back without extra effort.  If he hadn't written to me, he'd 
probably never have figured out what was wrong.  These are real people who 
are really hurt by the two providers' actions.

John Levine, jo...@taugh.com, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail.

PS: Here endeth the rant.

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Solution for DMARC disruption of normal email use while still offering its normal protection

2014-05-29 Thread John R Levine
By the way, to return to the original point, it still seems vanishingly 
unlikely to me that if we invented per-sender whitelists that the two mail 
providers would implement them.

John Levine, jo...@taugh.com, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail.

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Solution for DMARC disruption of normal email use while still offering its normal protection

2014-05-29 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Hi, I've been invited by Murray Kucherawy and Franck Martin to
participate in these discussions, so let me introduce my affiliation
briefly.  I've been operating GNU Mailman lists since 1999, an
occasional contributor for about 10 years, and a GSoC Mentor for
Mailman since 2012.  I have somewhat ambiguous authorization to speak
for the developers (ie, a rolling consensus of the Mailman Steering

Tim Draegen writes:

  John, you are very difficult to communicate with, maybe because
  you're easily insulted, even when there is no insult.  I too have
  been in correspondence with mailing list developers,

Which ones?  GNU Mailman is now here.  Besides me, John is a reliable
source of summaries of past Mailman list discussions in what I've read
of his posting here.

I'm sure in the following I'll be going over a lot of ground that's
been covered before, but since you think it's controversial enough to
address, I hope I'll be forgiven for a certain degree of redundancy.

  and also developers behind businesses that rely on email,

That's insufficiently precise.  To my mind, there are two kinds (at
least) of businesses that rely on provision of mailboxes (other use
cases follow).

(1) Corporate use case: mailboxes are provided for the convenience of
organizational representatives communicating directly with agents
outside the organization.

(2) Mail service provider (ESP) use case: mailboxes are provided to
customers for personal use of customers.

I have no problem with p=reject in the corporate use case because I
don't believe it causes significant burdens on users or unreliablity
of delivery.  I believe that John has the same assessment, and it is a
weak consensus in the Mailman community AFAICT.  Our issue is with
p=reject as used by large ESPs like Yahoo! and AOL, especially since
it seems to be associated with severe security problems, either at
those services or on the users' own machines.  (Evidently this is a
consensus here as well, I'm just making Mailman's understanding clear.)

Does DMARC actually impose significant burdens on the corporate use
case, contrary to my belief?

Of course there are other use cases of businesses that rely on
email.  I understand the mailing list as user forum case, and I
believe Mailman has already implemented a sufficiently broad set of
measures for business use in this use case.  The tradeoffs aren't
pleasant, but that's a cost of doing business with Yahoo! and AOL
users.  A business has the usual set of options (pay the costs, find
less costly customers, use alternative forum technology, etc).  I
don't see a real problem here.

There's also the on behalf of content provision use case.  Others
describe a good remedy in this thread, but I would like to point out
that such providers may publish p=reject to good effect, as an
instance of the corporate use case.

But my knowledge of business use is quite limited.  Are there other
business activities relying on email such that DMARC imposes
burdens?  Are those burdens specific to p=reject, or more general?

(If this is all well-known, please point me to a reference where I can
book up without disturbing the Councils of the Wise.)

  and also a slew of decision makers... and they're all trying to
  understand how they can fix things without going backwards.

IMO, they're wasting their time.

Email service *must* deteriorate in the presence of users who send
messages from p=reject domains, unless those domains are draconian
in enforcing direct transmission to final destinations that observe
p=reject (see Franck Martin's post later in the thread, and the
following subthread on legitmate use of 'p=reject' that follows).
Unfortunately, these domains are proposing that third parties adjust
to their (unilaterally imposed) policy, rather than modifying those
policies or restricting their users to safe email usage.  But the let
third parties adjust solution is a pretty dismal option.  There are
just too many MXes and MTAs and services that are DMARC-incompatible.
It's going to take years, maybe a decade, to modify both the software
and the installations.

We really can't expect help from Yahoo! and AOL.  You talk about
money, well, Mailman doesn't care about money, it's a volunteer
project.  The effort in development required is actually tiny, less
than 100 new/changed SLOC in Python for any given mitigation available
in Mailman (probably about 200 N/CSLOC for all of them together).
Maybe we'll take their money, but the effort to actually accept and
use the money in a basically pure volunteer organization may make it a
net zero.

The help we need is in explaining to our users that they cannot
maintain past configurations and allow posting from p=reject domains
at the same time.  For many of our users, they get a MLM as a part of
a hosting package and the only solution they can implement themselves
is to refuse posts from those domains.  Where's the money to
compensate those list operators for lost 

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Solution for DMARC disruption of normal email use while still offering its normal protection

2014-05-29 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Franck Martin writes:

  The changes in mailman to handle DMARC came from people involved
  with DMARC.org.

