Re: [DNSOP] 答复: Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-wkumari-dnsop-multiple-responses-00.txt

2015-01-14 Thread John R Levine

The reasoning as I remember it: If I ask the server for a question,
and it helpfully provides an answer in, ...

That's not what Warren's proposing.  Did you read the draft?

John Levine,, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail.

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] 答复: Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-wkumari-dnsop-multiple-responses-00.txt

2015-01-13 Thread Warren Kumari
On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 11:28 PM, Paul Vixie wrote:

   Warren Kumari
  Tuesday, January 13, 2015 8:19 PM
 ... I'm surprised that no-one has yet commented on the 'Let's just co-opt
 the Z bit for this' - I'm guessing that folk are not sure if I'm kidding or
 not, and are scared to ask :-) W

 i think you're not kidding, but that you'll ignore input you consider
 grumpy, so i wasn't going to mention any specific defect. instead i'll
 ask: what's your use case? do you, or your employer, or indeed anybody
 anywhere, need this feature? for what?

*Need* the feature? Nope, it's just an optimization.
It seemed to me that DNSSEC allows you to actually have some faith in the
additional data, and so its worth revisiting if we can use it.  I have no
idea what my employer thinks of this - I wrote it because it seemed
interesting to me. In general they like things that make the user
experience faster, and (if this works), it should do that, so... probably
they'd like it but who knows

 i've long believed that just as A and  are optional additional-data in
 MX and SRV and NS responses, so it should be that A should be optional
 additional-data for  responses, and  should be optional
 additional-data for A responses.

 those are use cases i understand, and where the protocol impact is
 negligible, as in, it could be an FYI.

Yup. Those seem reasonable. This is (IMO) just an extension of that idea...

 what have you got for multiple-responses in terms of motivation for the
 complexity of a protocol change?

I don't see this as a large protocol change - the 'only over tcp' was only
put in to mitigate the this will make packets huge concern that I figured
some people would have.. Other than that there is signaling support - which
I put in because I figured it didn't hurt. The actual including multiple
responses bit doesn't really seem to violate protocol - as you said re: A
and AAA as optional additional-data in MX and SRV and NS, and  for A, A
for .

The motivation for this is just efficiency / reducing latency - looking up
foo.example, getting a CNAME to bar.example and then looking that up in
another transaction seems inefficient and inelegant.
Similarly, looking up www.example, getting the webpage and then doing a
bunch of separate lookups for all the resources in it, like
 images.example, js.example, css.example simply seems wasteful, and offends
me :-) [0]

This optimization might not be worth it - but I figured drafts are cheap,
and worth discussing...
If the consensus is that this is not worth doing, I'm fine to abandon the

 (if this is what you meant when you said you were expecting grumpy
 responses, feel free to ignore me.)

Nah, that wasn't a grumpy response. Your draft is bad *and you should feel
bad* would be


[0]: These examples are somewhat self-inflicted pain - you could have
skipped the CNAME, and you could also have put all the resources on

 Paul Vixie

I don't think the execution is relevant when it was obviously a bad idea in
the first place.
This is like putting rabid weasels in your pants, and later expressing
regret at having chosen those particular rabid weasels and that pair of
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] 答复: Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-wkumari-dnsop-multiple-responses-00.txt

2015-01-13 Thread Warren Kumari
On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 9:17 PM, John Levine wrote:
 First, for a same transaction, the cost from using TCP may be more than the
 gain from the queries you save, which may ultimately let the performance
 become even worse. Do you have any consideration on this?

And also, if already doing tcp the the auth server, why not just ask the
4 questions asynchronously over the TCP channel, instead of waiting to
see if the server will give you a freebie, where you might have to send
another query (After the RTT) for the data?

 In most cases, you won't know what other questions to ask until you
 get the initial response back.  In some cases, e.g., domains used in
 web pages, you won't know the other questions until you've done a lot
 of other work, too.

 I'm not sure whether this is a good idea, but the motivation makes sense.

I'm also not sure that it is a good idea - it may be a case of
premature optimization (30 years on :-)), but I figured it was worth
discussing. It seems that there are a number of places where it might
make things harder^w, better, stronger, faster
(, and doesn't
really violate the spec (too much!)

I'm surprised that no-one has yet commented on the 'Let's just co-opt
the Z bit for this' - I'm guessing that folk are not sure if I'm
kidding or not, and are scared to ask :-)



 DNSOP mailing list

I don't think the execution is relevant when it was obviously a bad
idea in the first place.
This is like putting rabid weasels in your pants, and later expressing
regret at having chosen those particular rabid weasels and that pair
of pants.

