Re: [DNSOP] Mirja Kühlewind's Discuss on draft-ietf-dnsop-session-signal-12: (with DISCUSS and COMMENT)

2018-08-01 Thread Stuart Cheshire

A client cannot refuse to send keep-alives. A connection with an active mDNS 
relay subscription is never considered “inactive”, but a server may still 
require reasonable keep-alives to verify that the client is still there.

> 3) There is another contraction regarding the inactive timer:
> Sec 6.2 say
>   "A shorter inactivity timeout with a longer keepalive interval signals
>   to the client that it should not speculatively keep an inactive DSO
>   Session open for very long without reason, but when it does have an
>   active reason to keep a DSO Session open, it doesn't need to be
>   sending an aggressive level of keepalive traffic to maintain that
>   session."
> which indicates that the client may leave the session open longer than
> indicated by the inactive timer of the server. However section 7.1.1 say that
> the client MUST close the connection when the timer is expired.

A connection with an active mDNS relay subscription is never considered 
“inactive”, because there is still active client/server state, even if no 
traffic is flowing. A server may still require reasonable keep-alives to verify 
that the client is still there.

Stuart Cheshire

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Status of draft-ietf-dnsop-terminology-bis

2018-04-06 Thread Stuart Cheshire
  inadvertently also include any NS records that appear in the zone

What does “inadvertently” mean? Inadvertently how?

   Closest provable encloser:  "The longest ancestor of a name that can
  be proven to exist.  Note that this is only different from the

Would it be informative to say, “that can be *cryptographically* proven to 
exist” ?

   Fast flux DNS: ... It is often used to deliver malware.

Is this the whole story? I think short TTLs are also used to achive load 
balancing. The name “” has a short TTL, but that’s not so that it 
can deliver malware.

   Reverse DNS, reverse lookup:  "The process of mapping an address to a

I would add that this is *not* IQUERY.

  During 2000, the abbreviation was
  redesignated to 'Address and Routing Parameter Area' in the hope
  of reducing confusion with the earlier network name."

This is mysterious and unenlightening. Please state what the earlier network 
name was.

Please say, “the abbreviation was redesignated from '' to 'Address and 
Routing Parameter Area'”.

Otherwise, this text is just mysterious and confusing to the reader.

  These terms are strictly ways of referring to the
  relationship standing of two domains where one is a subdomain of
  the other.

Maybe we should state explicitly that “subordinate” is a synonym for 

  enumeration is different from zone content guessing where the
  guesser uses a large dictionary of possible labels

Can we elaborate on *how* it is different?

   DNSSEC Policy (DP):  A statement that "sets forth the security
  requirements and standards to be implemented for a DNSSEC-signed
  zone."  (Quoted from [RFC6841], Section 2)

   DNSSEC Practice Statement (DPS):  "A practices disclosure document
  that may support and be a supplemental document to the DNSSEC
  Policy (if such exists), and it states how the management of a
  given zone implements procedures and controls at a high level."
  (Quoted from [RFC6841], Section 2)

I’m unclear on what these mean. Can we add more explanatory text?

   These states are
   defined in [RFC4033] and [RFC4035], although the two definitions
   differ a bit.

Can we elaborate with more details about *how* these definitions differ?

Stuart Cheshire

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] SRV-related _underscore registry (was Re: Call for Adoption: draft-crocker-dns-attrleaf)

2018-03-29 Thread Stuart Cheshire
On 29 Feb 2016, at 14:27, John R Levine  wrote:

> The existing port and service registry already has all of the _service names, 
> and is updated as people invent new services. What's the benefit of 
> duplicating it rather than just pointing to it?

I agree. Where possible, it’s better to add to an existing registry, rather 
than creating an entirely new (but mostly overlapping) one.