Not all of them.  The message-wrapping suggestion was mine (at least
I invented it independently and was an early public proponent), and it
was implemented by Mark Sapiro AFAIK.  A From-corrupting patch was
provided by DMARC.org, but final integration and of course release
management was provided by Mark Sapiro.  Other From-corrupting patches
have been proposed, including one provided by John Levine (not yet
implemented in a released Mailman, but obviously Mark will be involved
in that).

None of these patches have been ported to Mailman 3 yet.  That sounds
like a possible use for Yahoo! and DMARC.org funds, although we don't
have organizational infrastructure to manage external funding now.

  So we cared.

Nobody has denied that DMARC consortium members have put some effort
into developing mitigation strategies.  Nevertheless, I describe
reasons why that effort (and Yahoo!'s offer of financial support) may
be properly characterized as *negligible* in my response to Tim
Draegen.  (N.B. I don't claim the argument has broader applicability
than the GNU Mailman project.  For us, the contribution of DMARC
consortium members has been net negative.  Sorry, Franck.  Feel free
to poll the other Mailman developers if you disagree; I admit my
strong feelings on the matter may cause bias.)

  I recall clearly, you did not want to see any change happening so
  you could reinforce your conspiracy theory.

That happens not to be the case.  Conspiracy theories abound on the
Mailman lists (especially Mailman-Users), it's true, but John was not
the source.  John's account of decision-making at the freemail ESPs is
substantially the same as the rationale you have repeatedly presented
yourself (a push the panic button response to a concentrated spam

  While the mailman developers are not happy on the current solutions
  and are looking for better solutions, they are at the same time
  happy to had one, when yahoo did the DMARC policy change, and
  quickly extended on the possibilities based on the experience they
  had before Yahoo did the policy change.

Indeed we are *not* happy, and yes we did respond as quickly as
possible to the *denial of service* experienced by many list
subscribers, not restricted to the denial of service imposed by Yahoo!
and AOL on their own subscribers.  However, my wrapping suggestion had
already been implemented, so the DMARC.org From-corrupting setting was
not the only mitigation available (both became available in version

And we remain unhappy, not least because list operators are unhappy.
The configurations are somewhat tricky and not understood at all by
most list operators -- they follow recipes that are appropriate for
common cases, but may conflict with unusual settings.  The requirement
by some mitigations that Mailman access the DNS in order to apply them
only to p=reject posters (which is frequently mentioned by list
operators requesting help) introduces substantial additional
complexity.  This is going to be an ongoing burden for the project, I

  Now, while mailman has some solutions, it is in the recent versions
  and many people are still running old versions of mailman and
  upgrading or patching for them is difficult. So saying people do
  not know how to fix things is perfectly valid too.

That's misdirection.  We know one simple and guaranteed fix for the
problem, and it is trivial to implement: domains providing mailboxes
for personal use (including sending as a mailbox user of that domain
from a different one, transfers that modify Content-Transfer-Encoding,
mailing lists, use of on-behalf-of content distribution services, and
so on) should stop publishing DMARC policies with p=reject.  There
appear to be two of them, they can do this in 5 minutes, and the
problem will be completely eliminated within a day or so.

That is not the only solution, but it really should be on the table,
despite the additional costs of spam and spam-fighting those ESPs may
suffer.  I don't expect them to follow it any time soon, but that's no
reason why we should sanction their current policy.  We can condemn
the policy and implement rational countermeasures at the same time.

I support adding your conditions for legitimate use of 'p=reject' to
the DMARC-base document, for example.  I have no hope that DMARC.org
will acquiesce, of course.

  Time to stop these non-technical threads

These threads are input to the BCP process, at the very least.  In any
case, p=reject cannot be treated as a technical problem since the
damage it does affects third parties who are not party to the DMARC

  and focus on making email more secure by providing solutions for
  people to choose from.

I've made the lists used by my students more secure (against denial of
service) by filtering p=reject domains.  As it happens, *all* of my
users agree that is the appropriate 

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Solution for DMARC disruption of normal email use while still offering its normal protection

2014-05-29 Thread Hector Santos

On 5/29/2014 3:09 AM, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:

On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 12:06 AM, John R Levine jo...@taugh.com
mailto:jo...@taugh.com wrote:

By the way, to return to the original point, it still seems
vanishingly unlikely to me that if we invented per-sender
whitelists that the two mail providers would implement them.

Has anyone tried asking them?

I'm not sure what value I should put in all this (ahem) third-party
speculation about their intentions or what they care about.

Good point.  Why don't you ask them?   We need positive endorsement 
for 3rd party semantics which we don't have.  I've implemented ATPS 
for ADSP and it works.  Update the extension for DMARC and I'm sure 
Yahoo can manage 30K records if they decide to use it.  That shouldn't 
be a problem and it will be a growth thing, not adding 30K records in 
one shot.  It will be more manageable. A major consideration is that 
not all domains are YAHOOs so it they won't need the same scale, not 
even close.