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] 答复: Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-wkumari-dnsop-multiple-responses-00.txt

2015-01-13 Thread Paul Vixie

 Warren Kumari
 Tuesday, January 13, 2015 8:19 PM
 ... I'm surprised that no-one has yet commented on the 'Let's just
 co-opt the Z bit for this' - I'm guessing that folk are not sure if
 I'm kidding or not, and are scared to ask :-) W

i think you're not kidding, but that you'll ignore input you consider
grumpy, so i wasn't going to mention any specific defect. instead i'll
ask: what's your use case? do you, or your employer, or indeed anybody
anywhere, need this feature? for what?

i've long believed that just as A and  are optional additional-data
in MX and SRV and NS responses, so it should be that A should be
optional additional-data for  responses, and  should be optional
additional-data for A responses.

those are use cases i understand, and where the protocol impact is
negligible, as in, it could be an FYI.

what have you got for multiple-responses in terms of motivation for
the complexity of a protocol change?

(if this is what you meant when you said you were expecting grumpy
responses, feel free to ignore me.)

Paul Vixie
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] 答复: Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-wkumari-dnsop-multiple-responses-00.txt

2015-01-13 Thread Paul Vixie

 Warren Kumari
 Tuesday, January 13, 2015 9:22 PM

 ... I wrote it because it seemed interesting to me.

i think you should do a deeper cost:benefit dive before proposing new
signalling on-the-wire.

 i've long believed that just as A and  are optional
 additional-data in MX and SRV and NS responses, so it should be
 that A should be optional additional-data for  responses, and
  should be optional additional-data for A responses. 

 those are use cases i understand, and where the protocol impact is
 negligible, as in, it could be an FYI.

 Yup. Those seem reasonable. This is (IMO) just an extension of that

not just an extension of, because there is no new signalling on-the-wire
in the additional-data behaviours i mentioned above. we could do those
now, and not require any upgrades anywhere. many pre-DNSSEC servers will
cache any additional data that matches the QNAME. we could all literally
start sending  with A, and A with , and it would not only not
break anything, it would start making eyeballs happier that same day.

 what have you got for multiple-responses in terms of motivation
 for the complexity of a protocol change?

 I don't see this as a large protocol change - the 'only over tcp' was
 only put in to mitigate the this will make packets huge concern that
 I figured some people would have.. Other than that there is signaling
 support - which I put in because I figured it didn't hurt. The actual
 including multiple responses bit doesn't really seem to violate
 protocol - as you said re: A and AAA as optional additional-data in MX
 and SRV and NS, and  for A, A for .

as others have pointed out, TCP is the wrong constraint to get what you
mean. like, proof that the transaction's initiator address has not been
forged, or else, defense against DDoS amplification such as response
rate limiting, are a prerequisite of this new responder behaviour.

 The motivation for this is just efficiency / reducing latency -
 looking up foo.example, getting a CNAME to bar.example and then
 looking that up in another transaction seems inefficient and inelegant.

you've left the box i thought we were standing in. CNAME chains are
already returned by authorities, if in your above example, the alias and
the canonical name are served by the same authority server. take a look
at this:

 ;; Got answer:
 ;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 54849
 ;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 3, ADDITIONAL: 1
 ;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

 ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
 ; IN  

 ;; ANSWER SECTION:  3600IN  CNAME 1200IN  2001:559:8000:cd::5

whereas, in a non-authoritative response, even an out-of-zone CNAME
chain is followed and returned in its entirety:

 ;; Got answer:
 ;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 10123
 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 5, AUTHORITY: 8, ADDITIONAL: 9

 ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
 ; IN  

 ;; ANSWER SECTION:  2724IN  CNAME 300   IN  CNAME 300 IN   CNAME 20  IN  2600:1406:1a:485::2768 20  IN  2600:1406:1a:484::2768

this is true even if the end of the CNAME chain is NXDOMAIN.

 ;; Got answer:
 ;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 15097
 ;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 1
 ;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

 ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
 ;  IN  


and if DNSSEC signatures are available, they are all returned. (example
not provided due to excessive size.)

i worry that if you didn't know that CNAME worked like this, how well
was the rest of your proposal researched? that's especially concerning
since your motivation wasn't a use case but rather it seemed
interesting and because you're calling it a small protocol change
without considering the size of the installed base or the long length of
the tail of deployment.