When we wrote RFC 6335 we made a conscious choice that 15 ASCII characters is 
short enough to be efficient over the air and not burdensome to implement in 
constrained devices, yet long enough for the set of available identifiers to be 
effectively unlimited, and long enough to allow for reasonably mnemonic 
identifiers where that is desired (at least in English, which we deemed 
acceptable since these are protocol identifiers, not generally seen by end 

A consequence of this abundant namespace is that it’s okay to have some 
identifiers in it that are not applicable in all contexts, and that’s 
preferable to having separate per-context namespaces, which risks having some 
identifier string appear in more than of those namespaces, with unrelated 
meanings. When RFC 6335 unified the two separate identifier namespaces there 
were four such unintended overlaps (esp, hydra, recipe, xmp), which fortunately 
were resolved amicably: <>.

On 1 Mar 2016, at 09:55, Phillip Hallam-Baker  wrote:

> The _service._protocol approach in SRV is rather obviously a mistake. Given 
> the function of SRV, the protocol tag should have been on the RIGHT hand side 
> of the RR type, not the left. The choice of UDP or TCP should be an OUTPUT 
> from the service discovery process, not an input.

We thought about this too, and concluded that few application protocols offer 
the luxury of running over both TCP and UDP (NFS and DNS being two examples 
that come to mind).

In reality, most application protocols are defined as a bundle, such as 
application-protocol-over-UDP-over-IP, or 
application-protocol-over-TCP-over-IP, or 
application-protocol-over-TLS-over-TCP-over-IP. The application protocol name 
implicitly encodes the transport it expects. In an iPhone looking for AirPrint 
(i.e., IPP) printers were to be told that it had found an AirPrint printer that 
supported IPP, but only over SCTP, or DCCP, or whatever, the iPhone would 
simply fail to print on it, because the iPhone doesn’t implement IPP-over-foo.

In retrospect, I wish we had defined all SRV service type identifiers to be 
simply “_app-proto._srv”, and let the specification of the “_app-proto” 
application protocol state what transport layer stack it requires. In practice 
what happens is that TCP-based protocols use “_tcp” and everything else uses 
“_udp” as the catch-all for all non-TCP protocols. RFC 6763 talks about this: 

A common convention that seems to be emerging is that application protocols 
that run over TLS are given SRV service type identifiers ending in “-tls”, such 
as, “_dns-update-tls._tcp” and “_dns-push-tls._tcp”. This is just a convention 
for mnemonic convenience though, and not every service uses it. For example, 
IPP over TLS uses service type “_ipps._tcp”. When looking for AirPrint (i.e., 
IPP) printers a modern iPhone will browse for both “_ipp._tcp” and 
“_ipps._tcp”, and show a unified list to the user. In some ways this is not 
ideal, but engineering is often a pragmatic choice between imperfect solutions 
and picking the less bad one. Moving forward we expect that most application 
protocols that need security will only run over TLS, making this “dual 
personality” behavior rare.

Stuart Cheshire

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Comments on draft-ietf-dnsop-session-signal-06

2018-03-19 Thread Stuart Cheshire
have been changed such
   that some long-lived client operations can no longer be continued due
   to policy (REFUSED), and other long-lived client operations can no
   longer be performed due to the server no longer being authoritative
   for those names (NOTAUTH).  In such cases the server MAY use any of
   the applicable RCODE values, or RCODE=NOERROR (routine shutdown or

   Note that the selection of RCODE value in a Retry Delay message is
   not critical, since the RCODE value is generally used only for
   information purposes, such as writing to a log file for future human
   analysis regarding the nature of the disconnection.  Generally
   clients do not modify their behavior depending on the RCODE value.
   The RETRY DELAY in the message tells the client how long it should
   wait before attempting a new connection to this server instance.

   For clients that do in some way modify their behavior depending on
   the RCODE value, they should treat unknown RCODE values the same as
   RCODE=NOERROR (routine shutdown or restart).

   A Retry Delay message from server to client is an unacknowledged
   message; the MESSAGE ID MUST be set to zero in the outgoing message
   and the client MUST NOT send a response.

   A client MUST NOT send a Retry Delay DSO request message or DSO
   unacknowledged message to a server.  If a server receives a DNS
   request message (i.e., QR=0) where the Primary TLV is the Retry Delay
   TLV, this is a fatal error and the server MUST forcibly abort the
   connection immediately.

The updated draft is available at: 

Stuart Cheshire

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] [dnssd] Working Group Last Call - draft-ietf-dnsop-session-signal

2018-02-21 Thread Stuart Cheshire
I think Jan makes a good point.