But you see, thats been the problem with all this all along -- picking 
who this or that protocol, DKIM itself, will be using them and 
leveraging its value via a policy layer.  We can't do that.  The 
protocol modeling must fit all.  That doesn't mean it works for all 
but from a mail integration and engineering standpoint, it has to 
apply to all -- small and large.  It has to make sense at all scales. 
The danger was to miss this with the large who will have a higher 
impact when assumed they won't be using it.


dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Support for DMARC p=reject

2014-05-29 Thread S Moonesamy

Hi Doug,
At 17:07 23-05-2014, Douglas Otis wrote:
I have been asked nearly the same question by others.  A section 
will be added to explain the how and why and its impact on 
privacy.  Senders and receivers desire a scheme that improves 
protection of the From header field.  The business aspects of this 
became extremely clear to PayPal by effects on their customers then 
obligated to sift through massive amounts of email abuse.  The 
benefit of timely out-of-band notification instead caused an exodus 
of customers.  To staunch customer loss, direct appeals to major 
ESPs to reject non-aligned PayPal messages helped, and helped 
everyone.  Unfortunately, direct appeal does not scale.  Hence we 
have a limited stop-gap scheme.

I was not thinking about privacy in that comment.  Some time back I 
looked into why abuse occurred in different systems.  I was not 
trying to understand the matter instead of trying to resolve 
it.  Note that I have read the relevant papers.  Anyway, you did not 
answer the question I asked. :-)

PayPal is the not really a good case in my opinion.  I do not get 
money by solving PayPal's problem.  I might put it some effort as 
encouraging abuse is not a good idea.  A problem, which you 
identified, is that a scheme would have to scale or else be workable 
at some scale.

As has become extremely clear, although there was early evidence, 
DMARC did not fully consider important corner cases.  It seemed 
okay to leave these issues for receivers to sort out.  Now AOL and 
Yahoo! have made it evident receiver cooperation is in jeopardy.  If 
you are like most others, you have had malicious and socially 
engineered messages from someone you know prompting you to click a 
link or call a number, etc. Resorting to the only functional policy 
scheme able to reject messages is understandable, but this came at a 
dear cost.  As John Levine describes, a death by a thousand cuts.

If you push things too strongly I (as a receiver) would be no longer 
be inclined to be cooperative.

Asserting whether all messages must have From/Source domain 
alignment is somewhat analogous to the type of federation supporting 
single-sign-on schemes.  A federation has the purpose of protecting 
identifiers. In other words using laissez faire protocols where the 
strategy of block on event is inverted to become accept on 
event.  In the case of DMARC + TPA,  accept on event is derived 
from DMARC feedback/log review accurately determining which domains 
require exception.  Further review can even characterize how domains 
authenticate and which header elements confirm or narrow authorization.

I'll say ok to the above.

Cute comic.  It is not really the information protected by a 
federation scheme.  It is not even the exclusion of bad stuff.  It 
is protection of federated identities by receivers implementing 
DMARC + TPA.  By using this scheme, associated identities can be 
protected while also avoiding disruption of legitimate 
messages.  Even Eliot Lear's mother becomes safer.  (I hope this is 
the right example as it was discussed many years ago.)

The problem might be one of trust.  I won't even try to analyze that 
as it is going to end up being a lot of work.

Unfortunately, that approach now only works for authenticated 
domains. :^(  Dane anyone?

You'll have other problems then. :-(

S. Moonesamy 

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] DKIM through mailing lists

2014-05-29 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Douglas Otis writes:

  There are many cases that are never originally signed by the DMARC
  domain.  Such as an accounting package that sends out invoices on
  behalf of some company that wants their email address in the From
  header since this is what their customers will recognize.

I don't understand this example.  This use case seems quite compatible
with DMARC as it is.

That is, company and accountant should have a substantial and
expensive to maintain trust relationship already.  I would think that
the company could (a) provide an alias (subdomain) in its own domain
for the accountant's host, and advertise the accountant's policy via
_dmarc.invoices.example.com, or (b) maintain an authenticated channel
(ie, special purpose VPN) direct to a special host under its own
control in its own domain for the accountant to relay through, and the
company signs there.  Sure, there'd be some additional cost, but not
prohibitive.  Note that in either case the client can fire the
accountant in an instant by changing the DNS or shutting down the
authenticated channel.

   I suspect that many parties that implement DMARC are cheating
   by allowing things that look like mailing list or forwarded mail
   through even if they fail auth and the domain is p=REJECT.
   Providing a higher bar for when to cheat may be useful, then.

  The hurdle that seems to be in everyone's mind is how to go about
  facilitating feedback that is not a lot of work.

Again, I seem to require an additional clue.  DMARC feedback is
working fine AFAICS.  It may be costly, and we want to reduce those
costs, of course.  But p=reject OTOH is a more or less legitimate
denial of service, a completely different issue.  Are you talking
about a different kind of feedback?


dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Solution for DMARC disruption of normal email use while still offering its normal protection

2014-05-29 Thread Dave Crocker
On 5/29/2014 12:09 AM, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
 Has anyone tried asking them?