 Similarly, looking up www.example, getting the webpage and then doing
 a bunch of separate lookups for all the resources in it, like
  images.example, js.example, css.example simply seems wasteful, and
 offends me :-) [0]

what you may want in this case is to help with the DNS-over-HTTP work,
since HTTP and HTTPS have connection persistency, and 

Re: [DNSOP] 答复: Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-wkumari-dnsop-multiple-responses-00.txt

2015-01-13 Thread Evan Hunt
On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 10:08:00PM -0800, Paul Vixie wrote:
 you've left the box i thought we were standing in. CNAME chains are
 already returned by authorities, if in your above example, the alias and
 the canonical name are served by the same authority server.

Didn't we decide a while back that this was a bad idea, that resolvers
needed to stop trusting CNAME chains sent by authorities, and that
authorities really ought to stop sending them?

The reasoning as I remember it: If I ask the server for a question,
and it helpfully provides an answer in, I have only its own
assurances that it *is* in fact authoritative for; the answer
can't be trusted until I've chased delegations to too.  Even if
I'm DNSSEC-validating your responses, you *could* be replaying an outdated
answer with a still-valid signature, so I'm safest if I resolve each name
in the CNAME chain separately.

(I vividly remember a thread about this three or four years ago, but I'm
having poor luck with the grepping.)

Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] 答复: Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-wkumari-dnsop-multiple-responses-00.txt

2015-01-13 Thread Guangqing Deng
It is said in this draft that The authoritative nameserver SHOULD include as 
many of the additional records as will fit in the response. It may be true 
that some of the Resource Records in the same DNS zone file are highly related. 
But authority servers do not know which resource records are in the cache of 
recursive servers and which not, because the expiration time (due to TTL 
mechanism) of the resource records from the same DNS zone file are different! 
So there may be many additional records (in the so-called 
multiple-response) thrown away by the recursive servers, because there are 
already answer records due to real DNS request in the cache! It is said many 
times in the mailing list that this draft is for optimization, and maybe it is 
time to prove that the ratio of additional records needed by the recursive 
servers will be really very high and the ratio of additional records thrown 
away by the recursive servers will be very low, by real data trace or 
mathematical model.

Guangqing Deng
From: Warren Kumari
Date: 2015-01-14 13:22
To: Paul Vixie
CC: dnsop; Paul Wouters; John Levine
Subject: Re: [DNSOP]答复: Fwd: New Version Notification for 

On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 11:28 PM, Paul Vixie wrote:

Warren Kumari
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 8:19 PM
... I'm surprised that no-one has yet commented on the 'Let's just co-opt the Z 
bit for this' - I'm guessing that folk are not sure if I'm kidding or not, and 
are scared to ask :-) W

i think you're not kidding, but that you'll ignore input you consider grumpy, 
so i wasn't going to mention any specific defect. instead i'll ask: what's your 
use case? do you, or your employer, or indeed anybody anywhere, need this 
feature? for what?

*Need* the feature? Nope, it's just an optimization. 
It seemed to me that DNSSEC allows you to actually have some faith in the 
additional data, and so its worth revisiting if we can use it.  I have no idea 
what my employer thinks of this - I wrote it because it seemed interesting to 
me. In general they like things that make the user experience faster, and (if 
this works), it should do that, so... probably they'd like it but who 

i've long believed that just as A and  are optional additional-data in MX 
and SRV and NS responses, so it should be that A should be optional 
additional-data for  responses, and  should be optional additional-data 
for A responses. 

those are use cases i understand, and where the protocol impact is negligible, 
as in, it could be an FYI.

Yup. Those seem reasonable. This is (IMO) just an extension of that idea...

what have you got for multiple-responses in terms of motivation for the 
complexity of a protocol change?

I don't see this as a large protocol change - the 'only over tcp' was only put 
in to mitigate the this will make packets huge concern that I figured some 
people would have.. Other than that there is signaling support - which I put in 
because I figured it didn't hurt. The actual including multiple responses bit 
doesn't really seem to violate protocol - as you said re: A and AAA as optional 
additional-data in MX and SRV and NS, and  for A, A for . 

The motivation for this is just efficiency / reducing latency - looking up 
foo.example, getting a CNAME to bar.example and then looking that up in another 
transaction seems inefficient and inelegant.
Similarly, looking up www.example, getting the webpage and then doing a bunch 
of separate lookups for all the resources in it, like  images.example, 
js.example, css.example simply seems wasteful, and offends me :-) [0]

This optimization might not be worth it - but I figured drafts are cheap, and 
worth discussing...
If the consensus is that this is not worth doing, I'm fine to abandon the work.