Suppose there’s a server that supports DNS over TCP, and DSO signaling, and 
Push Notifications, and DNS Update, and maybe other things.

Now suppose a client connects to that server. The server doesn’t know what that 
client is going to do. The client may do queries over TCP, or DNS updates. It 
may do queries over TCP and use the DSO signaling to request a longer 
inactivity timeout. It may request Push Notifications (which are currently 
specified to require TLS). It may do all of those.

When the server receives an incoming TCP connection request from a client, what 
are the first bytes received over that TCP connection? Are they a DNS header 
and message body? Are they a TLS handshake message? Can it be either? How does 
the server know?

Stuart Cheshire

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] draft-ietf-dnsop-session-signal: session establishment

2018-01-29 Thread Stuart Cheshire
On 27 Jan 2018, at 18:16, Paul Hoffman  wrote:

> Greetings. The -05 draft still has a complexity that I can can be easily 
> fixed. In a few places, it says that a session can be established by the 
> client sending a response-requiring DSO request message. For example, from 
> section 4.1:
>   A DSO Session is established over a connection by the client sending
>   a DSO request message of a kind that requires a response, such as the
>   DSO Keepalive TLV (see Section 6.1), and receiving a response, with
>   matching MESSAGE ID, and RCODE set to NOERROR (0), indicating that
>   the DSO request was successful.
> This logic requires a client to survey all the kinds of requests it knows to 
> find one appropriate for establishing the session. It also requires the 
> server to have to check the first message for any kind of response-requiring 
> request message.

The intent was not that client software would make a run-time decision about 
how to initiate a DSO session.

The intent was that a client *implementer* would make a design-time decision 
about how to initiate a DSO session. And, of course, “I’ll send a Keepalive 
request,” is a perfectly good design-time answer to that question.

On the server side, the routine that generates and/or sends DSO response 
messages just needs to set a Boolean flag saying, “no-error response sent” (or, 
equivalently, “DSO session established”) when it sends a no-error DSO response.

For implementations of only the base DSO spec (not extensions that build on 
DSO), the only response-requiring DSO request message is Keepalive, so it 
degenerates to the simple scenario you proposed -- a DSO session MUST be 
established by the client sending a Keepalive message.

The reason we left the flexibility in the specification was to avoid putting 
unnecessary constraints on future uses of DSO that we haven’t anticipated yet.

Stuart Cheshire

DNSOP mailing list

[DNSOP] DNSSD (DNS-Based Service Discovery) testing at IETF 100 Hackathon

2017-09-28 Thread Stuart Cheshire
Ted Lemon and I are planning on doing an interop test of our DNSSD code at the 
IETF 100 Hackathon.

Details can be found here:


We are planning to test the following protocols:

DNS Stateful Operations  
DNS Push Notifications   <>
Service Discovery Proxy  <>
Service Discovery Relay  
Service Discovery Broker 

We welcome others to join us at the Hackathon. Please let us know if you’d like 
to come along and join in the testing.

Stuart Cheshire

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Status of "let localhost be localhost"?

2017-08-09 Thread Stuart Cheshire
I’m puzzled by much of this discussion.

We want a way for an application to indicate that it wants a loopback 
connection to another port on the local host.

People widely use “localhost” for this.

But other people argue that a mere RFC can’t guarantee that a host doesn’t 
violate the assumption that “localhost” means “local host”.

So, to indicate that it wants a loopback connection to another port on the 
local host, an application needs to use “”. By, by the same logic, a 
mere RFC can’t guarantee that a host doesn’t violate the assumption that 
“” means loopback. Who knows what a host OS will do with that address, 
if it does not follow the relevant RFCs? [*]

Forgive me, I forgot, “” is obsolete. I should have written, “::1”. 
I’ll try again:

So, to indicate that it wants a loopback connection to another port on the 
local host, an application needs to use “::1”. By, by the same logic, a mere 
RFC can’t guarantee that a host doesn’t violate the assumption that “::1” means 
loopback. Who knows what a host OS will do with that address, if it does not 
follow the relevant RFCs?