I'll suggest that it's premature to do such asking, just as it is
premature to say that they are uninterested or would reject the idea.

Absent a very concrete proposal -- along the lines of a specification --
the request would be generic.

Companies don't (and shouldn't) make meaningful commitments to vague

Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] send-to-a-friend, was Solution for

2014-05-29 Thread John Levine
 Since you don't mention it, what about the mail this article to a
 friend use case that has also been mentioned? Is that a problem that
 should be addressed here? ...

Franky, that case has always been kind of ick, and is easily solved by
sending From the domain in question (article-nore...@wsj.com).  Granted, I
don't know how many of those there are and fixing them all is certainly
annoying work that its bad to force on the world... also, arguably most of
those shares have been replaced by sharing to the social website of the

There seem to be rather a lot, since it's a feature on most magazine
and newspaper web sites.  Since you mentioned the WSJ, they use the
user's own address as the From: address (I just checked.)  Some do the
hack you mentioned, but a lot don't.  My college class has a mailing
list, and I sometimes send articles to it from my WSJ account, which
would stop working if they didn't let me put my own address on the
From: line.

Do you have any numbers on how much if any of a spam or phish problem
these things are?  They've never been on my radar, I think because they
do a lot of rate limiting and inbound filtering.  Some also limit it
to subscribers.

Also please keep in mind uses like the school teacher I mentioned
earlier today.  Again, useful, not abusive, and I think there are
likely to be a lot of little setups like his that are now mysteriously


dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] send-to-a-friend, was Solution for

2014-05-29 Thread Murray S. Kucherawy
On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 10:58 AM, Brandon Long bl...@google.com wrote:

 There seem to be rather a lot, since it's a feature on most magazine
 and newspaper web sites.  Since you mentioned the WSJ, they use the
 user's own address as the From: address (I just checked.)  Some do the
 hack you mentioned, but a lot don't.  My college class has a mailing
 list, and I sometimes send articles to it from my WSJ account, which
 would stop working if they didn't let me put my own address on the
 From: line.

 Do you have any numbers on how much if any of a spam or phish problem
 these things are?  They've never been on my radar, I think because they
 do a lot of rate limiting and inbound filtering.  Some also limit it
 to subscribers.

 Also please keep in mind uses like the school teacher I mentioned
 earlier today.  Again, useful, not abusive, and I think there are
 likely to be a lot of little setups like his that are now mysteriously

 I'm sure most of the big ones are well protected with abuse limits, but
 I'm sure there are plenty of other ones which are not.  I'm sure each one
 that is abused is a drop in the bucket of the overall abuse.

 That being said, with DMARC, I see no way forward for them.  Even if the
 WSJ and other large publishers are whitelisted by one of the schemes we're
 talking about, the forms like your teacher's are never going to get
 whitelisted.  At best, a provider may provide a mechanism to whitelist
 things for a specific user, but I haven't imagined anything like that which
 would be particularly user friendly either.

I'd love to see some usage statistics from one or more of them.  Lately it
seems to me a lot more of such link sharing happens over social media
(where this is all moot) rather than over email.

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] DKIM through mailing lists

2014-05-29 Thread Douglas Otis

On May 29, 2014, at 7:07 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull step...@xemacs.org wrote:

 Douglas Otis writes:
 There are many cases that are never originally signed by the DMARC
 domain.  Such as an accounting package that sends out invoices on
 behalf of some company that wants their email address in the From
 header since this is what their customers will recognize.
 I don't understand this example.  This use case seems quite compatible
 with DMARC as it is.
 That is, company and accountant should have a substantial and
 expensive to maintain trust relationship already.  I would think that
 the company could (a) provide an alias (subdomain) in its own domain
 for the accountant's host, and advertise the accountant's policy via
 _dmarc.invoices.example.com, or (b) maintain an authenticated channel
 (ie, special purpose VPN) direct to a special host under its own
 control in its own domain for the accountant to relay through, and the
 company signs there.  Sure, there'd be some additional cost, but not
 prohibitive.  Note that in either case the client can fire the
 accountant in an instant by changing the DNS or shutting down the
 authenticated channel.

Dear Stephen,


I know of many small operations with similar services and previously working 
strategies.  With a low profit margin, no one wants to then be dealing with DNS 
or VPN configurations or deciding who is allowed to have access to their 
networks or their DKIM private keys.

Think of the heating and air conditioning outfit given VPN access for the 
purpose of submitting invoices. That error in judgement cost hundreds of 
millions for a well known retailing outfit.  There are also similar types of 
risks when anyone opens any MS Office document given to them by a spoofed party.