(if this is what you meant when you said you were expecting grumpy responses, 
feel free to ignore me.)

Nah, that wasn't a grumpy response. Your draft is bad *and you should feel 
bad* would be


[0]: These examples are somewhat self-inflicted pain - you could have skipped 
the CNAME, and you could also have put all the resources on

Paul Vixie

I don't think the execution is relevant when it was obviously a bad idea in the 
first place.
This is like putting rabid weasels in your pants, and later expressing regret 
at having chosen those particular rabid weasels and that pair of pants.
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] 答复: Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-wkumari-dnsop-multiple-responses-00.txt

2015-01-13 Thread Paul Vixie

 Evan Hunt
 Tuesday, January 13, 2015 10:41 PM

 Didn't we decide a while back that this was a bad idea, that resolvers
 needed to stop trusting CNAME chains sent by authorities, and that
 authorities really ought to stop sending them?

yes, we did, unless dnssec signatures are also sent. that's in
warren's proposal also.
 Even if
 I'm DNSSEC-validating your responses, you *could* be replaying an outdated
 answer with a still-valid signature, ...

no, because you could receive that signature in other ways, and so its
validity-period is all that governs.

Paul Vixie
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] 答复: Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-wkumari-dnsop-multiple-responses-00.txt

2015-01-13 Thread Mark Andrews

In message
, George Michaelson writes:
 Mark.. can you amplify a bit on:
 FORMERR will just cause the nameserver to think that EDNS is not
 supported.  This is not a issue unless there are signed zones and
 the resolver is validating.
 Because somewhere north of 10% of the world now validates..

It is only a problem if the zone is signed and the server is broken
and you are validating.  That combination is miniscule.


Now nameservers could do


but that adds yet another round trip if EDNS is not supported.

BADVERS isn't as bad as you at least know that EDNS is supported


That said we need to have a active program to notify operators of
broken servers so they can get them fixed before people run into
these issues.

It is easy enough to identify servers that misbehave with unknown
EDNS options.  It only takes a couple of queries to differentiate
between EDNS not supported and broken EDNS support.

These were generated by looking at subsets of the Alexa top 1M and
processing the root zone.

What would be useful would be for all TLD operators to generate
lists of broken servers and inform their operators.

 On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 10:09 AM, Mark Andrews wrote:
  In message, Paul
  Wouters wr
   On Tue, 13 Jan 2015, Davey Song () wrote:
As to the draft itself, there are two questions:
First, for a same transaction, the cost from using TCP may be more than
the gain from the queries you save, which may ultimately let the
performance become even worse. Do you have any consideration on this?
   And also, if already doing tcp the the auth server, why not just ask the
   4 questions asynchronously over the TCP channel, instead of waiting to
   see if the server will give you a freebie, where you might have to send
   another query (After the RTT) for the data?
Second, the purpose of using TCP is to mitigate amplify attack as you
describe in the draft. I notice that there is a draft using DNS cookie
to counter that problem. But it lacks incentive to deploy. For my
you can consider to combine the two ideas to achieve better result.
  Nameserver vendors will just turn this on by default, that is ISC's
  intention with named once the option is finalized.  Theoretically
  it should be ignored if not understood and if not it can be disabled
  of a per server basis.
  From BIND 9.10 (configure --enable-sit).
  server 2001:428::7 { request-sit no; };
  FORMERR will just cause the nameserver to think that EDNS is not
  supported.  This is not a issue unless there are signed zones and
  the resolver is validating.
  BADVERS is identifiable in the response and you use it as a heuristic
  to disable sending the option.
  Echoing of the option is not a issue for cookies.
  Timeout will be treated like EDNS is not supported.
  NXDOMAIN can sometimes be returned by badly configured load balancers.
  Adobe's load balance is a example of this.  They just need CNAME's
  added to the backend nameserver but Adobe doesn't seem to understand
  this.  They also don't respond correctly to CNAME queries despite
  returning CNAME to A/ queries.
   The cookies wouldn't help much because it per definition introduced
   another round trip.
  Cookies don't require another round trip.  Authoritative servers
  can still adjust the responses they send depending upon whether
  there is as valid server cookie or not.
  Additionally I don't see nameservers leaving idle TCP connections
  around for hours / days.
   Also, why hardcode the records on the auth server. I think it is much
   better to leave the auth servers as is, and have resolvers figure out
   dynamically what is often asked in bundles and see if it can stuff
   in an additional record there.
   While I see a great use of a long term TCP connection between stubs and
   resolvers, I am not sure I'm much in favour or doing lots of TCP between
   resolver and auth server.
   DNSOP mailing list
  Mark Andrews, ISC
  1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, 