So, “” and “::1” are not suitable, both because a host OS might choose 
not to follow the relevant RFCs, and more importantly, they’re both 

What we really need is some symbolic way for an application to indicate 
unambiguously that it wants a loopback connection to another port on the local 

We should reserve a specific string and define that it has this meaning. Some 
operating systems will follow the specification, and will work as expected, and 
others will not, which is a bug. Don’t use those products.

A nice mnemonic string would be good. Something memorable, which conveys the 
meaning, “local host”.

I suggest “localhost”.

Stuart Cheshire

[*] If you think it’s stupid to suggest a host might not treat “” as 
meaning loopback, why is that any more stupid than suggesting that a host might 
not treat “localhost” as meaning loopback? Both are just as arbitrary.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] [dnssd] Draft-ietf-dnsop-edns-tcp-keepalive and DNS Push Notifications

2016-03-21 Thread Stuart Cheshire
On 21 Mar 2016, at 20:02, Paul Wouters  wrote:

> Our document is in AUTH48 already, so making those kind of changed there 
> might be very difficult.

I didn’t realise that. I agree, it’s too late to make substantive changes at 
this point.

> Also, if you are so idle that you might run into tcp issues timing out, you 
> probably should be nice to the other end and close your tcp session.

The idea of DNS Push Notifications is for moderately long-standing queries (on 
the order of 5-10 minutes) waiting to be notified of some change.

For example, you go to print, but the printer is turned off. You walk down the 
hall and turn the printer on, and when you get back to your office your 
computer has been notified that a new printer has become available (without you 
having to repeatedly cancel and try again until the printer shows up).

It’s not something that would be useful for all DNS servers. Think of it as a 
different protocol, that happens to leverage existing DNS protocols and message 
formats instead of inventing new protocols and message formats.

The draft explains it in more detail.

DNSOP feedback on the draft would be appreciated.

Stuart Cheshire

DNSOP mailing list

[DNSOP] Draft-ietf-dnsop-edns-tcp-keepalive and DNS Push Notifications

2016-03-21 Thread Stuart Cheshire
Dear Keepalive authors,

Draft-ietf-dnssd-push-06 (see below) references 

However, at present, a more accurate title might be 
“draft-ietf-dnsop-edns-tcp-idle-timeout” instead of 
“draft-ietf-dnsop-edns-tcp-keepalive”, because while it tells the client how to 
learn what the idle timeout is, it doesn’t say anything about what the client 
does to actually keep a connection alive.

Draft-ietf-dnssd-push-06 currently has the text included below.

1. It states what actions reset the idle timer.

2. It states that the client should send keepalive traffic before the idle 
timeout expires, but the server should not kill a connection until 1.5x the 
idle timeout, to allow for clock rate differences and propagation delays.

3. Particularly note the final paragraph, which calls for suggestions for a 
specified keepalive action.

   At both servers and clients, the generation or reception of any
   request, response, update, or keepalive message resets the keepalive
   timer for that connection.

   In the absence of any requests, responses, or update messages on a
   connection, a client MUST generate keepalive traffic before the idle
   timeout expires, or the server is entitled to close the connection.

   If a client disconnects from the network abruptly, without closing
   its connection, the server learns of this after failing to receive
   further traffic from that client.  If no requests, responses, update
   messages or keepalive traffic occurs on a connection for 1.5 times
   the idle timeout, then this indicates that the client is probably no
   longer on the network, and the server SHOULD abort the connection
   with a TCP RST.

   [We need to discuss the nature of "the required keepalives".  Are
   they TCP-layer keepalives?  DNS-layer keepalives?  There is currently
   no DNS-layer keepalive or 'no-op' operation defined.  What would that
   operation be?  A DNS QUERY containing zero questions?  A DNS
   SUBSCRIBE containing zero questions?  An "empty" DNS message over the
   TCP connection (just a pair of zero bytes, signifying a zero-length
   message)?  One benefit of TCP-layer keepalives is that they transmit
   fewer bytes, and involve less software overhead for processing those
   bytes.  Another benefit is that it is more feasible to implement
   these in networking offload hardware, which can allow devices to meet
   their TCP keepalive obligations while sleeping.  This is particularly
   important for battery-powered devices like mobile phones and tablets.
   On the other hand, using TCP-layer keepalives requires an API for a
   client to tell the networking stack at what frequency to perform TCP-
   layer keepalives, and an API for a server to request the networking
   stack to inform it when TCP-layer keepalives are not received by the
   required deadline.  TCP-layer keepalives also only verify liveness of
   the remote networking stack, whereas DNS-layer keepalives provide
   higher assurance of liveness of the remote server application
   software -- though this a limited benefit, since there is no reason
   to expect that DNS Push Notification server software will routinely
   become wedged and unresponsive.]