The intent behind TPA-Label is to permit a secure scheme without ever asking 
anyone to share credentials.  Not ever!   Instead, everyone uses what they 
already have, perhaps even stronger schemes than what is offered by DKIM or 
SPF.  Large ESPs that have had a major security breach should set aside a 
budget related to restoring order.  A TPA-Label setup could be part of that 

Two DNS servers (for redundancy) and some DMARC and MTA log processing scripts 
should offer a comprehensive and fairly complete starting point. Yes, even for 
a large ESP. Of course there will be ongoing support issues, but this should 
also pale in comparison to unsolvable email complaints of affected legitimate 
email use.  For this, there should be web-based forms to supplement DMARC 

By setting up a TPA-Label extension, it would also allow their users to know 
when they have themselves been compromised, while also preventing unauthorized 
use by rogue servers.  This added feature seems like a nice way of saying 
Sorry, but we are now doing more to improve security.

 I suspect that many parties that implement DMARC are cheating
 by allowing things that look like mailing list or forwarded mail
 through even if they fail auth and the domain is p=REJECT.
 Providing a higher bar for when to cheat may be useful, then.
 The hurdle that seems to be in everyone's mind is how to go about
 facilitating feedback that is not a lot of work.

Again, TPA-Label also permits a way to squelch DMARC feedback already 
evaluated. Perhaps a flag could even be added that basically says.  Yes we 
know about this domain, and we think it cannot be trusted.  This would be a 
change to the current draft.

 Again, I seem to require an additional clue.  DMARC feedback is
 working fine AFAICS.  It may be costly, and we want to reduce those
 costs, of course.  But p=reject OTOH is a more or less legitimate
 denial of service, a completely different issue.  Are you talking
 about a different kind of feedback?

Rather than having a channel only between receiver-to-sender, there should also 
be a channel between sender-to-receiver.  The channel can represent a single 
DNS resource record. Such a single resource record would offer low latency, low 
cost, and cacheable near the receiver for even lower latency.

I know that John and Tim would have little trouble setting up such a service.  
The real challenge is to have an ESP do this that really needs such a solution. 
 Once in place, this opens up a range of services others could easily offer on 
behalf of those who simply desire greater email security.

Douglas Otis

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Solution for DMARC disruption of normal email use while still offering its normal protection

2014-05-29 Thread J. Gomez
On Wednesday, May 28, 2014 10:13 PM [GMT+1=CET], Tim Draegen wrote:

 I don't believe TPA-Label hits the mark between solving a big hurt
 and simple.  IOW, it's too complicated for the amount of pain it
 would resolve.  Just my opinion, take care,  

I'm of the same opinion as above.

In my own words, I would say the TPA-label draft Otis posted reads like 
perfectly polished Klingon to me.

Id est, overly too complex for very little gain.


dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Solution for DMARC disruption of normal email use while still offering its normal protection

2014-05-29 Thread Murray S. Kucherawy
On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 1:28 PM, J. Gomez jgo...@seryrich.com wrote:

  I don't believe TPA-Label hits the mark between solving a big hurt
  and simple.  IOW, it's too complicated for the amount of pain it
  would resolve.  Just my opinion, take care,

 I'm of the same opinion as above.

 In my own words, I would say the TPA-label draft Otis posted reads like
 perfectly polished Klingon to me.

 Id est, overly too complex for very little gain.


dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Solution for DMARC disruption of normal email use while still offering its normal protection

2014-05-29 Thread Popowycz, Alex
My Klingon may be rusty, but I think that makes it a 
+[cid:image003.png@01CF7B67.32E414D0] (apologies for those seeing this in text 
as I don’t have Klingon.ttf on my work laptop).

From: dmarc [mailto:dmarc-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Murray S. Kucherawy
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2014 5:23 PM
To: J. Gomez
Cc: dmarc@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [dmarc-ietf] Solution for DMARC disruption of normal email use 
while still offering its normal protection

On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 1:28 PM, J. Gomez 
jgo...@seryrich.commailto:jgo...@seryrich.com wrote:
 I don't believe TPA-Label hits the mark between solving a big hurt
 and simple.  IOW, it's too complicated for the amount of pain it
 would resolve.  Just my opinion, take care,
I'm of the same opinion as above.

In my own words, I would say the TPA-label draft Otis posted reads like 
perfectly polished Klingon to me.

Id est, overly too complex for very little gain.

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] New Non-WG Mailing List: Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Compliance (DMARC)

2014-05-29 Thread Dave Crocker
Just so nobody gets excited, this announcement is because the entry for
the mailing list was missing from the non-wg page and now it's been added:



On 5/29/2014 3:21 PM, IETF Secretariat wrote:
 A new IETF non-working group email list has been created.
 List address: dmarc@ietf.org
 Archive: http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/dmarc/current/maillist.html
 To subscribe: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/dmarc
 Summary Description: Discussion related to the development, clarification, 
 implementation of the DMARC protocol, and operational uses of it. 
 Detailed Description: Discussion related to the development, clarification, 
 implementation of the DMARC protocol, and operational uses of it. 
 DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Compliance) 
 is an overlay on top of email and some current authentication 
 protocols, which allows for limited policy enforcement and anomaly 

Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Solution for DMARC disruption of normal email use while still offering its normal protection