Re: [DNSOP] 答复: Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-wkumari-dnsop-multiple-responses-00.txt

2015-01-13 Thread Paul Wouters

On Tue, 13 Jan 2015, Davey Song (宋林健) wrote:

As to the draft itself, there are two questions:

First, for a same transaction, the cost from using TCP may be more than the
gain from the queries you save, which may ultimately let the performance
become even worse. Do you have any consideration on this?

And also, if already doing tcp the the auth server, why not just ask the
4 questions asynchronously over the TCP channel, instead of waiting to
see if the server will give you a freebie, where you might have to send
another query (After the RTT) for the data?

Second, the purpose of using TCP is to mitigate amplify attack as you
describe in the draft. I notice that there is a draft using DNS cookie to
counter that problem. But it lacks incentive to deploy. For my concern, you
can consider to combine the two ideas to achieve better result.

The cookies wouldn't help much because it per definition introduced
another round trip.

Also, why hardcode the records on the auth server. I think it is much
better to leave the auth servers as is, and have resolvers figure out
dynamically what is often asked in bundles and see if it can stuff
in an additional record there.

While I see a great use of a long term TCP connection between stubs and
resolvers, I am not sure I'm much in favour or doing lots of TCP between
resolver and auth server.


DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] 答复: Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-wkumari-dnsop-multiple-responses-00.txt

2015-01-13 Thread Mark Andrews

In message, Paul Wouters wr
 On Tue, 13 Jan 2015, Davey Song () wrote:
  As to the draft itself, there are two questions:
  First, for a same transaction, the cost from using TCP may be more than 
  the gain from the queries you save, which may ultimately let the
  performance become even worse. Do you have any consideration on this?
 And also, if already doing tcp the the auth server, why not just ask the
 4 questions asynchronously over the TCP channel, instead of waiting to
 see if the server will give you a freebie, where you might have to send
 another query (After the RTT) for the data?
  Second, the purpose of using TCP is to mitigate amplify attack as you
  describe in the draft. I notice that there is a draft using DNS cookie 
  to counter that problem. But it lacks incentive to deploy. For my concern, 
  you can consider to combine the two ideas to achieve better result.

Nameserver vendors will just turn this on by default, that is ISC's
intention with named once the option is finalized.  Theoretically
it should be ignored if not understood and if not it can be disabled
of a per server basis.

From BIND 9.10 (configure --enable-sit).

server 2001:428::7 { request-sit no; };

FORMERR will just cause the nameserver to think that EDNS is not
supported.  This is not a issue unless there are signed zones and
the resolver is validating.

BADVERS is identifiable in the response and you use it as a heuristic
to disable sending the option.

Echoing of the option is not a issue for cookies.

Timeout will be treated like EDNS is not supported.

NXDOMAIN can sometimes be returned by badly configured load balancers.
Adobe's load balance is a example of this.  They just need CNAME's
added to the backend nameserver but Adobe doesn't seem to understand
this.  They also don't respond correctly to CNAME queries despite
returning CNAME to A/ queries.

 The cookies wouldn't help much because it per definition introduced
 another round trip.

Cookies don't require another round trip.  Authoritative servers
can still adjust the responses they send depending upon whether
there is as valid server cookie or not.

Additionally I don't see nameservers leaving idle TCP connections
around for hours / days.

 Also, why hardcode the records on the auth server. I think it is much
 better to leave the auth servers as is, and have resolvers figure out
 dynamically what is often asked in bundles and see if it can stuff
 in an additional record there.
 While I see a great use of a long term TCP connection between stubs and
 resolvers, I am not sure I'm much in favour or doing lots of TCP between
 resolver and auth server.
 DNSOP mailing list

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET:

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] 答复: Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-wkumari-dnsop-multiple-responses-00.txt

2015-01-13 Thread George Michaelson
Mark.. can you amplify a bit on:

FORMERR will just cause the nameserver to think that EDNS is not
 supported.  This is not a issue unless there are signed zones and
the resolver is validating.

Because somewhere north of 10% of the world now validates..