I could define this specified keepalive action in the DNS Push document, but I 
think it would be better to have that specification in the keepalive document.


Stuart Cheshire

Begin forwarded message:

> From:
> Subject: [dnssd] I-D Action: draft-ietf-dnssd-push-06.txt
> Date: 21 March 2016 at 16:58:41 Pacific Daylight Time
> To:
> A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts 
> directories.
> This draft is a work item of the Extensions for Scalable DNS Service 
> Discovery  of the IETF.
>Title   : DNS Push Notifications
>    Authors : Tom Pusateri
>  Stuart Cheshire
>   Filename: draft-ietf-dnssd-push-06.txt
>   Pages   : 31
>   Date: 2016-03-21
> Abstract:
>  The Domain Name System (DNS) was designed to return matching records
>  efficiently for queries for data that is relatively static.  When
>  those records change frequently, DNS is still efficient at returning
>  the updated results when polled.  But there exists no mechanism for a
>  client to be asynchronously notified when these changes occur.  This
>  document defines a mechanism for a client to be notified of such
>  changes to DNS records, called DNS Push Notifications.
> The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is:
> There's also a htmlized version available at:
> A diff from the previous version is available at:
> https://www.iet

Re: [DNSOP] New Version Notification for draft-adpkja-dnsop-special-names-problem-00.txt

2015-12-29 Thread Stuart Cheshire
>group, by an ad-hoc working group, by expert review or any
>combination of those approaches.  [RFC6761] provides no direction.

RFC 6761 says:

   When IANA receives a request to record a new "Special-Use Domain
   Name", it should verify, in consultation with the IESG, that the IETF
   "Standards Action" or "IESG Approval" document [RFC5226] includes the
   required "Domain Name Reservation Considerations" section stating how
   the special meaning of this name affects the behavior of hardware,
   software, and humans in the seven categories.  If IANA and the IESG
   determine that special handling of this "Special-Use Domain Name" is
   appropriate, IANA should record the Special-Use Domain Name, and a
   reference to the specification that documents it, in the registry.

I confess I has assumed that IANA would designate some person with the 
expertise and experience to evaluate whether “... special handling of this 
"Special-Use Domain Name" is appropriate ...”, much as requests for TCP and UDP 
ports are evaluated. That was my mistake. I should have been explicit about the 
intended review process.

>For example, is large scale prior deployment an acceptable criteria?

Large scale prior deployment should *not* be required -- that would just make 
squatting a necessary prerequisite for getting a special use name assigned. RFC 
6761 was intended to provide a legitimate path for proposals to be evaluated on 
technical merit, rather than de facto squatting.

>Going back to the previous point of prior usage of the protocol, in
>the case of LOCALHOST, LOCAL and ONION, those particular domain names
>were already in use by a substantial population of end-users at the
>time they were requested to be added to the Registry.  Rightly or
>not, the practical cost of a transition was argued as a justification
>for their inclusion in the registry.

No. The justification for having an entry in the registry was to facilitate the 
desired special behaviour. The particular choice of what name went in the 
registry was influenced by existing usage, but the justification for having the 
entry itself was motivated by the desire for special behaviour. If the IETF 
process went a bit more smoothly, the IETF would have more participation in the 
choice of name *before* it becomes too late to easily change that.

As I read it, draft-adpkja-dnsop-special-names-problem seems to focus far too 
intently on the issue names. (But then, that is what ICANN is in the business 
of selling, so maybe it’s not surprising.) The substance of RFC 6761 is about 
enabling special behaviours, and using special names to trigger those special 
behaviours is merely a means to the end. What is interesting and important, and 
worthwhile for the IETF to support, is the special behaviours, not the names.