2014-05-29 Thread J. Gomez
On Thursday, May 29, 2014 1:19 PM [GMT+1=CET], Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

 And we remain unhappy, not least because list operators are unhappy.
 The configurations are somewhat tricky and not understood at all by
 most list operators -- they follow recipes that are appropriate for
 common cases, but may conflict with unusual settings.  The requirement
 by some mitigations that Mailman access the DNS in order to apply them
 only to p=reject posters (which is frequently mentioned by list
 operators requesting help) introduces substantial additional
 complexity.  This is going to be an ongoing burden for the project, I

Missuse of DMARC's p=reject by Senders is here to stay. It won't go away. It 
will only grow.[*]

On the other hand, when hard pressed, [I think] email users are going to choose 
to keep their mailbox/address over a mailing list subscription, therefore 
mailing list software will have to adapt to the new theater of operations -- 
provided DMARC gets deployed in the real world by some significant measure, of 

In my opinion, the least disruptive adaptation which mailing list software can 
do is to take ownership --in a DMARC-compatible way-- of the Header-From, just 
like they already take ownership of the envelope's ReturnPath-From.

And, also in my opinion, that mailing list adaptation to DMARC should be the 
new default out-of-the-box behaviour of mailing list packages from now on, and 
the old behaviour should be regarded as legacy and deprecated. Why? Because we 
cannot count on the average mailing list operator to stop to ponder the fine 
points of the DMARC issue while he is setting up his VPS server in a 
haste.[**] Therefore [in my opinion], a sane, out-of-the-box DMARC-compatible 
behaviour should be the default for mailing list software, from now on.

[*][**] Because that's the way the world goes by.

 We know one simple and guaranteed fix for the
 problem, and it is trivial to implement: domains providing mailboxes
 for personal use (including sending as a mailbox user of that domain
 from a different one, transfers that modify Content-Transfer-Encoding,
 mailing lists, use of on-behalf-of content distribution services, and
 so on) should stop publishing DMARC policies with p=reject.  There
 appear to be two of them, they can do this in 5 minutes, and the
 problem will be completely eliminated within a day or so.

Yes, but it just won't happen. Once someone publishes p=reject, if he is 
too-big-to-reject, then he is not going to go back to the previous situation. 
He expects the world to accomodate him, and this is EXACTLY what will happen if 
he just happens to be, by definition, too-big-to-reject.

I think we should accept this as a fact, and move forward, and take the 
neccesary countermeasures as the new by-default situation.

 I've made the lists used by my students more secure (against denial of
 service) by filtering p=reject domains.  As it happens, *all* of my
 users agree that is the appropriate solution for us (the Yahoo! users
 didn't even think about fighting before switching, they already had
 GMail addresses).  Of course I hesitate to recommend that policy to
 anybody else, but it *is* technically simple, and was the optimum
 response in my case.

That solution is good, but can only be expected from savvy mailing list 
operators who fully understand the fine details of the DMARC issue -- I think 
we cannot expect that to be the case for the vast majority of mailing list 
operators world-wide. Also, the support costs of such a solution are high 
(disgruntled users calling the help desk), and may even be unbearable if the 
mailing list operator happens not to have a more or less captive user base.


dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Solution for DMARC disruption of normal email use while still offering its normal protection

2014-05-29 Thread Hector Santos

On 5/29/2014 4:28 PM, J. Gomez wrote:

On Wednesday, May 28, 2014 10:13 PM [GMT+1=CET], Tim Draegen wrote:

I don't believe TPA-Label hits the mark between solving a big hurt
and simple.  IOW, it's too complicated for the amount of pain it
would resolve.  Just my opinion, take care,

I'm of the same opinion as above.

In my own words, I would say the TPA-label draft Otis posted reads like 
perfectly polished Klingon to me.

Id est, overly too complex for very little gain.

Mr. Gomez,

TPA has a wider scope and an overly described functional specification.

But the main idea should not be thrown away due to lack of 
fundamentally understanding the long time problem and proposed solutions.

In its simplest terms, the idea is to lookup a 3rd party domain for 
authorization to sign or resign originating author domain mail.

The earliest suggestions like in the 2006 DSAP proposal used an 
Allowed Signer List (ASL) asl= tag in the policy records. So 
applying this simpler idea to DMARC, an example policy for your 
domain, seryrich.com, might be

  _dmarc.seryrich.com  TXT (v=dmarc1; p=reject; asl=ietf.org; ...)

This would expose to the world the policy that says:

  Only domains seryrich.com and ietf.org are
  authorized to sign mail for seryrich.com.
  If you see anything else, reject it.

Simple idea. No extra lookup beyond the DMARC lookup.  The problem 
with ASL is that it works for the shorter list domains.  It would not 
scale for the larger domains, i.e. can't fit Yahoo's 30K potential 
authorization list.  I think its an optimization idea for the majority 
of domains who are smaller than YAHOO.