On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 10:09 AM, Mark Andrews wrote:

 In message, Paul
 Wouters wr
  On Tue, 13 Jan 2015, Davey Song () wrote:
   As to the draft itself, there are two questions:
   First, for a same transaction, the cost from using TCP may be more than
   the gain from the queries you save, which may ultimately let the
   performance become even worse. Do you have any consideration on this?
  And also, if already doing tcp the the auth server, why not just ask the
  4 questions asynchronously over the TCP channel, instead of waiting to
  see if the server will give you a freebie, where you might have to send
  another query (After the RTT) for the data?
   Second, the purpose of using TCP is to mitigate amplify attack as you
   describe in the draft. I notice that there is a draft using DNS cookie
   to counter that problem. But it lacks incentive to deploy. For my
   you can consider to combine the two ideas to achieve better result.

 Nameserver vendors will just turn this on by default, that is ISC's
 intention with named once the option is finalized.  Theoretically
 it should be ignored if not understood and if not it can be disabled
 of a per server basis.

 From BIND 9.10 (configure --enable-sit).

 server 2001:428::7 { request-sit no; };

 FORMERR will just cause the nameserver to think that EDNS is not
 supported.  This is not a issue unless there are signed zones and
 the resolver is validating.

 BADVERS is identifiable in the response and you use it as a heuristic
 to disable sending the option.

 Echoing of the option is not a issue for cookies.

 Timeout will be treated like EDNS is not supported.

 NXDOMAIN can sometimes be returned by badly configured load balancers.
 Adobe's load balance is a example of this.  They just need CNAME's
 added to the backend nameserver but Adobe doesn't seem to understand
 this.  They also don't respond correctly to CNAME queries despite
 returning CNAME to A/ queries.

  The cookies wouldn't help much because it per definition introduced
  another round trip.

 Cookies don't require another round trip.  Authoritative servers
 can still adjust the responses they send depending upon whether
 there is as valid server cookie or not.

 Additionally I don't see nameservers leaving idle TCP connections
 around for hours / days.

  Also, why hardcode the records on the auth server. I think it is much
  better to leave the auth servers as is, and have resolvers figure out
  dynamically what is often asked in bundles and see if it can stuff
  in an additional record there.
  While I see a great use of a long term TCP connection between stubs and
  resolvers, I am not sure I'm much in favour or doing lots of TCP between
  resolver and auth server.
  DNSOP mailing list

 Mark Andrews, ISC
 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
 PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET:

 DNSOP mailing list

DNSOP mailing list

[DNSOP] 答复: Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-wkumari-dnsop-multiple-responses-00.txt

2015-01-12 Thread 宋林健
Hi Warren

It's good idea that the authority DNS be smart enough to predict or
configured to package all the information for a URL as a whole object (like
a webpage). It will reduce the latency for user. 

As to the draft itself, there are two questions:

First, for a same transaction, the cost from using TCP may be more than the
gain from the queries you save, which may ultimately let the performance
become even worse. Do you have any consideration on this?

Second, the purpose of using TCP is to mitigate amplify attack as you
describe in the draft. I notice that there is a draft using DNS cookie to
counter that problem. But it lacks incentive to deploy. For my concern, you
can consider to combine the two ideas to achieve better result.

Glad to see more discussion on application and innovation of large packet
which will lead us to break through the limitation of 512B :-)


发件人: DNSOP [] 代表 Warren Kumari
发送时间: 2015年1月12日 4:52
收件人: dnsop
主题: [DNSOP] Fwd: New Version Notification for

Hi all,

This document may contain much that makes folk grumpy.

It proposes allowing an authoritative nameserver to return additional
information (surprisingly, in the Additional section), and have recursives
trust it (because it is DNSSEC signed). This makes responses larger, and so
we propose an, um, interesting mitigation to the DDoS concern... you'll have
to read it to find out what :-P


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 3:47 PM
Subject: New Version Notification for
To: Wesley Hardaker, Warren Kumari,
Zhiwei Yan

A new version of I-D, draft-wkumari-dnsop-multiple-responses-00.txt
has been successfully submitted by Warren Kumari and posted to the IETF

Name:   draft-wkumari-dnsop-multiple-responses
Revision:   00
Title:  Returning multiple answers in a DNS response.
Document date:  2015-01-11
Group:  Individual Submission
Pages:  8

   This document (re)introduces the ability to provide multiple answers
   in a DNS response.

Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission
until the htmlized version and diff are available at

The IETF Secretariat

I don't think the execution is relevant when it was obviously a bad idea in
the first place.
This is like putting rabid weasels in your pants, and later expressing
regret at having chosen those particular rabid weasels and that pair of

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