Stuart Cheshire

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Request for Comments on I-D about IoT DNS Name Autoconf

2015-11-04 Thread Stuart Cheshire
On 3 Nov 2015, at 01:51, Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong  wrote:

> Hi 6man, 6lo and dnsop folks,
> There will be a talk about IoT DNS Name Autoconfiguration 
> in 6man WG's morning session tomorrow, 11/4/2015.
> Title: DNS Name Autoconfiguration for Internet of Things Devices

This was not actually discussed in 6man, 6lo, or dnsop, so I’ll make some 
comments here.

It’s hard to know where to start.

Your document confuses device discovery with service discovery. What a device 
*is* tells you virtually nothing about what it *does*. The “device category” of 
my computer being “laptop” or “tablet” tells you *nothing* about what services 
it offers.

Your document assumes that every search domain your tablet encounters 
(,,, will allow 
your tablet to create global records in that domain. Clearly this is nonsense.

Having put global address records into, your document assumes 
then assumes that will then allow you do to a zone transfer to 
fetch the entire zone to discover the names of all the other address records in Clearly this is nonsense too.

Your document proposes global address records with names with this form:


For example:

The host name of the cleaning robot keeps changing as it moves around the room, 
requiring continual updates and continual zone transfers to keep track of the 
name as it changes. Clearly this is infeasible.

I would, however, love to get one of these new flying cleaning robots, which 
can be located (as it was in your example), “in the right-upper corner of a 
living room.”

Stuart Cheshire

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] additional special names Fwd: I-D Action: draft-chapin-additional-reserved-tlds-00.txt

2014-03-02 Thread Stuart Cheshire
On 26 Feb, 2014, at 06:34, Joe Abley  wrote:

> I still don’t see why we need a TLD, or a delegation/reservation under ARPA.
> There are many, many TLDs under which an application/protocol implementer can 
> reserve some namespace for their exclusive use at low cost ($10/year, say). 
> Why is this approach not preferred for a new application/protocol? It seems 
> far simpler.

The issue is home gateway vendors who want to sell a $49 home gateway that 
“just works”, out of the box, without the customer having to go though some 
confusing registration process (that also costs them $10/year, say) to use that 
home gateway product in their own home. Such products ship today with “.home” 
hard-coded into them, and all our pontificating about registration processes is 
not going to change that.

Stuart Cheshire

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] additional special names Fwd: I-D Action: draft-chapin-additional-reserved-tlds-00.txt

2014-02-25 Thread Stuart Cheshire
On 24 Feb, 2014, at 19:37, Mark Andrews  wrote:

> There is a slight difference.  There is no restriction on getting
> names other than unwillingness or lack of education about how to
> get a name.

Good point. A document to help this education aspect would be good.

> They can alway use

I think human-interface factors make such names a non-starter. The people doing 
this want memorable easy-to-type names.

Stuart Cheshire

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] additional special names Fwd: I-D Action: draft-chapin-additional-reserved-tlds-00.txt

2014-02-24 Thread Stuart Cheshire
On 29 Jan, 2014, at 07:47, Ralf Weber  wrote:

> Where shall this stop? How about .LOKALESNETZWERK (german for .LAN). How many 
> domains do we want to treat special? I know this draft only asks for 8, but 
> some of them are on ICANNs application list.

Currently, with no established procedure for local-use names, the result is 
chaos. Since no DNS equivalent to RFC 1918 exists, people use whatever name 
they feel like. My hope is that if people are offered a short list of 
legitimate pseudo-TLDs for local-use names, the temptation to use some other 
TLD not on that list will be less. Today all NAT gateways I know of default to 
one of the RFC 1918 address ranges. If RFC 1918 did not exist, would NAT 
gateways not exist, or would they just hijack who-knows-what addresses? I 
suspect the latter.

If we acknowledge and document the reality, the IETF can have a role in guiding 
it in a sane direction. If we pretend local-use names don’t exist, then the 
IETF has less relevance in the real world and the real world carries on without 

> I also don't think there are risks in delegation these other than the 
> applicants will get lots of traffic.