This is where Doug's TPA (Third Party Authorization) and Murray's 
simpler version of TPA called ATPS (Authorized Third Party Signer, 
RFC6541) comes into play.

TPA and ATPS is basically the same when it comes to the lookup 
formula, which is to combine the signer domain as a subdomain zone of 
the author domain.   I have implemented ATPS but its basically the 
same as TPA with a query formula of:


So for you, your DMARC and ATPS subdomain records for seryrich.com 
zone would be:

_dmarc TXT (v=dmarc1; p=reject; atps=y;)
PQ6XADOZSI47RLUIQ5YOHG2HY3MVJYOO._atps  TXT (v=atps01; d=ietf.org;)

So the ideas has been worked out.  The problem has been to get the 
IETF List Operators and Administrators to support this.

So why not?  Note, we also develop list software, so I have no problem 
doing what is necessary to get it all to work right.

The main problem is that list operators prefer to use a TRUST model by 
looking up the signer domain. Not the author domain.

They currently do neither, but they prefer to use the signer domain 
and this was the DKIM standard suggestion. Use the SIGNER domain. 
Forget about the author domain.  Again, I am just looking for a total 
mail integrated solution between all parts. So lets go ahead and 
lookup the signer domain.

What's the problem then?

Well, what happens when any of these simple use cases occur:

  a) The signature does not exist in the message. Its missing.

  b) Signature exist, but it doesn't hash verify. Its broken.

  c) Signature exist and its valid, but its not your signature.
 Its some unknown signer that wants to tell the world its
 signing on your behalf.

So the basic argument against depending on a signer domain only is 
that may not exist nor be valid.  It can be completely fake.   Now, 
Levine's VBR was a step in the right direction with the combo author 
and signer lookup but again, what happens when the signature is 
missing or invalid so that there is no signer domain to lookup?  The 
trust advocates don't have an answer for these simple first level 
security issues that are easily detectable as failure.

In summary, this has been examine all ways and the best and original 
idea was looking up the author domain because its the single identity 
that MUST exist in the message.  It is the most important header of 
them all, the 5322.From header.  This is the reason it is also the 
only header that MUST be hash bound to the signature. No other header 
is required to be hashed to the signature.

But the resigners don't want to look it up. They want the freedom to 
resign mail. The policy advocates wants a more flexible 1st and 3rd 
party resigner framework, but one with options to lock down the 3rd 
party signers.

I believe the latter is the more protocol strong solution. Its require 
more wider support and it will clamp down on the laissez-faire 
resigners who want to resign and don't wish to even check to see if 
its valid.

Yes, there is the problem of the legacy users that has long used 
public, but also highly spam polluted big email brand domain.  The 
Yahoos are not the only one who domains are polluted and they wish to 
finally take control and increase its security quality value.

The IETF need to stop trying to make policy itself on what parts of 
the mail 

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Solution for DMARC disruption of normal email use while still offering its normal protection

2014-05-29 Thread Scott Kitterman
On May 29, 2014 3:09:44 AM EDT, Murray S. Kucherawy superu...@gmail.com 
On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 12:06 AM, John R Levine jo...@taugh.com

 By the way, to return to the original point, it still seems
 unlikely to me that if we invented per-sender whitelists that the two
 providers would implement them.

Has anyone tried asking them?

I'm not sure what value I should put in all this (ahem) third-party
speculation about their intentions or what they care about.

I think Yahoo's communications have been very clear about what they care about. 
No speculation is needed. 

Scott K

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] DKIM through mailing lists (rebutting MLs won't change)

2014-05-29 Thread Tony Hansen

On 5/28/14, 6:46 PM, Barry Leiba wrote:
Anything that requires mailing list software to change won't work. 

I'm going to push back on this statement. I think we keep getting stuck 
on the mantra that the mailing list software won't change. However, 
the majority of the mailing list software packages that are out there 
now DO generate proper List-* headers. It took some time, and it may not 
be 100% coverage, but by gosh and by golly, most of them do so and do it 

Why? There were a few things: 1) a well defined spec about what change 
was desired, AND 2a) there was perceived benefit to adding those 
headers, or 2b) there was perceived harm in not adding those headers.

If mailing list software is changed, the right answer is for the mailing
list to re-sign the message.

I think this is exactly the correct solution for mailing lists to 
pursue. This is an excellent start of a spec for what mailing lists 
should be doing in a world where systems are using DKIM and SPF, and 
more systems are expecting such mail to pass validation. (A post-DMARC 
world, if you will.)

There may be alternative solutions that are less optimal that will also 
get mailing list messages delivered more reliably. (For example, delete 
all DKIM signatures and force the From: header to use the originator's 
name in the comment but with the mailing list address instead of the 
originator's address. It works, but isn't pretty.) It might be worth 
doing some investigation of those alternatives, and showing their 
advantages and disadvantages.

Mailing lists have an expectation of being able to get their mail 
delivered. That is no longer the case. The benefit of them making 
changes is that their messages will get delivered more reliably. The 
harm in not making changes is that their service will continue to be 

But clear specs detailing what they CAN do and SHOULD do is the starting 

That doesn't help the DMARC situation
now, but DMARC could be given other options once that happens.