No, the risk is that the applicants *won’t* get the traffic they want, because 
some user’s local DNS is answering those queries.

If we have *some* pseudo-TLDs reserved for local-use names, there’s a stronger 
argument that local hijacking of other names is illegitimate.

And yes, if you want .LOKALESNETZWERK, then argue for that. Let’s use this IETF 
discussion process to get some clarity on which names are local-use and which 
ones are not.

Stuart Cheshire

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] additional special names Fwd: I-D Action: draft-chapin-additional-reserved-tlds-00.txt

2014-01-28 Thread Stuart Cheshire
On 28 Jan, 2014, at 13:56, Lyman Chapin  wrote:

> Hi Stuart -
> The draft was intended to capture existing observed high-volume uses of 
> non-delegated TLD names empirically, rather than trying to determine the 
> circumstances under which local use of a particular TLD name occurs (which 
> might be highly various, depending on the name).

That’s a laudable contribution, thank you.

I believe that with the considerable sleuthing abilities of the IETF community, 
we ought to be able to take this initial set of observed data and treat it as a 
call to action for the IETF community, for someone to step forward and tell us 
*why* those names are in use, are leaking out to the root name servers, and 
what the intended use is for these names. (I assume that “leaking out to the 
root name servers and getting NXDOMAIN” is *not* the intended use.)

Stuart Cheshire

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] additional special names Fwd: I-D Action: draft-chapin-additional-reserved-tlds-00.txt

2014-01-28 Thread Stuart Cheshire
On 28 Jan, 2014, at 07:52, Paul Hoffman  wrote:

> It does, but it doesn't call it out very well. It the middle of section 3, it 
> says that the list is “names that may not be used for top-level domains".

That doesn’t describe what the labels are used for. It describes what they may 
*not* be used for. What they *are* used for remains unspecified.

If the user types “” into their web browser, the name should *not* be 
resolved in the global DNS. I get that. But what *should* happen with that 
name? Should it result in NXDOMAIN, like “www.invalid”? Should it result in like “localhost” does? Resolved via mDNS, like “www.local”? Something 
else? I have no idea. If it’s the same as one of the other existing special-use 
TLDs, then an argument needs to be made as to why we need another reserved 
special-use TLD that duplicates the functionality of an existing one. These 
names are not supposed to be vanity names. The special-use names are there to 
trigger special behavior by software, and as such we probably don’t need more 
than one way to trigger each particular special behavior.

The current use of various de facto reserved names like “.onion” results from 
there being no formal IETF mechanism for documenting and discussing such uses.

The goal of RFC 6761 was to remedy this omission, and give people who feel they 
need such names a process to apply for such names and initiate discussion about 
whether such use is appropriate. That way the IETF community can be involved 
with these decisions about how names are used, instead of it happening outside 
the IETF with no IETF scrutiny or input.

I think it would be fairly easy to produce a draft documenting what “.onion” is 
for, how it works, and why resolving those names via the conventional DNS is 
not appropriate. I’d love to see a draft like that from one of the people who 
understands the details.

For some of the other names I don’t know what those documents would say. If 
people in the IETF community do know what those names are used for, having 
those people write and submit a quick two-page draft describing the usage would 
be a wonderful contribution to greater IETF understanding of what’s going on. 
Observing that certain weird names are hitting the root name servers is a 
useful first step. Understanding *why* that’s happening would be even better.

Stuart Cheshire

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] additional special names Fwd: I-D Action: draft-chapin-additional-reserved-tlds-00.txt

2014-01-27 Thread Stuart Cheshire
eir authoritative DNS servers to act as authoritative
   for test names.

   7.  DNS Registries/Registrars MUST NOT grant requests to register
   test names in the normal way to any person or entity.  Test names
   are reserved for use in private networks and fall outside the set
   of names available for allocation by registries/registrars.
   Attempting to allocate a test name as if it were a normal DNS
   domain name will probably not work as desired, for reasons 4, 5,
   and 6 above.

Stuart Cheshire
DNSOP mailing list