I agree completely that a change to DMARC is needed in conjunction with 
having clear ML specs.

When HeartBleed came out recently, it was discovered that openssl had 
rather poor support, even though everyone and their neighbor seems to 
use it in some fashion or another. A consortium was then formed to 
provide some needed support and to improve the quality control for openssl.

I've heard it said that the majority of the mailing lists out there are 
managed by only a handful of ML management systems. I maintain that 
these ML packages are in the same boat as openssl. It sure would be nice 
if we could get some of that consortium money thrown at that handful of 
ML management systems. That's a political solution for this current 
technical problem.

However, before it can happen: we NEED clear specs as to what should be 
done by ML systems, at least in the face of DKIM and SPF (and DMARC)

Tony Hansen

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] DKIM through mailing lists (rebutting MLs won't change)

2014-05-29 Thread Scott Kitterman
On Thursday, May 29, 2014 23:11:28 Tony Hansen wrote:
 On 5/28/14, 6:46 PM, Barry Leiba wrote:
  Anything that requires mailing list software to change won't work.
 I'm going to push back on this statement. I think we keep getting stuck
 on the mantra that the mailing list software won't change. However,
 the majority of the mailing list software packages that are out there
 now DO generate proper List-* headers. It took some time, and it may not
 be 100% coverage, but by gosh and by golly, most of them do so and do it
 Why? There were a few things: 1) a well defined spec about what change
 was desired, AND 2a) there was perceived benefit to adding those
 headers, or 2b) there was perceived harm in not adding those headers.
  If mailing list software is changed, the right answer is for the mailing
  list to re-sign the message.
 I think this is exactly the correct solution for mailing lists to
 pursue. This is an excellent start of a spec for what mailing lists
 should be doing in a world where systems are using DKIM and SPF, and
 more systems are expecting such mail to pass validation. (A post-DMARC
 world, if you will.)
 There may be alternative solutions that are less optimal that will also
 get mailing list messages delivered more reliably. (For example, delete
 all DKIM signatures and force the From: header to use the originator's
 name in the comment but with the mailing list address instead of the
 originator's address. It works, but isn't pretty.) It might be worth
 doing some investigation of those alternatives, and showing their
 advantages and disadvantages.
 Mailing lists have an expectation of being able to get their mail
 delivered. That is no longer the case. The benefit of them making
 changes is that their messages will get delivered more reliably. The
 harm in not making changes is that their service will continue to be
 But clear specs detailing what they CAN do and SHOULD do is the starting
  That doesn't help the DMARC situation
  now, but DMARC could be given other options once that happens.
 I agree completely that a change to DMARC is needed in conjunction with
 having clear ML specs.
 When HeartBleed came out recently, it was discovered that openssl had
 rather poor support, even though everyone and their neighbor seems to
 use it in some fashion or another. A consortium was then formed to
 provide some needed support and to improve the quality control for openssl.
 I've heard it said that the majority of the mailing lists out there are
 managed by only a handful of ML management systems. I maintain that
 these ML packages are in the same boat as openssl. It sure would be nice
 if we could get some of that consortium money thrown at that handful of
 ML management systems. That's a political solution for this current
 technical problem.
 However, before it can happen: we NEED clear specs as to what should be
 done by ML systems, at least in the face of DKIM and SPF (and DMARC)

The reason there is no IETF working group is that the people behind DMARC were 
unwilling to entertain participation in a working group that had a charter 
that allowed for any chance of a change to the DMARC protocol.  

DMARC change is even more off the table than MLM software change (which does, 
as you suggest, evolve over time).

Yahoo's view, based on their public statements clearly seems to me to be that 
using DMARC p=reject is beneficial to them and they are big enough that 3rd 
parties will adapt rather than suffer the consequences of not adapting.

I believe they are right on both counts.  Mailing lists and other related 
systems that are affected by this are adapting.  It's painful and the solutions 
inevitably involve regressions in functionality, but they are one of the few 
800 pound gorillas and they can get away with it.

I am entirely sympathetic to people that are unhappy about this state of 
affairs (I'm unhappy about it too), but it is what it is.

I wrote the other day asking what IETF work is there around DMARC and didn't 
get much of an answer.  I think that's instructive.  I'm increasingly 
convinced that there isn't any.  At this point, while there's value in a 
central point for operators and developers to exchange information about how 
to mitigate the damage caused by what is in my opinion irresponsible use of 
DMARC, I don't think there is anything to standardize.  Eventually, there's 
probably a BCP in this, but it's premature.

If the IETF tries to go off and write a BCP on DMARC work arounds now, we'll 
end up looking silly by the time the metaphorical ink is dry.  We've all got 
lots of ideas on practices that would be a good idea, but many of them are new 
enough they can only barely be described as current and knowing what among 
them is best is premature.

Scott K

dmarc mailing list